List of Endangered Species

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List of Endangered Species Common Name Scienticfic Name Status Mammals Addax Addax nasomaculatus Endangered Anoa, lowland Bubalus depressicornis Endangered Anoa, mountain Bubalus quarlesi Endangered Antelope, giant sable Hippotragus niger variani Endangered Antelope, Tibetan Panthalops hodgsonii Endangered Argali [All populations except Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, and Tajikistan] Ovis ammon Endangered Argali [Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, and Tajikistan] Ovis ammon Threatened Armadillo, giant Priodontes maximus Endangered Armadillo, pink fairy Chlamyphorus truncatus Endangered Ass, African wild Equus africanus Endangered Ass, Asian wild Equus hemionus Endangered Avahi Avahi laniger(=entire genus) Endangered Aye-aye Daubentonia madagascariensis Endangered Babirusa Babyrousa babyrussa Endangered Baboon, gelada Theropithecus gelada Threatened Bandicoot, barred Perameles bougainville Endangered Bandicoot, desert Perameles eremiana Endangered Bandicoot, lesser rabbit Macrotis leucura Endangered Bandicoot, pig-footed Chaeropus ecaudatus Endangered Bandicoot, rabbit Macrotis lagotis Endangered Banteng Bos javanicus Endangered Bat, Bulmer's fruit (flying fox) Aproteles bulmerae Endangered Bat, bumblebee Craseonycteris thonglongyai Endangered Bat, Florida bonneted Eumops floridanus Endangered Bat, gray Myotis grisescens Endangered Bat, Hawaiian hoary Lasiurus cinereus semotus Endangered Bat, Indiana Myotis sodalis Endangered Bat, little Mariana fruit Pteropus tokudae Endangered Fruit Bat, Mariana (=fanihi, Mariana flying fox) Pteropus mariannus mariannus Threatened Bat, Mexican long-nosed Leptonycteris nivalis Endangered Bat, northern long-eared Myotis septentrionalis Threatened Bat, Ozark big-eared Corynorhinus (=Plecotus) townsendii ingens Endangered Bat, Pacific sheath-tailed (Mariana subspecies) (Payeyi, Paischeey) Emballonura semicaudata rotensis Endangered Bat, Pacific sheath-tailed (South Pacific subspecies) (= peapea vai, American Samoa; = tagiti, Samoa; = beka beka, Fiji) Emballonura semicaudata semicaudata Endangered Bat, Rodrigues fruit (flying fox) Pteropus rodricensis Endangered Bat, Singapore roundleaf horseshoe Hipposideros ridleyi Endangered Bat, Virginia big-eared Corynorhinus (=Plecotus) townsendii virginianus Endangered Bear, Baluchistan Ursus thibetanus gedrosianus Endangered Bear, brown [Italy] Ursus arctos arctos Endangered Bear, brown Ursus arctos pruinosus Endangered Bear, grizzly Ursus arctos horribilis Threatened Bear, grizzly Ursus arctos horribilis XN Bear, Mexican grizzly Ursus arctos Endangered Bear, polar Ursus maritimus Threatened Beaver (Mongolia) Castor fiber birulai Endangered Bison, wood Bison bison athabascae Threatened Bison, wood Bison bison athabascae XN Bobcat, Mexican Lynx (=Felis) rufus escuinapae Endangered Bontebok (antelope) Damaliscus pygarus (=dorcas) dorcas Endangered Camel, Bactrian Camelus bactrianus Endangered Caribou, woodland [Southern Selkirk Mountains DPS] Rangifer tarandus caribou Endangered Cat, Andean Felis jacobita Endangered Cat, Asian golden (=Temminck's) Catopuma (=Felis) temminckii Endangered Cat, black-footed Felis nigripes Endangered Cat, flat-headed Prionailurus (=Felis) planiceps Endangered Cat, Iriomote Prionailurus (=Felis) bengalensis iriomotensis Endangered Cat, leopard Prionailurus (=Felis) bengalensis bengalensis Endangered Cat, marbled Pardofelis (=Felis) marmorata Endangered Cat, Pakistan sand Felis margarita scheffeli Endangered Cat, tiger Leopardus (=Felis) tigrinus Endangered Chamois, Apennine Rupicapra rupicapra ornata Endangered Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus Endangered Chimpanzee Pan troglodytes Endangered Chimpanzee, pygmy Pan paniscus Endangered Chinchilla Chinchilla brevicaudata boliviana Endangered Civet, Malabar large-spotted Viverra civettina (=megaspila c.) Endangered Deer, Bactrian Cervus elaphus bactrianus Endangered Deer, Barbary Cervus elaphus barbarus Endangered Deer, Calamianes (=Philippine) Axis porcinus calamianensis Endangered Deer, Cedros Island mule Odocoileus hemionus cedrosensis Endangered Deer, Columbian white-tailed [Columbia River DPS] Odocoileus virginianus leucurus Threatened Deer, Corsican red Cervus elaphus corsicanus Endangered Deer, Eld's brow-antlered Cervus eldi Endangered Deer, Formosan sika Cervus nippon taiouanus Endangered Deer, Indochina hog Axis (=Cervus) porcinus annamiticus Endangered Deer, key Odocoileus virginianus clavium Endangered Deer, Kuhl's (=Bawean) Axis porcinus kuhli Endangered Deer, marsh Blastocerus dichotomus Endangered Deer, McNeill's Cervus elaphus macneilii Endangered Deer, musk Moschus spp. (all species) Endangered Deer, North China sika Cervus nippon mandarinus Endangered Deer, pampas Ozotoceros bezoarticus Endangered Deer, Persian fallow Dama mesopotamica (=dama