BACKO N NTO Si rQUE PASA'I 3/24/94 - Thursday- Ca- 4/5/94 - Tuesday- Ven- will show a movie in Javits 4/15/94 - Friday - CSO reer Womans Lunch. To be dors in Fireside Lounge room 103 at 7:30 pm. Weekend Fest. To be held held in the Union Ballroom from ll-7pm. Panel Dis- in the Fireside Lounge from from 11-3. cussion in Fireside lounge 4/8/94 - Friday- Spades 9-5pm. after vendors leave. Topic: Tournament/Games night 3/25/94 - Friday - Last The Hebrew Isrealites vs. in the Uniti Cultural Cen- 4/15/94 - Friday - CSO day of classes. Spring Break The Nation Of Islam. ter. Cultural Show. To be held begins. in the Union Auditorium 4/6/94 - Wednesday - 4/11/94 - Monday - Na- from 5-10pm. 4/4/94 -Monday- Classes Black History Month Ex- tive North American Art- begin. travaganza in the Union ists. To be held in the 4/15/94 - Friday - CSO Auditorium at 7:30 pm. Union Art Gallery from 12- Party from 10-2am. 4/4/94 - Monday - FSA 4. Will be held until 4/22. and SU&A FLea Market 4/7/94 - Thursday- Afri- 4/16/94 - Saturday- CSO can-American Cultural 4/13/94 - Wednesday - Semiformal. To be held in 4/4/94- Monday-AASO's .Fest. Food, Music, and SAB Cultural event. To be the Student Union Ball- poetry reading in the Uniti Vendors from 9-7pm. held in the Fireside Lounge room from 7pm-2am. Cultural Center at 7:00. 4/7/94 - Thurday- ASU from 11:30- 3:30pm. NEWS BRIEFS

International News: and the Inkatha Freedom Party. new jobs and to collect additional rev- Civil Rights Events" New York Times: March 9, 1994 enues to reduce foreign debt by 50 per- International News: cent. According to Amsterdam News, "63 in South Africa Die in Train Wreck" Carib News: (week ending March 15, on Saturday, March 12, Bill Duke , an 1994) National News: actor and a director, showed his face at As reported by the New York "Election in Antigua and Barbada - A The New York Amsterdam News: March Spikes Joint, with Spike Lee to presenthis Times, on March 8th, the commuter train New BirdReplaces 19, 1994 newly published book, "Black Light; the in Natal, South Africa carrying approxi- 'Old Bird' Prime Minister" African-American Hero". mately 800 exclusively Blackpassengers, "The President of United States came to Spikes Jointis a famous hip hop and props derailed and 'jack-knifed' into a wooded According to Carib News, in call NY- 2000 at United Negro College clothing store on Deklb Ave. in Brooklyn, NY. There were crowds overflowing to gorge, killing 63 people and injuring 370 Antigua and Barbada the Antigua Labor Fund dinner" purchase the book and to get autographs people. The train was going from the Party (ALP), which has been in power from Bill Duke. suburb of Cato Ridge to Durban, and it since 1977, led for the first time by Lester President Clinton attended The book, "Black Light" repre- seems that there are more passengers Bird, is again ruling for another 5 years UNCF (United Negro College Fund) sents 'cultural heroes covering various trapped among the wreckage. after beating the opponent United Pro- Golden Anniversary dinner on March 10. kinds of professionals, from art and litera- According to the surviving pas- gressive Party, led by Baldwin Spencer. During the dinner, he gave a brief speech ture to athletes, explorers, mediaperform- sengers, the train had accelerated extraor- Lester Bird is the son of Vere on his hope in seeing all Americans par- ers and social activists' who contributed dinarily before it derailed, and the rail Cornwall Bird Sr., the Prime Minister of ticipate in the growth and development of to the black community. Bill Duke also road officials and some political parties the country whose party has dominated the nation, as well as give strong support expressed in his book,"the need to present speculate a sabotage by one of the groups the country's politics for the past 50 years. of education and of the UNCF. facts from our own perspective and to opposing the first free election coming Antigua and Barbada have been President Clinton took pictures cease being the door mat for somebody this April. The police, however, deny the called "the Bird Land" or "the Bird Dy- with 41 college presidents, signed auto- else" and concluded with his motto, "True possibility of sabotage and are investigat- nasty", plagued with endless scandals and graphs and chatted amicably with strang- power is an individual's ability to move ing. Since last mid-December, there have corruption over the year. Many of the ers as if they were acquaintances, accord- from failure to failure with no loss of been dozens of reports of bombing of 25,000 Antiguans and Barbadians who ing to the Amsterdam News. enthusiasm"(Winston Churchill). railways, power pylons and African Na- voted believe that the country's corrup- Publishing a small encyclopedia tional Congress offices by mostly white tion during Vere Bird's ruling can be listing of historical events and people that separatists in the predominantly white explained by his benevolent demeanor Local News: have great influence on African-Ameri- Orange Free State and Transvaal. and declining enthusiasm over the years. The New York Amsterdam News: March can societies and individuals has been Natal, however, is perhaps a Now, Lester Bird is busy mak- 12, 1994 Bill's dream. battle ground between two political ing promises to enforce a new economic "Actor Bill Duke Writes Book About groups, the African National Congress program which will create about 9400 jJQDLC NBLAC\ WOIRLDD FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 632 - 6494 i • ...... __ • ~ ~ ~6....1_ 6 4...l.I . l 1

~sasl~msmc~sre~saa~sIrmmrarse~~------~------~-- 3 CK"WoRLD Are Women of Color Celebrated in Women's History Month? by Darren E. Roberts pean women were socialized to be sub- I interviewed the programmer of History program. She replied, "What missive to men, African societies were the International Women's History cal- makes you think that there isn't some- March is a month which comes egalitarian. Men and women were not ender, Connie Kopleman. When I asked thing in there about women of color." in like a lion but goes out like a lamb. only valued equally in African house- Kopleman the reason as to why there was As an African American male However, March is also International holds, motherhood was thought of to be such a small representation of African, student I noticed that the only courses Women's History Month. The purpose honorable among Africans. During the Latin, Asian and Middle Eastern women being offered by the women's studies of Women's History Month is to acknowl- African slave trade African women were she replied. "I think that some of these program are mostly geared towards edge the importance of women and their valued more than African men among programs are going on without them be- women of European extraction. I would contributions to global history. Unfortu- Arabs, Africans, and European slave trad- ing on the calender. For the simple reason like to be taught the hardships as well as nately, women have suffered the eco- ers. that I need to get this information to the the contributions of African sisters and nomic, political, and social hardships of a African American women printer by the end of December and when colored women in history. The only course world controlled by men. However, there workedhard in the fields alongside Black everybody isrushing to gohomeforChrist- which is cross listed with the Women are growing concerns women of color men during slavery. She raised the slave mas vacation they don't want to think Studies program is African American have raised in regard to the plight of owner's children and managed his house- about the spring. So then, [at] the last Women's Literature, which is taught by colored women. Although White women hold as well as her own. After slavery, minute I [contact] all the clubs and sorori- theDirector of Africana Studies, Dr.Floris are faced with sexism in the work place, African American women worked in the ties, reminding them of Women's History Cash. they do not experience what African homes of White families and were deter- Month and to plan something and some- It is imperative for African American women encounter on a daily mined to uplift their family as well as their times they call me." women to know their history and struggle basis such as institutional racism and sex- race. Although Kopleman stated that in a nation which has declared war on her ism. During my viewing of the the response of clubs and organizations brother, sister, mother and father. You Women from European ances- Women's History Month calender I came has been better this year, I expressed to have been enslaved, raped and battered by try have embraced feminism not as an under the understanding that there was her that even though many students are in a cruel and unjust institution, yet you still ideology which loathes men but an ideol- only one scheduled event that concerned a hurry before the winter intersession, it is survive. You have bore many great men ogy which brings women together and African American women. The only pro- still important for returning and transfer and women like Ramses, Malcolm, Harriet teaches their importance in a male ruled gram which was on the calender was students to be aware that minority women Tubman and Sojourner Truth. African society. In traditional European societies, sponsored by Delta Sigma Theta (an Af- programs are on campus. I also asked her American women you shall always be the women were subjected to the whims of rican American sorority). The program about the lack of minority women's strength of our essence. their male counterparts. Although Euro- was called Warrior Mask. courses being offered in the Women's I ASSI TA! S

involved with an organization called the cal Party soon followed. by Marcy Jimenez Immediately Black Panthers saw these programs as

commu t to rovide the She was born in New York opportunities Joanne Chesimard on July 16, 1947. She with the education and tools that would be spent most of her childhood in necessary for them to end their open op- Wilmington, North Carolina with her pression. grandparents. This was during the Jim The United States created and Crow era, a time of legal segregation in instituted asophisticatedprogram toinfil- the South. Therefore, many of her early trate and destroy the Black Panther Party. ideas were based on the racist education It was called the Counter Intelligence she received there, one that is so typically Program, more widely known as American. She did not spend her early COINTELPRO. Its major strategy and years with a sense of what her Black function was todivideand conquer. Sadly people and their Black struggle was about. enough COINTELPRO found some suc- When she returned to New York to finish cess within the Panthers. Party dissension her schooling, she met sophisticated in- on a national level grew until finally the tellectual Black men and women who East and West Coast affiliates broke all taught her to love her African heritage ties. Huey Newton started expelling long and African people. Armed with a new standing members of the party. Assata Black education and a growing Black was becoming disgusted with what the consciousness she became an activist and organization had turned into and promptly soon arevolutionary. Shejoined the Black left. She remained on good terms with Panther Political Party immersing and them. dedicating herself wholly to the militant After she left, she noticed that Black struggle against racist domination. she was being followed often, and her Refusing the self-hating, self-defeating phone made strange noises. Eventually slave identity that America had given her allegations followed. Assata Shakur was she flung off her slave name. Joanne accused of bank robbery, armed robbery, Chesimard became Assata Shakur, she kidnapping and eventually the murder of who struggles. Her involvement in the a New Jersey for "aiding and abetting" in Black Panther Party and their militant the shooting of a cop. She was appre- stance against White domination and op- hended and spent years in prison without pression in America made her one of the Golden Drums. Itwas here that she learned upon returning to New York, she became having been convicted. Aftermany brutal many targets of the United States that there were other African American a Black Panther. Her life was irreversibly years in the United States judicial system COINTELPRO operation. Under siege heroesandheroines besides George Wash- changed. She did notrealize that the United Assata Shakur escaped. She was given she was forced to go underground and ington Carver and Harriet Tubman. She States government would shortly have a political asylum in 1984 by the Cuban suffer the life of a fugitive. Once captured reveled in her history and culture and file with her name on it. The government Government. she was subjected to degrading, inhuman wanted to give that education to the Afri- and media propaganda portrayed the BPP Assata Shakur is not simply a revolution- treatment in the United States court and can community. as angry, militant Black men and women ary Black heroine, but the embodiment of prison systems. She escaped. This power- She joined the BPP after return- with guns who just might blow up at any strength, courage, womanhood and Black- ful Black woman liberationist presently ing from a trip to San Francisco where she second. During Assata Shakur's time ness. We must not only remember the lives in Havana, Cuba with her daughter met the west coast brothers and sisters of with the BPP she worked on a children's name and deeds of this sister. We must Kayuka as a political refugee. the organization. She loved what they breakfast program in the city's poorer remember ourselves and in doing so we Shakur'srevolutionary education were about and she embraced their love communities. She worked with City Uni- evoke the spirit of Assata, the spirit of began at Manhattan Community College. and dedication to Black people. Her in- versity of New York (CUNY) students to "She Who Struggles." Upon entering the school she became volvement with the Black Panther Politi- institute multi-cultural programs. The RACE RELATIONS AT STONY BROOK

