
*tktL, . -*<**** *• w --'VS ct^mcL EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS V**** VOLUME XXXXIII — No. 38 THE HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL NEWS — THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1956 cVa' tsV» ?* V& KINSMEN \ o£E IN ACTION III W. T. McNabb Retired Conductor rn OTEST PHON ERVICE Passes on Farm Death came suddenly to Will NEW GAS MACHINE FOR HANNA HOSPITAL iam Thomas .McNabb, widelv HON. GORDON TAYLOR PETITIONED known resident of this commun­ ity on Wednesday, July 18, while working at his farm at Youngs­ REGARDING TELEPHONE SERVICE town. Born in Seabright, Ont., Aug. 26, 1888. he was the youngest son IN TOWN OF HANNA; SEEK ACTION of Andrew and Mary (Woodrow) McNabb. In 1910 Mr. McNabb Hanna Council Unanimously Endorses came to Alberta and worked on Actions of Citizens in Petitioning the C.P.R. out of . Durip? the same year he filed on a home Minister of Telephones for Betterment stead south of Youngstown whicb i he has continued to own and op­ At Monday night's ^meeting of the council a petition was erate. In 1917 Mr. McNabb joined passed around the table signed by most of Hanna's business the C.N.R. and moved to Hanna where he worked as conductor ou" men and women, and many residents of the town, protesting | of this terminal until his retire­ the inadequacy of Hanna's telephone system, and asking the ment three years ago. minister for early consideration on the matter of installing dial For more than 45 years he was telephones. active in the organizational work Councillors showed little sur- •*• of the Brotherhood of Railway prise as Mayor I. F.-Shacker han­ Trainmen. Hanna Lodge No. 933 ded, the petition to them for com­ serving as president for several ment. Many of them had already Roy Morton signed the document and -were years, and was also a member ol therefore aware of its contents. the Order of Railway Conductors. They were generally of the opin­ His tireless efforts have greatly I ion that action on' the matter of Of Hand Hills m improved working conditions on telephone service in the town was the railway. In 1925 Mr. McNabt long overdue. was united in marriage to Lillian Drowns on Farm Grace Shaw, of Florenceville, N The petition reads as follows: B., and following a brief residence The Hon. Gordon Taylor, Went For Swim in Creek Alberta Provincial Govt., in Youngstown they have • contin­ And Failed to Return; ued to make their home in Hanna. , Alta. Search Party Organized Dear Sir: Mr. McNabb was a member of —Hanna Herald Fiioio the Independent Order of Oddfel­ A tragic accident claimed thc We the undersigned citizens, THE RESULT of a great deal of work on the part of Hanna's Hospital Auxiliary is seen lows, Hanna Lodge No. 99, since and telephone subscribers of the life of an esteemed young man above as Mrs. Jessie Baltas presents a cheque for $1096.95 to John Corry, chairman of the hos­ 1915 and received his 40 year jew­ Town of Hanna, are agreed that Thursday evening, July 19, when pital board, representing payment for a new gas anesthetic machine for the hospital's operat­ el this year. During this time he the telephone service in our com­ Roy Morton, 28 years, was drown­ served as Noble Grand. For many munity is far from being adequate. ing room (cerifr?T. Looking on at the event arc Mrs. E. White and Dr. George Wilkins. years he was a faithful attendant This may be mainly due to the ed on his father's farm in the Hand Hills district. and supporter of the Christian fact that experienced operators and Missionary Alliance Taber­ ar apparently unobtainable. Mr. Morton, who had been wor­ nacle. Besides his wife he is sur­ To avoid further confusion and king on a tractor is believed to COMPLETELY NEW SIDEWALKS Province-Wide vived by one brother Finley Mc­ Banna Herald Photo the enormous delays in our tele­ have gone into a creek that runs Nabb of Toronto. Funeral services phone communications we would A MAJOR PROJECT of th* Kinsmen Ciub these days is into Hand Hills Lake for a swim. which were largely attended were respectfully request that early ASSURED FOR BUSINESS SECTION; the face-lifting they are giving the public library building. A When he did not return at the Conference Of held from the Church of Christ ait consideration be given to the in­ 2:30 p.m., Saturday, July 21. new roof aad-a new coot of paint add greatly to the appearance stallation of a dial telephone sys­ usual time, Cpl. R. Simmonds tem in the Town of Hanna." AA impressive sermon w-** del* of this public structure.. In the photo on the roof ase Cleve Rea, MP was notified and- -Mearcl* *19mm mm \mm REVENUE RrincipaUlnds ivered by Rev. L If. Hohm taking) tforamap) Qn



Established Dee. 24, 1912 THE HANNA HERALD Member of the £f by H. G. McCrea and EAST CENTRA ALBERTA NEWS C.W.N.A. All Aboard COUNTRY EDITOR- Published by THE HANNA HERALD By O. B. Mortimore By C. R. McCrea, Editor. J. S. McCrea, Bus. Mgr. Jim Greenblot — Swift Current s\ strictly independent weekly newspaper published eviry Thursday in the Herald Building, Main Street, Hanna. Authorised as Second Class Mall by the Post Office Department, Ottawa. A friend of mine called Charlie, •k Canadiana: Smoke from the spectacle and disgraceful lack of who used to be a school principal order office of Simpson-Sears at dignity . . . now we know that in Canora, Saskatchewan, found staid Canada is quite able to THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1956 CIRC. 2150 Tisdale, Sask., brought the brig­ that many of hi? students of Uk- ade which found, of all things, a match some if not all of thfs." ranian descent were speaking bro­ chicken carcass lodged at the base •k The Newfoundland St. John's ken English. of chimney; what raised eyebrows Observer's Weekly is still miffed A Worthwhile Organization They were Canadian-born boys was the chifck was ready for the "The demand that has been set up and girls. Every day after school oven, plucked, drawn and proper­ for an immediate election can hours they attended a special ly tied . . . according to Grenfell have no useful purpose unless the LAST WEEK THE LADIES of the Hospital Aux­ and go on year after year providing extras for school to learn the language and (Sask.) Sun the oft-repeated call people of Canada are prepared to iliary reached another objective. They their adopted problem child. customs of their old land. They to more diversified forms of farm­ give their support to men of high­ presented a cheque to the Hanna Hospital Perhaps one of the reasons for the suc­ were learning Ukranian very well ing, particularly raising of live­ er concepts of public service. Un­ but (Charlie saysl they were fail­ til that idea permeates the Canad Board for the purchase of a new gas anesthetic cess of this organization is the fact that the ing to learn English. Charlie did­ stock, is the real answer to years of bumper crops and poor wheat ian body politic, it will be useless machine, to be used in the hospital's operat­ members belong because they really want to, n't think this was good enough. to look for improvement." and they are keenly interested in their work. sales ... Ian Schierbeck, a Rut­ ing room. "We're Canadians," he said, and land, B.C. Boy Scout has an un if Brooks (Alta.) Bulletin: — It was no small undertaking to raise that At this time the Herald would like to con­ we should be learning English and "They are asking why a province French. He persuaded the parents canny ability to charm snakes* ev­ kind of money, but the ladies of this valuable gratulate the W.A. on their latest fine effort, en carries them inside his shirt that can sell oil rights for $33 mil­ to drop the evening classes. As a lion has to talk about the possibil­ group just seems to take such things in stride, and on their devotion in past years. clincher, he said to the students: and collects them like other boys do marbles and such like ... on ity of a sales tax to increase rev "Put in more time with your Eng­ enue." lish, and I'll spend 15 minutes a the proposition that the Kelowna Poor Motor Vehicle Work daylearning Ukranian." So they (BC) high school band make a concluded the bargain. Soon all European tour, a secret ballot am­ THE ALBERTA SAFETY COUNCIL and the given protection in all his actions, in some (he boys and girls could speak ong the parents of the boys was Alberta Motor Vehicle Branch flood news cases, we think, too much protection from English fluently, and Charlie decided on to settle the matter THE BOOKSHELF.. could speak Ukranian. after considerable argument and agencies each year with propaganda on safe criminal responsibility and public liability. In discussion . . . ladies of Souris, By Mrs. Olive Talmage driving and safe highway behavior that is vol­ most cases, he is thought to be incapable of Japanese-Canadians, that much maligned and harshly treated Man., heard a home recital played uminous, but of doubtful value in reducing ac­ doing any wrong. The fact is that in many by Nancy Collinson on a violin group of* citzens, also used to at­ Wild Palamino by Stephen Holt. cidents. cases he is wrong, when working on our high­ tend their own schools after hours made by George Kempthorne, The wild Palamino is a magnif­ We think that they would do well to drop ways. to learn Japanese language and from varnish and wood brought customs. Since they were usually from Germany, the back from lo­ icent gold and silver stallion the dissemination pen and take a good look at We believe that the motor vehicle act cal maple and spruce; trimming, roaming the prairie with his band should carry a section designed solely for their clever and diligent students* their the methods and practises of their own motor English lessons didn't seem to suf­ rosewood was imported from Eng-| of mares. Des Harmon knows that vehicle traffic law enforcement agencies. They own officers direction, making it mandatory fer. land: "the tone" was soft and full if he can capture Rocket and should quickly see that some of the most hor­ for them to check traffic only in places where and the violin a work of art" re­ bring him home, the great horse Charlie was surely right in de­ ports The Plaindealer . . . when will sire enough colts to put the rible tragedies have been caused on highways there is clear vision for a safe distance, and a manding that his young Ukranian- Twin Anchor Ranch back on its in the province by the stupidity of Iheir own penalty section for officers stopping traffic at Canadians learn to speak the lang­ polling officer Leslie Grant in York County's New Brunswick el­ feet. There are others, too, who patrol officers, in their gross negligence of intersections, curves, hilltops, junctions and uage of the country in which they want the Palamino, among them lived. ection thought that voters must stopping traffic for routine checks at extreme­ other dangerous spots. For routine checks it have slept in Southampton the the ruthless El Gato. Des finally ly dangerous points. We recall the case of five should not be too difficult for the MV Branch, However, conformity can be car­ night of May 7, date of election captures the horse but his trou­ Same Old Awakeninc bles have only begun for El Gato innocent travellers killed out of Edmonton, the Game Branch and other agencies stopping ried too far. I know of parents writ, he refused a dozen voters who are able to speak Dutch, and the right of franchise; advised, claims prior ownership of Rocket. when their car plowed into a large truck stop­ traffic, to have vehicles pull off main arteries ++4.+++4.++4.+4.4M|.++4.+4^MM.4.+4.4.***++++*+++4.+*++++4.++++ others, who can speak Russian, ped by the RCMP in a hazardous spot which entirely. Special provisions could be made for the chief returning officer Sher­ Setting out to. compete in a ro­ but in both cases refuse to trans­ iff Lyons, had to make a hurried deo Des picks up a clue from a gave them no chance to save themselves. And an officer in hot pursuit, and halting traffic Ambrose Hills mit the language to their children. trip Fredericton to Southampton talking crow and plays an unex­ the multiple "rases of multiple accidents caus­ under serious circumstances. Of Many Things »* "We won't teach them Dutch," (40 miles) to straighten matters pected part in the search for a ed when a careless officer has stopped a ve­ We have accidents enough without the they say, or, "we won't teach them lost mine. The rodeo is a wild, *************** *********************************** Russian, because we want the chil­ out; the poll was kept open after law enforcement agencies causing more by the zero hour, but the voters fin­ exciting affair with Rocket at hicle for a check in the wrong spot. PAGING GEORGE YOUNG her."It means He isn't fooled. dren to be Canadians. Under most Canadian laws the officer is carelessness and poor judgment. ally got their vote . . . hands ac­ first proving unmanageabe but Amost unusual thing is happen­ He knows what goes on." This is a mistake. Knowledge of ross the sea, as Mayor Thos. A. then coming through magnificent­ ing in Canada... "What if he does?" Sal asked. another language would not make Alge of Enniskillen, Northern Ire­ ly. Until the final thrilling mom­ And it coud be cleared up in ten "And I,m not a dunce!" She grin­ them any less Canadians, but it ent when Des returns in triumph New Regulations Won't Help Goose Hunters ned at me. '' Am I a dunce. Dad?" land sent a cablegram of good minutes by a Mr. George Young. would add to the richness of their wishes to Mayor of Enniskillen, to the ranch there is a grand, gal­ Mr young is in charge of the Can­ Just then a bush rabbit broke experience. In these nervous days loping pace to all his adventures The big item for goose hunters to consid­ adian Broadcasting Corporation; Ont. ... a recent fine discovery in THIS FALL WILL SEE the new game bird laws out from a clump of wolf willow the world needs minds that can New Brunswick is near Temper­ with "the biggest gold horse inj in force for the first time, and it will be er though, is the effect that 'no hunting' fields he writes the letters and tele­ and their attention was diverted. cross frontiers. Parents who could the world." grams to the private stations So I never did have to get around ance Vale, of rich marble and sil­ interesting to see how they pan out. Although is going to have on Mr. Goose himself. We teach their children another lan­ ica deposits . . . wrathful is Co­ when he thinks they are stepping to- explaining the sign or it'sguage , but decline to do so, are Stephen Holt was born in Wes some of them seem good on the surface in have seen many instances of farmers not al­ out of line. . meaning. bourg, Ont. Sentinel when, the 111- tern Kansas. After a short ti: robbing the children of a valuable ahee Lodge there raising funds theory, it is quite possible that they will be a, lowing shooting