Sociological Study of History of the Tudeh Party from 1941 until 28 Mordad Military Coups in 1953

Mohammad Reza Saeidi Far* MA in Sociology, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, *Corresponding Author [email protected]

Milad Jahantab MA in Sociology, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran


The aim of this study was sociological survey of history of Tudeh Party from 1941until the 28 Mordad military coup in 1953. After the fall of and the collapse of the twenty years Rezakhani tyranny, homeland political openness, again made it possible for Marxists survivor of the "CPI" along with "The Fifty-Three", the national elements and intellectual, to be freely the publisher of their long thoughts. Therefore, on the secound of October 1941 in the home of "Soleiman M. Eskandary" more than seventy of professional revolutionaries, communists, trade unionists, nationalist and liberal elements were assemble, to initiate new attempt on the Tudeh party. In the wake of the collapse of the dictatorship of Reza Shah in September 1941, Iran had the opportunity to achieve the revolution's ideals of democracy, sovereignty of law, social participation and political power. In this case, by taking advantage of the world situation, the political parties that are form of organized social forces and expressing desires and interests groups and social strata, emerged and took shape. The was among the first parties, formed in political space of Iran that the conditions of its activity were provided, day after day expanded, and shortly became the most organized and widely party, was founded in Iran. In addition to extensive party organization, could make powerful organizations between women, youth and the military. The investigations, which are largely political, Tudeh party not only as a set of interconnected areas, but was reviewed and evaluated as a whole and consistent. And usually identify the factions within the party and mass organizations and its affiliated organizations, is limited to describe the and branching story. While if the Tudeh Party is examined as a set of elements, Will be clear that each of these organizations and associations and unions affiliated with the Tudeh Party, because of the effect of trade and group interests, as well as different theoretical and political ideas from the mass party leaders, they were not coordinated and aligned and sometimes they acted in opposition to them. Therefore, recognition of the Tudeh Party, without examining all organizations and sectors, including, mass party politics, history and organization of the Youth Organization of the Party, remains undeveloped.

Keywords: Ideology, Cellular Party, Party Branch, Secretary of the Party, Party Area, Democracy. http://www.ijhcs.com/index.php/ijhcs/index Page 2060


1. Introduction Political parties are one of the most important social and political foundations of modern societies in the world. Political parties are social and political needs of each country so that by observations of contemporary history, it can be said that the political parties, including the most prestigious institutions of the past century communication, which link Thoughts and ideas of the people together, learn people politically and socially education and a type of logical struggle. Political party is the center of aggregation of individual, whose members are gathered with the same ideology and are working and brainstorming together in issues related to livelihoods and social conditions. Party is the center of practice of democracy methods, and in which both thinking and alliances are practiced with democratic methods. Also by publications, inform their thinking and ideals, to people of their community and others. And with it, have taken a kind of intellectual and ideological competition. In the history of Iranian , "the Tudeh Party of Iran" has been the most important, the best organized and most prestigious representing this cultural and political trend. Tudeh Party, as heir to the constitutional treaty and then " of Iran", was founded in October 1941, in the years after World War II that the was announced its presence on the international stage as a "superpower", could rapidly attend as a cohesive party in the politics and culture of Iran and in conflict with the currents dependent on Britain and America, mark a chaotic picture of this historical period. After the occupation of Iran by the Allies in the Second World War, members of the Fifty-Three group, led by Dr. Arani, during Reza Shah's era were engaged in communist activities in the theoretical studies and not in social struggles after their release from prison, formed the nucleus of the Tudeh Party of Iran. The aim of this study was sociological survey of history of Tudeh Party from 1941until the 28 Mordad military coup in 1953.

