
Item No. Classification: Date: Meeting Name: 6.4 OPEN 28 November 2011 Planning Committee

Report title: Development Management planning application: Application 11-AP-3034 for: Full Planning Permission


Proposal: Replacement of 6 Vodafone antennae on existing tree mast with 3 x O2 antennae and 3 x Vodafone antennae plus 1 x O2 cabinet.

Ward(s) or Village groups affected: From: Head of Development Management

Application Start Date 14/09/2011 Application Expiry Date 09/11/2011


1 Grant planning permission.

This application is being reported to Planning Committee as the land is designated as Metropolitan Open Land.


Site location and description

2 The subject site is located centrally within a large area of open space, park and sports grounds. More specifically, an area containing which occupies the southern portion of this area, the Estate owned Southbank University Sports Grounds to the north-eastern portion, and the Dulwich College Preparatory School Sports Grounds to the north-western portion.

3 This large area is delineated by the overland rail line to the west, Gallery R oad to the east, Dulwich Common to the south, and the line of residential properties located along Turney and Burbage Roads to the north.

4 This entire area is classified as Metropolitan Open Land, and the area alongside the rail line is also classified as a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation.

5 There are two listed buildings to the east and south of the site: namely the (Grade II* listed), and Dulwich Old College (Grade II listed).

6 The application site is located within the Conservation Area, which is large and var ied. The southern half predominantly consists of open areas of parkland and playing fields, and low density housing. The northern part of the conservation area consists predominantly of 19th century terraced housing and some open areas.

7 The existing t elecommunications antenna is located within the Southbank University Sports Grounds, near the boundaries with the Dulwich College Preparatory School Sports Grounds and Belair Park.

8 The Park and both Sports Grounds generally contain larger areas o f open space in use for active and passive recreation. Depending on the season, this can include cricket pitches and football fields. The area contains stands of fairly mature vegetation and there is also a lake located near the centre of Belair Park.

Details of proposal

9 It is proposed to replace the 6 Vodafone antennae on existing tree mast with 3 x O2 antennae and 3 x Vodafone antennae plus 1 x O2 cabinet.

Planning history

10 07/AP/0861 Pe rmission refused for the installation of an 18m replica cypress tree telecommunications mast to include antennas and associated ancillary development.

11 This was subsequently allowed on appeal and has been installed.

Planning history of adjoining sites

12 None relevant


Summary of main issues

13 The main issues to be considered in respect of this application are:

a) the principle of development

b) the impact on the amenity of surrounding occupiers

c) design and conservation issues including the impact on the setting of nearby listed buildings

d) any other issues.

Planning policy

14 Core Strategy 2011

15 Strategic Policy 11 Open Spaces and Wildlife Strategic Policy 12 Design and Conservation Strategic Policy 13 High Environmental Standards

16 Plan 2007 (July) - saved policies

17 Policy 3.12 Quality in Design Policy 3.13 Urban Design Policy 3.15 Conservation of the Historic Environment Policy 3.16 Conservation Areas Policy 3.2 Protection of Amenity Policy 3.24 Telecommunications Policy 3.25 Metropolitan Open Land (MOL)

18 Planning Policy Guidance (PPG) and Planning Policy Statements (PPS)

19 PPG 8 Telecommunications PPS 5 Planning for the Historic Environment

Principle of development

20 The principle of telecoms equipment is viewed in the context of the Council policy and on a case by case basis. It would not normally be acceptable to encourage this type of development within a conservation area or in an area of protected open space. A material consideration is the previous allowed appeal on this site for an 18m replica tree mast. This current application seeks to remove and replace the existing antennas with alternatives. This does not increase the height nor does it alter the physical appearance of the replica tree mast. The only noticeable change is the addition of a small equipment cabinet located close to the base of the replica tree.

21 The application site lies within MOL. Strategic Policy 11 'Open Spaces and Wildlife' and Policy 3.25 'Metropolitan Open Land' seeks to protect important open spaces from inappropriate development, or from development that detracts from its open space character and function.

In this case the majority of the development is existing. The replacement of the antennae will not lead to any greater impacts on the openness of the land than already exist. The additional cabinet proposed is small in scale, within the existing compound, and is not considered to have a material impact on the character of the M OL nor its open space function.

22 In terms of the technical justification for the replacement masts, the applicants have submitted details of how the proposed replacement mast should improve service in the immediate area. This is accepted. An ICNIRP certificate has also been provided.

Government advice on dealing with telecommunications equipment in PPG8 is that this should be facilitated to allow the growth of mobile communication. One letter commenting on the application has been received, highlighti ng that cellphone reception in this area is poor and that the equipment should improve this. No objections have been raised to the equipment.

23 As such, the principle of equipment on this area of land is acceptable. However the application is subject to other considerations as set out below.

Environmental impact assessment

24 Not required in this instance. No significant environment impacts would arise.

Impact of proposed development on amenity of adjoining occupiers and surrounding area

25 It is not considered that the proposed replacement antenna nor the additional cabinet would materially impact the amenity of the surrounding occupiers over and above that existing. The equipment is set very well aware from any neighbours.

