--—^^^^^^^mt^mmmm *tktL, . -*<**** *• w --'VS ct^mcL EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS V**** VOLUME XXXXIII — No. 38 THE HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1956 cVa' tsV» ?* V& KINSMEN \ o£E IN ACTION III W. T. McNabb Retired Conductor rn OTEST PHON ERVICE Passes on Farm Death came suddenly to Will NEW GAS MACHINE FOR HANNA HOSPITAL iam Thomas .McNabb, widelv HON. GORDON TAYLOR PETITIONED known resident of this commun­ ity on Wednesday, July 18, while working at his farm at Youngs­ REGARDING TELEPHONE SERVICE town. Born in Seabright, Ont., Aug. 26, 1888. he was the youngest son IN TOWN OF HANNA; SEEK ACTION of Andrew and Mary (Woodrow) McNabb. In 1910 Mr. McNabb Hanna Council Unanimously Endorses came to Alberta and worked on Actions of Citizens in Petitioning the C.P.R. out of Calgary. Durip? the same year he filed on a home Minister of Telephones for Betterment stead south of Youngstown whicb i he has continued to own and op­ At Monday night's ^meeting of the council a petition was erate. In 1917 Mr. McNabb joined passed around the table signed by most of Hanna's business the C.N.R. and moved to Hanna where he worked as conductor ou" men and women, and many residents of the town, protesting | of this terminal until his retire­ the inadequacy of Hanna's telephone system, and asking the ment three years ago. minister for early consideration on the matter of installing dial For more than 45 years he was telephones. active in the organizational work Councillors showed little sur- •*• of the Brotherhood of Railway prise as Mayor I. F.-Shacker han­ Trainmen. Hanna Lodge No. 933 ded, the petition to them for com­ serving as president for several ment. Many of them had already Roy Morton signed the document and -were years, and was also a member ol therefore aware of its contents. the Order of Railway Conductors. They were generally of the opin­ His tireless efforts have greatly I ion that action on' the matter of Of Hand Hills m improved working conditions on telephone service in the town was the railway. In 1925 Mr. McNabt long overdue. was united in marriage to Lillian Drowns on Farm Grace Shaw, of Florenceville, N The petition reads as follows: B., and following a brief residence The Hon. Gordon Taylor, Went For Swim in Creek Alberta Provincial Govt., in Youngstown they have • contin­ And Failed to Return; ued to make their home in Hanna. Edmonton, Alta. Search Party Organized Dear Sir: Mr. McNabb was a member of —Hanna Herald Fiioio the Independent Order of Oddfel­ A tragic accident claimed thc We the undersigned citizens, THE RESULT of a great deal of work on the part of Hanna's Hospital Auxiliary is seen lows, Hanna Lodge No. 99, since and telephone subscribers of the life of an esteemed young man above as Mrs. Jessie Baltas presents a cheque for $1096.95 to John Corry, chairman of the hos­ 1915 and received his 40 year jew­ Town of Hanna, are agreed that Thursday evening, July 19, when pital board, representing payment for a new gas anesthetic machine for the hospital's operat­ el this year. During this time he the telephone service in our com­ Roy Morton, 28 years, was drown­ served as Noble Grand. For many munity is far from being adequate. ing room (cerifr?T. Looking on at the event arc Mrs. E. White and Dr. George Wilkins. years he was a faithful attendant This may be mainly due to the ed on his father's farm in the Hand Hills district. and supporter of the Christian fact that experienced operators and Missionary Alliance Taber­ ar apparently unobtainable. Mr. Morton, who had been wor­ nacle. Besides his wife he is sur­ To avoid further confusion and king on a tractor is believed to COMPLETELY NEW SIDEWALKS Province-Wide vived by one brother Finley Mc­ Banna Herald Photo the enormous delays in our tele­ have gone into a creek that runs Nabb of Toronto. Funeral services phone communications we would A MAJOR PROJECT of th* Kinsmen Ciub these days is into Hand Hills Lake for a swim. which were largely attended were respectfully request that early ASSURED FOR BUSINESS SECTION; the face-lifting they are giving the public library building. A When he did not return at the Conference Of held from the Church of Christ ait consideration be given to the in­ 2:30 p.m., Saturday, July 21. new roof aad-a new coot of paint add greatly to the appearance stallation of a dial telephone sys­ usual time, Cpl. R. Simmonds tem in the Town of Hanna." AA impressive sermon w-** del* of this public structure.. In the photo on the roof ase Cleve Rea, MP was notified and- -Mearcl* *19mm mm \mm REVENUE RrincipaUlnds ivered by Rev. L If. Hohm taking) tforamap) Qn<Afia*mJ*mamr