by Errol Cockfield BLACKWORLD newspaper. classes. can students to join the staffof Statesman. The Union Fireside Lounge be- The panelists included Richard The shouting match began and Maurice Douglas (president of came another battleground for tension on Cole, Vice President for Student Affairs, Stuart was forced many times to call for AASO) took the opportunity to confront Tuesday, March 15th, in what was hoped Fred Preston, AIM Counselor and gradu- order. administrators over the handling of the to be a productive panel discussion on ate student, Sean Joe, H Quad Director, "What do you mean by that," death threat against him. He was upset multi-culturalism but soon became a Sharon Della, Chairman of Affirmative shouted AfricanaStudiesProfessor Amiri that Public Safety knew of the threat shouting match between students, faculty Action, Gary Matthews, Chairman of the Baraka,afterquicklyapproaching theopen against his life but didn't inform him. He and administrators. Interfaith Center, Rabbi Joe Topek, En- mic, "You can't accuse us of being racist had to be told by another student, he said. The forum, hosted by the Stu- glish Professor, Dr. Stephen Spector, and and then skip down [the] rosy path." He Public Safety could not be reached for dent Polity Association Senate, intended Chairman of the Diversity Council and challenged Cole to prove his statements. comment. to address the topic, "What makes us History Professor, Joel Rosenthal. Prof. Baraka had brought his AFS class to He also contacted Matthews' multi-cultural?" Dozens of students were Moderated by Polity Secretary participate in the forum. He said AFS had office about the issue, but his call was in attendance, crowding even into the Tricia Stuart, the discussion began with a called a similar forum to address these neverreturned. Matthews said,"His com- hallway outside of the lounge. talk on multi-culturalism. However, the issues two weeks before, but it was not plaint was filed with Public Safety. I am This came just weeks after Afri- format was soon interrupted when Cole well attended. not Public Safety." can-American students lashed out at Ri- said multi-culturalism at USB "openly Preston replied, "I'm not here to Student Loretta Schaeffer, like chard Cole, Statesman Editor-in-Chief, acts to teach racism." participate in the Richard Cole show." many other students, questioned the panel for his "Against the Tide" column, which Cole then accused Polity of mis- Cole has the right to his opinion under the on the reasons speakers like Khallid many consider racist; and the President of managing funds allocated to student clubs laws of free speech, he said. Muhammad were allowed to speak at the African-American Students Organi- and organizations and accused the The problems students have with USB. zation, Maurice Douglas, was issued a Africana Studies Program andProf.Floris Cole's column, said Sean Joe, is indica- "They have the right to," said death threat on the office door of Cash, specifically, of teaching racism in tive of the need for more African-Ameri- Topek. ; I II II -r · , LI I · ~· -I a a BLACKW-RLD ONENATION -- · I mm59 D and by Shawanna Quick gaining tiie right to vote while they were Grimke sisters did not view the fight for great support to women's rights and is still unable to partake in electoral prac- Women's Liberation as being more im- seen by Davis as being responsible for Women, Race & Class by An- tices. TIlerefore, the force behind the portant than the fight for Black Liberation officially introducing the issueof women's gela Davis can easily be described as an white w()men's struggle for electoral or vice versa; instead, they realized the rights to the Black Liberation Movement. extraordinarily factual as well as enter- power waIs driven by the Emancipation fact that until Black people as a whole He published an editorial in his newspa- taining book. It completely depicts the Proclamaition. received freedom, women, Black as well per, "The North Star" named "The Right troubles, hardship and turmoil faced by IJnfortunately, in both struggles, as white, would never receive their free- of Women". His editorial was considered women as they struggled throughout his- Black wo men were caught in a difficult dom. to be "quite radical for the times". tory to gain the rights, respect and equal situation. They were firstly discriminated Davis vividly captures the im- Many women of the Women's treatment deserved to them. The book against ini the Black Liberation Move- portance of the contribution to the Liberation Movement gained the experi- devotes special attention to the dual op- ment forlb)eing women. They were there- Women's Movement put forth by So- ence and the power needed to make the pression placed upon Black women as after discriminated against in the journer Truth. At the 1851 Women's movement successful. As women aboli- they fightforbothracialand genderequal- Women's Liberation Movement for be- Convention in Akron, Ohio, Truth was tionist in the Black Liberation Movement, ity. ing Black.. Within the anti-slavery move- the only Black woman in attendance and they gained knowledge on how to raise Angela Davis was born on June ment, Black women were forced to learn "... had done what not one of her timid funds, conduct meetings and gain sup- 26, 1944 in Birmingham Alabama. She to activel)r challenge male supremacy. In white sisters were capable of doing." In port. These women were primarily con- became a verypowerfulandmilitantBlack addition,' White women perceived Black response to the notion that it was ridicu- nected to the anti-slavery movement as activist who devoted her life to uplifting women ais being inferior economically, lous for women to even want to vote, the wives or mothers of the men who led the lives of her fellow African American sociallyar d politically. After the abolish- Truth gave aprofound speech which stirred andparticipated in the movement. Women brothers and sisters. She became an in- ment of slavery, Black women worked as up much passion, empathy and hostility. quickly began to dispute the sexism in- structor in Los Angeles teaching Black domesticvvorkerssuchascooksandmaids; After rolling up her sleeves to reveal her flicted upon them by gaining political philosophyandaestheticsalongwithmany work whicch white women considered to muscle, she said "Look at me! Lookatmy experience and accumulating political courses in women's studies. From 1970 be degrading. arm. I have ploughed, and planted, and power as women abolitionists. In reality, to 1972, Angela Davis served a prison I)avis points out that according gathered into barns ...Andain'tla woman? the anti-slavery movement could not have sentence for conspiracy. In 1980, she ran to the piorneering women abolitionist Sa- I could work as much and eat as much as been possible without the help and input an unsuccessful campaign as a candidate rah and Angelina Grimke of South Caro- a man-- when I could get it-- and bear lash of the many women involved up front and for Vice President of the U.S. under the lina, there was a strong linkage between as well! And ain't I a woman?" behind the scenes. communist ticket. slavery and the oppression of women. In Sojourner Truth took it upon This month, Women's History Her book gives it's reader an 1838, Sara h Grimke's The Equality of the herself to defeat the idea that women were Month is the time for us to look back and overall feel for the different perspectives Sexes and the Condition of Women was inferior to men. Considering the fact that give thanks to all our sisters, both black and positions of the Women's movement, the first analysis of the unequal treatment not many women were compelled to speak and white, who have paved the way and White women were more inclined to fight women received. She debated the idea up at these meetings, Truth's voice of making it possible for women to be seen for their right to vote after the Emancipa- that the sexes were unequal by the com- "rolling thunder" received much applause. as the leaders, fighters and the mothers of tion Proclamation. They felt that Black mand of Grod and stressed that "whatever Frederick Douglass also gave the land we really are. men were being placed above them by is right forSman is right for women." The

I -b LII I ii I~I I, L-- I I- II a - , · Female Slavery by Pamela Joseph Northern architect, had trouble avoiding upon arrival in New Orleans to be bought and were in one another's company the the issue of slave women's sexuality. He by a "wealthy gentleman of good taste." most of the day. This meant that they ate, The view thatBlack women have observed slave women repairing aroad on The idea that freedom could be bought or worked, and shared their sorrows together. a strong sexual desire was nourished by a South Carolina plantation with their that they could ease the burdens of slavery These women had the same kind of re- the conditions under which slave women course gray skirts around their waists. He using their bodies was understandable. sponsibilities and problems and, as a re- livedandworked. Oneotheraspectpresent described them as being sly, sensual, and However, when slave women did this, suit, developed a strong bond. in female slavery was the practice of net- shameless. they only continued to perpetuate the white Slave women developed their working. The condition under which the man's image of "Jezebel." own female culture, their own way of Southerners dictated thatrespect- slave women worked and lived helped The stereotypical myth of the doing things. Rather than being dimin- able white women should wear layers of imprint the "Jezebel" image in the white Southern "Mammy" is the flip side of the ished, their sense of womanhood was en- clothing that didn't expose their legs or mind. The stereotypical mythof"Jezebel" "Jezebel" myth. She is the woman who hanced and their bonds to one another arms in public. On large plantations with is one in which the Black woman is seen can do anything and do it better than made stronger. Female slave domestic absentee owners, some women had clothes as being not only promiscuous, butalso as anyone else. She is completely dedicated work sealed thebondsof womanhood that so tattered that they were almost naked. a woman who would trade her body in for to the white family, especially to their started in the fields or other work places. Sometimes thenature oftheir work caused something inreturn. Becauseof the warm children. She is the house servant who They sometimes worked long after their them to expose themselves. For instance, climate in Africa, Black women dressed was given completechargeandalsoserved return from the fields. This "double duty" the work that slaves did on rice planta- accordingly. When the Englishmen went as friend and advisor, enabled them to interact with each other. tions required them to work in water. to Africa to buy slaves, they mistook their In the long run, "Mammy" was Black women also developed Female slaves had their dresses pulled up semi-nudity for lewdness and described perceived by the Southerners as being a some appreciation of one another's skills around their hips, thus exposing their legs the women as being "fiery", "warm", and positive representation of the ideal slave- and talents because on any given planta- and thighs. Many female field hands "hot." woman. For others, "Mammy" symbol- tion so much time was spent together. worked with their dresses or skirts pinned Some female slaves used their ized race and sex relations at their best. This intimacy enabled them to establish up to keep them out of mud and dirt, house looks and bodies to trade for favors, silks, She was Black and female. However, in the criteria with which to rank and order servants pulled up their skirts to wash and satin, and jewelry. Solomon Northup, a reality, as well as in mythology, both themselves. The female network had an wax the floors. kidnapped slave, was imprisoned in a Black people and white women were ulti- emotional support that was there when a These displays of half dressed slave pen with a woman who "entertained mately subjugated by white males. child or husband was sold or ran away. Black women fed white male notions of an extravagantly high opinion of her own Female bonding and networking These relationships helped structure the their promiscuity. Even the usually ob- attractions." Northup was stunned when started with slavery. The majority of the female slave community. jective Frederick Olmstead, the famous she haughtily stated that she expected, slave women were put together to work