Traffic issues

26 No additional traffic issues are raised by this application. Maintenance procedures are likely to be the same and should not result in a material increase in traffic volumes along Turney Road.

Design issues and Impact on character and sett ing of a listed building and/or conservation area

27 The overall appearance of the mast will be the same. There will be an additional cabinet within the area of the mast. This is small in scale and will not be a visually apparent. The existing planting should help to further shield this equipment from view also. As such the visual impact of the proposal is minimal and it will not have a harmful impact on the character and appear ance of the Dulwich Village Conservation Area nor will it impact on the setting of the nearby listed buildings.

The proposal is considered to comply with the Council's design and conservation policies and guidance in PPS5 Planning for the Historic Environment.

Impact on trees

28 There will no impact on trees over and above the existing situation.

Conclusion on planning issues

29 It is recommended that the application be granted permission.

Community impact statement

30 In line with the Council's Community Impact Statement the impact of this application has been assessed as part of the application process with regard to local people in respect of their age, disability, faith/religion, gender, race and ethnicity and sexual orientation. Consultation with the community has been undertaken as part of the application process.

31 The impact on local people is set out above.


32 Details of consultation and any re-consultation undertaken in respect of this application are set out in Appendix 1.

Consultation replies

33 Details of consultation responses received are set out in Appendix 2.

Summary of consultation responses

34 138 Turney Road • existing coverage is poor • masts need to work.

Human rights implications

35 This planning application engages certain human rights under the Human Rights Act 2008 (the HRA). The HRA prohibits unlawful interference by public bodies with conventions rights. The term ’engage’ simply means that human rights may be affected or relevant.

36 This application has the legitimate aim of providing replacement antennae and an addition cabinet. The rights potentially engaged by this application, including the right to a fair trial and the right to respect for private and family life are not c onsidered to be unlawfully interfered with by this proposal.


Strategic Director of Communities, Law & Governance

37 n/a


Background Papers Held At Contact Site history file: TP/2546-B Regeneration and Planning enquiries telephone: Neighbourhoods 020 7525 5403 Application file: 11-AP-3034 Department Planning enquiries email: 160 Tooley Street [email protected] Southwark Local Development London .uk Framework and Development SE1 2TZ Case officer telephone: Plan Documents 020 7525 5420 Council website: www.southwark.gov.uk


No. Title Appendix 1 Consultation undertaken Appendix 2 Consultation responses received Appendix 3 Neighbour consultee list


Lead Officer Gary Rice, Head of Development Management Report Author Ronan O'Connor, Development Management Version Final Dated 11 November 2011 Key Decision No CONSULTATION WITH OTHER OFFICERS / DIRECTORATES / CABINET MEMBER Officer Title Comments Sought Comments included Strategic Director of Communities, Law & No No Governance Strategic Director of Regeneration and No No Neighbourhoods Strategic Director of Environment and No No Leisure Date final report sent to Constitutional Team 17 November 2011



Site notice date: 17/10/2011

Press notice date: 06/10/11

Case officer site visit date: 17/10/2011

Neighbour consultation letters sent:


Neighbours and local groups consulted:

As per Appendix 3





Neighbours and local groups

138 Turney Road • existing coverage is poor • masts need to work.



TP No TP/2546-B Site SOUTH BANK UNIVERSITY, TURNEY ROAD, LONDON SE21 7JH App. Full Planning Permission Type

Date Address Printed

12/10/2011 25 Kingsthorpe Road London SE26 4PG 12/10/2011 133 THURLOW PARK ROAD LONDON SE21 8JJ 12/10/2011 131 THURLOW PARK ROAD LONDON SE21 8JJ 12/10/2011 76A CROXTED ROAD LONDON SE21 8NP 12/10/2011 94B CROXTED ROAD LONDON SE21 8NP 12/10/2011 94A CROXTED ROAD LONDON SE21 8NP 12/10/2011 138 CROXTED ROAD LONDON SE21 8NR 12/10/2011 136 CROXTED ROAD LONDON SE21 8NR 12/10/2011 129 THURLOW PARK ROAD LONDON SE21 8JJ 12/10/2011 142 CROXTED ROAD LONDON SE21 8NR 12/10/2011 96A CROXTED ROAD LONDON SE21 8NP 12/10/2011 FLAT 1 NORMANDIE COURT 56-62 CROXTED ROAD LONDON SE21 8NP 12/10/2011 132A CROXTED ROAD LONDON SE21 8NR 12/10/2011 FLAT 2 NORMANDIE COURT 56-62 CROXTED ROAD LONDON SE21 8NP 12/10/2011 FLAT 4 NORMANDIE COURT 56-62 CROXTED ROAD LONDON SE21 8NP 12/10/2011 FLAT 3 NORMANDIE COURT 56-62 CROXTED ROAD LONDON SE21 8NP 12/10/2011 FLAT 1 144 CROXTED ROAD LONDON SE21 8NR 12/10/2011 96B CROXTED ROAD LONDON SE21 8NP 12/10/2011 FLAT 2 144 CROXTED ROAD LONDON SE21 8NR 12/10/2011 100B CROXTED ROAD 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