#1 From: matt muyres < > Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 9:38 AM To: swlrt <
[email protected]> Subject: LRT Environmental Terrorism I hope you dont mind that we catalog, document and publish all environmental destruction, eminent domain and the widespread loss of open spaces left....? Ill give you the link soon... You guys are stuffing an aprt complex near the cedar lake regional trail...no room for it...UNLESS...you cut down trees....thats always the development mantra. Good luck, Matt Ms. Kelcie Campbell, Environmental Project Manager Metro Transit - Southwest LRT Project Office 6465 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 500 St. Louis Park, MN 55426 Email:
[email protected] #2 From: Richard Adair < > Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 3:06 PM To: swlrt <
[email protected]>; Ginis, Sophia <
[email protected]> Subject: comments on SEA/Amended Draft Section 4(f) Evaluation Comments on the SWLRT Supplemental Environmental Assessment/Amended Draft Section 4(f) Evaluation From: Richard Adair, Note: I am a resident of the Bryn Mawr neighborhood and a long-term observer of the SWLRT project who has attended most of the public meetings over the last 10 years. Most of my comments are directed to the portions of SWLRT near my neighborhood where I feel I have useful information to offer. Section 1.2. Purpose and Need Since the publication of the Final EIS, the following factors have increased the need for this project: a. Increased traffic congestion, especially severe during road construction and after even minor snowfalls. b. A growing residential population in downtown Minneapolis. c. Increasing racial disparities in the Twin Cities in income, home ownership, transit dependence, and incarceration.