- - WAILS. . 1;:K:w:-;- :.:; ; rr, i .X . r ' ' A - ! f- - From San Francisco: ! 'A A-A- A- - - 0 f V. .. . Wllhclmlna. Jan. ' 5 1 J I ' tl-II- l (1 For San FrancSaco: II II AAA Blerra Jan. 16., C o o From Vancouver: ; 4 Makura, 27. : Jan. Vi , vj w For Vancouver: i .l Indefinite.

Tlntlptfn. KlL 1SS2. No. 063 20 PAGES-HONOLU- LU, TERRITOBY OP HAWAII,'. SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 191520 PAGES PRICE FIVE CE:T3 t i ia . i mil in ii.i : . BMMSyiQ apESM; :SiMMTB M;HISE?S .. Z


A nil " 41 -- 'st.t , it v r:f LI mm i Chi

Russian General Staffs Sends Uncle Sam's Big Fighters V,.i " North-- A Be Sent on flotal:!: Pre-'- Vast Force Through : . ose. Mimrrcr.. ? JjQMdtU :;5-- MiyJ . in Cruise, Acccrcprsyirn C"-- ern Poland to Operate THE t;EW S:?BVI505 NOW Army In- - Aretary of Navy cn lii: !. Conjunction With r-- - W OmCE ; fcCUt PUTS W7L S0LD1KS IN HAWAII spection Trip to Hav;a:i , vading East Prussia - - .. , -- vl, ,., I J ; r "MOVEMENT THREAfENS F1 MAY STAY BUTFOUR JIIIJP WHEAT DAYS ; TO ENVELOP GERMANS Beams ridcac c iiiEAnracE OR FIVE III" : Slashing Teuton Attack on the I Ttrneof'CabinetOff:::::- -' French Line at soissons Mas A FLOUR TG Members of HcueearJ A 1 ate Naval Affairs Ccmmitt: j V Spent Fury, Says . London .IV' " v "Wireless.) Acmit-Gcr-'- : (Associated Press service by Federal A is Limited Drydcck to A Tcdy French Commissioner-Gener- al of Tm- - Jan.46.-r-Th- e CILL AS PASSED ns , EOLIE, Italy; best cstirnatci xoy5availabU"of the rr.-- Rcoccupicd Sev- oe Gone Over Carefully : Have AID ; migration Americani-'- x mm earthquake disaster give the niiribcx cf dcac as 23,000 and the in- Says Previously Development Flannel ere! Trenches ' ' zatiori of Islands Demands jured as !0,0OOA;V A. : Lc:t Cut Say Allies Have VA A.' We!! ' President Directs the Attorney-Genera- l mor- k Prompt Action President Has This as as By C. S. AL0E1T. V7here the" shocks were severe, ,tha percentage of ' ' - the . nest . . .. . l' ....', tar-DulIe- J Wen Artillery Advantages t r "Literacy Test" as Rea tSpctal Corrsponcrc to See if Law Has catas-- f -- : tality has been even greater than resulted frcm the Hessini Associated Press by Fed. Wlreleat-- i J-- AJACmiTGTOIT, D. r.. v . sons fcr veto : (Associated Press by Fed. Wireless. Been Violated A.? : . D. 16. - : T7ACmiTGT0ITt C, Jan. A trOpne. .;: . .. C : .V Or.3 Vis'- A.! : 16. ru 'v 'rr divi::en cf . Hus:ia, Jan. --T-hat American-iratio- rr.T7Car.AD, CoL George Dana, the Anerjcan military attache, who has made iba "thercush n 'cf .a milli- Aasociated Press by Fed. Wireless. A A By C. S. ALBERT. e:t will bo.d:tiiI:l to r: A r r.v Eu::iin tnsy cf Hawaii , demands D. 16 ; Star-Bullet- WASHINGTON, Jan. The ft special trip to the AveianVdiebic Special la CorresponflenceJ C:cretary cf ths- .tho-'Itoia- n C VT7 - on men, hurled Attorney-Gener- al lj President hat directed Only stablc3 remain prompt action', is the declaration .WASHINGTON, D, C, Jan. 3. vizii c!d to Gregory to invettigate the question 'Every house in Avcrrano is down. three iels wh:n bxil::: th Czzzrzl rtafT into' tlis in a report cf the commirsjoner must the fate whether there has been any violations unurcnes, aweumgs-- , President Wilson decide Ilcnclulu, early in 'April, c:: a rr.v crcrjrivs t!:3 Gcr-- intact. t v paiaccs uo raweu; w( m drivo tt -- general of immigration, Anthony He preferred ' of the law in the phenomenal rite in streets are filled with debris seven feet "deep A A -- .; :; of the immigration bill. irj to pre: cut plans. Ilr. C : j civ;::!:: thresh an4 flour. . ' which j b e spared' him, -- h the pricet of wheat '' Caminetti, has ine :n that this cup should.be th:3 ; ''Floods, famine and intense cold add.tqitheJuffer1iiff."tVV;rv feds certain arra! Tc!;r.J tier ths rijbt -v-- AH-: : leaders" rcrtl::m j inace puDuc. X'l-:- ' but the Senate determined will carried into cA - V SCHUMANN-HEIN- K BETTER V ! possible - Is A' cf tho lr.vcr- Viztula. . V, Itelief , measures are beir: taken with all speed ..but Caminctti says otherwise. They found it Impossible ' ti that the "Amer cf 1 . ; is of Hh nzzzi that 70 It b in exjunction "Wireless. communications were so shatttred by the she ek that it, difficult to icankatibn of Hawaii will never to stem the tide In favor enactlps cclir by Fed. A - A CAssocJated Press to. - 4 w . wi'.h th3 inv: dinz East SAN DIEGO, Jan. 16. Mme. handle the ' problem' of food and "hospital arrangements be acccmjlished under a new law governing the admlss! "'ci cm7 Cal, the prc3 r-io- Utsracy as t!.: ::rvi:3 xr21 lij .tLj . threat-- Cchuman-Heln- k Is recoverina from aliens, , with the; test a rr:::a. ncvc:nt ent incomplete . and 5 haphazard v;', c...-::- at her.a":ek cf bronchlai pneumonia but nerstone. ; to : t!:: C:nn::s methods; Conditions . should be the crc- -t prima donna will not be ablo The final vote In. the senate on a . Ths cpinicn cf year. ' FIliSIESlDiiS? such-a- s to ting for a made to inyiteths properiraoUca Lto.e:iainata,the ciitlcnstli 1 .r i -. 1. . - t j uneri-can',rainlan- literacy test received but votes. O kinI ci L.rwrcrsTrcm ti.3 d, iz ii. A PTJA Thl3 indicated with consideratla f.j and' laws should be that the senate will be in a mood to .LtiA TELL LITTLE enacted to enable them to remain. pass the. immigration bill - over the ' will go for to C ; . . wkiiLii'I' i,A presidential veto, when it I3 returoed arl Anything less would; bo unfair to o without Mr.. Wilson's approval. -- More vclu in tino cf a::uil .. - A'-- ; l.. Hawaii" than 20 senators might be opposed to Eo tV-:.- :i tho will A wip- vcj:: i the obnoxious provision without C - WM.wkJr J-i- -- j:-- t - a,.l SEillBilEiii two-third- to cZiznz l; IliLui ing out the necessary s for b:n:It zl C- !x u't m re -I7 miner euc:c::cs. enacting the legislation despite the ho cf t.2 J cd-"n::- CI JAfilTY TO r " :n GET r Ilj T( .cccr...j to t.3 president's veto. ' net yct-b- n rr..iv. 2 i.er Largs Hawaiian Flag arid Na Col. Cheathafnis Recommends ; It -- Is -- regarded as certain"that the cfli-ci- il L-i- r::.o I7 ti.3 Trench GlIJSVSIEET president will return the Immigration Choir Fuj .t cf t3 . . t!-- Gcrnmrjj havo tive Primers Make Up initial i It, After Getting Bids From - Lull 2 yAAA bill to the house with his disapproval. naval - A' r - Honolulu , c rcc: I r.vcrd- trenches pre-vicu:l- 7 Shipment From ; lOHlTiiUlUrS BEfli'EST He has made it known repeatedly that haj prcn:::i to mal:3 t!:3 tzzr i5 he wlil not endorse the literacy test r.--2.cn- ila: end small John Guild's Big Buick Stolen l::t shipment of Hawaiian ex , army can do some and It is now , incorporated in the ' The first A belief that the - Cnins in tl.3 Arenno rcjicn. Last Evening Near hibits to be installed at the Panama- - construction work on Oahu for con- measure as passed by the senate. In a T V" 4 ' - 1 con- president will an- Pacific exposition was today forward siderably less money, than local addition,' the have A W fc Trench t::ert thnt their , Theater : WIDOW AiW iM W.4vJ f Mii ed to the mainland In the Oceanic tractors ask for the same jotv-i- s Indi- HUM other potent reason for refusing ap- to eral th3 z 7 vcn liner Sierra. It Included a huge Ha- - cated by action taken in connection proval. The Lodge amendment, made ncn:b:r3 cf s;mt3 daringly the cf : C-rc- - Operating la heart r.::.r nc7, ccm- waiian flag 40 feet long, literature de- with bids 'on the officers', quarters at a feature of the bill in the senate, hensa naval zSlzln czz.... the city during the early hours of last open- permitting an ' r:'.::rj th2 Ccrmnns to cve.cnit 0 scriptive ot the. islands and several Fort Kamehameha, which were That the executors of the estate of exception to be made in will maks ths trip wh:n ths ' evening thievesof whose Identity the thousand copies of the "Hawaii" prim- - ed lasr week. .After the the late William G. Irwin will make the case of aliens coming here from police' yet have no definite clue, stola err A job very carefully, Lieut-col-. B., Frank every effort to carry out the wishes Belgium, is pronounced by all leading Vvmavw ' A w s a - department quartermaster, multimillionaire sugar king so authorities to be a direct and flat vio- ter nndcr the big seven-passeng- Bulck auto b Later steamers will carry shipments Cheatham, of the advi::;i.t. It i: has decided to recommend , to the war that Associated Charities of.Hono- - lation of the "favored nation clause" eelg!:,::3 give germans' longing to John Guild of Alexander & of plants, palms and other decorative Ihe pected quits a fjcedly c:r; to bev used in the Hawaiian er liberal-addition- were made to the: lulu, erroneously mentioned in hla will In all existing treaties. This dlscov material 1 ; Baldwin, llls's Dorothy Guild had ,. ' Harbor, ery will cause , Senator Stone will dstennino t6 in7;:t! :.; "csle;:t tceatment" building.--- ; ;;. cers quarters at the Pearl as the United Charities of Honolulu, and the post by the 'may many, other friends of president naval need Hawaii driven the car downtown with a party While the Sierra did not carry a artillery be undertaken yet receive the bequest of $25,000, the 'cf. ai friends to attend a performance ct quartermaster corps. ::' - 1 1s the information which has reached to urge a veto. It will enable him to & red y;ireless. of large list of passengers, the hold was - nand aad bo in b.tvr p.. shift the burden . the Bijou theater, and while they were well-fille- Kamehameha Honolulu from San : and make it rest inm, Jan. 16. d with a miscellaneous cargo. The kw' bid 0 the Francisca to lejislat8 wisely h:r:i:4.:r. in the the car was taken from put In by . Honolulu more on treaty violations than on the tL-I:':- :-! theater agency & work was the Mr. Irwin in his will bequeathed -- cf era giving tha Through the of Brewer k- All the row of autos standing on Pauati C Planing Mill, and;while the figure for $30,000 literacy test AhitlVE AEOuT APr.IL C. ' Company, the vessel was supplied to charitable institutions, " ' ; ;vWhat action the house will on -- Crrmcn th3 street ).. with 1400 tons of island products In- the barracks was within the estimates, o00 being designated for the United take .The approximate dats cf Z M immediately a message vetoing the Immigration Lven th3 cLildrcn Mr. Guild reported the cluding 14,211 i sacks of sugar, 3251 that for the quarters ran iar above the Charities of San Francisco and the bill Is problematical. ; a tary'Damelj d:pirtur3 fr:ra . robbery to the police, but a rigorous bunches of bananas, 1672 sacks of cof- sum set ;by the army men. There I remainder to the "United Charities of There is 4. tP their 'fe.::; frcm th3 Gcr-- by chance that sufficient strength can be Franciaco 1 search has been as yet unrewarded fee. 123 cases . of fresh pines, 1097 a difference of over $2,000 for each set Honolulu. According to the execut-o- f fcr Hcnclala t:z - developed to prevent passage over the discovery cul- company quarters evettaft- resi-Honolu- ltt of either the car or the cases of preserved pines, 60 bales of officers' Prs taIa amount may go into the errcnaonsly stated. II 3 t. Ill 1. . Planing MI1L ih qaar, veto. , prits. rhe police were notified that a 27 of taro, 540 bales of and :duum an(J Mrs 1 sisal. sacks ot tae estate reTert to U here , cn 'Kirch 5, th 3 : : -- house car was at the bottop of Kipapa igulcli. quantity sun- original esUmates. The . contract for the should refuse to enact 7 hides and skins and a of In this case, It is stated, Mrs. the legislation In opposition to ' towed city .' i-' '.' barracks will be awarded to the the Ccnree3 adjurr3, t; but when the car was to the dries. ;;' : , the wI1, dIstribute It to tbe chariUes .r. Aj : Inrtn president be? an HonoluluPlabigMillr 1' s wishes it will reverse the it was found to Overland. ' The Royal' Hawaiian band gave a andthequaivj nusDand voyas by V f her Intended it should - water tLi:;:a GEH-'A- fa 1487. will built by the quartermaster ...... situation that prevailed when- Mr. FUuY CF DHIVE Mr. Guild's car Number He concert, before the ship's, departure. ters be go Panama z'JLz : Taft vetoed the same bilL The house canal, rea himself has absolutely no clue as to Less than a score of cabin passen- corps. r s i v 1;: seems spent - A A, In a recent Interview Attorney W. then passed it over hla veto, while Zj. IZ ais;:e the thieves. The police today got In gers departed in the vessel. . A num- This Francisco cn llarch - of San Francisco had the the senate refused Nto- - follow that touch with every part of the island, ber of Portuguese and Spanish plan- ed - tire3 cn devctinj a we el: to r 3 4 tte;tOTtri Bay regarding the dispo- course. Ass dc Lie 3 Trc-- Ly Fed. Wireless. but at an early Chour this afternoon laborers were in the steerage. Kamehameha pipe line, and , ..j tation T r- - tefrFort! " money: ing: tho sijhta cf ths X. W v i( no report pump . - Par WUU. lUi"" bad been received from pe the reservoir and house thatj ; v , ' sons who had seen the car, driven complete ine water system vl i - - FIGHT FOR LIGHTHOUSE Pacilc Espceiticn. . This .w: Th3 fur7 cf th3::eend tnttls cf will asking7 for a ruling to today. Bids were opened PtWon 'as "his- - Lainlght the officers were the latter post' a' TENDER MAY YET HAVE raako departaro frcm . on the did not see the car. day few days ago,v the Lord-Youn- g Engi- jnat snau oe aone wun tne legacies, ;ir alertbut - cr-:- cfTen-iT- 3 im;oi;! being low on pipe line, j They will either be given to organiza- AFFIRMATIVE lifter in a yielent neering Co: the - RESULTS j -- ' while JDhn F Bowler had low Did lor 1 ions wai can quaiuy as coming wun It the pnrpcco'cf Ceer. mevement in vicinity NEW ARTILLERYMEN - T h ths cf " In Intentions . of the- testator, the reservoir and pump house. the or That the withdrawal of the li?ht-- Danisli to fcmit hij-ita- Ceieecnn, cro row mnhinj. no ef- QUARANTINED; CAUSE' they will lapse and pass into the resl-- la I.iEETii 'li SET DY honse tender Khkui may bring an-- waii. go , . 1 pats tho forts to prces tho man Kmil A. Berndt said today that aura ana wus 10 Mrs. lrwin. r oiner ana quite adequate vessel to 1 lie tdvastC3 , : IS PESKY MEASLES the A dur- - islands Is Wash-q- wen. - , If the .income of the committee f fWe anticipate that the Associated the latest news from day3," which h? CZl .1915 on tne same oasis asv m Ington. Secretary Redfleld de- 9lJ , Company, ing is chanties or similar organizations will of the shcnld mean aItc. The Coast Artillery $30,000, There' prob--r partment fear cr Corps, which arrived here on 1914, It will be ask the court to recognlie their claims of ' commerce is having a CITS" FOH LDIERS -- the ably will be-- but one address during lor the bequest vessel outfitted In San Francisco, the dcea net thinli it will 13 pe:.. . trans port,' Sherman last Wednesday, is meeting, or a. r. rayior, as- Columbine, but this is to, getting a very Ha- the that Mrs. Irwin has declared her inten- a small craft expand this brief peried.aal NOT FAVOHED BY WAR, restricted idea of sistant secretary of the committee. Later it is planned to construct a waii just, at present, owing to the fact pro-- tion of making, distributiott of the pv a we:!: to tlio Territrrj. IN He has been . invited to talk on money powerful tender, after which the Ku-k- ui CHIEFS WASHINGTON company was quaran- Matters pertaining to the work of n - to charitable organizations in that the' ntlre m.iah wtmm nn t nmiiiissriii miiii may return to local waters. . - zzz pz:a?.l moment reached the Promotion Committee will be the the court rules that the money to tined the it Fort express views omUe work rhich r i 1 r - ' . order of business at a meeting of the his revert to -- on i account of several the-Honol- organization has her. She. beUeves. in r.!.', Aprivate letter froa a public offi- Wednes- - s McCLELLAN DEMANDS cases of measles which liroke out on Chamber of Commerce next ; . - v ; this way she cm carry out her late terceted. in ths .matter n cial V,"chicton to a occ- cotnpUshed.- :. cl la resident of re- day afternoon at. 3 o'clock The A husband wishes. ; , the transport The coast artillery : . IMMEDIATE ANSWER the ; X ...... Honolulu brings tte Information that troop- asion-will be known as "Promotion trnie general public; feels that tvluuaJ tow w.l the plaa allowing soldiers of good cruits that arrived by the same ' s cf Day." The t meeting ..willV be public deeires to inspect tlees conduct to vear citizens clothes when ship are in quarantine at Fort De INSPECT A second cablegram was t'j ; invited received . and residents of the city, are SSrVa? ' .- on leave is de"ritely not favored by Russy.) today by .Secretary Brown dock, the navy yard z- ir.z No new cases have developed, and to be present Join in the discussion of the the war department No further de- and make suggestions as to furthering go21iv Chamber of Commerce from George ina qnarters. Ha deeirej to is hoped by army ; c. tails re learned except that It seems it the doctors that ' work and therefore the pub--1 McClellan, whom the pro- the quarantine the work of the committee. with the chamber very unlikely t .e plan will will be lifted at the lie meeting. - same time we ' .The. city supervisors and Mayor poses engage Ku-hi- o that "cits' While the meeting scheduled for At the to to assist Delegate (Continued f-- expiration of the prescribed time.' is ca iJ to) be carried out unier the present re, 3 o'clock the hour may be changed want to get in touch with the men Lane visited the Laimi road, Nuuanu at Washington, in aid of the Ho- - , gime in Wtihinston.- v . valuable ideas which can- valley, and two opening McClel-lan'- a I to 2 o'clock in order that more time who have short lanes nolulu harbor appropriation. .: & JUDO HERE. ; , way. A C may be given to the business on the not be obtained inany other into it this afternoon for the purpose message stated that It was im- " '' ' -.- . .... - F calendar. - . ,': . i ' 'of investigating the need for improve- perative that he; know immediately mori SUGAR a. , su- i C Judd, the new territorial A budget calling for S3 1.000, the es- v Because he refused to pay him a ment The officials were Invited by whether he is IKON SETTI- - perintendent Chicopee, ' to be engaged or not o( forestry In succession carry on debt of $1, John Pecora of James Taylor, try-Mas- 15-Su- timated amount needed to T who has been His message will not be un- SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 3ar: to R. S. Hosmer, now head of Yale alleged to have kicked answered SS the work of the committee during the is Larking jor several months to get the roads til Delegate Kubio has replied to d::Tt:s ;t, 4.e:5 centa. Previous forestry school, arrived with Mrs. Judd In head times a -- coming fiscal year, will be presented cheo Swea the several n at section Improved question, :.:3 cents. ' ;;. Mongolia. ' under the cablegram sent yesterday in which lie H. E. in the consideration and action. Chair- - and killed him. , . ''frontage tax statute. " - lor. Clellan's services were offered. A., r - . TT70 HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1915. t

FLJ' f " ii: ; , i ' I . ' ' ...... r WE--STOR- EVERYTHING CrTY TRANSFER CC?4PA?rf 0)?f JAMES H. LOVf Phone 12Xt , i: hWM'nk EC ' Mi LOVE'S BAECEKY. i 1 : lit I ; fc Kiri Jt , Phone 470 .'ijV'X' -- Bread - Cakes - Pies Crackers ".:-.-.

. " t ryt ! 'a t( 5 CARNIVAL TICKETS VIU BE ON Why Not' Give Her a Tip? BECOMING I yyHEN; xaan runs a buslne e wife-- , will amUe mors brightly and be FEATHER BOA - ttt! expenses.. " "knows more willing to perform little ! flaurea He extra i be must pay hither salaries and cozn-mlasi- oB services for a man who bands out a In which? ts Combined the HAWAIIAN STAR, established 1831 ami tbV nip-- to ber once in awhile. AT EARLY THIS for better service If he Is to EVENING BULLETIN established 1S32. Issued Daily Semi-Week- ly by SALE DATE YEA? men point and $ make more money. There are who make it a t r study magaxine newspaper ar- ! - g-o- to and But when be Into ' STAR-BULLETI- N, Vis the baslness on "how of liv- . HONOLULU LTD., . of matrimony he is either recklessly ex- ticles to cut the cost ing. It la a fact that as many men aa Adopted and is j ' travagant and fails to apply any busi- - Publishers, Commercial Printers, Bookbinders, . Script System f women ness principles at alJ or be figures all read these theoretical schemes f ' Placed in Charge of Ray expenses with- for saving.;, These same men. without Photo-Engrave- rs. down te the minimum knowledge or experience in household C;-Brow- any recom- ' mond V out reckoning on 'sort of ! ' management r buying home supplies, . pense for the individual who is gen-tr- a! WALLACK U. manager, clerk, buyer, audi- proceed . to . lecture their, wivee on FAKRINGTON.... General Business Manager. Raymond Brown, chairman of the ; chief . C toroffice, boy and sometimes janitor, wastefulness and demand a substan- . A A j : - yEMBERlsSOriATEP charge of the handling tial out In. expenses. :: ., - " . PBESS. committee la besides her , ordinary duties as wife, ' Various J Now, average housewife is pretty i of accommodation at the mother land housekeeper, ' , 4 ' the year; ' well acquainted with the peculiar con- FLAT DISPI-A- Y 2000 1'4 Carnival events last scored suchi Many a tnarried man who pays his RATE. ADVERTISING OVER INCUE3...... signal success that he has been re--J ditions of her 'own family.' She knows (Preferred position 20tt . '. U ...... 4.25o PER INCH a employees well . because he believes It quested to once more' tako charge of J what she can And cannot do In her own ; " LEGAL AND TRANSIENT RATE. $1 First Insertion good policy and who tips the elevator neighborhood. " this task. Mr. Brown Is now planning ooy and the porter because he Wants home and She la usual- CLASSIFIED, One Cent per word 30 cenU per line per week. I - ly an extremely keen and careful buyer t his script tickets which will be on a better service doesn't stop to reason MAIN OFFICES. .1 059 A LAKE A STREET year, and can extract a great deaJ more out l--i . .. 0. . I.. .i,tivi Tele phone EdlUrUI Itoons DvHlnesa Office similar order to those usei last J5at, it, mbcht be "rood policy to be as . - tXd ' of 5 than the average man can out of BRANCH and la awaiting the completion of the square wrtb his wiff and. that even a ' OFFICE..:...... v;;...... MERCHANT 'STREET J10. As a savings Institution she v ar- can't Telephone , program before , making his final On 7 be beaten. She's the Job night and ; ;. " ...V ,.rv.--.- ? ... ' rangement. " day, ' v ;s V Vja SUBSCRIPTION RATES: a In addition to the customary season BLACK VELVET; HAT But being a good buyer''! doesn't bring " STAR-BULLETI- DAILY N ; ticket,' as sold last year, it is probable her, any commissions. Working over-tim- e 1 that with the special arrangement V doesn't. give her any time and a Per Mopth, anywhere in United States...... $ .75 be- 0- 5 made by the board of directors at a half pay. .Her salary lsnt 'raised 1 Per Quarter, anywhere in United Stats.....,...... 2.0- recent. meeting whereby: the soldiers cause ber services are Indispensable. Per Year, anywhere in United States,...... ,....;...... 8.00 s Does the boss' reward her with a Per Year, postpaid, foreign. . . . , ...... 12.00 v are to be admitted to pay . events at r ...... ; d " SEMI-WEEKL- STAR-BULLETI- half-pric- e, bonus at the of the year? '. Not so's - Y- N . f .there will be similar tickets " sl- . . 1,1 you 'could . . notice it. y s Six 1.00 ; I issued, possibly different In color, to Per Months...... 1 What right has a' man to figure his Per Year, anywhere in United 2.00 urn euju iu vuc ixuicr tu uiuci w household expenses mini- States..... down to the w 4 trsaa . pcdite the handling of the crowds at " mum and leave out commission, r uj it uciv IU vautma ete .'v expect- 11 a for rear eate postpaid, foreign.. . . eeeSeeees. , ...... 4.00 the various features of what is -- M the one person upon whom depends the be biggest Carnival ever held ed to the Raymond C. Brown, in charge success of the whole thing and .who j!n- - Honolulu. ef accommodations at the various usually performs all the labor connected ? watch--f- ul more becoming to the as soon as the tickets are print - ; .: with it? Some husbands are so TJOTHiNO is Just Carnival events.' . , K: : x ed llr. Brown will place them on sale that their wives' cannot even squeeze face of milady, whether she be SECY; DUELS1 f DAILY REL! 1 12 D EHS - out "perquisites. Such as small change twenty or fifty, than the ' feather boa. and.v " there have already been a sum- si ii uvaicu auu w ait uicu ucuu guc cttviia The one illustrated here is in pearly script tickets, single-ticke- - to be found in trousers pockets when ber of iaqulries for these i.to caring for t purchas- ' the - m'lord 8leeps. ,.::,,.:',-;;- gray curled ostrich feathers. The ends 5 u is ceuevea mai vne Mvance saie cn Another point wjll be the saving long Round the Island in auto $3.00. There's too much talk : about the are finished with rosettes and ends .jvill greatly exceed that of last yesr. V FIVE Lewis Stables..- - phone 214 1 Adv. in time In the Bale of admission tickets ':;'" I wastefulness and extravagance of wo- of broad' gray satin ribbon. 10 There Is every indication that the oth-f- r to the individual events. men, Wall & Dougherty are showing a pour large too much advice aimed at them. of carved Islands will crowds into Last year's sale of advance tickets all utilized by selfish stingy OF ROUGE. m number of Chinese tabourets and BEST SORT Honolulu for Carnival week and that It's - ebony. was most aatisfactory, but it is the de- l husbands to their own advantage. giving the face a good color get teak and shortly at, a premium, Director-Genera- ' TOR . announce a sale, rents will be sire of l Dougherty and How many wives, do you suppose one pot of rouge and one rabbit's Whitney Marsh - pillow towels to tLcrefcre it is the advice of those in his associates that the number be dou- would spend half the contents of the foot. Bury them two miles from home of sheets, cases and c!.ar5 that everyone who proposes to; bled this year. weekly pay envelope playing" pool every and walk out and back once a day te begin on Monday. - t '; inspect the fellow the 1915 Carnival in the proper f ColDlnentlng on the question of tick, Saturday night? Many a.tnan spends see if they are still there.- ': ;:: r Ladles of taste should Ilcnclutx tplrlt advantage of the. a k: day. cigars would be- (Continued from page'one spring showing of panamas and milli- take today, Mr. Dougherty said: - , dollar for and Many women allow their faces to etf -- ' 8 ana secure reservauons. think it sufficient ground for divorce come tense and set and then wondei nery at Milton & Parson's. adv. , . Ia up t0 the public to get in and your . . his wife paid out 10 you find any of picture . : if cents a day for why lines develop. Relax the muscles, a fair idea as to what is reTilrcd If that ''"""ww help' the Carnival directorate in every f ' " ' "cj iicKet ne ror same res-- jr ? v ? Ice cream aodasl . ; cultivate a pleasant expression And re frames need repairing' take them to l wui ine manner possible. 'The members of the to carry, out the plan of making Co., on .tica for every event throughout in member that. ljps which curve upward the Honolulu Picture Framing board of directors, the committees - more Fearl Harbor one of the inert for- ; - and smile are much attractive Bethel street, near Hotel. Tha best Carnival, so that those who take . events my : charge of the different and OUSTERS; ROASTED IN SHELL. - than the drooping . - r these will be se--' geif. sort midable naval bases in the world. work at tho lowt prlre?. luivrstaea cf tickets work day and night for the sue WASH and - wipe the ahells of large delightful way of imparting si deli- high fual-- st ;A . Special for ona week! Folgers re! the'erowd and bustle of; cess of the Carnival, Our labors will . . .oysters place deep interest the Pearl , and directly over the cate scent to the hair is to let It filter in grade teas at 15c the package. (Reg- f. rvrir.z idlviaual ..event tickets, at', be greatly lightened if the'public will bla2evwlththe-dee- p under- ; half shell through in the form of . steam. It Harbor drydock is demonstrated Japan, Ceylon, Oolong tt.e event to only thing proper light oys- ular price 23c.) tine the la about take see the in the neath to catch the Juice after the sounds difficult but It is not at alt Henry May & 1 . - English :; ' : and breakfast 1 ; - and lend its cooperation..' V f-- : ter opens up '.with ,the-.- heat' Serve boiling by the careful investigation made 're. 'W Simply, fill a small bowl with Co., Ltd. Phone 1271. Adv. T1.3 rurchtre cf these tickets will' "Buy season tickets as soon, as they ClOME the models this year have hot after; carefully., removing the top water and pour some of yourJpartlcu-- of plans its completion,? said ot for , Drug Co. has a unique win . - Hollister cf inestimable benefit to" thB placed on sale, ls;my advice; to which can,hard shell, leaving theucyster In its Juice In perfume upon It- two liquids Star-Bulleti- rrcre life-s'av-I- are feather 'fantasies lar The n' ns ". v 1 Secretary Danish to the dfow display, the deeper,, . iliustratlnz Carnival r.ariaseaent in a number of everyone who Intends to take in the ty be . realised, so' aspiring are they. the shel" jeach;place :nave will not mingle, but if you hold your " tlny-'cupf- ul - : qualities of a nerve tonic It U d: izt- v:zjg; The financial,"'', of Carnival and take it In properly. We j"be chapeau Illustrated, here carries a of sauce made of melted head over the- bowl the steam "of 'the correspondent ; "Nearly r counts largely, but and endeavoring put on one of these, Built of black velvet and butter, lemon Juice1 and a dash of Wor- water will carry the scent with it and a very vivid depiction, indeed, and ia :ur:?, another are to. the best - a year. wa3 devoted to inqniries good r very becomingly . tilted, Is- very chic, cestershire which: the oysters through the hair in a cnost tifactorj attracting a deal of attention. Jrrcrtant question that arissa possible show or the least possible it sauce.in ' ' rab-mitte- -- - d :. '- : of plans : autographic ko- each feature cf such an elaborate cost and at the least possible expense though somewhat extreme-- t , ; are dipped before eating, y fashion. - '.: ' :' i and the examination If you haven't an ft dak, least convert your present ko- tl; ..' la tLa handling cf the crowds, to the public;. Therefore, in order to for completing this great at 4 to autographic buying knowledge - dak in an by a Wi'.h a of the number of make It the success that it deserves undertaking, i There was ' never $2.50 rcrlt. tickets told the management to be it will be necessary that each back which his this attachment sup--j E FRO ifl ULU; any intention of abandoning the to 14.50 at the Honolulu Supply Co., r ,:i know tLst Just that number of end every event Is given strong ; rens are cared for and will know port. Be on the lookout for the ticket fflra 1 work. The substitution of a xnam- - Fort street -- ; You can sive if you want to and Uzt where that number is going to be men and get a season ticket early." moth ' floating drydock was sug- - means Special Star-Bullet- in Corresponiienee) : I you should want to, because It '; part FORT: SUAFTER, Jan. 16. Col. B HfllLlIU WW gested : at various times, and personal prosperity In the latter W. Atkinson has - received an Invita MB E might have been made effective if of your life.: Deposit regularly in the Importance ot Brocades ; Bank of Hawaii, and let your savings a . of gentlemen in tion from number m con- - no way had been devised for earn good interest ; give - : r.OCADCS are playing an important Brocades today are produced In wide Honolulu to tneet with them and . "Our Fame Goeth Before TTs. : . - , , Orp- , V 94 per cent hatch of Buff B Fash- - variety.-- A black, laine with sli- them an opportunity, to his views on tinuing the original plans. A fart in the afTalrs cf Dame taffeta , So spake the ladies of Honolulu when Mayor Lane attempted to induce in- dec- di- con- ingtons from a Petuluma electric icrs, they are being used very exten-- : ver made bouquets of flowers or the subject of entertainment . and . to accept an offer of matrimony from Boston. following "I believe the problem of is - them The letter secured by orated with a conventional motif In version the enlisted , men of the ' - cubatorthat's the result . V fcr the cf evening rowns. for was. receiyed in this morning's to the Mayor: v ecu solved nXlnx or color is a brocade as as its army mail struction has b and the the California Feed Co. last. week. metal far while they .are sojourning in - ? It r ".rticular, and for ether cogtumea as . ;jC . , tBoston, Mass., U. S. A., Jan. 5, 1915. electric- - Incubator Is classification among modern fabrics Is experi- v drydock will be completed with- The Petuluma : ' Oahtu Col. Atkinson s long the-Mayo- r v ' not the tiT, unyielding brocade, -- v "To His Honor, of Honolulu, Hawaii. I ' . on Concerned, . ., proved the most efficient incubator :''- ence and service in the army aa well r ; out unexpected, delay.' V . 3 curr.ttrscrr.e draping there-- ; ,: ! ."Dearr Sirt Can . you find a wife for met , I read so much about .Ha- further ' t tor and wear bro- : the market For theater andrestaurant as his coyhocei . days as . the son of t . purposes waii I imagine I could locate my ideal; there. I will, be glad frou 'wr.it for drcimaklng for cades provide Wonderfully successful that : If surely Interested to an officer, in the service make him " Ladies will be can help me in some way.; I would like a beait" . - V t era, t'Jt reft, beautifully Woven gowns. Slippers of the same Tabrlc are especially well qualified to discuss the learn that Miss Power,- Honolulu's t I :;s.Ll fairies cf damask. eatln. now being made to be worn with these "I am; a friend. leadiqs milliner,, secured the first subject. One may prob 1 Oh his gowns. Hosiery, however." should be In pase thatt r i ' "WILLIAM F. OSGOOD, OH FBSTilliE i f:.: chiton and rtlyet that ably Is question securing Importation-o- f the "barnyard" hats r'orgeous-- arise the of V :';-- '.-'.- --" 'V- : irriar. tine-- ! in p c int of r neutral shades of solid color and not '. "Boston, Mass Gen. Del." r "t- -f j, ,'. - v'-- ' ': rage - ::. from war department " J that will be an the for street f fcftered to fine tonal har-- r be decorated in any way, either with an allotment the The Mayor nroceeded to attempt' to carry out the request of the Boston t'l ' for of an amusement wear. .. They are on display at her . . artistry of modern de--i embroidery or with lace insertions or the construction ;; ly the the-Bosto- i man. As he sat contemplating the letter, in his' newlyi furnished office, n K - or assembly, the-- parlors in block. .3. i l o, in addition to the lore of fancy woven stitches. - . hall for, Fort Shatter where 'the Just been cleaned and rugs installed, City Poet , v curtains hare as According to Charles S. Desky, the cultivated opinion .These are left for' wear-with- ' the garrison. The dance given by the t' i r?t r""ssa " Laureate Botts expresses It, the Mayor suddenly remembered a Hawaiian things and sh ort skirted dance frock. designed officers, of the post sales agent for Mclnerny park, at the cf tl roctrn about such -- Wednesday night emphasized the lady friend single and of somewhat advanced age. He decided to visit ber rate that sales are being made at produce alst : ' therefore, to unnsuaJ extra skirts for this season's toe'-matterr- tlla, with short - . j ;..,:s.V;'-- . '.?. t'c ' : ;v'v' v m?r-:- :yr: ' f 'v - '. : - , on' t present will not be long until this t.- . attractive, materials. .4 wear. , , :.'.; '.:. tact that there is sot a room on the " '' it r :t . toc cold, Bald. I '.X-- - XX ) -- X X XX..'-- post half large enough to accommo j B6ston is she iSSiPLElEflT popular new subdivision will . be a Mayor' ' ' ; . . ; The tried again.' '. . :.-':- . of in Almost ; throng of men will con- ' : "city hemes" itself. date the that ' ' ' '' ;..' '' ' ; V"I me poi,". : : ' - , don't like beans for caid a second; '. without exception, 'says Mr. Desky, ?;.n::u:,TQ gregate when an amusement feature ; jet hair ornaments worthy of their attendance is produc- those- - who are purchasing are doing; presented patronage. And bo it went The chief execudve had to gire It upiNeTertheleasJ.' so with the intention of erecting per- ed or for their -- he was forcedito admit that' the beauty of Honolulu's fair ladles has been. Si""BulleH? building an appropriation or allotment of - - ?FeC"Ia,Ui manent residences and the If r- : .: . vuc kujuct Well advertised v (. leaiuun. i uis uuie piu: aston-ishln- g. 8 could I activity present time Is xx, ,i r some or 10 thousand dollars ' om AlexanderM; Dockery, third a- - at the ' ; , i .. - TNow; if anyslady wants to go to Boston and get married.-- her ; ; ': ; y r - ,- - - be secured for the purpose the labor let . ; X.' t ; . . 'm"-- 1- ' could be supplied by the skilled men write to Mr. Osgood or come to merather. I mean : let her inquire of me. f111' "Swfnf Jv Navigation ; to Young, The Inter Island Steam already." , . V - , v , : I In the garrison and assenv I'm married once he said. Co In receipt of information ahallr I says m eueci laaoirum now uu it wui Ltd Is ly room with dancing floor, ; skating ln-an- McKay, Hawaii repre- be sergeant, vice Drewry, discharged, : for the mess a new bUIiard table of cost residents of the territory 8 d from Mr.. the 'C-V;vS- ,--- rlak together with a stage where sentative, the activity cf. Kilauea Pvts. William Hayes and Matthew excellent quality,-Wlt- h new equipment ;stead of 16 , cents postage a copy to that - ; performances,' either.1;j of -- v great- - Although r- theatrical j D. Bethune, to be corporals, vice Jar-- throughout. As a consequence of the malj the special edition to friends on is at present very home talent or by professionals, could V . 4 CO feerbe-to- w, vis, promoted, and BrowniJischarged. new acauirement" of the mess it is the mainland. X- - the'bikB of fire Is about be produced would go a long i ways very specta- In Company K, Cpl.; Russell CAldrideetprcpcsed to organize a handicap tourn-- ! Mr. Dockery'a letter- - reads as fol-- still It is Jars and garrison V. . A 1 A , . - k - men Jt . .- towards keeping the in - V 11. - - ...... ' cular. . .There ; aro . also many cones wtstiu w iue oi pn- anu engage m a or oil-- rawi;t,v . ; ; would ua rtiuraeu (nue ameni series ' en-Joyi- ng for. legitimate amusement and : erupting continuously. Hawaii Is mono- - vate at his own request .' ,; . Jliard gamtea forv the ensuing weeks. "Receipt is acknowledged of your certainly lighten the burden of - ; - perfect weather at present and j ; . ST . J The tournament to be conclu4ed be-- the 19th ultimo., transmitting .tony , that all agree assails the enlist? letter of sojourning ; visitors and residents of The? board: the examination; of , fere the arrival field training copy. 1914, Is- - ed soldier of our. army while serving for of the a of the Decembfer 18,' Honolulu who have not visited V9 vol- ; Stir-Bulleti- n, - V; officers of infantry for promotion and period for the troops, when duty In tb 8Ue of the Honolulu con- in. IlawaiL :;;' ;,"' - cano should not miss this opportunity. 3?? of which Col. French, 2nd'Infantry. is post is an uncertain Quantity as to du- V sunntanent thereto, deserib- - ' 33. tsisr Adv. . Reeenti promo-t- rttton-- r : v;: : X ; as Canal NVmber,'Indus- - led. '- annointments Vand i 'Panama: '. ai?ea:jilfl.8!m 8 ' " flnn. in the arade of noncommissioned' 'J, ; Don't "stay home make your 'calls. ,?f mail-nounc- ed an-- Kyle succeed-"wheth- er copies of the isiue are officers In the Sd Infantry as a Booth Slthfr2nd Sergt.. Lucius P. has Neve Ask for ' 1 of post- - mind that headache. in orders from regimental Sfantrr tjaand Lient. E. K. "Massee. 1st SergL Ragan in that duty in able at the secondlass rtea , chem- ' Company C, : Infantry. . new age. 1 Shac take one wafer at the headqaoters, are as .follows; ; acting: judge--, advocate, appeared pe-- - 2nd The V calls.-advertiseme- Headquarters company. Pvt." John T,Jf0re and, pon the 1st sergeant is a man of much force f Yon are Informed that e inclosure ist's no rTeadache pleasant . theboardj do un- exam-discharge- d. an4 extended service and should appears to be a legal supplement : to be corporal, vice Lamonth3 tlon of Its organization' were ' X Company A, well In the ' important position to jer section 437, P. LL and R., to the Pvt. Samuel lined by the medical members of the - which he , been assigned by his He E. Lyeth and Pvt. Thomas P. Sefxit to; board, Capts. Culler and Schlanser, has i8Sue in question and to properly Royal Hawaiian band served company commander, Capt. Walter H.: as such, as pretecribed sin The be corporals, vice Williams andThers. as. to physical fitness and were identified - tho OrAitn.- their ; '" 1" ; i rf '. Johnson." -- : : 1 2, 439, P.IL, n iu euuieu iuc utiwuu " respectively, discharged. Company C, pronounced .qualified to proceed with paragraph section ..j 'lc steamer Sierra for tno coast at Cpl. sergeanC; inquiry. , In the afternoon Hae iThe inclosnre, therefore, d Robert C Stevens, to be further . The Noreegtan frelshtef Henrik rf I : ; . of copies of ' vice . Van Eman," discharged, and Cpl. officers concerned were taken for ' pier. The Sierra was well-- ! the Alex; Ball to be sergeant, vice Brown,! their test in horsemanship undr the tt.ht 18 at the j . t.!an n.fu1iirto ti lirwf observation,; of MaJt .Williams The discharged, and Pvt. Stevedore B. Boy i.; n1 cr.al hnnkpr. wharf this mnminff t nart cf which consisted of angar Tho .finished, the required. I therefore,- - kin to be corporal, vice Ball, promoted. !" l - The Ibsen' remained at anchorage Please, refund to the kotm fiiu niaved at the departure o rnmn.i.v r rni Tv, t hu, in excellent time and in good condi- publisher from the deposits Vrequired v ' :;" ; ? ' ' pending departure of British the Mongolia. ' 7 . V--i- px- the the 1 I I -v ,1a Monday professional - ; ' 11 "JL, Hon. On the the, excess . V ' freighter Strathgarry for the Column on this Issue 6Ter thei s e , " H U U 1 ' -- I z-.- 'Jim ,m i Pvts. Benjamin E. Christian amlna?on -- : .' i pound rate of postage chargeable shipments of sugar, rice, bran, . i'-'' ni iniiwiiiiin:i'Kmii esss3m Dtncan. SJjSSS? bla river. - with 1 , Tv'SS f 1 f A thereon ; the TJke-- t WJ52S&,. SE--' laUoiL Majors Smith and Yll- - !Alirflt?m rt Tnr Inland trmrfxta paddy and sundries steamer SSSSl"? oraL:' ! 1 - whf Vi Pacific like from windward Kauai ports is an in vogue orna-- there- arrlvwl the citv in the r-HE- Is-a- unusual this season unique and beautiful hair Hams. 2nd Infantry, constitute v fr n'- ?"X, discharged. Machine wLU port The vessel haa w h -t rtn,ai. and Gun, moln,nir f th board. Mail liner Mongolia visit the isi The Pacific Mall steamer Siberia, arrivel at the oieTcuXted and of Hawaii and the volcano, leav scheduled to depart for the. cast next been placed on, the berth to steam to The , . , v Inter-Islan- d 5 Monday W 7 i 1 corporal vice Harris, discharged. EL secretary ing the city todarv in Tuesday morning, will carry the next the Garden Island at o'clock - ' jjeut L; Hoflman, o' the isajvei- j Company H, Cpl. Richard M. Jarvis, to ' e 2d Infantry mess, has purchased steamer Mauna Kea. outgoing mau. evening. ' v r- ...... ; ; " " ' V . - : - ...... t. ;.. .. v -- ." HONOLULU STAIM5IJLLETIN, SATUBDAY, JANUARY 16,1015. TIIRi