under any circumstances on Yet a Royal Commission on But all day, and ever since, gift. there and in Nebraska, he move their land, generally for very good reasons. for Moss Park Youth Centre had with his parents to a cattle an real pain in the neck to hunters from a prac­ Broadcasting; has been saying, I've been wondering just what a The same applies in other What has happened in these cases, is that ev­ again, and again, that it wants to really smart father would have hired circus, but Toronto Music­ wheat ranch in Alberta, Canada tical point of view. lands. English is a world lang­ ian Union demanded a minimum ery goose in the area soon learns that he is in know where these regulations been able to do with the oppor­ He grew up on his father's We expect this to be true particularly in uage. It is a rich, powerful and ex­ of 25 local musicians instead of mous TX ranch, becoming wis a safe sanctuary on such land, and you find have resulted in suppression of tunity. I was still able to enjoy pressive tongue. And yet, factions regard to goose hunting. The permission to news or epinion where they have the station wagon probably more circus band, which would raise horse lore, learning to rope thousands of geese in a protected field. The in countries like Ceylon and India hunt clause, we believe is just so much non­ been unduly restrictive. The Royal than before. It was still fun toar e trying to abolish its use, and costs tremendously: "There is not o ride the range, to fish am sense to the experienced hunter. It asks him entire area is thereby taboo for hunters be­ Commission keeps, insisting that play on the sand at Cull Lake, thereby move out of the world freedom in Canada when such au in the Rockies that towere to ao sotMe*hfi*t*g tnaf Inr Itas been "doing mmr? cause the goose likes company, and you most) it wants "chapter'and verse, j and get beaten in a race by both stream of communication, into a tXtsciesisB e£iroa.ke*ry is, sj*ewwmittwc\ . . and snow-capped to tike Soul dictatorship which is thrust upon There he learned to "wor! years, getting the former's permission. It will always find 90% of the geese fn an area ail Then why in the world has BiU and Sal in the water. And to backwater of their own. ' one form of society by unions will George Young not been called drive on up to Grand Beach for herd of cattle on the round-up, oi possibly straighten out a few of the trigger- in one flight, Japan re-entered the Canadian soon control all society unless herd them through a stormy night We have seen instances where this has before it with his files of letters hot dogs and soft drinks, and you as human beings and as indiv­ happy boys who try to bull their way onto the and telegrams? swim at still another Manitoba barley market last week by pur­ without a stampede. happened in a fine area where hunters would chasing one cargo of 3 CW 6 Row iduals rise up in righteous defi­ Of course there was time out farmer's property without his sanction, and we Let the Royal Commission ask lake on the way home that even­ ance." believe it as a good law. ask the farmer to go out himself and scare him to appear with his file of cor­ ing. out of Vancouver. for school ih Canada, in California ir Indian Head (Sask.) News: at South Pasadena and Los An­ The fly in the ointment is going to be the the birds off his land, so as to give them a respondence dealing with the pro­ I was no longer deceived. I gram, "Your Government Speaks" didn't own the sand or the lakes be the mark of a clean, well dis­ "No Canadian of any. political geles High Schools. Later he at­ section which specifies that if a farmer posts chance to hunt in another part of the district. ciplined man, and finally became stripe but that can feel sad that tended the University of Southern It will be against the law for Mr. Farmer to do which a group of stations in Al­ or even the station wagon...didn't his land with 'no hunting' signs, no one, in­ berta started to broadcast. Let the even know how the power trans­ the symbol of professional pride at long last our own parliament California at Los Angeles, where cluding himself can hunt on that land. We this in the future. Commission hear his curt tele­ mission worked! All those things, and the sign of a good seaman. has fallen to the level which it he majored in English. don't care for this section of the act for sever­ The new regulations are bound to make grams and letters one of which the fun and the joy of a wonder­ As always fashions change, and demonstrated last week. Possibly Mr. Holt now lives in San Mar­ most of us had more or less a al reasons. First, we don't like to have the far­ little game preservations throughout the coun­ threatened to bring a station, ful Western week-end where mine the practice of keeping the hair ino, California, is married and has try, and our guess is that it is going to turn which carried these broadcasts, pnly in trust. The laughter and tied went out of style in 1820, al­ smug view on this; other coun­ a son and two daughters. mer told that he can't shoot on his own land, before the Board of Governors! .good humor of my youngsters, the most 37 years before the introduc­ tries, not ours, supplied the polit­ under any Circumstances. There are some far­ many goose hunters grey. rest of the family running to meet tion of the seaman's collar, so the ical circuses; other regions instit­ Personnel experts estimate that If this does happen, it will protect the If the Commissioners honestly mers who in the past would permit goose hunt­ desire the evidence, that is theu s when we got home that night, pigtail can hardly lay claim to uted strong-arm administrative one man in 10-000 is qualified psy­ ing if they themselves could be on hand to see goose in the finest hunting grounds in Alberta the whole assorted splendor of having had much to do about the methods; other lands (notably the chologically for management jobs place to get it. Surely it is not Latin ones) provided the excitable that pits were covered in, stock protected, etc. for the guns of U.S. hunters. fair to ask the private broad­ having a home and raising a fam­ design of today's sailor's collar. in important industries. casters to get up and air these ily in a land where even a dum- complaints when Mr. Young could mox like me can someday own his easily -crack down on them the own car with some of the trimm­ very next week. Why not ask Mr. ings. Thank God for it! But be Young to appear? CBC is a Crown not deceived! He is not mocked! Celebrating our 100 years of Banking Service OTHER corporation, supposedly owned by .He knows that all the things the people isn't it? Then why we really cherish come to us only EDITORS The Poet's Comer aren't those files, unexpurgated, in trust for HIM! He still rules SAY Tour Contributions Are Invited available. for * public examination? the world! We should be remind­ If Mr. George Young, as "a rep­ ed of it more often. resentative of the Corporation." ODE is so important that his permis­ EIRE POPULATION PALLS . . . We are the music makers, sion in writing must be obtained From the London Timet And we are the dreamers of dreams, before a minister of the govern­ TIDE RIPS. . . Wandering by lone sea breakers, ment of Alberts can go on the air The preliminary report of the census tak­ And sitting by desolate streams; -over three stations and report (by Jim Brahan) en in .the Republic of Ireland on the night of World-losers and world-forsakers, government activities to his peo­ April 8-9 shows that the population was 2,- On whom the pale moon gleams; ple, then surely Mr. Young is im­ Yet we are the movers and shakers portant enough to appear before a The broad blue collar with its 894,822, the lowest recorded for any census. Of the world forever, it seems. Royal Commission and tell how The number of people who emigrated during With wonderful deathless ditties three rows of white tape is the he decides these matter. hallmark of the sailor. There have the five years was 200,394 — 109,221 males We build up tiie world's great cities, ~> And out of a fabulous story Mr. Fowler professes over and been many stories passed to us ^ and 91,173 females. We fashion an empire's glory: over again that he can't under­ concerning the collar, but few are One man with a dream, at pleasure, stand the "timidity" of Canadian based on fact. \c «-- Shall go forth and conquer a crown; broadcasters and newsmen about It is often claimed that the three PUBLICITY SERVICE ... And three with a new song's measure testifying to injustices. If he rows of tape were placed on it to \ would merely get hold of those V i From the Innisfail Province Can trample an empire down. commenorate Nelson's three great \ We in the ages lying files and read a few of tbem victories. Yet, according to author- I*aper-by-paper, issue-by-issue the Alber­ In the buried past of the earth, aloud at a public hearing he and ities.the original design only called i Built Ninevah with our sighing the Canadian public would under­ ta weekly press is accomplishing a job of pub­ And Babel itself with our mirth; stand quite well. for two rows of tape, and the third licity for each community served. Each of the And overthrew them, with prophesying one was placed on the collars by As chairmain of the Royal Com­ mistake. publicity projects is adding an importance to To the old of the new world's worth; mission he is perfecly entitled to For each age is a dream thst is dying, life in the small centres, drawing the praise Or one that is coming to birth. ask for specific files from CBC'S The sailor collar was first intro­ and admiration of the less fortunotes in the —Arthur O'Shaughnessy department of regulations. Will duced along with the seaman's un­ he ask for it? If he does not, the iform ln tbe year 1857. big cities. public will wonder whether he Nor is the advantage in publicity work means them to take him seriously Also a popular belief is that the FOR YOU of any of our branches with the weekly press. Through years of serv­ AFTER DINNER MINTS collar was made wide so as to when he insists he wants facts! keep the tar, or dressing from the ice they have found a recipe for publicity sue-, sailor's pigtails off of their coats. Here's a special gift that will please the whole family... and it's waiting cess beyond the realm of other mediums. The The Irishman was relating his adventures in the Bill, -Sal and I went on a tour Yet, according to records, the Amazon jungle. ftp you at your local branch of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. This service is one that will grow each year. of local beaches over the week­ practice of wearing pigtails went "Ammunition, food and whiskey had run out," end, the other members of the out of fashion among navy men interesting book is just one way we have of inviting you to share in our ** The weekly publisher realizes that each he said, "and we were all parched with thirst." family. having elected to stay celebration of 100 years of banking service. So visit your local "But wasn't there any water?" his listener asked. about thirty years before the wide "build-up or boost," he can give a recognized home in the backyard and keep collar came into being Toronto-Dominion branch soon and ask for your copy of group in his community is another step for­ "Sure, but it was no time to be thinking of clean­ cool. We had a spanking new sta­ It was not until 1787 that navy "Selection from Canadian Yesterdays". Read about... ward in community growth and success. He liness." tion wagon, with powerglide tran­ smission, and Pop was bursting men began to queu their hair, al­ and -Ms staff even with a little co-operation are A Ventura, Calif, woman driver, arrested for tb try it on the open road. though the pigtail had gone out capable of putting on a publicity drive for any driving without lights, told the judge she didn't need Pop was feeling pretty proud, of fashion among land-lubbers The lady on the cowcatcher worthy cause informing each member of the them because she could see like an owl. tootling along in a string of other some two years previously. The The unusual story of Lady MacDonald riding a cowcatcher through the community completely. A Pasadena man was divorced by his wife for shiny, new cars, with proud-as- pigtail, during this era. became knocking the heels off her shoes so he could appear the trademark of a Royal Navy Rockies is just one of the authentic and interesting stories you'll find in -Leaders in the weekly newspaper field in Punch pops driving them. Pretty taller than she. prosperous countryside, Manitoba man, as the merchant seamen did mw_£mm**f4 "Selections from Canadian Yesterdays". So plan topic k up your free the past several years have added extra force A couple in Birmigham, England, asked their aet take to this style at all. is, on a week end, with fine-look­ copy soon. Read about Louis Riel's daring escapade in the House of to publicity by publishing the most important n-^-niirtf to christen their two daughters Kate and Duplicate. ing cars and substantial farms. EE1 skins were sometimes used Commons ... about Capt. Webb's attempt to swim the Niagara Whirlpool as the heart of the queu, and rope press releases from their neighbor weekly pap­ So Pop was in an expansive ... read these and other historic anecdotes in the gift book that's waiting for er*. __W'*J&§£v' mood. * . . yarns were often plaited up with ''Vrtr* Your dog Ut me and I'm going to sue you. Then we passed a highway sign the hair to increase its sixer The you at The Toronto-Dominion Bank in your neighbourhood. Never mind! I'll give you $50 to settle out of tail was generally worn long when court. and he heard his son, Bill, read ITS PROGRESS .±£t-|£ it aloud. It bad been placed there ashore, but when a man was ab­ -^Erom the Peterborough Examiner Okay. I'll take the money. Say, what ere you laughing at? by some religious group, and it oard ship or working it was kept Thwp is now a machine which cleans That's a counterfeit UD. What are you laugh­ read; "BE MOT DECEIVED...GOD clubbed. blackbqwd erasers, thus eliminating a cher­ ing at? IS NOT MOCKED!" The Victim of the press-gangs X ^TORONTO-DOMINION BANK ished form of distinction in schoolrooms, where • Sal asked; "What does tt mean. generally being lousy, had his hair THB BE9T IN BANKING SERVICE 4 this used ta be G legitimate way of making a If you have the necessary experience, chances Dad... God is not mocked?" dose cropped as soon as he came : aboard. So a good pigtail came to * R. STEELE, MANAGER — lot of dust. %%3m&^^f -- are tbat yeu are tee old for the job.—. " ..,*,'••*/ "Dont be a dunce," Bill told