2. Tudeh Party and 28 Mordad Military Coup Among the main issues in the review of the Oil Movement, is role of the Tudeh party. That as a person and the name of a party, acted within the general comments of the Soviet Union in Iran. The party, according to the organizational ability and intellectual influence and position, which was achieved with the Soviets in neighboring Iran, could achieve the most important role of the political party to be held in Iran's contemporary history. To search for party positions during movement, different topics have been titled on the behalf of Tudeh Party and other opposition groups from left and right, material mainly containing the wrong positions in dealing with the movement. Generally the framework of the Tudeh Party, from initial formation to later, can be explained in two points: 1. Tudeh, as heir of the Iranian Communist Party, and later Arani organization, and as the party of brother parties, it was a fairly complete subservience to Russia and the Communist Party. Therefore, among its first and most fundamental tasks was to comply with the positions and interests of the Soviet Union and his views on theoretical issues and international affairs. Anything that would explain such thing in contrast, is placed against a wide realities that exist in forty years history of the Tudeh Party and in page to page of their recent history, although confusion Russia in the oil nationalization movement and the absence of a definitive position, caused an apparent dichotomy between politics and policies of the Tudeh Party of the Soviet government. About this affiliation, the confession of party members, whether in years 1954-1955 and years 1983-1984, is the best proof. Confessions of year 1947 are also representing this fact. http://www.ijhcs.com/index.php/ijhcs/index Page 2061


In this confession explicitly ideological basis for this line Platform, which is Moves to stabilize the global base of and defend an issue of 'internationalism', is explained. The 2. Second point was about the general framework of the Tudeh Partys’ positions and its’ enclose to Marxist views that at that time Stalin had put a new concept of it in hands of fraternal parties. The principles of this thinking were a sort of dogmatic thinking, trying to accommodate all social developments. In this thinking, all the social behaviors of the individual were explained in the light of classified positioning. In this direction, treating Marxism with religion is one of the most fundamental theoretical problems of the party, that was obligated to respond but and never was able to give an explicit answer.

3. Tudeh party after the arrival of consistency to formation of the Fourteenth Congress had ended, but the political process of the country was still from the Russians. They not only did not evacuated Iran (which, according to the British and the Americans should leave a maximum of six months after the end of the war), but also gave to the craft, and Azerbaijan was established. Ahmad Qavam, one of the persons that in the era of Reza Shah was away from politics and once after September 1941 was the prime minister (from August 1942 to February 1942), again was appointed prime minister. Qavam, with his democratic history, tried to improve relations between Iran and Russia and end the Azerbaijan riot. He during a nineteen-day trip to Moscow had very detailed negotiations, which did not agree. It was only on April 1947, following to America's ultimatum to the Russians, about Russians re-enter to Iranian territory, and they were ready to leave Iran, and after that the Contract of Qavam-Sadchikov was signed. The first agreement was on the problem of North Oil, which was signed on a temporary basis, until the fifteenth parliament is formed and the final decision will be taken about it. The second issue was Azerbaijan that despite the adoption of some aspects of its autonomy, its dependence on Iran was approved (Bozorgmehr, 1990). This was the peak of Tudehs’ power. They had three ministers in the Cabinet of Qavam, This Move of qavam caused the Soviet deception and they soon withdrew its forces from Iran. Subsequently, Iranian troops moved towards Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan Democrats lost in a very short time, and Pishevary also fled to Azerbaijan in Soviet, Who was killed by a car accident on the way. Therefore, Contract of Qavam-Sadchikov has sacrificed communist revolutionaries Azerbaijan. Later, following to pressure of Bakhtiari, three Tudeh minister of Cabinet also were excluded, while he had done the best service, in quenching oil workers' strike in southern consistency in 25 years for the Qavam government. Radmanesh and Reza Rousta, visited Khuzestan and asked workers to give up their demands. At this time, not only Qavam story, bu Tudeh party also temporarily ended. The Qavam was removed, and the Tudeh Party was experiencing severe internal disorders. For the Iranian people was obvious, that the issue of Azerbaijan is a problem of separatism, Although Marxist writers tried to deny this accusation (Safaei, 1967). Split in year 1947 caused so many party members and above all people like Khalil Maleki and Anvarkhameh to separate. Although the party has succeeded, once again after a while being under pressure, in the year 1948 to anew his career. Second Party Congress, was formed in the year 1948 and party activities were growing. It was dangerous to English people. Therefore, with high probability because of plot and perhaps to the demands of Tudeh party a flow had happened that had no happy ending for the Tudeh. While Tudeh people have gathered tens of thousands of people in the third of February of 1948 at the grave of Doctor , At University, and Nasser Fakhr-Arai have attacked Shah. At this attack shah was unhurt, but with the http://www.ijhcs.com/index.php/ijhcs/index Page 2062