employment of Catholic-sister- s in the r ;; : PERSONALITIES' 5 i hospital of the lOtaii metropolis be ' 'cause the 'many resignations of " y of 'EL H. EDWARDS,1 the Kona vanilla 11' .Regular meeting Schofleld lodge. nurses' who set married. The sisiters planter, arrived on of to be employed will hare had special a business trip Leilehna,' tbfci evening at 7:30 o'clock. yesterday. . ..-..,- - training. i low a premeditated devastation a non-suppo- of On the grotnid of rt Judge JOHN P. CURTS. nftmager of 1L By DR. L S. GOODHUE granted The board of equalization, which sits helpless territory. It was not Ger .Whitney today divorce to liackfeld Co.'i Kona branch, arriv many's intention to take advantage of Julia Nott from Wallace Nott annually to fix the tax assessments ed in the Maunat Loa yesterday. So Jar as Austria' and Servia are uniformly by fair-mind- Belgium's weakness; she: has ruined has been called Terrt to any ed concerned. It seems' me however, inexcusably; be- - torial Treasurer McCarthy to convene her, According to- recent news from MR. AND MRS. O. J. KINO of Lin-- person must grant, that Servia Belgium tat Honolulu.- March 8. Its sessions cause had England, France Washington there will be no legisla- coin, Nebraska, arrived on the Won yielded readily to all the essential de- ner.. will for about a week. ; and Russia nenina Had England continue golia forced upon .- - ; tion to exclude the orientals from yesterday to spend a few weeks mands her. r been inadequate in a military or naval work in Hawaii. : A perusU official cor- federal contract', appeared in Hawaii. - .,: carefuf of the sense; she would not have felt her George H. Fairchild, who respondence will convince1 a neutral, at it Washington before the senate committee in charge A. THOMPSON duty to dereno a prmcipie at tne coat letter from represent- F: is nas least, that Austria was prepared not to country Involved. says the Knlihi harbor project of the Jones bill and who senger In Mongolia, accept any reasonable apology rep of the that Philip- - the returning to or Had been no dominant power is likely soon to be decided by the ed the sugar interests of the Manila aration from Servia; meant there with after completing t business thit she each would have been satisfied to In and harbor board of Dines, declared that immediate ' federal rivers tour of the Pacific coast. A to have absolute surrender or war. - ' the United States would be dependent existence and internal engineers. .,. , drawal of . "It might have seemed at the time growth. And, all being pnctlcally de a calamity for these islands. C. C TEALL wUl visit the islands as If some of Austria's demands were Joseph ordered by Judge fenseless against attack; the . gradual Green was' ' on a . business and pleasure fol exaggerated, and that no nation could y trip tendency any one to Whitney today to px-- his wife, Lu Alleging a statutory offense and or suspicious of lowing nis arrival from the coast In have, submitted to them without re dominance, would be checked by Green, alimony of Z a month pend- bigamy, John James has filed a pet! Pacific Mall, Mongolia. signing, national sovereignty," says asking a divorce the liner her concert of Dowers. y :J- '' ing the disposition of , the divorce suit tion in circuit court a German partizan. And as to most of from He avers he was Let as. hope that peace will come brought by her. Bertha James. CHARLES KOLLMAN. a Manila us It still appears.. ." . . ' speedily r that no one power will be in married to her in 1900 and that al business man; .has : completed a tour . When upon a breaking off of diplo According to. ini rmatlon from ) though no legal separation has ever a position to "crow" over the defeat ' of the mainland and Is returning to matic relations, war was declared be C.nrurrp'i. ; yet ot the other; that none can annihilate Wli1nptnn ha not been obtained she married w. a : Austria-Hungar- y , the Philippines In the steamer . Mon tween and Servia; nrovl. ing the sale Avery on June 14, 1914. or punish its neighbor; but that each reached the bill for golia. v;'V- -' Germany felt hound to stand by her present public jutlding site In ' will fully realize when the war Is over cf the natural, ally.' : that it was begun only because Europe Honolulu and the pur jase of another Governor L. E. Plnkham will deliver CHEN CHIN TAO. a banker of Sing-- Morality and Ethics. " " did not have statesmen wise and good Site. - '; an address at the annual meeting of apore, Federated Malay States; Is num Regarding the moral and ethical jus the Associated Charities in the rooms enough to settle the matter In a more bered with the through passengers to tice of this attitude we are not at this satisfactory y, The "Old Bacnelor i will give a of the Chamber of Commerce, Kaul the Orient in the Pacific Mail steam moment concerned.'- - Port Beie-tni- a keolanl building, 3:15 '"?Vi?'K dance In phoenix hall. and at o'clock Frl er Mongolia. Undoubtedly,' Germany was as much streets, tonight, beginning at day afternoon. Jab. 22. The annua loyal reports insunea in backing Austria as Ehg 7:30 o'clock. The Kawalbau of officers will be read and MISS AGNES DUNN. forinerlv going will furnfe.! the music for new board land has been in to war in order Glee Club of directors elected. resident of this dty who has been on to punisn Germany; for her violation the dance. the mainland the last year, : was or a treatv. - : Meeting noon today at with the lead passenger In the steamer Mongolia One5 thing has hinged onan6tner--th- e common animal type, era ; '" A study of the of . the various local musical or from San Francisco. :v : Watch "succession has been like that to illustrate the .. evolition Of animal ; ganlzatiohs, James D. Dougherty, di-- rector-gener- which follows the first blow at a row of al forms, will be the sul 'ect a lecture of the Carnival, outlin K. H. GROENDYKE, conriected Ith ;wooden political S5I5 I! given 9 this morning plans of soldiers: a mere to be at o'clock ed' the for the celebration and banking interests v of southern Call concussion due to nropinauitv. e laboratory College of paved - in th of the the way'for the formation of a fornia, will remain in- the Islands I see no more justice In the mo S5BQ0 The Clarion's Minoa. monster concerts INVOLVING Hawaii. massed band whose through 'the winter. He was a pas bilization of Russian troops ' before will be a feature of the festival. senger In the Mongolia. answer to A intention to Servla's Austria's ultimatum declaration of be nature" nag I than .in the of the ultimatum i come an American itizen been Palau Poe, one of four young fel J. G. I BTJDD, passengef lii rT--- .the itself. 4 of lows ' Amendment I - filed in the ofllce of tie clerk the who burglarized the storehouse Pacific Mall' steamer Mongolia , Senate an Windows ' for Both" actions' incline the inrDartial federal court by Ernnv Hans the Waialeesre-- a : Schmitt'of reform school at the Orient, will tour the Hawaiian Is oniooser. to believe Russia and Giving Circuit Court of f that 1 ! sailor by trade and , a native . of ceived a sentence of a year's impris-- lands In the Interest of a number. ot - Austria alike were ready to fight for ! , Berne, v-- v. vv- I onment jail Appeals Jurisdiction Switzerland. at Oahu from Circuit mainland xnanufacturerav an nlterlor' purpose, ' But' with: war ; : Judge Ashford this morning.4-- : Two of de V: n clared "between ;Austr and' Servia, Today. , per Asking a commission of cent the others drew similar penalties REV. F. C LATJBACH Is returning Austria; .'Attorney' W. O. Smith received the Russia and Servia. Russia and M-- or $720 for the sale 12' Ford auto- some time ago fourth was following Judge S. Bai while the to his duties in the Southern Philip Germany; there was still a: way oat pi cable from mobiles, George S. Ike a has filed suit sent to the reform school f , pines spent on lou, at Washington, D. C this morn after a vacation the rurtner involvement and that would ' For Jin circuit court agali a .The Schuman mainland. He was among the passen !hg: - v ,:'':V.--i:- Men have been for. 5 England to agree to Carriage Company, dc endant,' and the Of the passengers who arrived In gers Mongolia, v; "Senate adopts amendment allowing - In the steamer remain provided Germany re- Only Hawaii, gar,"i: aee, Honolulu - Mongolia neutral court ap Bank of in the yesterday spected her neutrality treaty with Bel $5000 appeals to circuit of ' -- ;: '. 18 were golf enthusiasts, who made SIDNEY R.' JORDAN ot the Prcv gium, peals. :; 'v: Manoa valley many and did not invade France. Property owners inquiries at the Promotion Com motion Committee has heen granted a Following out our. present policy, 'This means that an amendment has 'will appear before th "a board of sup- headquarters as to con the senate which slightly mod mlttee links, month's leave of absence on account United States would have remained cassed the L ervisors next Tuesday Evening at 7:30 dltions, etc j A. P. Taylor,' assistant of ill health; Mr. Jordan may visit ifiea the measure removing. Hawaii's 1l . neutral under similar circumstances, to petition the board for Immediate secretary of the committee, ; now is : right' to carry appeals to the United Los . Angeles and San Francisco. and let Germany Russia, Austria and improvement of th& valley roads un- preparing an article for one of the " States supreme cpurt Now such ap- NEW BOYS' GAME HALL -D- McLEOD SAYS WIFE WAS Seryla "fight It out" - -- der the frontage tax statutes. f leading mainland golf magazines.. BERTRAND F. SCHOEN. a Hilo peals are to be permitted to the ninth QUARREL r "' Batlo Cause. uraa- - EDICATED AT fUNAHOU ONE WHO BEGAN 1 circuit court of appeals, in san . merchant, returned to Hilo 6n the - - : . ' ' . ' ry yr--- ; -- :4 .; .; , Hilo supervisors arc considering the The basic cause of the. upheaval was Cisco, the supreme court of the .... ' ' f U Circuit Judge W L. Whitney order steamer" Mauna Kea this afternoon. Thus '.-:- ' pan-Slav- ic house-warmin- g: 1 tendency, expan - was held George McLeod, who was In ed an annulment this morning of the Ho arrived 1 yesterday a towards territory would not be the Jurisdlc A general stabbed in Honolulu sion, may dormi- .marriage of Leslie Russell Allen and morning' Maul, a whatever have been the . ex tion of last resort In suits Involving Thursday night la the Punahou the head by' his '.wife, and caretl for nt from wher he spent ; i, - citing causes;, an underground rum $50(K. ' , tory as a dedication of the new games Queen's hospital two.; days 'ago, says Lillian Magnolia Allen. The annul- couple of . weeks on : business. more than . . V"'- bllnff which Germany ; - -V- vli'-V: report wife in Lment Is on the ground that when the disturbed more This morning's fnessage from Judge hall. . that the that the acted could- - ijpssibly. any - con self-defen- se Is entirely rong. "E.. ' .; wedding took place In California the DR. J. IL FRANKLIN left for the than It other- Ballon is not: entirely definite, how- The "Hash House Boys" played the MA had not attained the age Far East In the steamer Mongolia this slderable territory.8; Uur-- ever; and President Charles R. Hemen "Outsiders" at volley ball and ground stabbed me In a fit of jealous anr." i5aSKetbaIl League, A. Ru8so-Germa-n war .while says McLeod. ."We had - of consent fixed by the statutes of morning to , participate in a confer- terrible way of the Bar Association has cabled basketball.5 The '"Hash House teairi a mlsunJrr enough, would not have resulted in - standing and she came at me. If th; DOUBLE-- H EADET TONIGHT that state. The. annulment was ask ence called for a discussion of mat him : for , further ana more exact. . in proved to be the stronger at both such world-wid- e consequences as this ' is known, I am the one deservir " : ed by the young husband. tera pertaining to a lasting peace be formation. The original bill, taking games, winning the oversides In volley truth AT 8 O'CLOCK. r present conflict must "and might have batll ot sympathy--- tween the united States and Japan: - away Hawaii's right to appeal to th by a score of 216, and In grounJ ' " led the way, s Germany oelng victori v The- - Printing Company supreme pass- basketball by a score Of .' V dpt. Hospital .vs. Fort Armstrong Mercantile ous; to a satisfactory adjustment, of United .States courthas 174. Corps vs. Guard. has been awarded a contract for print K. IMANISHV a': Japanese banker ed both the. house and senate; accord The players on the teams were as DR. S. A.'.RANSOM, Identified wil. Cinal rational ' s disputed questions which, have -; : new-suppl- y well known in Honolulu passed troiH ing to" an despatch .vr-- ,:; ; ' ing a of Hawaii and Maui bled Euro be for' manv rears. Associated Press follows: ;!: .' the United States public health ar. folders for Promotion Committee. through Honolulu on the Mongolia. He received here Thursday. - Senator Cul marjjieL.. hospital . Sou' SUNDAY, AFTERNOON AT" 2:30. the A more policy . Hash House Harry Baldwin, rpost. ,sexvico la The contract was awarded yesterday, Is on his way home from a business conservative Briusn berson cabled yesterday asking wbeth Ly headquarters He: 2d Infantry vs. Engineers. favored by men likeBryce and Mor Gay, Alfred Wadsworfh, . Francis China, with at SIS trip to mainland; He Is territory 1 winning bid being lots of the a Ihroth the" bench' and bar of the . kong, passenger U. S, the for td ef , i is a ihrough 3 Fort De Rusty vs. S. Alert " Ieyand "6ftte aye saved Bel man, Staff Justin. i f of 2000 Pa-- 4 Attorney Arthur. K, desired the local supreme court made Mongolia. I .. folderpthetublddera werei IJ "i gium, obviated a conflict which France Outsiders-John- , GiffotdV Parker Far East la the llcsr or me, Ozawa of this city. . the court of final resort or to have , Ion ' ADMISSION 10c raaise racinc, 923; .Hawaiian seeK, struggle Woods, Frank, Winter, Arthur Krown, Ransom was granted pernios Company, S 20, and Honolulu aia not eliminated tne their authority vested' in 'the ninth Gazette ; y.-'- Inspect and grant pratique to the lie that Is costing England so many of her w; :: A' 1 Jere Smith. ' ? DEMETRIUS MAGULA, appeals Fran . Star.Bulletln?24.' , ' Russian sons, given Germany circmY court of at San golia before it entered 'port from best and have a ' ' ' Imperial mint official who has been Cisco. A meeting of the Bafc.r Asso Francisco. ,'' ; , 1 ' ; free hand to deal with Russia. MISS. MARGARET OMSTfcb. , for! Homc-IIa- de To fill the vacancy In his office staff staying in Hoh6lula for" several "days, ciation has been called for next Mon Crmdicav1 - Mongolia For, as Prof, Jastiow says in a re the past, three years, stenographer at created by the death of Samuel Upa, eft on the for . the Orient day afternoon to discuss this question. I cent paper in tee rnuadeipnia Ledger Promotion Committee, will leave A man whom the police believe f Attorney-genera- l : Stalnback', has ap- and Petersburg, vli the trans-S-i .. message from Judge the. St "Germany was ready prom .This mornintrs ' Ky.. Ft ecli Daily pointed Mlsi Anna Harrison, formerly berian railroad. He has been looking also to Ballou does not state whether the new for San ;Franclsco probably, early In be Alfraile "Annan of LouJavUle, ise the Integrity of France, and even February , stenographer s ecre-- was killed when he atter.; nto minting processes " as and shot and -- 4 wita the Hawaiian Electric, Company, in the United amendment is' to the form of an of French? Hdlonies, , i C !hc as stenographer, and Miss Eva Rob- States 'With a view to reforming sbmd the If England amendatory, measure or. is an amend tary to H. P. 3Vood, Hawaii resident ed to hold up and rob a restaurant ct would i rfcmaln Tieutral, X was inson who has been serving tempor of the methods Iri his own country. and she ment tacked off the original bill. Since Commissioner at the exposition. Cincinnati. ready as late at August 1 to accede it was stated yesterday that the orig v stenberanher. to the suggestion of Sir Edward Grey aril as becomes chief , not to England inal one had been adopted by the lerk. The young women began the attaclC France at all If senate Is thought the amendment would ' secure ', the neutrality of it duties ot 'their new. positions today. mentloried. hy Judge . Ballou must be Fanee it , ' an independent bill. But' the local America's Choice.' as to Between Germany barristers are not certain this East Vim. a!i3 E:i:z ;I:go and Russian su and President Hemenway's query. Is Home premacy-American- s :' in 'Tbar 0v;n ;;ei!--, at least will not ' expected to bring an answer which fc? hesitate to choose. : ; blood pure,1 K up . Stir that sluggish suppjy make it And, possibly, without helo Russia will clear the doubt : ' is an Independent would not have pushed the war.",,' If the amendment " measure some pass v r l circulating anil nourishing take ;y .,xr'j s suf-ere- time win oeiore It Is true Servia might have . d r.ioss c5o::s injustice to It can reach the president for his sig and been forced sub nature, as it will have ta go to, the r mit i to . exacting conditions, but that house of, representatives and receive would hive been a small matter to to upon any other whit Is now ; In hand. ':"'r: ; - action similar that AQLEiGIi'S ' independent bill. If, however, it is AT part . whole The sad of the disastrous an amendment to the original bill it contest is that none of the belligerents ' original are really other; means that the with i the" you. hostile to each VjWhlle amendment must go to conference It will mean health and energy tfor blood now by actual the . The Moss publications, by Capt Jas; tneir is nested committee of both houses and receive fighting; , studied patriotic ap- Dczi' for Kuihniiity A. M6ss, U. S. army, are sold at Ar-- and a. the recommendation of that body. The elgh's. on "Manual of peal, the quarrel i Is h governmental i Hotel street on conference committee's recommenda Military Training.? rOfficera Manual, based a theoretical delusion that tion must then be approved by Both THE c5 ISTHE each national entity owes its very ex-- "Noncommissioned , Officers 'Manual, houses before, the measure finally goes LAEOR-SAVIN- stence ability:, to cope G "Field Service, to' its with the ; GREATEST "Privates Manuals enemy." up to the president .. Applied Minor Tactics," "Riot Duty ;s:Hi';;i'x:;;;;.;V If the latter .situation Is the true DEVICE This might be' true -- affer fight "Army Orders, al of these, publica- the one there Is a possibility that speedy Sold only by - begin, but nof so long as struggle EVER INVENTED tions at ; Arlelgh'sv oh Hotel stree-t- the action may be ootained on the original ; could have . been avoided by arbitra ; agents ' for . HawafL" dw ,v sales case, each, with the amendment. In' that event tion. And In..each for na early advice Association tion now engaged in this deith-figh- t from' the Bar ' necessary , HE MATTER MIGHT. HAVE BEEN of Hawaii will be If local opinion Is to have ' effect Wash- nuTiis BETTER S E T T L "! WITHOUT at ED ington: If, however, the amendment : - FIGHTING. - rK-:- SOUZA In Walpahu.- Oahu, January is in the form a separate bill, then : r r. one to of F6rt St. 15, 1915, to-M- and Mrs.1 Joseph N. Not item of difference satisfy Tfns- - the Bar Association' will have ample ' f which England. France. Germsoiv: - Souza, a son.'' time consider I, whole proposi- 7 ftia, Austria-Hungary- ;, Sferyi and Tur td the IV tion and submit its recommendation key are now murdering each bther s "- DEATHS. to Congress. ' - , ' -- ::" best i citizens . but which could have ' say ; po been settled by and would "It is impossible to what FERREIRA In Honolulu, Jahnary 15 atbitration sition the Bar Association will take,' have been probably had every nation " John Marques Ferreira of Ninth and morn-la- g. unready said President Hemenway this Maunaloa avenues, Kaimukl, a na- concerned been to fight who oppose; ; y ' - 'There are some the ! tive of Georgetownv Demerara,: Brto Why They Fight ;; having ; think of They are flght-- idea of a court of final Juris Ish Guiana, aged .61 years and" ? Just it! all diction' on mainland; but a large ; ng because they could fight with some the months;;: V; ; 7 ?:'T-"- :" attorneys 0 chance of success, either alone or as number of have been heard Funeral from Silva's undertaking to express the opinion that if we must parlors; Nuuanu and Kukui at allies;.and not because they ought or street ; lose the right of appeal to the United ; had to.' t:-- ; three o'clock this afternoon," to thd i States supreme court they - would fa Catholic cathedral, street; Inter The fact that only governments are I Fort vor the circuit - court of . appeals as mad1, at each other, makes always ; it re8ort.:-;:;':'-.;p;.:-rv,v- wLcthq: week's; ment in. the Maklkt cemetery.. court of final rsittcr you do your THE bluest Laundering CLARK In Springfield, Mass.,' Jan- - possible," If there be peaceable Intent NO for those governments to avoid a war. It Is quite possible the association's wrrKir or have itdone by :;rdone b 90. inssctesTat Vcbst nary 15, 1915, CoL Charles H. Clark; majority membership will favor the 1 Had Austria been unprepared to s U. S. A. (retired, aged 74 years. by Judge Ballou tnaid cr bur.d-c:- :if you cmjloy of only 3 cents for electricity. - The force Servia she; would not have sub amendment mentioned mitted - .an unreasonable ultimatum. s having been adopted! by the sen the c!d ntlhods, are lied fait k Electric Horne Laundry Is not Certain. f'bt Had : Germany- - been' poorly equipped ate but that to the weehtub nccnvriitaceST--lo-ss Machine is on the Reversing Cylin- ORDERS ' she would" not have backed Austria cf teznonejend clolhei. der Principle which is recognized OF THE against a superior power. Had Russia OLD BACHELOR'S DANCE not recovered yet from her Japanese The cstcr is tKc osfy EsacJune by beople that "know" as the only HAYAIlAtiDZPT. defeat she would never have mobilized Win .be giveh at'Phoenix han:tonight, 16, 1915. in the world with Three-Ro- ll perfect way to wash clothes clean her forces "five days ago' (czar's tele Saturday; Jan. Music by the ' equipped a ' 1 T ; U. : ; RovsI Kawftihan OIm Danrp gram). i . :. ' f r, - Cltib' ,: . and without injury. . Electric Wringer that wrings ? o January 16, 1915. commences 7:io p. in. Table Glassware Undoubtedly the safetv of Switzer-- at Admission - - - Is one of the most important items in your table arrangement Special Orders No. 12. t , 50 cents. Ladies with escorts free.- dothes from both sides of the Operated from Electric Light and, Holland and other comparatively "open-stoc- k' any - Like the dinner pattern idea we have 12 complete fines 1. George B.- - Spears, Com Adv. - Private defenseless countries is due to their t Fixture,- 1 - - of glassware from which, with a initial purchase, yiu can start your ' . pany I, 2d Infantry, now on duty at very weakness. The day when nations these headauarters. will be discharged may be apportlonedout like Poland The first, direct jshjpment of cotfon army by commanding of- ; I from the his was has gone by never to return. from Galveston to Bremen since the W. W. DIHOND & CO., Ltd . r Hawaiian Electric Co., ficer, by purchase,' under the provi- Belgium. , outbreak of the European war is being LtP The House of , - 53-- 6 Orders No. 31, by steamship Housewares. Klnj Ctr;t -- sions of .General War Wicked wars between strong nations carried the American Phone 3431 Department series '1914. may occur, but the world will not al Pathfinder.- - - .t

' ' -- i -. .i ..I... M.- o t c ai n I ttotn: nun souaa an a a a a a a a a r 1 - an ni 1 i - - a J. i J a Leading JcttcIsts. r5tM OH a f a s FATHER a aaaaa aaa aaa aaa ta! WLEYH. on ALIN A Diamond Is not only a beautiful poa-sessi- - The old man iant as; spry -- as. he; Yes, dad's getting ' queer, sure SATURDAY...... JANUARY 16, 1915. HEEDED. used to be, my son;' we cant deny .enough! ; ' but also a wise and safe ...... ENnOHTEiniEITT I that ; He thinks he's as young cf erer Yet. my boy. be charitable. . If he It Is a good 'time t buy. :r- .. i: . yeV and can do the "triple' Jump" to.doen't know much about baseball and ITVre J to loll to reach the pole, Evidently the Independent, published in New show his agiifty., But tou neuoe he the latest fad; if he isn't a mite ln-- " - v'-i-'-- it; 'i a- - comes down a little heavier on his . terested In the last boxing match, and Or grasp the ocean trith my span ov-uwi- o iLi!n. ."i:o feet, learaVun-to-dat- e slang, " uv.. has cult runnlnr. nrefr a wait will not he hundred to a suc- waist-ban- d GOVERNOR WILL ADDRESS are needed make it oe mcaxurca oy my som: ti - iss & you. you pretty ; piusi .... federal supervision. Commentin&r on Secre- his just bit tighter loves and what do is , . l cess.- :., ; j . . . near right in his eyes the eyes down ANNUAL CHARITY MEETING The minds the standard of the man. atts. tary Lane's report, which includes references VT -- good deep in his heart. He's done, a - I rrT..M. i...- ! A violent revolution has broken out - . my v to the schools' of this territory, the Indepehd- which. Indeed, boy. he cannot tee bit for you. too, when you couldnt " c or gave in Albania against whom very veil without, though he tells how handle him: as you do now. Frear a talk at Essad Pasha, PORTLAND STILL TALKS STEAMSHIP ent eanientlv remarks: ; . weekly luncheon of the Trail and Turkey esUbllahed as ruler there when well he And, And he stood pretty well among his the ';vV'--'- yesterday Cooke the Ottoman government Into LINE. . "One would hardlv think that Hawaii need-- wa, you wonder, at him misplac ago. a Mountain club at broke ar fellows fifty years or so Was v : beauties of Hawaii and the the European war; V . ; , fpdprnl ing hU: spemclacase s0:many times good runner, they say. and made a hall on the d mnrh rnr as tha rwnnlA are well - - . possibilities of tramping a day. ' ; record in the milder athletics of his wonderful Charlies McMonies of Lyons. Neb I - going on five-ye- ar 'A good deal has been said how ajid again able to care for themselves. Hawaii has been And you're noUced that dad is con- day. He was handy with his hands, trips for. those who are the serving a sentence in Leaven-- ' and Mountain excursion Feb. 12 penitentiary, - about Hawaii's opportunity to build up more generous in support of education, but criti- - too, and could whittle to beat the Trail wcrth received a Christ- Made old mother band. his ou i extensive trade relations with Portland. Lastjcised in this report because, the education has chicked 6r a hird eren for Thanksgfy. invtr ' reur" dooin uiis eicursion. Two the form of a pardon. eyes! ;y .; .1 year, a, steamship service from the Columbia been too much given to 'advanced theories of ; . j . T'91 college, nev- port was talked of did not ma-- or- 5?! And, as a student at he river but it a pedacal. - etHical tyrj' and it ranked second, yon bet! He got : er tcrialize. . ;:;v vised thatthere be a only twelve dollars a month for board . and schooling, and had to make the rdillidns , er Sj:h2cs white-feath- From Current JMc-- 1 . ; . The opportunity , still exists." W..vJ. theoretical .education, ' by which appears to be :to ahow. the or turn 0. rest my son; sold rubber stamps to' 8 g cnud in a ew '- - - Phcrson, a Portland businessman who visits) meant an industrial education which is the fad york7 tV make up the difference. , l : i aU fairly well, my' ; ? Pacific Gas & Electric Company ;is the most; firmly .7 Ore-- ( Tou will ahoo birds If you get the After he's done Hawaii almost 'every year, is . urging, the of the day, gardening,, dairying storing and run-- 3 " .! boy. If he doesn't understand established business of class irt America. The -- I chance, cut a turkey's, head off like - its gonians to seize it. In the Oregonian of recent cookingwhat is called practical. " the braTe guUlotiner that you are. and ning autos ana sending wireiess mes- ' old-fashion- .1 gross income of the Company" amounts to more than date he writes emphatically: even kill the neighbor's cats and dogs sages. And if he's rather when they .come snoopin' round nights. ed superannuated and ready to take' - a million and a balf dollars a month, and its net a seat on the tramway of life, he was the-Pacif- KXTLTUR. - ic XIEEIIAW - . West In Ocean about 2000 milra from i KIDNAPING Why dad is so . queer about such " up to the scratch in his own day. 4 f K profits are oyer. $,000,000 per annum. There is no Tort and lie the .Hawaiian Islands, with which we ' Ltninga, you can t .nnaerstana.. us ota ' ii ' way chums ',- Some other, all his ' 5,?---- r ' ; V fir encountered investing have done little or no busineas for the past 25 years, , v0 t'' V.age.' sheas' v ; risk whatever in in its First who are in vWho's Who now, think; " though previously we had a considerable trade there,' Russia may not make ' cannon-foo- d ;fut of i .' You've seen him get out of the way Stock. Here is no rainbow chasing; no mer off heaps of him.: He was some in . those' deferred I told. The islands are large consumers of Lit-H'K- A little cathedrals: the soldiers of the days.' ( A 1: was his brand, my son. : fi of all kinds, aa is evidenced by the statis- historic bat up helL ' p experiment no 4000 profit, in 150G years, but a cLiilse anyone You yourself, will, be a back-number tics showing in 1913 their purchases In the tie are not slow removing bodily the .Doesnt want lost even his '. that Father in . coming, my son: , Yotr, "rj' liVe,iprbsperbus profitable investment paying,1 at United tat?s amounted to $31,000,000, while they la time. It's priceless contents of OermW.art' boys and keep up with their -- : : ' exported 143,475,000 worth of sugar, pineapples, kaUeries'nd. can't raise its present price of $82.50 per share, 727, 56, . with saew-fankle- d education. So do you,. rice hides, bananas, coffee and. other commodities. ?'a iAU;ToPc0 fti!nbfrtti ,;ijf; - .wnJ m f - (the added advantage of a quarterly dividend. ; ? - . hoo-Loui- oy, majr . v- r - aone lauQie. to 850,000 i . - Crtion vnn him a iiKeo oe It The volume of business amounted about ...... t-- bw mA tens of which 650,000 were exports and 200,000 Im- says, tnat .tne ussonnsKi brarys Museum: at into thVstoop be .bought any; anlount from one share up. from tonnage load a steamer like-th- e . thought wouldn't be seen ports enough to Uemberg.. from whieli . thevBussiang recently where he(rnthe Lear or the Beaver with 3000 tons of cargo nearly' every day in tHe year to and from Honolulu. Icarrirf off a lar nrimW of art objts very amount ; There la no doubt that a considerable manuscripts; is consiaerea me mosi lmporxam ,;my ladT . G. G. BOGKUS added to our port's tf business should have been -- our business houses Polish national art and bibliographical insti; -- a JV j iy Authorized Agent for Hawaii 'J.-- rcrord and to the balances of " we our share of it. We are ; t:;i' banks had secured tution in existence! 'According to autKentic OR, VISITOR - near to Islands, with as large VE1R, v P. Box 542 as the Hawaiian TlIllHUOVIkWU 1' 0. stories and as good banking facilities as obtain In any reports the Eussians transferred to Petrbgrad i " y world, we have failed to cultivate':; v -- ? tou-On-e i city in the but 11054 paintings, 4,000 etchings 50(X)autcK . P. TAYLOR : The 503 Stangehwald Bldg. Phone 2784 the Hawaiian businessmen. Ttt 1913 San Francisco l. are. coming,, all right has - graps, and quantity of manuscripts of "Vfrhich rists LAST YEAR tc!i them $20,000,000 and Puget Sound $4,000,000 k IRE merchandise.-whil- busi r. crth cf Portland's total as yet it has been .impossible to 'even nia.Hean Just of the ;MongoHa to find this oi ness amounted only,' to $16,000.. .Th only reason ' ' -, ' pst? rh n fa A Ti rtiiTi TV1 pa "bi ffPrTtr. rpcpriti fhia t ' ."..1:J-1- 1 large sf - that we fcave r "i secured our share of lhat US E.- UyiU n X . V i ne 1 of apathy of our.' has tccn because the. t's office : is a busy place DlESIPORTIilDl l asts, their failure to encourage shipping men ' sihfce ? c'erlng of business. . , . I amoDg. obptsmeo mHrir'trV u a ! tt noTura unrt tnTe r were r Welrrone of the" best 1 tney - i - a Honolulu Chamber cf commerce mat ana- arwusioncai cnaracier wmcp u .wpuiQ.-.p- , - lknown eve specialists' of America; who . .,- - r a I . - '. r - v, 'Blncerr the.flrst of the year. t V, C. V. j tr ,,m ,in r . penoas . . 1 . . - . . . ' . " , ... ( - snort in 1 it . j & . n tyuuoiuiu trw . w . - - I. " " for n I.' . . 'rrosition to de lui uiuvvi ' - J many here, I ...... m 1 t: . I IVUIUi. . "M had friends n - . - yet we ad mi. 1.1'; . . : .;..-:'- - t- facilities. As have not taken ',- t.. . . - ure--; .A msuvuuon was i.oj j; u r sug- January" 2 Portland, ' ' V luuuuen auoui '1 would died on. in - : r..':on STEINER: . iue .: . . u ' , . .vantage cf the crportunity to secure any part of' ijirpg 1903 -- was . W&rL TQA-fita-tl mayor and supervisors gon. Dr. AVelr previous to; C t trr.ie, but we must arouse Ourselves, for trade Count Josenh Maxmiliaii Ossolmskt fo' the eye spe- . : v .WvifitKjV inSDect considered one of the premier annually awalt-'--3 grew-rapidl-r:" rhinrn the earbaee to clUioas ot dollars is, cvzn. i The coUection y andfind837 cialists of New .York City, v. ;.;; ? .' that the coIlecUon we to po , ... . or tit:l5ey insist it elect. after.it. the-large- st ; be--J if? included one of and best &llec- - :bf cirbVse, in the business district, ; During' tbat year organic Ulness Five room housed modern! Queen street, be ef came, acute and it beeame' necessary If it is to Portland's advantage to trade in tions 'plaster-of-pari- s rcaslsun "i Euro je,:;: "in retinia to l; of tW.'J?! .rht r rlv morn- -' for him' to seek a climate benencial, w improvemeiifs, plumbing, u,ui i 130011103 io-,co- ana racaais,."painiiuKa - raz tours. ' Ifa anythinar bUt Sightly. tOI m jUW umiiu. t w .P- ' "t J ; : apd aeain ne resiaea aiieraateiy ai nwuir ,:;:.. Because it never has been doneis the iWil n !::tnrrp1iPriiK' rftlWiiftti r Af have thei huge garbage carts the ' 1 " lulu and Portland. His. last visit to T garbage - nr,cn-- nrlvnrtnA 1 . ' . i" : i J'--' I OI 1110' numerous' gas electric lights : rrrhtr if --chntlln i ; t3LiluOn nearly a' year, and im '1 -- -- the-ous- city continued for iiuoyu iuuu.uuwv ,.UJ tr I ODjeCtS reiatea cans and' boxes exposed- to y this yzt . '.' district Now He returned to Portland. a few months ; ago. , . . .' J. stalled-;- -. - efficiency and special- addlUon to being an eye ' . ... . ' ' - - ., - . . . lucni u ubonba) iuai. i bnnted, were lafgeiy.ot a rogreaa "Honolulu, Beautiful .In . i i piiaic cuiiai added. Baoks there in ist 'be was an authority on diseases t develop non-profitab- le American i" South iiterary:and historical character, designed to l 4 ,! l:" , Kftf of the throat and ear... : . government ; V- . .:::: hip business and that the fostey the Polir snirit not only lnlihat tpattI ' - Dr. Weir was a man of remarkable C!c:2; all-arou- His versatil- to. Punolcu Sclcol ' - attainments. cptoHhe front.- Yull it be Austria-Hungar- y also' Poland: necessary0f but bBussian ity was illustrated while, he was in - ninnopr from. I fvo' tr thft vrnv years' library-mus- e umiebntained forf even in the midst orhls A few ago the Hawaii 4 ' ' Ldf ill-heal- th here he kept up an active slula to Perth ; works.; ;: , 53 lz,UU0 separate interest in many- - things.: He compos lot is x105 feet The most valuable painting of the Ossolinski ed a stirring march for the Royal Ha XAJ on Cap- by-Titia- wailan band, which is often :nn colutioit,; museum is: a portrait n. had been pi H. .F; WICHMJf of Honbluluis at tain Bergers programs." ; Noting the taken to Vienna to undergo renbyation Iwben the Stewart-rSa- n Pr'anctsco" Examln-- difficulty and expense of cutting cane, : to invent ,a v '.c-- ; by hand, Jie set to work Or.o'of the redly significant things about the .war' broke out.v . ..V-;- mechanical, cane-cutt- ct and wben fail- ..; -- mission of Dr. Shailer Mathews and Dr. i CAPT CHARLES DAVIS, staUoried ing healthy forced hlnx to go to the ; ' w'itlr Field ArtUler' at: Honolulu, coast, he was far advanced toward y L. Gulick to Jcpan is the fact that they ALSO SIZE. 4he mechanical? la BeUeTue.-Sa- n Francisco Ex practical solution of a the accredited, spokesmen of the Federal at te "."baffled' experts for :j amlnef.iY' problem that 'has jrcil of Churches of Christ in America.. many years Ho had in" earlier Ufe From the Corvallis, Oregon; Republican: and v was Mvx H." DRUMiiOfnj; toe hew. dep- taken engineering degrees This tremendous problem of Amencan: i Volcanoes Nearly .30.000 : tor the holder or several honorary; titles. Hawaiian v. today m . uty . a dm w :eet bank examiner, leaves -- 1 ; ' " ac- He was a Michigan graduate and tooa ' Hilo. .he" "will Inspect: the - ":csc relations economic in lundamentais High.0 .' .where , j banks; county akeen interest in college affairs. UIEIRAJEUJELRV GO. 1 re-- counts of the and the involving also international politics, - Distance has evidently lent more than en-- cSces. He probably?will be busy In ' He was a man of vivid 'and kindly 113IIc::3Ct. ' t " ' ; , of1nrrf ?nn Rr?nl fn-ntnr- this . nrob--- x k . . . - weeks. personality and in comparatively ...v. v..v.u..v, . x - -l 1 vu the Crescent City three or four hla ciuuimiciifc. iiua.vnjw, : enaer-e- d t . .' - short residence in Hawaii naa being tackled not by an com 'circle--o- ::i is industrial ?: H-- C. HURLBURT wUl leave Fair-- himself to a very; large mead Wednesday fof .Honolulu, where friends. - He is survived by Mrs. Weir, ; La-port- e, -o-is- accepted pocition. Harry has who was Miss Maud Marston of ts, by Christian progressives. As Sle 1a;JSa;ty-- 1, he has a but "; mght.tnat been . connected .with the Falrxnead Indiana. ; ' I!r. Mathews said eveninheir mission is audiencet Garage for the last year and his many newly-realize- warm sorry "to :i evidence of the d breadth of friends here aref see FORMER POLICEMAN . . I - ... v rather than truthfuL His statement as cer- him Jeave, but wish him success wher- ' ' ever he goes. Falnnead, Cal, I;:- -; CALLED BY D EAJH tainly- - true of I that section of the American Iferald. jS Already in the Uniied States! a changing press recklessly to aggravate MR. 11RS. CHARLES : EL which endeavors AKpi John Maraues Ferreira, a : resident Ic:: is evident In the year and a half that MATJDiWiU next Sunday Hoho-lul- u between jlnited Japan. sail for of this citv for thirty-tw- o years, died frictionP.msthe States and and will theMslands for the Dr. G ulick, has been at work on the mainland visit. yesterday - at the - residence of his On the other hand, there are very many papers, n$xt two of. three' monthB , Mr Maud -- dauzhter. Mrs. A. C. Fras,. Maunaioa : ults are apparent. More apparent is that , ; it has news England: -- as readers who take, the trouble can ,readily received ftbm that and Ninth avenue. He was 61 years FDEinSHED : his nephew ha$. recently.,been takerf a : cu::d foundations have been laid among the - 1 .. . Lold and formerly was a member oi rvf - . fm. m m m 1 l'l nVo in(i.onf trlufh- mil to nnntnPT tvrui In . . m iL . e uiw can-peopl- on .may .be erected ;a - tne Mauonai uuara or nawau ana .r.:::. . which ;a LcwithEnMt;? S! :TnLA w,iiA iir Honolulu police department. 2336 Oahu Avenue, Manoa ...... 4 bedrooms.;'.... .:rehire, of understanding and. sympathetic Funeral services were held at three 1252 : 3 40.00 cQ ":-- Kinau t bedrooms...... - ...v. -- ' . -- III , ' - r-- 7 - t - . , v i WvairojBBMtftny. atXthe;mJnt. o'clock this afternoon from SilvaTr un tntrnrri Jnnnn r ZZ - Cor. Armstrong and Vancouver Aves ; ; i J. b. .' x?'", SLxteen- ra.em.bejs ot;cn famtty fight-S and: Kukul 4" ufru dertaking parlors, Nuuanu Manoa 3 bedrooms.,;.. 60.00- - Dr. Gulick's solution of the problem, includ- - " - for" Jtheit jcojmtnrjlB surely '..'...... an itreets, and at the Catholic cathedral, "2568 Rooke St; Pjiunul...... ,.: 4 bedrooms...... 73.00 EranclsiCb Bulle- - Burial was . ti:e nve per cem annual immigration Fdrt and Beretania streets. Cottage Adams lane....;...... ' 3 bedrooms...., 50.00 I in' Makikl cemetery. V f mnv r,nt r.T-- n fonc;W : Tf mav Alci via mc; ojifl;aim vuciJCH?;Mu u Jones St, Manoa Valley..... i...4 bedrooms...... 60.00

ve Uuu ' : I cr ir. y not meet the favor of the; American pu fh . ; ; .? ., ...... - ( ru. 111 - i .7 j.: 1 Albertfand Meuse, .Nieuport and Argonne aiid . . It is only within the last year that ; Aisne. SALE DIIFUEinSHED ny real attention has been paid on the main-t- o FOR ' ; V Puunui-Hou- the necessity of a fnew deal" in hand- -' : In se and lot in good location, with all 1339 Wilder Ave.,.. 3 bedrooms J.T. ..$40.00 . '. : ? . bill California to business Oriental immigration and, indeed, all A is.up in bar l " r improvements. House just recently erected.. v ; a 1231 Matlock AveJ;...i;...... 2 bedrooms, . 220 -- Why not bill legis- 3 . 33.00 : ration: The study of the question is just from politics. a barring the 1328.Kinau' St. .. bedrooms . . i . . ; 18T7 Kalakaua Ave. . , . Z beilrooms.V, . . 20.00 , . cannot lators from trying to do politics for business Desirable home on Wilder Ave. in Makiki district, ;o;ning. Yet one doubt' that the 1915 Kalakaua Ave...... : . . . , 3 bedrooms...... 30.00 T : purposes - 30.00 : .' ions of sucli men as Dr. Mathews and Dr. f - close to Qahn.GoJlege, May- be bought on easy terms, f 1417 BereUnia 2 bedrooms...... St...... ' 51.00 will go very-- far toward solving the 1126 King St v 5 bedrooms . . : ulick 839 Young St...... 3 bedrooms...... 33.00 rcl'cm that for Hawaii is one of the over-,,Lclmi- ng -- That. Two cottages, Adams lane, city.. 3 bedrooms.:'.. ; J3.0fr ; ; to be faced. again. the five years somebody has - problems For .last VJ.:- Call at our office arid gain further information. ; been" going to expose the "higher-ups.- " : The : - p horse-jocke- y. Stangenwald Building. conse-rucnecs- highest-u- yet exposed was & t Secretary Bryan says ' serious '.' will be visited on Carranza if he rntes the Tampico oil wells. We presume A PrVr J:nt Theodore of Haiti is likely to be Guardian Trust Go Ltd get himself talked about ousted' by Jreyblution.: ; Undoubtedly Stangenwald BuUdlAg; Iferchant St. Cer. roxl aal . lUrc&aal Eta, r :'ncr Vcnustiano will the latest t - . ..U rcnn.d the Chatauqua circuit. ; ; : - he has the sincere sympathy of another.Tcddy. TV "7 AID, BUIfilOTCBiMBL, IS ' - GO'fflM I'M n a ity, a i. FOR FREE KIKDERfiARTFJVSi CHILD WRFAI SOW Kin t . ; . r Annual Meeting of Free thla year has been In the management Smith, Mrs. J. B. de Ford, Mrs. Robt way) . (in a is no worse off than a man without his own home. dergarten and Children's of Castle Home. After many years McCleare, Mrs. Randolph, Mrs. W.-H- of faithful service in the home Miss Jthnson, Capt and Mrs. Bell, Lieut family any exile, by Aid Association Held Belle and Miss Jane Johnson retired sad Mrs. "Richardson, Lieut and Mrs: insure Yourself and against such arranging to last June, owing to the ill health ot Black and Mr. Bayard Randolph. 4 7 , money you on pay ' ' v..?:.,-- let spend rent tor a home which you can call RETIRING! PRESIDENT the latter. Fbr the three months fol :"'::'v. Jt u lowing Miss Lawrence, was persuaded ..CaptvCn. S.' Lincoln is receiving iyn--THe- re URGES' MORE PUBLICITY : to act as superintendent of the home, tho . congratulations' of his ' many snd, as usual. ; was untlrins, In her friends In the regiment on his appoint- NeW Officers Named and Year efforts to make, the children, happy. ment ' as adjutant of the 2d Infantry "by ! - of Busy Usefulness is They had a most delightful and health which was announced Col French And YOU Can Do So Easily In ful summer, tramping, picnicking and cn the lth in regimental orders of It - Outlined swimming whenever it was possible. thatv date. I Capt J Lincoln ), succeeds t-,- . On September 15, Miss Frances Goold, JCapt Gibson In that important duty ... Mrs. . P. M. Swanzy was elected formerly of Kawaiahao, returned from and the regiment' felicitates itself: in president of the Free Kindergarten a refreshing and profitable trip In the the thought that Capt Gibson is to and Children's Aid Associaion at the East nd wa duly Installed as super be lollowed in the office by one so 1 annual meeting of the organization intendent of Castle Home, with Mrs. capable . and altogether agreeable as yesterday. Other officers chesen were F. H. Lockwood as her assistant. ; Miss Capt Lincoln Capt Gibson's tour as - - vice-pre- si adjutant P- Goold .is especially fl.ted, tp work regimental was one marked ; Mrs. Gerrit Wilder, first : 4.'-"- ' ." ;". - dent; Mrs. M. Phillips, second rice- - among children, being both a graduate by great ability and eminent success, - presldent; Mrs. S.B.' Dole, third Yice-- nurse and a graduate in domestic sci snd the regiment knows that CoL president: Mrs. A. F.- - Jackson, record ence, as well as having a knowledge French's choice as to the present ap- 's ing secretary; Mrs. I. M. Cox, financial of medicine, 'nd best of all, a tender pointee will be likewise all for effici- ' secretary; M iss WJlhelmina Tenney, heart and Intense Interest in her work. ency and ; the promotion of harmony. :UTTT'hTlTn) treasurer kindergarten department; During her vacation in the states Miss Mrs. E. A, Ross; treasurer children's Goold visited various homes and ta , The dancing class'under Mrs. Gonn 11 aid department; James Cockburn, aud armed with the most up-to-da- te and and Mr. Couvain as instructors has ZA itor scientific methods of running such es received additional members in . Mr. Committee chairmen were named as tablishments. I should like to urge and Mrs. J. . Morton Riggs and CoL follows for the kindergarten depart- - all the members of the association to and Mrs. Atkinson of the post After regular easy this ponnible ment: v . . visit the home and see for themselrer the conclusion of the session terins makes Miss Helen Alexander, ways and what scientific management c?n ae on Thursday evening the "classT. ad ro earn; Miss J. Parte, Fort streef kin-- fccmpllsh. We wish to especially thank journed to the quarters of Capt and good dergartenf Miss Eleanor Sturgeon, our friends who have refurnished Mrs. Geo. S. Gibbs for additional prac . Miller street kindergarten; Miss E. B. the home for us. I do not believe that tise and added variety of steps such There you can. save money on Waterhouse, Kauluwela kindergarten; there is a home in any part of the ssthe winkle, .- Introduced , i with Miss Mar Aret A. Hopper, Palama kin country where the surroundings are much . grace : and ; great success, by property leaving home dergartenjC Mrs. J. W. Caldwell, Muriel more Ideal and the Interior more Lieut and Mrs. Lloyd Fredendall. The trie more for'ihe : .? kindergarten; Mrs. GeoreeK Curry, Ka-Il- hi charming.-- ' : members of the class have under con kindergarten; Miss Beatrice Cs- - Not the least important of the actlv sideration the formation of a dancing I fill men, wommg nara ana rent, lle, Deretania kindergarten; Mrs. E, ities of the association is the Bere-- club to meet on a night of the week paying W. Peterson, buildings and grounds. tanla playground.. Statistics tell their alternating with the regular fortnight- : -- ' -- : ly hops o the post V r v VH.-vlljttil'iv- and Miss Frances Lawrence, training own story, and after listening to the v ' school. reports of the director of the play The committees of the children's ground there can be no doubt, not only Capt William. R. Gibson of , the 2d aid department will be headed during as to its need, but for the need ol Infantry and Capt and Mrs. W. T. C the coming year by Mrs. W,-- It. Far more playgrounds. Here again, how Hannum of . the Engineers were re rlngton, Castle Home, ways and ever, we run against the financial turning travellers to the garrison by Wedneah, . means; Mrs. A. W. T. Bottomley, rules snag, ?nd It is hoped that 'no effort the transport that arrived on and regulHlons; Mrs. L A. Thurston, will ,be spared to secure help from day afternoon:-- ' Capt Gibson has been rlaygroucis; Mrs., Walter F. Dilling- the city government In almost all absent on ieave" for iwo. months, and You to to spent duty In' San owe' it yourself and family . ham, home placing of dependent chil cities the government gives aid to the his respite from a- dren. playgrounds, in many being entirely Francisco with Mrs. Gibson. The lat Mrs. U? Thompson was elected chair responsible for their establishment and ter has not been --4n good nealth but ' - -- - now improving gone man of the committee on hygiene and maintenance.'- - '" v- ''. ; is and has on to New York for an extended visit and t , v MlBs'Ermtole Cress: cf ..the,, publlca The need of child legislation has i " tion committee.. Reports were read by will probably not again return to Fort long been felt in Honolulu and two Shafter as Capt Gibson will shortly Miss Frances Lawrence; superintend years ago the first active steps, were ent, and Miss Olescn, manager of the be relieved from duty In; Hawaii after taken in that line. The results were a tour duty continued Deretania playground. Miss Lawrence, very owing to of that, has for ; not satisfactory, the fact -- .s could four; years. ' :"i How you save raster py DanKmg eacn month In speaking of, the training school that the campaign was started too JV' i''l', i tnan work, mentioned that it was just 10 r.M v. ;v.;;"r. late. This year, however, the various Miss Gray of the navy yard 'was a years ago that the first class was grad organizations of city banded i - the have house-mie- st ; uated. Miss Oleson sali 10,000 of Mrs. Erneste V. Smith :VP tH. together to. work but the Test possible for the night of the ball and returned you pay children each month arc r the ap plan for the care of our dependents f9l-lowi- I to . her home at Pearl Harbor the paratus at the Berct)nla ay ground. defectives." Our associatlpn has " v - and d?y. -- MissGray iwore a most Report Te'.ls ef Work- - been ably represented at all of thesd The report Mrs. W. R. Fairing attractive "schoolgirl" costume t the meetings and it is sincerely believed ball. It was " with keen regret that ton upon; the work of the year Just that this year will see a permanent closed Is as follows her. friends' learned that "Miss : Gray foundation for. the work. The Kin was so unfortunate on Frld-i- ' to have' To the Directors and Members of the dergarten f XX y Inve Mow! Kindergarten Association will continue Jts been nipped In the ankle by a pet dog Free aiiaxtnjfen's coopera -- active interest and tion; 'as It at the yard. From the incident , no . Aid Association: y . bears so directly on what we are try With the closing of the school year bad results are feared since Mrs. Ciitts ing to give Jevery chljd every promptly brought Gray .to de-- In June, IP 15, Miss Lawr.thcethe su- doo ' Miss the i opportunity to make a fair start in partment, nospiiai wnereme surgeons perintendent of our kindergartens,: will life. It is fully 'recognized now that 19 administered all needed,: precautions. have finished years of Fervice with, $ily bj'SJwuttngiogetie? can-apyrPfsr-- - tXtc&' ? ;, us. V.'e c'J know how. Wuiblc- good be accomplished, "we y 07.-- i. ,"' ccanu manenf and Friday safternoohs at. Shafter: are be years have been ar.1 that, to her un- are all and soul in the,work.;: energy splendid" heart coming popular with visitors and y&Be tiring and judgment Importance have been due in larga measurp the Another matter of to the terday afternoon the. road In front of association is the need of more pub the officers' ' quarters"' was .well lined success of the . kindergartens. We licity. Our friends are many and gen with motojr parties watching .the regi- 11 ; should like to see Miss Lawrence's great grow twentieth. year one of recrenien and erous, but the need is and mental parade as a finale to a round pleasure, without any wcfrrlei" to. mar ing greater. Our kindergartens. like of visits in the garrison. : The length- :v the public schools, are crowded to over ening of the days makes possible for i . it it It-i- wish to all of our flowing. s hard to tarn the chil visitors t witness parade and make a LitTbu,: will : be your 6v7nrLanc11oid We thank friends away, in more congested for their generous support tfnd encour- dren but the few 'additional: visits and .enjoy tea districts it is Impossible to accept after thej ;ceremony and before dark- ; agement. It is hoped that the time is i all. Our teachers are wonder- ness : Among witnessing t-- i extra crar when the kindergartens will re- them falls. those iyymm without effort. ceive substantial financial help from fully patient and do the best that can the parade were CoL and 'Mrs. Kear be dene under the circumstances, but dalL Col. Ebert, and Miss Alexander a. either the city or territorial govern- are caring it is only too. evident that more kin and party, numbering Mrs. Armstrong, ment. We for the "little Honolulu a citizens" the EtUe. preparing dergartens are needed. Is Mrs. High and Miss Waterhouse. . ..teir'niiG ' of them ;:. easy growing city and with the need for - & make for the public schools and teaching come, them order and The rnore kindergartens must tne " Capt Clyde B. Parker, 2d Infantry cleanliness. necessary financial aid, and Is only was' slightly Injured by teachers cf the public school's are al- it a fall from ways from through an active publicity campaign his horse when returning from a tac- receive the children -- the kindergartens shd are louj la their that this can be accomplished.; There tical ride yesterday afternoon. Though, praises are many-here- . who" would.be glad to nor reported as seriously injured by cf the value of the 'training. un surgeons, In Mew cf all this it is only that add their mite if they knew and the the capt?in upon their Just derstood the conditions, and it Is only advice thought better to go Into the Wear we government , it thould receive aid. constantly be However, it would hTdly be wife, to by keeping the matter hospital for observation and quiet for kindergartens fore the public , that they can know a: period of a few days., - attest t3 make the is, course, a to water.1. within walking distance. Electric part cf the pub:;?' school system.. Un- This of .matter he der these .conditions they go entirely handled vtiry tctfully,. but It !s 'the Col and Mrs. .l :W. V. Kennon of management usual method of forwarding all phi Schcfleld Barracks were guests bf Col. Lights Telephones and pleasing surroundings. from under the of the movements Is recog- association and would lose much ol lanthropies! and ahd'Mrs. B. Walker 'Atkinson for ovef'. Individuality, end nized as the best . - o the masquerade ball on Tuesday night their the teachers Most new elected on Wednesday." much enthusiasm. , But kin- of the officers for and they went down to cf their a following year not new to the Honolulu Gen. dergarten in connection with the Nor- the are to greet and Mrs. John .; r .:. . v. mal School is worth considering tor work and some ofthem have served P. Wisser. Gen. WIsser will succeed among it-ti- e CoL several reasons, not Import- many years. Work these, Kennon , in command , at the tig l?st children takes a grip on one's sym- Leilehua post : s : "A T ant df which is would care ;,-- i" " : ; that it for . ',-.- -- pathies ;and once In It . is hard to '' :r;: BCT2Q cf whom our it the children schools give up.. cannot accommodate end who are now it , Master "Kerwin Malone. t who ' his running the streets. ..One reason for The interests of the association are been under the surgeon's care for the the crowded condition of the kinder- in competent hands, and we are con- past two, weeks. Is now nappily, con- TTTT vvi fident of the success of the coming gartens is the public schools have " valescent and has been able to be out II that " ' ' : year. - , . no room for all the first year pupils for short carriage rides during the past - Respectfully sub'mltted, - ; ' aii'e- reasoinialGlleo !3"7 and 'they are cither given Mlf ses- three days.--. He' had, it is believed, an mm.leVoices CATHARINE M'ALPINE FARRING--; ' sions or kept out altogether. Those ' attack typhoid fever of mild de- ;11 Tl Tl TON, .f ' : , who have been in the kindergartens president gree. V' --yf 0 ,"Y' ' " i ' naturally return to then end it is very fu' .v. O. pe Mil hard to send them away. Lieut and Mrs. L. Mathews and Ml I A jear ago the trices of . financial j FT. SHAFTER SOCIETY Lieut W.C' Rose were visitors from secretary of the free kindergarten and Fort Shafter at the dancing reception playground department and that of the Special Star-3ullct- ln Correspondence! tendered Gen. and Mrs. J. P Wisser. financial secretary of the Castle Home FORT SHAFTER, Jan. 16. The at the infantry amusement, hall on were combined. in order to save con event at the ; post .during Friday night at Schofield Barracks by fusion and misunderstanding. The ex- the past week was the: masquerade the garrison' of that place.- - - : periment has proved a success and the ball on Tuesday evening for the bene- CaUat office and ride out in machine or take King Street same plan will be followed this year. fit cf the funds of the Army Relief On account qf the noncommissioned To Mrs. Swanzy, who has done this Society. Over. 400 guests were pres- officers' dance on Wednesday evening, double work , for us during the pas ent and the subscribers ; numbered to which all officers and ladies of thh up 4 carto Hbughtailing Road and walk to tract. Kalihi year, we are-ver- y rnteful. Under the most cf the service people about the garrison ' had been invited as special . most favorable conditions it is often city and many in society in the town. guests,; no meeting of . the garrison J trying and owing to the general finan- Over, $ 500 was realized, as the ex- auction club was held. -- , . cial depression the ycarhaa been an penses of the affslr were kept at a iy " 41 "".--- - Motor busses pass tract at regular intervals 5c fare ' ' unusually one,-:1-'- . ; v .n -.- supper was provided CoL and; Mrs. B W. Atkinson mo- tard minimum and the - ' ;, i.'- A-'- ...... '.-- " - y j .Kl fij'.v. f " V I also wish to thank all the officers by donations from the c officers and tored out to Leilehua on Friday aft- .'. ,.

com- , . - and chairmen and members of the families of garrison. . ernoon where they were entertained A .1- - -- .. " - ' - . . the . K- ..' J. ". .v.' .. ' mittees tor their untiring. interest and as dinner guests ot CoL' and Mrs Ken- support. - ; On Monday night the regular meet- non and afterwards attended the Wis- ;'.'.'' ' : It was found necessary to break the ing of the garrison at the 2d .Infantry ser: reception. . ; - v,; usual custom of having an entertain- mess rooms known ss "Jadies'. night" ment every two years and crowd one took place and though not as :iarge as . Miss Hall of Schofield Barracks was Into this past year. There were many usual In numbers was most enjoyable. a house-gue- st of the Misses Lenihan silent workers at that time who did After some especially well-foug- ht rub- on Tuesday and went with her host- their full share toward making the en- bers at auction, Mrs. B. W. Atkinson esses to the masquerade ball In cos- tertainment a" financial and artistic was returned the winner of an attrac- tume and as their guest . '' " ' ' 1 success, and I wish to thank them, as tive tea set on a pretty tray of Japa- .'. , . . well as all of the others who took up nese stencil. The hostesses for . the Frank A Tierney, secretary to Gov- SALES AGENT, ' the work so cheerfully.. A, epirit of evening were Mrs. Chas.: S. , Lincoln ernor Glynn, has been appointed s : v . ss x : . good fellowship does much" toward and Mrs. Geo. S. Gibbs. Among those deputy commissioner under the work- '0 FORT ST. NEAE MEECHANT ST. PH02IE 2161 making the work of any association a playing were Mrs. Atkinson; Capt and men's compensation act and will be in success. Mrs.1 Knowles, Capt and Mrs. Gibbs. charge of . the Albany office of the - Vp The one grfcil ghanirp hiyft 'mikt Capt and. Mrs. Lincoln, MaJ. and Mrs. commissioner. . STAR-feULLETlNi-SATlIBD- JANUARY 16, 1915. X, - BIX. fiONOLULU v