:VJ^ifc^:'..., :- L •.^^^^amMSLmW^^ 'i'i*iiii*TiwWfli**V'"'l THE HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRA). ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1956 Poge 3 MARRIED IN CALGARY BETTER BOUNCING BABIES WITH SOCIAL & PERSONAL RECALL EARLY DAYS OF EXEROSE, FRESH AIR, SUNSHINE Dr. and Mrs. t. Jenson left last Saturday for Naicam, Sask., and The only way a young babyf will holiday at other points, re­ can exercise himself is by crying, turning to Hanna, August 6. kicking, and waving bis arms and • • • legs about," says Dr. Alan Brown, The Sr. W.M.S. of the Church of and Dr. Elizabeth Chant-Robert­ Christ will meet on Thursday, son, in an article in the current August 2, at 2:30 p.m. in the issue of Health Magazine, official church. publication of the Health League • * * of Canada. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Choban ex­ When the baby is very small, pect to leave next week for Truax, they say, he should be placed in Sask. to spend several days at the the middle of a firm bed for a home of the former's parents Mr. period each day, with all restrict­ and Mrs. N. Choban, and return ing clothes removed, and allowed home via the north Western states. to kick and look around. As he grows older, an adult can help to • * * develop the baby's musclfes by Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Bell of Sask­ grasping his hands and pulling atoon are spending the week in him gently to a sitting position Hanna at the home of the former's several times. Another simple ex­ brother-in-law and sister Mr. and ercise is for the adult to hold ba­ Mrs. Don Carter and mother, Mrs. by's feet, and let him push against Sara Bell. the hands. • * * When the child is old enough Mr. and Mrs. Les Swann of Re­ to crawl and stand, he can be plac­ gina were recent visitors at the ed in a play pen. On sunny days home of Mr. and Mrs. George the play pen can be put outside, Standing Sr. Returning from a so * that the child will get some Margaret Paton Hyndman, Tor­ trip through the Western States fresh air. Drs. Brown and Chant- onto lawyer, was elected president and Vancouver, they picked up Robertson stress the importance of the International Federation, of their two daughters who were vis­ of fresh air for babies right from Business and Professional Women iting at the home of their grand­ the beginning. Among other bene­ at the International Congress in parents. MANY WERE THE memories recalled of the early days at Acadia Valley when the above group ficial things fresh air will help Montreal July 7 - 12. Miss Hynd­ • • • of former citizens met recently in Calgary at the home of Miss Myra Peers in honor of Mr. and the baby to sleep soundly and man is the first Canadian to head The Misses Tory and Stella An­ Mrs. W. Read of Castor, former residents of the Valley who were visiting in the city. Among have a good appetite. drus are visitors at the home of the federation. More than 970 del­ Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Standing. those present of the old timers were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Read, Mr. and Mrs. Len Walker, Mr. Baby's room should always be egates from all parts of the world Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hardcastle and Mrs. Bill Heiden, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Max Gordon, Mr. and Mr». aired while he is sleeping. The attended the congress. have returned home following a Clarence Peppard, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pope, Mrs. Hugh Simpson, Miss Myro Peers, Mrs. Harv­ window can be opened at the top three week's vacation at Pentic­ and at the bottom; a window Miss Una McLean of Calgary ey Johnson, Mrs. D. M. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lange and baby, Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Peers, acted as proxy for the Hanna Club ton, B.C. Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, board or a blanket tacked across and Great Falls, Mont. Mr and Mrs. Jim Davison, and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Porter. __ the bottom will prevent draughts. at the meeting of the Canadian If the baby is born in the summer­ Federation which was held July time, he can be put outside tb 13 - 15 in Montreal. BIRTHS Early Hanna Resident sleep during the day as soon as YOUNGSTOWN GARDEN PLAIN Mr. and Mrs. James Mason Syman have taken up resid­ he is six weeks old. In fact, he SIEPPERT: To Mr. and Mrs. Ru Passes In Hospital Trefz Family Attend * . + Frederick M. Rosin, who has re­ GARDEN PLAIN, July 17—Mr. ence in Calgary following their recent marriage in Central Un­ should be outside as much of the ben Sieppert, Hanna, July 21, a YOUNGSTOWN, July 17 — Mr. and Mrs. Wagner of Burstal, Sask. day as possible. daughter. sided in this district for the past were visitors at Ed Job's and in ited Church in that city. The bride, the former Miss Katie Nor­ Three-Day Congress and Mrs. Thos. Chaney and family 44 years, passed away in the Han­ A winter baby is put outside at KELM: To Mr .and Mrs. Fred have returned from a holiday at Hanna last Monday. ma Schmidt, R.N., is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan three or four weeks of age, and a Theodore E. Lucas, of Washing­ Kelm, Hanna, July 21, a daughter. na Hospital on Thursday, July 18, Camrose and . at the age of 72 years. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Ward Schmidt of and the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. wise mother will put cream on the ton, D.C, leader for the 400,000 KIRBY: To Mr. and Mrs. WJ.C Miss Beverly Bickell is visiting Thomas back into the district, al­ Symon reside in Asquith, Sask. ^_ baby's face,to prevent chapping. Seventh-Day Adventist youth ar­ Kirby, Red Deer, July 17, a daugh­ Born in Russia Mr. Rosin had so Mr. and Mrs. Stickney of Mor­ ter, Catherine Elaine. at Skookumchuck B.C. with her Mechanical Kidney ound the world, was the featured grandparents Mr. and Mrs. John farmed in the Craigmyle district rin who are at the Pioneer Elev­ Barbiturates in poisonous doses speaker for the three-day congress Bickell. since coming to this section of Al­ ator. PRETTY SUMMER WEDDING can be successfully washed from attended hy nearly 2,000 youth ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Williams and berta in 1912. Andrew Glover took in the the human body by using a mech­ and parents from all Alberta and family & Mr. & Mrs. E. Bignell He is survived by three sons; Stampede and is visiting in Calg­ SOLEMNIZED IN LUTHERAN CHURCH held on the campus of Canadian anical kidney, according to a re­ Mr. and Mrs. William Zawasky Sr. spent a few days in Calgary Fred of Hanna, Albert and Rein­ ary this week. afternoon dress with biege acces­ port from the Journal of the Am­ Union College near Lacombe. Am­ hold of Craigmyle; one daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob RehUl and A wedding holding interest to ong members of the local Seventh- of Chinook, Alberta, announce this week many friends was solemnized on sories. erican Medical Association receiv­ the engagement of their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McFalls and Mrs. A. Galster, residing in Ore­ sons visited at Mirror with Mr. ..Both accentuated their ensem­ ed by the Health League of Can­ day Adventist church that were gon, and a sister Mrs. Sauer of and Mrs.*Ken Williams this week. Wednesday afternoon, July 4, ada. in attendance at the Congress Jean Marie, to Mr. Nelson William family left on Saturday for Han­ when "Miss Lydia Katharine Gals­ bles with corsages of yellow Machell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam­ na where they will make their Billings, Mont. Also 25 grandchild­ Bobby Williams came back with Sweetheart roses. A group of Washington resear­ were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Trefz, ren and five great grandchildren. them to spend the summer with ter was united in marriage in the June and Dale. uel Machell of Cereal, Alberta. home. Redeemer Lutheran Church to The bride's table was centered chers have revealed that a modif­ The wedding will take place in Funeral services were held at 2 his uncle, Andy Harvey. ied form of the machine was used Mr. Jerry Ryan of Calgary is p.m. Monday, from the Redeemer Mr. Richard Alonzo Stensland, by a three tiered wedding cake Addressing the convention, Mr. the United Church, Chinook, on spending a weeks vacation at his Irene Job accompanied Baileys with Rev. Joseph Schultz of Drum­ and decorated -with bouquets of to treat eight patients with severe Lucas said. "We need young peo­ August 16, at 3 p.m. Lutheran Church with Sev. I. H. to Calgary Thursday, to bring barbiturate poisoning. As far as home here. Hohm officiating. Interment fol­ heller officiating. The bride is the roses and carnations. The dinner ple who have a faith worth living A miscellaneous shower was Ronald home. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter was catered to by the Ladies' Aux­ they know, theirs is the largest by, a life worth living for and a lowed in the Hanna cemetery un­ Mra. Job's nephew reported series of barbiturate- held in the W.I. "Rest Rooms on der the direction of Whyte's fun­ Galster of Craigmyle and the iliary to the Canadian Legion. The B*If worth living with." "The Thursday evening last in honor of is visiting at the farm. groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. toast to tbe bride with the groom poisoned patients so treated. source of such a life is God," he eral Home. A tube from the machine is at­ Miss Donna Miller. Donna was the Garden Plain was we Arthur Stensland of Byemoor. responding was proposed by Rev. continued, "the goal is God, and recipient of many lovely gifts. I ented at the Blood Dai The wedding music for the 4 p.m. Schultz, Bfr. Jos. Haluschak was tached to an artery. The blood means is by Jesus Christ." Miss Gladys Munro of Calgary BYEMOOR, July 21 — Congrat Miss E. Lyons of Glasgow Scot is spending a couple of weeks [in Hanna on Thursday.f double ring ceremony was played master of ceremonies and several from the patient is circulated Featured also at the convention ulations to Mr. and Mrs. Dave Nix­ by "Mrs. Pat Schultz. The bride, musical selections were rendered through the machine where it is land who is on a tour of Canada i with her mother Mrs. M. Munro We are pleased to rej were groups of Pathfinder clubs, on on the birth of a son. July 16. and the U.S. is spending several j before going to New York for six Howery came home from th who entered ther church on the by friends and relatives. Best washed by a solution which re­ which are youth groups similar to Mr Fred Allen ?I T^ l^j^^^-^^g^ arm of her father was radiantly wishes and congratulations were moves the drug before the blood I months. pital on Tuesday. returns to the body. the Scouts and Guides. It was re- spent last week visiting »t the' lovely in a gown of Swiss nylon extended to Mr. and Mrs. Stens­ vealed that there are now seven I home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Kobi. net, featuring a waltz-length bou­ land from their many friends. La­ It is estimated that more than Pathfinder clubs in operation in Mr. and Mrs. Stan Walker, Ed ffant skirt with diamond inserts ter a dance was held in the Mem- 15,000 patients are seen eacb yeer Alberta -with a membership of and Harold Kobi, Hr. and lit lim 11 I*'-**- CtsmsstalJ testBI VIM fff'w} jM -" ill '"- sf f«»—-— 1—11 tal Uie UJS-A. for accidental er In­ nearly .100.' These clubs have juat Mrs. P. Wagner, Ur. and Mra. Bob jacket of matching lace worn over Meteors orchestra in attendance. tentional overdosage'tt barbitur­ recently been started by tbe tie- Green, attended tiie Stampede in the strapless ensemble was des­ The newly weds left for Banff ates. The authors say tbat Hemod­ nomination but now they number Calgary. igned with slender lily-point and points in the U.S.A., the bride ialysis, whicb is the name, ior tbe 700 around the world with a mem­ Friends of Wayne Kenny are sleeves and Queen Anne collar changing to a dusty rose tweed procedure, has two unique feat­ bership of 12,000. pleased to see him home again edged with seed pearls and rhine­ suit with black accessories and ures. Tlie higher the blood level The three-day congress was pre­ from hospital after undergoing an stones. Her finger-tip veil which corsage of white carnations. Mr. of barbiturates, the faster tbe re­ ceded by the thirtieth biennial appendix operation. was of imported hand painted ny­ and Mrs. Stensland will resided in moval through tbis process, and business session of the Alberta The Byemoor Jr. ball club won lon tulle misted from a dainty Hanna where the groom is employ­ the amount of the drug removed Conference of Seventh-day Adven­ first money at their ball tourna­ crown of seed pearls and rhine­ ed with the CNR. increases with the severity of the tists. AH officers of the Confer­ ment here Wednesday with En­ stones. Out-of-town guests included: Mr. poisoning. It also improves both ence were re-electd for another diang taking second. All games She carried a bouquet of red and Mrs. A. Thumlert, Castor; the patient's condition, and its two-year -term headed by George between the six teams were very roses tied with white satin rib­ Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lucas, Mr. and own efficiency as treatment pro­ E. Taylor, president. interesting and enjoyed by all in bon. The only jewellery worn by Mrs. Ed Moench, Calgary; Mr. and. ceeds. This happens because, as attendance. A dance followed in the bride was a pair of pearl ear­ Mrs. Walter Bakke, Mr. and Mrs. the poison is removed, the pat­ the evening bringing to a close a rings, a gift of the groom. Miss Elmer Bakke, Mrs. Peter Haugen, ient's physical condition improves. ENGAGEMENT perfect sports day. Sioux Falls, S.D. A6 the heart rate increases, the Marlene Galster, sister of tbe Mr. and Mrs. R. Jameson and bride and Miss Alva Viste, were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Morasch, blood flow through the macbine is Mr. and Mrs. Harold I. Lund of increased. This in turn, allows for family are spending a holiday hi the bridesmaids, wearing waltz- Mr. and Mrs. S. Sverdahl, and Mr. Hanna, annoupce the engagement Banfl. length gowns of nylon net in and Mrs. G. Ridley- Delia. a greater removal of the barbitur­ of their only daughter Elizabeth shades of shrimp and aqua marine ates from the body. Phoebe, to Mr. Kenneth Howery, Mr. and Mrs. C Richardson and blue over taffeta with fitted bod­ One patient, who recovered af­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Howery, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Boehlke spent ice and stoles. Both wore head­ Former Delia Resident ter three periods of the treatment of Hanna, the wedding to take a two week holiday in B.C. and dresses trimmed with sequins and Passes In Hanna had one of the highest initial place at 4 p.m., Wednesday. Aug­ the western states. -gloves matching the shades of blood levels of barbiturate ever ust 22, in First United Church, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walker have their gowns, and carried colonial John Hohenache'r* 69 years, pas­ recorded (25 milligrams of barbi­ Hanna. been holidaying in the States. bouquets of pink and white carna­ sed away in the Hanna Hospital, turate per 100 millimetres of tions. > a Thursday, .July 19-, following a blood). Thirty-seven per cent of the ingested blood was recovered. Little Jeanne Thumlert, niece lingering illness. of the bride, acting as flower girl, Born in South Russia he came Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rason of Cal­ was wearing a shrimp'taffeta and to the Delia district in 1928 where gary were week end visitors in net dress over taffeta. She carried he operated a farm until last Nov­ Youngstown and Hanna. a tiny colonial bouquet of white ember when On account of illness Serve warm, generously buttered carnations. During tbe ceremony he retired to Hanna. ... a delicious tea-time treat. Jf yon the soloist- Mrs. Jack Wilmot ren GREYHOU : Besides his wife he is survived bake at home there's never a dered 'The Lord's Prayer." by a son Rudolph at Killam, four failure when you use dependable Hr. Olmen Stensland and Mr. daughters, Mrs. S. G. Kievit, Del­ Don Mason attended as best men ia, Mrs. H. Morlock, Byemoor Fleischmann's Active Dry Yeast! and seating the guests were Mr. Mrs. E. P. Allen, Craigmyle, Mrs LOW BARGAIN EXCURSION FARES 1 Hardy Galster and Mr. Harold Art Diegel, Calgary, also 10 Go G Riis. White, aqua, and shrimp grandchildren. *EYHOUNDj streamers assembled With -White Funeral services were held at FROM HANNA TO: wedding bells were used in decor­ 2 p.m. from the Redeemer Luth­ AiMOAfD 7U//S7S ations in tbe Memorial HaU Where '"f*e-3teW)f eran Church ou Tuesday, July 24, 1 • Measure into bowl % cup finely-crushed One Way Return a reception followed. with Rev. L H. Holm officiating. 