announcement that a membership card of Tudeh party was found in attacker pocket, the Tudeh Party was banned and began to arrest their members. There is doubt about this happening that Tudeh was participated in this terror or not. Jazani writes, Fakhr-Arai and several of his friends were members of the Tudeh Party and his intentions were communicated by one of leaders- probably Kianvary. The party had rejected their proposal, but in secret Kianvary had confirmed it. Jazani may have said this because of the being enemy with the Tudeh Party. But also, however, after repentance, has noted the connection of Kianvary with Fakhr-Arai and writes; Recently Kianvary has agreed to intervene in this matter. In those days, it was rumored that the plot was from court. Ehsan Tabari writes: Perhaps some elements of the court were also aware of it (Zibaei, 1967). With regard to Kianvary verification, the rumors cannot be considered. And Shah has not accepted that. And if there is really evidence, Razm-ara’ did not have the power to continue to government. Whatever it was, the happening was in favor of court and against the Tudeh Party and other nationalist and religious forces; because Fakhr-Arai had the Tudeh party membership card, as well as press card of the flag of Islam party. This has led to the arrest and exile of Ayatollah Kashani. Since then, the Tudeh Party was deprived of public activities, a number of leaders such as Kianvari, Ghasemi, Judat, Yazdi Alavi and Boghrati were arrested and others, such as Radmanesh, Tabari and Keshavarz went abroad. This situation continued, until the end of Razm-ara’ era, and the party situation has gradually improved. In year 1949, the Tudeh leaders escaped from prison and Tudeh Party activity has gradually resumed. The escape occurred at the time of the Razm-ara’. Razm-ara’ was the only person that was accused for being Russian, English and American. However, it is certain that Razm-ara’ would wanted once again to play the role of Qavam, but this time at the higher and level and with three super powers. At a time when Tudeh people escaped, some groups rumored that Razm-ara’ was involved in this escape and this escape is the political game of ruling system (Tabari, 1987). In the book of Past is the light for future it is stated that, Tudeh party had any role in the terror of Razm-ara’, because in addition to ideologically opposition of the party to individual terror, Razm-ara’ also had secret contacts with the party's people and promised free activity to the party. Therefore he wanted to use the power of the Tudeh Party, to push back America's policy in the fight of oil (Foroutan, 1993).

4. Tudeh Party at the First Age of Premiership of doctor Mossadegh Special views of the Tudeh Party to the National Front and its leader doctor Mossadegh caused Tudeh Parties’ advertising and political pressures against him, to be speared, immediately after the arrival of doctor Mossadegh. From Tudeh Party point of view, no main political transformation has happened in governance, but this existing change was only in the frame of internal contradictions of the government tends to Britain and America. Since the doctor Mossadegh's had put their efforts in order of nationalization of oil, and the Tudeh Party was opposed by the motto, is used to accuse him of being American, because they knew America, as stimulation of such a policy in dealing with the case of oil. In those circumstances that the Party had relative freedom, advocated with full force against the government and fell with every word and action. Street protests and propaganda in schools and universities were strongly against government, and the Tudeh Party took advantage of every opportunity to strike. These collisions until the 20 July 1951 was extremely harsh, after that, it fell sharply to a small amount until 9 March. Until after the incident, the Party changed its position. Several major incidents, between the police and the Tudeh Party, at the First Age of Premiership of doctor Mossadegh happened. http://www.ijhcs.com/index.php/ijhcs/index Page 2063