Hbnotutu f Stoclr Exxhsng x " , ; , Saturday, .Jan. HIPPING !AND WATERFRONT NEWS 1. Sterilized Milk Are Insured MERCANTILE. Bid. Asked. Alexander Baldwin. Ltd 200 tfAi r : II r C. Brewer tt. Co...... 250 ElOiOLIA TMES HSU IliLL 11 PureIceCream If Not, See Ewa Plan. Co .. 21 22 Haiku Sugar Co, 125 ... 132 Fresh Eggs Haw. Agri. Co. 1C0 - ..... '? VAR SUPPLIES 'r j Haw. C. & Sug. Co. .... ZZ 34 KGT01M: : Haw. Sugar Co. 344 33 50 cents Honokaa Sugar Co 4 4 Sugar Co. 100 140 Honomn ...... FOR PIER SITES BACK BY WIDOW ; Hutchinson S. Plan. Co. . 8. 15 per dozen - 10 Kahuku Plan,- Co...... N 16 Co...... 125 Kekaha Sugar ""- TO Koloa Sugar Co. 130 ' from : - The harbor commission is planning The remains of W. D. Hale, a promi- ...... When the Mongolia steamed McBryde Sugar Co., Ltd.. 5 5 port today the Orient it carried a to visit Kauai within the next 10 days nent business man. and public official for part suddenly Oahu Sugar Co...... 19 20 vast amount of supplies destined, . It or two weeks, probably the latter from Minneapolis, who died Olaa Sugar "Co, Ltd... . 5 5 is reported, for. the Russian army and of the coming week, to .work on the on board the Pacific Mail liner Mon- Onomea, Sugar Co...... 31 31 navy. Russian agents have for some proposed acquisition of . sites for the golia at noon yesterday, was cremat- Honolulu Dairymen's Paaubau S Plan. Co.... . 11 weeks past been buying supplies on new wharves at Koloa and Waimea. ed and the ashes were taken back to Association Castle & Cooke, Ltd. Pacific Sugar Mill ...... 35 87 is said a large quan- At neither port does the territory at San Francisco today by the widow and the coast and it ; 1542 , Pala Plan. Co..; ...... 126 tity of them was in the Mongolia. present hold . waterfront . property W. H. Hale, a son. in the Oceanic liner .;.;., Phone available for the piers. " ,; " Pepeekeo Sugar, Co. . . . 123 150 , The report goes that Russia will Sierra. 23 "24 mate- case of Koloa pier the Mr. Hale and his family had planned ' : Co. . . . . now get war In the the ' '' ... much of ' ' ' :. ..' ' Pioneer Mitt from its :';-'- Waialua Agrl Co...... 90 .94, rial by way of the Pacific, liners drop- legislative act which set aside an ap- to spend a few weeks in the islands. '. t t 750O construc- complained of . ill health Wailuku Sugar Co. ... 125 145 ping them in . Japan for shipment propriation of for its He had hot Fire, Life, Marine, Automobile and tion stipulates that the site must be until Thursday evening, when he was Waimanalo Sugar Co. .V. 160 across Siberia. . government, land, - harbor dinner table and ob- Waimea Sugar Mill Co... 140 More than 12,000' tons of freight was while the stricken at the ' ' : - Accident Insurance Agents MISCELLANEOUS. the Mon- board has decided that at Waimea it liged to take to his bed. placed . into the hold before would Mongolia passed Koko Head. x. v Haiku P. & P, Co., Pfd . . '. .... golia steamed from San Francisco for ue'ai advisable to erect a terri As the wharf on privately-owne- d prop-- Leach, ship surgeon, was called to Com. - torial Dr Haiku P. & P. Co .... Honolulu and the coast of Asia. The dying, Co...... 160 discharged about 100 erty. The funds for hoth projects are .attend Mr. Hale and found him Haw. Electric vessel was of ' I By arrangements were Haw. Co, cargo here. .Resuming available. wireless Irr. Ltd...... tons of while . request Mrs. y. I made' disposition Of the body. Haw. Pineapple Co...... 35 36 voyage, to Far East this morn- The board's that for the u. ." the the Khudsen 1.7. H. being to Uke jf. Hllo R. R. Co., .... ing the 'Mongolia carried 127 cabin, 40 transfer UUe to acres of H.' Williams called Pfd.... land Waimea - for j charge of remains. At request Hllo R.R. Co., .. . 2 second class and 522 Asiatic steerage her at as the site the the . Eyes Examined Cora..... the-- new wharf has not been submitted of surviving members of the family Alexander Hon. B. & M. Co., Ud.. 154, 16 passengers. ' The vessel left 103 cabin passengers to her agents yet A map of the wharf cremation took place last night Hon. . Gas: Co Pfd ...... 100 and ight second class in - must - .- - The- was his 78th yeat Com 100 Mongolia was coaleu site and the tract desired acsoiri- deceased in Glasses Supplied Hon. Gas Co .... Honolulu The pany letter; and Chairman Forbes was caused by heart trouble, Hon. R. L. 160 175 during Its stay the port.. ; i the .Death T. tt Co...... at ; expects. postmaster . ? T ' " ; to obtain the data for this on .For years Mr. Hale was at Factory on tha Premises Inter-Islan- d S. NaT. Co.. 140 : i ' the board's approaching visit 'to the Minneapolis. He also served as a ma Mutual Tel. Co. .1.....; 18 v 19 war. Garden Island. - in tne Ualawm . ' r. i . jor cmi Oahu Ry. A Land Co. ...131 FaSSZSGESS abrited A. N; Sanford . Limited. Pahang Rubber Co...... -- . ; optician yV - s K Tanjong Olok Rub. Co. .. 20 '' Per P. M. S. S. Mongolia, from San AND Boston Building ' Fort Strtet START : , HARBOR VESSELS TO i -- vi' bonds. v Francisco for Honolulu Jan. .15 Mrs. - Qver 'May & "Co. ' Sugar Factors: Hamakna Ditch Co. 6s... . .'. . L. A. Bailey, Mrs. Jennie J. Bennett, FROM THE ISLANDS Saving Haw... CL & Sugar Co. 5s .101 Miss Hattle Blackburn, Mrs. J. L. 89- - Merchants-an- Haw. Irr. . Co. -- .... Brisa-che- r, ' To-da- y Commission 6s.::..... Bley Robert E. Bond, Herman Taking a, part cargoHof sugar, to (Speeial Wlrelei j to Sercbuits1 Haw. Ter.. 4s, Ret 1905. ... Bristol, J Leo Brisacher, R: E. serve as ballast the schooner Annie Insurance Acents Haw. ,Ter. Is, Pub. Irap.i Mrs. R. E. Bristol, Master. C D.. .Bris- Haw. Ter. Pub. Imp. ;syDNEY-Arriv- Jan. 13, S. S. Nl-- towards 4s.. r... tol, C W. Brooks,. Col C. A. Browne, from San FranciscoI!..!?!? ed. Haw.Ter, ..... ".; Mrs. C. A. Browne, Miss B. Bubenaer, r.voA0 a gara, from Honolulu Dec 30. Haw. 4s. 15, personal :i : Ter...... (X LvCBuhenzer G. S. HILO Arrived, Jan. schr. Camana Aegnts for 3s Mrs. Bubenzer, ' R.R. Co. 6s Is. 56 ; , i Hllo '01.. V. Carlin, A. JTACaton, Mrs. ihter-Jslan- from Pori Ludlow. Hawaiian Comnierclai k. Sugar Burrell, P, '.The d steamer Kaiiiianire-turne- prosperity Hllo R,R.CD.R.&E.ConF.6s 54 Mrs. Sailed' Jan. 13, schr. Prosper, for A. J. Caton, John H. Clements, " Co. to Honolulu from KIpahulu this -- r: Honckaa Sugar Co. 80 Ludlow. . : :" i 6s..' .... John H. Clements, Chapln A. Day, morning bringing 4070 sugar. Port Haiku Sugar Companj. ; ; Hon. Gas Co. Ltd. 100 sacks of DELAWARE BREAKWATER Arriv- 5s... Mrs. Chapin A. Day, Mrs. R. M. Den- The vessel .met ltx north, .winds and r Tw & 104 15, Mexican, Faia Plantation. ; V . Hon. R. L, Ca 6s.. nis, - A. Dickey, Mrs. A. Dickey, Miss ." ed, Jan. . S. S. from smooth . ite'as. bank of hawaii ' Ry.X Co. 100 12. Vr - Maul Agricultural Company. Kauai 6s.....: . Ruth Douglas, W. D. Duke,. Mrs., W. D. .Honolulu Dec ' ' r ' - "' " vv - Sugar Company. ,Kohala Ditch Co. 6s . . . 90 Duke, Miss Agnes Dunne, Gea Dur- tr f J ltd. Hawaiian - HAUru-YOUN- a McBryde Sugar Co. 5s. .. . 80 100 ham, J. S. Eagle.ton Jas. J. EguchL C j' TH2.Vfn. CO, Kahuku Plantation Company. ;.. Camano ''.Arrived at Hllo.:, - ... 6s . 101 .' , LTD Mutual Tel. .. W. E.: Emick, M rs.' W. E. Emlck, Mas- With moTe than 660,000 feet, of lum- IfjS Honclsix .. McBryde Sugar Co Ltd. Oahu Ry. &.Land Co. 5s, ." 103 104 ter Harold Emlck, Misai Lois Emlck, ber supplied at the north Pacific coast, EDISOflli v Kahulul Railroad Company. Oahu Sugar Co. 6s. . 103 Master' Russell; Emick, Miss Dolly the schooner ' Camano was an arrival Kauai Railway Company.' j Olaa Sugar Co. 6s... w.. 80 Emick, Mrs,;C. V.. Eppinger, IL, R. at Hllo last Thursday afternoon, ac- Pacific,, G. , & Fr Co.. 6s . 102 Florence, Mrs. H. R.. Florence. Miss L Kauai Fruit & Land Co Ltd-- J cording to a report brought to Hono- Ma-Un- ni Pacific Sugar Mill Ca 6s .... D. Frear, E. H. Groenendyke, Master a i t- lulu this morning in the steamer and des!;ns Honolua Rahch.' - REWlilCflOrJ fsr Mill Co. . 100 D. Q f Pioneer. 5s.... R. B. Hafford, W. Dt Hale, Mrs. W. Kea. The vessel left Port Lud- and -I Cq. San Carlo3 Milling Co. 6 100 '; Hale, W.1L Hale, G.,A. Hartman, Mrs. low 28 days, ago the long passage be- NO OLD JEWELRY. 0. Breaar tz Waialua Agrl, Co. 5s... 101 G. A. Hartman, G. E. Jack, J. P, Jack, ing due to contrary winds and rough (Limited) a S. Judd, Mrs. C. S. Judd, Jas. King, weather experienced after leaving the OF HIS F Cold and Platinum Setting Sales: Between Boards-r-5- 0 Mc- O. J. KInfMrs.5 O. J. King. Miss Jeu Sound;. '.The, Camano is expected to Bryde 5; 35, 120. . 9$ Olaa 5; 25 nie M. Knowjles, Mrs Abe Kuhn, Mrs. remain at the Crescent city, for about WALL A DOUGHERTY - ' - SUGAR FACTORS, . B::!:op & Co. Haw. C. & S. 33 t 25 Haw. C. & Phoebe "Lvy; Mrs. E. I . - ;: Ca U Lohrs,' Miss a fortnight V - ; . COMMISSION MERCHANTS'' S. Co. 10 Haw. C. & S. Co. Lombard? Maples, L. B. Martin, Vili BANKERS 33; 33; p Purser , Phillips ,of the Mauna Kea Every New Duildina Be as INSUR- - l 5, 45. 25, 30, 100 C. & Co. Mrs; Bj SHIPPING and 5. Haw. S. U Martin, C. E. Maud, Mrs. feporta -- the departure of the schooner Fire-Pro- of Pay 4 v yearly on Savings De : Near ANCE AGENTS. 33; 40, 10, 15 Oahu Sug. Co. 20; 50, C E. Maud, R. J. Montgomery, Mrs. R.' prosper Hllo Port Townsend as ."'y' ; posits, compounded twics ; from for . 25, 10, 10.5 O. R..& L..Ca-131- ; 50, J. Montgomery, Mrs. James Mulvehill, In Wednesday. This ves v:.PossibJ3 .: Annually. v ; ballast last 60 Hon. B. & M, Co.. 15: 25 Ewa 22: Mrs.J.D.lEulvtlvIlUG. M. Munger, C. sel had .been discharged ,of a shipment - - 10 20' 45 r.'-r-f ,'. Onpmea- 30; Onomea W.PartaJjrs- ?B: F.';ParkSi"J..;K. - . or 30; of. lumber. v NEW jrORKvAlthoagh the ruins TORT ST, HONOLULU, T. IL " - '.- Onomea 31. . . Phelan, Mrs. J. E. Phelan, Miss Jose- '.rrr' the .big Edison plant at West Orange. - HONOLULU T.H . Session Sales 5. Oahu Sug. Co. 20; phine? E. .Mrs. ' M. Richards, Busy brt Hawaii. , , , ; " rforter. Coasters N. J are hardly cold, thousands .of Ida, Rlg'gs.iR. re-hiovl- 10 Hawn. Pineapple 36. Mrs. L M. Talbott, Mrs. . meat Market a, grocery Coasters are busy along Hawaii the great inventor's employes ; with R. M. Tr Talbott and infant, C C. Teall, a .quantity, of. sugar to Hilo thei? ordinary occupation, gone, ; are - , - P. 'If. CURN-T- ; Llsrcf Officers and Directors: . ' NOTICE. iu i lomor,: wrs. vv. h. Ticknor, for transhipment according, to a report engaged In removing the debris while C:rrr.':::;rf ef Deeij for C::':r.a E. P. BISHOP...... President ; R. W. Tilney, Mrs. R. W. Tllney, Mrs. , city, by Phillips Mr. his staff are makinr, York; 'NOTARY-PL'-LIS- ; PiiOU3 3451 brought to this Purset. .Edison and fi.. ' - C. R. C.-s.-,j - G. II. ROBURTSON ...... ' Jan. 16. Hawaiian Commercial & Trouth, Miss Cell Tunis. O. T. 01 the steamer Mauna Kea. The flag- arrangements for new buildings and ti f.JortsxTsa, Di, C.'" ef ; IVeidmann; nt $264,000 W. - v ..Vice-Preside- and Manager C. Q. YEE HOP A CO. Sugar Co. has redeemed of Whltaker, Mrs. Geo. ship returned with a general cargo and placing some of the employes at" work C;I, Ltzish Wills, etc Att;rr.:y f:f W.. -- . - its 5 per cent bonds leaving the pre WUson Miss Laura Wilson, Z E. about. 50 passengers The steamer Nil: In other Edison plants. . Vt Dlttrict Courts, 73 MERCHANT R. . IVERS. . ."...... Secretary IZ',1. sent .bonded indebtedness $734,000, haul was passed at Papaaloa. . This iThe plans for the new buildings to STREET, HONOLULU, Phcna H A. R. ROSS ...... Treasurer ; vessel will .proceed' to Kawaihae for replace the burned structures , have m G. 'R. CARTER..,., "..Director Latest sugar quotation: 96 degrees cattle." was discharging not drawn, but there is one thing Ill FOH GALE: The Helena been IF YOU Yi:H TO ADVERT!- :- x C. II. COOKE...... Director test. 4.035 cents, or $80.70 per ton. firewood at Punaluu-Th- e Mauna Kea that Mr. Edison has determined upon, NZWCPAPZR3 J. R. GALT. .'.Director met with rough" weather In the chan- and that is that they, will ,be as near laywlcra, a Any TLa, ca 'er J...... JSOOCorner 4th and Palolo kTe 50 nels." steam tor Hllo fireproof as anything can be, and that tU E. A. COOKE...... '.Director': The vessel will YTriU way- - they will have steel .sashes and wire ' and. ports atS o'clock this after, A. GARTLEY .Director-D- . tOxlOO, 4th Are. , , t : C C. DAKC'O ADVCnTltlNO Lot WANTEDS ; S:-:f; window glass. much Is' certain. v- 8ut4.035cts noon. y' ; . That G. MAY. Auditor .' ?375 Lot 50x150, Palolo Are. ; While Henry" Ford, the automobile AOCriCY ' All these lots are only one block boyj was calling upon Mr 11$ Trzr.i'.ii An errand .Apply Job Dept, this Hawaii Sugar Report. - , ; manufacturer. Cir.::rr.3 Ctrtet tin from Waialae carline. r ets - - h: 6063-t- t: Rdlann Mr. Edison's home. , he told ':.' office.- ",. .t f Sugar- - reported - at Terms are S25 down and $10 per mo. inventor of the construction of his : - ' "' HONOLULU DHY (100D3 CD. la your " lots,-accordin- g factory. . Here chance. .PERSONAL; following to a list UutomobUe t , Henry 7atcrhcus3 Trust Co; ,"Henry says every building of . to this city with Hhe return that CAL2 p.-13- ' Two1 young ladies' cofrespon country, tZAUD T70 WtSKS tJC.7 - ,desire' pSrwr all'., over has steel B; C2I3AUCH . . ; - ' nt PhiiitiM. lA'thA,--Sm.tPamer Ihis the LIU. gentlemen residing .and., window and Members Honolulu Stock and Bond .dence with in Mauna Kea: Olaa, .26,500 sacks; WaU sashes wired $lass, - r y ; sit absolutely or-- Exchange Hawaiian Islands; object mutual akea, 5500; Papaaloa, 4630;. Kalwiki, that what makes them " pleasure. Adle Biebe and Beth Gray, 3S50; 4750; fireproof.., said Mr. Edison. "There a MsUl Ct. C;?. Cljsa n::iUf . and Merchant Streets " 2352; Kukaiau, Hamakua, Fort 1 lay." He " Gen. DeJ Sam Francsco, CaL 400(L .: was y where our mistake WANTED Telephone 1208 Paauhau, 3000;. Honokaa, j pock- . AGENTS. - -- . - - - 6063-3t- r shoved his hands back . into his v ' ' ! ' I ets and rocked on his toes and heels. J. F; noiiGAri WANTED. rArdS.Ui!R3 AlUaTEU TWe wooden sashes and plate LIMITED coltd.; HELP -- had HOME INSURANCE CajDFJjAWAM ft glass windows, and the flame Just i 1 '.'Per stmr. Mauna Kea" from Hila and - STOCK BROKERS '. . You can bet lliijj: Q'Neil Bldg, 96. King wrner We need a thoroughly reliable mah in way ports for 16: swodped its way about Ltd, Sr, Information Furnished and Loans Honolulu January now sashes." ' ' s, ' ' Honolulu to sell our line of fine em that we will have steel Issues K. N. L K. Letters of : '. - ' From. Hilo U' Tiger, Miss Wartman; Fort St Telephone 3529 : . . : . , suggest to Mr. Edison that bossed seals; and labels on a commis witch, A. G. E. It was CLOTHING HOUSE. , Credit and . Travelers Checks Building C Markle Smith. Mrs. Merchant Street Star sion basis; good money can be made " his chief engineer, lUller Reeves Available throughout world. Phone 1572 4 ' E. Morse, M Iss A. C Murdoch, L. Hutchinson; quoted as say- the by' salesmen visiting confectionery C. Castendyke. had been Markie witch and wife, ing that Mr. 'Edison regarded the fire Fine cottage in town gas; chemical and toilet' specialty trades Mrs. H. Kauai, and child. A. Garten- - ex- 1 as the greatest and most valuable - screened ; electricity; S22. f Kcna coffee crops are being serious P. . E; Mason & Son, Batavia, N. Y. You don't really love Hawaii - " Renovated C -- bed room house; 30. ly damaged. by the green scale of the V- 6063-9- t .' . - . - until you have dined, danced .concrete building. -- SALE-fLar-ge group ..,..0w- - the-.;"- - - C:lh Trzzzfcrs ct FOR house and lot with Lecanium and on some plants hoeanf, a Sawamura, R..F.Wens, Mrsi , Edison's exclamation - and slept t reported - . ON FOR SALE Mahu-wa- bearing trees and grapevines; S2500. tions .trees are to be dying HAND H. Mundon and;chlld s "HMr.rplalnly sniff. in ' in great Dr. E." A. Back, p. Jrom. aderislve Tra SEASIDE HOTEL V numbers. di konai j. Riley, Miss E. Weaver. CT haDit 0f making some costly second-han- - he .. - rector of the federal horticultural Two d Fairbanks Morse gas- Fr6i-Kawai- Miss P.v not habit j. Hi Hertsehe, Manajer 3 ,- perimentf, but I'm in the , , quarantine gone '- 2 first-clas- s ; Real Estate ; station, has to Kona pllne engines,. h.p in Belt' From McGregor's E. Vincent, I of trying any that cost $2,000,000. This B42 SU Telephone 3633 Investigate1 blight '. second-han- d Kaahumanu to the condition; motorcycle. James D. Dole, Dr. J., H. Raymond. fB tne 8econd experiment of iat sort second-han- d 5 Reading 1 pye-had- Standard; From Lahalna J; W. Hcse, Mrs. A. C. . I lost 32.100,000 In Edison, - gasoline engine. 15 h.p.; 1 second- K6throck Jv j,-- : , ' .Rev manWcng' n sec-ond-ha- .;..-...v- . dig- - hand gasoline engine, 4 h.p, ;"1 GVL . I . "The'boys" referring, to his v marine gasoline engint 39 f - ' ' ti'mh' staff br executive officers - second-han-d plat--; I - ' V DRY GOODS , h.p. ; 2 . Fairbanks ' . PlSSEirOERS DEPARTKTI build- '..'-::'- -- :U "insured some of these wooden THE ' ' form scales; capacity 1500 lbs.; .1 r .ines that burned. 1 don't know how : .. -- V Fort 8t V 1 - Per O. S. S. Sierra, Fran- - -- gasoline; engine. for San the, Is. hecausethey f- Co; 'new Foos Jr; h. mnrh fnanrne 0. 'CtHtatf::: p.; 1 new Foos Jr. gasoline engine, Cisco. Jan.-1- 6. A. E. Arledge, J. W. knevef let me know, anything about it. . 2 hp.p.; with dynamo and complete Bennett E. Blondell. Mrs. Blondell : t wouldn't insure anything. . V v General Ar?ntfor HawaU; ; , electric light plant capacity 20-1- 6 and rhald, Master Edward Blondell.' Then-fo-r the first time Mr. Edison 1 C v .;i R. JBLAKE r Atlas Atsur.nce Company of f I Cnp. carbon' limps. . Agenta for Foos Miss Rose Blondell, Mrs. Qeo. r B. explained hls avertion to insurance in ' ' w -- ; - ' v- .j5 v' Miss A. Miss V. - - London, New York. Under- - 'gasoliner : engines from 1 to 500 Clark, Cohn, U Facht, general.-v'- ' lianafactufers Agent Titers Agency; Providence h.p. All kinds of machinery made MisS.E -- Goodman W. Hv Hale, Mrs. Otef HiH'a Curio Store, Bishosi (V-- W. D R." M. : Is being used by ?t Wathlnston lnauranceCo., : .) - ana repaixea. general Diaca-- Hale, W. Hughes, Miss Nitrate of soda and. King Sts.; , I vaaa re-- -- - 133-13- H. &nlon as successful smithing, Workshop; 5 Lemon, J. Munstori,' Miss C B. Pat rtowers with 2443. ' 4th floor' Stansenwald Building at Nefll's plantations, Tne Phone - ; ',T.. 6063-6- t rot H. Rawley, Miss G. ; Sonsteby, suits as on the stjgar OUR WOMEN CUSTOMERS. Merchant street '" : MlaaHIK. Turner:.-"--' : I ttmlir nrenta stunted bulbs, caused 'r FURNISHED COTTAGE. by ' poor, seeds.'- - : : .. - ... , s - brood: sovJs .and THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE FA8SE3TGEII5 BOOKIff A shipment'of 350 Find : the ' special facilities which : this Company - " young pigs,' which will ne orougni in BANK, LIMITED.- Furnished; cottage and light house ' "Llayflower' Coffee ' maintains for.'their convenience of the greatest ser- Mauna Kea , way tomorrow, will be in , keeping rooms; v all conveniences; for Hilo and ports on the Columbian ; FRO M SELECTED BEANS by Capital subscrihed. .. .48,000,000 vice in transacting their real estate," insurancetn-ve6tmen- t electric-lights- ; bath, running water January 16. B. K. Balrd, Capt and stalled'. on' the new. piggery started " ' ' : " Mod-crat- e. Mrs. McCaskey. ' McCaskey Percy M. Pond Wahiawaj The new . Capital paid tip.". ...,.30,000,000 and trust affairs.-.- j ; , .. . short,oiatanoe from .postjrfce. Masters at MAY A CO, LTD. . Vine- (2),,MIs,E.-Schoen- , F.-Muir- has a- - capacity of 2,000 head ; Reserve .funu,:.....-).0,000- , . Ganzel place. Fort and Miss ranch Phone 1271 Our central location and the private room rwhich ; i - ' ? K994-t- Rose, Mr. . , Pond expects to supply, the S." AW OKI, Loctl Miwiyier I yard.:. ; TeJ 1541 f Edith and Mrs.' J. W. Hose, and ' Mr. e maintain for their exclusive use makes this In- Mr.: and Mrs. Ai- - B. Angus and child, local market with the. highest grade - t ' .-' - ' y stitution .most convenient forewomen customers. NOTICE. J. N. S. WilliAma. M.; H. Drummond, Of pork.", -- :" Geo. Humphreyg Owen Williams; Mr." Hawaii Is neglecting one of .its best ". . - w 3 Vti the' . - J,. The regular January, meeeting of and Mrs. H. "Dickey Mrs". J. B. local products, according to one ct the V-- - Board ?. of Dental Examiners will be Cross, Mr: and Mrs. W. O. Vodden. large beekeepers, who points out that : held at the office of Dr C B. High on f .Per - str.r Claodlne for Mani ports', although 'Hawaiian honey commands Saturday. January 23.,for examina January 18. Fassoth, John prices in Germany there. is very 102 Merchant St the Fassoth. fancy tunsenwala BUy,. tion of. candidates for license to prac- Kiniu Kauai port, lfftl market i for here. Now that 1 str. for Jan - BROKERS i 'Per it' .kiS nniun ' tise deiitls try in this-territor- uary 19. Mlsi" A." Cooke, Mrs. C. M, the 'war is curtailing exports to Ger- and Bond B. D. D. J.' many, much honey spoiling for lack ir Members Honolulu .Stock C. HIGH. 8, Cooke, K. Farley, Mrs. E. P. Low, is Eyrhanss j. Secretary -- Treasurer. Mrs. J. L. Robertson, R. S. Norrls. of a local market 1 nONOLULn STAB-BULLETI- N, SATURDAY JANTTAUY 1G, 1015. SF.VKM. iiitDAj'jiihiidUAuuiiitiriuyr; PIKE OFm RESTEDATPflPUIiRTMgATER 1'JOYS VISIT last Tun: ToinanT

" ' : . . ; iL. Classic From Pen of':';Bronson tory e.toM ana this aw should IN HD1LULU Oecrre Webb Presents His Fliyers All-SU- r Cosxpiay in Howard to Be Shown With of many residents Hono- i ' ' . . breasts of Pathe Weekly Letter lulu. Undoubtedly a. goodly number The Best Shows on Earth! s of the theater lovers of today hare For the Best People vri Earth I "The Banker's Daughter." a classic seen "The Danker? Daughter," in ani- - Wants to Come Here Again, He In the Best City en Earth! th.t h. ria r mated form.: Those who hare will Before Sailing Mt)i.. fin loa' Tells Hosts cades, during which time it has been , J ftf n?ne L101!?-'' 4; on Mongolia one or the most ooDdar dramas- - on ,Kf nmu - to silent drama. the stage In both America and Eng- w land, has been enacted before the k '? 07 orwn8 owara. wnosa One of the most democratic royil photo-pla- y. camera by the Famous ai? a personages In the .world is Prlnco H J who Ho- Players and will be presented the ! dean 'VVT""JS PiayT?fh Kampengpetch of Slam, paii "Ttie Daughter at ,eft visit yesterday after- Ban!ers Popular theater for a three days' en-- 1 ,thV ul nolulu a brief gagement. commencing today. racaat. this charming still noon and evening, sailing on the Mon- In th Ran "'""1Mt"v w m j , golia this mcrnlng with his party for -- mas- cat fnr "Th. bor'i uivw One of those famous classics that never die. The Daughter," the Famous Players have being declared by the critics of his Bangkok., the capital of his realm. youthful days as the masterplecs from : Though royalty itself and with a mod "by of American dramatists, shown the greatest discrimination in terpiece that greatest choosing' actors and actresses well his pen era education acquired among his WEEKLY4' fitted to portray the parts which The Banker's Daughter" ' will be kingly and princely peers in Europe, BRONSON HOWARD also VPATHE at prov BEOLNNiNQ MONDAY NIGHT ' ,: : mothers and pres- shown next Monday and Tuesday, ma- the Siamese potentate's brother r -- the fathers of the V Live News of '"Today ,' ,j ent generation laughed and cried In tinee and evening, besides the produc- a a genial and easily-accessibl- e visi- days of yore. A pathetic tion this afternoon and tonight. tor, enthusiastic and eger toV chat V. , human in ' Cabaret de luxe is coming soon. ' newly-mad- e acquaintances Don't forget, that terest stary, carrying a lot well I In addition to The Banker's Daugh with his above the avrarp. la fold In Tli( tor" ih Pnnntnp thtmtmr la shnvlnr and hosts here. ' Banker's Daughter,", and told in that a later Pathe Weekly, filled with the j His entertainment by Governor style so popular the 'Plnkham was strictly according to pro-- with Utest news from the seat of war and & m m.: 111.. grandparents of today. The costum- - with matters of current interest in gram. Tnere was a loucn 01 iormamy 1 mg is true to the days around which our own land. in the reception and greeting extend- z by on behalf of Hiwail ed the latter Prices-r25- cf 6Cc 75c. Telcphoza 2037 and the United States government in and the suite at the Moana hotel shortly CLEVER STARS 'EAST LYNNE IS after the arrival of the prince and his XJl-iivivix-v y c party, but all the incidents before and after that .event were informal, the local people doing all. in their power BIG ATTRACTION to make the visit a pleasurable one. The prince expressed delight at the TONIGHT Last week we local climate and scenery and voiced ' " a desire to devote more time to his B1PIRE BILL FOR THE visit among the people of the islands. took a hatch of Buff Bill! He said he hoped to return this way ' some day, when he could remain in vv - ' ; ': - ' r I Hr.nnlntn itevpral dV."'v: mary " 'The picstoed ' of es-gevl- ty pingtonB out Filled rlth action, giving opportun- 'East Lynne, famed" for its Ion-- 1 Following the reception he was horse- which being ' ' ity for a display of ability in of life and . is ccrted about the city in an automobile :,-- ' GREAT STROKE ;; . tidyr ELEG-TRIG- 1 manship, the two-pa- rt Indian : drama, played this week at. the Bijou' theater on a sightseeing tour, and in the eve-b- y the Petaluma "Grey Eagle's will be AH-Sl- ar Company, bids Last Stand." the Players ning, with the Princess Kampengpetch Thrillingr 'Cr shown at the Empire Theater today. likely to smash attendance records and capL S. .Y00 of the royal Siamese .y.;- KEYSTONB COUEDY- - Iricufiator The picture abounds in scenes taken for the present engagement of the army, was guest of honor at a dinner from California and ; the western Webb, organization.' Last night . & given by the governor. ".Those; who states. Much care has been taken great crowd attended to see this old joined the governor In enterialning the and it was a with the "Bettings and the selection but intensely human play, while the visitors at the dinner were Gen. and r Coming Wednesday, Jan. 20. of the cast The defense offered by advance sale for tonight indicates an Mrs. William H. Carter, Admiral and 1 ; travelers in the1 protection of women even larger house. ;Tne Httle. faults mts.v C. B. T. Moore, Col. and Mrs. 4 n hatch. and children in wagon train affords which creep into a new production on c b. Cooper, Col. and Mrs. C. S. Brom-th- e a bit of intense realism. opening night were all remedied Veil, Capt. and Mrs. James Dv Dough-las-t G. M. , Anderson has again hidden night and the play,, was smooth erty, Mayor and Mrs. John C Iane. behind a character he has made and well enacted throughout" Miss Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Tenney and Mr. ' : ' - v . YciuM see world-know- n i better and plays the usual part Oakley again scored heavily as Lady and Mrs. George Sherman. ' ; . 1 of a i.hercf.to "Broncho. Billy's Close Isabel and Madame Vine, while the; t Call" He helps a little girl out of other members of the company fre us about a Petaluma trouble and occupies the front and quently came in for their share, of the center of, the spotlight during '' the applause. "East Lynne" will be given 5 greater" part of a splendid comedy-dram- a. f5r the last time tonight A;V . 1 - -- ''",?'' ' - ..i . r'" 5 Beginning with Monday, and contm- One of the cleverly written and Btag- - ulng through the flrt" halt,:of next Alia a : ed Keystone comedies, "He Would-- week the AlJ-Sta- rf Players wlir, pre-- COIERTTOKIGHT ' "Hunting . ; top- - wcfe'derfully Go," is listed with the sent' Texas,' a .', strong f Uners on the Empire program today. story, of the Texaa plains. t" Dollar Ever popular as a fun maker, John t m y;Betliffi:a CALIFOPJIIA FEED CO., LTD: ' orchestra- - will Bunny, assisted by . Flora Finch, ; Willi Prof. Carl Mlltner's be seen n "Bunco Bills .visit", a give the second of a series of attrac- vehicle ? well adapted to feature the! MOIIT SCHOOL tive concerts this evening from 8:30 Coir'Aiakea Q tieeii; Sts.v 11. o'clock on the i roof garden and peculiar of funny , fat man to talents ".the. ..." 1 Young The of the movies. ... y:"r:. of the Alexander hotel program Is as follows: ; t V' : v - March, .".Carmen" .,j-..i.V-.v. .G. Blet BAfJD PROGRAM V' ISTARIEfllll- Overture, "Fra Dlavola" ...... Aubei ThetHawattan: tand wtrrgfyeTa pub- Dark Eyes (a Mexican ' dance) I, . . Wai-kik- i, whor- - - Every negatl lic concert ,ln . Kapiolani park, , ...... ,.N. Moret worth taking tomorrow afternoon commencing Selection, The Gypsy Baron"... . ;Vhen? .'"Henry Where? ie worth a daU at 3 o'clock. Kapellmeister 'OIIOBR' ...... J. Strauss Berger has prepared an attractive "Souvenir" .. . . .V. ... , . .. .Fr. Drdla ' ' . y program occasion, band for the The V - Selection, Rob Rpy", : . . . . . De Koven played at Pier 7 at 9 o'clock this morni- As? Intermission. ng- during the departure of the Pa Promotion Committee Men to Overture, "Die Schone Galathe". .'. cific Mail liner Mongolia and at Pier Learn Trail Mapping; and Fr Suppe 10 at noon during the departure of the Paraphrase, 'Lovely" . . . . ; . Nesvad bo .' , ' - .... :' ".' steamer Sierra for San Francisco. rroper t ounswauiaing Selection, Lohengrin ...... R. Wagner A Walt "Love Sparks". . , . lA. Holzman A. i outdoor workers Jf,tIi(t Promo- Hungarian Mazurka, "La .Tzigane" AN AUTOGRAPHIC KO- Tbe i YOU SHOULD HAVE EITHER tion Committee have ;beguh their "eve- i ...... T. . . . .1 Ganne V " Jn'-lhe- "" March "Persian"; Strauss DAK. OR SHOULD CONVERT.' YOUR PRESENT KO- ning class work Promotion ...J. nommltteft- - rooms Last nizht Prof ' DAK INTO AN AUTOGRAPHIC KODAK BY BUYING A Dcnagho oC the College of Hawaii STAR-BULLETI- X GIVES TOD gave a talk en trail map making. He TOTUY'H NEWH TOUAT , - - NEW BACK WHICH HAS THIS ATTACHMENT. . exhibited the contour map of the Trail IS and Mountain club, on which! he 'has been work for several "years , i 2.D0 $4.&0.' Attaching at Backs cost from to y MU One of the outdoor" committee who ;id old makes .your ; iH'h one instead of the back remained in Java for some time to " "' up-to-da- te system marking on f dak right , study the of trail y ; '.'.!. workings ,of CONTl NUOUS .PERFORMANC E In Autographic Kodaks we have the 3 A and that island explained the the system and fthls I being TODAY. .' V V;; ' "No. 3 Special; Javan ' Puna-ho- u, 3A Special; the and No. 3 the adopted by Prof. Donagho In-th-e plans The ;parisioners of the Sacred Heart Church, ' GREY EAGLE'S LAST. STAND ' lA and lA Special the 1A RJ R.; the No. 1 of his Trail and Mountain map. . - Two-re- el , who now have had only 7:30 Junior, and the-1- Junior., Prices, i9 to Samples of Jthe. signs-- , to be placed Kalem Indian drama. until one mass, at .; - - : were" on exhibi- Broncho Billy's Close Call tcs.) .:;'vr. . everywhere- -on .trails s soon (Essanay Drama.) V o'clock, will be pleased to learn that from tomorrow on tion and hundreds of these will ' nosltlon, so no tone Bunco Bill's Visit be placed, in that ' " will find any, excuse for. losing his (Vitagraph Comedy.) . ; there will be two masses every Sunday,1 one at 7 o'clock way in the mountains, about. Honolulu. Ht Would Go v V; '(Keystone Comedy.) ? J Honolulu Photo Supply Co. Each sign will' indicate .whaii particu- and the other at 9 o'clock. ; At this latter mass there will - " ' lar walk the tramper- is, taking, .will ' : "i r.: . give in feet and the dis- - Fort Street the elevation be a sermon in English'and singing. . . ; tance from the .nearest- cart line and the highest' mountain peak. ' : K One of the employes of-t-he outdoor committee has ust: returned from a trip over .the Olympus ; trail .with a fcrce of Japanese workmen, so that the trails to Qlymous and Konahnantil i are now in , excellent shaps..; ; Today boosters azd Llovirj . i he learves for . the Hatiula, district to pnt the James (Castle , trail and the HAWAHAN IkAliOi Punaluu trail In shape, T0US- S- WE MOVE FURNITURE AND DAG-- k - GAGE AND BOOST SIDEWALK CON- Prices Reasonable . f - .''Tomorrow . another . of the- outdoor 11 STRUCTION, BUILDING THEM OR employes ..- - will conduct two pr ill the - - ; J v FURNISHING THE BEST MATE- T" 9 mctor . with excur-- s tA. f t three busses the We yeci with ; ft r 1 , , can furnish RIAL FOR THEM. ; ; ; .. . sicnlsU who are snend day in to the details "and estimates fpr . SERVICE FIRST , 5 The broken ; bracelet vmatehea--nd-.' .the vicinity of Koko Head. ; . any and aU excursions. i vviiy aj I 1 i (is w lawwiwvii i wii 1 ' v ' 202 Kauikeolani Bldg. Honolulu Contraction & Drayinj Co. Just bt patient CATHOLIC LADIES' AID '4 PHONE 4981 : I re-elec- ts Honolulu, i H. Pgc!5c ? Officers t; - Traizofsr - TN like 1 AT ANNUAL MEETING Go At the annual meeting of-- the Cath- II yester- olic Ladles' Aid Society , held THE R MIC,. FORT day at the home of Mrs. J. F. Bowler Ct, next to Tomni Bids, 1174 YWephon IfTl on Diamond ' Head avenue, ? officers : COUE ENJOY YOURSELF were re-elect- and reports read lor '.' p. past year. . ; - ., , T.'' X. T Afternoon. ...a to 5 Admission j - : il; .:-- The officers, with their assistants, " ' Evening...... 7. to 10 P. II, Skating . . FOPv are: Mrs.. J. F. Bowler,; president; SICATING i RENT Miss Louise MkeCaulay, assistant; Mrs. W. vice president; Thrts-beiroo- m furnished house, Kilrmlkl, renul QJCO per montH . J. Podmore. Miss Ruth McChesriev. assistant: Mrs. , . i, y . , r 1 - " '" " " Emma McKeague, with Thelma t ft J if ; . rf. a- Hiss Murphy as 8 ssistant a nd ; Mrs. C J. ; Campbell, . Miss . with Sara' Lticas as TelephoheBranch'Office 2919 ' V ain assistant concluded the board cf di- J W H ; rectors. ; ;"; '( v; , The twrntv-fift- h anniversary cf the mm. society will be celebrated February 6 11 ' will be : here soon. with a large entertainment f.v EIGHT HONOLULU STAB-BULLETI- N, SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1915

' r r r "J r : f f 9 r r i i "nr2(5 if

NEXT MONDAY, ;tween th hours of NOON and ONE O'CLOCK, a big promotion work' "will be consmnmated. EVERY OESIDENTOF HONOLUOJ k y.? Vv-.-.-i- ,' f- ; ' ' .' '"''. :. - .v .. should aiioar in the photo-pla- y that will advertise and pro- mote this city around the world. To be in the scene is a duty that everyone owes himself and owes his citv. ". ;HY Commencing at Aiakea and Hotel streets, the motion picture operator 6 .HonoMlu i; on-th- e ; will travel alona Hotel street to Fort street The crowd shoot: bank ; will be made for exhibition in San Francisco during the Exjx)-1- : From a promotion standpoint there is nothing that can , ; 'J-- . V-- makai side of Hotel street, facing WaiklkL everj'body get picture. excel this kind of publicity. It pays and pays' big Be there a From Fort and Hotel streets the camera .'man Sill tovel. down Fort to sition and should in the The picture King street, the crowd belnfl on Ewa side of Fcrt street, facing mauka, automobiles-to- ps th iv will also be shown around the world in Pathe AVeekly letters next Monday from 12 to lj on foot and in From the Intersection of Fort and King streets he will travel over King v if arid he benefit will be hard to estim'ateJ : 'f ; : these-an- d moving. , A bigger and more : to Bishop street, with the crowd on the makai side of King street, facing down on keep tros-- ' " ' - ' X-be- Ewa. i i As members of the Ad Club and as citizens of Hawaii let 'i city will be the result. .y1 ' jH'rpus A'y . From King and Bishop course will be along Bishop. to Hotel, ' '" :- ' streets the r? '''' 'I' -- ' out in full' force. ':y:r: ...... street, the crowd along the Young Hotel building facing makai. ; i:K:wvk?- ALBERT P. TAYLOR ; From Hotel and Bishop streets the route .will lead back to the comer V - . V IV. B. FABRINGTON, ! - .' ' '.-.'"- - Secretary, Hawaii Promotion Committee. of Hotel and Alakea, along Hotel street, with the crowd this time facing ; Acting : - President Honolulu Ad Club, Ewa on the makai side of Hotel street. ; r f nr ...- -

crn inuiTcn uimmmui AlTilER LEGAL SE BY SOUGHT ffl -- lilffl' flPirii f


Pcoplo of City Sent Special No- Petitioner Wants to Withdraw Application Because tices to Ccmc Out Monday '..' License Noon fcr Picture. It is Defective 'The Pleasanton hotel's present ap- fvtiur JubzkI plication for a liquor license Is slight- CHICFv JUSTICE ROBERTSON ly This much was admit- I su;;ett that every man on the defective. ttreet next Monday between the ted by Attorneys R. W. Breckons and hcurs cf 12 and 1 wear a f.ower In C. H. Olson, who appeared before the tf--s Upel cf his cost. A hibiscus commission yesterday way rr srxr liquor license wcw!d net be out of the and permission to would show In the picture, afternoon and asked r- withdraw it ', . J D. LEVENSON I su;;ett the Whether the' commission, can grant title cf the Moniay street ' fim QossMlEHfiA snim this withdrawal, thus permitting the thculd be "Hcnclulu In January." SJ ' petltlcner.to file a new one la the Im We want the peek's away front mediate future, as . a legal question ex- here to ee that we have summer 7; over which . the board members weather in January. It's the cii-t:- t; pressed doubt and they finally decid- swe.'l as the peop'o vve rs ed to submit' It to Attorney-Genera- l L advertising. Let the people dress M Stalnback for his opinion. in v' :ts zr.i :rne cf the men 'A Pending his mng the board will AkfiVl ia tbft-rl9n'unr- k A n DiiKIIa f.haH R. (a r t t;ke eff their ccatt. It would ihnwn aii hv Rnnrii(ftHn Wnrki Fftri triru..iii i i take no action on .the matter. The - "duck-pond- H' of- t; a scheme ta have the flow the Waikiki swamps Into healthful, and beautiful residence property.- - The first unit the JMfl point is that If- - the commission can- er ir!j cn Fcrt ttreet' area to te reclaimed is 30 feet wide and stretches from the tracks of the Rapid Transit company across the not grapt the withdrawal the applica- swam? (shown at the extreme left of the 'drawing) to the eastern boundary "of the tract marked "Queen . Emma tion must be denied, which would de-pri-re TUCO. HCFFf.' AN I C:Ut;." On the rl;ht cf the. drawing. also appears the plan to divert watere of thestream now flowinj petitioner of the privilege su::es the' -- the t' -- t tL; v,vo cwn automo into the sea tislde the Outrider club Into another channel. - For this reel imatlon: project the. legislature' will of another application, for two years. L. ;s in line cf the movie te :k:d to Ir.creass the "revolving fund" by S1WfC00, the money to be paid back to the territory the property Judge Antcnla Terry,. appearing for fjt t.e - ' sanitary,; ': n f':r:'ry. .Thlj is a crest auto-- r owners. The reclatnatipn .will IncreasS th value of: the land fifeatty besid es making it these opposed to the license,- urged ;Li:e tswn, n wonder for its size, t yen hardly beopram, - Lee Koon Yan pleaded ' 'the commiss'on to deny It definitely remained . 'AnWrn nntii that frt i stated that" shee could hot we cu;ht to show this in the la u guilty before. United States Commis- dispos'nj'cf the' trcublesome question z'i a81 -- ". was captured: the OirmansThen' j- - r ... - : George S, Curry today was f rt f t'vr 3 he f'n. CCLLEOEi . City! oplum psh. - - ; sioner and f"rv'3. he t made his to New York ;- J Ul hearingr' brought Out a nniqneJ committed to the .April term of. the declared, the affair, promises to drag where he contracted typhoid feverand The -, concealing opium which is federal court for trial. He was re- for a long period. . He argued the pet!- Queen Ll'Iuokalanl and Governor was , delayed Jor nearly two months. method of au- leased on bond to the amount of $500. tioners have had their opportunity u He Is now convalescing and continue comparatively new to the federal II Tinkham bare been extended The defendant was arrested Thursday and have failed to take, advantage ; thorities, This consisted of a small ' to be present when FRACnCAt DEAN ing his Journey'to his post Tokid ; . ' lntitatlons LiFSAYS at ,'-- - night in a room in Hotel street ' 'of.it . e nctlcn-- i icture that will .tell of ijeigium u is a struggle xor for: : A large number persons repre- LufinpRs activity to the existence,' visitor declared, : "the wrapped with paper and stuffed up of icrciulu's the senting Anti-Saloo- n League, Puna-ho- u world Monday of widspread,.destructJon'and into the cone-shape- d bottom of a quart SUPREME COURT FINDS the tire is taken next hp can papers or the Japanese gapers." stories college, the pupils of that Insti- WT.eth-- r fir nrl Hnlilr devastatlonare-JKtrxaggerate- d. bottle. The package cannot be seen twecn tcca and cne o'clock. w' Ffhofo All ' -- A; Among those who attended the dla - 'AGAINST HONS IN SUIT tution and their parents, all opposed t.e Q'jeea will te lle to be out at 'V"1" Vi l f our vgreat industries, engineering when the bottle is upright. . V : opv.x universiiy uiuo ana ner were Dr. Doremus Scudder, J. P. something of to the license, attended the session. ;.t tl:e has net jet teen decided ' ai works and factories, all our art and Mr. Ingalls explained . DAVIS ESTATE 0 Cooket'the-BT.-'Av-A- .' OVER In the .executive session the com- :t it Is the desire cf the Hawaii at Central Union Church Ebersole, John other,; treasures have been destroyed., the chemical analysis of opium, saying Waterhouse, Frank Scudder. 0, mission granted Walter P. Drake per- Ccrcrs'lfw, whose the Rer. war was today, would . meconlc acid is peculiar to the icrr.rlicn lindr If the to end it that - half-intere- an opinion mission to sell a st in the :; ices the hcto-rIa- y will be shown take Belgium 50 years to regain what "poppy drug1 and that it Is the find- "The" supreme court in Encore to E. I Smith, with t tl.e Francisco Exrcjllicn aid ,,MHrtn wo. rvvfntort , Dean. Prof. . Edgar Wood, Prof, she has lost because of : ing of this acid in a substance that handed down today affirms the order saloon fan ui it" Whitney the privilege of changing the name to err r3 the United States, that ihe can one of the slgnLlcant social Count' Faille dwelt on the outlook convinces the chemist it is opium. His made by Circuit Judge W. U ; . 1914, surcharging show partnership. i jlrrr.r.re her arTalrs as to Leccme a' few years by Prof.cluShailer N. B. Emerson, Dr. S. D. Barnes, Riley for 1915. r T . declaration that the substance in evi- on September 8, , the cf the last ' ' r c 1 p r'.rtnrp. I H. Allen, Nathaniel Pfeffer, George P. "The worst is due. The third Eng was opium was not questioned Ferdinand Hons in the sum of $1000 License Inspector Fennell submitted j Mathews, dean of the divinity school dence report on Castle F.. W., R, H. . ; Alma Eleanor Davis, the following the Pleasanton Ir;;r.al lavitatiens have been' for- - cf the University of Chicago and pres Schnack. Castle. lish army ia being drilled and when py the defense. . ; ; for the benefit of r B. Campbell,' H. W. A. on Belgium Henry Davis, hotel petition, showing it defective r.r.I; 1 to a reat r.rr.-.le- cf residents E Hendrlck, this arrives soil there an heir of the late David Council of ng ident of the Federated Bo because lacking number of an-provi- f Honolulu, the members America, wen, Mr. Kennedy, L. R. Killam, W. Will be harder fighting than ever, with from whom Hons as administrator of the incluJlr.s Churches of Christ In at a signatures by property-holder- s f and navy, and is a.nti- - lO. Smith and a score, of prominent a worse result for Belgium," he said. the estate was" found to have with- the trry lt dinner in the University club last FEDERAL COURT NOTES J fules of t 1 through which - Incl C?J18fuU "Neither side will give up until the . held her rightful share, or $2000. which the the' commission that the ttrecis night. Dr. Mathews, with Dr. Sidney. ia,S?ne"e ,cI""n8- - ' require. . . - : e r.c.'.ca picture r .in will work will and Rev. last dollar is gone and . the last man Alma Eleanor Davis was awarded L. Gulick. waa hrl on - : kawa, V:, "; 'l-'.- ' i- - I $2000 administrator, "I wish to call the attention cf the ? veil f.iicd. To Is cut at this time Japan to carry's message of friend- ..' fallal The members of the triat jury have and Hons, the is i At' public meeting In surcharged which board to the fact that the nlgnatures r.l a Loc:t fcr Honolulu.."- ; the Central . Monday morning half that amount la ship from the churches of America. ' been excused until of the consent of ' property holders AS out by PreEl Union church Dr. Gulick appealed for 8:30 o'clock. he must pay from his own pocket The hr.s Leea pointed The dinner in honor of Dr. Mathews at were secured v and acknowledged t V. R. rarrlsgtoa cf the Hono-- and Dr Gulick was given by the a better handling of the immigrant trouble arose when, after the adminis- - UrS. Ir March 9 12, 1914, I believe problem. He urged registration CMS ; Yokoda, peti- trator had made a of and and Taylor, the. case . of Denjlro distribution the Ad Club and ty Altert P. versity of . Chicago alumni and the The rro-- of every alien coming to America and . corpus, has estate, was learned David Henry there has .been an 'unnecessary delay T rrrrciary cr tae nawau cf the American. and Japanesd tioner for of habeas it ; nea3 a-- of filing. " n c r ;uiee, is we acesi churches in Honolulu. Although the the maintenance of federal, bureau been continued until Monday after- Davia had another child by a former, i:s 13 to look -' ."' 1 ."And I also'fnd. In checking th cdvcrtlsir-- s It possible after the needs of the immi- noon 2 o'clock: , marriage living on the coast :.:c! that speakers were to make addresses . at at ... r any city to Hundreds grants,, the expense of this bureau to WIIESS - consent of th3 r""?erty holders that ccn:ani. the Central Union church later in the perz,-;.- ;.r. bo by a' tax on WM re- -j there are 163 a eligible to sign' f t! cv fs cf recple will witness met immigrants them" Murphy today evening they 6poke briefly 4 few re- Clerk Augustus E. cowpeas and sweet potatoes make flled Ean Fran-- o selves." He also ex- re-;a-g- the. consent The consent bears j ;:cturc3 during the marks after the dinner. declared that the ceived, Volume 234, United States combination feed for hogs, ac-por- ts, cr.J each one will form an ploitation of all immigrant labor must Uhe de- - 8& names, of these 23 unon September flr ' which contains 'latest to Henry, who has Dr. Mathews, who. was introduced :', - William 24, 1914, : filing appli- ; thls-cit- y cease. - , cog the date of the lr.:;n cf accordln; to the , , (ipiu;.i case cisiona and reports, of the, united een experimenting on hog ranch by the Rev. a. A. Ebersole, a Univers- -- Dr. in his cation, have lost their rights to con- '.mir.3 r.:ade ty its residents. Mathews spoke of the necessity supreme . . ity Chicago man, spoke States court - , , . . j at Kaneohe. . The of the sweet To tr:r- - tcurlsts and to draw vlsi-:- s of of the of applying Christian ideals of justice best sent by reason of death or otherwise changing of the American coi ; - J,uy, potatoes are sent to market and the It is "cEsertLJ that rrosperity .be attitude not only in everyday-individua- l The case of Ki Kong, charged - ceasing to be .property holders, ; I-- life ratnP and' culls fed to every occasion. leges and American churchmen. " but At- are' ; "This leaves 59 valid signatures, wn cn tcssible in dealing between natIons.V tt : Assistant United States District the illicit manufacture of liquor at . nT - a "The college professor is still wide- , i th. mr'o 85 : rr;r.-tc- aud Taylor declare. An this could be assured there'-- nevet torney, Jv Wesley, Thompson got down will go to trial Monday as against required to make the ly regarded as a being with a bulging '' prosperity - ; majority by statute. I excellent way to thow this would be a war, he said.' - a" hearing before the fed- 8:30 A. S. Hum- called for the brow no portion anat- to cases at morning, at o'clock. . to lave the streets well tiled lor the and otner of eral commissioner todaywhen he call- phreys is attorney for the defendant Efforts made to promote education therefore report that the application -- omy," he said, we know u: Tcf a ricture that is to be given "but that is ed in A. B. Ingalls, expert chemist, to in the southern states are summarized has not fulfilled the requirements of world-wid- e publicity. for not no longer true. The old dividing lines the of the report section 12, Act 119, S. L. 1907. snd testify whether --a certain dark brown, sixUillment Fran-c- United States District Attorney Jeff S ( will this be shown in San : between the academic life and life In sticky opium. And he the general education board, found- - that no further action be taken in the Weekly longer - OELGIJEfJir substance was McCarn is busy preparing a number :o but a!;o in the Pathe general no exist Our ideal , matter." leaned back . in ' his chair, and smiled .rM.u fnii lnvstfmtfnn hr th mnd J ' . now la a more inclusive ideal. b r.ews letters, It .the" chemist, passing a of . Doay the ideal of social service than when bit jury. It is possible that tnis The time, Monday, January 18th, rather smoking ash under his nose, declared may be called into session during the and, one fidelity to old theological concepts.. I tween the hour of. noon -- bet ?a hundred to one shot that coming week. '. .; '.:"' "So in my own university fCilTjlilMS fTd there are it Is opium prepared for smoking., w i3 route will be professors political I'cllowlng tie that a number of in . Mr. Thompson believes that, he now A motion and order to file judgment picture man: ' life, on public ty the a number committees has found- - a way to avoid, inj the fre- in the case of Young Chow Yee, peti- Commencing' Alakea and Hotel at and a number in other forms of public quent "poppyj drug cases which he tioner for a writ of habeas corpus, Op2na v 4 s operator r're-t- the ruction lecture life. Our students, too, are being im- handles, the merciless line of Question- was allowed today by Judge Sanford wV.l along Hotel street to Fort -- travel pregnated with tne ideal of social ser- . you know recently was e ing on the point "How do B., Dole. The defehdant cJ,( j-- crowd should bank on the vice, to the actual profession of which ; ,;. government intends Hotel street, facing it's . opium?" He believes that Jhis released, and the makai salde of . many are turning. The great passion appeal the case. to '" : ' with which many of our graduates are freaicung that Belgium will suffer ft nnnv th marshaL who usu-- . - : .. and Hotel streets .the rrcm" Fort leaving college is the passion to make as much during 1915 as during 1914 ally arrests. . : A hearing on exceptions to a. return Win travel down Fort to makes the f c,era nan tomorrow better than today, . and if and a motion to discharge in the case street, the crowd being cn the cur colleges go oh being the nuturlng of Lee Leong, petitioner for a writ of "waYli3 street, facing mauka. ground-fo- un- cf Tort r this social idealism they evi-Wh- habeas corpus, has been continued - and came awaywim considerable From- tl e intorsectioh cf Fort will be fulfilling a noble aim. - golla for the Orient this morning. f January 19 2 o'clock. This is will travel over King dence the form of opium pipes, til al r.,, fleets he Dr. Gulick, who was by here the count asked that the third petition to be filed by Lee street, with the crowd on introduced . I lamps, cleaning" tools, etc. ; Included ' Weekly and iVT Cooke, spoke Leong within the past year and a ), King street, facing J, P. on'the injury done - were horns ' , cVvj f;je of oenair- or Belgian ex- in the evidence three '. .',:v;4-v-- American-Japanes- e by the "people be half. Monthly to relations the tended to everyone which contained a , substance;. which Vr' 1 spreading of false rumors reports,, in Honolulu who Tn-- ff and Cishopr streets the and had contributed money aym "looked like opium.1 It was this sub- granted Payments He blamed -- yellow and jingo press either cr Judge Sanford Dole has - ?M aloe's- Bishop to Hotel ie stance A. B. Ingalls, chemist and r- !u k pathy to the Belgian relief. He de- that the. petition for adjudication in bank- Vo alone the Young for this. examiner at custom house, de- rrnwd clared that the aid of the American the ' ruptcy recently filed by Albert B. Lam- me aim or a majority edi- f , tu'lding facing matau . of the people after the. devastation ot Bel- clared to be opium. 7 salesman and former com- r,fi Bishop streets tors, news writers and especially head- sub- bert' local frc-- a Hotel and the gium . was the means of saving the Mr. Ingalls took a "pill of the The case has been of line writers is not to in- mission merchant "will back to the coer disseminate uvea of many hundred thousand citi- stance and," after tasting heated it Lind- 1 i mil lead - it referred ;to Referee Alexander - . Hotel-- KtreeL " formation to interesting.M smell-e- d -dnne- . but be he zens of European over an alcohol lamp. Then he will Hotel and Aiaivca. the small nation. ; say Jr. A meeting of creditors xaemgwa said. "This Is responsible in- ' Jan-uary;30- "at time for the The count was Liege . '"':'.-- "v:.; vi-f- this in in August the fumes. Lindsay's the crowd ' -- be held in Mr. office. Hotel street flammatory headlines and not any ma- -- satisfy is o'clocav-y-1::..."- '' - ,ide, of when the war b soke out He remov- I can myself tttat this 9 Uii licious desire , to provoke trouble. ed to Brussels when the attacks grew opium, he said. Then he offered to TOU Therefore I warn yon GlVES not to take too in volume and later to Antwerp when make the hundred i to one shot bet "Charged with having possession of i seriously you - what see in the Amerl- the Belgian capital was moved. He" that It was the "poppy , drug. .. He and othewlse dealing with smoking STAR-BULLETI- HONOLULU N, ' SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1915. ITLZ2