1 eup lulu-warm water cracker-crumbs * Receiving with the bridal party Stir in Interment took place in the De­ Vs cup blanched almonds, Vancouver $22.10 $34.30 Convenient the bride's mother, Mrs. Galster, 2 lia cemetery under the direction •Bnoty-groaad Seattle 22.10 wore a navy printed .redingote *\*\ cap i_ 34.30 of Whyte's Funeral Borne. Sprinkle with contents of with white accessories and tbe 1 sfightty-be-uten egg Portland 25.10 42.70 groom's mother, Mrs. Stensland, 2envelopes Fleischmann's PHONE LOCAL NEWS ITEMS TO 2 tablespoons water San Francisco wore a pastel pink printed nylon THE HERALO — PHONE 52 Active Dry Yeast 36.85 63.55 Let stand 10 minutes, THEN stir well. mi Lot Angeles 41.40 73.25 st. Cream "• Punch down dough. Turn out Banff 6.40 10.85 Vs cup butter or margarine and halve the dough; set one Blend In portion aside to shape later. Roll Lake Louisa 7.65 12.35 SECOND HAND ELECTRIC Ys cup granulated sugar one portion into a 12-inch square. Jasper 16.10 22.60 IMt teaspoons sah Spread % of square with half Ibe Blend In, part at a time crumb mixture. Fold plain third of Waterton Lakes 10.05 16.35 dough over crumb mixture, then 2 well-beaten eggs Sylvan Lake WASHING MACHINE BARGAINS fold remaining third over top— 7.50 12.70 Add the yeast mixture and making 3 layers of dough and 2 Saskatoon 15.30 A troupe of European acrobats 1 teaspoon vanilla of fitting. Out rectangle into 18 XTJU BEATTY Copper Tub $19.95 brought along with them, to Stir In strips. Twist each strip twice; place Winnipeg 26.45 47.65 "support" them in their U.S. 2 Clips onca-stfted on greased cookie sheet. Press 2 isa^ Chicago 39 JO 70.75 EATONS Enamel Tub „. 29.93 circus tour, a 66-foot tapered all-purpose flour or 3 blanched almonds Into filling of each twist. Brush with melted and beat until smooth and elastic. Toronto 46.65 84.00 aluminum tower. Atop this ro­ butter or margarine; sprinkle with THOR Enamel Tub 35.00 tates a 26-foot, motor-driven Work In an additional Montreal sugar. Shape second portion of $ 53.35 96.05 McCLARY Enamel Tub 39.95 ladder, on which they go through 2V4 cups (about) once- dough in same maimer. Cover. Let New York their aerial routine. sifted alLpurpose flour rise until doubled In bulk—about 58.30 104.95 CONNOR Enamel Tub 49.95 If we were in their tights, we 3. Turn out en lightly-floured 1 hour. Bake In moderate oven, Great Falls 13.6S 24.60 know we'd make darn sine that boardj knead until smooth and 350°, SO let 2S minutes. etestte) place Jo greased bowl. Yield. 36 twists. BEATTY Late Model._: 59.95 everything holding us up was •nSk top of dough with melted For full information contact' Grey­ GWyHOUND" plenty strong. No doubt that's shortening. Cover. Ut rise In warm hound Bus Depot, Notional Hotel, THESE ARE ALL IN GOOD WORKING why tbey chose aluminum. Plus place, free from draft, until the fact tftmft this light metal doubled In.bulk—about 1 hour. Hanna, or Telephone 11, or see ORDER — COME IN AND SEE would make much easier work #• Meantime prepare and com- your local Greyhound Agen*. of erecting the contraption. We're pleased that they, like to many other people, found jast what they wanted oHha light, WHYTE P E strong, versatile metal; r- ALUMINUM COMPANY OF NEEDS NO Phone TOO Hanna CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) ~ REFRIGERATION

••':!-'; wIU-fJM.1 ——————


THE HERALD'S HERALD CLASSIFIED AD RATES Minimum charge 75c first insertion, 50c each subse­ Tn the estate of WILLIAM WALK­ ER FITZSIMMONS late of Sunny­ BUSINESS DIRECTOR quent insertion. In Memoriae, Church Notices, Cards of nook in the Province of Alherta, ran­ Thanks, Coming Events $1.00 per insertion. Display adver­ cher, . deceased. tising rate card upon request. Copy must reach Herald Of­ Notice Is hereby given that all per­ . You'll save yourself dollars sons having claims upon the estate of fice by 12 noon each Tuesday. the above named WILLIAM WALK­ ER FITZSIMMONS who died on the > You'll get prompt service TELEPHONE 52 — TO CONTACT 6,000 READERS 14th day of June A.D. lft.'.t', are re­ quired to file wtth the undersigned By using your telephone to by August 24th A.D. lfir-.fi. a lull FOR SALE FOR RENT statement duly verified of their claims and, of any securities held by contact these firms in BULL — Registered AnKiis hull, 6 THREE ROOMED SUITE In Kann- them, and that after that date the years old. Highland Stock Farm ceisser Block. Apply Mrs. J. \V executrix will distribute the assets breeding. Albert Moench, CralK- Armstrong. Phone 404. Hanna. 28tf of the deceased among the parties myle. Phone R3804. 35tf entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which notice has BULLS — Two year old registered HELP WANTED MALE been so filed or which have been Hereford Bulls. Reasonably priced brought tQ her knowledge. A. H. Caskey, Excel, Alta. Tel. 71<>. MAN for general Went position in DATED this Tth day of July, A.D. Oyen. 3B-7-8p Hanna Co- opera tive Store. Apply 1956. C. Engel, Manager, Phone 40. 37-S W. O. TURNER, Hanna, Allierta. SPRUCE LUMBER — will fill all or­ Solicitor for the Executrix ders, dienslon - shiplap - com­ HELP WANTED FEMALE 3G-37-3S mon. By truck load $90. per thous­ and delivered. Write Aylward Nel­ GIRL or middle aged woman for gen­ son, Harmattan, Alta. West of eral housework. Oood wages. Mrs Olds. 36-7-Sp CHURCHES Hannah Pregitzer, Phone 113, Han­ na. 37-S THE SALVATION ARMY IHC HAY LOADER — complete with Specializes In Tires — Oil SrXDAT: "Your Pick of the Yard at recleaner In A-l condition. Pri< r !t*tr> - Dirprtnry Reasonable Prices" Changing — Greasing and 1225.00 K. C. Veno, Sunnynook. Al­ PUBLIC NOTICE 10:00 - Sunday School. ta. 36-7- ^ J£ encies. 37-8<- notify Bill Schissler, Hanna. 37-Sp cepted into the membership of t)i»* N.Y. Casper holds the putter that helped him to post four sub-par rounds tor PHONE 465 • ^ IN TOWN! church. $5,000 first prize. Demaret finished two_strokesJ)ack with 27b, COAL RANGE — White enamel coal MISCELLANEOUS Veteran United Church PHONE 244 range, practically new. also gas Worship Service S p.m hunter, could be used In same HANNA TWO PANT SUITS, $37.75; Ladles' You are cordially invited to come The United States ha.s had 7.000 DAY Or NIGHT! stove. T. A. Campion, Hanna Phone Wear at reasonable prices. Pop-u|i and worship with us. 37-8p No need for "hoofing" it when R1507 Toaster at $23.00. Many other ar­ Irvin H. Hohm, B.A , B.D., Pastor. place names transferred from Ire­ ticles at reasonable prices. — See Sunday, July 29, 1956 CESSFORD POLLOCKVILLE you can go by taxi so cheaplyi 62 COMBINE — new. belts and can­ land, says the National Geogra­ Chas. Gilbertson (room over Treas­ * vas, I.H.C. hay loader, 36 Chev. 2 CATTLE HAULING Use the cab when you go visit­ ury Branch) or "write, Hanna, Al­ phic Society. ton truck. N. J. Andrew, Scotfleld. ing .. . when you're in a hurry berta. (In room after 6:30 p.m.) — CESSFORD, July 23 — The POLLOCKVILLE, July 23 LUMBER — COAL 37-8p ... on the way to a train . .. Town business license paid. 37-41i* Community Club Sports Day held Those attending the Calgary GRAIN — GENERAL STANMORE j in Cessford last Wednesday, was Stampede were Miss Jean Horner, or when you're shopping. 3 BEDROOM HOME — on dry corner * + HAULING lot, gas, water and sewage, well FLOOR SANDING — Experience*:! well attended and the members Miss Marjorie Christianson, Mr. Roy's Taxi Service landscaped. Apply 219 - 1 Ave. K. floor Bander working in Hanna for STANMORE, July 23 — Mrs.ar e to be congratulated on a well and Mrs. J. Rooke, Mr. and Mrs.' 37-8c limited time only. Contact Atlas Charles Sewell, was complimented organized day of entertainment. Gordon Stolt and family, Edwin Before You Located at Tha Hanna Garaga Lumber Co., Hanna. 37-38p last Wednesday evening when Mr§. K. Dulmage of Winnipeg and Norman Christianson, Jim PICK THE RIGHT FULLY MODERN — 3-BEDROOM Mrs. Pat Clark and daughters en­ is visiting at the home of her sis­ Waldon. Art Hayden and Andy HOUSE. ONE OF THeI tBETTE R PERSONAL CONTRACTOR RECENTLY BUILT DWELLINGS. tertained at a miscellaneous ter Mrs. G. Griffith. Hogarth. IDEAL LOCATION — NICELY shower at the home of Mrs. Clark. BEAUTY COUNSELOR — A person­ Mr. and Mrs. I. Lyster returned Miss Jean Horner has returned Hoa the man you are depending up- ALPHA LANDSCAPED LOT. alized cosmetic service. Oet theAfte r a dainty lunch, served by yesterday from a week vacation at to her home in Yorkton, Sask. on to make your housing dreams J. L. PIDGEON cosmetics that suit you. Phone Rita the hostesses, the guest of honor the uranium springs of Helena, Mr and Mrs. Jim Dodds and come true. By comblninB the technl- REAL ESTATE — INSURANCE McCrea, — 352 Hanna — Your Ruthy of Salmo, B.C. were recent cal knowledge with the P™"»; « BUTTER & EGGS c-o SEYMOUR HOTEL; HANNA Beauty Counselor. tf was presented .with a decorated Montana. # perlence of working carpraMra « PHONE 64 wagon laden with gifts from the Jim Baird Jr. of the AGT staff visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W.giv e you the best workmanship avail­ MILK & CREAM 37tt CARD Ot THANKS 20 guests. at Calgary visited recently at the Keyte and Billy, also renewing ac­ able. For quality materials and better DELIVERY Mrs. A. Abrahamson and Mrs. home of his sister Mrs. J. A. Sun­ quaintances in the district. workmanship flee 1980 PLYMOUTH two door sedan — We wish to thank our attending strum. 'The Better Health Foods" $676. Oood motor, low mileage. 5 J. Taylor were Sunday guests at Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stolt were physicians, Drs. Argue and Wilkins, Bob Griffith competed in the KNOBLAUCH & KELLER For Better Lights good tires, new seat covers. Terms the matron and staff of the Hanna the home of Mr. and Mrs. Finley. recent visitors in Gleichen. GEN. CONTRACTORS—CONCRETE From arranged. Phone 678 or 269, Hanna, Hospital for their kind attention and calf roping at Stain The July FWUA meeting was MASONRY or write P. O. Box 20. 37-8c Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson had pede and returned with prize mo­ our many friends for the assistance as their guests over the week end held at the home of Mrs. Leona Come to Central Alberta rendered us during the time we were ney. HANNA. ALTA., Phone 451 Dr. and Mrs. Cecil Walkey and fa­ Christianson with 11 members FARM FOR SALE — 320 acres, one both hospitalized. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Saums and and two visitors present. After a1 Dairy Pool mil* from Pollockville CNR station Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Klngcott. 38p mily of Duncan. B.C. daughter have moved to Estevan, and school, also another 320 acres short business session a delicious Geuder Electric J. A. Rasmussen, Mgr. tour mil— N.B. ot Pollockville, and Mr. and Mrs. T. Peters of Chip- Sask. Mr. E. L. Anderson is now •j lunch was served by the hostess ffcb. We wish to express our heartfelt man were recent callers at the lease land tor pasture. Uaatil-fc tn apprecfatftm and gratitude to Con­ employed with Amourec Oil Co. and a social hour was enjoyed by Hanna Phone 321 Phone 87 -work land because .of age and have stable Simmons for hls quick res­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Chapman. here. fill. The next meeting will be held to gell. Come and look things over ponse and gentle management; to Visiting at the W. McBrida's and see what you can do. — Mat­ August 15 at the home of Mrs. Rex Beach for his courageous re­ last week were Mr. O. L. (Doc) Mary Cruikshank. thew Emmerson, Room 10, Liberty trieval; to Dr. Wilkinsj to Mrs. Les­ Daniels and niece Edna Vander­ Handsaw Filing - - Cafe, "«""« 37-8p lie Rew and Mrs. Ed Raugust for or­ WEANER PIQS — six weeks old, ganising1 the searchers hy telephone; Sports meer of Wilder, Ida., and Mr. and BUY YOUR RUBBER STAMPS FOLEY AUTOMATIC priced at $8. each. Apply A. Diegel, to Mrs. Henry Karg, Mrs. Leslie Rew Mrs. M. Daniels and daughter of FROM THE HANNA HERALD EQUIPMENT • BUILDING phone 1214, Box 396, Hanna. 40p and Mrs. Harold Schissler who serv­ Seattle, Wash. Being enthusiastic ed lunches and supplied food: to all Handsaws Sharpened 75e AND Public Notice THRESHING MACHINE — 22"x36" fishermen they had tried every who sent the beautiful floral tributes Features Rodeo lake on their journey without suc­ Retoothing Extra 50c Red River threshing machine in and served us with immeasurable Owing to the high cost of A-l condition. Price |600. cash. — cess. Mr. McBride took the party Hedge Clippers ; 50c kindness; to all the searchers and The Endiang Sports Day, held Pratt Bros., Helmsdale, South of dear friends and neighbors who stood to Carolside Dam where they lan­ CONTRACTING operational expenses we find Cereal. 