- - WAILS. 1;:K:w:-;- :.:; ; rr, i .X . r ' ' A - ! f- - From San Francisco: ! 'A A-A- A- - - 0 f V. .. Wllhclmlna. Jan. ' 5 1 J I ' tl-II- l (1 For San FrancSaco: II II AAA Blerra Jan. 16., C o o From Vancouver: ; 4 Makura, 27. : Jan. Vi , vj w For Vancouver: i .l Indefinite. Tlntlptfn. KlL 1SS2. No. 063 20 PAGES-HONOLU- LU, TERRITOBY OP HAWAII,'. SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 191520 PAGES PRICE FIVE CE:T3 t i ia . i mil in ii.i : . BMMSyiQ apESM; :SiMMTB M;HISE?S .. Z -- PASSING EVENTS? AS SEEN .IByaiRREPRESSIBtB : CARTOONIST A nil " 41 -- 'st.t , it v r:f LI mm i Chi Russian General Staffs Sends Uncle Sam's Big Fighters V,.i " North-- A Be Sent on flotal:!: Pre-'- Vast Force Through : . ose. Mimrrcr.. ? JjQMdtU :;5-- MiyJ . in Cruise, Acccrcprsyirn C"-- ern Poland to Operate THE t;EW S:?BVI505 NOW Army In- - Aretary of Navy cn lii: !. Conjunction With r-- - W OmCE ; fcCUt PUTS W7L S0LD1KS IN HAWAII spection Trip to Hav;a:i , vading East Prussia - - .. , -- vl, ,., I J ; r "MOVEMENT THREAfENS F1 MAY STAY BUTFOUR JIIIJP WHEAT DAYS ; TO ENVELOP GERMANS Beams ridcac c iiiEAnracE OR FIVE III" : Slashing Teuton Attack on the I Ttrneof'CabinetOff:::::- -' French Line at soissons Mas A FLOUR TG Members of HcueearJ A 1 ate Naval Affairs Ccmmitt: j V Spent Fury, Says . London .IV' " v "Wireless.) Acmit-Gcr-'- : (Associated Press service by Federal A is Limited Drydcck to A Tcdy French Commissioner-Gener- al of Tm- - Jan.46.-r-Th- e CILL AS PASSED ns , EOLIE, Italy; best cstirnatci xoy5availabU"of the rr.-- Rcoccupicd Sev- oe Gone Over Carefully : Have AID ; migration Americani-'- x mm earthquake disaster give the niiribcx cf dcac as 23,000 and the in- Says Previously Development Flannel ere! Trenches ' ' zatiori of Islands Demands jured as !0,0OOA;V A. : Lc:t Cut Say Allies Have VA A.' We!! ' President Directs the Attorney-Genera- l mor- k Prompt Action President Has This as as By C. S. AL0E1T. V7here the" shocks were severe, ,tha percentage of ' ' - the . nest . .. l' ....', tar-DulIe- J Wen Artillery Advantages t r "Literacy Test" as Rea tSpctal Corrsponcrc to See if Law Has catas-- f -- : tality has been even greater than resulted frcm the Hessini Associated Press by Fed. Wlreleat-- i J-- AJACmiTGTOIT, D. r.. v . sons fcr veto : (Associated Press by Fed. Wireless. Been Violated A.? : . D. 16. - : T7ACmiTGT0ITt C, Jan. A trOpne. .;: . .. C : .V Or.3 Vis'- A.! : 16. ru 'v 'rr divi::en cf . Hus:ia, Jan. --T-hat American-iratio- rr.T7Car.AD, CoL George Dana, the Anerjcan military attache, who has made iba "thercush n 'cf .a milli- Aasociated Press by Fed. Wireless. A A By C. S. ALBERT. e:t will bo.d:tiiI:l to r: A r r.v Eu::iin tnsy cf Hawaii , demands D. 16 ; Star-Bullet- WASHINGTON, Jan. The ft special trip to the AveianVdiebic Special la CorresponflenceJ C:cretary cf ths- .tho-'Itoia- n C VT7 - on men, hurled Attorney-Gener- al lj President hat directed Only stablc3 remain prompt action', is the declaration .WASHINGTON, D, C, Jan. 3. vizii c!d to Gregory to invettigate the question 'Every house in Avcrrano is down. three iels wh:n bxil::: th Czzzrzl rtafT into' tlis in a report cf the commirsjoner must the fate whether there has been any violations unurcnes, aweumgs-- , President Wilson decide Ilcnclulu, early in 'April, c:: a rr.v crcrjrivs t!:3 Gcr-- intact. t v paiaccs uo raweu; w( m drivo tt -- general of immigration, Anthony He preferred ' of the law in the phenomenal rite in streets are filled with debris seven feet "deep A A -- .; :; of the immigration bill. irj to pre: cut plans. Ilr. C : j civ;::!:: thresh an4 flour. ' which j b e spared' him, -- h the pricet of wheat '' Caminetti, has ine :n that this cup should.be th:3 ; ''Floods, famine and intense cold add.tqitheJuffer1iiff."tVV;rv feds certain arra! Tc!;r.J tier ths rijbt -v-- AH-: : leaders" rcrtl::m j inace puDuc. X'l-:- ' but the Senate determined will carried into cA - V SCHUMANN-HEIN- K BETTER V ! possible - Is A' cf tho lr.vcr- Viztula. V, Itelief , measures are beir: taken with all speed ..but Caminctti says otherwise. They found it Impossible ' ti that the "Amer cf 1 . ; is of Hh nzzzi that 70 It b in exjunction "Wireless. communications were so shatttred by the she ek that it, difficult to icankatibn of Hawaii will never to stem the tide In favor enactlps cclir by Fed. A - A CAssocJated Press to. - 4 w . wi'.h th3 inv: dinz East SAN DIEGO, Jan. 16. Mme. handle the ' problem' of food and "hospital arrangements be acccmjlished under a new law governing the admlss! "'ci cm7 Cal, the prc3 r-io- Utsracy as t!.: ::rvi:3 xr21 lij .tLj . threat-- Cchuman-Heln- k Is recoverina from aliens, , with the; test a rr:::a. ncvc:nt ent incomplete . and 5 haphazard v;', c...