1 . A TfTv Keyrs and Comment Local and' Foreign Written by Experts Sport Field Covcrc i - Mi i DE RUSSY BASKETBALLERMmmRKINGHARD 5AWED OFF I SHORT. uiinifMiD nimimc vcah iiiqt c?mr? HUlm Df UUiUUU ILMldUiH UiU The 2d Infantry wlIT be represented a nir in the swimming meet scheduled for nnnr; mrfrn By Mall Harry 150 yards in y the Carnival next month. Company Latest Jlebner. trareled " 1-- commanders, have been requested to NEW YORK Despite the fact that 1 minute 31 5 seconds, with 7 turns. iselect and enter such men of their many national and world's, swimming Then Hebner, Kahanamokn and Mc- I companies as may possess ability, as records were broken by Americans In Gilllvray all three scored at 220 jards. speedy watermen who 1914. the year's most important fea- dcing respectively: Hebner, 2 min- and desire to prog- Northwestern League Team enter, the races, and these men will ture was probably the amazing utes, 21 seconds, with 11 turns; long events; 2$ 4-- G seconds, have the. necessary try " ress witnessed In distance 2 minutes Grabs Local Outfielder When outs to determ- -, ine the team, to represent the regiment '." u .- progress which will go unchrontcled with two turns, and McGUUvray, 2 In running water 22 2-- 5 1 turn. Portland Lets Him Go Fort Shaker, as is well known, has no bcause times made minutes seconds, with are not ranked as standards. It Is Hebner and Ludy Langer of tbo Iio salt water swimming facilities, but the 440-yar- Lang A ka:i a will, get It Is baseball team will be given an ' significant of the rapid strides made Angeles A. C accounted for the d opportunity for : 22-mi- C on the-toas- al- - the difficult le course from figures, former returning thance t after all, and Lthat class of swimming at De Russy ;.l ' that the though he,lH not wear the uniform ' the Battery to Sandy Hook, only twice minutes 22 2-- 5 seconds, with 21 turns,' or point A ; 23 other list of over 1-- cf the Portland League team covered before last summer, was offi- the latter 5 minutes 22 5 seconds Coast men has been designated for the try-ou- t . , cially negotiated In July by four swim- with 5 turns; Joseph Wheatley of tho fijir'season, he will fport that of the . .. ;..':' for the team, with two or ; 500-ya- three mers A. A. V. supervision. New York A. C. contributed a rd Spokane Club, cf. the Northwestern companies yet las under V A A to be .,'.' 4-- . - - L ( I heard from tc " 5 vgce. , un account 01 we puoncnj.f The test was competitive, and three mark of minutes secon "selections. SSj-yar- Boston representatives finished one, with 21 turns;v; Langer added an d wiucn ne na ieen given in uie coasi ' - papers, will be closely watch- two, three, proving their unquestion- one cf 11 minutes 4S 2-- 3 seconds, his work ; There will, be 46 players side in ed, and he Is sure of getting a square a able national supremacy in aquatic with "12 turns, and Herbert Vollmcr the Service-Countr- y Club golf match at leal once he catches on. f endurance. v of the same club completed the list the local course tomorrow. 1000-yar- d -- A letter to Eddie NelL from Billy This, George Meehan of the Brookline S. with a performance; 12 the largest golfing turnout In the his not only won the race by a margin turns, in 14 minutes 19 2-- 5 seconds. Orr, who was here with the Venice, tory game C ' players, Kir en some interesting gossip of the here, and there of one hour, but smashed to pieces tht, With the exception of tho thrco the Akana case, and the Tigers. considerable speculation as to the out record of 8 hours 12 mt&ues held bv marks last mentioned, all the abov. cf of come of the match, although is gen filch Orr says in part: . it S. L. ards of the L Street club, figures represent world's records f "I see that McCreddie has let Lang erally conceded that the club players when he landed in 7 hours 18 minuee. the ccndltlons named. In relay raci4 ; go, have the edge on their home course! The latter took second place, proving the Illinois A. C. team twice created Akana but Spokane Immediately -- grabbed him. We gave Lang a boost A few of the matches will be played how unwarranted were the doubts ex- international standards at 400 yard when we arrived, and Jack McCarthy this afternoon, but the majority wil pressed regarding his performance of 100-yar- d relays, doing 3 minutes 52 2-- 5 tomorrow morning. , year Wal- 75-fo- ot pool 3 min- . did likewise. be.runoff the before; his teammate. seconds In a and. "I start coaching at Stanford right ter Dunn, was third, a few feet back, utes 57 1-- 5 seconds in. open water. away, and will remain there until There Is lots of baseball on tap for and C B. Durborow of Philadelphia . At back stroke swimming Hebner tomorrow, games being'sche-- placed of two standards about the 7th of March. ; the fans fourth, the last the quartet furnished world's rt "Cliff Elankenship has been appoint duled at Molliili field and also at to reach the goat 150 yards, vis.: 1 mInuteM9 3-- 5 sec- 20-yar- cd manager of the Salt Lake team, as Athletic park. On the latter grounds . : . Another record for a regulation onds for the distance In d bath, he is very popular there. No definite the reorganized Chinese will play course which went by the board wa and 1 minute 55. 4-- 5 seconds over a De Russy gone nt the sport with determination to wind up sea- ' 75-ya- rd , arrangements to against the Asahis. This should draw The basketball squad of Fort has the' the that of 10 miles. In the Mississippi course. have been made as r good Japan son with a first division team. From left to right,' those the above picture are: Standing Nielsen, Hoober, river. . Herman Laubis of Louis AH records were-als- o shattered In training quarters for that team. . al a crowd, as a number of St though San Jose has been mentioned. ese fans have been clamoring to see Capt C. W. Waller (mgr), Davison, Gcetz. Seated Johnson,' N felson, Goe big, Cosgrove. Kodagraph Print : lowered it to 1 hour 48 minutes 25 scholastic and collegiate competiticn "We had a great trip coming home their team in action again. Apau wil seconds in winning the national A. A, The boys of the Brookline hlghT school Chinese, U. championship. ; accounted for the former and capture! . on the Sonoma, A bunch of English pitch for the with Markham chappies were aboard, and some of at the receiving end. T. Moriyama and MAJOR LEGALITIES SPORTS OF Times for the regulation shorter the individual and team charr.r'.: UPSETS !K ALt efTorts .. i .... . courses were given much attention. ships, chiefly through the of our gang persisted in giving three Nishi will form the Asahi battery; The .. ... -, all-arou- swimr- game will be called at 3 o'clock. 1 The" American eague . is going to At 50 yards Barrett Small of the Olyn Leo Handy, the cheers for the Kaiser,- and a riot could ' 2-- have easily been started. try a new umpire named Domlnick pic Club, San Francisco, did 23 5 A. Wales, the national plunger, and V' Mullaney summer. ' - seconds straightaway; Duke Kahana-mok-u Jouannett the leading diver. Amor The Spokane Chronicle carries . The Mlkiki League will stage anoth- next i SORTS OK THE sign-rin- g double-heade- ;B!LLIlflli; 100, also! collegiates leading were the slightly r Molliili field of Honolulu did the the different account of the er at to - r of Akana, and although the writ- morrow afternoon, the opener between It Is : stated that Charles Somers, straightaway, in 54 3-- 5 seconds; Perry sprinters Hoadley and Robert- er's geography is somewhat mixed, he the Kaimukis and Theatricals being owner of the Cleveland Americans, is McGilllvray of the Illinois A. C cov- Yale and Smith of California Univer- Is evidently a booster at heart, and scheduled for 1:30. The second game nuiinvr, vpad willing to sell his '.New Orleans fran- ered 120 yards in 1 minute 8 2-- 5 sec sity; and the middle distancera, Crcs3 ' V L-.- ' L;.- SCHEDULE 5 turns; teammate, of Princeton and Langer of California. the story is calculated to give Akana will about 3 o'clock, the. Donnas chise.'1 l L'L-:- r onds, with his' start i . T ' a good standing In Spokane. meeting the Makikl Stars. Henry Chll The Chronicle says: - lingworth will umpire. The admission Herman Schaefer, formerly with the FAST COMPANY E Lang a Chi- only 10 15 Wasfflngton Americans, is wanted as Akana, Hawaiian of half to this game Is and cents, year 1914 . ..The Y. M. C. A. indoor baseball sea- A notable feature of the manager of the Los Angeles club of FOUR GAMES OF TEAM TAKES GA?'5 nese blood, whose home Is in the Phil- justvenough to cover running expenses. In billiards was that not a single title son begins tonight when the interme- - " Pacific Coast league. ' FROM COMPAfJY G ippine islands, has been signed up by and this should stimulate attendance, changed hands. William F. Hoppe of. the ' diate clubs stage a doubleheader. The 'President Farr of the Spokane team New York "retained possession of the? XX Club and Olympics play one game . ell-- Star-Bullet- in ) can- Carry-the-New- . Indiyldual members of the fEpeclal . Corrcpon1sncf to report here in the epring as a 8 and Helen C4 ;.the 1S.2 18.1 championships and The and the Hawalls and P. B. I. the and in C SCHOFIELD BATwItACKS, Jan. 1'.. didate for the Spokane baseball club. two crack Hawaiian polo ponies that ; other. - Each game will be seven inn- ;BASjfiip--SERVIC- Akana is an outfielder and accord- Dennl3. won the second gm? i r were loaned to the American team for - ' 8 ii.i x( uiiB wiciv Kivyuj t euiweuiouv, vi each. ' ings, and the first will be called at ing McCarthy, league . to have made ,xi&00. Company E yesterday when he defeat- to Jack the coast . the international matches lastyear, the world's chamnionshiD at that style ; o'clock. .; . r r.mplre,whoreccmmended the player arrived .here safe' and sound few ed the G Company boys by a score cf -- on-- e 8 0 , to Mr. Parr, he Is of the most days ago. ponies excel -' -- - LLiifiili: to In the 1st Infantry scries. Both are in permanent possession of. the Jordan "d??f535-.l- baseball league begins. The - ?ao? -- i'- - wonderful natural ball players the vet lent. condition' and show no bad (effects whUe; itenal JawBhow las fln f:rra et- Lambert threeusb!on emblem, '; eran seen m the-.proh- - ...... than was expected. IIj umpire i.zs ever action. frcra. their hard campaign on eastern CityTwoiLth " are : . better stir Bennie Allen ofJKancas s r"id-Llts-wi!- y.tn--average- . Akana is a ! -- v st summer ot .sxa. cut 13 men and allowed four hiu. fart nan coverir? pocketlilUard emblem outright j &bId entrle8. There' Is room for new BASKETBALL LEAGUE. 1 . a. we SERVICE O Company, L' t c: I. r Jy fcr t ...... in pne , -- June, for struck out With the exception of Allen in . . players on aU. the; teams ana those w. L. ' ' 'cc:v.; y r!;:r he has had some w.ii,, aA fft Pet five men and allowed five hlt3. .frtt match, none of - the champions was Infantry 2 0 1CC0 t:.TcrIci-w.- In V..z i. :r.crs. - 2d The E Company boys played a fast seriously threatened. His narrow es- toe'rtatlo . 1 0 1000 ;':-je- team,; give Dept Hospital ...... game The i::v(C.::ia r Will be year, greatly strengthen that end from start to finish, while G lA iitiiil; r.ane came earlv in the when The bowling season win oe on. m 1 0 1005 fcrcu;.Lt fixr.i 11. e UUzis by the local liii 01 Ui "l5enver them a good man to put fourtM In the. National Guard Company was up In the air most cf James Maturo of the Athletic i ; . . week, Monaay 1 1 SCO club and will rrcl-Ll- y make the long- r full , swing next on Alert' the time. ;. Club slipped up at a crucial moment 1 . LLLH-LLL- evenine the Honolulus Dlay the Coast 1 1 600 est trip cf sny recruit in the country r ' Company E now heads the list with and the Kansas City player won by t i ' vi.. I)Afin(A in tfm mwnlne match of the Mf worpsA 0 000 to a baseball club in the rprlng. - - - ll aignai .s a percentage of 1000. The next ga: Jcia marg!n r t the : small of thirteen balls. senior league.: The Signal Corps will Fort Armstrong 0 1 000 B Company on Den- Akana has teen a etar in the Amer Ed-- : is with Saturday. he won easily from s CJoltii - ican game on the islands for three After that fM1'!! eT5 AlntZrZl mt ChamherbUn. on Wednes- Fort De Russy . 0 2 000 nis will also pitch Saturday's game. 1 ward Ralph of Highstown. N, Y. ' ' f-- Sayd the P. B. C. and Cosmos roll , years .d has been touted for a place "iur tAtl The summary: Pratt of San Francisco ; and again ,. , . on Thursday; - U.CL ? o. their ;first match - J . ...TONIGHT'S GAMES. Company E.- - 11 U in the Pacif.c Ccast League, but Pre- rJ" ii o ,j cat t. AB n R' . . - : V .. - i - Tae-n- - Arm- ; . Eldest Parr stcr;ci In when McCar ' ThA'fTiiih Knwlln? mmnofl- Department Hospital vs. Fort Debolt lb 4 2 2 0 De Oro defended his title three t - . . . . . 1 Athletics-'wh- o expert vs ; 4 thy out strongest kind of . TM n Ten of the won;.'the. ed of. four teams.of the less. strong; Signal Corps : National Farrow, ss. 0 :0. handed the ; rll wu-rl- I limes, aeieaung in iurn uuaries ? a recommencatica ana signed up tnei world's championship Mn 1913 ' hayeVenced bowlers begins ; operations on Guard. Armory, 8 p. m. Swint 2b 1 T I of Chicago, Fred Eames of Denver Ben-VTueBd- ay : I ri v pre team. They are Collins evening with match be-- Spetz, c .,2.512 0 () Francis Ouimet attained the George Moore of New. York, .his; left that a SUNDAY'SX GAMES. and MuTr p . 4 ' is no Akana's - der,: Coombs, Plank, Daley, D. F. tween the East and West End clubs. De Dennis, ... 0 "There dcht about mier rank amone American amateur smallest margin of. victory being thir- 2d Infantry,vs. Engineers; Fort 10 ability to make good," writes McCar 1914. youthful phy,. Lavan, Orr, Brown And Houck; .Matches will be rolled every Tuesday ; p. m. Sosnoskl, 3b . t 0 0 golfers during The ly-sey- nam-- Russy vs. Alert Armor, 2:30 points against the first - -- ";....- : .41. .thy. Is - :: evening, P. B. and L. P. C. being Bryniarski, cf 0 0 a wender in all branches gained ; the "lie Boston links prodigy also in ed.V' the present time it looks C 4,0 At; as. B. C. : "this Ou . 3- - 1 cf the carue. He tits well, fields ternational, fame by his triumph, in - Ray Miller, first baseman of the Col' the remaining teams. The P. more games on tap for Lany, If 0 0 if the veteran Cuban Is unbeatable. ' PlHjlhfirflr Four are like a den.cn and can run bases like the French pen championship tour- - .team oava haf hU vltl onto a now turn in tha Itgnm evening tomorrow afternoon in Vitt, rf .... 1 0 0 and the same can be said about Ben- . , A,M i. , u ' : and .4 I a .' ' . - .v. .i..u a flash. an certain he will make nament V'. ' i n. cr-n- . eVstiM irnln securea a bjmcuuiu. ouuiwiwj t uie uria team wi uiai. emu uonus w the Service Basketball League and. . . 84 8 valuable man for ycur cluts and that The achievement of Ouimet during Judging by the attendance at former Totals . 5 2 . nop 1 1 - U7i Till v n mr Company G Xe will ro to farter company after the 1914 season stands out unique in iixsh nKXLtHUiuuiei era or tnose wno wisn to learn ine games, a big crowd will be on hand to AB R II U applies even . more strongly, to "w . he Las up rome experience in This 'game are "Invited to leave word at the Bennett rf ; s o ji;c.I the annals of golf. Although he lost Hoppe-an- his trinity of titles.! r'n see the soldier and sailor teams In is i Willie I ' Xhe leagues." , '. Y. M. A. they want to try out Keller, 2b 4 0 miner the national open title to Walter C. Hoppe defended his 18.2 and l$.l titles C if; action. The league has made a big 11 "I have heard cf Akana several American-bre- d profes-tlcna- l club league. is room sport-lovin- g Judd. c ..; 0 2 2 Hagen, the . for the There with public, and .4 " once each, George Sutton, the chair. hit the times," saii Prcddent Varr, "and have Rochester,. N. Y -- In the for new members on two or tne teams. Laubeckl, ss ,4 0 or enger, being easily defeated . both basketball generally has come in for .02 considered going after him, but when tournament staged ; new nave Joined ...... 3 0 0 0 remarkable at the ;. , ' : Seventy members boost Tonight the first game of ti Aka- times. ' 111 a' '" .McCarthy wrote me in regard to Boston V Xt C A fhia mftnth It double-heade- Ballard, If 0 O Midlothian Country club, the 14.1 championship ha nl the r will start at 8 .4:0 any longer When the' new i athle-;ti-o Dion, 3b . ;. 0 , na I decided not to' wait star a few weeks wrested the , te 0 later eta 9aA t Yrtrk. Hoods aealn Til Kuu WnViK; hoped that the above attractive o'clock, two halves being .3 fi and signed him up. He will be the amateur crown from "Jerry Travers vbb Ntf program help bring re- Johnson, lb 0 0 0 his superiority by win- - -- - will in the played. Sunday, the opener is at 2:30 .3 first player cf Chinese tlocd to play with a sparkling exhibition of unbeat- demonstrated 1U ULL UrtyiU maining 30 to complete the campaign : La June, p 0 0 1 games a o'clock. . .3 : ning seven straight from t the Northwestern League." . ia able goJf at Ekwanok., s. average : for 100 new 'nembers in January. Join classy field. He had a grand t Totals 0 4 7. Ouimet , battled his way into, tht now and get in. all the best of the 3i 65-10- 0, com-- j . i WANT A WAH MAPT tourney by over- of 25 his next highest v Score by Innings: finals of the amateur ; 1915 stunts at the"Y." petltors,' Demarest and Morningstar.j IITIES . , 1 2 3 4 5 9 coming two former national cham- ; 6f7 8 doing a little over 14: . I JilP A limited number of war maps of Company G 0 pions, W. C. Oakmont -- j E. George W. Fownes. Jr.. 'of - T ; Wuliam Heffron and 0000000 Li. Another notable event oi tne year: ... yt'., H... ' Europe '.by Company 6 4 00 and Robert Gardner of Hinsdale, ,in I Loop of' Syracuse were fined -- $1000 bave been secured the E .... 0 0 2 0 2 0 8 Star-Bulleti- international match between . .v'-v-- n - pat- .' - - the preliminary match play. He was was the L L;L.r By Latest 'Mail t each and sentenced to sefyo .18 months and are offered to Summary: , inman, tne - Hoppe and Melbourne y paper very reason- forced to extend himself to" defeat . NEW - YORK The report of the r.enit-ntIar- .violating rons of this at the Bases on balls Off Dennis 3, ofT La champion. This was at mlxea. in: AUnU f:r 15 Max British . . international able price of cents, the order to June 3. Wild 1. Dou- R. Marston'of Baltusrolrin the English billiards, financial side oi, tne, oniJld pitchLa June first round by, the narrow margin of styles, balkline and nnl matche8 Bhows be accompanied by three coupons clip- ble plays Farrow to Debolt Dennla player proved supreme $84,576-a- s ped paper. ' coupon 1 up. Fownes, and while each the: public paid admis-- : from this The is to Debolt, Sasnoskl to Swint to De-bo- lt who tied R..R. Gorton Hoppe was at that : A $75,000 fire destroyed one of the at his own style, better programs cnicago, - published in another column. This Umpires Greenway - of Braeburn for the qualifying medai sion fees and for in largest schools In Troy.'N. Y. . ;l , : and Crocei- game Inman was at en- IIUS. . : at 144, won play-of- f, suc- the English than York. receipts map takes in all of Europe and V and later the was Boston and New .Gross it cumbed only after just as desperate, a balkline. The match the .best at Chicago, where the Australians met ables the reader to follow the activ- of a series of five, and fight in semi-final- s. three out th Canadians, were S7913. At tne ities of all the European warring fore WUllam M. Barrett, president the played re-- The name of our preparation . of the Setting a new competitive course loppe won the first three, matche3 between the Australians and es. Remember, that the supply is lim- Adams Express Company, In response Further details cf the coming fight 142 pectively at New York, Chicago and ; Pittsburg. the amount Persi-- 3 Esscncs ited.' ,'.;--;.'; tf to rumors, 1 record of for "Midlothian on the German8 at declared that the company Montreal, lim e for the heavyweight championship of opening day, Hagen Daid was S5906. At Boston tne re ; .. was not considering bu3l-nes- s. Walter annexed is changed to Sensapersa, " ' retiring from 'wcrld, between and be--" 4 Equal suffragists of Wilmington, the' Jack Johnson the national .open laurels with the 1 ceipts were $1390 for the finals . The ingredients-th- e quality : Washli-gto- Je;s V.'ir.rd, trrived by yesterday's grand total of 290. Hagen foucht a .0 GRATITUDE IN tween the Australians vand Britisn. -the oriental properties of th Del., put a wreath on the .grave of The board of educaU n New despatch, $37,- -' sign- put mall. A York under spectacular battle with Charles Evans : : The greater part of the receipts wonderfully successful nerve James Ashton Bayard, one of the Itself oa record approving BASEBALL VERDICT " fir the January 8, says: - uii.t-uidj-na- date liae cf Jr the brilliant Edgewater amateur. 367 was taken in , at Forest Hills, tabid remain- absolutely rlbe ers of the Treaty of Ghent, who Is ruie ro? women sclrrl . - -- Ja Jchnsca and Jess Wlllard will throughout the second day, : , OF CHIEF BENDER Long. : Island, for :. the challenge LL- ' buried there, - , teachers.: . ' same: the enor ' ' - : fcrty-five-roun- d ;. .; .. . r; v ' meet 'a a bout for, the mous gallery flowing from one con r. matches, In which . Norman - E. It is a dependable ren.edy el v ', ': hearj bt championship of the tender to the other to keep constant ; By Latest' Mail . Brookes and AnthoHy F. Wilding, the for nervous debility, impotency, wcrld it Juarez, Mexico, on Saturday, track of the trend of victory. PHILADELPHIA. Chief Bender is Australian captured . the cup from sleeplessness, despondency. 6 - March next Fiual arrangements to . . weak memory, wasting of parti. rate because of the story r alleged; to the American defenders, ' : ncn-- Kj thi3 effect were made h.ere today after tomorrow morning . .lost' vigor and any form of ' on his way to Jua- come from Shaw key, in which the lat Expense of staging the . matches :B . COUPON other Lids were received from Havana, rez: ..: - ter stated that Plank and Bender were was. about $30,000. Of the gate re--; . rasthenia. Our preparation Juana, Mexico. :, -- &ow called .. s .Cuta ar.d Tia Jess Willard, who has been'ln this done and never would pitch winning ceipts the Australians .received $23,-74- 8. Jchnscn has teen guaranteed 530,-CCt- ), city r , for a few days, will leave tomor ball again in the American League, The. American ; Association's win, lose or dr&-- while -- Wlllard row . for a brief 'stay at Excelsior and .both were used only against share was $17,811. J C' STAR-BULLETI-N $15,-OG- O. has been assured , a minimum of Springs, Mo and then will proceed to teams they could beat To this Ben ; There was no .waste,, as even the iEMPESlS, ' may a much larger -; and receive El Paso January 25. - V;' :7-'- r r. about In all nrob- der said: lumber In the stands was sold and ; . . , sum by sLarmg afTair with the la the amuty, and expects to weigh about Shawkey really" said then balls . disposed , of as ' ' "If .that the old tennis . sasbroughthappiness,strengtb chief proraotcr. ; ' 250 pounds when he enters thes ring. stand convinced there is no gratitude souvenirs. power thou- - The bout will take place in the vigor and vital to Johnson and his handlers will es- n oaseoau among piayers. i laugui sands of men-yonn- g, bid andf WAR MAP . manage--! OF EURO! Juarez race track, and the tablish training : quarters at Juarez; as Shawkey all I knew about pitching The American Surety Company dis- : middle aged ; it wilt bring to .ment cf the promises suspension T track soon as he . , necessary arrives there.. and then for him 'to come out witn tributed gold coins to each of Its 500 yon potential energy so abnnd- -' of racing f:r a few days if the statement credited to him is show employes. .The denominations ranged ant that your whole physical '..facilitate hn-ma- Send to the erection cf stands More than J.6,000,000 animals for n ing - SDirit which actually startles mental being will be filled 4.. three of these coupons and Fifteen Cent3 spec- a and there for the accommodation of 1409.-134,00- 0 - - consumption were sold for me. I hardly believe It is true, and Ten. new cases' of diphtheria were and thrilled with the. triumph-- ' .;: . Star-Bnlleti- tators.' . cash in. Chicago during this will not believe it .until I see Shaw-ke- y reported in Hobokea, bringing the to- ant consciousness of power. to the n and receive the new and -- j When Jobnsca signed the .rtlcles a . today year.' . ' . j and learn the truth of the ma- tal number of cases reported slcco Sd s tMt w4 ket in m " - " - few weeks ro Europe was hand-- V:- ap-to-da- te 1 ia he American copper exports : ?' ' L ; to Europe 'i, December 1, to 115. i; ; ; v j rmt buowv export co. map of Europe. ed UCCO fcr .expenses, and t5day 1000 reached a total of 20.724,867; pound3, tter' is spending the winter 74 Cortlandt St, New York. N. V. C. X V more was The chief ;' kim at Euenos valued at 33,825,474 ia the first three here at his Tioga home, devoting his and trap shooting at which he is one AtL CH E MISTS ODOB Ayres, from which port wiU ' he sail . ' . weeks of December. time to his . sporting goods business u( the best in the business.. and by Chambers Drug Co Ltd. TO! HONOLULU STAB-BULL- K the Recent io'Hd'eakala by and. Mountain Club ir.nAinmTV ' Z Scenes of aHihe" Trail UIU1I mjuiuii

' '"Build I II I ...... 1 I J . A for mmmm Mome "i".v "-- y - ' a fine way to start the New Year , 1 1 BILL IS HOUSE1 aid if you do this you will do well. But if you w ant to do better come and see 1 I.'-- w,'t.f,.-- v Associated Pres n Fed-- Wireless.) WASHINGTON'. P. Jan. 16. mr about the homes I have all ready built. 3 C The report of the conference commit- I 1 j lmmlgratun . hill, which SJla 1 I can tinahec for you just i tee on the the way you leaves the measure 'practically as it I passed originally in the house, was yesterday adopted by" the representa- ' " ' tives. - ; , t :;. The report has already !een adopteo by the senate, leaving the bill now ready for presentation to the president ;;c3 Merchant St. for his approval. S : J P. . vote In the house . stood n 227 i The f for the report, which includes Uie lit- If you have any troubles bring I v eracy test clause, to 9S opposed. them to ' ' ' , 'v: " The votes taken during the final -- :. - ; v on'the KU e that it can me. v;,';V::; Z. 'A. r. be passed over tas expected veto ot the president. " Before taking definite action on the bill, the president will hold a number ! of public hearings. ; of aidlslinct race will be bared here- taining Christmas gifts and other mis- School Jooks which classify the In- after from Indian schools conducted by cellaneous articles, was burned in a dian, as ja Mongolian or refer o him the government. ; fire which partly destroyed the post-offic- e o 1. ' o in any ether way tin n as a member A large quantity of packages con at Merrick. L ft Y

' ;ru


by the and Mountain -- Th photographs above mow a number of scenes from tht recent, trip rousn. the crater of Haleakala conducted Trail 1 ft'xlub.i4 l .At the left jsMiss Kathryn Raiwi, who led the party an who recently was .engaged as guide - and excursion promoter by the .outdoor committee A cf the Promotion Committee.. The middle picture at the top .shows the crater .of HaleakaJa, hiie(leiow is one of the fair hikers who has secured a mount. At the right, top, is United States District Attorney Jeff WcCarn carrying one of the famous 4fi!vtc;words.,an JbelowJ.shQwji;ihe? place f I fykers-campe- by5SUr-Bulleti- n . ' iwhere the, .thejfirst iiht Photographs staff correspondent with the party. .. mrr ajnnnrArno rn-irrnr- nrrmn OH UP1IQUE DEVICE CARBURETORS :; At'D STDCIIS OEGIPIT ORIE OF CADILLACS IS A GREAT HELP

: : One of the Interesting . feature s In than momentary d uration, but while Sugar. Securities and Ponds Go fhaf aTr: : "!a?itS connection with the jdevelopment of J it exists the motor frequently mis-- W,;.Up On Buying Orders for Significant has been the sudden the eight-cylinde- r motor by the Cadil nres . and; cannot develop tne power Oldsmobile Touring or Roadster $1450.00 Kosolda v, ; -- lac Motor Car Company has been the necessary to. rapid, acceleration of the Investment : wand, for bonds. Beginning early in th week brokers began to receive buy correction of a fault common to prac1 speed of: the nar V.r which engi ' Honolulu ing orders for bonds. Evidently this tlcally all, if not all carburetors. The device the Cadillac If the business life of is there-i- "have J Ofttknes s the lack of ability neers evolved to obviate the con . Xew is investment wpney coming out" As 'to take Its color in the: .jiext ' re- ingenious city a, matter of fact a huge sum of money on the part of the carburetor to dition Just described Is an r3T months from the stock market, the spond freely and fully to a sudden application' t thy' plaager. pnmp prin- ;ls In a year ct good times, tariff has been paid out in Honolulu in the ;act!otf - complete opening of the throttle. ciple, though confined to fr last few v months In the form of "divi- and its is' or no tariff, war or, no. "war. After a quickly opened, a single the plunger. Wfcen EDarrlne. second dends that has been held back because When the throttle is stroke 6 ..first wetk of the gasoline, - flowing through the the driver suddenly opens his throt-- -- J. week cf the year was characterized by of the.seneral uncertainty. in financial the Ail iiO - spray nozzle, does not at once pass in tje, thejlunger automatically forces .li a feeling j conditions, due largely to the war. mm. narked of confidence. i supply off gasoline through Now tbis pioney is beginning to come sufficient quantity to 'form, with the an extra Net cly have a large number of the, Inrnshlng a gas of the required the spray nozzle, inereby providing a air, ' ; out. ; is a sure sign of the direction " I:?tr3 stocks- and bonfis made good It explosive quality. This disproportion correct erpwsive'inrxtsre o;; i but there has been, a brisk wind Is taking, and a positive tok-- C ioruick riv.nces, of. gasoline and air Is of hardly, more , '. ; errand, Eales have been fairly num- - n that the . country 'is. begming to Absolutely beyond compare in equipment, drop-V.tz- crcirs er.i effers of buyers more plen-- " realize that the bottom has not l- This has been true both ,ofped out ofthiags ndthat money in-- tusar end ether Industrials and bonds.! vested now not only; will' not. be lost, PROPHESBD REAT Notwithstanding the little change 4n but probably will hring. returns. finish workmanship ,;-- and ar rrice during the week the sta-t!- e -- Dividends also have been fairly nu suar ttocks have been in, demand merous and the rumors of others to be rni have teen, tldded up from M to lj declared provided another bullish ele IT0W1I0I7 liz'.-- t. The general bullish sentiment! Last week's prediction . Hi meat that ' - - - v. - ;.'; expectation good advance, be a strong : ; . i:". 1 '1 Ce of a ' there would week has been Ha-'- , out-an- d .in have been responsible. ev'ery reason - rcp borne there is -- - : By Latest Mall I the house has rejected the resolu- put the v.ciian ' grieatest car. ever on Car, Hawaiian' Commercial1 to renew It for next week. WASHINGTON- D. C The drys" tion the little the fruit and brought together In or- claim a moral victory over the rwets ; Representative V.Hobson Is not dis co:;.;.nciAL ' ' Hob-so- n notes ." In the contest in the house on the heartened--.' Thij3ubllcity given him der to remove the eye. . Oldsmobile Model 42 bids fair to resolution tu submit to the States over the, contesi4n the . hoyse ywHI market the Rainfall In North Kona In December - a constitutional amendment for natio- help him. on the Chautauqua circuit. 9.5S Alexander & Baldwin plantations up inches, according to J. n-wide prohibition. ..At a conference He w?ill .be .the leading prohibition - to January 2, 1915. had milled 20.272 even more popular than its big brother il. Clark, of Hind, Rolph & Co.' f become tons' and' shipped 19,906 tons of 1915 among ,the leaders of the National advocate, regardless of the renthusi-- Saloon, League and Women's asm shown on temperance ques- ' prop, -- on January 3, 1914, the Antl the the Dr. Dal Yen Chang, pur. wtile ; dentist, has Christian Temperance Union there tion by. Secretary ? Bryan. 1 'LunY amount milled "was 25,186 tons and the the Model 55. ;v . . rv.i?d the Lau Shee block at - : ; was great rejoicing.,; , - 'w, amount, shipped 19,409 tons. . i V ' Expects 'Command From People." tLe ccrrer cf Klcg and Aala streets . . power the temperance v : "The of "We shallr carry the campaign to tLrc::sh Karra Cornri," a Chinese real movement never was so great as Germany's Sugar Mot' for. Export. ; it' the voters of the country and will was - auto- The consideration today,"1" . ctate aent ' ' Is said Miss'; Ann , Gordon, wln,T said Mr. Hobson. v. The great It is performance that the average ; - J. F. Hackeld of Honolulu t sends J 12.C30. Euhject to a mortgage.; ; leader of W..C, T, D forces liere. pro- from Bremen the following informa- the moral, spiritual, temperance and . "To)thlnk with; almost unprece- hibition forces of nation will ;TLe" ' tion on the sugar situation: A very tht this in- - Insurance Club' of Hawaii Is dented odds against us we secured a t mobile buyer is. interested not promises, large part of the , German And Aus- make this question the paramount I -- elding weekly' meetings, 'usually at majority in ..the house gives us great issue ill 1916, not only to gain a two-thir- ds ! trian beet crops. has been harvested rtecn governing com-- : r times. The now encouragement" . majority. In the houses of Con- .;;e is composed "of Edwin' Eenner, and aJl te factories are at work. iare great numb er The flght. for , the constitutional and .we proud to refer to the " gress, but, to an ) ' : There has been' yery little difRealty i haie administration :o K. Meyers, A. II. Jones. William will be kept up. Anti-Salo- on in getting sufficient labor, but the fac- amendxen.t The that will not. fight this reform, either IVCaynor, A. W. Crown, P. S. W. .League and the W. C- - T. .U. open : probably, be kept going for in the or .under cover, so that in - Ran:sden and R. E. Clark. . tories will will try to put senate on record of satisfied owners who are today driving Olds- ( the a somewhat longer time than-i- n for the spring of 1917, with an extraordin- on the Sheppard '.resolution.- - Repre- ary Sixty-fift- h Congress, n la6t-mont- h me years, as they not to get session of the Heavy ralns-i- the have r are able sentative Hobson says he will transportation mke we will have a command from the peo- ' .5 red prospects 1916 and sufficient means of for ' 'tr tit for the prohibition an issue in the 1916 cam- ple ,) mobiles.! 2C17 the amount cf beets acquired for the to grant .this reform." y; crops of the Waianae plantation, paign unless Sixty-fourt- h Congress' regular and usual work of the facto- the The Rev. Sam Small was: delighted although the 1915 crop will suffer from votes to submit his amendment, i ; 1914 crop ries. The total output will Jbe some- ' with the .show, ' the - house. He fast' year's drought, The Finds Vote Gratifying. y " in year. ques- 4 wanted to a hand, but was .was-451- 2 tons, according to figures what less than laft And the ""The vote in the ..house was very take ; Compar e this car point by point with any M.-pows- storage barred from doing so by rules. compiled by J., tion of providing sufficient for : the gratifying to friends of prohibition," -- the sugar will probably cause consid- When the debate was hottest saia senator sneppara. "vnen you Speaker ' The meetlag erable difficulty, as it Is exoectd that pro- Clarkdropped back into the car of lequal price and you cannot but be annual of the Hawaiian consider that a majority voted for : ' ' govern- members: lobby Fisheries Company this week showed under the regulations of the hibition the first time the constitution for a rest profits for the year of about $5000. ment only a limited" part of the crop al amendment resolution was submit- "Great" spectacle,' said . he. ?'I see Com- ; fince Attorney A. L. C. Atkinson has can be exported. San Francisco ted to a vote you can understand why Sam Small In the galleries, and woald convinced of the truth of our statement that . -- ' ".-- '' i tecome connected with the - company mercial News. we should be pleased " -- like to hear him speak to this crowd. He would whoop up." It has almost wiped out its indebted- ; Senator Sheppard said he thinks the It aiitomqbile ness, according to the Japanese offi- More Orders from Hawaii. resolution has a good chance of being "Like Paul Jones, we have not yet this is the greatest value of the age. y;- City A. . re- two-third- cials. . r: , V ..; Clerk E. Sutton has passed by a s vote In the begun to" fight,' said Mr. SmlL "We ceived a number of orders for Turlock to-- next Congress. He pointed out that know whom ' lick and ' whom . to ' Cctlng com--; through the Trent Trust products from Hilo, In the Hawaiian m?ny members who voted against pro- bobstnow, and we are going tofight ; XL 90 being : Standard construction, Standard material, Vaay, It. Bemrose bought a lot Islands, the greater number hibition would not be in the next Con- for our friends and against our ene-mies- ." ' ,150 ; .C; by feet at .Hackfeld and Green from the Chinese firm of Kwong See gress. ; v- v-----.' v; : ?v"- - 'I V' from M. Walsh $6,400; Wo, popularity of prod- .. streets tor and the the . "It has not: been decided yet" he Standard strength- - not merely the light car .' .The Trent Trust .company Also has ucts shipped is apparently increasing continued, whether the resolution sold seven small houses and lots on steadily. The latest order,-whic-h was will be pressed to a vote in sen- WILL v the s lane, Palama . for 4,850, Wednesday, Is . 50 ; Morris and received last for ate at this season. It would j only s60 ON DRYJ3DCK standard, but the standard set by the best cars . three Makikl.lots. r . x boxes of green apples, JO boxes best serve to place senators on record since oranges, 20 boxes tangerines, 10 boxes '; Associated Press by Fed. Wireless. Twenty-thre- e lots in the new Liliha pomegranates, 25 boxes grapes-(i- f 'it doubled within the last 'few weeks. LOS CaU Jan. 16.--T- he money can buy. tfact were being , sold at auction by be had) 15 boxes persimmons .and . 5 The government horticultural Inspec- AGELs; American-Hawaiia- n Oregoni-?n-, O. A. Steven this afternoon, the sale boxes dried apples in 50-pou- boxes. tors have the cooperation of the pos- steamer f which ; In 'port .having begun at 3 o'clock. The tract The products named were' secured, tal authorities and the express com- has been en roue 5 ' from San Francisco to Mew Tork, will was purchased by Mr. Steven from .the by Mr.. Sutton and shipped to Kwong panies and" all packages which might ' Come in arid ask for demonstration. two weeks Ago and cut See grains have to return, to San Francisco to Bishop estate Wo as per instructions, and will contain fruits or harboring the go into drydock, -- the damages 'up lots, each with rontage of leave . San Francisco by, steamer De--. "bugs" are carefully1 examined. result of Into af Ore-goni- -- ; : sustained on Wednesday. The an from SO to 50 feet ., cember 30. :., ;,.. "'' The baggage of all passengers ar- ''': V :' ; - : - -- - 1 was backing to leave the har- ; . . . . Mr. Sutton U thoroughly acqualnteu riving from the islands . is carefully - bor when her grounded Mor- ' Official reports that Germany will with : the Hawaiian Islands, having Inspected and even mail packages are stern on mon island, damaging , f beet sugar - r her rudder. She rut down its. production been commercially engaged there . a opened" when there Is any suspicion, was purpose, of increasing other years, they might contra- docked for,n examination br div- THE CAR WITH THE PUNCH for the number of and believes that if that contain the ers and, on report, encourage- ;''. :' -.- J..f-- '"'"' ' their the under- products are a source of the proper steps , Are taken a large band.' v .-. ' '"'. Ger-r- . writers . said that it . would be tinWise ment to sugar factors here. As and lucrative r trade can be built up A certain class, of .Honolulu bean, exporter : for the; steamer to attempt to com- any has been a heavy of between . them . and the ,Tnrlox:k dis- often Infected with a boll weevil of plete, her trip to rew un- - ar, York before s-- curtailment vi me piwuvi trict. Some, of Mr. Sutton's friends destructive powers, has. been placed its -- dercoJng repairs. . - :w ill open new markets .for Hawaiian who are Interested In the matter be under the ban. Visitors to the islands, lieve j ' 'other growers. that If he were sent to the Isl struck with the beauty and color and ands at the iroDer time he could do size of the bean, endeavor In many TO CIHIc A GUJ CHE DAY, ScIipmailGa by a New much to re- - A new Implement patented bring about this desirable cases to send samples to friends in Take Laxative Bromo Quinios ; and . ! n-el- man for removing me .ej'" BmuiwiocK uai.) journau the United1 States. , The inspectors Tablets. All druggists refund I "'of pineapples Is described, by Modern) y : ... ; find it hard work In corralling these an or--( Flflht Honolulu ,.;.; to the money if it fails to cure. viV; HONOLULU - i lfchanics. The device Is like' Fruit Pest Here. t packages, but date several hundred U-tlina- Efforts by pre-- three-ounc- e E. W. Grpye'3 ry pair of pliers, except that the, the government to one, two and packages .signature ' is oa " - '. " tiw inn k chornonMl bo that . rent Honolulu fruit usts from findine have been "found in the t mails and each box entrance ) -- 5.- V the two members can be pushed Into into California have been confiscated. PAJU5 MF.DiO.NS 00. it, Lm U. a A. HONOLULU STARBULLEllN, SAT