40p Friday, July 20, featured an event by us throughout the long, tragic ded 64 fish and to Lake Newell Kary's Transport Estimates furnished and con­ it necessary to increase our vigil, and who share our grief at los­ of unusual interest to the com­ for five big ones. Henry T. Cook KIRCH NER hay stacker, good work­ ing our beloved Roy. munity in the tractor rodeo and tracts given on your drawings prices slightly on mostly all ing condition |150. T, Lukey, Sun­ Mr. and Mrs. G. Berg an-i fam­ GENERAL TRUCKING Irene, Debbie and King Morton. belting event, sponsored by the 105-5 Are. W., Hanna or blueprints nynook, Alta. 40p ily visited the Mark Stringham AU the Karg and Morton families. Endiang 4-H Farm Club. Or Leave Saws at Marshall- of our products home at Milk River last week end Specializing in Cattle Hauling See your General Builder 4 ROOM HOUSE with glassed porch . Mr anfl Mrg prank ^^ on Wells Hardware Store thIhlVa S mh^dwPbrimarily l°l ««« Be^g famAy reunio;. and utility room, kitchen very <„,,;„,„„ of thelr lden weddlnK m P Reduced Rates on Full Loads \tt tt? y,membe.rs *h0 co«»P«ted Visiting at the Forster home good. Under $5,000. — Apply Cass­ nor theu l& the idy Agencies. Hanna. 3« nwersary wish to convey their •'"- *°M^ ™ » VJ. " , f\ recently were Mr. and Mrs. Brown Loaded at One Place Slikker's Bakery cere thanks to the many friends and \ winners f„r both events taking o£ wllki ^ ^ jjr. and Mrs. A. W. STUBBS acquaintances who contributed ? $3 a ART KARY, HEMARUKA ELECTRIC RANGETTE — $15.00. many different ways to make this t,2LTL.Th™, ' ¥' S?&U. Wardtow of Vancouver, B.C. Phone 381 Hanna PHONE 2« HANNA Phone 140, Hanna. 38 one of the happiest times of our lives. g Mr and ma Forster T otored The good wishes. telegrams and Phone Veteran, R314 CAOY'S BICYCLE — Gray make, ln beautiful presents are greatly ap­ "bbSl * - - * AUCTION SALE A-l condition. Anyone Interested preciated for which we tender our to Calgar^ last week end for a phone 284 or contact Elizabeth sincere thanks for treasured memor­ In the adult class first and sec- Bray familof Wolselyy reunion, Sask.,. Mr. anpioneerd Mrss Gourlay, Hanna. 38-9 ies that stand the test of time. ond prizes of $3 and $2 was com­ of this district were present. The GEORGE RAISBECK, Owner Mr. and Mrs. Frank Love. Oyen. peted for. Competitors in the trac­ reunion was in the form of an out­ For CHIROPRACTOR 10 Ft. MASSEY-HARRIS Combine. Alberta. 38 tor event were required to cover door picnic at St. George's Island. Thursday, August 2 PTO, drive, 10 ft., excellent condi­ the hazard course staked out with Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Williams tion. K&B Motors, P.O. Box 106. Chrysler Corporation announc­ redshortes, whitet tim, ane dpossible blue flag. Ths ei n mosthet had as their guests last week end 3 Miles North of Fish Lake — 18 Is Your Spine Hanna. '8-9 ed recalling of almost 1,000 laid- difficult features of this was the Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Williams and WANTED Miles South of Craigmyle Caltle Hauling off Indiana workers. A Chrysler backing of a two-wheeled trailer, shauna of the PFRA at Vauxhall Causing Illness? GENERAL STORE — Beat offer in spokesman said the recalls are to through staggered gateways, and Mrs. C. Connors left Saturday Scrap Iron, Batteries, Radiators 56 Head of Cattle* - 6 Yr. Old Grey PHONE In many cases, people who com­ Alberta without exception. Tn heart plain of poor health find chiro­ of prodperous Irrigation district. meet increased production re­ turning sharp corners in a given to visit her daughter Mrs. C. Bys Old Perm Machinery, etc. Team — 3 Colts Highest Prices Paid Turnover 1956 - $86,000. Besides quirements. space. Safety rules were observed terveld of Delbourne and her son Farm Machinery - Household Christianson Bros. practic helps them after all this freight business brines In $225. and penalties given for improper | L. Connors at . else fails. This science works per month, extra revenue from Im­ PHONE LOCAL NEWS ITEMS TO handling of the tractor A PFRA survey crew will move Effects on the nerve centres of your perial OU bulk and retail agency that THE HERALD — PHONE 52 ALEX JONES Sale Starts 1 o'clock Cattle Transport la Increasing every month. $17,600 to­ Winners for the rodeo and bel­ into the district soon. -The camp­ body. 1- tal price, including building and ting event were 1. Arnold Walle, site has been selected at Wardlow Corner lst. Avenue and Second R102 POLLOCKVILLE Investigate This New Way stock. Cash or reasonable terms to 2. Allen Keibel, 3. Dennis Hogg. and should be in operation by Street West, Hanna Fitzsimmons & Powell To Health Now right parti*. Reason for selling. 111 For the tractor rodeo only 1. Leon­ August 1, FIRST CLASS CATTLELINES health. Apply box 214, Hanna Her­ EQUIPMENT ald. 40c WATROUS EQUIPMENT LTD. ard Waters, 2. Gordon Walker, 3. Visiting at the H. Coates home Auctioneers 4>r. J. S. PAXMAN Edmonton Calgary Garry Keibel. For adults tractor at Wardlow are Mr. and Mrs. Ow­ Phone 300, Honna rodeo and belting, 1. Doug Donald en Milne and family of Didsbury. WHITE BABY CARRIAGE — prac­ EQUIPMENT 2. Ben Mohn. tically new. Priced reasonably. — Allis-Chalmers & General Motors Phone SOO, Hanna. 3Sp Diesel Ernie Walker, D.A. and Bill Bowers, agricultural fieldman, ac­ REFRIGERATOR 9V4 ft. Servel re­ CHINOOK WANTED When In Hanna Stay HAVE THE FOLLOWING USED ted as judges, assisted by John frigerator, also propane or natural Morasch and Carl Boehlke as pen­ At The gas stove. Can be seen four miles DISTRIBUTORS CHINOOK, July 20 — Calgary ggSlSI south of Sunnynook Saturday or alty spotters. Jim Smythe was in per ocre on swa hi Sunday, July 28 - 29. Thelma Fitz- charge of general arrangements. Stampede visitors last week from , ? * "9 ond picking up NATIONAL HOTEL slmmops. 3ft FOR SALE OR RENT The entire event was an extra 4-H Chinook included Mr. and Mrs. B. 22<) acres of barley, also 100 acres of wheat to be har­ Keep vested and put in bin. HD6B Allls-Chalmers Tractor with activity, planned by Mrs. Baxter, J. Man* and Karen Selski; Mr. and • Your FOR SALE OR TRADE Gradebullder and canopy. the adult committee, and the 4-H Mrs. Vic Lawrence; Mr. and Mrs. Troetor HD5C Allls-Chalmers Tractor W. Wilson; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ait­ members. All prize money was Car WIRE BALERS — Two John Deere HD14 Allls-Chalmers Tractor with put up by the club itself and the kens and family and George Ait­ Eat at the National wire balers. Will sell or trade for Garwood CU2 Control Unit. kens. KIRBY CARTAGE CO. or wheat or cattle. — C. J. Peacock, HD15AC Allis-Chalmers with Hyd­ ribbons donated by Mrs. Baxter. Phone IS, Box 10, Cereal, AlU. 37-8 The 4-H Club plans on making Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peterson and PHONE 183 Truck raulic Gradebullder and Canopy. HANNA D4 Tractor with Overhead Loader. this an annual event with varied family spent the week end with Coffee Shop In Top BALER — Used John Deere PTO ba­ D8 Tractor with Power Control Unit. courses, and types of trailers. A Mrs. Peterson's sister at Red Ik- le*. Price I860. Will accept cattle or Two - D8 Tractors with Dozers. machinery demonstration and Deer. Order grain or caah. Phone 330. A. T. Terratrac Model GT25 with Front field day will be held at the same Albert Siwy of is a at Marshall, Delia. 37-8-9 End 1-4 yd. Bucket. R Warco Motor Orader with Cab and time, probably on Farmers' Day, visitor at the home of his uncle - Pelan, Mgr. Hanna Auto Specialists and machinery dealers will be in­ Mr. V. Siwy here. COMBINE — A.C. all crop combine Scarifier. Ralph Pogson, Prop- with motor. Wanted good 12 foot American Motor Grader with Cab. vited to display their latest mod­ A farewell party was held in swather or good power binder. Olaf LP Letourneau Scraper els. the Memorial Hall in honor of Mr. FOR SALE Aaserud, Craigmyle. 37-""8-9p Letourneau Power Control Unit. and lbs. Ray Cooley who have TL Tractor Scraper wtth bucket and The club would like to thank lift fork. , moved to Red Deer. •MH HALF TON — Studebaker, In Jim, Carl and Ercy for the nse of Carco Model "O" Winch Mr. and Mrs. John MacKenzie McCORMICK DEERING 10' HAY RAKE HANNA BAKE good condition. Price 8375. Will sell their tractors, Ed Keibel for the Set Street Pads tor D7 and family were Calgary visitors or trade for car. — D. P. Choban, trailer, and Mr. Walker and Mr. with tractor hitch, good condition Model "B" Quickway twlth Backhoe $50-00 dSBSs for a few days. Phone 898, Hanna. 37-8c Bowers for making this day pos­ ^SELECTED PQULTRV mounted on Pord Truck. sible. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cornell 8029C G.M. Diesel Power Unit were DrumheUer visitors last DEERING 5' MOWER SHOP WANTED S2401 RA G.M. Diesel Power Unit Commencing on Saturday, Aug­ week. S029A G.M. Diesel Power Unit. ust 4, at 9 p.m. on hour of free with tractor hitch, good condition $3500 The Store of Good Thing* MORE MONEY for first mortgages, UD18A Power Unit films of particular interest to far- Mr. C. Kelly was in Calgary a The Central on houses. We can arrange down men will be shown by the 4-H few days ago for a medical check­ To Eat payments so there ar* no great up. risks. — Cassidy Agencies. Hanna. THE PRICES AK4 RIOHT Farm Club and the Community Mrs. C. Kelly is visiting at Van­ TERMS TO SUIT AIM AVAILABLE Society. There will be a short film FOR HINT especially fer the children. Films couver for a few weeks. WM. GIBSON Meal Markel - Bread - PHONE, WRITE OR WW! to be shown every two weeks. No Ella and Carla Boden have been IH POUR ROOMID HOUIE — Apply visitors at tiie home of Mrs. Jack •HONE 328 S"" » MM, _ F„„„ coUection, everybody welcome.. DELIA Ormiston Agencies. tt _m. COLLICT Chaney in Drumheller. ' Earthworms live in almost all Mrs. S. D. Davies and family PLATS, SUITES, HOUSES—Call 381 No Increase In Price OnOtu Hanna. nSF? Pttf parts of the world. wege Kelowna visitors last week. Buns, Pastry and Po*"**^ rt^rK^^m^r^W^ ( •S 'st*

THEHANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY, JULY 26,1956 Poge 5 weeks in Edmonton with her 7 YOUNGSTOWN Mrs. Dare is spending a few In ladies' softball Sibbald took daughter Mrs. G. Armstrong and CEREAL days at the home of Mrs. Bennett. lst money with Oyen 2nd. *__ > + Mr. Armstrong. Blood Clinic Blr. Wm. Machell of Cal­ In Pee Wee hard ball Oyen took YOUNGSTOWN, July 23 — Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Barros and Oyen District Bureau CEREAL, July 24 - - Mr. and gary was a week end guest at the lat nioney, Cereal 2nd, and Young­ Jack Anderson of Whitby, Ont., a family of Edmonton were week home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. stown 3rd. former old time resident of end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Al­ Successful Mrs. D. Cody 'and Mr. and Mrs. NEWS — CIRCULATION — JOB PRINTING Don Cody and family of Calgary S. Machell, youngstown is renewing acquain­ bert Marr. Two hundred and thirty-one Mr. and Mrs. D. Tomkins of Cal­ Phone Items of Social Interest tances in the district. Mrs. L. Gibson, Resident Representative Phone 50 donors registered when the Red spent Sunday afternoon renewing To The Herald — Phone-52 Mrs. W. B. Gordon is visiting acquaintances in. town. gary are spending a week's vaca­ Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rason of at Killam at the home of her .son Cross Blood Donor Clinic was Week end guests at the home of tion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Calgary were visitors in town on Mr. and Mrs. Deb Gordon. held here July 19, which, accord­ Wm. Tomkins. Saturday last and were guests of OYEN, July 23 — Mr. and Mrs with Mr. William Boychuk as pro­ ing to Red Cross officials was Mr. and Mrs. R. Nicols were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Illsey and Miss Mrs. Wigley, Miss Beatrice Fra­ Tony Sautner and family of Medi­ prietor. most encouraging, considering the and Mrs. R. Griffee and grand­ Mrs. A. McBride RN, on behalf Grace Church. ser and Miss Elizabeth Lyons are cine Hat have moved back to their Mrs. Ed Foley and family ac­ holiday season and warm weather daughter Linda of Iowa and Mrs. of the hospital staff and patients, spending a week's vacation at farm south of town for the sum­ companied her parents Mr. and prevailing at the time. Officials Stetterstrom of Gorrie. wishes to extend thanks lo Mrs. SMITE DRIVE-IN Mr. and Mrs. John Greig are Salmon Arm, B.C. R. Nichols, for cream; Mr. K. Mc­ spending a few days in Calgary. mer months. Mrs. Mike Skappak of Acadia Val­ were pleased to note that there Medicine Hat Stampede visitors Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Reid of Sas­ Mrs. Frank Adams left on Sun­ ley to Saskatoon where they will were 81 new donors registered. Bain Sr., for fresh vegetables and Mr. and Mrs. G. Peacock of were Mrs. C. Asel, Mrs. R. Van­ cream; Mrs. L. Sutherland for katoon spent the week end with day to spend her annual holidays spend a week visiting relatives The total number of bottles col­ stone and Mrs. Rude. THEATRE" Bawlf were week end visitors of Mr. Reid's sister, Mrs. Jean Hoy. with relatives in Calgary and Win­ and friends. milk and cream; Mrs. R. Butler Mrs. Olive Gordon. lected was 318. Red Cross offic­ Miss Jennie Dziatkewich of Cal­ for fresh vegetables; Mr. H. Jack dermere, B.C. Born to Mr and Mrs. Phil Klam- ials wish to thank the ladies of gary spent the week end with her DRUMHELLER Miss Pat Schmitz and Leo Pohl Regarding the Vacation Bible pit of Oyen on July 18. a, son. for chocolates; Mr. G. Vanstone ir Pembroke (Ont) Observer: — the Canadian Legion BESL who sister Helen. for ice cream and chocolates; Mrs. of Calgary spent the week end in "Changing of telephone numbers School which will be held in Aug­ Mr. and Mrs. George Hill of were, responsible for making all AUGUST SCHEDULE town. ust, classes will take place in the Claremont, Ont. are visiting with Mrs. Laura Bennett is visiting I. Peterson for ice cream and Mr. AUGUST 1 . 