- II I I I~L- I L I--I · I · · · I~--I ---- '-d-- ~----1, - _, 1 '6 ~sr~--·~~'---P- ----~u EDITORIALI II , I - ~_---1-- --1 II I L· - I--IL Welcome Sistas and Brothas to ated. Let us open our third eyes and see their sides in love and in struggle. We are this third issue of BLACKWORLD. As that Afrikan women are systematically all a family, and if one member is missing we all know, March is the month that The left out of Women's History Month. We or treated unfairly, the whole unit will Establishment has so graciously given us are being played fornarrow-minded fools, suffer. to celebrate women's history. Let us once again. Having realized the implica- Sistas, take the first step by re- examine a few facts that will help us to put tions behind the month, let us make a leasing our men from the chains we puton this "holiday month" into perspective. concerted effort to use this month for a them. Stop trying to make men who will European societies are patriarchal, plac- just cause--the rebuilding of the Afrikan commit out of boys who only hit and run. ing emphasis on and giving authority to family. Since the Afrikan woman was the Don't manipulate good men in efforts to men. Afrikan societies were the first to be mother of all civilizations, she has to be gain material things because our dignity matriarchal, paying homage to and exalt- acknowledged as the base of the family. must come first. Stop trying to sample the ing the great contributions of women. Without her, no beautiful Afrikan sons food on your sista's platter because it may Lost in this strange land, many of us and daughters will ever be born. Without make you vomit! And don't call our Afrikans-in-Amerikkka have accepted her, no Afrikan man will ever find food brothas "niggas" because their souls are ideals which are foreign to our heritage. for his hungry yearnings to be whole. too sacred for that. Even when they do it Afrikan men have been conditioned to Without her, no true sisterhood can be to themselves, we must step in and de- allow, and even participate in, the disre- found to share in the joys and pains of mand that the name calling be stopped. specting of Afrikan women. Afrikan existence. With this in heart, our nation Brothas, know that a man is measured by women have been objectified so much can rise to end physical and mental abuse, the way he treats a woman. That "bitch" that we are now accessories to the crimes. forced marriages and random divorce, is somebody's daughter, sister, or mother, Worse, most of us don't even view our and restrictions from political and public so don't use her body in ways that you situation as a problem. We can now,in the life that have been placed upon women. vouldn't want done to your mother, sister, 90's, just turn on BET to see the sickness Our Afrikan values must be traced and or daughter. Claim your kids! Nothing is of our race. If it's not a sista shaking her restored so that dignity and justice can worse than unwanted children making half-naked ass in front of the camera, we develop in an atmosphere of mutual love more unwanted children who want noth- are accosted with the image of some gy- and respect. It may sound vague or even ing from life. Our children are like gold, rating R&B singer singing to a crowd of romantic, but the realities we are faced and more precious to us than that. How preteen girls about bumping and grind- with show us that there is no other solu- can we move on, if we see ourselves as ing, usually while thrusting his groin into tion. Black men are missing in action, "niggas", "bitches", and bastards who their faces. In the face of all this, The Man physically and spiritually. "should've neverbeen born?" Our unions decides to give women a fair shake by BLACKWORLD has an executive board are the most important. Let us develop creating a "Women's History Month." of ten women and just two men! African them. Let the family be together. Intelligent Original people, women need to have their counterparts at Harambee! please wake up to the farce being perpetu-


Issued By Truth! Judaism And Zionism Are Mutu- ism which bases its ideology upon "Bib- The CentralRabbinical Congress Of The ally Exclusive! lical claims to the land", ignores all other U.S.A and Canada Biblical commandments. Indeed, the Torah Jewry sees its exile from government it spawned is infamous for its As the Middle East "peace pro- the Holy and as the result of a Divine anti-religious practices and persecution cess" enters its final stages, internecine decree. The land was given to us accord- of its religious citizens.) disputes among organized Jewry concem- ing to G-D's will, and when our sins Clearly, the creation of the State ing its desirability have reached fever accumulated we were exiled from it. This of Israel in 1948 was in no way a fulfill- pitch. It has reached a point that not only exile is first and foremost a spiritual state ment of the Jewish people's millennial is it a political dilemma, but also taken on cannot and (as the Talmud teaches) must long yearning for Redemption. It was the nature of an infringement of religious notbe remedied by temporal means. Until forcefully denounced by all Jewish Rab- principles. Many Orthodox leaders, Rab- G-D chooses to end history as we know it, binical leaders. binical groups, as well as Israel's reli- redeeming us by miraculous acts, we are The doctrine of constantly lead- gious political parties have entered the commanded by Him to live as co-opera- ing the Jewish people into confrontations fray, issuing fiery statements condemn- tive, law abiding and patriotic citizens in with the nations of the world is the dogma ing the current negotiations. Mass pro- our countries of residence. Accordingly, of Zionism not of the Holy Torah. We are tests, geared to elicit maximum media the Jewish people have no "claim"to the commanded by G-D to live in dignity and coverage, continue to be staged to create Holy Land at present. They have no right piety wherever Providence has so or- the impression that Torah Jews stand to conquer or to rule over it. dained. united in their desire to thwart the ceding Our sense of outrage over the Therefore, we declare that the Zionist of land to the Palestinians. falsification of basic Jewish doctrine was State of Israel is not the legitimate repre- These declarations (although heightened when a recent newspaper ad- sentative of our people. Our position on somewhat motivated by coalition poli- vertisement proclaimed "The Biblical the ceding of land is quite simple: Any tics) havecreated the impression thatTorah claims to the historic land of Israel are as sovereignty over the Holy Land before Jewry and militant Israeli nationalism are valid today as the were 3,500 years ago". the Messianic Epoch is sinful and sure to inherently linked, witheachpursuing iden- To Torah Jews this statement is absurd, lead to tragedy. And it is certainly absurd tical agenda. heretical and dangerously provocative. to sacrifice even one human life for this Nothing Could Be Further From The (It is especially ironic that Zion- illegitimate state.I

SIPB~Rk(Wlrrs~aB~n"a~arrwar~i· & 0'I SO E & SI

I SISTA TA SISTA: IIO WOMB POWER Where da respect at?

by Aliyyah Abdur'Rahman the Caucasian madness and society which Nuff respect due to the Blackwoman - gonna get ajob? Why you looking at her? abhors creation. I have tired of religions, Let's take a moment, a sec, a piece of the Millions of others. I'm out! Where's da In Genesis of the Bible we read institutions, laws and social codes which time, a pause for a cause dats mighty love? It was never there. But it was. that Eve emerged from the rib (womb) of give possession of my womb to men. I worthy. Silence for a minute as we re- Respect. I know its hard at times, but its Adam. Yet, we know that in all creation have tired of being a slave, a service- member the Queens, the loves, soulmates, a neccessity, a purpose, a value. "But look ,human or otherwise, the agent of life and woman, a maid, a toy, a trinket. our better halves. My girl, our women. what she got on." "So wut black? She got creation is the woman. In Genesis we read SISTAS, THE TIME HAS "I'll do anything for you." Don't try to it like dat." "I heard she doin mad bro's. that as punishment for eating the apple COME!!! block it out ,we all remember. From this You heard? Word and what else? Ahhh, and tempting Adam with it ( a metaphor No longer can we accept the role species we received the support needed to she's abitch, a ho. A trick takes em a like for Adam taking Eve sexually) Eve was that this society has designed for Black go on, move on and grow on. But so long, a fix." "Chilli wit da garbage!!!" Moth- "cursed" with pain in childbirth and was women. We live in a culture, in a country, is how it ers , made a slave to Adam. Eve, as all women in a world which knows by its instinct that al^ waysTf ye SiranlU - thereafter, became the supposed vessel of the only real power is the power to create. ends. mothers, sin_ cnnceiving and All attemnts to de- Hugs, sisters, giving birth in sin. grade, oppress, and kisses, aunts, This is the absurd and eliminate women are licks, cousins backwardorigin story in fact attempts at sucks,and and the oftheEuropean. One stealing thepowerthat pecks. Do all, for- that despises human is stored in her womb, you re-. give us creation and perpetu- in the sacred places of member for we ation, calling it sin. her soul. the person know not One that objectifies, Wehavebeen that kept wut we enslaves, demoral- taught that women are you calm, say think izes and hates the the weaker sex. How- never ordo. We woman as the creative ever, in traditional alarmed? forget and healing agent of Afrakan societies, the She got whose humankind. One that woman is responsible control of bellieswe introduces human for the agricultural, the rage were big bondage into the hu- economic and human within our hearts, our brains, "relax honey, chillin in for a comfortable 9 months, who man condition as a develnnment of her you not goin insane." "I'm not?" Soothe, raised andloved us, baked usfrom scratch. natural and God- nation. Her society caress, affection. Yeah, dat feels good. I guess all I 'm tryin to say is Nuff respect sanctioned system. rests wholly in the knowledge and faith Remember it all. You and me, all flava due to the Blackwoman. It's well de- For many of my own years, that she has the strength to sustain. Biol- chocolates, always to build, never to fall. served but never gotten. Only the signs of though raised Muslim and thus having a ogy teaches us that without Mollerian But wait - -- what do I see Plump Hip Ass the times will tell it all. somewhat different cultural origin story, I Duct Inhibitor and testosterone present in and Tits. PHAT and all dat. I gotta hit it. have resented being a woman. It seemed the fetus, regardless of the Y chromo- Of course I love her tonite when the to me that being a woman made me vul- some, the natural tendency of the body is evening goes right and the mood and DL- nerable to the horrid abuses that run soul- the formation of the female. A womb is mind hi-lites. On to the next its time to deep. It made me a secondary citizen in thus formed. If our Creator has granted it stretch; parts out of proportion. Here's most cultures on this earth. It left with me and traditional indigenous societies rec- another. "Yo my man, my brotha, you P.S. - I apologize for the short words of representations and duties that catered to ognize it, then we must know, sistas, that want some of dis?" She look mad good, BlackHole in this issue, but when it comes an unhealthy, unnatural, power-gorged we are essential for the formation and style wild with all the piles stacked ac- to the essence of the beautiful Black notion of European (and Europeanized) function of the human being, for the for- cordingly. I know you heard the talk the woman, it is a complex and undecipher- manhood and patriarchy. It snatched my mation and function of the home and thus, gossip, the negative. "Men ain't shit" able ecosystem I wish not to dip my mind body andmade itcommunal, physical and for the formation and function of the na- Why? Why you always falling asleep? in or penetrate. sexual property, though not my own. It tion. Please don't hit me no more. When you Bounces meant that I would never be able to appre- As we endeavor to rebuild, re- ciate the virtues of Black womanhood, store, and replenish the Afrakan in us, nor benefit from them. But no longer!!! many Black women tend to place the I have tired of having my body Black man ahead of themselves. We TO PLACE AN stolen for the purposes of man's pleasure. place his history, his struggles, his suffer- I have tired of having my body, with its ings, his endeavors before our own. No! beautiful landscape like earth and trees, No! NO!!! The health of this nation rests used to sell each and every capitalist trin- on us. As mothers, not only do we bring ADVERTISEMENT ket. I have tired of twice being enslaved, life, but foster it. That is, every male and once for my womanhood and then for my female child born, learns first from and Blackness. I have tired of the female thus shares the nature of its mother. Any IN community that aids in the patriarchal culture in which the woman is degraded, crippling of women. I have tired of hear- ravaged, abused, and made to hate her- ing my attributes maligned. Ihave tired of self, is a culture of people who share those BLACKWORLD having children crammed into and stolen exact qualities. Know this. from my womb. I have tired of having my As for that beloved Black man of body and soul caves invaded and raided ours... He is responsible for 93% of all rraiir by men and male society. I have tired of crimes committed within our communi- rape. I have tiredof witnessing the rapeof ties. Our sons die at the hands of other my sister, earth. I have tired of the pow- erlessness I have been fed. I have tired of SCONTINUED ON______i PAGE 22 632-6494 I-rFCON'nm: I LI -- r- I I , I II BLACKWORLD''414ENATIONU ~