-::- at her.a":ek cf bronchlai pneumonia but nerstone. ; to : t!:: C:nn::s methods; Conditions . should be the crc- -t prima donna will not be ablo The final vote In. the senate on a . Ths cpinicn cf year. ' FIliSIESlDiiS? such-a- s to ting for a made to inyiteths properiraoUca Lto.e:iainata,the ciitlcnstli 1 .r i -. 1. - t j uneri-can',rainlan- literacy test received but votes. O kinI ci L.rwrcrsTrcm ti.3 d, iz ii. A PTJA Thl3 indicated with consideratla f.j and' laws should be that the senate will be in a mood to .LtiA TELL LITTLE enacted to enable them to remain. pass the. immigration bill - over the ' will go for to C ; . wkiiLii'I' i,A presidential veto, when it I3 returoed arl Anything less would; bo unfair to o without Mr.. Wilson's approval. -- More vclu in tino cf a::uil .. - A'-- ; l.. Hawaii" than 20 senators might be opposed to Eo tV-:.- :i tho will A wip- vcj:: i the obnoxious provision without C - WM.wkJr J-i- -- j:-- t - a,.l SEillBilEiii two-third- to cZiznz l; IliLui ing out the necessary s for b:n:It zl C- !x u't m re -I7 miner euc:c::cs. enacting the legislation despite the ho cf t.2 J cd-"n::- CI JAfilTY TO r " :n GET r Ilj T( .cccr...j to t.3 president's veto. ' net yct-b- n rr..iv. 2 i.er Largs Hawaiian Flag arid Na Col. Cheathafnis Recommends ; It -- Is -- regarded as certain"that the cfli-ci- il L-i- r::.o I7 ti.3 Trench GlIJSVSIEET president will return the Immigration Choir Fuj .t cf t3 . t!-- Gcrnmrjj havo tive Primers Make Up initial i It, After Getting Bids From - Lull 2 yAAA bill to the house with his disapproval. naval - A' r - Honolulu , c rcc: I r.vcrd- trenches pre-vicu:l- 7 Shipment From ; lOHlTiiUlUrS BEfli'EST He has made it known repeatedly that haj prcn:::i to mal:3 t!:3 tzzr i5 he wlil not endorse the literacy test r.--2.cn- ila: end small John Guild's Big Buick Stolen l::t shipment of Hawaiian ex , army can do some and It is now , incorporated in the ' The first A belief that the - Cnins in tl.3 Arenno rcjicn. Last Evening Near hibits to be installed at the Panama- - construction work on Oahu for con- measure as passed by the senate. In a T V" 4 ' - 1 con- president will an- Pacific exposition was today forward siderably less money, than local addition,' the have A W fc Trench t::ert thnt their , Theater : WIDOW AiW iM W.4vJ f Mii ed to the mainland In the Oceanic tractors ask for the same jotv-i- s Indi- HUM other potent reason for refusing ap- to eral th3 z 7 vcn liner Sierra. It Included a huge Ha- - cated by action taken in connection proval. The Lodge amendment, made ncn:b:r3 cf s;mt3 daringly the cf : C-rc- - Operating la heart r.::.r nc7, ccm- waiian flag 40 feet long, literature de- with bids 'on the officers', quarters at a feature of the bill in the senate, hensa naval zSlzln czz.... the city during the early hours of last open- permitting an ' r:'.::rj th2 Ccrmnns to cve.cnit 0 scriptive ot the. islands and several Fort Kamehameha, which were That the executors of the estate of exception to be made in will maks ths trip wh:n ths ' evening thievesof whose Identity the thousand copies of the "Hawaii" prim- - ed lasr week. .After the the late William G. Irwin will make the case of aliens coming here from police' yet have no definite clue, stola err A job very carefully, Lieut-col-. B., Frank every effort to carry out the wishes Belgium, is pronounced by all leading Vvmavw ' A w s a - department quartermaster, multimillionaire sugar king so authorities to be a direct and flat vio- ter nndcr the big seven-passeng- Bulck auto b Later steamers will carry shipments Cheatham, of the advi::;i.t. It i: has decided to recommend , to the war that Associated Charities of.Hono- - lation of the "favored nation clause" eelg!:,::3 give germans' longing to John Guild of Alexander & of plants, palms and other decorative Ihe pected quits a fjcedly c:r; to bev used in the Hawaiian er liberal-addition- were made to the: lulu, erroneously mentioned in hla will In all existing treaties.
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