Duke Energy Application for FDF Variance
139 E. Fourth Street, EM740 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 April 27, 2016 VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Mr. Robert Kaplan, Acting Regional Administrator Region 5 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 77 W. Jackson Blvd. Chicago, IL 60604 Ms. Carol S. Comer, Commissioner Indiana Department of Environmental Management Indiana Government Center North, 13th Floor 100 N. Senate Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46204 RE: Fundamentalty Different Factors Variance Application for Duke Energy Indiana, LLC - EdWardsport IGCC Station (NPDES Permit IN0002780) Dear Mr. Kaplan and Ms. Comer. Enclosed, please find an application by Duke Energy Indiana, LLC for a fundamentally different factors variance from recently adopted revisions to the Steam Electric EHluenl Limitation Guidelines that are applicable to gasification wastewater generated at the Edwardsport IGCC Station. This Application is being submitted pursuant to the authority granted by Section 301 (n) of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. § 1311 {n). Please contact me (513-287-2268 or pat.coyte@duke-energy.com) if you have any questions about the enclosed materials. Sincerely, p~~t~ Duke Energy - Environmental Services Enclosure (:li,ek 011t: Apc!26'",,0I~ •...,.,.,....,,bm 0000- HHl*l o , I\lt. Ut INDIAl'IA Cftrck~•m~n •=UICA1l l•~lc:• N• Mrr lnvel« O.reo Vo~•rfD c,1uA•o11n1 DbcCMtnlS T•l:c tt Latt0.11tt PalcJAnH1uu M?-2011 A~r1Wl016 101!6677 lllOO 000 0.00 50.00 fEl:fOR f,O~ VARIAN('£AP1'llC'IITl0H ©@fP'W 'tool TeuJ Ttttl Toto! Clittk N•<ttblN 0•1< Crf.lnAIMWftf 0tft&41•U L.ate- Chara.n P1WAmo•ot IIIOOl~IOC'I o\p,-12&2016 $30.00 so-oo $0.00 s,P.oo ~~DUKE ~ -ENERGY.
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