No More Mistreatment of the Black Women. EMASCULATOR by Jocelyn Polony party. The Panthers fear of femininity and by Wilfred St. Felix of property as a basis for social organiza- the effeminization of the political party "We submit that in reality Black tion, and prior to the introduction of Chris- I often wondered why society resembled the same power structure they women, domineeringor not, have not had tianity, a religion fraught with male anxi- .nd why we Black men fail to respect, and were fighting against. In the same way the power in this male-dominated culture ety and vilification (blackening the char- >rotect, our women the way we ought to. that White Americaexcludedtheirwomen to effect a coup against anyone's man- acter) of women, communities (in Afri- ionsidering the rape of our women by the in government, the hierarchy of the hood--in spite of their off-cited economic can societies) were [egalitarian] and co- >ppressor, and the struggle Black fe- [Black Panther] party was heading to- "advantage" over the Black male. A ma- operative. The woman was neither subor- nales have endured, I thought we as wards similar practices. They mistreated triarchal system is one in which power dinate nor dominant, but a sharer in lack men would be in the fore front the women within the group for the same restsfirmly in the hands of women. We policymaking and privileges, [she] had protecting our mothers, sisters, wives and reason. Instead of working collectively suggest that whatever economic power mobility and opportunity and dignity." In laughters, from the evils of this male- with the women of the party, they used may accrue to Black women by way ofthe other words, the notions and preconcep- lominated society. Instead, we are key them as sex objects, as one famous Pan- few employment escape valves permitted tions that we now have about women participants in the oppression of women, ther Stokeley Carmichael stated " The them by the oppressing group for their being cunning and devious and " void[s] ncluding our Black women. only place that a woman has in the revo- own insidious reasons, this power is re- waiting to be filled" are not our own. What has led to the degradation lution is on her back," meaning that the ally illusory and should not be taken at These notions and ideas were imposed >f our women by the opposite sex? To Panthers only viewed their women as face value". upon us by our oppressors. As asserted by reate a concrete response, we must look being good for only one thing, to be "on Jean Carey Bond and Patricia Perry, Cade, "There is nothing to indicate that it what prompted our behavior. Due to their backs" while the males fulfill their The Black Women. an Anthology the African women, who ran the market- he loss of our culture, our religion, and sexual desire. The failure of the Panthers place, who built dams, who engaged in ur language, we have forgotten the exist- to include and appreciate the importance This month being Women's His- international commerce and diplomacy, ,nce of our women. Let's look at history of the Black women played an integral tory Month, I felt that it was time that we, who sat on thrones, who donned armor to or a minute. The women, overall, have part in the demise of the Party. as African American men and women, wage battle against European invaders een viewed as "second class" citizens, in The degradation of our women addressed the growing problem of mi- and the corrupt chieftains who engaged in >ther words, "inferior" to men. The fear did not stop then. It continued through the sogyny (hatred of women) in our commu- the slave trade, who were consulted as >f men losing power and women gaining 70's 80's and is at its peak in 90's. Black nities. This growing hatred of women is equals in the affairs of state (nothing to" >r sharing power has set the tone for sexist men have completely disrespected their becoming increasingly prevalent in our indicate that they were turning their men deology. Our enslavement by the Euro- sisters. The majority of our women are language (slang), our music, and in our into faggots), were victims of penis envy, ean sexist culture has instilled a brutal single parents. After we impregnate general behavior. We are constantly re- or any such nonsense. nentality within us. In addition, the loss them, we leave our children fatherless. ferring to our women as bitches, hoes, and The hostility that young Afri- >fknowledge of self and self love, that our Some of us have ran out on our families, tricks. Femininity is equated with weak- can-American males today are feeling >ppressors deprived us of, has distorted relieving ourselves of the responsibilities ness. As a result, men who are perceived towards their female counterparts is the he Black man's sense of reality. The of providing for our families. Despite all as less "masculine" and more "feminine" result of the adoption of norms and values efusal to properly educate our men, has. this nonsense, the Black women have in turn become the "bitches" and the thatwerenotintendedforthem. When the orced us to emulate the oppressor. We managed to survive. They are mothers, "tricks". Why is this the case? Were we African-American female falls short of egan to treat our women in the manner and at the same time, they try to be the always this sort of "absolutist" people the expectations dictated by the values n which they dominate and oppress their absent fathers that are not men enough to when it came to the assigning of societal and the norms she is seen as a "strident vomen. Our women have been trans- take care of their sons and daughters. roles? bitch, a ball breaker, a castrator". ormed from "Mothers of civilization" to Black women still remain strong despite In Toni Cade's essay, "On the In a world of "us vs. them", the 'bitches, whores, sluts, hoes", and other all the humiliations they have faced. issue of roles", it would appear that the last thing a Black man wants to think of is lerogatory words. We not only have become African-American male has fallen into a his woman as a "castrator". Historically, We Black men have shown a shadow fathers, but we are also active trap. We, essentially, have bought into castration has always been equated with :omplete lack of respect for our women. participants in the oppression of our the "roles" that Europeans had originally emasculation. And, emasculation is syn- )olitically, socially, and in every aspect women. We have given our women new set for themselves. In terms of societal onymous with impotence. Emasculation )f life we have mistreated them. Let's identities to further degrade them and functioning, it appears that the restrictive also implies the absence of virility. And, ake a look at our most recent progressive make them feel low. We now refer to terms "masculine" and "feminine" did in some instances, implies effeminacy. :ra, the 60's, and let's focus on the Black them as "bitches, hoes, tricks," and we not take on the same meaning that they xower movement, specifically the Black have treated them like "shit," just to "bust now take in western society. According THE TRUTH SAYER 'anther Party. The Panthers were the a nut" and after that we leave them and to Cade, "prior to the European obsession nost militant of all radical groups. They "fuck" them all. We even go as far as rowed to change the conditions of Black degrading them publicly. We degrade )eople. The Panthers had a ten points them through our songs, videos and many )lan. They believed that Black people other ways. The music industry is one iad the right to, and should physically primary example. Various groups and lefend themselves against anyone who artists have shown no respect for our )hysically attacked them, including the women. In the lyrics of these songs, oxlice. They actively observed the police women are referred to as "bitches" (that is n their handling of Blacks in an effort to the new name we have been accustomed educe police brutality. They organized to using, including myself). In the videos, :ommunity support programs and spon- we show them "butt naked" so that they ored free breakfast for the children of can "shake their asses" and degrade them- heir communities. selves. Not only men are guilty in the The failure of the Panthers can degradation of women, but also women e analyzed by observing the reasons for th~CI," ,,' mCelveC"•,,"V1,,0 .Snme,,p," areJ.U vlnunteersJ,,,VVoAO IIin tllVthe, he party and the ten points plan crum- diminishing the image of themselves and >ling. Not only internal struggle within their sisters. The fact that sisters take he party, but also the mistreatment of women aided in the destruction of the CONTINUED ON PAGE 22 :CO:

