Copyrighted Material
Index accumulated oxygen deficit (AOD), 50 physiological aspects, of decline of sprint exercise, 119 adenosine diphosphate (ADP), 57 training aspects, in master athletes, 119–120 adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 49, 119 canoe polo, 124–126 aerobic and anaerobic energy contributions, 51 canoe sailing, 5, 131–132 aerobic power, 73 dragon boat, 128 American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), 41 freestyle canoeing, 124 anaerobic threshold, 74 high‐performance sport, elements of, 62–63 anterior femoral head‐neck junction, 103 history, 1 anterior shoulder dislocation, 102 marathon, 123–124 anti‐doping, 96 medical problems aromatherapy, 85 anti‐doping, 96 cardiac disease, 92 bike riding, 73 endocrine disease, 92–93 biofeedback training, 69 environmental factors, 91–92 biomechanical performances of paddles, 76 for female paddlers, 95 boat movement and causes, 21 neurological diseases, 92 body‐weight‐only exercises, 120 preparticipation screening, 95–96 British Canoe Union, 106 respiratory diseases, 93 British Royal Canoe Club, 132 SD (sudden death), 92 sympathetic nervous activity and adaptation, 94–95 Canadian Canoe Association, 6 ocean racing, 128–132 Canadian Olympic Committee, 6 Olympic sport, 6–11 canoe(ing) open‐air sport, 97 athletes, exercise performance orthopaedic injuries decline in performance, with age, 117 ankle and foot, 104 endurance vs. sprinting performanceCOPYRIGHTED decline, clinical MATERIAL biomechanics, 98–100 117–118 general characteristics, 97–98 lifestyle aspects of decline, in endurance, 120 knee, 104 medical risks, 120–121 pelvis, 103–104 physiological aspects, of decline in endurance prevention and therapy, 104–105 exercise, 118–119 trunk muscles, 101 Canoeing, First Edition. Edited by Don McKenzie and Bo Berglund. © 2019 International Olympic Committee.
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