m.) Endangered Deer, Ryukyu sika Cervus nippon keramae Endangered Deer, Shansi sika Cervus nippon grassianus Endangered Deer, South China sika Cervus nippon kopschi Endangered Deer, swamp Cervus duvauceli Endangered Deer, Visayan Cervus alfredi Endangered Deer, Yarkand Cervus elaphus yarkandensis Endangered Dhole Cuon alpinus Endangered Dibbler Antechinus apicalis Endangered Dog, African wild Lycaon pictus Endangered Dolphin, Chinese river Lipotes vexillifer Endangered Dolphin, South Asian River (Indus River subspecies) Platanista gangetica minor Endangered Dolphin, South Island Hector's Cephalorhynchus hectori hectori Endangered Dolphin, Maui Cephalorhynchus hectori maui Endangered Drill Mandrillus (=Papio) leucophaeus Endangered Dugong Dugong dugon Endangered Duiker, Jentink's Cephalophus jentinki Endangered Eland, western giant Taurotragus derbianus derbianus Endangered Elephant, African Loxodonta africana Threatened Elephant, Asian Elephas maximus Endangered Ferret, black-footed Mustela nigripes Endangered Ferret, black-footed Mustela nigripes XN Fox, northern swift Vulpes velox hebes Endangered Fox, San Joaquin kit Vulpes macrotis mutica Endangered Fox, Santa Catalina Island Urocyon littoralis catalinae Threatened Fox, Simien Canis simensis Endangered Gazelle, Arabian Gazella gazella Endangered Gazelle, Clark's Ammodorcas clarkei Endangered Gazelle, dama Gazella dama Endangered Gazelle, Mhorr Gazella dama mhorr Endangered Gazelle, Moroccan Gazella dorcas massaesyla Endangered Gazelle, mountain (=Cuvier's) Gazella cuvieri Endangered Gazelle, Rio de Oro Dama Gazella dama lozanoi Endangered Gazelle, Pelzeln's Gazella dorcas pelzelni Endangered Gazelle, sand Gazella subgutturosa marica Endangered Gazelle, Saudi Arabian Gazella dorcas saudiya Endangered Gazelle, slender-horned Gazella leptoceros Endangered Gibbons Hylobates spp. (including Nomascus ) Endangered Goral Nemorhedus goral Endangered Gorilla Gorilla gorilla Endangered Hare, hispid Caprolagus hispidus Endangered Hartebeest, Swayne's Alcelaphus buselaphus swaynei Endangered Hartebeest, Tora Alcelaphus buselaphus tora Endangered Hog, pygmy Sus salvanius Endangered Horse, Przewalski's Equus przewalskii Endangered Huemul, north Andean Hippocamelus antisensis Endangered Huemul, south Andean Hippocamelus bisulcus Endangered Hutia, Cabrera's Capromys angelcabrerai Endangered Hutia, dwarf Capromys nana Endangered Hutia, large-eared Capromys auritus Endangered Hutia, little earth Capromys sanfelipensis Endangered Hyena, Barbary Hyaena hyaena barbara Endangered Hyena, brown Parahyaena (=Hyaena) brunnea Endangered Ibex, Pyrenean Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica Endangered Ibex, Walia Capra walie Endangered Impala, black-faced Aepyceros melampus petersi Endangered Indri Indri indri(=entire genus) Endangered Jaguar Panthera onca Endangered Jaguarundi, Guatemalan Herpailurus (=Felis) yagouaroundi fossata Endangered Jaguarundi, Gulf Coast Herpailurus (=Felis) yagouaroundi cacomitli Endangered Jaguarundi, Panamanian Herpailurus (=Felis) yagouaroundi panamensis Endangered Jaguarundi, Sinaloan Herpailurus (=Felis) yagouaroundi tolteca Endangered Kangaroo rat, Fresno Dipodomys nitratoides exilis Endangered Kangaroo rat, giant Dipodomys ingens Endangered Kangaroo rat, Morro Bay Dipodomys heermanni morroensis Endangered Kangaroo rat, San Bernardino Merriam's Dipodomys merriami parvus Endangered Kangaroo rat, Stephens' Dipodomys stephensi (incl. D. cascus) Endangered Kangaroo rat, Tipton Dipodomys nitratoides nitratoides Endangered Kangaroo, Tasmanian forester Macropus giganteus tasmaniensis Endangered Koala Phascolarctos cinereus Threatened Kouprey Bos sauveli Endangered Langur, capped Trachypithecus (=Presbytis) pileatus Endangered Langur, Douc Pygathrix nemaeus Endangered Langur, Francois' Trachypithecus (=Presbytis) francoisi Endangered Langur, golden Trachypithecus (=Presbytis) geei Endangered Langur, gray (=entellus) Semnopithecus (=Presbytis) entellus Endangered Langur, long-tailed Presbytis potenziani Threatened Langur, Pagi Island Nasalis concolor Endangered Langur, purple-faced Presbytis senex Threatened Lechwe, red Kobus leche Threatened Lemuridae (incl. genera Lemur, Phaner, Hapalemur, Lepilemur, Lemurs Microcebus, Allocebus, Cheirogaleus, Varecia ) Endangered Leopard Panthera pardus Endangered Leopard [Southern Africa populations] Panthera pardus Threatened Leopard, clouded Neofelis nebulosa Endangered Leopard, snow Uncia (=Panthera) uncia Endangered Linsang, spotted Prionodon pardicolor Endangered Lion Panthera leo leo Endangered Lion Panthera leo melanochaita Threatened Loris, lesser slow Nycticebus pygmaeus Threatened Lynx, Canada [Contiguous U.S. DPS] Lynx canadensis Threatened Lynx, Spanish Felis pardina Endangered Macaque, Formosan rock Macaca cyclopis Threatened Macaque, Japanese Macaca fuscata Threatened Macaque, lion-tailed
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