Science Including Humans

Science | Year 3 | Animals Including Humans | Types of | Lesson 2

Aim • I can sort animals based on their skeletons.

Success Criteria • I can name the three different types of skeletons. • I can explain the pros and cons of different types of skeletons.

What do you associate with the word skeleton? and

The difference between vertebrates and invertebrates is simple!

Vertebrates have a backbone (spine)… …and invertebrates don’t

Backbone (spine)

Now let’s see if you can categorise animals as vertebrates or invertebrates. Vertebrate or Invertebrate Quiz! Dog

Vertebrate or Invertebrate Dog

VertebrateVertebrate or InvertebrateInvertebrate Worm

Vertebrate or Invertebrate Worm

VertebrateVertebrate or InvertebrateInvertebrate Dinosaur

Vertebrate or Invertebrate Dinosaur

VertebrateVertebrate or InvertebrateInvertebrate Human

Vertebrate or Invertebrate Human

VertebrateVertebrate or InvertebrateInvertebrate Fish

Vertebrate or Invertebrate Fish

VertebrateVertebrate or InvertebrateInvertebrate Jellyfish

Vertebrate or Invertebrate Jellyfish

VertebrateVertebrate or InvertebrateInvertebrate Butterfly

Vertebrate or Invertebrate Butterfly

VertebrateVertebrate or InvertebrateInvertebrate Types of Skeletons

A further classification of skeletons comes from if an has a skeleton and where it is.

All vertebrates have an . However invertebrates can be divided again between those with an and those with a hydrostatic skeleton. vertebrate invertebrate endoskeleton exoskeleton hydrostatic skeleton

What do you think the words endoskeleton, exoskeleton and hydrostatic skeleton mean?

Animals with Endoskeletons are endoskeletons have lighter than skeletons on the inside . of their bodies.

As the animal grows so does their skeleton. Exoskeletons

Watch the video Animals with clip to see how they exoskeletons have shed their skeletons their skeletons on (See the plan for the the outside! website).

Exoskeletons do not grow with the animal. Therefore the animal has to shed its skeleton and produce a new one! Hydrostatic Skeletons

Animals with All animals with hydro- hydrostatic skeletons static skeletons are don’t actually have invertebrates. any !

Instead these animals have a fluid-filled compartment in their body called a coelom. Skeleton Types

endoskeleton exoskeleton hydrostatic skeleton

Can you think of an example of an animal with an exoskeleton, endoskeleton or hydrostatic skeleton? Sorting Skeleton Types Pros and Cons of Different Skeleton Types

Type of Skeleton Pro Con



Hydrostatic Skeleton

Grows with the body Does not grow with Cannot lift objects More protection for the body Muscles are less the body Body is more flexible flexible Aim • I can sort animals based on their skeletons.

Success Criteria • I can name the three different types of skeletons. • I can explain the pros and cons of different types of skeletons.