1 - I I II~C"- -- I IIIIC-l I·I- = I I _ ---- I I 1 II -- I :wK R O N T U OPINIONS The Remedy For Racial Propaganda By Armon S Cummings could you please answer this question: born, he must be guided, nurtured, and ans in enormous quantities. They have Since there seems to be a rise in who on this earth has struggled longer than taught to eat, speak, behave, and live, or annihilated entire species of animals and racial propaganda, I feel it is necessary to the African? What can you tell an Afri- else he or she will be wild or uncivilized. fish. They have polluted the land on which take a look at a few basic facts from the can about "survival of the fittest" when (Now is this racist or is this true, and we live, the air in which we breath, the "other" perspective. If you are offended life itself started with Africans. Even af- regardless of who it offends, the truth water that we drink, and the food that we by this article, maybe you need to do some ter the colonization and exploitation of should always be told) If we look through- eat. They have the power to feed the independent research on human history Africa, the institution of chattel slavery, out history we can see that the white man world, yet millions die of starvation. Let and development, from both African and the Transatlantic Slave Trade, the process in power has behaved like a wild and me make this point clear, EVIL DOES European perspectives. Then we could sit of dehumanization, miseducation, the uncivilized child. He has never been NOT DWELL EXCLUSIVELY WITH down and deal with issues for what they AIDS conspiracy, etc. the African still disciplined for the crimes he has commit- ONE COLOR OR RACE, but whites have really are instead of writing material to exists. White supremist have been ex- ted against humanity and now he has be- demonstrated how to be evil. Now, evil provoke racial tension. tremely vigorous in their many attempts come a greedy, selfish, spoiled brat. Just lingers in the souls of all peoples and The most recent evidence, data, and methods used to destroy the African. like a child, whatever he sees, he wants anybody who supports a system which and research indicates that the human race But guess what? The African is so pow- and even if he can't have it he will say deprives other human beings the right to originated in Africa. One of the oldest erful, that through love and love alone, the "its mine". Tell me, how can you own live life in accordance with the laws of fossils recovered was in the Olduvai Gorge African could dismiss the white race off land? How can you own water? How can nature, is as evil as the devil himself. in Africa, which was found to be close to of the face of the earth , but he doesn't you own people? Is ownership as easy as Being that we attend an institute four million years old. That means that want to do that. saying "its mine?" Think about that. of higher learning, let me ask a few more Africans have been on the planet longer Thousands of years ago, all of the Whites have incorporated this mind set questions of the general population. Why than any other group of people. An Afri- people of the planet were brown skinned into the mainstream and have made it a should Native Americans and African can was the Mother of all humanity. Think or African. At a certain point in history, a way of life. If you had nothing to eat for Americans pledge allegiance to the flag about that. If you are human, you origi- distinctive group of Africans were forced five days and then you found yourself in that symbolizes the destruction of their nated from African genes. Africans were out of Africa and migrated north around front of a smorgasbord, what would hap- culture, heritage, and history? What does the first people on the earth (yet, we are the Caucus Mountains and due to the harsh pen? That's how Europeans were with the the Statue of Liberty really symbolize? referred to as the third world). The very conditions of the environment, they rest of the world. Where were most Whites prior to the essence of life began with Africans. The adapted, and lost their skin pigment and Anything that is not in harmony tenth century? Why aren't we taught about concept of civilization began with Afri- original features (which explains the ori- with the continuation of life or is in oppo- the caveman, the Canaanites, the cans. Africans are the alpha and the gin of Caucasian people). Perhaps, God sition to life, is against God's will. The Edomites? Why do we study "modemn" omega. Under the guidance of the Al- cursed a certain group of people (the opposite of life is death. If you spell "live" European history, what were Europeans mighty Creator, the natural laws of order dwellers of Canaan) with leprosy, which backwards you get "evil". Whites in po- like prior to 1500? Who made the dog in which man is supposed to live by, were caused their skin to turn white. Or maybe sitions of power have displayed very little man's best friend and why? Why do White sent to Africans. Were these laws mani- it could have been a mad African scientist respect for the living or life in general. people sun tan and at the same time dis- fested by the brain of a being who evolved (Yacub) who possessed the knowledge of Why do I say this? Why have Whites used like people who have natural color? Why out of a genetic soup that resulted after genetics, and grafted another man to rule technology to created so many things do so many rock groups use the symbols, the mixture of cosmic gases triggered by the world. No matter the theory you (guns, missiles, bombs, chemicals, dis- lyrics, and signs of the devil? When Ar- the vibrations of the "Big Bang". That's choose to believe, one thing remains the eases,) that destroy the living? The White mageddon starts, who is going to repre- quite a theory. same; each theory indicates the beginning race has killed more people than any other sent the righteous? The victim or the vic- For all historians, psychologists, of the white race. racial group. They have killed Africans, timizer? The slave or the slave master? sociologists, anthropologists, reverends, From the human calendar, the Asians, Native Americans, Latinos, Mus- The oppressed or the oppressor? Check priests, rabbis, ministers and journalist, white race is just a infant. When a child is lims, Jews, Christians, and other Europe- yourself. II · I·I L I~I II II 1 I I I - I · IN RESPONSE TO RACIST RHETORIC by Lloyd Abrahams that which will produce a sequence of deals with cultures not skin colors. A president. You see, Richard, most of It should be no surprise to the resonant images and ideas in a readers Caucasian male doesn't have to go far to those people are Caucasian males, and I'm elite student body (those blessed with mind. This sequence of resonant thoughts be reassured that this country is run by sure it's in their interests to keep it that common sense) that the racist and biased move inclines an unsuspecting reader (na- many others such as himself. More than way. writing of Richard Cole would be allowed ivete vs. hatred) to formulate conclusions any other minority, male shareholder. The The commotion stirred up by on the Stony Brook University campus. that are racist and biased in favor of a president is a Caucasian male and so were Richard Cole's writing leaves one ques- We know that Richard Cole's father is a "seeming underdog". almost all preceding presidents. Cole's tion open: Did this exchange of informa- professor of Sociology, a man who defi- Our seeming underdog in this writing wreaks of power structure pho- tion add any new dimensions to the prob- nitely knows the social, mental, and spiri- case is the "white, straight, healthy" male. bias. lem solving of racism? To this I answer tual repercussions his son's writings will Now, we all know how very vulnerable It is not Black people or Asian no and ask another question. Was Cole's produce. It should suffice to say that Ri- and underlie the M16, F16, F14 tomcat, people or any people of color or poor writing purposely intent on creating a ra- chard Cole's wording in his articles has mx missile toting Caucasian male is. How white people that control the factors that cially tense environment here on U.S.B. instigated a response from which is Cole's very disaCyantaged they are today. lead them to seek aid from the powers that campus? Does the name Hitler ring a bell, undenied intention. My response is not Richard, it seems to me that there be (which includes the Board of Educa- Richard? RICHARD COLE JEWISH one that many learned will want to inter- is a flaw in your reasoning that de facto tion). It is the elite group of elders and NAZI WRITER??? nalize (don't know what this means?.... go discrimination against Caucasian males businessmen who run the show. And No hand-me-downs needed, Ri- ask Richard Cole's father) or deal with (let's not mix race with nationality) arises most of them are Caucasian males. So chard. People of melanin have always mentally. Richard Cole's "Current Af- from multi-cultural organizations stating what exactly is your point Richard? If you been hard workers. It's the main reason fair" style of writing is very telling of that they are multi-cultural and doing have a quarrel with the way things are, take they were enslaved by Jewish Funded where he probably gets his ideas for con- multi-cultural things. Aheavily melanated it to them. Why don't you ask your father Slave Runners. Lighten-up Rich, there is troversial writing. This "Editor" writes person doesn't need an organization to say, to write a thesis on the validity of your lots of love to go around. Or maybe that's with facts and truths. However, he pieces "hey, I'm Asian!" All one has to do is claims, Richard, and send it to all the your real fear? these fact and truths together in a manner look with their eyes. Multi-culturalism Congress and all 51 governors and the

I I - -- ~ L~ - I - I - -- I I I I - I ~- - - - I - I--- - LII I- - II I- ~IE~ II I- , I I Ci ecT-JV ATS PROFILE ON KATHRYN M. ERVIN: (;UEST DIRECTOR FOR "ON STRIVERS ROW" by Keith Walker it. She felt that being so close to Harlem my instructions being that they don't have the "director" type. "You know the 'my was a big advantage because she could formal training," she explained. She also way or no way' kind of person." I asked 1_ _ *•* . . . 1 1_ _ ThT S nr'rQu ner if sne couia De Brook Theater De- tyrannic at times. She partment did some- said simply, "no." thing different in She continued to speak February and March. about women in the the- They featured a atrical arts working as Black production, directors. We talked with an all Black about Debbie Allen, di- cast, directed by a rector of "A Different Black woman. World", and Leslie Har- Abram Hill's "On ris, co-director, writer, Striver's Row" is a and producer of "Just comedy about the up Another Girl On The and coming Black IRT". She is happy that society of the thir- there are women who are ties and forties. It visible in this field and was directed by that it opens doors for Guest Artist, other women who aspire Kathryn M. Ervin. to direct. She also spoke I had the of how in New York, it is pleasure of speaking a little looser in terms of with her. Invited by acceptance of female di- Farleigh Richmond rectors. of the Stony Brook SSome of the other plays Theater Department, she directed are: The Ervin traveled from Amen Corer, Spell #7, CaliforniaStateUni- Death And The King's versity at San Ber- Horsemen, TI-Jean And nardino, where she His Brother, and Wed- * .._~ ~..- . a is currenty an Asso- and Ed (played by Eugene Daniels) dance at the Van Striver party. umg tan. ner talents ciateProfessorinthe a, are not limited to direct- Department of Theater Arts. She received actually see where the scenes were sup- saidthatsherunsherproductionsinavery ing. She has also acted on film and stage. her Bachelors in Fine Arts at Wayne State posed to have taken place. She actually laidbackmannerinsteadofbeing sostruc- Her last work was a one woman show University in Detroit, Michigan and her chose this play because of the school's tured, in terms of authority. She said that called Smiles which she performed at San Masters in Fine Arts at Illinois State Uni- proximity to Harlem. the production was a collaborative effort Bernardino. The courses Ervin teaches versity. She has also served on the faculty Even though we had only con- and that she relied on and respects the are: Creative Drama In the Classroom, staff at Illinois State, Bradley University, versed briefly, I could tell that Ervin was opinions of her staff. Children's Theater, African American and Michigan State. very excitedabouttheentire project Aside I asked her about being a Black Theater and Drama, Introduction to The- She chose to do this play at Stony from the treacherous weather she was woman in aprofessiondominatedby white ater, Directing, and Acting. With all of Brook because the play takes place in enjoying her stay in New York. We spoke males. She replied, "many times people her activities,including working onabook, Harlem, and Stony Brook, being on Long about working with the student cast mem- think that because I am a woman that I am she also finds time to raise her six year old Island, is not very far from that area of bers, and she had nothing but good things temperamental. They think that there daughter. I asked her if we could look New York City. I asked her how her to say. "These guys are great. Many of would always be aproblem with authority forward to seeing anything from her on research for the production went. She them are not theater majors and that is in terms of no one taking me seriously." the big screen. She said, "who knows, I explained that she felt very excited about good because they are more receptive to She explained that she tries not to be like might get lucky one day." MI. I CONTRIBUTE! BLACKWORLD IS ACCEPTING SUBMISSIONS FOR UPCOMING ISSUES. ALL POETRY, LETTERS, OPINIONS, DRAWINGS, PHOTOGRAPHS, SHORT STORIES, AND ARTICLES CAN BE BROUGHT TO THE BLACKWORLD OFFICE (rm. 072 in the Student Union). inn I'·------I- :-- II II ~IL------~ -·F --· ~--L--- L~------II ~ s 98~8 AI *_ .i S I ON Uwmommmýv