11 x' - 1

- - n i ) I

ACTIVE AT1ILET CS PLAY A PRAYER FOR PEACE VflRtt 1 Bxcdtics Frczi I7:s "What Does a Boy Co:t?' Anh-baloo- : By. George Villard Bonte n League BIBLE PART I A TEMPERANCE SERMON Stilt Dr. P. A. Baker, superintendent of God of our Intervene; fathers. Anti-Saloo- n laMl League By W. Stretch forth Thy staying hands ; the of America, ar DrJohn Wadman rives on the steamer Sonoma Febru-ar- y. Blood of ur brothers flows between ' CENTRAL 22, knd will remain In Hawaii 1 " The bounds of kindred lands, . 1IBPI were possible to reckon in do! "One hundred and ten thous: three weeks. As national superinten If it And teara. oh the tears of mothers and wires, lars and cenU what a' boy costs his toodas-dea- d drunkards in one year. dent, a man of long experience, wide .: ip.C.B. 1 x, A we t 'Are rusting the blades of our harvest knives; mother from the lime he ts born until Very, welt Shall make laws travels, a good speaker and wise coun-- Cod ot fathers, grant us peace . Is 21 years of age, It would not be protect an industry of kind? I cur ' Gym-- C he that " Rev. . A. A, Ebersole Resumes seUor, his visit will be profitable to Swimming, Tennis and ' . ; Smothrr the fiery brands. overstating the amount if we put it ten! Here la an extract from the Z: All the cause of temperance in Hawaii. down, say, 2 In wrday Evening Sept ' i" Classes to Which Young nasium Classes Attracting at a week. other Post dated Christ, Lcrd and Master, Prince of Peace, Mrs: Baker will accompany her hus- words, the. work required to care for 1913, taken from, a paper read by Are Invited : A, Vanquish the god of war. People band. .J. Metcalf, a prominent bus- KiUanyCJieembere the child would cost that much at any Chicago brewer at a convention t Columbus, Bid the red clouds of rage surcease V inessman tif Ohio, a lifelong rate, and. in this way then the mother liquor men In Indianapolis a year t Now that Dr. Doremus Scudder has friend and an enthusiastic ; Thafi U Ui'e'most 'fun' have had mad Iron eagles soar. , ' worker for t has invested 2100 from the time the last August . Where over pulpit long Is one of the Y. guns , returned and taken the prohibition, will be a member of the for a time" what fellow was born he Is 21 appears from these facta,' r Silence tb blasts of the hellish siege as- little until "It work at Central Union church, the party. Mr. Metcalf may remain per- W, A. girls said when she lert the years old. ' ''.' read the brewer, success c Boasting the slaying of thousands of sons; - 'that the v sociate . minister, Rev. A. A. Ebersole manently Honolulu. 'U . ; ; Castle after. a swimming lesson : Christ, and Master, heal our wounds In tank But how about the father? What our business . lies In the creation c tcrd will give his first attention for the The 'annual recently. The members of the class . Silenjc the batUe's roar. first convention of the has he done? He has. ot course, pro appetite among the boys. Men V rest of the church year to his Bible League under the hew auspices will had been working on advanced work vtded the home, the food and lodging. have once : formed the drink hsy ;.V American Red Cros3 lire-savin-g Lord of th Nations, bring us years classes. be held February 25 to 26. Plans for for 'the; paid the doctor's bills, bought his scarcely ever reform, but they 1 Last Sunday morning the class for big contests and! all of them report -- Of peace, good-wil- l and toil; a and successful meeting are be- school books and , clothes, sent him. others, will die, and unless there z r young men young women was tnterestmg ; . . ? ; and re ing made. t, 'y"::-- ?: l an time; say, to college, eta, so would recruits made to places, c Lead us from out this vale of tears i " 4 1 that it take their ' organized lecture room of The Gymnasium work.1 including tennis . corpse-strew-n . in the The latest message to the league not be an overstatement to say that coffers will be empty. I there., Bless Thou 'the soiL H becomliig popular orgy ' Kilohana building. In spite of the from Washington, D. O; regarding the and jBwimming, are the average" amount spent on the boy recommend to you that money l .End the wild of carnage and hate; present Y. C. mem- - rainy morning 37 were at this recreations with the W. A. spent ; Steer tc safe harbors the wrecked ships of state. vote on the question of national pro- by the father has been at least 1100 in the creation of an ay ret first session of the class. This num Is bers. The association has Issued the liquor among - hibition. as follows: per year. 'This means that when the for the boys, the yc Lord of tha Nations, hear our prayer - ber will probably be doubled tomor- receiving following schedule of; regulations cov boy twenty-firs- t the better, so . ; Qu!et the World's turmoil. 'Before this you will have has reached his birjh er that returns c row when the first lesson for the heard, of course, of our great battle at ering three important lines or wrrk: day the father and mother have spent come back to us In dollars' and cr course,' which : Mr. Ebersole has out- Washington last Tuesday when we re Gymnasium. ;vf-- 'f not less than $4000 In cash on their after the habit Is formed. Let ua ; lined for this term's work, will: be ceived eight majority v The regular suit Is ft black wals son, plus great deal hard labor. for the boys." the first time ma- a of 111 taken up. This class is not Intended the'subject of national prohibition was and full bloomers of some cool Protect the Boy. ' f SERVICES LOCAL young men ydung rajah silk, black hosiery CIICHES merely for the and ever brought before an American Con terial such ss v If then, you had ft house valued at women wno attena uenirai union gress, we received this majority ex and black shoes without heels. $4000 and some one were to destroy young people of : office of phy church. All whatever clusive of, pairs, and on ft The regular hours the it by fire, would you not have the ' : . twohirds CENTRAL tXIXJN CUCRCH morning meeting. - - ' church, or of no church, are Invited. sical director are "Tuesday and Sat- man and! penlten proposition such as this, one wet was may arrested sent to the Rev. Doremus ScuJdr, D. D Mln i Y. P, S. C. E. 6;30. 'JtV. A. Raseman, The portion of the "Life of Jesus'' paired against two drys. urday, 11:30". to Conferences tiary? No doubt you would. But if ' up With the ister. Rev." Amos A: Gbersole, Jsso- - presweni. subject "uoa s Promises which the class' is taking at this floor leaders of both parties be arranged at other hours. you. had a boy and a house, would you ; and the r. ; ; t ' time---,'H- Is Long Eventful Journey to " clate minister. Evening evangelistic sermon at 7:30 chairman of the committee on rules Tennis. not a thousand times rather have 8:00 a. m. Teachers' training class, by ; . ro: is one of most inter Rackets and balls are not supplieo ' the minister. Jerusalem" the some one set your . ; - making speeches against, us t fire to house and ; t and fili : Mr. C. - ; W - the-groun- d T. Fltts, leader. ' Tuesday, afternoon 2:30 the Ladles' estlng portions, of his entire public bustering to; by the association. B burn It to than have; the - the limits together with 9:60 , a. m. school, Mr. Aid Society will , meet new ministry.- The arc lights cost 10 cents an hour at the ,,:'y the fact that the prestige of the Pres- saloon get its grip on your son and . Vaughan MacCaughey, superintendent. church building to attend to matters The Thursday morning class, car-- for. each, person playing and five cents ruin him In body and soul forever? II! ident and secretary was - 1 yur. of state in half-hou- r. : ; : ' ; ' : d, iu:uv a. m. aouii class, H. jj. pertaining department of on under auspices of the Wo a . . v ' to the social ried the Are we then giving our boys the ' ' : - voked against us again and again on Barnes, leaser.. ? : new house. , ' men's Society,? will hold its first ses As a the courts have to be en- 1 the rule square 1 floor, we regard : deal we should give them In ; 10 a. m. building. - the it as a tremeh , ; Kilohana Bible Wednesday evening at 7:30 the mid sion for this year Thursday morning gaged in advance. . way k: dous victory. single member the of protecting them from that class for young men and women. Rev. week ' meeting , will be held. Mrs. Ida at 10:30 o'clock, when Mr. Ebersole Nota The courts can only be engaged one which is worse than la memory ' present ICongressf ! death? We take of the work done I? of the was elected '' A. A. Ebersole, leade;. Weedon. leader. Topic "Growth and will present the flrst of a series of. 10 day in advance. ; . on that issue nor did Issue every precaution against fire.' But are Rev. and Mrs. B. W, Parker t 11 a. m. morning worship. Sermon Organization of the Church." ; : 1 lessons on "His Last Week in Jeru the enter Substitution : should be supplied Into his election. We all feel that our houses and shops worth more to the earliest of the mission wcr'.: by the .minister, 'The Happy Way." Thursday evening the Bible school salem." This will constitute ft most it when a player is obliged to be absent us than our sous and daughters? the Islands, a tablet was ;V.!--- meansnational prohibition even soon ertct: 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor meet- council will meet at 7:30, :r appropriate Lenten series as it will Each member supplied with we is What becomes of the drunkards? the Kawalahao church on Mon-1- 7. ing. : Mr. Jay A. Urico will speak on Thursday, Holy Week. er than had expected." 'r-y',':'- : be concluded of substitute" list . . They die. One hundred and ten thous- Rev. and Mrs. B. W. ! Parser ' ,1 course t "Dominant Power." kalihi uxiox cncBcn This series completes too the It Is the etiquette of the tennis court and men drop into drunkards' graves parents Rev. Park:.--, p. m. evening King avenue the of IL II. 7:30 rervice. Address street between Gulick on the "Life and .Teachings of. Jesus" that when others are waiting to play per annum In the United States alone. present pastor or tha church. by the minister. !The Mainland Cam- and Kamehameha fourth road. Rev. which class has been pursuing for the players on the court shall not play the BOARD This means 300 a day, or eight every Rev. Parker and his 2iary : , . . new-come- rs wl!, paign, II Hawaii's Part" Horace W. Chamberlain, minister. the past three years. Last year 86 HAI'illli more than one set unless the A procession Am- minute. funeral of sabeth Parker, missionaries ef t.v A cordial Invitation, to attend these Bible school, 9:45 a, m. . ; women enrolled during the season. can be persuaded to join In a erican drunkards would be 3000 miles services Is extended to all; specially Morning service, 11:15 al nu The third class added this year is game of doubles. If many are waiting B. C. F. M., embarked at New Lc long, r But this is not all. All drink Conn., November 21. for t - to stransers and, visitors in town. . , Evening service, 7:30 p. m. that for business men which meets in to play the court should be vacated ers are not drunkards. The l32. 3 xk Y.; A., ' number wallan islands on board the sh! Junior C. E., Wednesday. m. the gymnasium of the M. C at PAYS TRIBUTETO before the Bet is finished. ; . of American drinking men and women 1 J tor. Fellow passengers with nr.sr eiiiodist episcopal Senior C. E., Wednesday, 7 30 p. m. the supper hour Tuesaay evenmgs. Players must not go on the couri is computed at 5,000,000 by reason of tta 4 were the Rev. Lowell 3. : The subject for discussion Sunday This is not in any sense a Central wearing shoes that have heels. 250,000 do flourishing erf many which saloons a and Mrs. Smith, the Rev. I morning will be, "Access to God." The Union church class as quite as; Swimming. r':.:y. r-; Jcha business. .. y? the first Seaman's chaplain, Corner B ere tanla avenue and Victoria evening sermon will be upon "The men from other churches and of no DO. FERGUSQU Members are requested to take their ' But how is the number of drunkards re - 1 port of Honolulu, and Mrs. street Rev.- Edwin E. Brace, D.D., Man for the Occasion." This church church affiliation .are attending. .The suits home, as wet suits make wet 110,000 annually? Dl.:. recruited since die Mr. Burnham, a builder, who pastor. The regular Sunday services extends a cordial invitation to the class is studying some of the "Out floors, which are not comfortable for How? By the boys. Listen. These ci of th chnrch are as fallows: - general public to attend its services, standing Events in the Life' of Jesus the later classes.. ; y '.v the Islands to erect the Beth:l cl 250,000 saloons must by hook or which stood ' Sunday school at 8:n3 a.' m, . especially; residents, of1Kalihi. Wbere and the course will conclude with ft The following resolution i was adopt f Mothers may bring the children to at the corner cMi: -. crook, get one, boy in every five or T- .VII. A 1 1 i AA a your home is there is your largest call series of lessons on the "Sermon" on ed at: a. toeetlng Jot ; the 'Hawaiian enjoyuhe chUaren'tsPPOl. ..A z J Bethel streets many 3 ears u- -. : - i. 2,000,000 of them annually, In order to Bv sup-- Boards January $,.1915& s Place" stroyed by fire. : Epworth League at 6:30 p. m. to serve. Kallhi Union church, needs th Mount" meetlnz at the r all valuable ; articles In the maintain their trade and make their ydu-f-yo- voyagers at-IIcr- -- Public worship at 7:X0 p. in. u peed All In; Kali per nour ana noiamg me ciass imme Ih the recent sudden death of the lock box. The physical . The arrived it thildrea director has big profits. One boy . in every five; 1 ; : Rev. U-- May 1, 1833. - Wilber Ferguson,. ; Mr. hi, If not attending ; elsewhere, are diately afterward it is possioie ior Perry D. D., the five In every 25; 20 in every 100. Will Here Par!irr Classes'-fo- r principal - Walker, cuperlntendent' earnestly invited to attend, the Bible the men to get away In time rorotner of MUlsi School the mem- Do not expectorate tn the tank or your boy be the one? Will it be mine? detached temporarily from tha I! I'l'-;.. bers the, 11 all. Good music; A warm welcome to school. ' y, evening engagements. of :Board of rtbe Hawaiian throw hairpins Into .either of the two This is a serious question. s lan mission to accompany Evangelical' Association recogutze : a tanks. Let us endeavor to keep the The story Is told of an old fellow Alexander and Armstrcn cn a Ser- well-nig- h irreparable to in- lilandj. ' Morning worship, 11 o'clock. CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL loss the tanks outside and inside as clean as in Tennessee who made his living by slon to the Marquesas : of education in Ha- vV:,;.:-v- mon by Dr. Wm. Henry Fry. Fort street near Beretanla. terests Christian possible. V,;v.,---: catching Is turning to Hawaii in 1834. Mr. I League meet In Rt REV.A. waii. He was a trained educator, wise y rattlesnakes. It 'stated was The Epworth will Tlev. Libert bishop of. Zeugma, pas. A number of local teachers are en. that one day he caught one with 14 ker assigned his field cTwc:': chapel 6 : SO. A special invl-- and resourceful in administration', Joying folk-dancin- g Koolaupoko r the at tor; Maxlmin, provincial. Sun a class which - on this island. Tha Father staunch and outspoken in his religious rattles and put It in a box with a tauoa is .extenaea 10 an ine, yung day services 6, 7, 9 and 10:30 a. m. meets Tuesday afternoons in the Cas glass top. The next morning while slon station was at Kaneohe, about 7 convictions, affable and winsome In or - and 7 m. Low dally," and tle kindergarten... five-year-ol- d center the nansh. on a s:xit ' masi In addition there he was sawing wood his little r .' .' 11ESS his social relations; and devoted to folk-dan- c AlpaakaL tion. a. m. High mass Sunday and saints' K s are classes in aesthetio and boy lid overlooking the f took the off the box ' specie 1' both ; the . best Int erests of this community. t::i will music at . There be days, 10:30 a. , . . ing A ': Kaneohe bay. tn. ; f : I , : for children and older girls. f The house la whl:h. - mm As a member of board, as chair- and the rattler wriggled out ana , this morning' and evening services. and Mrs. . man of educational committee, and struck the child a deadly blow in the Parker lived then v its 25-fee- CHUECH OF THE SACRED HEARTS CENTRAL cheek. He ran to father, crying small structure about ly ? member UNION CHURCH' his 1 1 1 of Its Chinese committee. grass. - JLl'IMUl'Ali The Catholic church of the Sacred YOUK'li BE LE he, manifested the deepest Interest' in leudly, "The snake has bitten me." thatched with It had t- St. Andrew's CaUedral Emma -' ! Hearts is located on Wilder .avenue plans and efforts the better- PREPARES FOR ELECTION Picking up an ax quickly the father and the Interior was partitlc- near Beretlnia. Rev. II. B. all for ; street Rt near . Punahou street opposite Oahu ment of our missionary agencies Wc ran, .chopped the rattler into several curtain which separated ? Restarick, bishop; RtV. Canon Wm. f-i- k-Xl college. OF OFFICIALS FOR 1915 jack-knif- e room from r ' would especially our. grateful pieces and then with his the s3eer!n3: i ' vicar. Sunday services, 7' and 1 general super record Ault Until further notice Sunday masses Rev. Akalko Akana, recognition ' of his personal ' services cut a chunk from the boy's cheek and They; baked their bread la. a I 11 a. m. and 7:30 v. m. - Sunday -- ; Young at the church will be celebrated at intendent of the People's our Chinese Central Union "church 1s taking' a sucked the wound to out oven outdoors. school. 9:45 a. m. Hawaiian congre-gali- c n the activities of local at draw the 7:30 In morning. ;. Is League, will explain the problems of preliminary ballot !i : o'clock the It for officers' for In day Pct3-:!ar::- Leopolo church; . and of his stimulating lead- poison. He looked at little Jim, saw that the r .s. Rev. Kroll, pastor. likely shortly, a xaaas, pas - young people of Honolulu as he 1915. Blank forms f that later the have been sent out : ership among the young men of Mills the pupils of his eyes dilate while hla district numbered prct atly Sunday services. 9:l5a. m. " r: slbly 7:30 o'clock In the morning, wRl has fQund them during his three years' - ' i. ' to all voting members of the church men:;.-- -: Wild- ' school.". little body swelled to three times, its than 10,000., Every : tit, nt's -- Cknc ChurchCorner be added to the chnrch services. service to this city , at a meeung 01 so that every member may Indicate avenue and Maklki. street Sunday normal size, his Hps became parched after sunrise the sound cf t: ' er, u Reverend Father, Stephen, pastor." the league In the KaumakapUI church his preferences. The last day communion, 1 a. m. " THIN FOLKS SHOULD for the and cracked, the color of hla face Kapa". might Jbe heard all a;-- ' services; Holy at 7:50 o'clock tomorrow, evening. VHAT return of these ballots Sunday, Jan- 11 m. is grew: purple, his limbs stiffened ana village. , The hilla . Morning prayer and service, a. :l I Suggestions for the ? solutious of uary frcn thi Evening prayer, 7:30 n, m. ST. ACGCSTIXFS CHAPEL DO TO GA1M VE1GHT. IT. If members have not mailed the little fellow gasped and died. the Pall half way down to r , " ; will with an tli Oahu lane, WaikikL Rev, Fr. Valen- these problems be made their ballots they may bring then? to The father took the lad in his arms, of Kaneche were covered with, Ft Mark's Klssiou Kapahulu 9 r Sunday services, a. m, appeal for assistance,, .financial and - - - tin, pastor.' Physician' Advles for Thin, U nde vel- the church' and leave them with the carried , him over the side of growth road. Rev. Leopold Kroll, priest in Is of league the of lauhala trees. T' otherwise. It the idea the ; wpmsn. ministers or in the. collection boxes. got charre. Services: ; Holy. Communion,, oped Men ana dismembered rattler, down on his were filled with cultivate 1 cr ; a, CER5IAN LCTHEBAK CHCRCH to arouse further interest In the spirit- It Is desirable that this preliminary prayed: "Oh, first Wednesday each month, 10 m. - knees and God. I would taro. banana, sugar .'cane avenue near Punchbowl ual, moral, social,- educational and people; ex expression of opinion be representa ar.i tl and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school every Beretanla, 4 Thousands of suffer from not give little Jim for all the rattlers mingled in luxurious growth. ?5V physical welfare of the young, people 'mem- Sunday at 10 a. m. . .J street , ::J cessive thinness, weak nerves and fee tive of the wishes of the entire that ever crawled over the Blue Ridge Mr. Parker visited tha , 11 on Honolulu, and all who are interested - r Holy Communion Sunday of the Sunday services at &.. in. and of ble stomachs who. having tried adver- bership, and everyone is urged to fill mountains of Virginia." de!e-t- 3 first 1 islands twice as a c v " 7:30 In."thl8 work are invited to, attend the. flesh-maker- s, food-fat- s, ' v " - '" last1 Sunday of each month at Used physical out his ballot ' The Boy or Saloon? ' month.' '1 -' ' the walian board, once to local a : ' . ivCr i p. m. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. meeting. v rub-o- a creams, -- It. riliafcctli'8 Church Located culture stunts and re Supposing the liquor trade does help of Hawailans on theae I ' ' In the absence of Pastor. Emil En life-lon-g ess corner King street and Pua lane, sign themselves to skinnin VVILL' I the revenue of the territory a little later as a representatlre cf t' ' prlest-in-charg- e, Isenberg will hold evening 7:30; Also preaching Sunday "GOOD MISSION W. , E. Pot wine, gelhardtRev. H. nothing make them Canoa 30. Sunday and think will tat and. supposing2 the saloons do increase In his later years ha wa3 : Com- services In , the German Lutheran night at 7: Subject ior re- Sunday services: Holy Yet their case Is not hopeless. A DELEGATES STOP OFF business city are Rev; w :a church, Beretanla the last Sun- night Nov. 15, "Preparation for Judg- ' the of the a little, with the Dr. Eal J 7 a. m on second, fourth street " regenerative force munion at rr-;- cently discovered not your boys mine great Rev. D. each- month, . to V0N WAY TO ORIENT and worth a John Far!3 la a Sundays: a,, m. on day In ment" A cordial welcome alL ; years and fifth It. first makes fat grow after of thin deal more, ten thousand rul-.- l. i times more? school for native trrs. prayer ad- F. IL CONWAY, Pastor. . re-- and third. Evening and " ness, and Is . also unequalled for We have saw mills in Honolulu. I REORGAXIED CHURCH OF JESUS ; -- Dr. Sidney LU Gulick, prominent ' dress tX3 P-- Korean services; at KAWAIAHAO CHURCH Ci pairing the waste of sickness or faulty call on the proprietor of one and in- 9:30 a. n. and 8:15 p. m. CHRIST OF LATTER DAY. r Corner King and Punchbowl streets! digestion and for strengthening the church . and mission worker, and Dr. sfecial :;u::3 v;:ll : : --'-t quirer: What kind of a . - SALSTS mill is this?" Ep litany Illsslon, Kalmoil 10th Sunday services 11 a.. in. and 7:30 nerves. discover sia Shailer Mathews, dean of the divinity Located on King street near Thom This remarkable Chicago, ar- A saw mill." Rev. Au Saylor p. m. Sunday 10 a. m. V strength-giving- , school of the University of and Palolo. The F. - school, Prayer called SargoLi': Six "What you 1 ' square. - .s- . do make?" : f .' - as rived in Honolulu in steamer Mon- tn charge. ..- elements of acknowledg- the organiat Services will be held on Sunday as golia yesterday on way Japan. "A sorts of building material." Miss Flora Tewksburr, " " FIRST CHUUm OF CHRIST, combined in their to ""' follows: v; -- r:.? i : ed merit have been' this "What is your raw material?" Holy Communion, 7:30 a. . SCIENTIST ; Drs. Gulick and Mathews are going to The rausicaJ . Services: ' : preparation, which endors- .: prcra j tl, school. peerless is ' "Lumber." ; :. l''-Sund- ay 9:45 a. Sunday - El. - . ' . . . All' services held in . the Odd Fel- I the Orient as the representatives of Union , serv- ed by eminent physicians. and used "Is the finished product worth more church tccrrcv will I a. ' a preachlpg, Hawaiian 1 ' carry Sctooi. 10 tn. iyy,?, ' It " ows building. Fort street prominent people . everywhere. the American Christians and will lows: y ' hy It than the raw material? , ' ' 'Morning service and sermon. 11 ft. ice, ',r v.: KV-- 'Sunday services, 11 a. m. Subject to the empire the good will of the : is absolutely harmless. Inexpensive "Yes." . ' "orn!z3 6 p. Rellgio Literary So- - . A Zion's Life,"- : ' They :, churches of the United States. ; ' Preluda ,,ncanc' Z . and efficient 1 ' "Very well Since we rmust have ciety's meeting. Sunday school at 9:55 a. m. for Sargol''. will also report the progress of the Respcnsa "Frcra Tiy Lev : A month's systematic use of lumber for houses, we will make op 7 30 p. preaching, English serv- young people 20 years. "good-wRi- " laws cncr.cn jesis cjirist or under V produce flesh strength by campaign of recently held protect - Father" ...... should and - ' to your mill and your busi- LATTER DAY SAINTS -- ice. Wednesday evening meetings. ? p. m. on the mainland. : ': any t correcting faults of digestion and by ::y: :.f Anthem "O For tha Y." J04 Lusltanla street Sunday serv- Visitors are Invited to attend Free reading room. Odd Fellows' highly to Dove" ' held In chnrch 10 m. supplying concentrated fats I then call, on the proprietor of a ;i; 11:45 m. 1 p. Sunday of the services this building; Fort street Hours a. ' ' ices, a. to m. the blood. Increased nourishment is Y. M. C. A. TOy ' Sclo "Open the ...... to ' . SKRETART rice mill and ask: Gate. school, 10 a. m. , Ycung Men's and and a welcome will be extended to 3 p. m., AH welcome. '" r ,j. ; obtained from the food! eaten, and the "What kind of a mill Is .' Miss Fearsca Young Ladles' : Improvement "Associa- tfiose who "come. - ,s - SALTATION ARMY ADDRESS CENTRAL: UNION; thlsf T ' additional fats that thin people need "A : : Pcstlude "Fanfare" , ...... Regular meetings held In grist mllL" ' '.VI tion meets Sunday evening at 7:30 ' are the " ;; v are. provided. 1 CHRISTIAN ENDEAV0RERS your Evening ? Ladles JRelet r Association EAUHAKAFTLI CHURCH (C05GHE- - Salvation Army hall on Nuuanu street .' "What Is raw material o'clock. new preparation giv-e- n .y: r' Prelui? "Cerceuse" L' Friday 10 a, m. GATIOXAL) - between Merchant and Queen streets, While this has "Rlce." meets at - nerve-toni-c ' splendid results as- a ; Anthem "As Pants the Heart" , : Wednesday, The Christian Endeavor Society of "What do you . - Rev. H. K. Poepoe, Minister. as follows Tuesday, makef? , ' ".'--"- - - - , vitalizer, should used by "Food.--- ;. ' r CHURCH Corner Kftig Btreet and Asylum Thursday, - Saturday and , Sunday and it not be Central Union church, which had such - r" : : : THE CHEISTU5 v. nervous people they wish to 0"ertcry Solo- - ! unless r.:.-.'- x-;--- meeting spe- road. . nights: at 8 o'clock, a rousing last week with "la: the finished product worth more ...... :.,.... ;'.;f.;f ,5'?; gain pounds of ' ' Mrs. Hall. ay ten Old Y. mV'C. A. bu!'.d;ng. Hotel and 10 a. School, Intersa-tion- al Sunday School at 10 ai m. ;:."; .' at least flesh.' cial music, a music leader, and an in- than the raw material r - ; '. ' -'- 1 V'-- Aiak-a- crroprn For sale by Benson, Smith & Co, teresting dress . by R. E. "Certainly".'; .;'; .; Pcstlud "Shepherd'3 Pipe?.,- - onnorire new i. ai. u. Sunday School Lessons, both ; Holiness Meeting at 11 ft. in.';' - vad Lambert, : : Drug; Co,- and Hollister A. David C. Peters, minister. Resi- English.and Hawaiian. 7 Young People's meeting at- - 6:30 Chambers promises as good an evening tomor- "Very well Then we will enact - V : 1 wmg Co. ; Ur-ic- e, Office : 30 .-'' ; - '' . advertisement row. The speaker will Jay A; laws for your protection" we dence, Sixth avenue, Kalmuki. 6 p. m. Christian Endeavor. p. m. ': o" be since Ir--. hours at the church 12:30 ta 2, except Service Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. - Other Sunday schools are" held at educational secretary Of the Y. M. must have food to eat" rmrl'fi 3 : . Saturday and Sunday. 2 : 30 p. m., School street near Liliha A Christmas gift of ?5000 to the CA, who's subject will be Tower." Later on I call on the manager ot morning. 9:45. 3 p. L.I-- neigians uas Deen given oy r. ana A brewery. i3 r Noarsn:. Bihlii J?rhool. Snhdav SEYEXTH DAY ADYEXTIST street; m. Kukui street near cordial, invitation is extended to all the "What thl3, sir?" I I-- .1 ' .v;.-- ' . t Alice L. Hopper, sunt . CHURCH Uha fetreet (Japanese), and River Mrs. Lawrence a Phipps of Denver, young people to attend the meeting ask. , - "X - throat " ' Morning sermon Ft 11 by tfc min- 767 Kinau St .rr.";'' i street near Vineyard street (Korean). ' Five Germans who were trying to "A: brewery and distillery.' ! ; -- QakKofS mrh rwsl CaVvTiftth - 1 1 Subject Machinery of Cafda . vThe ar- "What 13 your V- . ister. "Th" A cordial Invitation to any or all. smuggle themselves Into Germany Swedish steamer Orlen has raw material?" " t: 1 ; 1 the "Church' and Its Irpose," (Saturday) 10 a. tn. Preaching 11 these meetings is extended by , ' (through Italy have been locked up at rived at Newport News with her cargo! "The boys cf Anerlca." - Installation of new officers at the .o'clock. ; Prayer xoeeting Wednesday 1 ADJT. TTMMERMAN. Nice. ; - " ' of cotton burning. " hat b ycur tz'.zl product V TTTELVh HONOLULU STAR BtTLLETIN SATURl JANUARY lfi;1915. - "j"" -;-- : , v '.v-- -. .. "'"ir"'"'''!''' a ... r. u f:f '. .7""" fZ7) DIUT' fele: gouhaud's ;


Jin In&pavcMs end Ddlftfd . for Fczkzzx&U IKc.T.ra ' ; - A dally necessity for th Udl toft exact, SOCIAL CALENDAR.1 VWtlwr at home or wall trvUjv. It years ago, or to be In Honor of Prince and Princess : rrotpcu tfi akin from tnjurtou .. It Spanieb-America- n SIXTEEN the war Kampengpetch. ' ' Car- ' Kampena-petc- fctlv bu.ulV til lh rmTlT .it U General William , II.' The Prioce and Princrss. h . Prince and. Princess Kampengpetch,!

to- ;;-'.'"- . - ttively ter conceived the Idea of gathering Entertained. '., who visited la Honolulu during the ; (rati- :r,iM wa not cauM or enctiurj5 th i or- - .1-- - . ...I.. , ' - rrowth or tair which all Udi! houiJt 1 gether a fund for the widows and . Mc and Mr Charles: F. Chilling Bi&y xucuguiia ww ' ai ui9 ia uiis (wn, guard when lectin a pr V Dlnueiy ; I-- ; V-- -- m- x azairt tollt phans of the men who, went to Manila worth's . r."". entertained at an elaborate dinner par- -- iMtraUon. Whn dnclnr. K.wlir ot t!i er exertion heat tbo H 1 s members of Uncle Sam's great Concert to ba Given for, Belgian Ra ty last ' evening by - Governor . Lucius 'u aia. pivenU a Tear arPTaic. . . . army. After supplying5 the needs of Pinkham. The affair was given at the C cjr a ud'a Oriental V ..; ; Crm ha'hi i .. those who were bereaved at that time Masqua Ball4t Shafter ;"'i' 7'.'" home-o- Dr. 'and Mrs., C. R" Cooper : - 1 resjA. s ana women 0 rus on there was a surplus of funds and Gen- Miss Rose Herbert'a Tea.- on, Lunalilo street, and M ra. Cooper .?er for 1'. eral Carter suggested that a relief Dinner at the Country Club.'; presided at the affair as hostess. The ratiM when prepaiinar lot uilr or even - J. w . - li - -- . .. - - fund be a permanent Institution in the Colonel Cbeftfs Dinned. ivi-- lai'ge lanal the Cooper home wu lng attire. . " at Caur ud's Orlartal curat United States army. The suggestion; Luncheon for -- Miss Irma Eatlentyne. draped with flags of the United States . ' B VMiMMj and "rllv Sunburn. Ct AII-6Ut-ei . YfV.ow JJy with hearty approval by all anny The Oinner. jv. - - . Hawaii. , The drawings room was va.tche6 TUsh. Freckies and Vulvar Hs and Ku aivta net and a ana 1 wmt folk and since that time there have' Mrs. Will Wayne' quantities of the oencaieix vaar rtr.n ciy wu si nif(. leen annual entertainments for - the , Skating Cluh Fonned.:. :'- - yellow blossoms being arranged in sil- Ferd. T. Kcpldns, Prcp 37 Grcit 2zzu Vc:!i ' : Army Relief fund wherever there Is': VI' The Euckeya ClubMeetai ln ver .vases. In thia room, too, there Z2zzll? a detachment of United States sol-- f r. were" : baskets filled with handsome ilers. - f belle," which was. very pleasing,: with lacy maiden hair ferns. Red was the " '.','.'! mi ' nig L I ' There have been two reuer axairs her vivacious personality. oredomlnating 1 color in the dining ,; ,C -- ii Honolulu within a few, days the 4 ' .Many of the society matrons' attend- room, and African daisies were used Hi cue at the Bijou theater where the ed the in evening gown rather in decorations: Silver vases filled affair the . . 1 j . ladles of the Coast Artillery preside, than en Masque. Among these--wer- e with tne biossoma ana rea snaaeo can-delabr- as r.nd the other at Fort Shafter on Mrs. William ; H, Carter. Mrs.' J. 15. adorned the long table, at -. evening when ladies and Swairy, gueata Dainty - ' -- Tuesday the si Bell, Mrs. Francis ii, Mrs. C. which the were seated. . 1. ... f, ;.- - ( :"cers at the post together with other I B. T. Moore, Mrs.. Sarah Kewcomh, cards embellished with the Hawaiian i trmyToJk and society from the town Mrs; Ar- coat-of-ar- marked the covers. "Dur ' i Mrs. Walter Macfarlane. and ret danced en .masque. , : ... thur Walt; ' '' ; H? Ine the evening Captain BergeKted v. ; lights - A myriad of colored electric i ' Some among those . present at tha the Hawaiian band, playing the aweet ; reeted the guests as they gathered at were - Gen. Mrs.' William melodiea of the Islands. Places were ; function and ; Sale of the post, nd the interior of the club- H. Carter, Admiral and; Mrs. I B. T. laid at the table for Prince and Prln-- house, where the guests were greeted Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wall, Mrs. cess KamDeneoetch. Admiral and Mrs. f and-Ma-t- - ; b, Mrsi'Wll- Vy Colcnel rruncis H. French Francis .IL Swanzy; Mrs. Saraa New-com- c; B. T. Moore. General and 1 Mrs. E. V. Smith, was a .bowec of vines, Miss Ruth McChesney,; Kiss nam M Carter. Colonel and rrs grant :reen vines gave a pleasing Peggy Center Mlsa, Ruth Soper; Mr. Charlea Bromwell. Mayor and ; - Mrs. twin- - George f .Tect to the lower hall and were and Mrs. Harold Castle, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lane,' Mr. and Mrs. ho room, Tenney, J alcr.3 the stairway, The ball Walter Macfarlane, Mr. and Rob- Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. fpoctacle' with-It- s Jrsl Dougherty, J too, was a festive Shingle, Mt.and Mrs. George Beck-- Captain and Mrs. James D. present-l-.- z ert - coop- Iriht lights and. green ferns Mr., ChUling. Capt M. Yoo, Dr. and Mrs.- c. a. be-paint- ley, and Mrs.' Charles F - : scene. Here GovernorPlnkham. . : - worth, Mr. and Mrs: R. Matheson, er and te powdered ladies,- harlequins 0 . Yama-Vtrr.a- s Miss Barrie Gamble, UeoL and lra maid 8, ghosts, . J'-;--V- f r"ritsa KlmmeL Mr. and R. Mr and Mr. Charles F. Nee lira, V In brightly colored costumes Chllllngworth's Dinner. v essioes Forbes, Mrs.' Harmon; David Spielman ;r.cr J til the earlj morning Hours : very pleasant dinner v. Miss Jessie Kennedy, Miss Butler, Miss One cof the ; .) furnished by two bands. masked the u;ulc Agnes Gray, Miss; Landon, Miss Betty parties which "preceded the At 11 o'clock the guests visited the hoii a Var Shnftor on Tuesdav even D,- - Tenney, Mrs. tents where half a hun-::- l Case, Mrs. Edward Mrs. r !rcfhmcut Mary Gunn, ing' was that at which Mr. and 1 with vases of Helen NoonamJ Mrs. air. tchles ornamented DUUnghamr Miss Charles F. Chillingworth entertained vers were laden with delicious re--: and WaXer . r , - home on King street The lit--. Sutgeoiu Ut.-- and Mrs. Mannie at their ; :hrr.ents.'The long tents over the Nora waa an at--) - centerpiece for the table I'SfieMsfi-- Mrs.- -- Phillips.' Mr. and A. Lewis, Jr. 1 with , ' Is tics were prettly decorated arrangement of chrysanthe-- '""rf. ' ' 1 UenL and Mrs.E.rj, O'Hara Miss De tractive ': , tr.J Cowers and colored lights. mums In a dainty, basket - From the When the call was given for the lia Holmes,' Dryland Mrst S. D. Barnes, draped .Miss chandeliers to the basket were several of the guests slip- -' Miss Scott. Miss Miriam Stacker, green :.:h!::S - ropes of American beauty and cos-- aiurphy." Mrs. .Gregg' McKer- 1 ; 1 c.T nd discarded their fancy Thelma waa very jolly, for MrSw Orvllle Tyler tulle.' The affair r frr evening clothes, though In ror. LdeuL and guests were attired in costumeSj t " instances the identity of the Mlsa Elizabeth-Campbell- , Hiss Marian the DalL Covers were iaia ior nr. II was revealed. But who was Chapln. Miss Pearl Sutherland, . Mrs. for the r.crrs - Macfarlane; Mr. and Gl- I - and Mrs. Walter 2 And who was .Mrs. C. B.' Cooper, hostjeEs at Hawaii's official functions In admin- Schaefer. Miss zl Burr.- Miss r.jsierlci ghost? the lll Mrs Robert Shingle, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Pinkham.'; Mrs. Cooper was one entertaining Makee," Miss Ten . - -. istration of Governor of those Violet .T.T.helmlna ; . . ..- - Mr. and" Mrs. J. J.: C. . x 1 .. ... ; - I George Beckley, many stunning costumes Kampengpetch Slam. . - . ' Mr. Mrs. Armstrong, Ti i were the Prince and Princess ot hey. and Frk Haynea and the host and hostess. M : : i ct the function and most of Mr, and Mrs. George Collins, Mrr and . - n ';'; '. of younger' resi- relieved by huge ruffs of yellow tarle-ta- - .':.:' J Jt "l.- - re representative of a great ine Lenihan, two the Mrs. Alfred CasUe. Krs. John Wal- V? . -- A Dinner at the Country Club. 1 thought as well dents of the post, were pretty little , 1 : George Herbert, Judge and f 1: time and M ; 1 ' keri Mra? sea- - ; One of the largest affairs of the school girls; yV '. ':' Mr. and, Mrs. J J. C. Haynea also Mrs. A.; A.TWilder. Mrs. Andrew - rui subscription dinner given very Yama-Yam- a son was the .'. :; the specially elaborate ones Miss Eutler was attractive in a wore the black with: yel- lef,' Mrs.v Harrison HaJL Miss Ula Mc .' 1 Country club last Tuesday ; . . : F. handsome Turkish costuma . low i. at the f e re t' e cf I.!r. and Mrs. .Walter mffS. Donald. Miss - Ruth Harrison, Miss bal masque at Fort 'V- . W.. Shingle and; ; . - night before the . Mr. and Mrs. cbert cos- Thfj brought with them .Mrs. Benjamin , Atkinson in a Helen Alexander. Miss; Margaret Wat guests were all In fancy Mr. fcnd George C. Beckley were51 - Shafter. The . .ih of the exotic Orient' with ilrs. tune representing a sunflower was erhouse. Miss : Ruth Stacker. Messrs, -- lively hour gar; In pale blue Yama Yama suits wllfi" very cpm or. George costume and' reveled in a :r ....it Indian costumes. The auracue, a oiaation., Alan? Lowrey.? George. Fuller. . departed In machine for gold, cf black Ulla. r x : . yellow green crepe paper deftly before they : , - ' cf Ehiramery cloth of ma '' ana AhlborH, Charles Herbert., Fred Ohrt Fort, Shafter. The ta- Mrs. Charles S Bromwell wore an j an&nged , - the hop ball at .hly ttudded wijh Jewels and other was used In makln the . Rycroft, .Watsoa Ballea- . Bert Walter ble" was artistically decorated with Oriental coloring auraciivo uarvm cusiumc vi pmyiw gown .enecuve. . rrhhlzps.. Soft - tyne, Robert Hendry, Oscar, Cornelius e - : j quantities of begonias and maidenhair C3 tlended prettily with the hand-r- silk and white churon. Mrs. Gregg McIIerror presented, a Thompson, Mary cap and sen, Ed Hedemann, Ernest fern. Mrs. E. D. Tenney. Mrs.. Helen costumes Mrs. Gunn, in black beautiful picture. Queen .Guine- ; ;MS3, material of which the ,of George Bustard, v. Robert scott, Tenney. '" ' Fox. Noonan. . Misa Wllhelmina TH) , ' - . , - gown, gave the appearance of a schol- vere.; Her gown was of white satin ,re fashioned. Watson Bailentyne . Martin, Philip Mr. and Mrs. Frank Armstrong, Dr. Trancis IL French,: wife of arly college girl. with draperies in long line of white Ned 9 :!rs. Soaldlne. James D. Mdnerny. and Mrs. Clifford . B. HighK Mr. ana ;r-- 1 was particularly, One of the very pretty Turkish cos chiffon. veil of was ' J French, A, thachiffon her Steel. Judge Monsarrat . Ma-ke- e. - Mrs.; George Collins, Miss Violet 7S. - tumes was worn by Mrs. Richard v : costume of White that only msk-- .;., (.- ar: .:rs in a Among. me . service peopie noiiceu Cant and Mrs. Richard Cutts, mauve were combined "with Cutts, wife or CapL Cutts. Thesuit :..Miss Ruth-Sop- er M were-- tin cr.i Miss Ruth o atT the ball,, most, of whom . Mr.' Jtnd Mrs. Walter Dillingham; Mr. ; tt rtive effect, the gown being was of green and white silk and chif- Chesney and Miss Peggy Center, three costume, were follow; special reduced masquerade the M. Phillips, Mr. i and Mrs. at ' '" pricso ' Mrs. . : ' ed ' ic-- fon wac ornamented with quanti- ; iud.' ' ' '' i; ' - the white with. draperies and younger,-set- ,.'.:'' . ; TV '. cf of the members of the;. Aif)d Castle, - Mrs. John ,8.-- ' Walker, l '."' : cap of ties of pearl beads; Yama-Yam- a ' r "ve. A little Colonial r wore aults w ith . Jaunty. uapu-an- a High pic- Geo. &ndIrs.7Carte:v- - Admiral and Mrsi George Herbert irs i shade covered Mrs. French's Mrs. a B. made a dainty little caps. Miss McChesney and Miss Mrs, Moor,!, ; Col Frencli,; CBeU,'; Judge "and Mrs. sA.;--- Wilder, 3 hair, ture as "Sweet Peas" In a fluffy frock Soper were pink a; 'ndtU: - in and; white, color Col. ;and. rs.. ana Mrs; Sirs. .Andrew "Fuller, CoL and Mrs. Sale b egi ris oh Monclcy 1 Mrs. Harold Castle attract- - of white crgandie. Ke;nnOT,ioi. ' scheme becoming to, their fair types AtkinBOnt'CColU and VMrsC-Cheathaxw- i Reynolds. Mrs. Charles S. Brom '. T" . Mrs. Edwin J. wore an at .ii attention in Chinese attire.' OHara of beauty, and Miss Center's costume Mai, Foucar," Mrs. Chl-- 3 Colonial gown of pink and Maj. . ant'Mrsl' Smith. and Mrs. well, Capt and Mrs. F. ? r were cf heavy blue tractive was of red arid black, which was very co- vel- - Lenihan, ,M a and Mrs. Cos, ,Col.. and Harrison Hall. Miss Thelma Murphy, : . in gold and white satin with touches of black er.trcidered ' attractive with her dark hair and eyes. Mrs," : McDonald, exceptionally vet V '..:- Ellis, , Fort Ruger; Maj Blakely, Mls Lila Miss Ruth. Hafr Castle was , lors. Much interest was shown, in the cos CapL and Mrs. Stayton,. C Rafferty, rison, Miss Mary Gunn. Mai and Mrs. :.-- the fuit. Her dark hair was In pink and white tarletan hat and tume of Charles . fluffy Herbert In a .! Campbell, ; Miss . Campbell, Cot D. B. Case, Miss Helen Alexander, t-- face, gown , Miss Betty Case looked . as . Cot rerely ck frcrn her shert frock and large picture, hat he though she had stepped. from one of and Mrs. ; Reynolds.. Capt and Mrs. Miss Margaret Waterhouse, Miss Nora -- beads . c.. ornaments cf peari 1 waa a representative of a ie ' fair chorus Cooke, Mrs, McCleave, Maj. Sturgeon, 1 Alan Lowrey, Fred Wlch; ' the pages of a fashion book. . Capt and trrrr-c- i In Ce cchTure. 'girt - :sM;CiFFEMr:J; Williams, Capt Mrs. GIbbs, Lieut man, James Mdnerny, Lieut- Cam w Capt Miss Catherlre" Landon , and Mlss and C. t3. Lincoln, ife of .Mrs. Orvllle N. Tyler was dressed 1 charming In Kora Sturgeon were In; the costumes and Mrs." Reardan. Lieut and Mrs. panole, Maj. Delaney, George Fuller, "wes a Pierette as a gypsy. Her short : 13 ' Folly gawns tinkled mer- red costume Pillow, Mrs. Bromwell, Capt and Mrs. Lieut Yates, Lieut Welch, Maj: FOR, WEEK BEGINNING, JAN. c f white satin. . of and their draped with bright ' rily bells. colors, aus. a red Rosenbaum, Capt. and Mrs. Lincoln, Blakely," Fred Ohrt Maj. A.4'. S. Conte . h Lira. O. Mathews came with their hundreds cf oanaana U draped, over her dark curls ; ; Capt and Mrs. Harris, . Mrs. W, H, lln, Walter Roycroft Mr. Martin. Bert a boy and Miss Landon were a white suit and ", r.urserj' a little was a captivating combination, - Wil- 1? - V r Johnson, Capt; and Mrs.. Bell, Lieut Clark, Philip Spalding and Lieut 1 : Miss Sturgeon was; i 1 : their parts through-- la Hue. Mrs. M. retained J. Lenihan.: wife of Mali - were present ?. ; ' ' : Mrs. Ar- and". Mrs Love, Lieut and Mrs. Rich- liam' Rose those r t: ryenlng. Mrs. Edward D.Tenney, Lenihan, and her daughter, Miss Leo ::u-- was shown in the thur Wilder..Mrs. Mannie Phillips and ardson Capt Charaberlln, .Capt and . h interest nora Lenihan,' wore bright red and 1 Miss Holmes' were in handsome Mrs., Winn, Capt and .Mrs. French, Concert to Be Given , worn by Mrs. Cook and Delia .air yellow " turnes ier v costumes of. Italian, peasant a; y - Mrs,-O'Har- and for Belgian Relief. ' ; - Gamble. Mrs. Cook. was Turkish ccstume3of satin and :' v-- Lieut i and Lient t:r, .3 ' women. ' - Along many en :t little lady In hoop skirU chiffon ec.broiderel in brilliants. Mrs. Mathews; Lieut - and Mrav Mc- with the charitable Evenin Dresses rs. f., H. Fojicar, wu'e ; of Cap Miss. .Length tertainments comes a concert the ::L-- Gamble In arweird suit rep--r .Miss Elizabeth Campbell, daughter t Andrew, K an. Miss Cather- lor Fcucar, was a cuarnflig figure'. In .a Mrs; Belgians,-- , which win be well worth -. ine Lenihan, and Booth, ?35-C- D the "speck-tater."- of Col. and Mrs. Archibald Campbell, .Lieut Sale $15 XO tins white satin Pierette suit and- - a large; Mrs. while. ' Mrs. A. B. Ingalls, who has Prices, to : :rs. Gills, wife of Capt. GIbbs, was was a charming 'picture dressed as Lieut and Mrs. Black, Lieut and; -- V white satin hat ornamented os-tric- h won note as a Violinist re- : Little Bo Peep:-- - , with Gee, Lieut arid "Mrs, Cook, Lieut and and who - :ng little French maid. " : .,' ;v .v ; feathers. ' . . Ea- turned two years ago year. : r Mrs. S, D.- was Mrs. Fredendall, Lieut and Mrs. from a of : rs. lZrneste V. Smith, wife of Maj. Dames attractive la ' - Mrs. F. P. Reynolds was decidedly Demmer, study in Paris, will be assisted by wore a handsome Chinese cos-- ? a gown cf pink satin .fashioned; after gerly, Capt: and Mrs. .JJeut attractive as' a Hawaiian hula maid, ; Paymaster Gray,- - Tapt and Miss Alice Hopper, Mrs. J2. A. R. Ross heavily brocaded those of the old Colonial days,: Robinson, " cf Hue satin 1 costume G-.--- Street Dresses . Chilling- - her lelng fashioned of sev- Mrs. Cutts, Capt Taylor, Lieut and others. The concert will be held! lavt nder. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F.; eral Yama-Yam- a shades of chiffon. Her" heavy V Mrs. cn Tuesday, the 26th, the Hawaiian Mi 3 Agnes Gray and Miss Cather-- worth wore suits of black and Mrs." Baxter, Lieut and at brown hair and a wreath Of malle Green, .Lieut aadMrs. Furer, Ueut opera house. A number of the society ; ; Reduced to $15.00, $18.50, S20.C9 made a pretty frame for vher1 face, Welch.: Lieut and Mrs: Longanecker, women have consented to act as pat- which had been colored the shade Of Jenkins, Boiler, A. ronesses and some of the ' attractive - ' Lieut Lieut Lieut a Hawaiian maid. ; CV misses of younger V' K." Lyman, Lieut B. Lyman, Capt ' the set will act as Mrs. Thomas Spencer, wife of Lieut Malone, Miss Bonnie Scott Capt and 6 ushers. -- ;:;v Spencer, with v Mrs. Kay ; and Mrs. Mrs. Knowles. Maj, Conklin, - Lieut The patronesses are: Mrs. B. Fax Goats and Cape s. Wright wore severe nurses' costumes Guthrie,.' Lieut and Mrs.--Nichol- on Bishop, Mrs. W R. Castle, Mrs. A. cf black with white cuffs and collars Capt and Mrs. Kay, Lieut Sloan. J. Campbell. Mrs. C. Montague Cooke. Specially $5X0 515X0 and fetching caps of white, muslin aha Lieut Camp, Lieut ' Silvester, Lieut. Jr, Mrs. C. B. Cooper, Mrs W. v. Dil- - priced at from to ' -- lace. f f r : :vi;:u'- : r " Campanole, Miss Hall, Miss Gray, lngham, Mrs. Walter, F. Frear. Mrs; .'EL Mrs. R. O. Matheson was Mrs. Mrs. Hedemann, Mrs. D. Howard Hitch-coc- k, HEM de Ford, a attractive- Lieut and Pres -- ly disguised as a Chinese lady in a ton, Mrs. Lawrence,' Maj.. A Delaney, Mrs. C. S. Holloway. Miss IU ' ' ': I Hopper. blue satin icostume richly brocaded in Mrs. Lebo. ?: r h v i' Mrs. B. L. Marx, Mrs. Li. Ten - 53:00 red dragons, and Mr. Matheson wore ney Peck. Mrs. JP. Mrs- - Wash Skirts a black Yama-Yam- a set off by a yel- Dinner 'at the Pleaianton. : ; ; Francis M. S wan2y, Mrs. E. : Dl Ten ir - low ruC. i- ;. ' Col. Rudolph L Ebert was host at ney, Mrs. U. Thompson. Mrs. Bernice I CHINESE Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Frazier an informal dinner at the Pleasanton Walbridge. Mrs, W. D. ; Westervelt were striking respectively as i an ad- hotel tn Thursday i nleht Cot Ebert flIrs.Gerrit P. Wilder, Mrs. ILT. Pros -- eer; - . . ;$3.C0: miral of the Swiss navy and as' a pier-rette.- .: has recently been atationed in Hono ' ;:" r Silk Petticoats ':;r;.:;,?tA v. - . lulu and has made, a host of friends. Tabburets Stepping cut of fairyland came Mrs. The table centerpiece was of pink In honor of Miss Ethel Lewin. whn Edward McCleave in the red hood and roses and maidenhair ferns' Covers Is visiting In Honolulu. Miss Rosie I of carved teak cloak cf Little Red Riding Hood. were laid for Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Mat- - Herbert entertained at an attractive I There was son tea onCTuesday Shapes - $1.00 ranch interest shown In of Portland. Ore eon: Cat.'and Mr afternoon. affair! Uhtrihimed' .f The " ' - : and phony - ; 'f-- i" - ;:' '. '; ';"C J. . i" ' the costume worn by Capt- Gibbs, for F, Maj. and Mrs. Gideon was also in the nature of "a, farewell, f i there was a bit of interesting history' McD. vanf Poole, Capt and Mrs; L. ror on Wednesday the charmlngs host- connected "with Capt Gibbs wore Owen, lime, A. Bougardier , -- ess left for the mainland. it and the 1 the uniform of an officer In .Chi- - host - - v palms :the " ..v and. flowers, were nese army , which was secured during . vj jl 'jt . - , arranged throughout the house and the ; Boxer , the war. r ;, At the Skating Rink on Fridayi . guests 'spent the afternoon at cards. - Mrs. Charles :.R.: Forbes - wore a A number of the Academy students The guests included Misa Lewin Miss quaint gown of the Pilgrim days. As .made their way to the skating rink Peggy . Center, Miss Ruth Soper. Miss rriscUla Alden she . was In a dainty- - yesterday, afternoon . for a frolic on Ruth Anderson. Miss Ruth McChesney. gray frock and bonnet of that period. ,th rollers.; Thla haa become an al-- . Miss Blanche Soper, Miss Marion Cba-Mr- s. Harmon David Spielman of most rejular thing and every Friday pin. Miss Dorothy Guild, Mrs. Smith 0?S Chicago, who is visiting her sister, afternoon text books are laiiTasIde and Mrs. Georee . Collins. Miss Thelma :eot.ji: iMrs. Charles R. Fcrbes. was charming the students gather at the skatine rink' Murnhr. Miss "Pauline Schaefer.. Mrs. la the brightest costume of a Spanish j for merrymaking. .Norma Adams and Miss Sylvan Purvis,