2: HOW TO MARRY A is just one of the minor annoy­ arrangements, the National Hotel relatives at Killam. W. Johnston for ice cream. Miss Inez Klevan, Mrs. I. Klevan ances sent from time to time to School auditorium and not in the relatives and renewing old ac­ and Calgary Brewers for provid­ MILLIONAIRE:, Marylln Monroe, with Ida Lou and Eleanor, are church basement. quaintances in Oyen and district. ing free pop, Fred Edwards for Mr .Charles Olsen had the mis­ Mr. and Mrs. M. Dahl had as Betty Grable, Cinemascope, Tech, try us and we take them in our fortune to severely sprain his an­ Family. KING KHTBER RIFLES, spending a weeks vacation at stride. In this instance we shall Danny Bosch, son of Mr. and Mr. Hill is a brother of Mrs. transportation services, Capitol their week end guests Mr. and Tyrone Power, Terry Moore, Cine­ Moose * Jaw and other points in Wm. McNally and homesteaded in Theatre and Hanna Herald, pub­ kle during a ball game on Sports Mrs. D. Meek o^ Calgary. Mrs. Ol­ try with what patience we can Mrs. Fred Bosch, had the misfor­ Day. mascope, Tech. Cartoon. Saskatchewan. muster, to forget the old police tune to fall down the basement the Cappon district years ago. licity, business men of Hanna who sen and Mrs. Symons of Weyburn, AUGUST 3 • 4: SCREAMING BAG- Mrs. Leishman arrived home number and plant the new one in stairs and land on a broken seal­ Mr. L. Katterhagen was away contributed theatre tickets to do­ might benefit, and to the follow­ Mr. L. Dahl and Mr. P. Dahl. LBS, Tom Tryon, Jan Merlin, Fa­ this week having spent several our mind. er, deeply cutting his arm and re­ over the week end when he atten­ nors, workers in town and coun­ ing ladies for their assistance: Mr. and Blrs. C. Fix and family mUy, ROAD TO BAU, Bob Hope, quiring eight stittfies. ded his mother's funeral at Rocky­ try points for their assistance in Mrs. Bill Cross, Mrs. Wm Smith, of Stettler were week end guests Bin? Crosby, Tech. Cartoon. Mrs. Hal Burkett and boys of ford. helping to get out the donors. Mrs. Rose Mossey, Mrs. Harold at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. AUGUST S - 7: SHIELD FOR MUR­ Boucher. DER, Edmund O'Brien, Maria Eng­ Moose Jaw are visiting at the Mrs. Wm. McNally was visiting Also thanks to Fred Ormiston Christianson, Blrs. Don Barton, lish, Adult. VILLAGE, John Justin, home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. her daughter Mrs. Ross Vanstone and Wm. Curtis for broadcasting, Mrs. E. W. Mills, Mrs. Louise Grif­ Several families of the district Eva Dalbeck. Cartoon. S. E. Trewin. at Oyen and sons at Excel for a Town of Hanna for use of truck, fin, Mrs. Calvin Bye, Mrs. Fred attended the picnic at the river on AUGUST 8 - 9: ADVENTURES OF Sullivan Lake School Div. No. 9 Mr. and Mrs. C. Willeson left few days last week. and a special thanks to all those Fano, Mrs. Alvin Churchill, Mrs. Sunday and all report spending a HAJJI BABA, John Derek. Elaine last woek end oh their holidays, Visiting at the home of Mr. and who took a few minutes of their Sam Hallaby, Mrs. M. T. Sloan, most enjoyable day. Stewart, Cinemascope, HOUSTON taking with them their grand­ Mrs. Frank Love are Mrs. S. time to donate blood that others Mrs. A. E. Dafoe, Mrs. E. White, A shower in honor of Miss Hel­ STORT, Barbara Hale. Cartoon- daughter Cathy Lynn Burland, af­ Fleet and daughter, Miss Isobel R.N., Mrs. W. Flynn, R.N., Blrs. en Dziatkewich was held in the Tech., Adult. ter spending three weeks here. Fleet from Montreal. Mrs. Ed Schultz and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kocourek, Miss Mockford, hall on Monday night. The even­ AUGUST 10 - 11: NAKED BILLS, G. Boehlke at Calgary last Wed­ David Wayne. Kennan Wynn. Tech Folks in Oyen and district will Mrs Sembal. Mrs. B. Stevenson, ing was spent playing games. Mrs. FamUy, DIO THAT URANIUM, be pleased to learn of the open­ nesday and Thursday. Mr. Schultz Miss E. Verbaan, Miss J. Gold, H. Diakow presented Helen with Bowfcry Boys. Cartoon. PUBLIC NOTICE ing of a much needed service in is improving slightly. Mrs. Donaldson, R.N., Mrs. Pelle­ a gayly decorated basket of gifts. ENDIANG AUGUST 13 - 14: HEIDI AND PET­ our thriving community, namely Parry Pearn of Stettler visited tier, R.N., Mrs. J. Stephens, R.N., In a few well chosen words the ER, Elsbeth Slgmund, Thomas Kle- a shoe repair and dry cleaners, lo­ his grandmother. Mrs. Campbell. Mrs. Bob Anderson, R.N, Mrs J. bride-elect graciously thanked ev­ meth, Tech. Family. KING OF CO­ TENDERS are requested for driving cated next to the Ken Munroe's ENDIANG, July 24 — A small Miss Shirley Keibel of Hanna Hamilton, R.N., Mrs. Irene O'- eryone present. A delicious lunch RAL SEAS, Chips 'Rafferty. Car­ crowd attended the picnic last visited with her parents. Rourke, Mrs. W. Armstrong, Miss was served to draw the evening to toon. School Vans on the following routes: Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Abram and Ann Campbell, Mrs. J. S. McCrea, a close. AUGUST 15 - 1S: INVASION OF BO­ Bill Ritchie of Gulf Oil was a Mrs. Fred Feist, Mrs. Roger Tal­ DY SNATCHERS, Dana Wynter, SIBBALD family of Cessford were Friday Cereal Annual Sports was held Kevin McCarthy, Superscope, — 1. Scotfield to Youngstown. visitor with his parents. evening guests of the Albert Ab­ mage, Mrs. Vardy Laing, Blrs. E. July 18 with a good crowd in at­ WICKED WIFE, Nigel Patrick, Mrs. Mary Miller and daughter rams. R. Freeman Mrs. Ed Ryckman, tendance. In the senior hard ball Beatrice CampbeU, Cartoon. 2. Scotfield South. SIBBALD, July 23 --Mr. and of Hanna visited with her sister Mr. and Mrs. Doug Campbell Mrs; Pat Murray, Mrs. George Consort took lst money, with Cer­ Mrs. Dick Whitman and two child­ Mrs. A. Hogg. are visiting with their mothers Gwin, Mrs. Lloyd Odegard. eal 2nd and Hanna Braves 3rd. 3. to Stanmore. ren from Waterloo, Iowa, are vis­ Penny Moen of Calgary, Mar­ Mrs. Janet Campbell and Agnes, iting at the home of her father lene and Judy Kenny of Okotoks also Bob and Andy Kiddie. and sister, A. C. Hoenig and Ver­ are holidaying with relatives and Mrs. Thos. Hilton was a busin­ 4. Buchan to Netherby. ona. After a few days at home, friends here. they will visit friends in Calgary ess visitor in Calgary. 5. Dundee to Netherby. and Red Deer before returning to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schultz, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Weich of Calgary Iowa. R. A. Boehlke and Mrs. C. Tucker are visiting at the Walter Weich see your Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Munroe and Dale visited with Mr. and and L. Benson homes. 6. Garden Plains to Scapa. and family are holidaying in Med­ icine Hat and took in the Stam­ IMPERIAL OIL AGENT 7. Weise to Scapa. pede there. ' Mr. A. C. Hoenig and daughter 8. Burns to Spondin. Verona are visiting in Calgary. PUBLIC NOTICE for all your Eileen McHugh is spending the 9. Grand Ridge to Spondin. school holidays in Calgary, where she will be taking treatments and Regular meeting of the Berry Creek power farming exercises for her legs. 10. Hiram to Spondin. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Fizer have Divisional Board will be held in Sunny­ returned home, after a week's vis­ needs IT. Bingo to Spondin. it to the home of their son Robert nook on Wednesday, August 1st, com­ Fizer. at Virden, Man. Mr. and mencing at 1:30 p.m. All board members 12. To and from Watts . Mrs. Allen Monroe from Calgary (their daughter and son-in-law, are requested to be present. Imperial Oil farm products— looked after the store business in gasoline, oils and greases— 13. Newell to the Coronation Highway their absence. meet every power farming Mr. W. O. Mowers and Donald J. A. LUKEY, Sec.-Treas. need. For mote power, longer 14. Red Rose to Hanna. Patterson went to Calgary over engine life, and complete lub­ the •••week end. . Berry Creek School Div. t$p. 1 rication protection... look ia 15. Devonshire to Youngstown. ~ Mr. an

„ ...... •.•imiHimiiiniii tm wMHiiiMiwMiMitwuiwiiimiitiH-RWimiinniHiWMHm >4ll1llllllllfllllllll>l»>>>>-l>lltMt-|llf1lllllllll11ltltllllllllllllllllltltllllllllfllllltlIlllltlt1IMIIII1lll1lft|lllltltlllllitlllllllllMltilllllltlllllllltlllllllll1 MllriMI1IIMIHIt1!IIIIHIIiM1!MIIIIIIM1immH(H Don't Just Say Bread To Your Grocer - Say i


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Poge 6 THE HANNA HERAJ.D ond EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY, JULY 36. 1956 Pott Western FISWNG - HUNTIN6 IMPORTANT TO Cutworm Forecast The pale western cutworm caused ALBERTA'S ECONOMY; BIG MONEY very little damage in Alberta or Saskatchewan during the 1956 sea­ The year round sport of fishing iastic fisherman may invest hun son. and seasonal hunting play an im­dretis of dollars in equipment but A cutworm forecast for 1957, pre­ portant part in the economy of the mean average is about $50. pared by L. A. Jacobson and How­ Alberta. It is estimated by travel Most of these are "weekend" an­ ard McDonald of the Field Crop agents and equipment suppliers glers who will travel an average that well over $12,000,000 is spent of 150 miles on a two-day fishing Insect Laboratories at Lethbridge in the province annually by Al­ expedition and spend about $10 and Saskatoon, indicates that thc berta and visiting tourist sports­ per day. pale wastern cutworm will not be a pest in 1957 except in a few areas men. About 30000 Alberta fishermen In the current summer season in southern Alberta. This is based spend an average of 10 days fish­ on cutworm surveys and rainfall it is expected that some 40.000 ing during the period of one year men, women and children will recorded in May - June, when the and leave an estimated $3,000,000 larvae were actively feeding. crowd Alberta's lakes and streams in circulation. This includes trav in the hopes of catching "the one elling. expenses, cost of boat ren­ Summerfallow for cutworm pre­ that always gets away." With the tals, accommodation and food but vention. opening of the hunting season this not the cost of new equipment. Cutworm infestations in next fall more than 70,000 hunters will Sporting goods men estimate ! sPring's summerfallow crop can be clean up their rifles and shotguns that an angler will invest a mini Prevented by keeping the fields for a record shoot of game birds mum of $10 yearly in new lures, being fallowed unsuitable for egg- and big ^ime. baits and tackle. This would add laying this fall. To accomplish this, Each year more and more vis­ another $300,000 to the trade. [all weed growth should be destroy- itors from other parts of the dom­ There are more bird game hun* I ed late in July and the fields then inion and the United States are ters in the province than fisher- • left undisturbed throughout August coming to Alberta to fish and men and these sportsmen invest: and the first half of September, hunt. Some come fully equipped; mueh more than the angler. Av- when the moths are laying eggs, others spend hundreds of dollars erage cost of equipment is $150. Rains occurring after the late July. here on gear alone. including a shotgun, necessary u]i g will form a crust on the soil In 1954, the last year for which a e reoprds are available, American clothing, decoys, etc. In one seas I surface. Cutworm moths will not and Canadian tourists poured $25,- on he will spend an average of $40 on shells. Taking into account lay their eggs in fields that are free 745 into provincial coffers in lic­ of weeds and crusted. Disturbance ense fees alone. There is no nat­ that in 1954 there were nearly 60,000 resident bird game licenses of the crust by allowing livestock ional or provincial breakdown av­ sold, these hunters spent $2,400. to pasture or run on the field may This U.S. Navy "Grasshopper," one of nine being built ailable for fishing licenses but it 000 on ammunition alone be serious as if the field had been is estimated well over 30.000 per­ worked at the Indianapolis Naval Ordnance Depot for Antarc­ sons took to the waters in that Alberta big game hunters, 8,800 - tic use, is an airborne weather station. Dropped from year, many of them visitors. in 1954, invest more money in On the medium soils the crust a plane, it shoots out six legs and a 20-foot antenna, The average waterfowl and up­equipment than the bird hunters formed by rain will remain unbro- then broadcasts weather in formation for a period of land game bird hunting trip tak­ These "trophy seekers" will spend • ken for long periods, unless distur­ six months without reauirine servicing. en by visitors will last for approx $250 on equipment and accessor bed by livestock or implements. George Graves, 76, left, attended the wedding of his granddaughter in Denver, not imately one week while big game ies and in many cases much more However.on some of the heavy soils as a spectator but as a participant. It was a double wedding. Graves married Mrs. ir Swift Current (Sask.) Sun: That was more difficult than he parties will take up to two weeks than that. Some have been known the crust may break down after a Lula Hendrick, 74, his late wife's sister, who stands beside him. His granddaugh­ "Has flag waving gone out of thought. He tried every store he in quest of the limit. It is estimat­ to buy a small truck and even period of dry weather. Where these ter, 22, stands with her husband, Edward Webster. style? Aid. Fred Newman had an could think of without result — ed that every hunter will spend a deep freeze units as a direct res­ soils occur, complete prevention of ult of their hunting trip. experience a few days ago that none had flags in stock. He was minimum of $25 per day while in egg-laying may be obtained only if makes him think the old style of about to give up, he said, when Alberta. This is divided between Hunters of all types will spend there are rains at intervals during patriotism is slipping. It has been ta and the west half of Saskatchew­ In winter wheat areas where the spring control measures that may he got a bunch and walked into guide services (now compulsory an average of seven days hunting the egg-laying period in August his custom, he said, to fly a flag under changes made in the Game during one season at an average an will favour increase in cutworm pale western cutworm is a hazard, be used. on Dominion Day, and, because Bill Chew's Modern News. He and September. Act), food, lodging, gas and in- cost of $12 per day including numbers in 1957. Because the pop­ the preparation of the seed-bed and Far further information OB cut­ the one he had was showing signs came out with a flag — made in transportation, food, lodging, etc. This method of preventing dam­ ulation was very low this year, the cidntals. The figure does not in­ the seeding of winter wheat should worm control, write to the Field of wear, he decided to replace it. Japan. clude the cost of ammunition, ex­ This amounts to an annual expen­ age and increase of infestation increase probably will not be suf­ be delayed until as near Septem­ Crop Insect Laboratory at Leth­ tra warm clothing and souvenirs. diture of $5880,000. should be followed this season in ficient to result in damage. ber 15 as possible. bridge, Alberta, or Saskatoon Sask­ Ammunition alone in 1954 cost All told, tourists and natives those districts of east-central and The present forecast is prelimin­ When the summerfallow fields atchewan. 