Sanibel Siudents 48
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^ ~JJ\ The write stuff Visitors information 26C Seven sma'? Sanibel siudents 48 Vol 2-4, No 14 Three iectsros, 81 pages Tuesday, Aoril 2, 198' 25 cent, Town meeting draw* 200 ressdetiis to discuss three tslmd issues Uy farbarJi KruQiIas* Councumafl Minx KJein pianaing More than 2W hland residents fitjod ('omnnjiiion Chairman heunari !he .Sanibei Cumin unify Association Loieitson ait<* wmmivEtooer^ H<- > i uiidlturiuii tost Ucdni?«,dav iij,.ht for ths !owr> mwting iijvjnwircd by the continued page iiA Ct>T'»iiU>e at tht* M inds V£ i/n Iht agenda (or di ^ ueiii' n wert [ Mayor echo«s • Piopo^t-dchinb^lr ttieftateof Croutfi including, exemp complaints that tion of ingle family hones from the process after Jan; 1, 1!W j sown meeting was • Ways nntl means lo put the brakes on, ciwrimercial developinent ! "'pure along Periwinkle Way; and v 0j (!j •A proposed Intensity of Use or Was las' W«ctne«iLti' dinauce tfmt COT! believes is needed ts»'ing 0"?a ized b> C lo "achieve limitations on occupancy of thal°lands conriycipst t.t in a given number pf. dwelling units. the J fOTI Chainnan ^Ubcrt Burstej cs jn t«}ual opportunity to snjd lh<? boordi-fYjicd mutnbora of the City Cowwtt itrtin^Wnding Commis j ^f^\^r Fred VJJJJK cJwirtjeif JJU bimi to the mpctlr/j; b^^iL e ihtn ji lhc (T5ponhit»!fy*ti7* ftctiun in tr*t«-p flty otj»<rr' in thi cnicial areas cail-ij t!>> Twi m j Seated at tlift speaker's podium ! da for thf tCTl po'at of along willi C0T1 tro;:rd members were Mayor Fred .Vfjftin'and counciJmen I continued pasje Bill HaKerupat"! Lmiise Johnson Citizens vote to keep Bay Drive Bridge By 'Barbara /thindaj;' primary election at no cast to tin. The city still owns the narrow ti\pi\i.r<. wooden Bay Drive Bridge A .spokesmuii: at Hie Lee Omni hi « *.pcciai (.lection M nch 25 Elcctiqjis Office said Friday the cU\ :Sar.ibGl •residents voted against Hit had npt yet been billed for the latest city's giving the bridge to Theodore rclerenflum,, but shv estimated th' Cross, wlio owns the bayfronl properl\ cost would be About Si,GOO. the span serves; Cit\ vthc iL-- •witilcd in turn lln S78. voters <iai.5 percent'of !*R briiJgc.'ovt'r to '.private- iiilerc-EU* in regiiitered voters; went to the polls order to avoid rcplat. «g MIL and cast 542\votes against,the give <)cler^)r. iirif1 wooden bndfic wi'h a away and A25 in favor of it contrelt *-pan buili lo ^wte stmvLinb The margin of victory Ibis time w'a — ahpinth^tHilIcu latieist«2 B7 74 voles more .than in September t!HJ2, Tli^t Jow bid to cot struct the bnag • when an ordinance to vacate (P'thi. has expired and City ^(il^a^ler G irv bridge and a portion of Hay Drive to Price1 plna to at,k the a! it. private ownership was defeated by a •meeting- today for'authority to teor53!)lo49G. readvei'lise. The 1882 referendum was conducted in conjunction \*i h the first statp continued oagp 27A Refuge controlled burns put on hold II, above, defeated Jimmy Connor* 011 Scotl Mnrfcll and Ihc slate h'"> American I-egion on vn namesake courl Sunday for Iltt The possibility of > boeome mom hesitant Sanibfl-C'aptiva Roi JSfl.MH) j;ran<l prize in the Paine Webber Classic ! controlltni burn at the dbout giving ixTtnits of Mondiiyafli J N DinR Darlini; (for controilod bums) i the still Sunlltel Harbour Resort. National Wildlife noo A near-capacity croud or more tliun 5.500 turned Refuse officials had allow iriRpcr Refuge became a liltk planned tp'ttt'l.:t%vo such mils for iirts onTu""' out tosec Lcndl soundly beat Connors, who was Jlir .bit more "iffy"' Mondaj burns on Sanibei ta±iv lourna merit's top sml. In two sets, tt-3, C2, djj But ONcn ^id aflernoo!) one on nine acres of refucerffiviils l)ort For mnrc covcrapf of the* tournament that In refuse land iri the anguratetl Sanibel Harbour Itraort see page iti 'Conditions just Mill not roiMdt r hJirn aren't right yet," said Bai tv Tract ofl Ijrjmn in(, unlil Wrdntiiln or I'liuto by Mark Johnson refuge staffer Chris Bay Head and another 1 •Olspn. "There were d on 2f>acres near the Th. rir Jot of fires on'the mainland this weekend continued i 2"A 7.'» " • v. i T . COMMENTARY Cii 'eat* crow' over March 19 article Dormer clafif*es her s?aoc2 ilt on Day Drive Bridge 'rcm L. (l \ ^^a[^^1 n J of ,£•.'