talks anJ a tuusicat program:. About land tho isamc coisJueiatkn wl'.l bo una aanaaaanaaaaa" ' 100 quests were present. . extreme emergency a - n - shown in an Cut a CALLING DAYS . X U , jt is shown to EnglUumea, but the FOR HONOLULU, a Skating Clubu. ; church has made, very clear Its un- -- ;:r: a , ai A number of the society women who willingness to Issue special license mar-riage- a a Mondays Punahou, MakikL ( a ? have been Interested In roller skating simply because the parties to the 8 Tuesdays Waiklki. Kaptolanl 8 hate formed a club to meet eTery do not want to comply with the a Park. KalmukL Palolo. First a, Tuesday night at the skating rink. In-- 8 regular requirements,. - .Tuesday Fort Ruger. a J Titatlona mill be sent out to society Within the last 12 months only one a vWtdneadayrN'uuanBL:PoiinnL a'neoDle eTery week, and It is exoected special license has been granted to a Paclflc Heights. First and third 8 (that this will be one,pf the largest la-- j Americans...... , lerescsfinia winter, some or tne ia--i - ieuo8uj, uui .. J : . .: a bridge; second and fourth Wed-- a :ne8 who win act as patronesses arel , a Beadays, Deiow onage; iounn Mr. FL T. Moore. Mrs. William IL Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Tayler Eads . a Wednesday. Pacific neigbts; first Carter.d Mrs. Walter F.... Dinmgbara. Goodbye at San Francisco. Wednesdays, Alewa TX A large contingent. of society folk' U and third .Mrs. . a. a. wucer. airs, wumoi r. 1 Heights. .',;V- O Ellis, Mrs. C. L. Bodrera, Mr. Charles dck yesterday with ,th 'U ' Thursdays The Plains. ; n ot the SJerra to .bid boa voy-- ' BromweU. Ml Betty Case, Mlsa Ula .town, 10 Mr-- ftnd 8 Fridays Hotels and S McDonald. Mrs. Harrison-HsI- L Mrs. Mrs. Albert P. Taylor.: fourth Friday; Fort Saafter. first tt. Gerrlt Wilder and Mrs. Frank W. Coe. They have returned to their home la Frldaj; Maaoa. College Kills, 8 , , , , ' I Honolulu after having resided In Saa : a j first and third Friday. , 8 London, jFranciaco for the past eight months.1 ; ' 8 'Awirles4'Wetdlna In -- English, Irish. Scotch and fnanlsh. 8 Saturdays KallhJ. third and 8 J LONDON. Eng. American wed- - Mr. and Mrs.. Taylor were both decor? Turkish. Swedish, Dutch sad Daalh. 8 fourth Saturdays; Kamehameha 8-- a dings in Lccdcn are now very rare atedlth Ida, His. Taylor's of rose rhnol last Saiurdav. - - - 8 , weddings and violets, Mr. Tayicrs an i;ira iei cfeyri-tr- y and the usual numb r of every ev-w - These and ;lmcii "4ti't 8 Fort Shatter cajung flay aTn.riv.n tmitne- h Enr. and their stateroom was literally fill-- ? were represented at.the All-Stst-es 8 ery Frldajr. lnfl .111 VA I.Alti.i. There are few ed with, flowers, fruit and csndy. ajid-annual"- ! Y, " ' dinner meetlng'of the 8 . . It Is a matter of great regret ' Americana in Eneland now outside of that W. C A. at the parish house of Cen- 8 , Note-- The teiepnone ww.;tte nznUr colony ant furthermore this popular couple are leaving San even- ; , ; Union chnrc .oriTh.urdSf or boctety vmivx is . tral 8 the g tQe Charch' of England has shown a Francisco to mjQte their permanent . ing. of llonoUila'a-iaa- t promi- t f. v ' ; Some home Islands. Thev are Dlan-w - 8 irnrcMrnvm v ititmnnMwn ' ti w tcannnrauw fw- in th " men and women" were T?resent n n n a n,a n iro - nent a 8 8 8 8 bob of licenses to non-reskien- ts who d- - nrag to return ror a oner vis.t, prooao- and helpe-- l t? teska thevening .a ' In year. - aire to waive the formalltr of church f later thia success. wanderer) tad V Eastern SUr Installa T Ead lib regulations and have r license grant-- ' Among those who saw them off yes-e- d tvmhoile ct tbaartates its diners rep , A publics installation waa hdd on ; reading nai's table, which Saturday evening, January 9,. In the without the of bans and tenlay morning were Cart and Mrs. resented. Hawaii at preliminaries which consume Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Mrs. D. HowirdIIltchcoclr-presided- , Masonic temple by Lei Alph, Chapter ether at Ylctcr ., imra-uM- , . was decorated In varl-colore- d hibiscus No 3 O F ? v5, Cla Petrie, ' wct.. v ovvm, I At cne tIme Americans were much Ralph Lyons. Miss Jean Cllft and Fred-rcfflc- er' wore em- . WcrthV actln as Installin' ,1 and the Hawaiiana eich the Matron - -- seeking epeclal licenses blem of the hibiscus sclly. Buckeye The '. InstallaUon ceremony to these erick Kalght applea were id r3Vor4attSe Ohio wss recited almost r.erfectlv by her. n arranging wedd.nn in great haste, Mrs Taylor was the honored guest and Bishop Canterbury grants Monday table at which Mrs. Could raJ hostess, which did much towards making the of. such at a tea given at the Pnbr and maple augar and granite were In J reasons, erldence at the New Englsnd states Henry Williams, past matron of Lea there are urgent such ss having been Mrs. William CUtt. M; - table under the snperrlslon of Mrs. Chapter No. 2. acted as marshal and or unexpected military or-a-val Lee Cole Burnham and Miss Jean A. F. Jackson. From this section toy did the work In a very creditable u:u wouiw nut n mpw Cllft. Pink roses and- - maidenhair comply reg-- 1 up to the celling - with slbte to with the church's ferns adorned the tea table. San balloons were sent ner. Mrs. Petrie was presented t ular requirements. . . ? iFrancisco Chronicle, , ini the New Englanders shouted their , 'a beautiful jeweL nr.. IL T, HoIlman cry 'New England on Top." One ol &'?! past patron, was also presented .with In the case of Americans or other I the prettiest, of the tables was that a jewel Quantities of beautiful flow foreigners desiring to marry in Eng--i f Additional Society ott page fourteen.)' at which the Britons were seated. A ers were presented to the incoming profusion of American beauty roses "and outgoing officers. After the In-- ' and flags o$ the British isles were ar--. stallatlon of officers a short musical ringed as centerpieces at this table ' program was rendered, then all mem--' by 1U hos'esa, Mrs. W. W. Taylor. "hers and their friends repaired, to the The singing of --Tlpperary by the - banquet hall, where delicious refresh- - guests at Britain's table waa a de-- - 'fiients were Benred.' - ". wlicle"..ass;Gmllf;:" ! to tte: WTIth - ., r r4ttc'h wondirtulj-olces- f fepre-8entatlv- es " and Uie'. Mrs. Will Wayne Entertains. ' , i cf the sunny South pro- A pretty affair of this week was the claimed tbflf presence. At this table " luncheon at which 31rs.' Will Wayne Mrs.-W- . y was hostess and entertained at Ainahau on Tuesday cotton ball and smiling darkies form- 'afternoon. A basket of maiden hair ed Cie decorations. ; All through woven : tit! ferns with Its handle of ferns f We will have a , special dis- the evening the southerners, .led by i ftt!Bf tha venter fit thn .'tnhlA ' while . . Ilobdy,-Mrs- Shepherd and Mra. - UndBr-wea-r Mrs. red hibiscus and fronds were arrang- play of. Women's Silk v - 'Ilalsey Ean? the sweet plantation mel- ' ed attractively around :. the baske " Cov- odies together, and "Dixie" thrilled the Ralph Cuth--v on Monday Corset ' Covers were laid for Mrs. dinner guests. " bertson, Mrs. Herring, Mrs. C. F. Mer- - was a Joyous gathering at the ers, Nightgowns and Comblna-tlons There rlU, Mrs. Samuel Blair. Mrs. Clarence ' " - California table where residents of the crepe-de-chln- Whitener. Mrs. Mcllrey Miss Pauline r in e beautiful- "Bear ; stats were seated. Topping - Merrill, Miss Helenita Kennealy and na- the decorations were flgsvcf all Wayne. ? " ' ly embroidered,'' and in China Mrs. Will '. ': r' ',, .. . ; '' tions and a pennant bearing ."1915 , vm m tm w ; daintily trim-me- d and all through the evening the Cal- u; Miss Ethel James' Dance. 1 silk and silk mull remiiicled the guests Jhat the j ' ifornia's Miss ; Ethel James was hostess for lace. ' is' ' ; with rreat exposition la fan Francisco ? about 30 of her. friends at a dance on VM ,thls year. At each'place a gripe leal y v Saturday-nigh- t at her home on Quar- - j luscious grapes were used and bunch cf antine island. Miss James used red Jl- as r'ace cards, while Teddy, bears and T;the green for her color scheme and' l- . M 4 j. oranjes pUyed an important partln - J J I " v wjta I.J ISii' - .'itLilts auea carricu uui ui uuiiuuiij the ornaments of the table. red flowers and maidenhair rem, :ine ker-e- ls . . . , Ccrn Cgcred In the decora- ,IC If and maidenhair ferns. A. B. Ingalls, red flowers The SPECIAL tions Tor tte table st which Kansasltes Jilrs. tWrs William .Bowman Mrs. Ernest Ross," Miss Alice Ilopper.,t. and at 10:30 o'clock delicious refresh- - ard LllshoJrlans were seated, and the the-coo-l Coaiv-Mrs- . Entertained-tkewpi- served on lanal, Mrs.' Lecker, Mrs., 0.J H. Dr and Mrs. J..T. Gulick e bride "and gTcbm'1 'FWm lhemeIlts 'ere Slirjs cames cf tie guests of the latter state toldnlgnt tored to the Silk Princess all color were marl J with cards ornamented Gulick, Mr. and Mrs. W. PFrear. ,- Rev.1 Dr.' and Mrs. John T. Gulick of (.chandeliers so:: rolus of j?nic fuiie" feiiAt tte westo ' ; iiyv eTeamg. mule. ... Mrs. Donaghho, Thelma Wicke, Miss , Honolulu were Christmas guests, at! gxacexully . to cjnere1! "'ttieblei-- alter p yerj aeugmiui ' with the I' rsourl eowns "were $5.50 and S6.50 qualities at 53.75 ctaer grain rniar"nted Some noticeable those of v MUs VV.'on Miss Miss .'YVilllam Fl Mknnii:-forme- r aifd Ethel James, the hostess, Who , the table elfiwt' tve rr.'. .i .D' kotane Tanaka. Ito. frlenda of uink rosebud: Jink' 'whita' wasMIss Pa-Mi- ss gown with GuickS'iff or carried . cut to ; remotest detail,' wore a of red satin trimmed gathered t..i f .. : t: clr ttate. .. Mrs. Kc; ke, Miss Ayau, Miss Thomas, the the Paradise the the :' ' was very becom- Dainty rowtra arranged on Indie. Mr and Mrs. Mott-Smlt- h, cific Doctor and Mrs. Gulick will when in the last course a' rYay of plijk shadow lace, which vui' - the Ull3 fr Minnesota and Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. Weight, Miss Louise remain in Los Gatos during the winter sachets were, served td the- guest 'of ing to her dark type; Miss Margaret cf these states were Akeo, Miss Harper, Mrs. Bowman, ' and will attend the exposition at San honor. Covers were' ial.q for Collins looked very pretty In blue where res'Icnta a seated. Dcri3 D. Tariff was host- Canon and Mrs. Ault, Miss R. Ef Holt, Francisco before returning to Hawaii. Irma Ballentyne, Miss Mar." Ballen- -' 'charameuse with' French silk and Jilts. - ! Miss Rase- - Gulick, who belongs to tyne. Miss Thelma Murphy,' Miss Flor- shoulder bouquet of Frenchy-colore- d ' The "Beaumou Telia ess for Michigan and Mrs. Arthur E. Elizabeth Holt, Mrs. Alice Doctor a fami ' ' . .' : - ,, .'. - v ; v :v M!a-ee- l man, ly ence, Hoffman, Miss Helen rosebuds. Miss Jiaoel Carter was , . Arledre greeted Jres.frar3 Mr. and Mrs. Mann, Ruth Cox, of famous missionaries, enjoys the . Soaldin. t.L d, Mrs.'-A- ' eta." ; 1 Mr. and Mrs. Tenney Peck, Mlsa May-nar- distinction cf having been the first Miss Hazel Burr, Ii Castle, very dainty. In a gown of soft, white ' ScliaeferSfraZ-'Hairol- over yellow Last tut not least were the New Mrs. Parmclee, Miss, Marion evangelical clergyman to establish a Mrs.tGustave'; ahadow. lace sateenir4 !' ; ; " ' : , , and veilings in black.: Ycrhers. ?The guests at this 'table Brown, Mrs. Locke; Mr. and Mrs. mission In China outside of treajty CasUe; Mrs. Edward Dekum and the j '...c. J J ; J : - - . I '.. . . , '..?',;,-.'f- Coast;' enthusiastic of Mc-Fherso- n, ports, and "many years hostess. The Henshaws to Remain on were rerhsrs the Gage, Mrs. J. MWhltemack, Mrs. for his labors : rrri ':- -1 - v.--. , r.g jTen- - 13 . & & " . Mr. and Mrs. . Frits Henshaw and LeTty Ilrsl MacDougal.- were in 'country and Japan. He j all-whi- ithe father. 'Miss Mr. and that magpie, te V ad; ; world-wid-e, Mrs.: son given up ney Peck, Br. bcuiicr and Mrs. Agnes Mrs. Spencer Bowen, Mrs.: ( L-- Force 'a scientist, of refputation, Mr. and George Shermatf Enter--' have their home in ' : " they have been living B. Judi the New Ycrkers sang and Miss Nixson, Mrs. F. J. Ixwrey, Mrs, and as long ago as .1872 was called m tain Informally, - I HnoIulu where r v fc-- "; - - en- - marriage, and are planning yelled their Ytele. U. Thompson, Miss Bcsher,. Mrs"Em- conference with Darwin, Wallace, Ro- Mr. and Mrs; George Slrerman since their ? Arrnmrto , .; grey. r. - In Oakland.. . the guests :W3 ti5da'l.nown when ory, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. W. E. Fos-- 1 manies and other sclenttsU of Eng-te- tertalced informally yesterdky- after-- to reside permanently At 1 Hen-pengpetc- iXrkjtJ: Jcdd;r:-cd-t:rerD,'terTr-tl- ' h. rth. ; - present ,they are guests Mr. , Mrs. Miss Goold, Mrs. W. a Weedon. land. Los Gates. CaL,,AfaiL V. V noon for Prince and iTlncess" Kain- of ; - - Hen-e- d day cake covered with candles. Cheer Mrs. ( l ; r; J , . Shortly they arriv- shaw's mother, Mrs. Grace Tubb Carl Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. W. after 1 ran-.c- ut ev.r.rrr!ng Oakland, Trr'tr - shaw, at her home in East. ' after cheer A: Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ken- Luncheon for Mrsa Irma Oallentyne; in Honolulu, the royal couple from e ' : "' X'.' . lady. tv Miss At the dee ?.cf )c: .cr nedy Mrs. H. H. Williams, Mrs. W. B.1 Mrs M. Watsonwas hostess at the Far East called at Mrs. Sherman's j San Francisco Examiner. J ;V- ' - C5 McDouzal j-av- ari criminal reading a 1"na BWentyno. beautiful home in Nuuanu. valley. Mrs. v - 0 ! : Oleson. Mrs. WA L. Moore, Miss C. E. cheo,n for. J"3! .'"- ' - '".'"' ; cempesed 'f:r the occasion. has" Prin- , of . Bray, Mrs. Chandler. Mrs. Wolfe, Mar- - Thm?day At th.eIr ? ,Green Sherman known Prince' and' Series Studio Teas.' ' entertel-iic- nt f he some years- - .Mr. Seldon Roorbach, water-havin- g TL evening's closed icn Nichols. Hazel Kellogg. Mrs. L. A. street In the center of tho table was cess Kampengpetch for whose r "by Ho-- with the rc-ruls- annual meeting of the been entertained them colors have won great favor In sweet peas holding was touring some years ago. nolulu and on other islands, is is-- Y. V.. C. A. and interesting reports nished 'with 'a when she ' the F. A. Potter, Mrs. Poole, Mr. and Mrs. v " ' " J- ' adirrrircs-cnad- suing - were readiand e ta the Super, Mr. and Mrs. Klllam, Miss Ly- - Invitations to a series of .Inform- t::et!y. A mu.ieel Interpolation was j al studio teas, the first to take place . tie, Mrs. S. H. Douglas, Miss Barn- -' , the duet 'by Mrs. E. A. Mott-Smlt- h ' on January 26, in hla studio at the hand, Mrs. Francis Smith, Miss Drum-mon- d. SKIRTS.' AYeighL Hawaiian. Seldon . latelr WHITE WASH and Mrs. Charles Knapp, Roorbach's feme cf the guests, who. were' pres- Miss Mr. and Mrs. F. work j is very good. Having become ent at the entertainment were: CV Atbcrton,' Mr. and Mrs. C M. Cooke; - more familiar with bis subjects he has Jr.; Jlrs.' JuxSd; Misa D, Rowell, Dr: from $3.25 to S7.50, la Pique, . ' portrayed of poetry the1 . Mrs. C. Ileldy, Dr. and Mrs. more the of Scudder, Mrs. Kenneth Barnes, Miss i - TT. beautiful scenes he has painted.: I Ratine,' Novel- Hunting; .:, ::!:- L, rdwars, Mrs: Fol-BO- j Llnen Crash and ' Rogers. Mr. and Mrs Fltts, Miss 1 .! Pslmerscn-WLiti- ,' Mi-- r lldna4Barlow; : - ; Miss Malone, "Miss Reid, Miss Outdoor' Circle Forms ty weaves on Monday frpm MU3 Dcrr; Amhrose, Mrs. Florence Livingston, Mrs. Laura Glover, Mrs. H. Hibiscus Class Another little cog has been formed v ' Teasa, Mri. Ernest Yetster, Mrs.L. L. Shaw, Miss Hamlin, Mr3. Fitch, $W3ito $5X0- .- - ; In great Outdoor,-Circl- e l, Miss E. E. Wlnslow, Miss the wheel of. the. " -- 1 , Cllowlar Miss Larrabee. Miss Jones.'Miss Bene-- . j ". Twose FcxI Mrs. A. F. Jackson, Mrs. Miss Simpson, MissJIershey; Mrsi in the form of a hibiscus class. Loong, diet. ' society women - Goo, Ml3 Loo, Alice Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. A. Vaughan Heims, Misa These who have work- . Kv.cng, Miss S?cng, .MIss Akan, Mrs. Rob-ertcot- t. ed so hard to enhance the natural Worrall. Miss Rose Young, Mrs. ' Mrs.-Kce:c- ; '"!lrs. beauties in-- . Hens, Mfg. J. a McGUL Mrs. H. M. 7. of Honolulu are trying to Chang, Mrs. V.'cng KwaU Miss Kam Helvie, Mrs. Kenneth Cousens, Miss ,, ' eiu me anowieoge or the wonders or Tai Wont, Mrs. W. W. Taylor, Mrs. Margaret Leveck, Miss Omsted, Miss .. plant life and the love of growing Haley, Mie3 P. Haley. Miss J. Haley, 'things Into younger L. Andersen, Mrs. M. Shepherd, Mrs. the minds of the Mrs. Reedy, Mr. and Mrs. Ernmans, , I generation. City Merrymon, Mrs. Segalla; Miss Smilh, Hence the Beautiful. Miss Breakllll, Miss Stroud, Miss f i jck ; En-ge-l, tvuuiimiiee on eaucauon nas oeen Be attie, Mrs. Edgar Yrood, Mrs. Ethel Miss Faast, Miss Lawrence, Mrs. Blue, Mrs. A. M. t J formed under the direction of Mrs. C. Taylor,, Mrs. Kennedy,' Miss Alice Mrs. Hansen, W. Miss Alberta Ames, Miss Erika Hagen, Ashford, Mrs. Arthur O. Smith and; .Davis, MIs3 IL Miller. Mrs. Bettis. Mrs, Isaac M. Cox. These ladles will Mrs. A. Campbell, Miss Rause, CoL Miss Alice Ball, Miss Stumbaugh, Mrs. Cor-bale- y, Erdman, Mr. and Mrs. Farrington, Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Yr&lker. Mrs. dren to grow plants your ; Mrs. Egbert and care for them Yen can place entire reliance Mrs. J.-J- Dowiing,. Mrs Burnham, Roberts, Mrs. Mills, : to - They, Mrs. A. V. Soares, Miss Brawther, Mls3 and care for. the' lawna will upon any statement ,mado over our in" Sauniers, Mr. Lorimer, Miss' Hill, Miss ' also be taught to keep the school house signature. If a comparative price is hats, Schnoor, Mrs. I. M. Cox, Miss Pitts, in good order. . The ladies who are quoted you can be' sure that the value stucrjng hibiscus culture under the Is the actual mer- Miss. Jane Winne, Mrs. Mann, Mrs. Mrs. Varney, Mr. Glenn E. Jackson, stated worth of the Solomon, supervision; of Valentine Holt at chandise. . piece goods is de- . Mac Nell, I Irs. Stephenson, Mra Mrs. C B. T. Moore, Mrs.; the If a cf 1 i 4 X .experiment - . "all-woc- l,' ' - --Mrs. Ebersole," station met last Friday scribed as you can be cer- V , r.pv. !'rs-- r.rar: Mf Mrs. Marques, Mrv?nd tni' Among - .. Mrs.! Lock-wood- ,- afternoon.. them are a thread of cotton or 2.1. Post, Mrs. Mrs. W. W. j Mr. and , Mfs.tFry.loulse Pearson,; tain that net 4 Frederick J. Lowrey, Mrs. A. J. .Gig- - any Tayler, Mrs. Danrord. Mrs. Keating, Mary R. Ferrelra. Etael Keating, Miss other material enters .Jnto It noox, Mrs. J. J. Carden, Mrs. L. ; . , , Mies Squire, Mrs. Clark, Mra Osmond, Whiteman. Mrs. Philip Ftcar, Mrs. F. C cempesition. .. . Ber-ge- Lucas, Mrs. T. King, Mrs. W. j you Hir- - r.s. I.frs. F. E. Trotter. Miss W. Matthews, Miss n J. F. Do read our adverstimesents T'?a Smithiliss - uuiingnam, vv. - y Reynolds Miss tartinoMr.i Mxs.vBrQwnlMxsZ. ,K. JMyers,. airs. u wmtney, Mrs. ccnsIstentlyT ; . . , Juanlta A. J. Campbell. Mrs. F E. Blake, Mrs. ' Ena t- - LJiiiinsaam, aiiajr Mrs 5U WHalsey; ilobdy, Misa Our advertising Is a clear, straight- i.:rs.,li. i. Utsi A. E. Murphy and Mrs. W. L: Moore. . , rcrbes. Miss Ruth Stacker, Miss K. Lafollette, Miss Nina Byers, Mrs. forward presentation of facts concern-- V.'daht, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Cooke, W. G. Hall, Mrs. Ramsey, Miss Als-paug-h, Ing our store. . We endeavor to make Meeting Buckeyes. Vi-:;.vv'- : Mrs. A. Lewis, Jr Mrs. Riggs, Mrs. Mra Winterfield, Miss Suther--, of the it interesting, to make it attractive W. J. Cocn, Mrs. Hitchcock, Mrs. Al- land. Mrs. C. L. Sutherland, Mrs. A. E. The enthusiastic Buckeyes met last' and informative; but we are very care- Tuesday , i bert Y.'atc: house, Mrs. A. Gartley, Mrs. Arledge, Miss Day, Mrs. Ketchum, Miss night at the home of Mr. ful to, see that it is truthful, first of and A. - : Guerrero,' Mrs. A. H. Jones, Mr. and Barrett. Miss Underhill. JdiS3 C. B. J MrsW, Bowen. Ohloana, when' all. J ;U- .. :' , ; Mrs., Tracy, Miss II. Needham, Miss Chandler, Dr. and Mrs. Wadman, Mr. they meet In a body, are decidedly pat--J Ruth Shaw, Miss Bindt, Miss Camara, nit Mn 1 T. inlrawa Mro Cr.naonm ' riotlc. The guests of honor were Mr. Wong, Mr. Mrs. HIggins, Dr. and Mrs. Jackson, and Mrs. A. H. Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy Miss Wlkander, Gertrude' gave Monag-- h jia interesting address, follow- and Mrs. B. L. Marx, Mrs. B. J. Miss Church, Miss Olson . Miss ' ' -- I''-;;-'' by in, Mrs. C. IL iCluegel, Mrs..M. Stey-- ' and Mrs. Warren, Mrs. Paul i :.' ..v v Photff'byPerklni. ed a word from Mrs. Margaret Ev- ;! Lyon vice-preside- nt ens, Isabe'le M. Namanu, Mrs: George Selby, Alice Park. Mrs. Osborne, Mrs. - Mra H. W. Lyon, wife of . Admiral (retired). After an absence of ans Huntington, of the U2-- Gilman, Miss Marie Anderson, Mrs. Alice Bradstreet. Mrs. - Armstrong, several years, Mrs. Lyoa nas returned to visit her son, CapL Harry Lyon, National Federation ctfWomen'a Clubs " " ' ; Inter-Islan- Xompamr."-- & - Julia Peabody. - i who Li with the d Steam NTlaUott wii it,xau Of America, There were several other 'Tnwmr'"i iumn .yee- STAR-BULLETI- FOURTEEN IIONOLTJLU N, SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1915. ' --::. ' ' - II ?s-:--- VTA 1 N ' :"V--7 .!.V?!rT"" EataMtftM 1780 ' TP, n -- Walter Baker --- ' a 1 . , ...... :t-J- f THIS' ro?j The . a4 E mm function of the kidneys Is to ciioco&s remove waste matter from the sys-ter-n. mm . This waste matter is poisonous and COCOAS and when not promptly and completely 8:30 TO ! I P. Mi, expelled from the body clogs the or- eating, drinking and cooking For gans and Interferes with their work. Pure, Delicious, Nutritious I TALES OUT OF SCHOOL I K REXALL I k JJ II HOTEL KIDNEY PILLS are a n ' Honolulu. January 14, 1915. 111 moat effective remedy kidney ail- Dearest Polly: for I hate gradually come to the reali- zation that Honolulu is a wonderfully GARDEN ments. PRICE 50 CENTS. ; well-balanc- place, or perhaps It RPOF wculd be better to say that Its people are very moderate in things they da There seems to be no season here when every thought Is turned to some- thing frivolous or when serious things if occupy the time and attention of the; l I fx.- - il jrVr!invTirVr- - I whole town. But there Is ample time The Rexall Storef a ;.v ResUtcrrd t. 8. Patent Office , for both philanthropic and social .1 Fort and Hotel Street fairs..: ' "r"-"- r:'l Phone 1237 1-- lllllllp Breakfast Cocoa, 2 lb. tins Of course you have become accus- Open Evenings Until 11:15 tomed to seeing the ladies knit and Baker's Chocolate (unsweet- - J " crochet between dances in San Fran- ened), 1-- 2 lb. cakes cisco and in the eastern cities, but it 'V: - WW'!Wl!W I German's Sweet Chocolate, is something quite new here. In fact, I - the fad waa started by Mrs. Walter , - 1- -4 lb. cakes Dillingham a few days ago. There is Do You Enjoy a Shower Bath? tot Sam wj Grocer la Honolulu hardly a moment when her car is wait- HOUSfOPENING ing on the curb that Mrs. Dillingham I 9 Welter Baker & Co. Lid. is not seen with knitting. And the ! The "AIT Tillpind Mef chatita will day meeting out DORCHESTER MASS U. S. A. ether at the cf the open their store on Saturday, Jan. 16. door circle many of the ladies brought " ' Friends are inrited . to visit r thla knitting-needle- s and wool from their stored located at No! Nuuanu Now 53 HIGHEST AWARDS ET dainty bags. just what all these streets 7 Melecio Bodoro and A. G, ; We things are being I do v S ; have the largest and best assortment of Shower EUROPE AND AMERICA made for not managers. advertisement - 't know, I " but rather fancy that they are '': ... , .. ... s to be sent to the little Belgian chil- ,i. t v i Baths Keedle Sprays," Shower. Sprinklers, Shower Rings, 4ye' antt-chemlc- dren who are suffering from the cold. German manufac- turers are running their" plants day ; perhaps . anct Yokes cityi Or to the soldiers at the per ' 'in the ranging in price frpm $1.25 to $25. front who are exposed to the biting and night, and 60 cent of the force , cold of the wind and snow, I waa engaged , in their work are devoting their energies r toward! making dye-stuf- fs talking to one younger! girls - of the country ;r ; ' the other day and she says that she for this- t. Details of native .'nprlalngs "in the , and a number of her friends are learn- JAMES NOTT, Jr. ing to knit so that they can keep Philippines "beginning CluUtmas eve their were given ' in ra --cablegram received fingers busy , between dances both in from' Governbr-gener- at Harrison the Beretania St.j'near Fort StSaehs Block the evening and at the dansants. , at Oh; 'Polly, wee war department' and .made public by . the bit of informa- Breckenridge.V". . tion I gave you in my last letter about Assistant Secretary 'ft the engagement of the young man who has been playing baseball and the pretty Honolulu girl has created . N Si - ' quite a stir.- The society folk havu Miaa fiertrude Courtwrlght a ebciety glrl ot San Francisco, whoIs surmised all sorts cT things and are visiting in Honolulu. . : expecting to bear of announcement Photo by Perkins. fa w T from, any b" half a dozen girls almost during evening one ot then Mr. and Engle departed for minute. Just' the day before Rosle Sometime the lit. rr 17: HADES the boys; asked them how they had the Volcano House, where they spent ir.nii's Herbert went away she gave a tea - v i i ccme and when they replied that they a brief ; honeymoon. y-- x; - for some of the girls and guests the had ventured to step out without es- The guests present, at the wedding were all tingling with excitement fot were Ralph F. Engle, of Rosle was wearing a diamond corts the. young man was horrified. father the Hake an outdoor and He started a curtain lecture but'th groom; - Mr. an4 Mrs. H. ' D. Corbet )': they all expected that a secret would Mrs.: C. R. Willard,' i be told.' They carefully girls said they had no Intention of Mr. and Rev. and searched the staying at home just because the beys Mrs. Jay O. Warner. Shirley Poster, : shells peanuts, SIccphj Rcoia of the the sweets and out. Foster,. William Rapson. ; t even went so as to look were too slow to take them They Francis, far under the v; young couple to Maul doilies, but found nary a One said'a few, more rather sarcastic The returned cf any porch or veranda. They word. things, too, and the young man fled on last Monday's Mauna Kea and are also form delightful' shady of Rosle's best friends even confront- way spoke of at present paying a brief visit the Have Syindow rev ed her with the question and the pret In terror. From the he at a nipst interesting display of treats on hot, sultry, days, 'it ty the episode afterwards I fancy he will home of Mrs.v Fannie M. Simpson, an hostess was very much amused. MrJ-Engle- 's - ' ' never - question a girl again simply aunt of at Paia.- Mr. and '; .; ' Is enly the' r She said if was an engage g. that there because ahe has ' attended a dance Mrs. Engle" will shortly begin' house-keepin- ; ment in house would love - her she just : V ' man. ( :. .l:.- - A V : i without a ".0 10 to tell about i I 'ir it i - J ; Front no w on . I don't suppose any- ; Mr. Engle spent; his boyhood on . Th "" Tir--""?."- flUftVill' think of much but the Mid Maui, hls father for; many years, be. everyone , .was the'FT"bai . . t i - ceea n in'g 'suga boiler. onV the paU plantat- ..- . PORCH SHADC3 'i . complet- 3-pl- y. 1 ion? Some six years ago "he (Allvool, Axt ltus) that thoroughly" "protect yoa a success , that folks are beginning to "f 1 his coast,' where for lf2! ed studies at the v - .. . - ' ask already if someone won't ' Re- ' ' f. . from tho summT's heat. They , - : a short time he was In business. give another Army Relief dance: . caenct Hap ca' AvIn'dy days and iSSSftTu turning to the Islands, he became a m pastel " ' ment that Will Towers is to assist to director"ef TthV Alexander House gym shades light blue, as they are made in a Variety of . . "T t " " directing interest- - nalum;: in, Wailukn and ? stenographer cV ; ,:vr; : A rJ"..L : "The ShoGun" .has - attractive colors and delicate 1 Honolulu society folk to quite an and" bookkeeper in the office pf : the rose, tan; re etc cen- tones they add to the, appear S?3S!'kilwit ThfS"??JS-ten- for Mr. Lewers is "a Honolulu Maui - Aid Association, ' About a year ana : ago was upon the - i. ' advancement on the and a half he taken fed ance of any heme. - TaiSifSTSl 'S?SrT!!vSS.i Ii ters, borders. They cott but little and Will' because they so Staff orihe Baldwin National Bank in are attractive and thet!l?"BUremany Now which! position still holds. years.1 boys say they are more fjL1!are JCahuluU he for years and comfortable - last ; forward to an stag- ; . la: known- on than any of the other costumes.' ' entertainment the Mrsfngle: also well Just the , thin? for Summer ing of which he will have in charge. Maul, .having, taught school very suc- ' I have quite a heart-ach- e Polly ;' so Polly . had : .Courses. . It is late, dear, that I just cessfully at Puunene. This she The Prices dear, because of a new custom that is ; y ' -- can't write another line. . to give up because of .'sickness which , Cz ar.d Eeo our. displajr or being introduced by some of soci- " the Best love,. 7 PEGGT. - teaching. Heart- 9x12... brfcig ety folk. They are trying to away r prevented her ..:2 ...... a U'hofe call will the do iest congratulations attend the young 9x 9 22 3.50 "Aerolux" tnaa who will show with the sweet Hawaiian music for on 15 . ' people, very well known 9....i. the dances and instead engaging Fili Entertainment for' Prince and who are 'x you eclcr. amrJ-- s and then if Princess Kampenspetch. ' K Maui, where '. they have a 'host of pino ' orchestras and at some of the i - - ' friends. ;'v. ' :K:'iJ'h you wLh. take the measure- J dances, just the drum, piano and cne Prince and Princess Kampengpetch, ' .':-- , & . ; v ;,. your porch.'; ; : seems wno Passed tnrougn; Honolulu yjus j Rents cl j; other instrument It a shame Mrs. Garceau has Issued ! when the music fnrnlshwi hr'th a. week, were extensively entertained Alexander You InvUcdio hsf2ciTii2tn during re--1 invitations for next Tuesday J for a are Uve Hawalians is so much "prettier . their visit in San Francisco Cali-jhav- e luncheon In. honor of.'Mrs. Harold Dil- and . better for dancing. So often I cently. During their sojourn In fornia Prince Kampengpetch acted as lingham of Honolulu, who Is leaving heard visitors from other parts " ' I following day of the world say that our music in resident fair commissioner for Slam the for" the Islands. San Francisco, CaL, Jan. 7. ' - Ltd.- t Hawaii is far more beautiful than that' an entertained and was entertained 'C?., -- -- - ; .of any other country. i: j officially In that capacity, , . I - Yci.T.3 CLJ;. - Y CIthop A pretty fai is being started by One of 'the recent and most elabor- Sf ! f.r.n if th lTrmr.!u!ii anfllahr nmmAM flto flffnfr rfvon In Vi nnnr nf ha rnvat end it 13 one that will soon bring to couple from.SIam was the dance given "' -- " Ncnclulu the title of "Hibiscus in San Francisco 'by Mr. and Mrs. . 'the ,. .. j,-- u) .... : . ; , ...... City." years ago ir i ..-- j 4 7 v ' Some Mr. GerritAdolph Spreckles on New Year's eve. ' r Vildrr, who 13 sometimes known as The masterpiece of the evening was the "Hibiscus Klrun -- started, a special the presentation of a pantomime illus-eardc- q at'his beautiful home; Ualakaa, trating several of the verses from the end ha call 3d the little plot his RuhalyaC enacted' by "Madame Marga-frlend- 3 " of undisputed garden. Here he planted hew Barry, Mrs.' Spreckles, Harry Phena 2124 ret Jack n:; Tercet varieties of the hlhiscus and named r Howell and Allan St John. Charles then tfter Eo:e of Honolulu's society Bulotti sang several of the quatrains fclk. past un-o- " Durirs the few days some which Liza Lehman did to music f ; ; thc:e ladles have had" their partlc- der the title "In a Garden." are being shown by Cf.'.FOniUM OF. ORIENTALS . Persian Eower ef-El- ular ccpled in aatin by MIss f By way Imparting la , of a colorful '' GOODS, 'i.-- Wlnterstein and now at the dan-- fect to the playlet it waa done In the santa the little shoulder flowers are Spreckles Pompeiian room, which was JAPANESE BAZAAR,: of hibiscus rather than the group of beautifully adorned for the even in?, Fort St, Opp.' Catholic Church. flowers and each lady who has been gtring a superb dramatic effect to the Mr. Morganfhaler fortunate enough to have a blossom entertainment The aspect was as named for is wearing" partlc-- of M. H. Birge & Sons Co., Buffalo, N. Y. . her that though a picturesque bit . of romantic ular flower. Some of the flowers that pmi. wn -- r.iT,w o have .been seen at recent functions Francisco. Peacocks adorned - the are the Lillian Wilder, a, pale pink show-room- s; 1 room and tiger skins were scattered ; "Gold Ci;ie" i blossom which Mr. Wilder named for at our " about the couches. At the marble en- En;lish-finis- h his wife; the Mazie. Brown, a coral Clue Serces 522.50 trances were vases of bright colored pink named fot Mrs. A. M. Brown, and fruits, a fountain surrounded with flow, Louise Dillingham, a bloom IDEAL-CLOTHIN- the cerise era and plants occupying center. CO, LTD. called after Mrs. Walter Dillingham. the S4 The elusive spirit of the quatrains was Hotel Street . Lately I Special have heard quite a hit subtly conveyed in a series of charm- appointments can about the "borrowing' at the Outrig- ger ing, tableaux; ' club and several of the members ' -- be arranged with Mr. . & i of club up V:' .: - the. are in arms about it ' i iV" Ui:l. . Tcu can Imagine how aggravating it Special StarBuIletln Correspondence Morganthaler fo r the Hcnolula Photo is to go down for a swim and find WAILUKU, Jan. 12. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Willard of showing d selection Co. V . ; that a part of your suit has been bor- an :Supply rowed without your, permission. There Hllo, on Sunday January 3, occurred KODAK HEAOQUARTERS- - V seems no way of putting an end to the a very pretty wedding, when William of Wall Decorations, etc. , 5 H. Engle and Miss Pearl Spicer were '. . Fort Street . removing of articles from different places there that is, no way has been united in marriage by the Rev. Jay O. found i Warner of the staff of teachers of the Boys Boarding -- You remember that a number of HUo schooL Phone 1261 rrCHESFJEY COFFEE CO. times I have spoken of the lack of in- -' The wedding was a very simple one. a terest some : of the Honolulu boys vui iv n vi uiv . aa icuuo ui luc viiuv groom being ?present J Mrs. Wil- :. i COFFEE ROASTERS : show in the girls who entertain them and an bride, In Old Kona Coffee when it cornea to taking these same lard is intimate friend of the Dealers girls to an entertainment At one of who had been on an extended visit Lewers & Cooke, Ltd. MERCHANT ST., HONOLULU the recent functions three of the fair for some weeks at the Willard home. members of the younger set attended The house "was beautifully decorated Lumber and Bnildino; Materials 177 SoKici st. a dance unescorted, but when - they with palms, bamboo and cut flowers.

fiTAR-nnLET- Immediately following the ceremony a rr ciTTS tOU arrived at the place were chaperoned by one of the young society matrons. wedding breakfast was served, and V.-- ; ZODArS 5E173.X0DAI ; HONOLULU STBmETI

. ALBERT P. TAYLOR SUGGESTS Hi!' LIAEIYPA TiiS TO CilY DtiillTiFVC.B; ' ' Corner Fort and Merchant Streets. j 8TATEMENT OF CONDITION AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS DEC. 31, 1914. RESOURCES. T BeterntottHtoj-HoiFrr- a Loans, Discounts And Overdrafts.. $1,726,233.49 Sail FKinClSCO, SiTS S6CS more la keeping with the surrounding Bonds ...... i - . i ...... i . ..' 947.848.t0 . 168.696.48 Changes Hank Premises. Honolulu y: .NfSfJ, . the staDdpiM-c- a nemb Lihue Pranch ...... 12.000.60 Bank Premises...... ' U Outdoor Orcle, lrs. Tylor tays Customers' Liabilities under Letters of Credit 79.263.3 niniUiu';'iftMi othat of " Wlevrll lh?;PaJa grounds are Other Assets ...... :...... i ...... 3.7231 looking beuer than ever before. She Cash and Due from Banks 1 ,228,955 WHfW?, .1. - JJ .Si urges- that the best canilbe taken ttf SiM.i, the P. aaAds bv grounds I7.168.921.17 the and. the 'the -- frjfi-tll.?!?! palace Js sure to rcTfor thoso mt, fi'fPSCT tourists who. as Mrs- - Taylor" puU It, Y-,- V v , LIABILITIES. ist.fMrttOt5M0on in.fhe to yisit the.Wstoric part of the Capital, Paid tip... S 600,000.00 1-- - Surplus ..... 600,000.00 .Kapiolanl parWe attrac- O ! Undivided Profits 9U57.51 UvV.An wk? a Tlbe : United transform, Pension Fund ...... i ... , 42.156.97 T;?'! states where, in4 W past,.Uiwrs and The toll a few Outstanding. 79.263.38 en Cats ..park. . fom ; gone tccrbccr Letters of Credit JapaneseMAhpusssouid assist ceens she Reserved for Interest...... 1 . .1 . r 13,500.00 rec:ter $ 14C 0 Dividends Unbailed Tror...... i , 660.00 J?p- - ' V ' ' torlc atmospliere places which i the Deposits - 5,739.983.33 fOptn up Make. Wane? people on tbe;maimend have read of Shrub, and build a gfj f.o.b. Honolulu 17 Mtf house. ab0ut. Theso are the.pU-- coqpe out the ; Ugoons. turn water Y ... . $7466,921.17 Cleao Vhich naturally tht y will want to Into boats to tourists them and nir. i6e ftrsL 0 ut o us make . lOCal , ' 1 Territory of Hawaii. City and County of Honolulu, ss. " and residents. , , thAo nlpo Jitrrarttvo and kn hjm i t 1, DAMON, Cashier, being first duly sworn, do solemnly! swear so. F..B. .Beturnlng to Honolum that the above is true to. the best of my . knowledge and belief. afterurab. MrTaylor8 broadest ideas' fora ; F. B. DAMON, Cashier. wnce or 14 months, Mrs. Albert P. greater "City Beautiful' i have Tto do Taytovwife of the. assistant secretaTy . ' Comfort - tt Kaplolanl True park YbilWant which, .as she . Examined and found correct: Y - of the Promotion .Conixnittee sess ,w coulJl Bnould into many changes Uie city.-- brings J. A. McCANDLESS, YV Y la and. A MCOni Golden Gate park or, per-bac- k :, many new ideas for a greater , F. C. ATHERTON, , y ha tnl8 iastance,; a Diamond I i . ' 1 .- -- ". ' ; '. ; foregoing'is a . , . f : j XL A. COOKE, , Y rCity Beautiful- The Hed parfc . . nj summary Of these, ideas. This Is . cri-fcis- a"s v . Directors. . the, makinpo to'the --greater (he ; greater Ho-- J. H. H. WALKER, Auditor. ,- HawalT and pre8ent condiUon of the park, Mrs. nolulu- she declares; and, while Tayior believes there are great possi 1915. things hUtoric must be preserved and tooriet-entertainin- g . ... - it - ' , m swern to before me 2nd day January, from a ni: Subscribed and this of tilities to ate " (SEAL)'.; ; ' J. D. MARQUES, made attractive, the up-to-d- assets standpoint in , clearing: Makee Island, ' Notary Public, Judicial Circuit, which Honolulu ias to offer the tonr- - ,,iontin it with nnwM an thmhhorv ' First T.;H. we are sincere, perfectly sincere, in that statement.' . -- - 1st must be utilized not only for the c '? 6058-Ja-n. V r ' bunding a rest honse and also a 7, 8, 9, 16, 23, 30. but to the benefit of visitors maintain - -- japanese tea house. She advocates for; ire .firmly- believe that few other motor cars on the market. can ofTer you more--' pride of Honolulu and. the pride which tbe cleaning and opening of the la ' real true solid comfort tlian the Hupmobile. , V-vS- - . me resiaenjts ci nonoiuiu iase m meir goons about the Island. : filling them v v city. with water and putting boats and ca- - TRUST LTD. - you may be to find you in-- OlTEllllOII CO, Mrs. Taylor is an enthusiastic mem- noes in them to be rented to the pub-- greater luxury of course, able but willl have to' pay i ner oi me uutaoor uircie. mor to Q tor a nominal sum. ifor it--a- nd you get ; with no greatex degree of comfort. ' ''" ordinately wilt it 11 was -- .' leaving? for the mainland ede improv. Kaplolanl Park." Manoa ' re-- -- "1 STATEMENT OF CONDITION, DCjy.l2ER 81. 1114. of the section. Since j have read much about the plan the new Hupmobile with its ideal wheelbase of 19 inches is so refined and ier-fecte- d turning to Hawaii: she has visited the ; to do away with the stream which - "' 1' that five passengers can find no greater enjoyment in any; other car. :;l;''::vAssETs;, V v LIABILITIES. ;'r important points of interest about the empties Into the waters at Waikikt be: ',: - - Caiih on hand and la tank. J CZJHA1 Capital: city and says she notes many improve- tween the iMoana hotel ahd the.Out-ment-s iipholstery-these- .; . ' - the big tires the long springs the deep,, soft make'' tor '.com-- .' lJonds--- k . i . , . . . . . i . . . . . " 20,415.00 V. ; S200,006.0O v which add to the reneral attrac- rigger Club - -. Subscribed . : v she said. "I believe that ' . . : ; ." . 39,070.73 uvenee s tne city as a wnoie. ' ; - in tlie heats the high Jirotecting r llrtl estate- vrr.; -; oi the course of the stream could be dl- fort; the roominess front anj rear wide tilted paid ': . $100,000.00 - 10" Vi.... -- Stocks andr.tther Inrest eeautify Faiac. Grounds." . verted so that, the water would fill r so is with every 108,505,63 Shareholders'. Many beau- - sides these make for comfort and it each and feature of tl:? rrr . , nients ' of her ideas for further the lagoons about Makee island, The MortgaRes secured by real liability ..... 100.000.00 tifying Honolulu have been drawn' water la fresh and salt water would Hupmobile. J-,l- estate ..,.."...fJ. "9.462.42 Undivided profits "u from the work which Donald McLa- -' not be adaptable."' ren, landscape jjardener, i is. why we say you want true comfort get a Hup, for engineers, liavo Loans, demand and time... 294,121.69 Trust and agency .accounts 233,053.75 the has done, Mrs. Taylor believes that many of that if JIup Furniture and Jxtores 5.000)0 on the grounds of the Panama-Paciff- b the sections of Kaplolanl. park could ) been as successful in incorporating true comfort" in .this car. as they have been 'sue .t02.21 Dividends mpald . V 780.00 j Exposition Mrs. layior araws parti-- Accrued interest receivable be Improved along the line carried out building an' economy 'fular attention to the avenue of .palms by Mr. Damon at Moanama. The .es-- cessful in the past in quality deendability and and power (58052.05 en- - 158052.05 wnicft forms the Fillmore street tablishment of Japanese, tea houses, ' and long life into the very marrow of the Hup. v , , : : - mm, t. 4 trance. The majority of these paims she says, would bring a toll which says, Territory "of Hawaii, .City and Countyor Honolulu,ss. ;'.;. which, she are; similar to the, would assist In, paying Jor their con- - the new Hup consequently gives you all the bid Hup virtues plus comfort, in a - .. - ones in tne jocai faiaca grounds, were ? ' A. N. Carorbell,"Treasurer of the tienfy Waterhonse Trust CoLtd., struction 5 '.Ml '!, ' Drougnt from Oakland and transplant-- ! ' : : hitherto; unknown degree, - ; v trup. jcI : my with all this work .done, taking; into do solemnly swear that the. above statement is to .tho best, : ' ed in the.falr grounds.; ; : ; ! consideration . present good condl-"I- ; .knowledge and belief. ''."'. ",' ' , its notice that there . are many date tion and the' recent 'establishment of . ." A. N. CAMPBELL. palms alternated with the royal palms tennis courts and other mediums of re- in the palace grounds,, she , said: j Kaplolanl : ' Subscribed and sworn tohefore me this 7th day of January, A,v 'D, '1915. creation, , park could, be ! Their rough trunks hardly are fa made into a place where both. Wrists, v s JNO. GUILd, ' keeping; with the smoothness of the' and , would spend 7a, : : . .NoUry Public, First Judicial .Circuit. ' townsfolk large : Mc--' " "-- - others. 'At . the exposition Mr. part , ; v . ''V-.- Jan. 7. 16, 23, 30. y 0 ."r v.. of their time. ' i 11 .1 'i Larch has used many date palms, niuMi ii n ii" ii ' 'ii'dti'aast, and "Honolulu abounds,. In local color I'atMi has hidden the rough trunks with the both modern and hlsltcrla , should " It iJ light vines of the nasturtium 'and be made an item ;o'f CDramercial value. C: !n::o Llutuol' Invcciddt Co. of Havai5, JLtd. Wandering Jew. The flowers of .th.ese.We have flowers and plants' and palm form a riot of color which at--, .use., blends, ' trees. Let us tiwui to a greater tractively with the grewi leaves of the advantage In beautifying, the city, and t palm. a h Here is schemevby which, I surrounding places- - of toteresLT

ASSETS.; V LIABILITIES. LUCilY PALDVii J'S DAUGHTER .VILL -- Capital paid In .$11,350.00 Loan and discount t ; r On real estate mortgage. :.,$ 2,000.00 JSsrplus. fund 200.00 On time, secured by stock... 650.00 Undivided 2,222.16 On paper, endorsed 3,925.00 ' EE On real estate 09.00 Real estate-Fixt- ures ' ' and furniture...... I 60.00 Vcdthy Heiress Is Possessed of Anita M. Baldwin." 't M. r'' Accrued interest . 585 ' Anita, Baldwin, upon the death Accrued Ins. premium.. 1,909.89 of Strong Talents for the of her father, .who ,was one of the Due freni sjreut ...... , 56.00 World of Industry wealthiest and most --widely known, Cash In tank 1.765.30 . westerners of his day,; received an in- Cash on t&nd 1,947.96 LOS ANGELES,-- ' Cal. New Year's heritance estimated at $10,000,000. that Agents Hawaiian Islands. day marked a distinctively new era In being her share of the $25,000,000 $13,782.10 $13,782.10 the life of Mrs. Anita .Baldwin. y. estate. It was the beginning of a Able Business VomanJ: . I, C. Q. Tee. Hop, treasurer, do solemnly swear that the foregoing state- business career of her own under her With so great a fortune she at once became a prominent figure in the busi- my ; maiden name, and absolutely on her ment is true and correct to the best of knowledge and belief. '""--.',- - ness and . financial south- : own resources. -. life of the 4 : ; - land, . C. Q. YEE HOP, Treasurer. ; No longer will it be proper to ap- and It is often said of her that ' ply- - she; possesses most remarkable busi- i4th i 1915.'-- : the prefix 'Mrs." to her,;the Subscribed and swornjo1 before me this day of January, ness acumen; ,1s ' daughter of the ;htE.:. (Lucky), that, she a'fchip of . (SEAL) '.'.';-- ' (Signed) TIN YAN, J: the old when mat- ,7 , ;:, V: t W. Baldwin. She la to be known block" it comes to Tift rm ' ; in the Notary Public, First Judicial Circuit, Territory of Hawaii.;. business world as Anita Ml Baldwin. ters of money and business. - : , " - ' 6061-3- : : Anita M. Baldwin is the ... t Malls Cards, to Friends. . mother, of To make sure that she has elimi- two handsome children, but, of course, t nated once and for all time the name their names did not automatically of her former husband from her life, change with. hers. They will continue -- JU to be known . as Dextra McClaughry i. Jai 1; , hliI and to put her business associates yia f In a position where they can not pos and .Baldwin McClaughry. , ; : . - , ; ' , . . HONOLULU, HAWAII- ; ? sibly make a mistake in. addressing Of" 31," OF CONDITION AT CLOSE BUSINESS DEC 1914. -- STATEMENT her in the future, Anita M. Baldwin ANNOUNCE PROGRAM . L T J L ) mailed to her host of acquaintances CJ Li J J - ' FOR JAPANESE REcouncES. v: UABIUTIES. ; s handsomely engraved cards bearing CONCERT '.a ?9,784.CS fully paid. ...$100,000.00 : Ma-kl- kl Cash on band trA tzts.t Csr'vil stock the following announcement:' . A conOert will be given in the J; 1 - . .". . . 35.95S.88 1 Pen-saco- Loans secured tr Irst nort- 'Undirided brofits ... Mrs. Anita Baldwin McClaughry Japanese church, Klnau and la gage cn real ertate.;.... I22.141.S3 Trust and agency balances. 154,333.00 announces thai after January 1,1915, streets, at 7 i 30 o'clock; next - Honolula's Host Select Presidential Section' Loans, demand ar.J tirae,.. uuier jjanumes 118.03; she will do business under the name Thursday evening for the benefit of Accounts receivable 52.t519.S3 " the Japanese Y. M. C. A. The follow- Stocks in other .corporations 2r4G4.C2 BEST LAXATIVE FOB ing program will be presented: v Can only be realized by personal contact. Twal estate 26.770 J8 Orchestra - - Furniture and fixtures.....' 8,735.04 BOWELS-CASCARET- S" "March . . . . ."Our Director ; . , . - 390.23 Other assets . . .'. . . Y. M. C. A. Orchestra ,i' . They Clean' Liver, sweeten Stomach, Glee Club $290,4094)1 -- J290.40D.91 end Sick: Ileadache Itad Breath, :The Cossack . . '...... v. ' .arker - beKevmg-Ruhjp- nt toinprrq;7-c:!:n:c:n- IndlgesUoa, Tonstlpation . ' ' Kamehameha. Glee Club v. Seeing is- - ' "Get a.l0-ce- nt boi. Violin Solo ' - , LIulil TJuHdnj cj: Lcn Society of avaii,;Lta. '' Are you keeping, your bowels, liver (a) Gypsy Romance . . . , .Russian Everything to be decircd as a K::u2-:;1- q - . and Stomach . clean, pure and fresh (b).;t Pierrot Serenade . . .Pandigger Tn-rni- n - With Casrart ftr"tnro1 n- (c) . Gavotte :..T.--f Rameau ' ; -- : RESOURCES. , : 1 LUBU4TIES. f . pksaage ! , w 0 d way every few days with Salts. ; . George Casper Conveniently out" of the city's diiL Pure, tecinj nicntain rir. Per. Cash on hand and In bank. $ 1,811.71 Installment stock 90,439.55. Cathartic Pills, Castor Oil. or Purga- - Vocal Solo 1 -- fectly drained. Low price of property I:avc3 ni:r3 f:r tho Lcz::. Jjoins secured by first mort--. 'Paid-u- p stock 78,925.33 tive Waters. When Chloe Sings a SongV.?.:. . , . V gises on 'reil, estate.,... 1785S325 Reserve fund 4.0940 Stop having a bowel wash-da- y. : Let ....J ...Stromberg Boulevards a pleasure to, drive over. A thrill zt every turn. a a ...'.. i a n ix ji r- . ii un&. 1.440X1 Cascarets thoroughly cleanse and :: ; Philip c. Hall Bills payable 10,0004)0 egulate the stomach, remove the sour Piano Solo ahd fermenting food ran d foul gases, - RaDsodie No. II ...... r. ..Liszt 1 " Full acres at $1000 to $1250 : 3184,899.96 take excess from, '" - I18U99.96 the bile the liver and 'Miss Pearl Sutherland i r i 1 carry out of the system all the consti- waltzes rrom Faust .... .uounou I, RICHARD h. TRENT, presfdent. of the" Trent Trust Co., Ltd.. ahd pated and $600 secretary Building waste matter and poisons in the Y. M. C. A. Orchestra .; of the Mutual k Loan Society of Hawaii. Ltd., do solemn bowels. : i;:,;.-;- ly swear foregoing statements .my. Koto Solo "Spring" that the are true to the best of knowl A XascareV tonignt will make you T. Mrs. ShlbaU; -- Mrs.: Hori; - ' edge sod fcelUL ; , j Phone 2151 and let us show yen over the tract, cr ta!:3 Zlzz is feel great by morning. They . work Male Quartet ,' " RICHARD H. TRENT. sub-divisic- '. while you sleep never gripe, sicken The Four Jolly Sallormen car line to this beautiful n. or cause any inconvenience, and cost Kamehameha Glee Clnb i Subscribed aad sworn to before me this 15th day ef January; A. D. 1915. j ' ' only 10 cents a box from your drug- - Violin Solo '. ' ' '' , . ' FRANCA' ''' : A C gisu-- Minions or men and women (a) . Minuet Beethoven Notary, Public,; First Jqitcjal CircuUTerritory of Hawaii. Uke a Cascaret now and then and (b) Fantasy (To My Homeland)." C0U2Ja 16, 18.. 20.- , - never have Headache, Biliousness. . .,...... , . . . . .Smetana Coated Tongue, - Indigestion, Sour George Casper Jt . Stomach or Constipated Bowels. Cas-- Orchestra ; Phone 21G1. 1 ' carets belone in - ererv household. Selections from Princ of To-- Children ju?C love to them. adi - '. . ;. take 1 niht uVAHCflmrard mum vertijiHaor.t. -- Y. M. C. A. - mm Orcbestrar SIXTEEN HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- SATURDAY; JANUARY 1 G, 1915. 5? E