ms_tiim daamss*jtf^h*m^am^ssam^Qammass 1 Mis ' uuiue Plans fo Patch Old Strips Ditched As ' TW. Principle of 'Thir-^r as bis text, "Be Thou Faithful Cn- f fer, Roy Huttdirt, Ken Enocksom and Rick Speelman. Request fcefusedT were discovered on the bank, but Area Attend Conference; UI Deathand I WIU Give Thee A' it was not until 1 a.m. that his Council Moves to Do Complete Job; By Zoning Committee 61 Schools Represented Crown tatirte," assisted by Rev. body was located close to the lake. L. Foupel Gets "Tearing-Up" Contract J. Klassen. Mrs. Anna Peterson appeared at Mr. Morton was born in Hanna, Sixty-seven school principals, During the service Mr. M. Berg­ SCHOOL Of FINE ARTS STUDENTS | Monday's council meeting seeking the son. of King Morton, and Jjie Firing the debate on the sidewalk question Monday night representing 61 Alberta school man rendered a favorite hymn of permission to make improvements late Mrs. Morton, a widely known was Councillor P. Kennedy, who thoroughly explained the mat­ systems, are on their way home deceased, "Life's Railway to Hea­ on a house which she had moved family of this district. ter as chairman of the public works committee. It did not take after meeting for three weeks at ven," and a duet "Beyond The PARTICIPATE IM FORUM CONCERT onto a lot without the consent or He received his high school ed­ the council long, from figures submitted, to agree that new Concordia College in Edmonton, Sunset" was sung by Rev. Klassen authority of the town zoning com­ ucation in Hanna and during his sidewalks for the business, section were in the long run econ­ to study problems concerned with j and Frank Buhler accompanied the administration and supervis- by Verne Traub. mittee. On the zoning committe's residence here was keenly inter­ omical and far more practical than trying to patch the present recommendation Mrs. Peterson ested and active in young people's ion of education. SATURDAY EVENING; ELITE MENU | crumbled remains. Graveside rites at the Hanna was refused permission to let the organizations. He was the first The meeting was arranged by Cemetery under the direction of Charles Stegeman, Talented Artist And house remain where it now sits, president of Hanna Teen Town, Under the old plans, gutters on-**— the University of Alberta in co­ Percy Houghton, were conducted owing to the value of surrounding and was highly regarded by every­ ly were to be replaced with the operation with the Alberta School by the IOOF with Arthur Evans D. D. CampbeU, Director, Will Lecture property and lots. She was inform­ one. hard surfacing of the main street, Mrs. C. N. Tingle Trustees' Association, the Alberta and a repair job with hot mix was Noble Grand rendering the charge ed that if remodelling, acceptable Surviving are his wife the for­ Passes at Coast School Inspectors' Association, tbe and J. Paterson as chaplain. At Community Forum In Hanna Tonight • to the zoning committee was un­ contemplated for the old walks. Department of Education, and the mer Irene Karg, one small daugh­ Honorary pallbearers included: To better acquaint the. public attending the Community dertaken, she couM go ahead with It was pointed out by Councillor Word has been received by the Faculty of Education, with initial ter Debra Dean, his father Kins S. Hoover, H. Schultz, R. Bond, C. Forum this week, with the artists and lecturers, the iferold has consent of the committee. Morton, three brothers, Arthur, Kennedy that in the final tally, Herald of the passing of Mrs. financial assistance from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation received Sibley. R. B. Stock, and E. Free­ obtained biographies of the students from the Banff School of Winnipeg; Lawrence, Delia; and (here would be little difference Beryl Broughton Tingle, wife of man. Active pallbearers were Per­ between building new gutters and through the Canadian Education •Fine Arts who will be taking part in the concert Saturday even­ Board of Trade Charles, Calgary; three sisters C. N. Tingle, whose death occur­ cy Houghton, George Gwinn, F. Mrs. .Lorne McDonald, Craigmyle; doing a repair iob. and build­ Association. In addition to the Al­ ing A brief biography of the artist lecturing on tonight's pro­ red at White Rock. B.C., July 16, berta principals ,the course mem­ Applegate, P. Batter, M. R. Lough Asks for Platforms Mrs. Don McNaughton, Rumsey: ing new walks and gutters at the and T. Reekie. Whyte's Funeral gram is also included as follows: A letter from the Hanna Board and Mrs. Mike Marshall, Delia. He same time. It was estimated that at the age of 76 years.
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