Almond, G. A., L Aragon, L., 113 Australia, Compulsory Voting In, 116
Index Almond, G. A., l plan and budget discussed by, 171, Aragon, L., 113 172, 180 Australia, compulsory voting in, 116 preliminary meetings of representa Austria-Hungary, 5 tives in, 182-3 representation in, 163-71; of Com- Bainqen Lama, 179 munist party, 162; of Beck, C., 2 nationalities, 167-8; of Beethoven, L. van, 113 People's Liberation Army, Bertsch, G. K., 2 168; of women, 168; of over Blonde!, J., 4, 113 seas Chinese, 168-71 Brezhnev, L. I., 124, 133 Session Presidium in, 175-7, 183; secretariat of, 177-8 Cakrtova-Sekaninova, G., 121, 122 sessional activity of, 162-3, 183-4; Ceau~escu, N., 87, 108 secret sessions, 163 Chen Yonggui, 185 socialisation and informational role China of, 185 Chinese People's Political Consul Standing Committee of, 171, 173- tative Conference in, 160-l, 5, 177, 183, 186; powers of, 177, 194 173-4; compared with USSR Common Programme in, 160, 161 Supreme Soviet Presidium, Communist Party, role of, 160-l 174, 184; chairman of, 174; electoral system in, 165, 166, 168 secretary general of, 174, 178; people's congresses, system of, 160 meetings of, 175; Communist China, role of National People's Con- Party in, 175 gress in, 3, 9, 80, 160-89, 194 state bodies formed by, 173 before 1949, 5, 160 State Council in, 171, 173 committees of, 178-81, 187 Chotar, M., 121 Communist Party, role of in NPC, Cohen, L. J., 2 162, 173, 175, 177, 179, 180 Cuba, role of National Assembly in, 5, compared with other communist 194 legislatures, 184 Czechoslovakia constitutional status of, 161-3, Communist Party, role of, 113,
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