Big shout out going to the newest member possible. Snoop was in town last week, 1. Gangstar- Mass Appeal 2. Romantic Journey- Tuesday 11- 12p.m. of the "Flava Show" crew. He goes by the and I heard that the Dogg Pound ripped 2 Nas- It aint Hard to Tell / Slow Jams name of D.J. Tom La roc. He teams up Trafalga Square out in Queens last week. 3. Das efx- Baknafex (remix) 3. The Message - Thursday 9 - 10p.m. / In with DJ. Rob O to bring more flava to the The west coast is trying to represent, some- 4. Blackmoon- U da man (Remix) depth interview concerning Afro Ameri- show. The Flava Show airs every other thing to think about? 5. Musa- The Rhythm cans Sunday at 12-2 a.m., so stay tuned in. 4.NST. -Thursday 10- 12p.m./Dancehall Once again therap war is onas the weather The Flava Show Best Of Albums about to drop in the near Reggae starts to break. True hip hop fans know: The Rest For February future 5. ClubUSB- Friday 12 - a.m. / Hip Hop that the best comes out in 1994 the spring and summer months. There . KMD-"BlackBastards"-Elektra-April P.S. This message goes out to all true hip will be alot of fat albums about to drop, so 94 hopfanson campus or off the yard. Check stay tuned, 1,Best Album - Tribe Called Quest- Mid- it out, if you have any lyrical skills on the night Maurauders 2. Nas- "Illmatic"- Sony- April 94 Congratulations toDigablePlan- 3. Nice and Smooth- mic, or if you can D.J. (Mix records and 2. Best Single- Nas- "The world is your's" "It aint over yet" - ets for winning a grammy award for best Def Jam- April 94 not transform scratch) submit a tape oj 3. Best video- Snoop- new rap artist. Dr. Dre also snatched up an 4. Heavy D-"I got your skills and leave it in The WUSB 4 Quote of the month- "C.R.E.A.M."- nuthin but love"- MCA award for best rap single. The song was studio office in my mailbox. If the tape is Cash Rules Everything Around Me (W u Uptown May 94 titled "" which featured Snoop flava , we will Invite you up to The Flava Tang Slang) 5. Bigge Smalls- May 94 singing the chorus "Ridin in my 64". Show to kick a freestyle or show your 5. Metaphor of the month- Nas- "It aint Perersonally I hate award shows because Shows on WUSB 90.1 F.M. mixing skills on the 1 and 2 (Turntables) the real hip hop artists never win. Look hard to tell I Kick a skill like Shaquile holds a pill, vocabluary spills I'm ill. out for the new Gangstarr album, titled 1. The Flava Show- Sunday 12 - 2a.m. / Peace Rusty 94 "Hard to Earn". It is out in the stores now, Hip Hop so I suggest that you pick it up as soon as Top 5 singles

PAPERW~RI~ by Daniel L. Hartley Without Primal Forests, A Picnic"(1989- Regatta Reporter 1994) there is a hanging yellow hammock The University Art Gallery, lo- composed of paper on cloth. On the cated in the Staller Center for the Arts, is ground, there is a picnic blanket with holding an art exhibit entitled brilliant colors and two glasses toasting. "PaperWorks". Eleven different artists The work of Lesli Koppelman are featured in this display of craftsman- Ross "draws heavily on Jewish tradi- ship, sculpting, and art. tion". This can be seen by closely exam- Please Support The first piece thatI viewed was ining the piece "Mother's Arms Chair". The Regatta Reporter "Beginning Black and White" (1993) by Many arms extend from the chair, cra- George Sugarman. Acrylic on paper was dling and holding a young child. There used to create this piece. Sugarman says are papers and photos beneath the chair, Sponsor Tee Shirts that this particular sculpture is "meant to which suggest Jewish influence. be 'read' fromleftto right" "Kick"(1992) The most fascinating piece in Take out Advertisements is an abstract, three dimensional work, the exhibit was "New York Metamorpho- which seems to change shape with every sis" (1993-94) by Peter Kooa. This work Provide Services or blink of an eye. mimicked the architectural wonders of Supplies The style of Marcia Widenor is New York City. The buildings are ar- Thanks quite interesting. "Cupboard for Winter ranged in the form of a dinosaur, each a Solstice" (1993) is primarily made of brilliantly colored replica of those build- wood, handmade flax paper, and string. ings. Koos states that "thousands of These materials are used in all of her buildings have been combined to form a artwork on display in this exhibit. Widenor cohesive structure with a life of its own."

-~I · Ic · I ---r I I - ~- I - ~eLIII I · - II I · · For Sistas Thank heaven for little girls who can be taught to revere their temples without thinking the size of their butt determines their worth who can be taught that their bodies are not one of the barricades their men should be tearing down in their struggle against oppression who can be told that r maternal instincts do not kick in at ten years old even though you're one helluva mama in the world of pretend who can be reminded that their shit is not gold- en credit cards allowing passage to the world and its riches


Hell knows no fury like a woman who suspects that Black entertainment has become nothing more than butts and titties bouncing to a bass line who wonders which sister was gigglin' and being cute when the terms bitch and ho snuck past and fell into every day use a who watches her sisters confide in and trust men while neglecting an unraveling sisterhood that has been reduced to male bashing sessions and exchanging ADVIL every mi who has to dodge the stampede of sisters afflicted with hallucinations of prince charmings and are therefore stalking future doctors, lawyers, accountants...

So, If

It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind then the...

It's really nice to meet you Who is this hooker? That really looks good on you She looks stank I heard a lot of girls are after your man S I'll ride your man into the sunset if you so much as bli You know you can tell me anything Ooh, wait till everybody hears this ...Is a fascinating Jeckyl & Hyde isn't it?

How 'bout this for a switch?

You do not have to like me 0 but you can at least respect me You do not have to be honest with me but you can at least be true to yourself

After all I am you And I don't like how you've been treating yourself lately or looking at yourself i or talking to yourself It's making me feel paranoid and bitter and cynical and alone Didn't you hear that A people are judged by their women And you ? You come from a long line of Aziza is a quiet name. Wise, strong, nurturing women so e take a closer look at who you've been lying to lately i think about names because as i watch Aziza my sister, seat herself I see right through you. by a window of dark glass watching leaves fall S from dead branches. Susan Arauz i suspect they call to her for Aziza is falling, falling.

by: m i ain't YOihle i ain't Winnie 6ut afta le-aini I ain't you Wihnne. and lovin da taste uA not livin and eint up 2 ya high moral standards wid myself lies heavy on my tongue I wanna always be held. as gall and the bats and confines uh orlando and Landtfort bein compelled ain't 2 stand and B4iht what 1 want and 2 be chaste holdin me. and have no otha but AJelson, ain't somethin aftet I could beti spit upon by men do. eagerly waitln I admit to this wilingly, not forced. 2 ciush my itbs unda 27 yeats thelo heavy boots aftet wotk 9,855 days i'd just as soon uA waitin. stay iee fesus coulda come back and wid many men %aster than /Aelson did! than banned and wid tea7s and so last nlWht butnin my eyes like vinegaz when a black waltin man I love hopin spit out dat I was unloyal pyiaayln I had to sprinf to my defense like a grasshoppa io one man 2 come home. zl.yin thAu wet dewy 5Iass. so I ain't Winnie but you can't/cause it ain't %alt if you do 1 love one man call me and i love many men. a ni4ah slut the feelin of a just because stwon5 t love men ZSlack and man i ain't YWOane. piessin me close enuo Oo my damp daAk skin 2 be suctioned agalnst his 2auilstine yomes is one dat leaves me not wantin 2 walt aot one man. for 27 days and surely not 27 years. ,so. NB.EMMf FUR SBEUflHIMS 8, CeRHBlB 8,8 HEU1iB!KIE if you DOESu CIll6 tell me of how stron^ SB WHEl CEHRBB Winnie Is/was WHEB SBSBE S. I will agree and fIve her. . . hAep~opezs -- FPRM PEWm SBIMlOiS BO but RUD.BBE RDl

S01 Jll~! ~P? "