(The article below U by a forme? officers of the German-Austria- n forces w L Sm. Austrian army ofaccr now residing la 'now engaged in war are reserve offi- y volun-;;tter- a. Honolulu bo Is following the devel- cers who served as cne ear's opment cf the American army, as well sr--.- . at the swaying tide, of battle abroad, If it is possible, therefore, to give a un-usu- al military training with close attention and has had man sufSclent inside Snapp opportunities to compare lh3 cf a year to entrust hinf "with the military systems of ,var;cin ntticns.) tetania nd cf a platoon or even a com-psnyl- n time of war., is4 it not suffi- -- AN INFANTRY THE TRAINING OF cient procf that an American c'tizen it SOLDIER :.4 ONE YEAH.", o average intelligence might be turn- Cotton a Under this jicadncte the Uono'.u'n ed into, a .dependable .infantryman ail MMis SUr-BuIlet.- n, 191S,' Saturday, Jan. if. pro-eumptl-'- n. X , w.th n a year's time? Under the t rubllshed the rcsuit f an iavtsliga-tio- n of cctrrsc, tnatthlsls a made by a toard cf cMcers of the yrar it at least 30 days cf hard work U. army, the oolnxM .training. M 8. Hircs:ng ccnacientioua But here i These s:i arc delicacies for an. Entree or Piece that "under ihe present ccndUoriJ is supposedly where the "present con- .:...... , i a time n,. one year will not be sufficient ditions' come In. It is hard to get men do Kesisteiice Trill do to teach an Infantryman enough o. fcr the army and consequently life has and you well to order the essentials to make him an ef nt to be made caay for them, not to scare .' ' soldier."- - these away that might eventually be I)roraptly. . , The Infantryman .In this case of willing to enlist Another obstacle is course is the averace American citi- the long term cf enlistment. Nobod7 zen, the same citizen that In cass of wants bis hands tied for a number of war is expected to voluntarily Join years. America is the country of op- the ranks cf the defending force of portunities . and even the down ' and his country at the very time war is out cf tcday may have a fair or even declared, ,ni that wlthcut any chance in civil life tomorrow. vious military training. Of cour3 ; or next year. So the enlistment is there might bo enough time left to often a last desperate step taken S3 plve him a few weeks or even months jt neans the abandonment of hopes Phone 544S. cf trainlr.g befcre send ng him to the rCr a ecu pie cf years. : j front but nill there be eacugh rf ;xne above-mentlcne- d report cf the . ttandlngarmy to act as a nucleus for. board cf officers also states that Ger--I ray, a milUcn of volunteers; is there many.and France keep their men with a suinceni numDcr ci msiruciors in the eclora for twa and three years re-th- c pos-- army to mr.Ite this training spectiveJy, England even i 12 and 2J. e;U at all, even should there , ,be , Cars and that this indicates the time 'i v The commander-in-chie- f cf the National Guard ii surrounded ataff enl line officers, . From left time for II? But let us sup- - j necessary : . cxujh for a thorough military :to right 'those In the picture are: Bcttcm row Lieut-col- W.ItRlley,- - Ueut-co- L J. W. Bhort, Col. J. W. I ose all this' might work as it is cx-- j training. r Ieut-co- Mid- '' PInkham; t Charles B. Cooper, Capt J. D. Dougltertyr Vnn Gieson out Jones, Governor Capt Henry jpcted to do, the material turned For the Standing Armies. dle rowCapt Paul Super, Capt: R: W, Warbam, Jiaj. M.M. Johnson, Capt J. M. Camara, Mai. A; V. Neely; rrter a few weeks' training will ba True, Germany keeps them two V. Kolb, Henry O'SullIvan, row Capt U , ' Capt W. Capt Lieut Jcbn Hila Back Laurence Redingtb. Lieut It very raw. point reg-- In-t!- ar raw, At this the years and France has onry lately Medeiros,Capt G. R Schrader, Lieut John Lo, Lieut Mark Houghtalllng, Lieut C. R. Frailer, LieuU F. W. Wlch- - amy and reserves with thor--j Ka-ne- .- ' " . the - creased the term cf service from two . G. E. Schaefer, Capt B. Kj . ..; - Perkins',-- Photo, j man,' Lieut 'Vfv-;;- . count . tugh mintary experience will to three years. But not because two . . . M. - j .. r.oEt They will bo the steel struc- - years were considered too short a turo that hclds the building. Taken ; time to make of a man an efficient fcr itself it will easily support itself,, and dependable 'soldier, but-becaus- e 1 Jt add tbe walls and the dead weight j France wants' to keep up a standing THELIMTERSIM iim ( f concrete fleers and it will crumble! army as big as Germany's and having J ir ret CErrc'ally n?.:2e fcr such weight. rniy about two-third- s the population .'.r.d will, was usely,' though to cur amy under the dead j Germany-ha- s, the only way, to do that In' the early days of the . Philippine but perspiring prof FOR AGE THE lt lil 1 r'-- cf raw levies unless sufficient-- j was to keep the men under the colors insurrection.- when the troors were lDe igv was cniuy ana me rain com ! y such On 1 . ShcrUy ttrcr.g for en cmeirenc, for a longer term. As for England it scattered from Aparrl on the north ?Sdown in "torrents.' .alter a c!!.cr hand it .will form a solid j U verr improbable that' Lord Kltch- - .v .ii' M. ;pcsted;' two ."sentries : coast of Luzon to the little island of 1 rrcl&lly highly efficient body of , cner will give his hew recruits a 12 near . tfie landing, not far apart, and Till YEAR fcr.se fcr the country in spite cf thojor 21 years training before despatch-:-- a SiaBSi in the southern, part of the Sulu wrapped in a poncho took his seat in Aliffl rrrccntare cf men with .very group, with a detachment of troops in a a ing them to the front in Francel.the between, little to the rear. Not : military training it would then ' number of British troops engaged every dent in the coast where trouble crab walked the beach nor an'"cyster m Our cuclcmers 'demand Hanon' Shoca )! "I-I- - ; n. ! troops occu - at present rather Indicates that might, be round, the not murmured that events-tha- t was ;not . There will be 13 retirements for age ; Jihere ; C:rrs2n Syttcn. J with, pying the verandas of the Army and army 1915, the came i that they there are many now only a few listened to intently by Sergt if.. ; in the United States during. fcr : reason buy real J: zrj : r.-.- "s-- .; nr. C with her slcndld "'array., weeks or months cf training; . Navy Club in , Manila were suppliei The wind had come up rather strong 12 in the navy,, none" in the, marine vi - !! ;s her mm two years under the) If it la therefore possible to make with commissaries, clothing, ammuni- from, the sea, the rain ceased,, but the corps and ' cne In the Revenue?-cutte- r diamcnda: instead of paste; genuine ."3 tr.d within this (Itiio transforms . a soMlsr fit for campaign duty within tion, etc, by small coastwise packets night was as" dark as a tilght could service. Among the army retirements : ' cilk hear-cil- k Ir.io regular machines. It is a three cr four months In case of emer- from the aliie of a tub lo thips of large when 2 a! m., two major .generals and one brig inctead cf or any ether , be about vtne are r cf fsct thoi:-,h- that the Ger-r.fir- .I gency, it must .also be. possible to Manila ww the base and; try in the port side of. SergVM. gave adier; general and the navy retire ctandard line cf merchandlca that haa r. n is taurht things that make a useful soldier cut of an aver- the military authorities had . com.. V yU that brought,; the said sergeant ments include eight rear admirals. - - ; i 7 cf er.y rractlcal use for age American citizen within a year's mandeered -- everything that- would an.- from under' hfs poncho', with' bayonet Two high ranking officers now serv- nevcr-bca- n ' 'vrr . cucceccfully imitated. : i I If consci- ; ; ? the .Id, cr.d ro much cf it time, he will be taught" as swer for water transportation, and a fixed, "rifle loaded, and cocked. . The ing in Hawaii and two others well ' - t cf 'hit cctnal training entiously as In times of need. A short steady stream of povisions , was kept- alarm 'was, net false, fof there in the known here will be placed on the re- - unt3 t 1 :r,:!j- to more term enlistment say one year, with going out of the bay to those fighting; Inky blackness' of a night tired list this year. , They are .MaJ.-Ge- n. :c:r. Irr.c! clrlll, cspcclal-- : the enly clause that a man would in the, field. Among the small vessels sounds could be heard! like someone W. II. Carter and Rear Admiral ? 'J in the big have to join the colors, in case of war chartered was a tub named'by. the Q. talking in low whispered tones, the CB. T. Moore, commanding respec- T Mclnerny Shoe Store gone half the after he has back to civil life as M. D. the "Helvetii,' and used between' splash of bars; and barely visible .on tively the local army and the navy Pert above Kirj Z t. tr::.r, It rcrrrve seller the very thing that Manila and our little one-compa- sta-- . the bosom of the still linkler waters forces, : Rear Admiral Walter C. c?:- - 13 rgt t every ratrlc'wlc citizen expected to tion at San Juan, on;the island of Sa-- of-Se- M'tP sector was an object Cowles, naval commandant from 1910 -- MaJ.-Ge- n. J do la war and very ly " i - s 1912, r, t3 time like there mar. ., ; , , .. 1 caused ; little- wriggllng-.chlll- to to and Arthur Murray, , that. V wc-- IJ no : have to be .more fretting ': troops." .tango down spine' who has made many trips to Oahu. ' - Down on .Samar the were tip and the of. Sergt. tj r en in:- about recruiting rroblenas. And with- cock-- M.. cfily "he, The following are the retirements U - rleeping with their rifles loaded, and net but .his outpost J' r r. he- a years ' cr in few there would also be a on-th- e; in; the several services, arranged i In . massacre who were how up beach, ed and aimed. The awful lined -- ;..y cerrcct Euff.dcnt number of well trained re-rerv'-cs, chronological order: ; : of Balanglga was still fresh In the all trying to fasten the danglfn? end3 ' wcuIJ responding to . army. "; ; f it the call in time mind of every man. On the seacoast, of their nerves to.the vertebrae. ' . :. i y it fcr n cf need. F. H. .. .Col. William Lassiter, infantryman-,uar- camp, . yell sentrywas simply about a mile from landing The of the : 3 V. a' 6. ;.v v.- th.re an? Q place was held for the little' supply ''Halt! "very! significant when' you . r yy.- re "rvI:t-- wh1? Brig,-Ge- n. Eli D. Hoyle, January 19. - -v - came very expect a hundred savages armed with r- - w r boats from Manila that at n r f c:';ht t3 f double-edge- Cot Rogers Birnle," ordnance irregular generally weeks spears and long, d knives, de v intervals of ; : ' ; ;;rs partment April 5. . . ; i later V apart A small guard was maintained to land cn yoU at any .minute. " Before ( .1 f. I r.'.r.I-vech- s' - - . MaJ.-Ge- n. Murray; April 2 x .' point, usually consisting of a the echo bad djed away Sergt M. had Arthur I this ; "S cf f . . : 'at ; Col. Loul3 M. Maus, Medical Corps, . ' 1. th:-C-- r: sergeant and a corporal's squad, and round nis natrticai voice and underpin And v. : 3 rceen es ' May 8. ,' v i r,v . j : : -- . . can- - ning, but had forgotten & military ':vV:;:M:';:-;- SUPPOSE YOU THY , extreme -F. ; cf t: army their duties called for Col-Wmjam- 10th Infan : tfnn in not iv lookire out for our phrase and called: "Who Iss dot!" No Blauvelt fully in To--. try,. 11. . y-; n r consider- - answer. Again, Who iss dot! May t: with enly suddIv boats, but there was louden MaJ. Joseph T. Davidson, Quarter- com- - No answer. Again, darn : able danger of hordes of savages "Who iss dot :? -- ' -- I ' cf active Corps, July 14. . ; :r came master . H ' ing down the coast lu bencos, and by mit! Back the answefr,Hel Col. John. L. Clem, Quartermaster X night on flank ve-tll- !- This impertinent reply Chang maklne a landma that Corps, August 13. ? ; .r C:.:rn. There will be no drill for Company - of the camp could annihilate the en- ed Sergt M.'s fear, to anger and .he Sep- i a II next Tuesday -- Col. John C Gresham, cavalry, that irovci night that being one tir-a- . - dawn. Anvwav. on yelled again, "Who iss: dot!"; Baca ; Wnr v- - .-.: the Ccrn:nn and of the evening dates- on the Service ntf tember '25 ...-r-v- thA niffht In Question Sergt came the answer, "Helve-tli,-1 ; t'.-- t ef the cne-r.:-n, basketball schedule. Games" nnrtirnlar Col. Charles M. O'Connor, Inspectoi are played excitable old Sergt M. knew nejwas being joked cn Hans Mittenderfer, 'an rrada- - every Saturday night and Sunday savages. general's department October 3. non-co- m detailed with and by a lot of black He c "tr.Ia technical and cn revolving dates during Germ had been Col. Henry Kirby, infantry, October you: if you ;:' In charge of little outpost aid yelled back, "To viss : ?.- t3 c 2 year the week. is to say, Monday this 20. , -' '; r 'i That of close-- don't tell who yon are I rill; shoot!" ve Jurlns thU thi3 week, Tuesday - of next week, vl'P r specially warned to watch CoL Frank B. McCoy, 30th Infantry, fnr an entrmv attemntina to make a By this time the Helvetli had drifted :: - , 0 a tl . L!:rl end prac-r.r.-d .Wednesday of the week following, lr October 23. . ;';;.- - ,;.. ? ' and mate, to v-- for Dirt Troubles near enough to shore for. the n. 1 r;;:: ry tr: 13 cn, are set aside league games: landing in small boats and that he v MaJ.-Ge- William H. Carter, No- it frcn to for - thereby aroiding ' ' ; ' haA hPftPr utav . These Instruc- explain his mission, 19.' .; ,';.'; M - ;. .V curce ( 3 C m:an and In this way companies are only inter- vember , NAVY. .;;.;; ; Ask Your Grocer. .. . . another serious Ir! .n arn: t! :!r reserve fered with in their military once tlons" were superfluous as Sergt M. what might have been Rear Admiral George S. Willits, Feb- work ' -- episode In Philippine campaign. i ; . was not only; wide awake, the. time, our 21. ' . v rrc' r cr .t cf th3 in e!x weeks. at ruary . Medical Director Edward H. Green, ' ' - V : ' -' - kade by ; , , ' Ser?;t Maddus, th Infantry, recent- - Marine Corps,- April 18. ' ; ly :::-r.- e l to the 1st Infantry, N. G. RIFLE Rear Admiral Robert M. Doyle, May HONOLULU SOAP. WORK8 V, II., k: .r.t Instructor,' reported MO " '' hi . fcr du'o L t Tuesday, being an arri-- 1 Rear Admiral John R. Edwards, 11 July. 9.u,:-:-, cn the transport Sherman. There r-1- i - ,iT-- T 1 r- - n : 'i- rum has been no sergeant-instructo- r with Rear - Admiral Walter C Cowles, CLUD P FOR JlAJJARDEit : ..; - - ; the National Guard of Hawaii for sev- LIS July 11. ... ;. eral months, and Sgt Maddux will Rear . Admiral Charles B. T. Moors, y conduct a, school fcr July 29. , -- v officers of. the regiment among I Pay Director John N. Speel, July 30. ' CAVALRY his other duties. v ROSY YEAR 1915 OF THE 'Rear Admiral Charles J. Badge'r, Ai l " , ; --." - i i i gust 6. . . ;;;."' iv Comprehensive instruction orders Pay . Director Reah Frailer, August i:.timii unnr 11. " .V..,- have been issued from the adjutant Hono- - - Word was received here yesterday nee The first outdoor shcot of the request Rear Admiral Reynolds, Sep- generals cf and also from head held Sunday of the retirement at his own Alfred Th lulu Rifle Club was last Cav- tember 7. : of Mai- - Letcher Hardeman, 4th ': rrfp morning me wauunai iou6d 30-ye-ar rapany com- - J uuu of the Pay Director Mitchell C.' M cDonald, .relu,re8 alry, under the. provisions ' l!"e5 Kalraava and m very nromising v mancers to prepare schedules of. In--. service law. : ; ' September 23. : " among the Etructlcn rifle shots were discovered Point Rear Admiral Frank E. Beatty, No- Sample of Fancy Weave Gate. for the period of armory ;The indoor shoots MaJ. Hardeman entered West ' .f training, so amateur members. 26. , ;".' . that the work for he Armory during in 1SS2 and has been in the military vember zj: Cjv:ls ilztj to every whole regiment will be have been held at the ever : He ; CUTTER SERVICE. izl: progressive; and, while no per arviA .ntimicuslv since. RcENUE The Very Latest In V0VEII WIIIEJADICS ' a cr pottos avoid- - the past two weeks, Senior Capt J. F. Wild, U. S. R. C. Three new efneers have been S November 9. - Chain, Link or Diamond Weave. Any size mcji. - ;l.--ia ch '"clothes cr ai shown promises a good future for the :: pointed to the guard during the week. corps. : .. - .- : quartermaster ' jj . :. The" tennis; ,- " , most practical for courts, (love cotes, . They are 1st Sgt club. vacancy In ; Never the indicating. cup to drain? Frank Stevenson, meet- It is latoable that the ' B Company; 1st Sgt C. KAmona, H The officers elected at the last Cavalry created by the-retireme- chicken coops and any form of construction where wire -- ys year 1915, are: the 4th Company, and Sgt Manuel V. Sousa. ing of the t;lub for the MaJ. Hardeman will be filled Empires and Republic see Ihe good 4 C. of fabrics are used. ; t C Company, all promoted Frank A. Gcble, president;' J. same reg- Of their much belated plan: to be second by "MaJ. John O cnej. of the R 1 Ramey, vice-preside- W. SL. Harvey, : v con- Now -- - : Ko Iink., i J UCiUAl lieutenants. Second Lieut. Alan J. iment whose nomination was their sons can sing ln Excel- ; Any height. weakest No rusting.. Noa Lowrey is promoted to be 1st Heater secretary; Charles Franz, treasurer; by December 19 I tidens I firmed the senate No gal-- Avoid They : ' A. G. McConnick, offi- ,' bending out of shape. twist anywhere to break cnt, .,...,.'. ,: R, executive last And at Advent lordly stand v ;5..; : '':;-' ,: t-- f Lcck f cer.- , regimental ad- Faithful to the crucified c:z l i" :ri: r. cr MaJ. O'Shea has been one'. " vamzmff. Employes Tarrytown Several applications for membership years " . Jehovah's only begotten son. at the railroad jutant for two past,. .. . Come in and see it and ' 57" other ' of station and telephone- - girls are now on file and the club has re- varieties'' received "' ' ' ' Z-- -- and am- fencing. . 1 . v LI i L JLTT t C3' $10 gold pieces as Christmas gifts from ceived Its allowance of rifles BEtGiUM. . Belgium, did the Xwris ship contain: wire tHs John D. Rockefeller. munition.- Practise shoots will be held Any alcoholic, fiery liquor? . l! : h::zU:z.. la r . - - at least twice each. month-fo- the "ba- . ' I - "Never have scanned your resolu 1 r-- rc cf cettir;3 v The Lamport and Holt liner lance of this year.. Thexnext outdoor Belgium, Belgium, - tions '. i i v i Vasarl war devastated 1777-7- Shaf-te-r i" 9 2515 --- Alakea, between King Sts. Phone . and Hotel : Lo - r. u... z r carried 2S.528 quarters of Argentine shoot will take place at the Fort Have you cut out beer? .; the Hussfan, he's much Quicker! t beef, the largest consignment'of chill-- range on Sunday morning, Janu- Lb,' your millions of sons are starving Has petitioned the good Creator, " ; S wea- ed beef ever brought here. , ary 17, commencing at o'clock, , fThey don't now lustily cheer) . ; ; And forbid the sale of vodka later. permitting. giv- por-ta- ';--;;v- ; - 4 ther Two prizes are For that awful scourge is at your l v. BCjuests to religious. organizations en by the club for the best scores this '.. i ;;;. :;-.;- Belgium, t hear your S. O. call - r..i-c- rs. :y.,& ' Ly t: - aggregating 14,30O were made In the month, and all members are requested And famine threatens to hurt alt : For foodstuffs", for your starving; ' A V will of idlss Mary A. Wyckoff, who to be present next Sunday morning. v.-'- :r ; Have thee the heavenly 3. O. 8. ) c. "'.. call PHOIJ3 22D5 Z r;aA.Ef;-::-::':.C- died at her home at Newark, N. J. . Beigiurrtt have you like France and answered . ; V;'-"'v- - College graduates become involved h x i - And forbid sale of v.- u. - Russia, the beer and free v S - c : Henry J. Rogers of Riverhead has in more accidents than uneducated la- Joined the "Good Templars" band? lunch carving? . ALL KINDS OF ROCrt AND SAND FC.T CCNCHITS WCT.: sued as taxpayer for the return of borers do according to W. W. McDon- Sworn to never, again accept revenue If not may the dear Lord forgive . rs thee FIREWOOD AND COAL. ald, a General Electric Company's of- v From barley'malt or vinous land; '' we to aid thy privations flee. S QtTSSN O. 11 ' .As f STRE73T. P. TOT j j Robinson for copying the tax roll. ficial at Lynn. Never to tipple or sig again, : ' R. SI. BARTLKY, Camp. Castner. I! i.


! " : 1 ; : W HAW . . imrnvnirniinTn" IIEP,If ESSIKGREB) EN BEFORE A BREAK. L MSEfiN$ AMEinA i . G010FM . . f.t-'.-- .I".,. The time to repair a garment Is be - V A ne'idea has found expression in fore there It any actual break la tex V the new types cf evening gowns.1 It bale-cf-cctl-on plea. : tare. The housewife abould look for originated in the -' success, so a the . evidence of strain or wear, and rein- It has met with far fore thin daces and - renew worn appeal to women alV over the land Is ..;.; dees before they become torn or concerned, and just as eure as sum-- frayed.' Not only will one early titch mer dresses are attractive, eo these take the place of nice later stitches new midwinter frocks are beautiful. but the garment will keen In a uni As a change from the silk and velvev form state of preservation, and will gewn. the cotton evening dross is elo-que- nC last far longer, according to a writer you will notice aa increasing - for the Youth's Companion. . number of them as the weeks rctt ia The time to take the first stitches In and as the white salea are planned. . ready-mad- e clothing is when you first Of course, the cotton dress need not buy it; buttons should be sewed on be as plain as a sheet It cjin be of firmly; tapes, ribbons or ornaments batiste, the revived favorite; organ- -' rest! tched and buttonholes and seams die or swiss and thin muslin, and caa examined for unfinished edges. Use bo ( trimmed with taffeta and satia or strong thread and -- plenty of -- It for lace and net.. The cotton fabric Is ; sewing oa buttons; wind it round un the foundation cf the dress, that is alL tier the button several times after The new frilled dressed that resem- tho-Wfctorta- y . sewing, and fasten it firmly before ble a styles are easily , .y. - cutting it off. . J. planned from! ccttoa- materials. The deep "of V . Parts of. garments subject to the simple skirts. that have hems un WW graduated rumiing parallel with greatest amount of wear, like the tucka derslda of sleeves, the seat and knees the bottom are effective. The trim- of trousers and the knees of stockings, ming cf crisp organdie with black vel- should be strengthened ty basting a vet, for example, ia an idea that com- piece of cloth, preferably of the same mands applause for the cotton dress. I of-- . material,, under the thin place before The washabillty these evening - . v n actually wears through If the same frocks is commendable, and in the . material cannot be secutea use ciouj dance days cf the young woman the' weight have, op- of the same shade and Make . n ; cotton dress cannot a better 1 J ; vour "Datca" of generccs size and mm ::. , portunity to prove its wcrth. sew it by running stlchc. or rather m (In muslins of flowered and plain . ry jiemming, , . r atitchine. rather than I if weaves there is great opportunity to rt . . , - ; ' which would, show on tbe right side have simple or ornate evening dresses. ' of the goods. . Little separate Jackets of velvet," satin ? ' "Watch the sleeve lir ings and , the - cr painted silk can be added to very pockets for rfps. Wbeiv a pocket be i mm v m plain dresses, "and a distinctive, frock; comes torn cut it off www me souna will result v .W;,;. - top, cut a new one by it. allowing ex- Cne dress that much : revived . - tra length for the larpiS, and stitch . k "vi m- plause in a showing of cotton evening' the new part into place. dresses the ether dayr was cf pale Darn stockings, mitters or other pink organdie. It was made with a wrong side, if knitted goods oa the - circular skirt, .with tucks around the poasiblo before a break occurs. By x ::: bottom that were from five to ono Inch running long,, parallel "threads under ia width, the latter at the- - top. At, ' m thin placca, such erticlei can be kept ml the edge of each tuck was adejd a in good ccndillon long past the time fine velvet ribbon,"black. This could, when otherwise ttey would have been be removed before the washing. The The J disfigured by unsightly darns. bodice had a quaint dropped shoulder, two great secrets of neat darning are effect made with tucks going around matchlsg .colors and revering well the waist. The" raffled sleeves --were over oa the firm part of.Uia garment short and trimmed with loops of baby ' If a bole eppears in any kind of ribbon at the top. A short chemisette f same "woven goods,' aviece-c- the cf p.'nk net filled In the "top cf ttil3 , must be used to fi'l it, if possi-- simple dress that any one can copy. ' cloth seam, . n frcm a wide or v This is. just cne possibilities ble. O'fri r!t ' cf the fe-t:ov- may; be " cf cotton fabrics-lar-the. even frca'a cp'ten:. Germans, Jtut America U be-- skirt Is'; wide,' but hot 'too. wide; the( realsr of eve - tv cars cf a Ehirtwl3t, ning dresg. 5 ( , cr in .3 . ?7- , Ins frilled" by Americans. jacket is long wautea, but not too longt 1 -- rc:n :w thc telt can m I I 1 i . , .. a :. . Jaunty completes ' rice y Ths faih'.oa show at the Ititx-- '.w.. waisted, and the hat o taken e..t :.r.I i . I plain tioth. Carlton, New the modish whole. TCext is model in - l.onie, particu- Tork, showed that a In mstlr- c.crts f.t It showed other things alaothat mm which the fashion points are a little larly thcro cf colored na&h goods, atill we are dominated by more accentuated. It is built of black piece of the goods Paris. What Btitch in Kn extra wia we co in tne spring, I wonder ?j broadcloth, with a tight fitting Jacket ycl-e-, underside mm at tfce tdt cr on fie Paris has other matten to think U: and a wide skirt quite the last word that it may fade ot fo , of the girest. wasting, n vi T O UV I'll TIT A& UU4 in modishness. The collar and cuffs in gown navy ; ; like the re?t there upon which to build our frilla. - The is built of blue serge, are of lynx. ' . ar. llacy of the frocks exhibited at. the with a trimming of black, satin, a com- ' Jet is very fashionable this year and ahow were very successful, many un-aucce- ssf bination of materials which Is exceed Jet watches will be , worn, and the old uL Practically all were only ingly popular,- - . . '. p, fashioned, Jet bracelets. Little and V clevej adaptation of the ideas which : Next shown is a unique afternoorf long drop earrings are used. Stud ear--! Pockets, 'which are to be used ex- 10 ' ' - Paris, even in the grip of war, found dress. : The bodice, which extends rings are close rivals, especially the tensively next season, are . added to - ' time to evolve and send out as the down- over the hips, Is of black chiffon new ones rimmed with crystal. . the garments in a great .variety ot basis for this winter's modes. . . over white satin and is ornamented i Neeklaees of jet will be worn over; ways, and are seen in many shapes. And there you have It. Ve have, be with jet bands. The surplice effect1 is tare necks, emphasizing the white lus- There is the plain patch pocket and , yond doubt, plenty of dressmakers able carried , oat in. black satis, whlch ter of a beautiful skin. Jet has the! the patch pouch - pocket which ap--. to adapt French - Ideas to American drapes the nips and Is tied in a but iuality of rendering the skin the more' pears to He flat but is opened, out taste, able even In some cases to im tertfy bow in the back ..Ta6 long skirt fair by sharp contrast. when one puts it to use. Advance prove upon the original French ex Is of sptln, as l the tiny underskirt t advertis- models show these conveniences for One has enly to read the pression of those ideas, but by force .'4 Many of the skirts have omittedhf women's use to cleverly arranged houses now-adav- s cf tradition, experience, atmosphere, This style Is very good be ing sent out ty tcslaess if underskirts. on the yoke of the skirts. One par- to rcrccivo the attention given not of inherent taste, Parle dressmak when not. exaggerated, as so many, of noth- ticular Instance noted is where the to cLr.-rc- n t3 draw trade. It is ers still speak the decisive words on tllnstraiwt here are four models r left is the long blouse effect, which, cu the modes are Inclined to be. Pictured - yoke has the effect of making a point ing new to f. i dc?irtncnt In large the fashionable silhouette, colon and which shew ho clever the Americans rlously enough,- is extremely becoming next is a natty tailored gown which '. - on either side, this point being formed Etcres given ever entirely to the little material. . are ia adaptation. . The gown on the to fiaures afflicted with. enabonooiut. follows all the new dictates of fashion, used for by a pocket Some pockets are made folks cr pcf s'.Lly whole foors to fasten with a button and button- t'-e-'.r needs, but to se providins for hole top helps keep-I-t from the large ho- THE FOOD at the which to circulars scr.t cut close to the garment and ia a pro- tel urgir.3 pec. : to bring their chil- AND FOUND, SU(!CBSFUL numerous RECIPES TRIED VEl Hi tection In carrying small articles if pclr.tlng out the dren and the pocket Is for use instead cf trim- advantages c'tred fcr their comfort may catering which some- ming only. As skirts have two is a feature In Is WOMEN OF HONOLULU CLEAN OVEN pockets, jackets a novelty. Play rooms, kin- and and coats or thing cf CiiJKB.I 1 basques two or three. is not un- l menus, and all It: dergartens, Recipe Given by Mrs.;. Flora. Center, and steam 1 hours. Serve hot with After: sewing-- it up atrongiy to keep usual to fin d as many as five pockets netLo-- cf entertainment were such s -- -- turn out so honey- ';.-- ''. ' ' . a sweet in which a little contents inside It in a ' : . y :y vy;V'y.. wine sauce. suit cf. With advance ; waikiw. : One cannot emphasize too strongly once unheard the . Press . - outside, Associated ' V" of the sliced ginger may be added.- comb side of tripe is Take times, advertiser! see the op V W v the importance of having a clean oven of the LONDON, Eng. Faris women are . PEANUT AFERS. one prime calve's heart, liver, kidney EVERYDAY AIDS. portunity, in the prominent place - 1 - for baking. If a smoky taste is de- changing their gait. ; Oneuarter cup of butter, tablc- : V ;y' ' V CRACKER PUFFS. or tongue," chop er put through chop- whkh children heve ccme to hold in " tected In the food that, is baked, it is corresponuent tne FpoonfuI, peanut mixed - . Vi cup finely, chopped bacon, - Says a from'f batter'ell Split . six Boston butter . crackers, per, add to oven Put ia order- befere "the'home." . : cup very sure to be due the notf French capital: . :' , with, the 'softened; butter; fine soak them 25 miautea in cold water; y. cup tripe (well chopped), 1 cups leaving it at night and you will save stranga being , clean. The oven needs to be Yet, far f rem its appearing "In nothing has the women of Paris, granulated sugar, M cup ,milk, 1 they bread crumbs, 1 tablespoon flour, salt a " b at the end of that time should cleaned frequently, although this Is a lot of trouble next morning. v that this should be so, what 6hould whose silhouette is copied all over the cupa of flour, H teaspoon salt, tea- them, pepper, to the taste. Thor- " quo- be twice their size. Take out and suit part of. the work that many housekeep- Save old calendar with pretty brought forward for" the happiness of ; much-- - her spoon Yanilla-- Well all .well, world, changed so as ia ? beaten;, with a skimmer,; being. careful not to oughly mix all ingredients together. food one tations; ther may be cut up to servo children, when the business world on' - pans ers neglect Tne eats should the walk. ; A short time ago she. wriggled mixed and. spread flat that break or crack them. PJace each after Place inside --bay, leaving room for at- for place cards for guests. is working overtime to produce unique anatomy, ap have been previously buttered. Bake be cooked in the best and cleanest ; her way along and. her. draining them inner side up. Butter contents, to swell, sew up opening in stirring-u- p Wooden ware whkh taa any odor of up-tc-da- te mosphere, from process and methods for the con strangest Today In moderate , oven. Have ready cup bag, 3 the peared to be of the with i soft butter and place boll hours, serve with mustard . the food which been in "mothers. One this side ' to the baking. y y lias it and fcrt of the fathera aad she Is gradually slipping back into her of chopped and roasted peanuts and pan a very oven or crack- or brown sauce mixed with chopped wood quickly should can see hew strong an influence th the! In hot ' The stove kept well cleaned will absorbs odors be old of tripping, andi it suits her quickly, scatter them, over tha wafers ; puff.V : pickles, olives or veppers. i d habit ers will not In hour's. time v soaked la hot water in which soda welfare cf the children--woul- shave in ; ' m:v-,y;;- wear much longer; and give better much better. Her figure lis taking on and cut into squares or. circles roll well puffed re- -- In they should be and imm- v -- dissolved the propyortion of a deciding where the family should stay ; v; V - ; service Therefore, from an economi- lines, and , flat up with nut side out; y ;;V any ROLEY-POLE- : go par- its old tamiliar the vi semble: puff paste. Serve, with ORANGE , of soda to four quarts of when they, to the dt?, for the cal standpoint alone it is better to ' ' - likely to disappear the : . chest is with 1 kind, preserve. Quince or raspber- i v water. of baking dough Q ents, would V Make powder rather Vnoii nvnrv nor rf I fltt' rloa n utnt then to be where ungraceful wriggle. : ; FRENCH NEW YEARCAKE. - r. a ,- jy:; they would be properly for and ...... ries are nice with them. ", richerUhan for biscuit roU in oblong possible. The best way. to wash a cared "When the old writers spoke of ,a IS yolks eggs, 12 tablespoons of gs where they would be happiest; ; cf Bheetjlay oranges peeled sliced andi stove is to light the burners and heat t.e Im- - beautiful daughter of. France, the sugar, small teaspoon . Mix all. . SCOTCH SNOW CAKE. v oyer salt seeded, thickly. It; sprinkle withtne and the oven, then wash thor-whi- te pictured eomethlng very dif 12 tea-(,ough- ly agination beat, well, then add tablespoons of . .Cream half a pound of. butter, add .sugar, scatter over all one wIih warm i water with a little quaint people : ferent frcm the little soda crackers rolled as fine as flour; gradually hi pound of .. white sugar, spoonfiil grated orange peel, roll edgeiwashin? soda dissolved In It If one grimaced the boulevards of tmistfce cap blanch- - who have fresh crackers; 34 fine or. powdered ;;1 lb. of arrowroot luecuiw, u.uu6utu to desires, tne stove mav men be ereasea late years and it is quite possible that ed 'and finely chopped almonds, 1 ta- lemon extract; beats well, then add syrup, steam 1 hour. Eat with lemon any put on Mantisiptic i peace we see with oil or fat This is with the return cf shall blespoon finely chopped citron, 1 tea- stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Beat f saucey prepared as follows :y Two eggs with r cloth and only as much Is used ; sSwoeRsJ y. a return of the old-typ- e Frenchwoman spoon cloves, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, an together and bake In a moderate (yolks only); 1 tablespoon of butter,: 1 as will be absorbed and not "leave in all classes. "And the revival will wineglass of brandy, 1 lemon and oven; strew, comfits over the top of cup sugar, juice of two lemons, grated ' the stove greasy. If this is rubbed on Yea whole : - -- - Prelection fcf benefit not only France but the grateq rind, 2 sticks of grated choco cake. . ,;; . rind of tme. Cook slowly and stif the Inside of the oven it will be an aid tot powtrf t nt!-- '. world general, what the French late ell. 1 n in for unsweetened. Beat: all till it thickens like honey. Do not preventing too much , to pootjiflaa cr re !.i In" rust bat v'Ment -r -- y - im t- , woman today the women of ail 12 eggs (stilf-l- - t v : - ' : I'iel to at t y; does then add the whites of ; MEXICAN TAMALES. boU. i v ; : -t grease should not be used or it will In oy family.. h-'-- r Mi the civilized world do tomorrow." beaten); bake . 20 minutes. Must 12 :- ra.-t-a : done -- ar.:, Boil ears sweet conL When smoke.. . . i ;.:; - cdlfl. coca a poiwxioua Ti'"bat iiw!. bchior" of r "r.y have good oven, but do not let burn. corn cob, w BAKED PARSNIPS. ' of -- k remove and cut off from: V- 1 ttlieXM, aboald rot ' t j young girls : - ' " ' The velvet dresses for Fros with white icing; decorate press through rieer, add pulp six Scrape- parsnips, cut In slices, boil Th.eyc !) . .t L i- . j " ' a to well-beat- en ar ' '.Z -' stylish and pepper , to taste, add two I will be for afternoon dresses with almonds and cherries. A 'ow chili peppers that have been soaked till tender, tarn into, a. buttered. bak eggs, -- mix together. Toll in for ' winter. They are made with : a square or round cake pan necessary. water, beforehand and chop- ing dish.-- ;There should be about ' 1 til in salted flour.r then in melted butter, grated -- TjrwVi:;,::L-..::: long waist with short skirt made of A very lovely cake. , ; ped 1 ' ' and fried with onion, slow and - - cheese' and bread crumbs, brown in powrfol It H two "i ' V; chop-re- d I ' circular flounces: between these ..-..- brown.. Add meat of 1 chicken made of V cup each of : butter, and' . XdcUy harmless rr..DtwM.iit"i f ri-- . V - oven. I - - - uicr.;ric Is A en . ' ' rtDirXJTIT tJTTT"TYfX" ' tnfwtWii; inarn- r- -- a satin belt or sash. collar or cut un fine, a little salt six flour, 1 cups milk, teaspoon salt, and j' prm&eDi'.j turn , pique or lace, cut rounding, 1 Jarge medium-size- d ? , .oh sailor or is Heat cun of milk, stir In "2: toiratoes cut in Dieces. pour over parsnips, sprinkle r thickly I 'of t'-- doi.ca? mc"i r itATv:ot ; , APRICOT PIE. U VXEgDALED AS X t rLtl.5 the usual neck; finish. .The sleeveless tablepochB "When paste, of butter. tliis Spread corn busks with this with grated cheese, bake to a nice box make tira rC.-- i Lm overblouses of velvet that are sees on reaches the - boiling stage ; stir ia 1 place pimoles r and raisins in center, brown. These are nice served wtth Drain the Juice from a can of apri- ' tlaeptitf ao..w'inn. - - " ' t il-- nt, rr TlO f..a no plague grownup i 1 se-baki- : tlC r. . I'o to the dresses are also a fea cup flour with teaspoon ful of roll on more husks, each end the haggis. ,K cots,, haver ready a pie tin lined with v --. tie' BOO-em- of T1 H. iirf-nen- t uV'r;Lio Kiv uM '' - -r ture of those worn by girls of 14. They powder; V teaspoon 1 pastry, lay. ..apricots thick- k. y- twentv salt; stir curely, steam hours, the halved - jrtr.f t f'W cvt? " - 1 iov t .!! 1 1 rtauras' l.t sod are rather like a middy blouse in till- - a smooth thick -- batter; remove - v', ; , r : - POTATO AND CHEESE ly over .crust ia each half .of fruit put - well-beate- n . ; ''x,iAxriitii 13 T rs'f! every rcVnrm, shape, but are not so long, and" the from fire and stir. In four . SCOTCH HAGGIS, . MODERNIZED, ,i;-- CROQUET. y one blanched almond, sprinkle: with J.S.TV armhole Is very much enlarged, so eggs; M cup of preserved ginger mine- - Take a'piece of tripe well cleaned ; Bake 8 medium-size- d potatoes, press sugar and cover with svrips of pastry ' U..4.A. that thev foundation firess of serge ed: rather fine, 2T tablespoons of gin- - sew it up bag shape, previously cut-ge- r through rieer, add cup ; grated laid .on lattice fashion. Bake, and Vt.9! ' shows." v 'v v v syrup. Put In a buttered ; mold ting the tripe the size you desire. cheese, the same of sifted flour; salt serve cold with sugar end cream. STAR-BULLETI- EIGHTEEN HONOLULU N; SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1915.

ing because their products are . denied long established markets in European HOTEL FULL TEXT OF PRESIDWI countries which, though neutral, are filing your contiguous to the nations r it war. For Producers . and exporters steamship and insurance companies are pressing can fha::ci3co 1914 EAT BRITAIN and not without reason, for relief from tviec. wacicciic cw-- t. records note menace to trade nceaa.ccot. Tc. mm the v transatlantic nmt kac which is gradually but surely destroy-ina- r Tnctc. cr itmii. use their business and "threatening s Says Friendly Public Sentiment; them with financial Ji?aster. I ; MONDAY ' . ; rwies xix neutral cargoes. ; , t r Government United Honolulu Lods No409; Stat--' ; Might Change If SeiZUreS "For Txaniple;a shipment of copper .."The of the States, still relying non- - the deep ed; 7:30 p. m. "Y & E" Pftntinno I from the country to a specified con - 1 8irnee in Sweden ' was detained be-- sense of justice of the British nation. TUESDAY which has been so often manifested in HOE 1MB I cause, as was sUted by Great Britain, Transfer Files rD. 1 fin the Intercourse between the. two coun ' Sweden, had placed no embargo on . WEDNESDAY- -.; WASHINGTON. D. C. Because of - many years copper. On the other hand, Italy not tries during so of uninter WAJMEA, KAUAI Lodge No. i.n.,i.;ittn 'n th. TTt rupted friendship, expresses confident- Hawaiian 21; Spe SoKtljDrugsts MhP tvit!nn k. only Prohibited the export of copper clal. First pegree;73y,p ta. There's every ly the hope that His Majesty's Govern- ; Newly RenovatedBest Hotel ment will realise the obstacles and " THURSDAY ; V: on KauaL . Great Britain. President Wilson has difficulties which their present policy Honolulu Commandery No. 1: -- : to Italian consignees or TRADE SOLICITED. kind you need. rerealed . its full text It, was also of commerce TOURIST Stated: Offl-cer- s; which arrive InJ'SJPK"ports of Italr cannot has placed in the war Installation of 'fJ uu.'.-V-'--- ' giren out in London. be exported., or .trantlihipped.. The between the United States and the GOOD MEALS. 7:30 p. " Text of the Note. x Europe and will only exception Italy makes is of cop-pe- neutral countries of friday The full text of the note, which Is to refrain from Rates Reasonable. .; which passes through that country instruct its officials Oceanic Lodge No. 371; Spe--, dated at the State Department Dec. unnecessary interference with, the C W. SPITZ - Proprietor country. all Third Degree; . HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. 26, follows: in transit clal. 7:30 p. m. Refuse to Let Copper Go.. freedom of trade between nations "The present condition of American which are sufferers, though not parti ; 8ATURDAY .' ' LIMITED. D. J. CASHMAN "In spite of these decrees, however, foreign trade resulting from the fre- British Foreign Office has thus cipants, in the present conflict ud TENTB AND AWNINGS the Try i quent seizures and detentions of Am - copper will in their treatment of neutral ships a month at the beach It 8CH0 FIELD LODGE In the Young Bldg. Luau Tents & Oanoples Rent far declined to afflna that for erican cargoes destined to neutral Eu shipments consigned to Italy will not snd cargoes conform rc ore closely to will do yon good. Fine bathing, WEDNESDAY. Thirty Years' Experience governing maritime ropean ports has become so serious be molested on the high seas. Sell those rules the re good meals and comfortable ac- Second Degree; 7:30 p. m. Fort St, near Allen, upstair. a statement of ' lations between belligerents and neu as to require candid - delays so 5 ures are so . numerous and ? : 4 THURSDAY Phono 147 the views of this Government In or trals which have received the sanc commodations at ; ; prolonged that exporters are afraid to - der that the British Government may copper, Italy, steamship tion of the civilized world,- and which send their, to wars so 8ATURDAY ' I T be fully informed as to the attitude of insur-ar- s Great Britain has in other 44 : la MIA lines decline to accept It and i Stated Meeting; 7:30 p. m. the United States toward the policy refuse to Issue policies upon In strongly and successfully advocated. v by it Opinion. nmiicicc uiu which has' been pursued the Brit . being Warned of American All visiting members of the ftssharpentd than new. We a word, a legitimate trade is better Ish authorities during the present war. greatly impaired through uncertainty "In conclusion t should be impress Waiklkl Beach, next Moana order are cordially Invited to at .' Grind Anything. ed upon Majesty's; Government " "You will, therefore, communicate as to the treatment which It may ex His : Hotel. tend meetings of local lodges. the following to His Majesty's princl that the present condition of Ameri- .... a 1. ... V U r. A pect at the hands of the British au 1... " . European ilia inf f MWL pal Secretary of State for Foreign Af thorities. can trade with the neutral if It does not fairs, but in doing so you will assure "We.. feel,thatr we are abundantly countries is such that For Ladles and Gentlemen. r Improve, may arouse a feeling con- FOR LIVESTOCK OF ALL him that it la done in the most friend Justified; In' asking-fo- Information as it HONOLULU LODGE NO. 1, MODERN ly In frank. trary to that which has so long ex- - KINDS. spirit and the belief that to the manner tnv which the British ORDER OF PHOENIX. ' nets will better serve the continuance Government proposes 10 carry out the isted between the American and Brit of cordial relations between the two ish peoples. Already it Is becoming CLUB STABLES policy which they . have adopted, in or "Win meet at their.; home, corner countries than silence, which may be der that we may determine the steps more and more the subpject of . public Deretanla and Fort streets, ertry LIMITED in . a criticism and complaint There is an misconstrued Into acquiescence necessary ; protect citizens en Thursday evening to our Increasing belief, not entire- at 7:30 o'clock. course of conduct which' this Govern gaged foreign' rights doubtless CHARLES JR--, Is trade in their ly unjustified., present British ' LUXURIOUS AND HUSTACE. Leader. 52 Kukul Street ment cannot but consider to be an in and from' the serious losses to which that the COMFORTABLE FRNAK MURRAY, Secretary. MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO, TU fringement upon the rights of Ameri through ignorance of policy toward American trade Is re : they are 'liable 8TRICTLY FIRST CLASS v-- : sponsible for the depression in certain can citizens. vf the hazards to ? which their cargoes 100 ROOMS FIFTY BATHS HONOLULU LODGE, 615, B. P. O. E. i Industries . which depend upon Europ-pea- n M No Harsh Judgment Taken. are exposed. : Honolulu Lodge No. markets." - v FOR ICE COLO DRINKS AND Goyernment' of ' United -- contra- i ai ft n o viv. "The .the fin the case of conditional British Gov t 14 PER CENT ICE CREAM, Tools States has viewed win growing con band the' policy of "Great Britain ap- "The attention of the xneeU la their halL TRY THE ernment is called to this possible re- ST,V cern the large number of vessels laden pears to this Government to be equal HOTEL AUBREY . on King St, near goods destined to neu sult of their present policy to show Vli every DRUG CO. with American ly unjustified by the established rules widespread is upon Home Away From Home ort naay HAWAIIAN ports Europe been how the effect the "A Visiting bro- tral in which have of. International conduct 8 evening. Hotel and EeOel StsoeU industrial life of the United States and An Ideal Vacation pot In- seized on the high teas,' taken into "As 'evidence of this." attention is re- thers are cordially British ports and detained sometimes to emphasize the importance of White Cooking. vited to attxnd, directed to the fact that a number of moving the cause of complaint" Phone 772. Hauula, Oahu ; for weeks by the British authorities. cargoes : L. ANDREWS, E. IL LEWERS A COOKE, LTD. the American which have A. ZUMSTEIN, Prop. ' During the early, days of the war this been seized consist foodstuffs and H. DUNSHEE. Bee : ' of WOULD Government assumed that; the policy other articles of common use in all HE SAYS GERMANS Yat Loy Co. adopted bythe British ' Government countries which are admittedly rela "GERMANIZE AMERICA" was due to the unexpected outbreak of Uve contraband.' In spite of the pre ALWAYS THE Lien's Wear PUOE ICE CREAM hostilities and the necessity: of imme sumption of innocent, use because de CARNIVAL SPIRIT DRY GOODS prevent The following letter appeared in the diate action to contraband stined to territory, British - " - - LOWSET PRICES. 12-1- ' neutral the New York Times: s.. i ' ' 6 King Street from reaching the enemy. For this ' authorities made these . seizures and "GERMAN MISSIONARIES. M. R. BENN, RAWLEY'S reason it was not disposed to judge we H ALEIWA detentions without $so far as are "Come to This Country tos Make It Bishop Fort nr. Beretanla. Phone 4225 policy harshly or. protest it vig ' . ' Trains to . Door, and Hottl 8treets this informed,; being in possession of facts v;-- - the orously,', although was', manifestly r' , Civilized." PON CLE SUITS it which warranted a - reasonable belief To the Editor of the ' New - York very Injurious to American trade with ' CLEANED that the shipments had in reality a Times; '". V: ' DgY neutral countries of Europe. . ' V. the belligerent destination, as that term "We Germans' did not come to the ' Deliver to all parts of the city DO IT ELECTRICALLY relying confi A REAL CHANGE OF CLIMATE HIRES DISTILLED " Thia Government, is used in international law. United States to gain any advantage can had at new WATER FRENCH LAUNDRY be the; . dently upon' the high regard which Damages Not Enough! " e for ourselves. What advantage' can boarding and all popular sodas. Phono 1491 " a house in Great Britain has so often exhibited "Mere suspicion evidence and the United States offer to-- German? CONSOLIDATED na icnot SODA Hawaiian Electric Co. In the past for the rights of other doubts should be resolved In favor of Haven't "our. professors been', telling WATER WORKS CO LTD. tions, confidently awaited amendment A TTHLlIYTA neutral commerce, not against It The you of the great things Germans have - 601 Fort St - ; Phone 2171 of a course of action which denied to effect upon articles be done for the American people? Is not nearly':T71000 feet elevation, near depot; trade in these grand scenery; fishing. Pet Ycur Poultry Problems neutral commerce the .'freedom , to tween neutral nations resulting from Germany the fountain head of Ameri fine bass For Wa-hlaw- a. . to of particulars address E. L. Kruss,. , c? lie ;' which it was entitled by, the law interrupted voyages and detained car can culture? Without the influence of ; ; ,- - Phone 0393 nations V- '., goes not entirely by German refinement and liberality you - CALIFORNIA FEED CO. is cured reim MARY JANES - EiraLnrif?e This expectation seemed to.- - be bursement of the owners for the danv would be living, the narrow, bigoted . Alakea, corner Queen. by ages your Puritan ancestors. will you the trouble rendered the more assured the which ther have suffered, after lives of They tell ChijBtbniers statement Foreign Office early investigation "Germans come to this country for of the has failed to establish y'--- BAILEY'S FURNITURE STORE n November that the British Govern an enemy destination. The Injury is the same reason that missionaries go r 8H0ES MANUFACTURERS' . Alakea St, near King. ment was satisfied vmh guarantees to American commerce with neutral to China, to bestow --upon you the in- 8HOE STORE offered by -- the Norwegian, 'Swedish countries as a whole through the has estimable blessing of German civiliza MclNERNY SHOE STORE . non-exportati- tion. We Germans did not come to the YJr St. Auto and; Danish Governments as to ard of the enterprise and the repeated ' Fort, above King Stead ISLAND MEAT8 of contraband goods when diversion of goods from established United States to be Amencanuea; ior St LATLCT CAH3 PHONE 4703 - FISH consigned to named persons in the markets.-'.'- ;;;:h':';s-t--:-'- American institutions . and ideals we ' only profound contempt. We Cxrn f,!cr.:::!2n tam Peters POULTRY territories of those governments, and "It also appears that cargoes of this have came Germanize America. - - . orders had been given" to the . to Tne new T i Antcne Rodrljues . Metropolitan Meat Market that have been seized by the character GUSTAV VON SCHULTZEN- - . J !!. Phone 3445 British fleet and customs7 authorities British authorities because of a belief "OTTO . ' r-- to restrict interference' "with neutral that though not originally so intended HEIMER. , Reliable Transfer Co. Now Being Shown, fe 23, 1914. 1 vessels carrying such cargoes so con- by shippers, they will ultimately "Hackensack, N. J., Dec. MISS POWER.. the 0 , Fhcno5319 signed to verification of ships papers reach the territory of the enemies of t cargoes. ", ' Bethel bet For the Latest Style Mats for and .,-' Great Britain. Yet this belief Is fre FALLING HAIR MEANS 8t, far : .3 - -- Five Months No, Change. mere in King and Hotel Sta. . Ladles and Gentlemen . and quently reduced to a fear DANDRUFF IS ACTIVE : Come and 8ee Us - It is, therefore,' a matter of deep view of the embargoes which have n regret though nearly months been, by that five decreed the neutral countries 25-ce- ' Save your Hair! Get a nt bottle Silva's Toggery -- 'V'.K. UYEDAf : . r r have passed since the war began, the to which they are destined on the now 1028 Nuuanu SL cargoes. of Danderlne right Also HAVE YOU HAD YOUR FEET ,,. Limited. .0 British Government have not material articles composing the stops Itching; scalp. ly changed ' their policy and do not "That a consignment To Order of FOOTOGRAPHED" YET? "THE STORE FOR GOOD cargoes CLOTHES" treat less rigorously ships and articles listed. as conditional contra Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy ports port : . Elks! Building King passing between neutral in the band and shipped to a neutral hair Is mute evidence of a neglected REGAL BOOT SHOP Street SHOPPING AT THE peaceful pursuit of lawlul commerce, a. legal presumption of enemy ! !. raises scalp; of dandruff that awful scurf. Fort and Hotel , 8treeta , I70TT, Jr. which belligerents should protect rath destination appears to directly con HOP WO MEAT MARKET v be There Is nothing so destructive .to Plumber and Cheet Metal : InterrupL.The greater IS A CLEANLY TREAT. er than freedom trary to the doctrines previously held the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair Worker. from detention and seizure which was by, Great Britain, and thus stated by very Clock, of its lustre, its strength and Its Cicht Ceretanla, nr. Fort confidently expected to result from Lord Salisbury during the South Afri feverish-nes- Daslietry V eventually producing a s ' life; Opposite the FlshmarkeL '. " ZIZS , r; Phone consignees rather than to order is can war: . ,. GALVANIZING SCO " and itching of the scalp, which Specimens V, ' ; .; U.. still awaited. t "Foodstuffs, though , having a If not remedied causes the hair roots AND ELECTRO PLATING HAWAII A SOUTH la point '- hostile destination can be consid- f V needless to 'out to His to shrink, loosen and die then the - 8EAS CURIO CO. It A ered of war only if ELECTRO PLATING WORKS - SPECIAL SALE Majesty's Government usually the ascontraband A ' Young Building AV.'AIIAN PlCTUniS, CTATION- 4 hair falls out fast little Danderlne 4443 champion of the freedom of1 the seas ? they are for the enemy forces., tonight now anytime will 910 Alakea St Phone crY, ncTur.z fhawins, Grata Linen and Pongee Waist they : -- of peace, j It is not' sufficient that are v crnzz ' and the rights trade, that Surely save your hair.' turruis. Patterns' not war, is the normal relation be capable of being so used, it must Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's YEE CHAN & CO. tween nations and that the commerce be shown that this was . in fact Danderlne from any drug store or EVERYBODY I AHT3 AND CrjkFTS SHOP s- HONOLULU PICTURE Corntr King and Bethel 1 bel- - their , destination at the time of ' . knows where to get the best Streets between countries which are not toilet counter, and after tha first ap FRAMING CO, 11:3 rcrt el Igerent should not be interefered with their seizure. - ' .:i'.U'r-- plication your will take on SODA WATER . hair that Bethel, near Hotel by those at war, unless such interfer- "With this "statement as ! to condi- ife, lustre and luxuriance which Is so St Phone 3222 Ws do the Rest ence is manifestly an imperative ne- tional contraband the views of this beautif uL It will become wavy and HONOLULU SODA WATER .' - Selected Stock of Pianos see our cessity, and then only to the extent Government are in entire accord, and fluffy and have the appearance- - of Picture Frames Repaired. CO, LTD. CHANGES ' E. Frasher, Manager OF RATES that it is a necessity. ? ; upon this historic doctrine, consist- abundance; an incomparable gloss Chas. HONOLULU AUTO ft "It is with no lack .of appreciation ently maintained by Great Britain and softness, but what will please To Rent TAXI CO f ' of the momentous nature, of the pre when a belligerent as well as a neu- you most will vbe after Just a few ;;!;;'; " ' Behn & Bedford, Mgrs. sent struggle In which Great Britain tral, American shippers were entitled weeks use,- - when you will actually HONOLULU MUSIC CO. EERGSTROM MUSIC CO, Ltd.' rely. - 283 Phonee 1005 s engaged and with no selfish desire to v- see a lot of fine, downy hair new to gain advantage The Government of ';. the : United growing undue commercial hair all over the scaln. Everything Musical NO BREAK IN that thia Government is ' reluctantly States readily admits the full right of --advertisement : THIEVES belligerent on WHEN PURE AND FRESH ? 5 forced to the conclusion that the pre- a to visit and search sent policy of His Majesty's Govern the high seas the vessels of American One hundred officers and soldiers Fort, next to the Clarion - BOWER'S MERCHANT Dccxliful Flovers MILK, CREAM AND BUTTER car- PATROL WATCHES. ment toward ships and citizens or other neutral vessels of the ; army In the Philippines met neutral car Telephone 1051 AT goes ' rying American goods and to detain in reunioS Chicago. CoL C. : exceeds the manifest necessity; in John PHONE 3622 evi- Loper com- , Mrs; e. m. Taylor's : of a belligerent, and ' constitutes re- them 'when there is sufficient of Des Moines, Iowa, - I .Hotel St, epp. Young Cafe CITY DAIRY; strictions upon the rights of Ameri- dence to Justify a belief that contra- mander in chief of the organization DIARIES AND OTHER 1915 band cargoes,' but presided over a meeting at which re-po- rts can citizens on the high seas Which articles are in their - - ' . OFFICE SUPPLIES. The Honolulu . Iron Works are not Justified by the rules of ln--j His Majesty's Government judging by were read. Company solicit correspondence ; :: ternationai law or required unaer tne their own experience iri the past must at and will gladly furnish esti- - ' self-preservati- 1 Honolulu 5 j1 principle of realize that this. Government cannot ARLEIGH'S mates relative to the modern-- . Perplexed by British Indecision. without protest permit American ships equipment of Mills and Factor I D The Government , or American cargoes to be taken into - , 9 IT-PH- of the" United WHEN YOU WANT ONE CITY TAX STAN les. : ,; - V British ports' and detained for AUDIT COMPANY I "1123 - States does not Intend at this time to there ' discuss the propriety nf including cer- the purpose, of search generally for ':. PHONE 3438 ' tain in ' evidence of contraband, or. upon pre- OAHU ICE CO. V : articles the lists of absolute H. HACKFELD fi CO. and conditional contraband which sumptions created by special municip OF HAWAII MONUMENTS ' enactments are clearly Limited. and all kinds of marble work have been proclaimed by His Majes al which at expert ty. Open ; Sujar Factors, Importsra, an4 cleaned and repaired by BARGAIN COUNTER PRE- to objection as some of variance with international law and 124 BETHEL 8TREET ': Commission Merchanta. reasonable prices. CHCCCCNT JZWELRY CO, these seem to practise.' , - .1 workmen at MIUM SALE NOW ON AT this Government the y chief ground of present complaint is Many Industries Suffering. : HONOLULU. Call for Zimmerman at RE- - WATCH AND JEWELRY CITY M . ear- 4. C AXTELL'S ERCANTI LE CO. ; the treatment of cargoes of both class "This Government believes and P, O. Box 448. Telephone 2035 ; ; Alakea Street pairing' X Specialty.' .24 Hotel St, Near Nuuaau.' es of articles when bound to neutral nestly hopes His Majesty's Govern- - - ports, 1 ment will come to the same belief, Street Phone 4206 i f PACIFIC ENGINEERING 1133 Fort, near Pjuahl Articles listed as absolute contra that a;urse of conduct: more, in con- Suggestions given for simplify- band shipped from the United States formity with the rules of international ing or systematizing . office COMPANY. LTD. and consigned to neutral countries usage, which Great Britain has strong- work. All business confiden- Censultlnsi Designing and C have been seized and detained on the ly sanctioned for many years, will in tial, structlng Engineers. ground that the countries to which the end better, serve ihe Interests of Eriiges, Buildings, Concreta Btrao STEINWAY s. All kinds of Wrapping Papers and they were destined have not prohibited belligerents as well as those of neu-tral- teres. Steel Structures, Sanitary Bys ' " Conducts all classes of Audits Bargains Other Pianos. .: :-j- :: la Twlnea. Printing and Writing Papers the exportation such articles. Un . .7 ;:'.' Reports and Estimates on Pro - of and investigations, and furnish fns. - PLAYER PIANOS AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- N t045. PAPER warranted as such detentions are In !"Not only is the situation a critical es Reports on ail kinds of fi- leeta. Phone THAYER PIANO CO., LTD. & SUPPLY CO, LTD. the opinion of this Government Am one to the commercial interests of the 2313 nancial work. STAR-BULLET- 153 Hotel Street Phone Fort and QHeen Streets. Honolulu. : erican exporters are further perplexed United States, but many of the great ni GTTES T0TJ Phone 1416. Geo. O. Guild, Gen. Mgr. by the apparent Indecision bf the Brit industries of this country are suffer-- TODAI'S SETTS TOD1I STAE-BULLETI- HONOLULU N SATUDDlVT JANUARY l(y 1915. -- NINETEinr


