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, | ~C " I.EOISLATIVZ I,I:~.t'¢~.RYI COHPz 77178 ~ARLIAMENr t~UII,DIt~OSI VtC'IORIh, B;C; i ~tbl TERRACE ! S a f e D rlv1" "ng In Terrace , In'ten, ace period that racked up the a itl~ just a small space Sage Driving Week 14 accidents, .Terrace cleared on the windshield (Dec. 1-7) ended Wed- would have nad a to see through, Ob- nesday in Terrace with no drastically improved structed vision, resulting fatalities, one personal Safety Week compared to from this practice, injury and 19 cases of 1976. Cummings feels, brought charges against // hy__Jra/................ i property damage: 14 of there was no real need for two such impatient (or L 20c FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1977 thelatter occurred in one the Saturday afternoon lazy) Terrace drivers this VOLUME 71 NO, 153 , very busy 4-hour period "bash-in" -- most of the week. Saturday. There were 52 accidents being the result charges laid in Terrace of cal~,~ssness and during the week, under disregard. Because obsuured the Motor Vehicle Act, 2 windowws and un-belted charges of impaired Some Terrace frivers, driving are against the driving and 4 twenty-four the RXMP Sergeant law in B.C., and also driving licence added, are not wearing because such driving is suspensions. their seat belts and this dangerous, the local resulted in 6 or 8 charges detachment will be According to Terrace last week. Others, he keeping a continued Detachment RCMP Sgt. said, jump into their cars watch for such cases and Cumming, had it not been without letting them charges will be laid, for the hectic 4-hour warm up, and drive off Cummings concluded. UVic To Step In VICTORIA (CP) -- A George Pedersen, UVic He said Education special committee of the vicepresident and a Minister Pat McGeer had Universities Council of member of the com- asked the council to look British Columbia rec- mittee, said his group into ways of providing ommended Wednesday recommended to the services formerly offered that the University of council that a co- by NDU. Victoria be asked to offer operativeprogram university-level ! courses between UVic and Selkirk in the Interior to replace College in Castlegar be The committee also those formerly provided set up with the university recommended that a by Notre Dame offering third and fourth- special school of resource University in Nelson. year courses to permit management be estab- students to complete lished in the Okanagan their degree under the direction of requirements m Simon Fraser University, Limited Nelson area.- the Pedersen said. Kitimat grievances settled walkout VANCOUVER (CP) -- other workers who had TORONTO (CP) -- Ed The last of the out- taken part in the strike Roworth, acting director standing grievances were only suspended. of public affairs for the arising from the bitter In upholding AIcan's post office, said only 200 wildcat strike at the right to fire Norman, Don Pictured here are only two of the wonderful faces you will see when you attend the all new production of "Three Little Pij.:. : ' of 800 workers reported Alcan aluminum smelter • Munro, board vice, for work on the day shift in Kitimat in June, 1976 chairman, ruled the today at a letter has been resolved by the worker was still on processing plant which British Columbia Labor probation under the Falconbridge cut-back bad for ind has been the target of Relations Board. terms of the collective The grievance involved agreement. shutdown would affect all A.G. Slade, vice- Willim Davis at Queen's Union offic.i ~!~ "~_dame: walkouts and sit-ins since TORONTO tCP) -- A Monday. Alcan employee Alistair spokesman for Falcon- 4,000 Falconbridg president of the com- Park. There was a the companic:~ .~nd thci:' Norman, ~'ho at the time The Canadian pany's Canadian nickel meeting Tuesday with. policies of a!,.,ck~:~i~. :, Roworth said he does bridge Nickel Mines t,td. employees in the Sudbury not expect a disruption in of the strike was still in Association of Smelter has refused to confirm ,~r basin. division, said the corn- Cooper, Falconbridge massive arr,....... o.a,,.~ ,-~f the probationary "period and Allied Workers set- puny regards the current officials, Labor Minister nickel, mail service today, as tied out of court to pay deny a statement by MP Falconbridge most workers were on the of his employment. John Rodriguez that the President Marsh Cooper situation as a temporary Bette Stephenson and On Tuesday. !hc~:-~ Norman was fired by Alcan $135,000 in met for almost an hour condition and the length Frank Miller, minister of explosions at ! ~:'o'.~ job during the overnight the company after he had damages following the 18- company will announce shift, today it is shutting down earlier Wednesday with of the curtailed produc- natural resources, p ' ' .............. com,qeted the day walkout over a pay its Sudbury, Ont., Premier William Davis tion will depend on world ,-,.. ~,~,...