582 American and 268 non-Albert- spend approximately $12,246,777 southern Alberta and west-central are well worked during the early ary. It is made to enable farmers an Canadians who purchased annually in Alberta in pursuit of Saskatchewan where May and June summer and the weeds are des­ in the areas of greatest risk to plan Despite phenomenal industrial game bird licenses approximately both good hunting and rewarding rainfall was below normal. their summerfallow operations for $35,200. In addition to that they troyed as late in July as possible, development in Alberta over the 'July, August, The Danger Time! A fishing. This does not include th« Based on larval surveys and rain­ subsequent weed growth normally the remainder of the season so that past few years, agriculture still spent $154,000 in the province on $10,500,000 that is invested in led the field in gross value of pro­ guiuesi IOOU, lodging, etc. fall records, in southern Alberta will not be sufficient to require cutworm infestations may be pre­ •equipment by provincial sports­ pale western cutworm infestations tillage during the period of August vented. A final forecast will be duction in 1955. If present trends Tourist big game hunters, 95 men. continue, however, it may not be American and four Canadian in may occur in 1957 in a few areas 1-September 15. In the open prairie made later, if necessary, after sur­ south of a line from .Fort Macleod area of Saskatchewan and Alberta, veys have determined where the too long until minerals take over 1954, Epent nearly $10,000 on lic­ the lead. ense fees and approximately $30,- Duck Hunting Here to Medicine Hat. Severity of dam­ where the pale western is the chief cutworm moths are most abund­ 000 on other needs while in the age will depend upon dry condi­ cutworm species, the surface crust ant and when areas of serious risk Migration caused by the parti­ province. Opens Five Days Later tion;! next May and June. The on fields should not be disturbed can he more definitely defined, tion of India 1947, brought move­ Tourist fishermen outnumber below-normal rainfall in May andb y tillage, even if weed growth! The final forecast will include ment of 12 million people, says Duck and goose hunting begins June this year in east central Alber- the visiting hunters but figures in Alberta on September 1 in the does develop. more detailed information on the the United Nations. are not available to show to what northern zone and September 12 extent. It has been estimated, in the southern zone, it has been however, that a visiting fisherman announced by the Canadian Wild­ will spend an average of $20 per life Service, Department of North­ day while in the province. This in­ ern Affairs and National Res­ cludes cost of boat and motor ren­ ources, Big brothers of the best seller tal, food, accommodation and 1 transportation within the prov­ • This year's magratory bird reg­ ince. Not included are the purch­ ulations are the same as last year * \-.. . tuAd livery bit as modern. ases he makes in sporting goods in Alberta except for a change in stores, or expenditure on enter­ the opening date in the southern tainment, clothes, souvenirs. part of the province. The seasons are the same length as last year, Retailers say it is not unusual Sept. 1 - Nov. 30 in the north, and for a visiting fisherman to walk September 12 - December 15 in into a store and purchase up to the south. Wilson's Snipe seasons $50 of equipment for a wilderness are Sept. 1 - Sept. 30 and Sept. 12 fishing trip. -Oct. 13. Of interest to the Albertan is Bag and possession limits are the fact that the money spent the same as last year. They are: here by the tourist sportsmen Ducks, 10 and 40 (not more than buys eggs, milk, beef, pork, chick­ ens and other produce from far­ 20 of species other than mallards); mers; it is spent on clothes and geese five and 15; rails, coots, and souvenirs; on entertainment, ac­ gallinules, 10 and 20; Wilson's commodation, and a host of other Snipe, eight and 16. •I (jVMts, things. iinimiiiintHf. A few Alberta sportsmen may frown at the visitors and say that BUILDING? ALBERTA HAIL BOARD INSURANCE they slaughter the province's game. The visitor is always with WE OFFER: a guide or a resident of Alberta Excavating Service NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT... and therefore will not be allowed Sand and Gravel to take more than his limit. Rural Sewage Disposal Records show that 70% of the damage Residents of the province are Systems A Specialty not as "/ree and easy" with their awards are paid for losses occurring money as visitors, according to —See— after July 20th. We.are In thia danger those directly connected in the period NOW. A hall storm between now fishing and hunting trade but I Lyle Grover & Sons I and harvest can wipe out your crop and they too, spend thousands of dol­ cause eerlous financial loss. Alberta lars annually. i Phone 151 — Hanna I New Chevrolet Heavyweight Hall Board la the soundest way to pro­ It is estimated that an enthus tect your Investment and assure cash to iiiimiiiimniii carry on and seed the 1957 crop. I Champs

HAIL BOARD! YOUR PREMIUM IS A DEDUCTIBLE These new additions to Canada's best selling truck line hill hauling, less brake wear. Hauling's easier, more economical than ever before! EXPENSE FOR INCOME TAX PURPOSES are Chevies through and through) For proof, just take a look at these years-ahead big-track features! New Load- New Triple-Torque Tandems! Optional at extra cost in new Scries W1900 models, new Triple-Torque Tandem hikes G.V.W.'s master V81 This big heavy-duty load puller is standard up to 32,000 lbs., G.C.W.'s up to 50,000 lbs.! These brawny haulers m new Series 1900 to W1900 models ... delivers 195 hp. give you bigger, more profitable payloads, reduced operating cost |r PLAY IT SAFE . . INSURE H — 310 ft lbs. of torque! Ifs the most efficient economical per ton mile! big-truck engine yet—the leader in its class far compact New big-truck styling! They're the new champs of the heavy­ TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE... INSURE TODAY! short-stroke design that delivers most horsepower per weight class, and they look it! That sleek, massive front-end styling pound! reflects the POWER these new Chevies provide, helps build youf CONTACT YOUR NEAREST A©ENT — NOWI business prestige! New Powermatic Transmission!, It's the flrst automatic transmission designed especially for heavy-duty hauling! Six folly automatic You'll ftnd modern features such as these sparking all phases forward speeds and a torque converter virtually eliminate manual of performance in these new Chevrolet "heavies. If big trucks ar* George Anderson •J. V. Anderson gear shifting on hills! Revolutionary "Retarder" gives safer down­ part of your business, we'll expect to see you soon! Oyen Sibbald M Lester W. Bottle H. J. Benson CHEVROLET, Champs of every -weight class! Delia Esther -i Lightweight Champs! Heavyweight Champs! A Genera/ Motors Value Middleweight Champs! Cassidy Agencies Harry K. Fielding Hanna Honna Wm. Hall J. H. Halpenny Oyen Cereal $jcific Coo&\ Nothing to do but «njoy yourself—it*» • holiday •// thc way Fred W. Harvey Mervin F. Laughlin whea yeu 90 welt oa thf deck, swift Super Continental or the Scapa Youngstown convenient Continental I Grand choke ef accommodations and •cab—no catrafm and you leave and arrive in thc heart of Prank Lijdsman John A. Lukey citici—convenient te hotel*, butincM and shopping centres. Oy«m Sunnynook im relax as you glide across the Prairies snd Rockies—with perhaps • happy stopover at incredibly lovely Jasper. Canadi'• CT-W4C R. C. Orford Ormiston Agencies Pacific playground oilers plenty to do, plenty to see with some- ROM Lynn Honna thins for «H Ae family frotn shopping and sightseeing to a wide rant* of ipoiHai activities. JIMMIE'S SERVICE M. G. Farter FuU Information from Amy Canadian NathmiJ Agent James E. Peyton PHONE7 HANNA Chinook Craigmyle


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ST^aa ttm:*m« waaamm ™— —. r. .*jm*s*Kv^r^^pHU P TOS5000- M AND MORE IN GASH PRIZES" ~ 8 STANDARD GAMES X GIANT BLACKOUTS 800 lo 1000 PLAYERS-$1(00.08 1000 to 1250 PLAYERS-$2000.00 1 1250 lo 1500 PLAYERS-$2500.00 1500 to 1750 PLAYERS-$300100 1. $100.00...... Standard 1. $100.00 .... Standard 1. $150.00 __ Standard 1. $175.00 Standard 2. $100.00 .... Standard 2. $150.00 ...... Standard 2. $150.00 ...... Standard 2. $200.00 Standard 3. $100.00 Standard 3. $150.00 ...... Standard 3. $200.00 ..Standard J. $200.00 Standard 4. $100.00 ... Standard 4. $100.00 ...... Standard 4. $150.00 .... Standard 4. $175.00 Standard 5. $400.00 Blackout 5. $500.00 _ Blackout 5. $600.00 _ Blackout 5. $150JO.. ... Blackout 6. $100.00 Standard 6. $100.00 Standard 6. $150.00 .... Standard \ $flM0 _ Standard 7. $100.00 ...... Standard 7. $150.00...... Standard 7. $150.00 .... Standard 7. $200.00 — Standard 8. $100.00 ...... Standard 8. $150.00 Standard L $200.00 .... Standard 8. $200.00 Standard 9. $100.00 ...... Standard 9. $100.00 ..... Standard 9. $150.00 .... Standard 9. $17100 __: _ Standard 10 $400.00 Blackout 10. $500.00 Blackout 10. $600.00 ... Blackout - 11 $750.00 Blackout PRIZE LISTS WILL BE INCREASED ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF PLAYERS PARTICIPATING. More Players •- Bigger Prizes Bring a Carload SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION! SPECIAL NOTICE:- Each Winner Will PLEASE NOTE:- ADMISSION BY Be Asked to Answer This Simple TICKET ONLY, GATE PRIZE Question: "What Well-Known Service PRE SCHOOL-AGE CHUDREN FREE $500 DEEP FREEZE Club Is Sponsoring This New Giant NO EXCEPTIONS NOT NECESSARY TO BE IN ATTENDANCE TO WIN. WINNER MUST TAKE PRIZE. NO CASH GIVEN. " Sweepstakes Bingo!" fSBI SPECIAL NOTE:- The Hanna Lions Club Needs Your Support to Complete Tho Senior Ladies' Home Project. We Reserve Ihe Rightto Pla y This Sweepstakes Bingo Only If 800 Players Starl. Otherwise Prizes Will Be Made Up from 60 Percent of Net Proceeds. aaaaaaammaamaaamam Refreshment Booth on Grounds Courtesy Driveln Management Only Those Tickets Purchased by 12 Noon Eligible For Gate Prize ADMISSION BY TICKET ONLY $3.00 EXTRA CARDS 50< » »**f. *• \.s-*jf.>*a.ma. THE HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1956 Poge 8 A former resident of the Hand YOUNGSTOWN ASS'N Hills district, Mrs. E. W. McFad­ BJORK RANCH MARKS BIRTHDAY (Continued from Page 1) yen of Victoria, B.C. was a visitor place by the generous financial in Calgary during Stampede week. Delia News Bureau She is now visiting her son Frank Acadia Valley Bureau support and volunteer labor. The WITH HUGE PICNIC - PARTY cemetery which was once a dis and his family in the Hand Hills, NEWS — CIRCULATION JOB PRINTING (By the Herald's Correspondent Mrs. Felix Battle) also will visit her two daughters Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Bjork, day. They include, Clarence and tressing and degrading sight is well known ranchers on the Red Norwood now making their home Acadia Valley now really a place of restful beau­ Mrs. Grosvener and Mrs. Stall of Mrs. E .Krempien, Res. Representative ty- Wayne, as well as other friends Deer River, entertained several at Reno in the Peace River dist­ DELIA, July 23 — Mr. and Mrs. pick up a new car at Oshawa, Ont. rict, Mrs. Grace Sneddon, also of Following is a list of subscrip- and relatives in the Delia and hundred of their friends at a pic­ ions and Hector Morrison left on Friday After visiting Niagara Falls and Reno, Mrs. Eileen Houghton of of Delia, are visiting the Ewing * special permission was Hand Hills district where she re­ nic last Sunday, July 22, in com­ ACADIA VALLEY, July 23 - July 20 for Alliance, where Mr. other points in the East they will memoration of the establishment Spokane, Wash., and Mrs. Marg­ families granted by Ottawa for their ded- sided for over 30 years. Temperatures ranged in the high Morrison has been transferred as travel home in their new car. of the Bjork Ranch by Magnus aret McKee, resident of Medicine 90's these past few days. The A number of friends and neigh, uctions from income tax: agent for the CNR. The new Delia Bjork Sr., 50 years ago. Hat. Mrs 3 J Mr. and Mrs. R. Bradley and fa­ Dr. and Mrs. Jack Stephens and crops and gardens are reported to bors gathered at the home of H. i , , * „ Branley Mrs. M. CNR agent moved in last week mily of Chilliwack, B.C. have been The ranch is located 40 miles As darkness fell many left for be badly in need of rain. Freshie Husons for a birthday supper in Blore' Mrs. G Campbell^ E A. end, Mr. and Mrs. Player and fa­ four children arrived Tuesday ev­ s0 n Mr nd M W E Ward visiting at the home of the form ening frorn^ Portland, Ore., where south of Chinook and the holdings their homes at distant points, stands are seen here and there on honor of Mr. R. H. Francis' 72nd ?-> , * -i „ ™\ ' „ ' mily of , Alta. extend to the river. Early in the birthday. T er's sister and brother-in-law Mr they will be guests at the home of while some remained to enjoy the the streets trying to cool .the cus­ Ed Hasse, R. Gardiner. Mrs. N. P.O. Jesse Battle, RCN and Mrs. and Mrs. Doug Morrison. afternoon cars commenced to ar­ music of a string orchestra play­ Visitors to Medicine Hat this Hampton, E. G. Lamb, W. J. Ross the former's father, Mr. and Mrs. tomers . Wallace Wade, Mrs. M. Arms­ Battle and son David and daugh­ Word has recently been receiv rive at the river bottom, an ideal ing under the stars, bringing to a Two miscellaneous showers past week were: John Garreclits. ter Kathleen, of Victoria, B.C. C. W. Stephens for a few days. spot to hold a picnic among the close a most happy day and mem­ L. E. Niwas* Earl Johnsons, E. An­ trong, Mrs. Larson, Tony Hettler, ed of the death of a former Delia were held on Monday and Tues­ A. Paetz, J. E. McLeod, J. Hall, have spent a week visiting at the resident, Fred Anderson of Bow Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Scott had as native cottonwood trees. Estim­ orable occasion, thoroughly enjoy­ day of this week in honor of Mrs. dersons, John B. Niwa, V. Degen* home of the former's parents. Mr. ates varied as to how many people ed by young and old alike. hardts, H. Burkes, R. Needham, F. H. McHaig, Mrs. O. Mellom, H. den, 82 years of age. Mr. Ander their guests on Tuesday of this Helen Scheurman (nee Ferguson) Rudy, Mrs. M. S. Munro, Mrs. S. and Mrs. Felix Battle. son owned a hardware store in De­ week the latter's brother Mr. Har­ assembled for the occasion. Some and Mrs. ^Vndrew Vollman respec­ A. Marshals, T. Halls, C. Peder Joe Marshall and son Norman, placed the number at around 1000 sens, J. Skappaks, A. Dalshags. Hilliard, J. Dishan, Mrs. Arnagard, lia for several years before mov vey Stirling and Mr. Pat Hall, of PROVINCE-WIDE — tively. Each evening of entertain­ Mr. Fridstead, M. Turnbull, G daughter Joanne, accompanied by ing to Bowden, where he carried while others estimated the crowd ment consisted of games, opening | Don Niwa, Tilley Moser, Sig Britt Shirley Goss, all of Calgary, spent Chilliwack, B.C. to have reached the 1500 mark. Southerland, Mrs. H. Symack, Mrs. on a hardware business with his (Continued from Page 1) of gifts and lunch. Both girls gra- ner, Kay Pedersen, P. L. Knapiks. M. Gilchrist, Mrs. D. Witt, Mrs. E. last week end in Delia, guests of son until late in 1955. He was al PHONE LOCAL NEWS ITEMS TO Later in the afternoon a bal) ciously thanked the gathering for I V. Wychuks, Teresa and Ann Gru Einer, Rev. C. E. Rawson, H. Mc­ Mr. and Mrs. John Battle. THE HERALD — PHONE 52 