IN THE UNITED . STATES Dis- trict Court for the Territory of Ha-wai- L- ' ' ' L 0 ' - ' - ' C33 CCXO O GC23 Action brought In said ' District Court, and the Petition filed ia ' the office cf the Clerk of aald District Court in Honolulu. : ' , " - The United States of America, Plain tiff, vs. The Board of the Hawaiian Evangelical Association, et aL, ' d WANTED FOR RENT fendants. The President of the United States, Everyone with anything for tale to Desirable bouses in various parti of Greeting: ANNOUNCEMENT. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. "Play Safe." Considering the fac- the city, furnished and unfurnished, THE BOARD OF THE HAWAIIAN tors of sales, success In planning at $15. $18. $20. $25. $30. $35. $40 and EVANGEUCAL ASSOCIATION, a Leading hat cleaners. Prices mod- Y. Nakanlshi. 34 Beretania, nr. Nana an ad fa more satis factory than op to $125 a month. See list in our corporation existing tnd doing busi- erate. We sell the latest styles in no, for good cooks, yard boys. knowlnr "how It happened' after office. Trent Trust Co Ltd., Fort ness and by virtue of the laws v Panama and Felts. Work called for Phone 4511; residence phone 4511. high-clas- s under - ' Star-Bulleti- He loves music, wanted machine " wards, n Want Ads St, between King and Merchant v a felt of the Territory of Hawaii; J. K. PII- - and delivered. Blalsdell Building. 5246-t-f ' 5462--tf 5895-6m : "Bring Home . the Bacon" erery ;. MANU, L. L. JOSEPH.- - JONAH KAI Star-Bullet- time. 5399-t-f he couldn't afford a new one, read in WANT WAEA, S. K. PUPUHI and IL K. up-to-da- te, Positively the newest, com KAALAKEA, as Trustees of. the U B Feb. 1, young couple wants perma pletely furnished cottages ', on theJ ADS. As you see, he has the machine he likes. PROTESTANT CHURCH ; LIVERY STABLE. nent room and board with refined beach; tropical surroundings; good THE KIPAHULU SUGAR COMPANY, AND 2011 BUY SELL.' family In rjod neighborhood. Ad bathing. Cressatv', Kalia road. a corporation existing and doing buslj First-clas-s livery turnouts at reason- 6012-l-n dress box 133, Star-Bulleti- n. 6062-6- t Phone 2868. ness under and by virtue of the laws Diamonds, watches and Jewelry bought able rates. Territory Uvery Stable, of the Territory of Hawaii; KAHELE sold exchanged. Carlo, 343 King, nr. Punchbowl TeL 2533. and J. Fort ' Mosquito proof front room with board, Three-bedroo- m house on Kewalo, bet OPIO; ? SAM. KAMAKAU; MALIA , 5318-t-f ' .in, private family; within walking Wilder and Lunalilo sts.; $40. Ap- PALAPALA, widow of KANAKAAU- - distance: for one or two young men, ply Olive Q. Lansing, 80 Merchant KAL deceased; SAM. PALAPALA; J Phone 4874. 6061-- t st ; y, - W,V 058-4- 1 KANAKAAUKAI, KANOHONAHELE. vc CARDS FOR SALE KEALOHA NUI, ANNIE, whose full CUSINES3 OPPORTUNITY. PROFESSIONAL CAFE. JEWELER. Two-bedroo- m -- - - house, all mosquito name 'Is unknown, and MART KUPI- tproof furnished or unfurnished, - HEA, heirs at law of. KANAKAAU 4 Wanted a partner with $3000; a good at DRESSMAKER. Don't drink Impure water, It'a danger Boston Cafe, coolest place in town. Sun Wo, Gold and Silversmith ma- 1418 Alapai st, electric lights; gas ous to health. To be sure the water KAI, deceased; DAVID BROWN, guaranteed. . r the show drop In. Open day terial and work If cot mercantile proposition; can make 6052-tf- '' k After range. Phone 1261. f evening HENRY SMITH. JANE , BLACK and -' 15000 yearly; salary $100 monthly; Dressmaking of all kinds; Is O. K, let It come through Rex ; and night Bijou theater, Hotel St satisfactory maney will be refund- : MARTHA GREEN, t gowns a specialty. Anna Fedotof f, which costs only $L75; . unknown heirs at 5539-t- .: ed. 1121 give refer-- f Filter, Fits .. . . f Maunakea, nr. Hotel street must full time; furnish Four-bedroo- m - furnished bouse in Ma- law - of KANAKAAUKAL deceased; ' 5531-t- ences; will stand investiga The McDonald, Punahou st Phone any faucet Buy one at Lowers ft ' f r v closeet , D. GO ' - 6058-t- ; ' ' noa, on car line. Apply H. 1873. f Cooke, Ltd.,, 177 So,Klng Atreetv DAVID KUPIHEA H. JIACKFELD Columbia Lunch Rooms; quick service tion. Address A. T, this office. . more, & Co COMPANY, UMITED, corpora C Brewer Ltd. 5389-t-f '. r t - and a our motto; open day 5933-t- 't and cleanliness '," . DRESSMAKING, f tion existing and doing business un and night Hotel, opp. Bethel street. The Transo envelope time-savin-g In der and by virtue of the laws of the WORK WANTED HC HAR-BOTTL-E; PAINTER $25 bungalow on Lillha st Mrs. L. Rogers, dressmaker and vention. No addressing-- : necessary Territory of Hawaii; ISAAC P. G. Lansing, 80 milliner, will make bats and gowns In sending out or receipts. Ho-- MARY K. HARBOTTLE; Oliver Merchant at bills "The Eagle," Bethel, bet Hotel and S. 1203' Nuuanu; 4137. By Japanese chauffeur; experience! given Star-Bulletin- ;. Shlrakl, Tel. 6041-t- f to suit Out of town orders nolulu Co,, Ltd, sole .WILLIAM HARBOTTLE; DAVID IL King. A nice place - to eat; fine ' Phcaa 4128, or P O. box 1200. special attention by sending correct . HARBOTTLE; JAMES HARBOT- Painting and paperhanging. Ah ' " agents for patentee. . tf s borne cooking. Open night day. ESSS-t- f - and work guaranteed! Bids submitted Modern bungalow, 1326 Kaplolanl measurements. Phone 3765. 1118 TLE; FREDERICK KLAMP; AGNES k5338-t- , st . f k332S-t- f - 6040-l- m - free. . Inquire 1322. 6061-t- f Gulick Ave. . G. KLAMP, - wife of FREDERICK FOR SALE. One strong delivery wagon. "Write P. KLAMP; EMILY TOOMEY; JOSEPH BARBER SHOP. I New Orleans Cafe.' Substantial meals, PRINTING. OFFICE FOR RENT. O. box 850. 603S-t-f WHITE, WILLIAM DAVIS, HEL .p. moderate. Alakea, cor. Merchant One 1912 .Indian motorcycle; in " St EN JOHNSON and JULIA ROBERTS. ' - 5589-t- good - f We do not boast of low prices which running order. F. W. Hustace The Silent Barber Shop, Hotel Stc - 11 r Office, large and centrally located, in Inter-islan- d Oah'n Railroad, ship .unknown heirs at law of HALUALA- aaaa 6061-6- and ai usually coincide with poor quality; Repair Shop, 427 Queen t and Bishop; five Star-Bullet- st Elite hidg. inquire Jaa. Steiner, bet Fort first ping in office, NL deceased; THE TERRITORY OF barbers; baths, etc; strictly books at tf CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. but we know how" to put life, Room 7, Elite bldg Hotel street class HAWAn; and JAMES THOMPSON, go Two second-han- d pianos, con--. first-clas- s. 6986-t-f hustle and Into printed matter, in fine '5959-t- f modern and COCOANUT PLANT8 For 8ale. JOHN GRAY, HENRY STONE, ELI a, "general dltlon; prices low. Bergstrom Mu- George Yamad contractor. and that is what talks loudest and ZABETH STONE, MARY STILES and Mc-Candl- Star-BulIeL- , Estimates "furnished. No. 208 'a sic Cor, Ltd" 1C20 Fort 60fil-6- t FURNISHED ROOMS. v. MADEIRA EMBROIDERY, ' va- longest Honolulu Job st Cocoanut plants for sale ; Samban MARTHA STILES, unknown owners Building. Telephone 2157. Printing Department riety. Apply A.- - D. HUla, ' Uhue, Alakea Street; ' and claimants; , " ;: : 5265-t- f ' ' Branch Offlce. UTH-ERISCHE Mn. Carolina Fernandez. Union st : - 6277-t- Merchant rircet DEUTSCHE EVANGEL1SCH KauaL f You are hereb directed to appear 5399-tf- rTHE NEW. ERA Madeira embroidery, luncheon sets, - CEMEINDE. ' HOTEL and answer the Petition in an action Co.i Vineyard. TeL 1450 FORT STREET : baby caps and dresses - 8peIaUy of BY AUTHORITY. Sanko Nuuanund entitled as above, brought against you paper-hangin-g, . hemstitching. : 315L Contracts ' buildings, ABOVE VINEYARD ' Initial and Reasonable. - ST. -- - In United- Court, Herr Pastor Isenberg wlrd von Jettt y k5322-t- v" the States' JDistrict cement work, cleans lots. v 6749-t- f . . .;' f NOTICE , OF SAL OF RESIDENCE - Territory Hawaii, within ' ; k5327-tf- - an Jeden letzten Scnntag Im Monat in for the of '. ' AND :'.-.- twenty 8HIRT3 PAJAMAS. unserer Kirche Gottesdlenst abhalten. MILLINERY. . : days from and after service Dererste 31 upon you of a certified copy c--f Plain Union- - Contracting; Gottesdlenst flndetam Large front room, Z beds, $3; single. The foUowfag residence lots, building, house YAMATOYA, Januar, 1913, ' '"'' -- King. sitn tiff's Petition herein,1 together with' a statt ' K.' Isoshlm'a; stylish' millinery. Halekou-WfaikaluakaL- painting., painting and concrete. Tel. V 1230 $2, weekly. rooms, 645 ate at district " Fort Shirts, pajamas, kimonos. -.- Nlshx 35c - u copy Summons'. . '.6025-6- m -- DER VORSTAND. 1 1 1 Phone 213G. 5srz-- certified of this .1756, 1125 Union ' m near Bethel. st - '57::-t- f So. King st 6052-l- of Koolaupoko, City . and County of - . .6037 .3. 16. 80. And you are hereby notified that Jan. 53, Honolulu, , and-- froatingwt htr:govern- - MODISTE. uhressyou" appear "and - T.'KobayasET, 2034 ; I '' " i Ten walk town. ment for.j sale; answer" tenefarcoatr'Sc5ir, H RTr.T AKE 7u" minutes' from Phone road, will be offered at above required, the said Plaintiff will S. King.". Phone 3356. Reasonable. NOTICE. - 1567, 6057-t-f public, auction at he followlngupaet .'.-,- Miss Nellie Johnson, 1119 Union St take Judgment of condemnation of the k5327-t- f B. Yamatoya, klno-no-s prices, at the front door of the Capi shirts, pajamaa, CUNQALOW. Evening gowns; lingerie dresses, lands described in th Petition herein to order. Nuuaau, near FauatL FURNISHED tol- - j ' regular ' - k5341-t- f ' building, Honolulu, at . 12 o'clock The annual stockholders' v and for any other relief demanded in CONTRACTOR. 5533-t- f - " meeting J.TcCabe, & Ren-,n- y noon, Saturday, March .13, 1915;'. t of Hamilton For couple, Waikiki; the Petition. ' ' . ' at convenient to Lot ;; . ' Co, Ltd., will be held Com- h; HYDRAULIC ENGINEER. Area,; jXlTv! Appraised Buildinr. cement work, painting, at the bathing-beac- completely but simp WITNESS THE 'HONORABLE No.. ; ; f v,- Acres. ; Wj- - A, .yalue plumbing, 964 u pany's office, 20 .Queen street, on ly furnished; pleasant grounds; SANFORD B. DOLE and THE HON etc. Aloha Bld. Co, Thursday, 3 p. m., January 21, 1915. Jas.'T. Taylor, 511 Stangenwiald bldg. 1...... 2.97. $450.00 Punahou extension. Phone 1576. at $40. Box 124, this office.-'- - 6036-t-t ORABLE CHARLES F. CLEMONS, st (Signed) J. C. GUARD, consulting civil & hydraulic engln'r. 2. .'2.81;,...;. ;.,.:.275.oo M. K. Goto, Mgr. - 6056-ly-r. UM3RELLA MAKER. s Judges of said District Court this 30th ' k5375-t- f . 3 29o . oO.OO . Secretary. FURNSHED HOUSE. j day In ' the1 year our ' 4 2.8.T of October. of R.. MIzuta. re- ccei-7- t - , 425.00 CARD CASES. "Umbrellas made and Nicely MUSIC LESSONS. 5. 2.85, 425.00 Lord one thousand nine hundred and paired.. 1284 nr. Kukui; phena furnished bungalow; two 'bed- thirteen, and of the Independence of Fort rooms. Apply 1534 Magazine 3.00 300.00 Business and visiting engraved 3745. ZZZZ-tt- " sU or 1506 6...,;...... United the one hundred and cards, phone 1463; no Prof. Laurie A. DeGraca, Toung ...vtV the States or printed, In Russia ir- - children; rent $40. 7...... thirty-eight- h. ;.. attractive' ' Telephone 4179. Rapid instruc- VULCANIZING., 6058-t- st 2.94 . cases, patent ;.D3JI!A PAHI f cello, gui 8...... ;,.: ;;,45o.oo (Seal) ;v:,,:-.;:.v';:,;- i leather detachable tion on violin, mandolin, QO.OO " Star-Bullet- in 9...... ;.. 2.51: .....y.r.V.'.' cards.5 office. 5540-t-f V CIGARS banjo : r (Signed) a;B. MURPHY, Auto, Motorcycle and Bicycle . A syrup factory which will cost $1200 tar, and ukulele. 2.02 , . . , ... 300'.d0 - Tires 10...... ;... . V : : ; :' ;. .; . Qerk. - Is . i939-t- f . vuJcanized. Tai3ho VuIcankL:.; Co., to be put up by the Hawaiian Pine- .2.74 . 425,00 CLEANING AND DYEING.' FITZPATHICK CR03. 11....: ..... V ;.. v1-- v , nn (Endorsed.) 180 Merchant near Alakea Fcrt,1 apple company at Iwilel. The building 2.90 ;...... ;1JV,Uitn Street tefsw KInj Ct mn-1020-10- 12...... 85. UNITED STATES DIS Telephone 3197. S. will be 35 by 66 feet and will be of Bergstrom Music Co. Music and 13;.;...i.... 2.63 "Na Royal Clothes Cleaning and Dyeing Saiki, canajsr. '. i of 5818-tf. .iron. . sical ; Instruments, Fort 2.73 TRICT COURT, for the Territory, Shop. Call and deliver. TeL 3149. 14...... ;.;. Hawaii, THE UNITED STATES OF ' street 15 ...... V. I . 2.83. : . V , . . .V. 400.00 Okamoto, Beretania, nr. Alapai St - S277-t- i vs. BOARD OF THE f ; . . 2.91 375.00 AMERICA THE 5595-t-f T 16... X... it;rV(i HAWAIIAN EVANGEUCAL ASSO v CLOTHING.; 17...... ;. ;. 2.94 ' . ..3d0.00 SURGEON ; CHIROPODIST CIATION, et aL SUMMONS. ROB Pay for your Clothing aa Con-- 4 3.00 . . 300.00 18. ;...... venlent--ope-n i :.r.T:Ci !"! GUIHD OULLETiN ERT W. B RECKONS, United States a Charjs Ac--. Terms or orpnerrrth - " sale: uash -: Cores, born?; cornsall foot troubles. Attorney. ' v- - count with (1-5- ) ot the. purchase price "ddwti and DRUMMERS. Mclnerny's Shoe Store, Fort street ' - THE UNITED STATES OF AMER THE MODEL CLOTHIERS, ' ' balance In equal installments' in Dr. Merrill tf the CA, Territory of Hawaii, City of Ho Fort Street Hester 'cf efficers, list of regular drill nights, stations, and current in-- f one; two, three and four (1, 2, 3, aild . If. you want good quarters to display nolulu, 83. - '' :.$.?::-?.-- cmttlon for the National Guard of Hawaii. Armory, corner Hotel and BY AUTHORITY. 4) years, respectively, with interest at your samples in Hilo, use Osorio's ' I, A. E. MURPHY; Clerk of the Unit 5940-t- ' ' ' : " six per per store. f WANT UUler 'streets, cent (6) annum. . Court A WAR MAP? - person ' ed States District for the Terri . ' : NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERN- No will be allowed to pu ... GENERAL STAFF. . tory and District of Hawaii, do hereby : : chase more one lot. ' ; - MENT REMNANTS. than :A limited ' Cel. John W. Jones, ; - ' y ! r certify the foregoing to be a full, number of war maps of The Adjutant General. Purchaser to pay cost of all stamps. Europe have been by VT. Insp.-ge- n. true and correct copy; of the original secured the .KaJ. Ciarlcs Zlesler, MaJ. Arthur W. Keely. Ord. Dept Star-Bulleti- n ' 12 noon, Saturday, Feb Proceeds from the sale of these lots, EMPLOYMENT - ; (Drevetted Colonel.) At o'clock Petition and Summons In the case of OFFICE. and are offered to pat- - , ruary 20, 1915, at tne- front door of as far 'as necessary, win be expended rons of this paper e ITaJ. Charles B. Cocper, Surg.-ge- n. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERI at the verrTea3on-abl- . 1 i the-- Capitol building, 'Honolulu, for roads In tract X. . - - Employment Office, TeL 1420. Lieut-Colonel- there this HA- Union price of 15 cents, LV (EreTeteei .) Capt Henry Van Glesoni Q. M.' CA vs. THE BOARD OF THE the 'order C will be sold at public auction under For further particulars apply at the All kinds of help. G. Hiraoka, Pro-- V be accompanied by clip--. Hal Jchn V.'. Short, Chler Q. M. WAIIAN EVANGEUCAL ASSOCIA three coupons ' Part 4, Section 17, Land Act of 2895, office of the Commissioner of PubJIc prietor, 1210 Emma, cor. Beretania. ped from this paper. coupon LIcut-Colone- ; TION, et aly as the same remains of The U (EreTttted 6054-t- ' Section 276. Revised Laws of Hawaii, Lands, Capitol building," Honolulu." . su?y--S-- f ;. . published In v.-ge- n. ana on me omce 01 we another column. Thi3 llaj. Enil C. Peters, J. Ad CapU Leo L. Sexton, Med. Dept - D. ' L; record in tne ' the following described . government JOSHUA TUvKER, map takes in all of Europe en- - Aiae to the Governor, Capt J. D. Dougherty, Infantry. V Clerk of said Court and remnants and lots: Commissioner of .Public La)ids." WHEREOF, have Phone 4136 for all kinds of help Re- ables the reader to follow the activ- " ; IN WITNESS I - INSPECTOR-INSTRUCTOR'- : Dated HonolulrC December 30, sponsibility promptness our spe- S OFFICE, r. (1) Remnant situate near Smith at y my and ities of all the European warrtag forc- 7 '."'! hereunto set band and affixed the Inspector-Instructo- r. street, and near Pauahl street Hono- 1914.:; rrW.. clalty. J. K. Naruse, manager, es. Remember Lieut W. C Whltenen U. S. A, - seal of said District Court this 24th ' that the supply is 6048-De- c A. .:.. 5983-t- ; li- lulu, containing 6177 square Up- 30, Jan. 2, 9,l6,- 2330; Ieb. ?V f - z V .., : FIELD AND 1ST INF. feet day of September, A. D. 1914. mited' ncCir.'.CfTAL STAFF OFFICERS, price $6000.00. " e, 13, 20, Men., e, yz. : set zr 4 (Seal) A. E. MURPHY, Lleut-co- L V,'UI'.ai R. Riley. MaJ. William E. Bal, 2d Bat (2) Remnant situate northwest Clerk United District Court, Capt Geo. B. Ectrader, Adjt 1st Lieut John W. Kanaeholo, AdJL OF 'RiGHTS-OF- - of Sutes side of Fort Street Extension, above NOTICE OF SALE Territory of HawaiL Capt IL P. O'SuIIivan, Q. M. 2d Lieut George H. Cammings. Q. M. proposed extension of Kuaklnl M. Street By F. L. DAVIS, Deputy Clerk, Capt J. Canara, Insp. S. A. P, Maj. Merle M.. Johnson. 1st 19,890 ' Bat Honolulu, containing square v 6040-3- m ' Capt Reginald w. Warham, ComVy. 1st Lieut Charles R. Frailer, Adjt, feeL Upset price $2388.00. ; At 12 o'clock noon, Satcrday, Tani- - MaJ. Gustavo Rose, 2nd Bat 2d Lieut Roscoe W. Perkins, Q. M. (3) Remnant cn northwest side of. wy 30, 1915, at the front door of the BUSINESS NOTICES. 2d Lieut Fred W. Humphrey. Q. M. Chaplain, . Valentin Franckx (Capt) Fort Street Extension, below proposed Capitol building, Honolulu there will COMPANIES STATIONED AT HONOLULU extenslon of Kuaklnl Street Honolu ne sold at puoiic auction the 101 low- DIVIDEND NOTICE. n - ' Coraaj A 1st Lieut P. M. Smoot; 2d Ueut J. L. K. Cushingham. Thurs-- lu, containing 87,000. square feet Up ing: v - ";-- "; rights-of-wa- ;'ty' 'r ' -' . ditch- day, 7:30 p. m. set price $4440.00. . l A license for for The German Savlng3 and Loan So Company B Capt Paul Super, 1st Lieut A: J. Lowrey. 2d Ueut Frank (4) - Remnant situate on southwest es, flumes, pipelines and' railways, sit-uate- in ciety, 526 California street, San Fran ' : - ' Stevenson. Wednesday, 7:80 p. m, side .of Fort Street JExtension, the district of Waianae; Oahu. CISCO.'; ' " ' ' - Hono ' .'" Company C 1st Lieut. L. R. Medelrca, 2d Manuel V. Sousa. Friday, lulu, containing 13,565 square Terra of license," 21 years ffomJan half-yea- r ending December Lieut feet 1 For the 7 O, - - 7:33 p. m. . , . , , Upset price $2713.00. t . uary 1915. i'r"?. 31, 1914, " ; a dividend has been declared 't ; 5 "v Company D Capt W. V. Kolb, 1st Lieut F. W. Wlcbman, 2d Lieut G. (5) Lot No. Z'Block rA,-- Auwalo- - Upset ten tal," $1 23.00" per aflnbm.' ; at the rate of four (4) per cent per .Sctaefer. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. limu Tract, Honolulu,-containin- g 6261 payable semi-annuall- y Tn advance.' annum on all deposits, payable on Company E Capt C. M. Coster. 1st Lieut John HIlo. Monday, 7:30 p. m. square reet. Upset price $1378.00. . Purchaser to pay cost of advertising and Saturday,-Januar- y 2, 1915. l - ' ? .;. after Company F 1st Lieut M. TL Houghtailing, 2d Lieut J. Lemon. Tuesday, r (6) Lot No, 3, Block "A," Auwaio- - and stamps.- Dividends not called for are added to ' ' ' , : - maps 7:30 p. icC - - limu Tract Honolulu, . containing 9032 For and further particulars, deposit account and earn dlvl " the Company. K. Ka-n- e. 1st Ueut L. K. Ka ne, 2d Ueut W. N. square feet Upset price $1987.00. , apply at the office of the' Commission dends from January 1, 1915. GEORGE : " ;" Monday, p. , - Terms er of Public Lands, Capitol building, , ? 6054-1- 2t Kaina. 7;30 m. cash. " TOURNY. Manager. Company H Capt L. W. Redington, 1st Ueut J. C. Lo, 2d Ueut C K. Amo-- -. Purchaser to pay cost ot all stimns. Honolulu. I" :': '.' na. Tuesday, 7:15 p. m. "For maps and further : ; JOSHUA D. TUCKER, , NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. Information. - its' No drill for Company H Tuesday, Jan. 19, hall is befna apply at the office of the Commission r Commissioner of Pnblie: Lands. V at 1 used by Service Basketball League. er of Public Lands, Capitol Building, Dated at Honoluld December 29, The gasoline schooner KOMOKILA, - Company to 2d BatUllon) Capt J. W. Cook, 1st W Honolulu. ,: , 1914. JrX-- In command of Captain George E. Ueut 1 ' - 604S-De- c. 30. 16." 23. 29. Ahia, 2d Ueut E. K. Chung. -- Thursday, 7:30 p. m. JOSHUA D. TUCKER, Jan. 29. Pfltz, will leavje Pier 6 (Richards t STATIONED ON MAUI. a- - CoinAissioner ' of Public Lands. street wharf) for Maui and: Molokai Ccrrany IVTa!:u-r-u Capt W. F. Kaae, Dated at3 Honolulu, December 15, DEUTSCHE EVANGELISCH LUTH porta every TUESDAY at,S p. m. and 1st Ueut W. S. Chilllngworth, : ' . CEMEINDE. ; ; : 1914. ERISCHE v ; 2J L'uL R.K.. Wilcox. v for windward ports on Oahu every 6036-De- Ccspsjsy LLaLaUa Capt TV. F. Toung, 1st W. K. ' c 15, 19, 26, Jan. 2, 9, 16, 23, FRIDAY at 5 p. m. . For information KtUSKfartaV...... Ueut KaluakinL Die G ameindeversammlung findet ' : ... .30, Feb. 6, .13, 19. regarding rates, telephone 4193. STATIONED ON HAWAII. . etc i:)-k'-i-a.- ' - am Montag, den 25 Januar, 1915, Im J -i .'. t .... . , 'y' Company MIICo-Ca- pt KOMOKILA SHIPPING CO, LTD. J. D. Easton. 1st Ueut IL M. Morehead, 2d ; ;:I - Ueut Schulhause Mitglied wirdj t a JVf a cltflJ. ; . . . . statt Jedes 5926-t-f . t.it and , . S. . I Miss J. Caceres. . : Isabella McFadden; aged 33, of -J ':;;r?i;!-:'.V;r.,';- ' dringend ersucht puenktlich . .4S1WEP. IO VRSTERUAVS FIZZLE. rZC!CAL SANITARY- - OFFICERS WITH TROOPS. Philadelphia, died ST1R-BULLET- ' of malinant anthrax, einen. DER YORSTAND. I5 - GIVES TOD v il;ht hhouMer. p. - Voiur Jvn Ht MaL'E. Kilbourne Capt R. W. Bern. - 6037-Ja- n. tt-r- a rare disease in this country. 9, 4$,. 23. a ,J TQDAI'S ETT8 TOD1I I ! i nrn:T down ft tltit rlbtm'. . ; Ik? It is not enough that jKH'try hhouM so : Find the place where God wants you, and refined; it should appeal to our feeling and when you have found itj burn to the socket

-- -- imagination. Horace. i ; Hastings.


, i. v. . Mighty Panama-Pacifi- c International Exposition .Will ;Open on .Time Completed In Every Detail.


Mainilicent Panorama of a Part of the Main Exhibit 5cct:ori, Taken From Machinery Hall. This1 Photograph Was Taken Four and One-half Months Before the Opening of the Exposition. 'IIKK the rent broke out In Eu part of September 'and early In October by' the Imperial household, most of ctalied h Ihe Exposition. "The freijht 1915. To the left of the, center of the are of Liberal Arts and next the dome the ourt of Abundance from San: rope million oi people through- thousands of tons of exhibits had be- which 'could not be duplicated. Five oai these to , the Exposition : grounds Picture Is the huge Tower of Jewels; 43$ of the Palace of Education. In the cen- Francisco harbor: next comes the dome ' " high aver- triumphal of of Transportation, 7 put the world wondered what gun to reach Ran Francisco both ' by carload of exhibits reached "San Fran- amounts to more than S3.OOO.C0O. . . feet in height, or as as the ter is seen the giant Arch of the Palace when " n- by a. su- - effect it would haft upon the preat Ex. s(aanJ bj' rall and were rapidly In- cisco from Rotterdam. A great eoHec-lio- This photograpb. ta.k'eb from' the roof age thirty story city buildin. On the the Rising Sun. surmounted a remarkable automobile- exhibit will mrm , It- ; London, was In- giant of Machinery. left Is the dome' of. the Falace of Va- perb group rich In .Oriental feeling, the mown, ana nnaiiy en me position at San Frflsrlsoo. Europe stalled In the,;Tast'xhlblt palace. A of displays from of the Palace N rV - sec-- comes dome of Nations East; next to the right the huxe dome of the Palace of Mines self nuppMed the cnuwer. None of the single shipment from Japan consisted stated in the fa lace of Mines.- More shows that the vast main exhibit" ried Industries, next the of the w -- portion, f"rty partlclpaflnrf" nations withdrew of 810 tens of priceless displays, In- thanJ80.0W Individual exhibits and fion.was finished months i before "the J the Palace of Manufactures, toe Tow comes the unfinished Tower of "Ages, and. a of the superb Court ofi 1 -, 270 trora 'the Exposition. In the- - latter cluding V'.sOpe'r art blledlftn loaned rroupsrol exhibits ar .hoW being in- - op'eriing'. oi th Eposttloh on Feb. 20. erof JeVelneitj the domeof thtf Pal- rising feef above the entrance to Abundance.: r rnrniir nri nun ft i VMS. lilEXICAN POLITIEMnS FLEE FOR - iUE' - .' ip. mmmmm. locally LILKDlIEI-W$- ! nr wt i w nrrmrnn Re "Legends of Maui A IDemi-Go- d - of Declare' Their Lives Are In Ccrrc:p:r.d'r,3 Secretary's Polynesia. He Bays: "When we re AVAL IS SAFE their-live- by MM s were . port !nc!iic::s Statement fleet that traces of the Maul stories Danger Vh;! Varnng did not feel that safe m -- are to be discovered iii the. literature while the numerous contending fac- Smith ' iicn. S: Percy Babylonia; and also Factions are Active tions were engaged in active hostili- of Egypt, India Associated' Press by Fedj Wireless. Associated Press Fed. Wtreless.1 Associated Press by Fed. Wireless. . once faced ties in the Held ia all parts of the North America we are at' ; WASHINGTON,-1- . C., lfr. Ac- 16. - A new and important contribution Jan. SAN DIEGO, Cal Jan. The WASHINGTON, D, . C Jan. 16 country. origin with the fact cf the immense antiquity cording to an announcement from the brig Lurline, formerly in the Hawaiian yesterday Associated Press by Fer!. Wlrelesa to the discussion regarding the President Wilson held a I no- of the Maul legends." navigation. Secretary of the sugar recently put on a run ' EL PASO, Tex Jan. 16. Fearing cf the rc!yncsian3 waa brought to burean of trade and long conference with Senators 'Hoke WASHINGTON. D. C Jan. 16. Con- - Another, conclusion stated by Mr. NaVy modi&ed- - the sen- port to. Cruz, Is now , - tice at the me e tics of the Historical Daniels has from thla Salina Smith-- Walsh and Bankhead,- Demo for their personal safety, the members stitutionalf3t President Gutlerrex ia Society oa Tuesday evening, Janxiary Smith is of so much, worth thai twill tences imposed by. a naval courtmar-tla- l a' derelicf, dYif ting alcng the Mexican cratic administration leaders',' regardi- permanent Executive 4 6f the committee quoted In despatches public- - as having 1 this report He Bajs: .'It Capt. P. 'Niblack and coast, Sound, 11 Rev. W.-U- V.'eitervelt, corres-- Insert it in uiii Albert last seen of Hall ng- the- prospects for the passage of of the Mexican national convention ly expressed hi3 approval cf President is - tolerably on leaving In- LIeut.-cc- Lv Arnold,- - navi- report by ad- c r.clir secretary, brought tt out ia clear that Clarence This U 4h4 received hefe the ship purchase bill and ether came across"the border from Megtlco Wilson's references to Mexico la his" . donesia a part of - the Polynesians gator, of the battleship Michigan, wireless from the. S S. Annapolis, ministration measures. i f . i., - U Er.nual report Tlie report is as ; P to thrs'city: yesterday. ' Upon; the'ar- recent" address at Indianapolis. islands,- - then, ' -' reached the Hawaiiaa wbica states thaj sifter the' Lurline lcllows: ;. 'CapL; Niblack was sentenced to loaa , The president ws informed that the Hepcrt cf the Ccrretpondirj after eomr generations, Tahiti, and 20 numbers In his grade, which Tas was dismasted, an cf? tendered helplesa ship purchase bill could be passed; if New. Zealand the , in & hfer crew vas T C:cret?.ry cf the Historical Society. much later about' reduced to' five. ; ; . recent storm taken it could be brought to a vote, but that ,: by Americaii-Hawaiia- n. steam- Cc:r.rcrative!y clcse touch has "been middle of the fourteenth centurr Com. Arnold was sentenced to losi off the there is every difficulty In, theway of pre- we have glimpse of the trend ship Paftaman, whfch is bringing, tha nninta'.seJ the ysar, as in Thus a 40 numbers, which, was reduced to 10. " bringing the measure to the final test Matson San-Dfeg- : " " Navigation Company rat crew; o ' fulhl Aryan origin - r to vious years, ith the excellent band toward belief la the This clemency . was exercised be- .; Opposition to - the bill is being evi. : The' pariaman" put a line to Polynesian In New Zea- of the Polynesians. . :'. al- ctf the cf scholars :;'r cause the warship, which, had been attempted! port denced' by a determined minority, Direct Service Between San Francisco and Hcnclulu land. The exchange cf publications A from Baron. SakatonI, the lowed to ground off thft Virginia capes, hnlk and to tow It Into letter but had to abandon the and cut strong enough to talk the bill to death end ordinary correspondence has been Mayor of Toklo. is worth no- was refloated undamaged. : ... task enough, advan- rresent . t .' and tacticiana to tske' ' ' ' ' " tceXurnne-adrif- - ; e t' :V.Vz' ; - -- study . continued. " ticing aa touching a field of :i tage of every degree! of senatorial FROM SAN PRANCISCO. FOR SAN FRANCISCO: liv- 1 Ilea. S. Percy Smith, the highest which needs to be entered. H refers . The steamfehlp Ryndamr artved in i'' courtesy and other technicality. ing autiiGrlty on Pclyneilan history, to the meaning of the name Maui, New Yorkith S0.OCO songbirds from The difficulties in the way of a rote S. S. Wilhelmina. . . . .Jan. 19 S. S. Lurline...... Jan. 19 hr.3 stated sorue ct the v&lua.ble' re--t which the Polynesian students think Germany and Switzerland. , on the measure are intensified In re- Manba 23 -- -- S. S ...... Jan. 8. S. VYilheimlna...;...Jan. 7 u!t3 cf research along the line of the ia life." beauty." "strengtlw" : He gard to the other administration; bill. cr;!n cf tha Pc!ynes;.ng. He Eayst says that among the Japanese Maui for'which there Is even less hope. S. S. Mataonia ...... Feb. 2 S. S. Manoa Feb. , 2 Poly-r.csic- n In- - "It is certain that many of the means "good enough." It is also. " The president- said that he would S. $ Lurline ..,,...... Fb. 9 S. S. MatsonFa . . . J... ..Feb. 13' shipipur-chas- e n.vths and traditions find their teresting to note that the . Japanese IIOVEIIEIITS OP insist upon action upon the cr-.:ntc- ?.rt thoje Scandinavian, exactly even-- the ia cf use the word "kai" for "sea, bill at this session, if S. S; Milonlah safts Seattle January 23, Cc'.iic, end cthtr branches of according to the Hawaiian sense of HAIL STEALIERS other administration' bills had to be from - ; . ;,--, - - the Aryan race, and if is suggested the word. ;r": r jettisoned. . '""'."",. CASTLE & COOKE, LIMITED, th.it ia the Polynesian vtrsions we are Letters have been exchanged with An:nt:, rrc-,"cr.- tlr nearer to the originals as rflil AiR FLIGHT and reports received front various i TESS21S TO AEEXTB tl.ey c.Ltained in primitive times than mainland organizations. In these there I PASSE5GEES EXPECTED in any branch cT the Caucasian ether is nothing of especial significance. L . f t Sunday Jan. 17Y , race, - Seattle-Columbi- an, Per SI. N. S. Wilhelmtaa, leartng because cf the leng isolation- of Respectfully submitted, . New York via Panama and Asso2!awd Press by Fed Whv less; pacific GT2Ai:nm? CO. - ; San Francisco January 13 F. R. the pecrle in their Island homes." , W. D. WESTERVELT. AHS. S. - SAN DIEGO,- - Cain Jan. 16. First ' iiatl yea Tvill refer-nc- e " Qulntero, Leslie TaylorMiss HedwIJ Sailinjs for Honolulu on or about the followlnj dates: If a personal Maui, Molokai and Lanal ports tr. Lieut, Byron Q. JoriesV 2nd Cavalry; On ; ; Mrs. ;A. Slilton,- Mrt; R. I will qv.cte r " Johnson, Mr Ions the same line Fire destroyed the lumber and coal ' . r "' duty at the signal corps - aviation FOR THE ORIENT: FOR SAN ' Koenne, D. H. JByrnes, Dr; J. J. Carey, FRANCISCO: frcm a rreface vriftea by Mr. Smith yard of Frank Justice at Glenside; Pa; ; Kahului Lurline, M. S, S. J school here; a new1 Ameri- established Mor-ga-n, f Ai:strali-- ray J- - Mrs, R P. Greer, Miss Margia C. r tre a edition of book. at a loss of $50,000. c . Maui ports ; V V can, for aeroplanes C 8. Slbtrla Claudine, str. endurance record Kos-ka- l. Jn. U completed-- a Mrs. W. W, Forbes, Ralph B. 8. S. MongoUa ...... Jan. 15 . : Kauai ports Kinau. str. when he flight yesterday Kirk-p- a 4 Miss Nenie Quirk. Chas. D. S. 3. via Manila, : 8. 8. China 2 Kauai ports W. ; G. Hall,-- 8tr which lasted S$ hours and 5J minutes. Persia ...Feb. 0AHU nAILWAY TABLE trick, Mrs, F.-- L Waldron, N. S. GTAHT HIGHT TIME :."v',f . Monday, Jan., 18. . ; " Robison, Edward Lyman, Mrs. Wiser, In and out .Jan. 3d 8. ft. Manchuria ...... Feb. 9 Hongkong J -- ' ...... Fif.iCH RIGHT" via Japan ports Siberia, S N 0VSL! D ttS 1 N A LPS Chas. NV Strots, Mrs. S. H. :i Mrs. - -- - P. M. S. S. '". ,,-.- Johnston, .H. H. 8. 8. Korea via Manila.. Feb. 6 : Jenekes, Sliss Ida ! '. RA1 LROADS . Tuesday Jan. 19. . '' Fun-sten,.M- rs. BLOCKIfjG Robinson, Lv Clark,-Mls- s A. Tor VTai&nae, Walalua, Kahukn, and - M'. ' : J San Francisco Wilhelmina,- N. C. Pentland C. de; Gulgne, S.--.T- -- stations 9: 15 a. 3:23 p. f ,, f'-:'- "-' FOR GENERAL' INFORMATION APPLY . viy nu la. S. Associated Press ib Fed.' Wireless. Mi'-Hay- TO Mrs. Ullle J. Stetson den ,,:.,'. City. na - - Jr For Pearl Ew Mill and raj Hilo via way portsr-ilau- Kea str. GENEVA, Switierland,- Jan;- M, stations f7;S . 9:15 tx, !. and 'mother W. Steele, A. K.T. hl, it Wednesday, Jaw. 20. t .i Railway traffic between1 Germany, and Yap Samuel! E. Wooley; Mrs. .M. I. H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd. ia-,"3:- - 11:20 a. eu, 2:15 p. 20 p. pQrts G. Hall, has- Kauai W. ;stf ; Italy, througn. Switzerland," been GraJT. and R. Koenne- - R. f E. Fcr Cuick Service Overland 6:15- - p. J9:30 p. m p. m. child. tlllS 4- interrupted by .the locking' of the SL Coursen, Carey, K. P. Greer, For T.Tahlawa 10:20 - ; Thos. and Leilehoa YTSSrLS TO Gothard rallroad lrhlch' is buried un- Miss P. Berry; E. S. a, xx, p, xa p. XL, nzTirs Mrs. SinttVMrt. t2:40 f5:69 ni:00 some places. - Kos-ka- FHZD L. WALDRON, LTD der avalanches in Mary! B." Brandt Mrs, Ralph B. l, :'; . Saturday, January 16. vThe town of Obcrgestelen.was over- Mrs.', Jas. Quirk, Mrs. Chas. " D: ; - Ajsnts ; :' iNWAna Hilo and- way porta Mauna Kea, whelmed and; buried .by a great slide Kirkpatrick, Mrs. J. .U Robertson; ! "; snow;-. I- - Arrire Honolnla fxoza Kahrti, TTal-alu- a str., 3 p. tru 5 of ice and c ':' ;....: Gen. Wisser, Chas. N.Strctz Dr. S. sad "Walanae a, xx, 95:Z1 ' Monday, Jan. 18 ; ; " The avalanches ire1' attributed to the H. Jen ekes, Mrs. Ella Shlek Harold -- ; p. ra. -- ": - Kauai r ports (windward) Likelike, great - eartbauaker-whtc- h ; has just Dillingham, Mrs. H. H, Robinson; Mrs. I C -- r t Steamers of the above Company will call at Honolulu on FHC HT 111 & f ; : - and leave Arrive Honolulu rrora Ewa II and str p.;nx 'V--:- ' racked' taly. J U Clark; JIIss- Helen Pentland, Mr. or anl 4 , about the dates mentioned below: - . ; Pearl City fT: 45 a. m., 8:S8 a. m, Maui ports Claudine. strM 5 p. m. and Mrs. John E, Baird, Mr. and Mrs. T 1 C K C T 8 a, ports W. G. Hall, p.m. 11:02 xa., 1:40 p. ox, H:2 p. cu Kauai str5 CARRANZAGAftRISdfl"- - F. B. KeithMiss Richardson, Mrw A!2 neiervatlona p.' Tuesday, 19, t - 1 :'.y FOR THE J 5:S1 nx, 7:30 p. ra, : v Jan. - L, R..Hurd . i"r ORIENT: . FOR;.8AN FRANCISCOr. v, azy point oa tie San- - Francisco Siberia, P.- - M.-- S. S REVOLT ' Arrive IJonoluiu from Wahlawa and ATTEMPTS .' mainland.' - Lellehna 9:i5 "a., ax,, fl:U tx, 10 a. m. : it TBA5SP0ET SEBYICE 8. 8. 8hlnyd .Mam , ; , 22 8Chfyo Mafu(I,Jaji. WELLS-FA- R f. - .Jan.' 'k - .Francisco-rLtrrrJn- e. ti tee 4:01 7:10 p. .- . : San M. N. S. S u bx, nx ; .( fAssociated Press iby. Fed.' Wireless. CO- ' '"v;: V - 8. 8. Chlyo Maru 19 8. S. Tenyo Mam Feb. CO & - 77 8. 4. p. --Ji r -- ...... Feb. II ur m. The Halelwa Limited, a: two-ho- ill :WASHINGTON, ID. Cv Jan,? 1 6. A ; Logan, from Honolulu, for Gnaitf and ' King L Tet1515 4. - 8. S. Tertyo Maro Mar. 6 8v S. Nippon. Maru 23 'Kona and ;Kan ports Mauna Loa, despatch- - Eagle I Manila arrived Jan.-- v ; ....Feb. train (only flrstclass tickets honored) : '' tekgraphlc from Pass. noon. -- i ! '.' S. Nippon . . . I. Mar, 27 8. Shfnyo Maru...... Mar, 1S leifes Honolulu every Sunday at 8:38 str i Tex., , to the state departmenC' says k Thomas, from Honolulu for San Frail'' Maru. 8. a. " Jfahukona and Kiwaihae Wailele clsccr, 12. tx, for Halelwa note!; returning ar " ' ' that a part' of the Carranza garrison arrived Jan. - -- v- ' r; :": ,. . " XAUIIDP.Y rives ia Honolulu at 10:10 p. xx Ths str:.- noonl j at Las vVac8 yesterday attempled-- . to Sheridan, sailed from; Honolulu; . tot Ltalted stopa calj. 4t Pearl aty and ManL- - STolokaf and Lanal ports revolt la favor 4 of Ylllat1 The rerolt San Francisco, arrived Dec. 14, CASTLE & C00KE U? n ' ' 5 p. m. put-dow- Waian&a, - ,i.r-.-.- Mikahalai str ' was n by the loyal remainder Sherman, from Honolulu for Guam and ports KomokiH, ) " 3 Daily, Except Exmiay, ; oniy. Maui and' Molokai of the garrison and 10 ringleaders Manila, Jan. 14.. - '" -- ; t 22tmay ' ; p. m: . . . ';":-"- I O. P. DENISON, F. SMITH, istw.5 among the" revolters were immediately Dix, from Honolultr for Seattle Jair. 11. a p." s- - Kauai ports Kinau, str., 5 m. i CANADIAN-AUSTRALIA- .. Kuptrintendcnt. : executed. .Warren, stationed at the Philippines. N MAIL LINE ;.x u. P. A. ports Kaena, : : R0YAU Oahu str, Subject to change without notice, - ; Wednesday, Jan' 20. l 8ydne7 Hilo via "Ivcay 1 porta-r-Mau-na Kea, For Victoria and Vancouver. For Suva, Auckland and -- ; . HOMS INDUSTRY CIGAR CO. H. ? . j. ' Niagara ...... Feb. 5 U ;Jan. 27 . Makura str io X'tn. M . v E3 So. Kirg St. ; EO.HaflciSon s ...... " I OGKAMCtSTEAMSHiP CO ' I i Makura . . . . .Mar. 5 Niagara . Feb. 24 - ' ' ! HAILS ; '., ...... M ...: '"-- ' -- 0 , .: TTHE LINE IL GENERAL i"".-- EXf JTION co., agents t i - theo;h; Daves & general ' ' H " merchandise: r. Alalia ; are due from the following FUR 5AN FRANCISCO FOR SYDNEY, N. S.W. ltd; rM om Industry ' Fiirc ; Fort and King Stf. , v Tolnti as follows: "i, Sonoma ...... i.Jan. , Ventura ,...... , .Jan; 25 4 San; 19. . AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- N Francisec Wilhelmina; Jan. Sierra ...... Jan. a . 9. 8. CO THE PANAMA. CANAL I : UUZ ' Sonoma ...... Feb. 22 Yokohama Siberia, Jan. 19. Sierra Feb. 13 A STEAMER will be despatched from NEW YORK. forJIONOLTJLTJ, - ...... Ventura .. . .. ; .Mat ch 22, 28. . Ventura. . 25 Approximate-time- r I Australia Sonoma,; Jan. Feb via Pacific coast porta evety TE?J DAYS. ia trnsit ; : : 27 U ' . ' 7. ...-...";- FORTY-THRE- Y. TAKAKU WA ti CO., Vancouver Makura, Jan; Sierra . . ., March '13 Sonoma . ....Apr, 19' E DAYS. . SEATTLE and TACOMA to HONOLULU r ; t Limited. ..;, : s ) "Malls' will depart, tor the "following '; S. S. GEORGIAN to sail about January 18, and aaUIng EVERY TEN r ., YOUR, 1915 RESERVATIONS EARLY, roint-a- s ... : MAK, ". - ' follows: ..-- : - DAYS thereafter. . X . 'NAM CO CRABS packed . fa - $110.00 ROUND TRIP, ' The Soap that Does Things, Fan Francisco Siberia,. Jan. 19. - V " For partienlars as ia rates, tc apply to 4" y. ' ' Sanitary Cans, wood lined. !; Yokohama Shinj-- o Maru, Jan." 22 - V; - C. BREWER & tOMPANY, LTO . iS Qtntrat Agenta C. MORSE, ; H. HACKFELD & Atk Your Grocer. ;1 ' :: P. CCv LTD. 28. " - -- Kxxana Et near Dai Zt ! AnstraliaSonomtl Jat. ' General Freight Agent. : Agents. Vancouver Niagara Feb: 5..'.. -