^01 ^ irjlcn1 l«r ^ 1 1 It IS Jlfl CUll to", a! c:i< w ~ C piH-i iti\ re* 1 liUe round ns th* un M t bLCh ;& 't mosiiv lit l! < t iiur J \3 ni .; f da I Of %)\a uiI1IU-, I •sh cf hytlrogtst and helium, cscapeil in S|uec. The heavier Tin Js'iiKltr here material condensed inla isoiids, mwtly iron. ar<t goc- [ ha »|yi,n cuntfraua'al' U VMMI turn's for hi'[ any-* a". 3.ilici>n compounds, probably EinsU —- like oast. tnt,'cr s«i\o thebno^c A«iijli% 1 vo cdtovaLatc lo Lt^e V, itlicj* Light <TLe titentirr M{irch 1 . It is'thought there Lo 'm n I»l «f interstellar dust il and would Art touch UA &m Our Short i uiimnit your part to ensure" F$0rifd<& fuiu?$ l'jj.1' tthich ['edit wi*ti J (J*¥p sea ecosystem (rut there even now. The earth's internal heat. th< n itt with a 10 foot ptla pyvienjd by P5flnel Earth's internal heat, I said, **! did not original iff wi til tlit*suii aal slateti, but. accor- liiprunt't'icjtcb b ttlit jrt the =jni(. people Mayor responds . dijn't knew how isctenitets can say tltc earth's inter- dins to the txisSo^tant theory tciiay, derives from who as Sambcl Taxpt. *r!.As t-Ution iitixe! "P- by urging state puirdiAse of seiisiflv*, nal heat is divorced from the sun's h«it) because, radioactivity resulting from the decay of uranium T piii.ctl Sdmhei s intorprrationard land ii'cphnand to suggestion for $20 road tax af ter al^Uur earth originated as [Kirt of ihcsun *ctc. and similar radioactive elements contirue t liarrdc-sturcll clfidaN O\cr U* p i^t few ours IToriytana bsve I r Jsfci Of" rssvr, Well, it seems I fc!ew it Puriher &iudy rwxls my Crow pie tables belter after having said UiaL And I w i\ i' conviiuni I in Mli now I ail (juotcda for non-residents theory v^as losse^ out about 1088. Present t I Iftarr-td wjmething, loo, iff sypIHirtediheir^iews On Ui* can\i^ry I»J op- in fx>puiaVKtL< aiiii Sieactt }&•*! dev c p Utes tiw earth find the other p j Ceorr.cCHtnpbell A copy or ihe following teller to William Consund- could destroy the slain we've all e#w pelled b' what! coniidwd a dercitf JI canp ugn of m from Sanibel Mayor Fred Valtin was given to The sun by a long, though not definite; lime. Sll We Uiinit orw ot Uie vw) bw>t wavs la pro- Tt'p plinpts arose from the condensation at continued page 20A j Mander for publication tect Florida I* Jhruufih the ptJAe ai^j'iJwUca ot t Dear IV r Ovnilandnf BKimiUi land as possible -•n.jUiUieefnyihaswt '* we tifsiofc 4wtW be Re: $20 Road Tax for Non-Ke3icfent<i <Commen- on Iho&e *upej^ens>tjv« «w%» that nrf w easi- (ary, March 2tt, J98S) ly destroyed by jgrowth and that are &0 criUi_flI If ^our proposal lo r™tnc' day trippers on Sar.itM.1 to Honda & quality of Me, wiH be ae*elope4 Xbtil fcouJd be a sfiame, as <u discussed by the Cil>' Council at its March li Thnst privalfh/-owncrf tracts totaling more the change tit the land end huhltst would effect meeting and rejected by the council, largely on the thanS,C60Brre3 0i*i»'KU.-uni.t n airgro\«*, some ua all and would continue our state's *Mdf T Provincial advice cf ihn City Attorney, transitional titlal^^aiiaVsen&s fro^n *s piursidtasfi lolct ?&& xsKid&iln3itiQ i~ The city staff was asked Jact year lo develop an from Sanibel and behind Esivry Island The land Is Ore final pqrt of a state- exhaustive list of actions the city might take to dramatical! fit into that kind of oiiper conErolfed outl ne Of nor ana's squall* American &European discourage day-trippers.-That lisl was presented to sensitive land. preserves And domtrLDteJ by taangrov* council, and some of the options which were both Three laca] leKSslaicis:-;-..SUjntrtors FTBilk sw.ujips and £ranwt*c«ul tidal arc&s, the three practical and lawful liavc bti»n implemented. None Mann and Fred Dudley, and Rep, Kerth Arnold tracU ghe Use Countlang bolh our recrwi- Handcrafts of three seems likely lo be very effective, however — are pushing hard Inr tiw State lo purchase tionaJ and economical Itearts At (he top of the staff's list was Uit; option that i; this land through Its Conservation and JReerea-" Among the rraitj itrporliint n-asJns. to Mrtf probably the most obvious to everyone concerned, 'tfonal Lands program. this Jcind of land are the following wtens-'ing di.-trge each non-resident u fee or tax as l!iey come From a list of K pk»ces of property the state points culled from an article on co;i Ul off Hie Causeway.