game was arranged, children par­ cussion of mutual problems in so a member of the Delia school the lovely array of gifts. decki, Doreen Geiron, Rae Peers. Lean, N. Bignell, Ed Bignell, G. Gordon Warren of London, Ont. board for several years. ticipated in running races and small study groups, but also by Holidaying in Cypress Hills are Gerald B.shoff, Harry Simmons ^^ is visiting at the home of his uncle more informal conversations made Mrg A. Hetler, Mrs. other games were enjoyed. The the H. McFadyen and J. Westcott fa"J»les*. ,.,_,- Erickson.Ves Ryan, Whyte's Fun- and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Stuart The deceased is survived by his event provided an excellent op­ possible by the arrangements The flrst ervice Sloan, of Delia. wife, one son Roy, at home, one portunity for a get-together of whereby participants lived togeth­ families S was held in . daughter Mrs. Beatrice Freeze of iamnies. , „„ .. i.j eral Service. Youngstown W. I Mr. and Mrs. F. Isaac are spend­ oldtimers and many memories of er in residence for three weeks. new S T epnll 8 lmn ing their holidays at Spokane and Ottawa, two grandsons and one the pioneer days were recalled by Mrs. H. Burke paid a week end ^ '* n£* H jl" '**" Village of Youngstown. niece in Edmonton. During the conference the prin­ visit to her sister Mrs. C. Rea of Lnurch on Sunday at nign noon. Youngstown Motors, power mo other points in the U.S. groups of people during the after­ cipals concentrated on problems Hanna. Also Hanna-tiound were | Ththanksgivine serviceg begaprocessionan with la arounspeciadl wer at cost* Youngstown Co-op, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Morrison of An old time resident of the De Capitol Theatre noon and-evening. The feeding of of instructional leadership related sommogrape ohf thcrewe worker. A s feowf thfamiliae seisr the church. Rev. Webner with paint at cost, Mr. J. Jameson don- Halkirk were recent visitors with lia district Mr. Hoenicker passed a multitude posed no problem for to the appraisal of pupil progress, faces are seen in the Geoprosco John Rettger assisting officiating, j ated shingle stain. Mr. J. Brow relatives in the Delia district. away in the Hanna Hospital on the Bjork family, the only request curriculum adjustment, in-service crew which has recently arrived Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Blunt and > disked and plowed a strip for David Stubbs is spending his va­ July 19, after a lengthy illness. being that each family provide a education of teachers, and with in town; this crew worked in this family and his sister Eva visited • trees around the cemetery, cation visiting in Kamloops, B.C. frying pan. Meat was specially the supervisory procedures appro­ locality approximately a year ago. with the Ewing families recently. I An innovation which has been Miss Mary Morrison of Edmon­ prepared in Medicine Hat and priate to their solution. H. Krempein and V. Niwa mo­ Just a gentle reminder to any | most successful at Gadsby and ton was a recent visitor in the De­ when the call came to ''come and In appraising the success of this tored to Edmonton to visit their one interested that the library j Wainwright is the Memorial Fund lia district. get it", 650 pounds of well seas­ first leadership course for school respective wives. Wl11 °nce more be opened begin while flowers are a beautiful ex- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd of Nipawin, DRIVE-IN oned hamburger meat was served principals to be held in Canada, Visiting at the Bill Peers' home ™nf the hrs^ Saturday of August ssion of sympathy for the ber- Sask., were recent visitors at the to the crowd. It was not long be­ u pre the principals emphasized the de­ are John and Joyce Bailey of Med- a" t the usua'""*l tim* e 2** t*"o* 4*. *\^il*•»'-*"l eaved• the•• y are a shor.-—t. live.-.-dJ mem home of the latter's sister, Mrs. fore fires were lit and sizzling hot gree to which it had helped them icine Hat. These two are neice those still having books out please j ory, surviving only a matter of G. Hands. hamburgers and buns were most return them at that time. CAPITOL —Presents— further their understanding of minutes in the winter Mr. and Mrs.'Stuart Sloan and thoroughly enjoyed. Over 45 gal­ and nephew of Mrs. Janet Peers. how to work effectively with pup­ Pat Niwa returned to work af­ Eleven youngsters received By subscribing to the Memorial Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sloan and fam lons of coffee were also served. ils, teachers* and parents to im­ First Holy Communion in St. ily were recent Youngstown and Came Here In 1906 ter a brief holiday at home. Fund exactly the same sympathy THEATRE FRIDAY & SATURDAY prove their schools. Sharon McNabb had a few of Mary's Church on Sunday, name­ is expressed, and one is helping to Oyen visitors. Much could be written concern­ her friends in on heir 9th birth­ ly: Elizabeth H>ach, Kenneth beautify the cemetery, by build­ Roy Doakes ^accompanied by JULY 27 - 28 ing the early days of ranching in day on Saturday. Brausse, Frank Hicker, Rosemary ing up a memorial to the loving Mrs. J. Wilson motored to Calgary PRESENTS this section of the province and Football Club Gets Mr. and Mrs. Buker Sr., of Love, Senger, Patricia Janzer, Julianne memory of the deceased forever. last week end where they visited DOUBLE FEATURE the pioneer spirit possessed by are visitors at their Bon's home, Shubert, Bobby Hauck, of Acadia Mrs. Wilson's daughter Dinina at THIS WEEK END Shower Privileges Valley and Charlotte Wigenbach, For those donating to the fund the few who located here some 50 the Gordon Bukers. a memorial card with one's name the Baker Memorial San. or more years ago, and those George Dirk, Clara Helfrich and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Morris and FRIDAY & SATURDAY A request was received at Mon­ Jean Cherniak, who has a few Wayne Heidrick of Empress. and expressing sincere sympathy Palamino whose rugged individualism even­ day's council meeting from the days off work, accompanied by is sent to the bereaved. A perm- son Gordon left last week end for tually built this country to what it Hanna Rams football club seek­ Helen Scheurman, Joan < Shields, Communion breakfast was serv- nent record is kept of all sub- Peace River where they will make JULY 27 - 28 is today. their future home. AND ing permission to use the dressing Keith and Sharon McNabb, mot­ ed by the K.C.'s to these young- j scribers for each funeral, and a It was in July, 1906 that the rooms and showers at the Hanna ored to Kindersley, koine for den­ sters and their parents at the rest- list of names (no amounts) is pub- Mrs. Van Riper, who has been late Magnus Bjork with his wife Memorial Arena during the com­ tal work. Also there were the J. aurant i lished. visiting her son Ken and his fam and young family drove a herd of ing football season. Lucey family. A thought for the week: It takes I -j^g Youngstown Cemetery As ily, accompanied them as far as The Lone Ranger 800 cattle from Montana to the Callers on the T. Burke and Edmonton. Mrs. Bonna Holt also Big Heart present site of the Bjork ranch. Permission was granted by the 13 muscles to frown and only two | sociati0n wish to take this oppor council on condition that the club Westcott homes were Art Knight to smile. Why strain yourself? tunity to thank all those who have accompanied them that far. History records that the winter appoint a committee to be respon­ and family of Kindersley. Mrs. Neil Beaton and M-rs. P. Al­ it itit that foUowed was the most severe TO HOLD MEETING helped to make this work a suc­ & •**?•& sible for the maintenance of dis­ Mrs. Hugh Irving of Burdette is cess." mond and their sons spent a weeks that this province has ever exper­ cipline in the arena. It was point­ visiting her sister, Mrs. Tilley Mo­ The Women's Society of World holiday at Pine Lake. Mrs. Beaton MON., TUES., WED. ienced and like all ranchers who ed out that there have been com­ ser for a few days. Services of the Evangelical United and sons then went on to Smoky TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY were here at that time, Mr. Bjork plaints in the past regarding the Mrs. Niwa Sr. .has been moved Brethren Church will*hold their Mrs. R. W. Ringdahl expects to Lake to visit her sister, after lea JULY 30 - 31 - AUG. 1 ' lost most of his stock. misuse of the arena's facilities. by ambulance from Medicine Hat regular monthly meeting in the leave Friday morning for Victoria. ving the family there Mr. Beaton JULY 31 - AUGUST 1 Despite the misfortune exper­ hospital to the one in Empress. basement of the church on Thurs­ B. C. to attend the 54th wedding went on to visit friends at Hinton. ienced the first year, the family We all wish her a speedy recov­ day, August 2. at 2 p.m. All lad­ anniversary of her brother and DOUBLE FEATURE Dr. A. R. McNabb of Hamilton, ies wishing to attend are extended wife, Mr. and Mrs. George Slater. Wayne Battle is spending a decided to remain where they ery. weeks holiday in Edmonton visit Girl In The Red were. In later years the ranch was Ont., Mr. K. N. Simpson, Calgary, Gerald and Murray Martin of a hearty invitation to do so. Mr. and Mrs. Slater were married Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Edler, Miss in England and came to the Sun­ ing with his sisters Mrs. H. Sea­ operated by members of thc fam­ Duchess are visiting with their grave and Mrs. A. Keenan. ily and during the past several Grace Edler, Olds; and Mr. George grandparents the C. M. Goods. nynook district in 1910 where Rogue River Edler of Youngstown, were In ENGAGEMENT they resided until 1917 when they Mr. and Mrs. Orley Young and Velvet Swing years Magnus Bjork Jr, has had Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Good paid daughter Joyce of Red Deer, were the responsibility of looking after Hanna to attend the funeral ser­ a brief visit to Edmonton to bring left for the coast to take up resi­ vices of William T. JflcNabtj. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Asmann of dence. visitors in Delia last week end at­ AND operations. Mr. Miork Sr. passed back their children who were vis­ Hanna announce ' the engagement tending the wedding of Miss Car­ away ia 1939 and Mrs. Bjork in Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman iting their grandparents. of their younger daughter Ruth of Calgary are guests this week at Jack and Harvey Cherniak were A mystery group waging a let­ olyn Schoeppe and Keith Peters. 1042. Sunday also marked the oc­ Adele to Mr. Rudy Emil Hoffman Miss Lorraine Eberle, Calgary, THURS., FRI., SAT. casion for a happy family re-union the home of the latter's parents, business visitors to Calgary. son of Mrs. Marie Hoffman and ter-writing campaign against Am­ spent last week end at the home Slaves Of as all members were home for the Mr. and Mrs. J. Engel. We are glad to see Jerry Haahr the late Mr. Hoffman of Etonia, erican troops in West Germany, of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. AUGUST 2-3-4 back home again after his three Sask., the wedding to take place was described by Allied intellig­ Eberle. weeks in the hospital at 2:30 p.m., August 18, in Re ence as a small ring of former Na- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. I deemer Lutheran" Church"' "" **" Miss Carol Lavers who is work­ Babylon Frank Rafa on the birth of a girl. ing in Calgary spent last week end Walter Skappak and Gary Shan­ at her home in Delia. GLORY non have gone to Olds where they Mr. and Mrs. Alec Bolduc and will attend a short course. These family travelled to Eastern Can­ boys have been given this oppor­ ada via Trans Canada Air Lines tunity by the 4-H club and grain from Calgary, where they will PUBUC NOTICE clubs respectively they being last years efficiency winners. FASHIONS LATEST PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an election With the Janzer families this week end are Mr. and Mrs. Nick will be held for the purpose of voting on bylaws No. 155 Janzer of Medicine Hat and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Turner of Drum­ and 156 to authorize the council to make certain exten­ heller. JEWELLERY sions to the water and sewer systems of the Town of At the Haucks are Mr. and Mrs. Ec| Hauck and Betty and Mrs. Bill HAYING Hanna. Hauck and children of Regina. Mr. and Mrs. M. Skappak and COME IN AND SEE THE BRIGHT family motored to Saskatoon to Polling will take place on Friday, the 10th day of take in the exhibition. SUMMER COLOURS August 1956 from 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon until Visiting with her sister Mr*,. C. Hallman is Miss Winemaster. 7:00 o'clock in the afternoon at the Town Office in Mrs. H. Neilson and her mother CHARGE IT . . . There is never a charge TRACTORS Mrs. Smale are in Calgary. Hanna. An advance poll will be open in the Town Of­ Mr. and Mrs. Newell Ewing and ,,* for credit at - •**^smmimaaa*saBBmaam?*eV&r^£?*tmxzxgmmm.^massmrwssm*s'^ •' fice on Thursday, August 9th from 10:00 in the fore­ girls are vacationing with her fa­ mily at Park Valley, Sask. noon until 12:00 noon and from 2:00 in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ewing and family of Make Peace accompan­ FOUR -M.H. 44 TRACTORS - Rebuilt & Guaranteed until 6:00 o'clock in tke afternoon. ' -v ied by Mr. and Mrs. G. Thompson J. H. STEPHENS, J. 0. BLAIR Several Smaller Haying Tractors In All Sizes. Returning Officer . e*>.S* M. s. JOHN DEERE 10 ft. AlU I 38-9 Power Binder, A-l If U» |l955 Model No. 26 DISCER C7C CREDIT JEWELLER I with 20' Blades and Hydraulic wlw< M.H. HORSE MOWER £f| fj On Rubber __ „ wVi • ,« r.. 11 I_I LI n i a*m Official CNR Watch Inspector in Hanna 10 Ft. M.H Horse Rake AC FERGUSON 6 Ft. r(| • Year 0ld ~ "" Power Mower vvi SIX — 6 Ft. TILLERS with seed nr 282' GRAIN LOADER with -^C Boxes. Your Choice For I •»)• " Engine. 1955 Model I IV>

Fraidy Cat! STAR MEAT MARKET SEE US FOR A GOOD USED CAR Iff*" PUBLIC NOTICE TERMS ARRANGED KING of the beasts but he's PHONE 165 just as scared of fire as we Owing to o civic proclamation being all are. FRONTS OF BEEF, per lb. 28c THANK YOU:- To all our customers and friends who issued declaring Monday, August 6th a Fortunately, you can do something about it. First, MINCE BEEF, Fresh Ground 3 lbs. 1.00 attended our field demonstration on Monday even­ public holiday all business places in Han­ you can eliminate the fire hazards in your home . . . BEEF & PORK SAUSAGE 3 lbs. 1.00 and second, you can protect ing. We hope you enjoyed yourselves - We enjoyed na will be closed. your home value with strong insurance. having you. S^fef* *>:'•-*' Call on us. FRESH FROZEN WHOLE Retail Merchants Branch STRAWBERRIES ••v KEM CASSIDY HANNA BOARD OF TRADE \i*>**\ 15 LBS. TO THE CASE "J 0A AGENCIES CLEAN & READY TO CAN •" "3" INSURANCE — REAL ESTATE K&B • it.:0&'?% * wfx~-