cold and bitter, much Itke day


no matta how manI I ain't tuff enuff 2 I


T ~:::: ~.:. iii: ~:.~: :.~:~:·:-:·:·:·:·:··:·-·----·-·······- ·:·-·

LaKeesha Tyler and Jackie Howell St4

s ""~Pe~j~g~~


,jy-·· ·~:::~ s _,---IL~eONE NATIONC EUEENE X SPEinIS: The Woman in Islam by M.T. She continued to say that it is not the lims who will degrade women, abuse them, want to be wives, mothers." Yet, even the religion whichoppresseswomenbutrather and treat them how our white masters 75% were encouraged, and are still en- The woman in Islam, as viewed man, who always manipulates the word of treated us. But this behavior does not couraged, to advance themselves. She by Western women, is an oppressed Allah to suit his own purposes, who op- come from Islam but rather from their also talked about how women, being "the woman. She is a woman forced to wear presses women. It is man, who always culture. Clitorectomies, women being embodiment of God's creative side", is what seems to be a uniform in which she turns the word of God for his own benefit, forbidden to drive cars, being forbidden such that she must express her "divine has to hide her beauty. She is a woman and sometimes to suit his perversions, to testify in court, is cultural and defi- creativity." who is basically her husbands property, who oppresses women. TheBlackwoman nitely not a part of Islam. Sister Eugeeyne X called upon his servant, to be used for his pleasure and in Islam is "the mother of civilization and Polygamy, the sister informed all of the sisters and brothers to think for for the purpose of bearing children. She is co-creator with God." Thus being so, she us, was intended to be a "temporary solu- themselves, never to allow another person a woman who is not even allowed to have is to be protected and taken care of. Males tion for social difficulties, social ills." If to interpret God's word for them. We a husband for herself and instead must are to provide her with "the environment, there had been a war, and a certain society were called to be "sophisticated enough to him share with other women. This is why peace and contentment needed for her to had lost many men, a man could have know when you're being indoctrinated Islam is not appealing to the Western do her work as co-creator with God." many wives in order to insure the survival with another man's ways of thinking." woman. Those who do not adhere to these teach- of that society. It was not intended as an Shecalledupon us to remember that Black This was the main issue ad- ings cannot calll themselves true Mus- ongoing practice. In Islam, she contin- women are the first teachers of both Black dressed at the AASO sponsored forum on lims. ued, "one woman-one man is the ideal men and women. The female influence March 10th at which Sister Eugeeyne X The audience was told that when relationship in the eyes of Allah." What on human life is almost exclusive for the spoke. She is a member of the Nation of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.S) came to has happened is that man has taken this first seven years. It is therefore perma- Islam who is trying to dispel the false teach what he had learned, there were societal remedy and abused it to suit him- nently stampedon our minds. "We must Western notion that Islam, the religion, already cultures which hated and op- self. grow a knowledge of the secret chamber oppresses women. She explained firstly pressed women. Religion is such that its Sister Eugeeyne X has a hus- called the womb," appreciate it's God- that the Black Western woman, having practices take on the aspects of the culture band, children, and a career. This is power, understand it's importance. Most these false ideas about the treatment of which has adopted it. This is why there welcomed in Islam. She related to the importantly, we must elevate the Black women in Islam, have nointention of ever are women-hating societies of Muslim audience that Elijah Muhammad taught woman so that she can elevate the Black allowing themselves tobe oppressed again. peoples. We, who were at the forum, were "25% of women would not want to take nation. As-Saalamu Alaikum. Therefore, they are not turning to Islam. made to understand how there are Mus- on a traditional role, while 75% would Fannie o amer tions put on men and women which label by Natasha Christopher was too yellow." Convention in Atlantic City. on gender and race. When she returned home, Mr. Mrs. Hamer, leader of the Mis- certain jobs based her place should Fannie Lou Hamer was and is an Marlow, the plantation owner, aware of sissippi Freedom Democratic Party Many probably said that rather than the important African-American woman who what she had done, told her to withdraw (MFDP), was on the ballot, along with have been in the house not hinder her should be remembered for her continuous her name and if she didn't she would have three other MFDP candidates to be sent to courthouse, but this did of uplifting struggle for the liberation of her people. to leave. She left the same night. She left Atlantic City. The purpose of going to the constant struggle in the hope andliberatingherBlackrace. Herstruggle Her parents were sharecroppers and she the plantation and found shelter at a convention was to get the MFDP delega- her "a world- was the youngest child in her family. At friend's house. tion seated at the convention instead of for Black liberation made or revolu- age six, she began picking cotton and was Mrs. Hamer believed that Black white Mississippians. The outcome of the wide symbol of Black heroism, warm and attending school for about four months people should no longer ignore the fact convention was that they granted only tionary Black womanhood, a out of the school year. She finally dropped that America is not the" ... land of the free two seats to the MFDP which represented always human symbol of the power adversity, ter- out of school in the third grade and cut and the home of the brave." After her first "token rights, on the back row, the same struggle against hardship, the Missis- corn stalks to help her family make a mass meeting, she continued to Mwork on as [they] got in Mississippi." ror and the living realities of living. voter registration from that day on. In At the convention, one reporter sippi Delta." In 1944-she got married and re- 1964, with the help of Fannie Lou Hamer, asked Mrs. Hamer if she was seeking Fannie Lou Hamer's suggestion to build mained on the plantation until 1962. The 63,000 Black people from Mississippi equality with the white man. " No", she to her people was that "We have We have to win every reason for her leaving the plantation was registered into the Freedom Democratic said. "Whatwould Ilook like fighting for our own power. office we can, where we because of her attempt to vote. She de- Party at the National Convention. They equality with the white man? Idon'twant single political people... The cided to vote because she wanted to help organized their own precinct meetings to go down that low. I want true democ- have a majority of Black lack people is not, when is make positive changes for her people. She because the white people in the party racy that'll raise me and that white man question for B to give us our rights, got the chance ata mass meeting, in which, locked the doors on them or moved the up... raise America up." Fannie Lou the white man going to give us good the preacher asked the congregation who meetings. In other words, the whites Hamer was a prominent figure in the or when is he going for our children, or when is he would go down to the courthouse the next prevented them from attending the legal protracted fight for civil rights. She had education if the white man day and vote. Eighteen members went meetings which was necessary in order two main obstacles in preventing her from going to give us jobs- -just remember when down to the courthouse the next day and pursue candidates on their (the Black fighting for her people. One was that she gives you anything We they were all arrested. The reason for their people's) behalf. At their meetings was black and the other was that she was he gets ready he will take itrightback. arrest was because the "police said the bus across the states they elected representa- a woman. There are numerous classifica- have to take for ourselves." was painted the wrong color- he said it tives to attend the National Democratic



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AASO Meets Wednesday Nights at 9:30 pm in U.C.C.

AASO met Wednesday March 16th. Our first priority was to finish the planning of AASO week(4/4 - 4/8) Monday:Poetry reading in the Uniti Cultural Center Tuesday: Panel discussion in the Fireside Lounge. Vendors from 11-7pm. Wednesday: Black History Month Extravaganza - Union Auditorium Thursday: Food, Vendors, Music - Union Fireside Lounge. Movie at 7:30pm in Javits Friday: Spades Tournament/Games Night Next, we talked about Eugeenye X, who spoke in the auditorium last week. We also had feedback on the panel discussion. People are concernled about the African-American Male and people thought that some problems are self-hatred, lack of hope, and lack of positive role models. Th)ere are many more problems facing not only the African-American man but also the African-American woman. We must work to find solutions. C)ne of many steps is communication. Get Involved. PEACE. COME TO AASO WEEK! AASO WEEK STARTS MONDAY, APRIL 4. MONDAY POETRY READING IN THE UNITI CULTURAL CENTER AT 7:00 TUESDAY VENDORS IN THE FIRESIDE LOUNGE FROM 11-7PM. PANEL DISCUSSIOI IN FIRESIDE LOUNGE AFTER VENDORS LEAVE. TOPIC: "THE HEBREW ISREALITES VS. THE NATION OF ISLAM" WEDNESDAY BLACK HISTORY MONTH EXTRAVAGANZA IN THE UNION AUDITORIUI I AT 7:30 PM THURSDAY AFRICAN-AMERICAN CULTURAL FEST. FOOD, MUSIC, AND VENDORS FROM 9-7PM ASU WILL SHOW A MOVIE IN JAVITS ROOM 103 AT 7:3() PM. FRIDAY SPADES TOURNAMENT/GAMES NIGHT IN THE UNITI CULTURAL CENTE;R This Way For Black Empowerment a MR. PRESIDENT, PUT DEMOCRACY FIRST!

tion that promised better." differences" with the dictator. ForClinton, confidence" against his government. Having robbed his country blind Mobutu continues to have a"role" to play Countering these Clinton - sup- for the past three decades while making in Zaire. ported moves against African democracy himself into the fifth richest man in the what "role" is Mobutu playing? are the Zairian people and their allies here world, Mobutu seems ready and willing He has blocked the transitional govern- in the United States. Back in 1987 to drag the Zairian people down into the ment from functioning by surrounding Tshisekedi reached out for support to in- endless horrors with 71% of the vote by government buildings with tanks and even dependent Black leaders in the United the Sovereign National Conference. holding members of the parliament hos- States. I've been organizing humanitar- Mobutu's ongoing sabotage of tage without food, water or medicine for ian aid, and a people-to-people connec- Tshisekedi's efforts to democratize the three days. The political impasse caused tion between the Zairian people and the country have produced truly apocalyptic by his clinging to power serves Clinton's American Capitol Hill to make Congress conditions in Zaire. goal of blocking an independent and popu- ---particularly the Congressional Black Bubonic plague,long sinceeradi- " lar leader (not one created by the interna- Caucus --- aware of what was going on in by Dr. Lenora Fulani cated from the country, has reappeared in tional financial establishment) until he Zaire and the to do something about it. At northeastern Zaire. Hospitals and clinics, can find someone more to his liking. my urging, the Rainbow Lobby success- Last month, nearly a year after repeatedly lootedby the Mobuturegimes's Through hardly a radical, fully lobbied for the introduction of a bill Bill Clinton became president of the soldiers, have no medicine to fight the Tshisekidi is the most popular political cutting off military aid to Mobutu, which United States, the Washington Post be- plague, nor the epidemics of measles, leader in Zaire. Clinton's disregard for passed in 1990. came the first (and so far, the only) mem- cholera and tuberculosis which threaten the hard-won democratic institutions of Representative Donald Payne ber of the mainstream media to point out millions more. To make matters worse, the Zairian people - their constitution, (D-NJ), the senior CBC member on the the Clinton administration's betrayal of the disease has broken out in an area their parliament and their popular prime African Subcommittee, has taken the lead African democracy movements in gen- already devastated by ethnic group. 9,000 minister - reveals an extraordinarily (and in this session of Congress, introducing eral, and the Zairian democracy move- people have lost their lives and 500,000 extraordinarily racist) bias against poli- House Resolution 128 which"urgesPresi- ment in particular. In an editorial that have been driven from their homes as a tics and political activity by the Zairian dent Clinton to pressure Mobutu to leave went beyond the now common condem- result of this violence. people. Clinton wants a technocratic "so-. Zaire" and recommends a variety of se- nation of the 27-year-old CIA-installed meanwhile, the economy con- lution" brokered by supposedly non-po- vere sanctions to press this point. dictatorship of Mobutu Sese Seko, the tinues its rapid decline. Moat Zairians are litical outside players (like the U.S.State It's important to note that Post underscored the role the administra- unemployed (schools were shut down Department!) which are not accountable H.R. 128, which has the support of almost tion is playing in keeping the dictator in years ago) as Mobutu has left mines, mills tothe Zairian people. Politics and democ- all the members of the CBC, is directed power in Africa's second largest nation. and factories to rot while he continues to racy are, apparently, good enough for not toward the likes of George Bush - "Last month the American, finance his lavish lifestyle and his private white people but not for Africans. whose personal friendship with Mobutu Frenchand Belgian diplomatsapproached army through the clandestine sale of Whathas been the result of these goes back to his days as CIA director --- Mr. Mobutu and Prime Minister [Etienne] Zaire's mineral wealth. Millions of forced "negotiations" between Mobutu but to Bill Clinton, a Democrat who owes Tshisekedi and asked the two men to set Zairians are reduced to bartering: an egg and the democracy forces? To appease narrow presidential victory to the African aside their differences and form a new for an aspirin. Mobutu, the transitional parliament was American electorate and who promised coalition government," read the Post edi- Instead of supporting Zaire's enlarged to include the deputies from us a new era of support for democracy in torial. "Mr. Tshisekedi, who wants Mr. unarmed democratic leadership in its Mobutu's defunct, one-party National Africa. We must keep the pressure on our Mobutu out, denounced the trilateral pro- standoff with Mobutu, the Clinton Ad- Assembly --a change that gives that gives elected officials --- particularly the CBC - posal as capitulation to a corrupt dicta- ministration has insisted, as the Washing- Mobutu's clique a slim majority and puts -- to make sure they keep the heat on tor... Mr. Tshisekedi is right to be disap- ton Post noted, that the democratic oppo- them in a position to try to "legally" oust President Clinton to put democracy, not pointed, especially with an administra- sition sit down and try to "resolve their Tshisekedi by pulling off a vote of "no 30 years of U.S. backed corruption, first. STUDENT POLITY ASSOCIATION SPA TV IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS @ CHIEF ENGINEER @ CHIEF EDITOR 0 NEWS DIRECTOR" SCAMPUS NEWS PRODUCER 0 ENTERTAINMENT DIRECTOR


"I always talk about a continuing legacy that' s been going on since the beginning of time since we are supposed to be the first people on earti 1. It's that thiis just a continuation of the strengt]h that Africans have had in all walks of life. ThaLt has built a certain fortitude that makes us d,0 more than exist--we triumphantly survive. Th e dances are a reflection of that survival. We cain get out there and dance, because we've beein doing it for a very long time. Alvin Ailey was part of that lineage and now I stand on his shoulder S to continue it."