~.^.~;a o~: caused the compv~:y ~, ,~,Late we~nesoayn~gm~ probationary period. The dispute. At. one point in at Queen's Park amid market conditions, ,-,~.• ....~... o~v,,~,,o,,-o,~,,, ......• suspend inost, t:p.:rahons , " _,,e ,....,~,,,,,~,~,o, ,. "~'"""' " ....n,,,,, was a,~neal'ed on the dlsnute, 2O0 rio-" t operations. .... ". ! ... i~...... .. was t01Q tnat me present • ' , ~, ; Postal workers sane- -,-,,,s vv . Herbert Hickey said rumors thatthe comp~anY •:~.: ...~:. ........ ._.~..... :~.4ts..copper,,e~m..:.,...-..-..,. ~.;_..,~.~ :,,..the,.~,roUffdg-.the,...con,~.~:,-,eqmpned.RCMP--~cleared that although he knows planned iilore:"T~'ydfts" ?~[:c~cl" p(~diicef~"h~co :'OUtlOOK• . Ior"me'.nm~et the. Copper C'.,hif a'ea-i' of uoneo,~ =,~ ,,~a walkout ...... ~y¢ ,hoart pany2 s action"~ was illegal• pmkets• off a road what Falconbridge of- than the 350 announced in Ltd.,. the other major maustry ts poor. • Skdbury. plant.-,~,,,,, ~,,,v,,,z ......... ,~¢criminat0rY because leading to the smelter. ficials plan to announce August.. WILL CAUSE HARD- The company has said employer in the Sudbury SHIP " . Inco officials said tbere Union officials say they following a special area, also has reported will meet Saturday to are native meeting later today in the 350 jobs will be financial diffictflties, • Residents of the Sud- was • no. doubt t!:~t discuss the possibility of 12.5 per cent eliminated, mainl: bury area,, with a sabotage was i~',~.:.~'~',. Sudbury, "the company extending the strike to SUGGESTS CHANGES has taken the firm through attrition, by the Inco said earlier this population of about Several said they saas- O'ITAWA (CP) -- • other post offices across Native people have little The report makes 90 position that it will end of 1977. Falconbridge fall it will eliminate 2,800 100,0O01 have said the petted the e×plo:-'.i,,~s Metropolitan Toronto. •Inco layoffs would cause were a protest against ,.h~: say in thecriminal recommendations, most convey its production reported last month it jobs from its Sudbury Toronto handles about aimed at getting more plans for 1978 to its had a loss of $14.6 million operations--:~,200 through severe financial hardship planned layoffs. justice system although ~0 per cent of Canada's they make up the largest native representation at employees first," then for the third quarter of layoffs and 600 through to local businesses and this year. The incident occuc~¢d mail. single minority in all levels of the criminal make the information ." attrition. It also plans to stores. The stoppages began justice system. It adds public. tiovernment nine days after two prisons, a :special native " n would 1 eliminate 650 jobs at its bombs exploded at :~,"~ Monday night when about commission reported that numerous studies Rod/'iguez said Wed- spoKesme......... on y Thompson,• Man., Inco anti Falconbridge 140 workers.took part in a . .... Ontario Hydro tran:~- today. have been done in the last nesday in Ottawa the say• weunesuay. mat. me IJ~J~lClblt/t ,~-~l~ • have blamed government sit-in in the cafeteria to 10 years but little prog- announcement will come discussion concerned the '." policy and the depressed former in Sudbtn'y, Roughly 12.5 per cent of cutting off power for two protest the use of part- the federal prison ress has been made. at the end of the sched- company's Sudb~y.: Falconbridge president international price of time Christmas workers uled meeting between operations. ~:ooper womu Marsh Cooper met nickel for their financial hours to about 1o,000 population is native, said More than one-half of homes and businesses. for sorting mail through the report of the Metts the natives interviewed company officers, not comment. Wednesday with Premier problems. automated equipment. representatives of the The company said the and Non-Status Indian were status Indians, The employees held Crime and Justice natives registered by the United Steelworkers job eliminations will not another sit-in Tuesday Union and provincial• become effective until the Commission. In some department of Indian $250,000 for Surrey zoo night, and Roworth said provincial prisons, es- affairs and who have government officials. end of March, 1978. All union and management The" NDP member for workers affected will be pecially in the West and certain rights under the VANCOUVER (CP) -- pending . other con- Dec. 15, 1978, $50,00 on agreed late Tuesday women's institutions, the Indian Act. The report the Sudbury-area riding given a minimum of 16 night that Christmas help of Nickel Belt did not give weeks notice as required Retired businessman Jim tributions and the Dec. 15, 1979, a i'k|'tlmr percentage is as high as said having so many of Graham Wednesday society's success in $150,000 on Dec. 15. 1~33,:~ would not work with the 90 per cent, it added. them in jails indicates the the source of his in- by the Ontario Em- automated equipment• formation.