The First one was at the 13 July 1951. It was reminiscent of the south oil workers' strike (Makki, 1981). The party had organized a demonstration in this day, in which some people were killed and a number wounded. Doctor Mossadegh as prime minister, had claimed responsibility for it, and therefore suffered a severe attack of the Tudeh Party. Doctor Mossadegh to save himself from responsibility dismissed Minister of his country, namely Zahedi. In addition, put the responsibility on police chief, Major-general Boghaei, who was acquitted later by court. The happening of 13 July, although, was certified on the chief of police, and consequently on the court, but, because of its’ coincided with the arrival of Harriman, representative of the President of America, who was here to solve the problem of oil, became anti-American and stabled former accusations of Tudeh Party. The next happening was on the 4 December 1951. The motivation of this demonstration was protest against illegal affirmations that the People's Party claimed, has been used against students and some party supporters have been expelled from some schools. In this incident also, after killing and injuring people, government supporters have attacked the building of the Party and set a lot of offices, bookstores and cafés of party to the fire. After the incident the police, in a statement has thanked the people's cooperation in dealing with the Communists. The announcement meant that the government was quite pleased with this grassroots movement to put Tudeh against people, because of trouble that they make. The third happening was at 27 March 1952, when Part of the Tudeh Party agreed to gradually improve its relations with the government of Mossadegh, The other side (the Tudeh Party youth organization dominated by Shermini) tried to stand in a harsh situation, to disrupt these relationships, to call the other faction, Mensheviks and to reject them from party. An influential member of the youth organization, later, described the story of the conflict and its causes in prison. Youth organization while celebrating their last day, held on the occasion of International Youth Week, it was supposed to be scattered on the ground Fawzia, but against the will of the Central Committee of the Shermini, walked with protests in the streets of Shah Reza that caused to clashes that killed two people and 50 injured people. At the First Age of Premiership of doctor Mossadegh, Tudeh party, was trying hard to put him under pressure, such as the time that doctor Mossadegh proposed the issue of national debt, Tudeh Party strongly opposed it, and tried to stop doctor Mossadegh from carrying out his wishes.

5. Conclusion The aim of this study was sociological survey of history of Tudeh Party from 1941until the 28 Mordad military coups in 1953. According to the investigation can be concluded that the Tudeh Party in October 1941, which was formed just a month after the fall of the Shah and in the era of going back to constitution, In half a century after that played such a role in the political atmosphere that judgment about it is not possible without looking to political action of Iranian society in recent decades. Perhaps none of those who founded the party 70 years ago, would not believe, that this organization will become the largest political party in the modern and play several role in sensitive periods in history of Iran's. The extent and influence of the Party, at the beginning of its life, has made it the most serious example of political mass activity. And two tragic failure of oil nationalization movement and the Islamic Revolution has become a prime example of the failure of Iranian experience of modernity against court and the religious. But the modern political experience, he became increasingly challenging, when the party showed tention to USSR and called it workers' paradise, like many other communists around the world. http://www.ijhcs.com/index.php/ijhcs/index Page 2064


During the oil nationalization movement, the Party by announcing that Mohammed Mossadegh sought to replace America's emerging with exhausted British imperialism, until 20 July 1952 were against him and only after that they had a weak cooperation with his government. . But the passive position of the party on 28 August and the days following, according to the influence of the party and the military officers, is still in doubt. Arresting of numbers of party, escaping some of the leaders, and the leaking of military organization, in a year after the coup, has forwarded the party to complete collapse. Up to Islamic Revolution, for more than two decades, the party had little activity. 1960s and 1970s were time for the new generation of political activists, the guerrilla movements such as the Fedayeen and the Mojahedin Khalq that had much criticism to the performance of its predecessors such as the National Front and the Tudeh Party and have taken the armed struggle for political action. With the coming of the Tudehs to the streets and overthrow the Pahlavi regime, leaders settled in , had enthusiastically returned to Iran. And unlike oil nationalization movement, this time, stood along with the newly formed government after the revolution and stated their common motto, hostility to the United States of America. But with the intelligence of leaders Islamic Republic this cooperation could not succeed. After eliminating other traitor political groups it was turn of the Tudeh Party. Party leaders were imprisoned, so shortly after, a number of them, who more than a quarter of a century, were imprisoned in the prisons, were brought in a televised confession or to death squads. The Tudeh Party of Iran, following the suppression of opponents of the Islamic Republic, again went to a complete collapse. But the remainder of its heritage as one of the few Iranian party experiences, remained not only in politics but also in cultural and social areas. Documents that have been examined in this study clearly show that the Tudeh Party, with the intervention of the Intelligence Office, was created by the Soviet government. It must also be said immediately that the Tudeh Party, though was created by the Red Army, but was a reflection of the genuine will of some political prisoners, calling for the creation and leadership of a progressive political party, which plays a successful, not decisive, and role in the country's fate. Documents that we have cited show, the Soviet Union from the beginning, had an instrumental use of Tudeh Party, in their national interests. Examination of evidence from the first contact of Soleyman Mirza Eskandari until the confirmation and fractional party programs, not only by the Comintern under the leadership of Dimitrov, but also Stalin and his close advisors, reveals that Tudeh Party was under the guidance of the Soviet, in the interests of their country. The reason for this policy is two decades independent worked that he tried to enforce, despite the recommendations of the Soviet Union. It is obvious that, according to the alliance with the Western powers in the fight, which was involved with Hitler's tough enemy, The Soviets could hardly allow, at this decisive juncture, to enter communist to the political arena of Iran, who had a critical stance to the Soviet policy in Iran, in the past, and their existence were threatening for the benefit of the Soviet Union after the war. Naïve young leaders of the Tudeh Party, who were colleagues and students of Dr. Taqi Arani, from one side and lack of awareness about the history of the , and their experience with the Soviet Union, which was partly result of the oppression in Iran, on the other hand, stopped them from seeing the light of truth. After the establishment of the People's Party, led by the will of the Soviet Union, what sealed the fate of the party was a second letter that Eskandari, personally, brought to Soviet Communist Party's in Moscow office. After meeting some of its leaders with Soviet Ambassador Maxim Of and Ali Aliof, the two leaders of the Party Central Committee, wrote that letter, in October 1945 to the authorities H.k. Soviet. The biggest challenge that faced the Party was the http://www.ijhcs.com/index.php/ijhcs/index Page 2065


National Democratic Movement of Iran under Mossadeq for nationalizing the oil industry, which was in the hand of Great Britain. Intense confrontation with Mossadegh and labeling him as "puppet of America", undoubtedly had a high price for party. Since then, the majority of Iranians, including many intellectuals of Tudeh Party, blame the organization for its important contribution to the success of the coup of 28 Mordad 1953. Contrary to what is often claimed, the failure of the Party, including its military organization, was not the result of the CIA military government, but was a consequence of the crisis of religion and policy, which struggled to party members, at time of opposing of the party to Mossadegh. Military governor and then SAVAK is just a crumbled shard of an organization that from the inside, in the face of homeland friendly and democratic process brought by Mossadeq, had been previously overthrown.

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References Bozorgmehr, J. (1990). Mossadeq in military court. Niloufar, Tehran, Iran. Foroutan, Gh. (1993). Memories of past, Tudeh party in Iran. Bi Na, Bi Ja. Makki, H. (1980). Events of 20 July 1952. Board books and publish translations, Tehran, Iran. Safaei, E. (1967). Constitutional leaders. Tehran, Iran Javidan, 1, 1. Tabari, E. (1987). Memories of the Tudeh Party. Amirkabir publication, Tehran, Iran. Zibaei, A. (1964). Comonism in Iran. Bi Na, Tehran, Iran.

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