Judith Jamisoln Artistic Director of th4e Alvin Ailey Dance Theater

"If we build a society without exploitation of on human being by another, then of course womei will have to be free in that society." 5

Teodora Gome BLACWORL ONEATIO I-U by Lloyd Abrahams their own that aid their individual and immunosupression caused by HIV leads genetic reason why HIV is more likely to collective struggles for survival, dignity, to other medical conditions or diseases, survive in, thrive in, or lead to disease in ocial researchers and epidemi and happiness. These involve developing such as lymphadenopathy (can you say Blacks or Hispanics rather than non-His- ologists, as well as their major grapevines to carryinformation,networks that-- lymphadenopathy), which are not panic whites." institutions and the general pub to help each other, and even formal orga- per se diagnostic of AIDS. ARC itself is However, it is surprising to know lic, have been slow to address nizations to formulate and achieve spe- sometimes fatal. In addition, a book writ- that Blacks and Hispanics have a lower T- the racial and ethnic aspects of the AIDS cific goals. In the context of AIDS, these ten by R. Stoneburner, P. Guigli, and A. 4 cell count than do "non-Hispanic" epidemic. contradictory aspects of racial relation- Kristal (1986), entitled Increasing Mor- whites, and significantly so. Through While most persons believe that independent research, it should also be AIDS is a disease that does not discrimi- possible to find out that condoms are not nate against its hosts, evidence is mount- an effective method for prevention of ing to suggest that this is not so. Whether transmission of this deadly virus. "How measured by categories associated with so??" is the question that might com- major routes of infection, age level, gen- monly appear, answered appropriately - der, or by diminished length of survival, condoms are riddled with tiny, micro- Blacks and Hispanics are disproportion- scopic holes that occur naturally in latex. ately affected by AIDS. Testing by scientists have found that the A disproportionate number of smallest of these are 2X to 10X larger than persons with AIDS have been Blacks and the HIV virus (a virus being the smallest Hispanics. After reading the Mortality known microorganism to man). This infor- Morbidity Weekly Reports by the Center mation may be dismissed as bull, but, it is for Disease Control (1986b 35:421-24),it factual. Why this information is not cir- can be easily determined that members of culated with the free condoms available at minority groups survive for a shorter pe- most social service establishments is a riod after being diagnosedas having AIDS question that may be answered by medi- than do whites with the disease. The cal professionals with fatal risk to their dominant image of the disease has been own health (CIA, FBI, SNIPERS that it primarily affects (white) gays; sec- ANONYMOUS, etc.). ondary images have been of transmission This data raises more questions among individuals of unspecified race by than answers in hopes that it will provoke sharing intravenous drug-injection equip- others to conduct the research needed to ment or by heterosexual intercourse. One analyze these issues more carefully and consequence of the neglect of the differ- adequately. Although the data presented ential racial impact of AIDS has been a about the impact of AIDS show that the lack of programs to allocate extra re- epidemic has affected thousands of Blacks sources to AIDS-related efforts of medi- and Hispanics, there has been little orga- cal institutions, health education, or com- nized Black or Hispanic response to this munity groups in minority communities. writing. The major Black and Hispanic Craig Harris of the National Coalition of institutions have done little or nothing, Black Lesbians and Gays cites an impor- and there has been no grass-roots flower- tantfactor in AIDS spreading in abookby ing of new AIDS-related organizations in G. Weston (1986) AIDS in the Black minority communities. In the past couple community. Black/Out (1(2):13-15). of years, indeed, something new has oc- Little mobilization by minority commu- curred, such as the New York Council of nities or organizations to come to grips Churches' Minority AIDS Task Force; with AIDS has undoubtedly been fur- the Minority AIDS Project in Los Ange- thered by the fact that Black and Hispanic les; the Kupuna Network in Chicago; and gays were more stigmatized and less or- the Third World AIDS Advisory Task ganized than white gays before the advent ships lead to contradictory and somewhat tality in IV Drug Users, suggests that Force, Black Coalition on AIDS, and of the epidemic, and by the hostility of confusing facts. For example, rather than there is growing evidence that the rapid Latino Coalition on AIDS/SIDA Educa- many minority institutions and leaders to simply finding that Black and Hispanic I- increases in tuberculosis, pneumonia, and tion and Action in San Francisco. intravenous (I-V) drug users. V drug users are more likely than white endocarditis cases among I-V drug users Blacks and Hispanics are more In order to understand the indi- users to engage in behaviors that transmit may be due to HIV infection. In 1987, likely than whites to get AIDS. This is vidual, community, and group reactions the virus that causes AIDS,or that they are over 90% of adults diagnosed with AIDS true among gays, among IV drug users, to AIDS among members of different less likely to know enough to protect had been gay men, I-V drug users and among heterosexual partners, and among races, it is helpful to present a model of themselves, it is factual that minorities 61% of pediatric cases were children of children. "race" and the dynamics surrounding know more about issues that depend upon bisexual men or I-V drug users. In central Although the findings on risk "race". This model goes beyond the com- knowledge carried by street grapevines, Africa, where statistics are limited but behaviors and risk reduction are not con- mon "iew of minorities as deprived and but are less likely to know about subjects where AIDS has claimed thousands of clusive, there is considerable evidence subordinated, and, thus, as less able than recentlypromulgatedinprofessionalchan- lives, there is strong evidence that the that Blacks have been at least as likely as whites to protect themselves against the nels. Likewise, although Blacks or His- major mechanism spreading the disease whites to attempt to reduce their risk. In epidemic, while recognizing that Blacks panics are more likely to engage in some has been heterosexual activity. particular, in spite of all the difficulties and Hispanics are indeed subjected to risky behaviors, they are less likely to Almost all prominent medical they face, many IV drug users have cut relations of dominance and inequality that engage in others. literature profess that when discussing the back back on behaviors that put them and leave them with lower levels of material AIDS, the Acquired Immune issue of AIDS among minorities, it is others at risk. resources and of formal education than Deficiency Syndrome, is an infectious important to stress that, so far, there is no Some suggestions that would whites. It also goes beyond the "social disease caused by the Human Immunode- evidence that race is a biological risk help halt the widespread epidemic among pathology" model that holds that, in reac- ficiency Virus (HIV). This virus disables factor for vulnerability to AIDS. Samuel minorities: tion to deprivation and subordination (and the immune system by killing the T-4 R. Friedman (1988), in an article entitled 1. TargetAIDS Education perhaps for other reasons as well), many cells, thus, enabling infections that nor- An Overview of Current AIDS Preven- at Minority Groups. minority race members take up behaviors mally are controlable to overcome control tion Efforts Aimed at IV Drug Users (in 2. Strengthen and In- or lifestyles (such as I-V drug use) that are and, ultimately, kill the patient. HIV can the Journal of Drug Issues), wrote: crease the Medical Care Available to ultimately harmful both to these individu- also infect cells in the brain and cause a "That is, in spite of the fact that greatly Minorities. als and to their communities. In addition severe dementia (this in not widely known disproportionate numbers of Blacks and 3. Further Research is to deprivation, subordination, and pathol- by the public). Many thousands of people Hispanicshave developed AIDS, we have Needed to Clarify the Myths ogy, however, minorities are constantly are believed to have AIDS Related Com- no reason to believe that there is any surrounding AIDS. developing resources and dynamics of plex (ARC), in which serious - I I---l-~-_lls-----c~_ __ __ - LI~ I - - · as ~ I L-- I · I I IL I I = ------' II--- -- ' I -- -- s , BLACKWOR LD -,ONE'NA TION~-~~ I~b~--·~ L· South Africa Today by La Keesha Tyler heid might, one day, would not be there." status (as a consequence of economic instability leads to fewer foreign invest- Mogana feels apprehensive about the end sanctions) also contributed to the problem ments. Investors will not put money into The South African elections will of apartheid, likening it to "...a National in South Africa. These conditions an unstable country which means less be taking place at the end of April 1994. lobotomy that has left them (South Afri- prompted the South African government money for the people of South Africa. After decades of denying the vote to cans) with no tongue of their own." to pay attention to the people's needs. In addition, there is the problem Blacks, Coloreds, and Asians, everyone Mogana went on to say that the very fact Despite rather vigorous attempts of division of parties. The government of voting age will have the right to do so. that the structure of apartheid is no longer on the part of the government to reduce must find an effective way to create a According to Dr. Sindiwe Mogana, au- there gives us reason " at least hope." the Black population, it only grew. There sense of unity among all South Africans. thor andpublic information officer for the Mogana cited elder statesman was a growing problem of a shortage in We must not assume that once United Nations (and guest speaker at Nelson Mandela as an example of the lack skilled labor. Education for Black Afri- the elections take place, the political, so- Stonybrook), this does not mean that ev- of experience Black South Africans have cans was of very poor quality. They were cial, and economical situation in South eryone who is eligible will vote. People in with voting. Mandela is a very educated given an education that readied them for Africa will be improved. Africana studies South Africa have no history of participa- man and slated by many to be the next manual labor only. In other words, Afri- professor, Dr. Vaughan, inquired on the tion in democracy. Previously, democ- cans issue of the turmoil between the White racy in South Africa has been based on and the various Black ethnic groups in skin color and limited to the White politi- South Africa. The question was addressed cal elite. The White South Africans know "We must not as- as to how the constitutional development how to govern (based on the exclusion of and politics will resolve some of these Black Africans). They have the skills to tensions. Mogana referred to the transi- gather supporting votes. Black South sume that once tional constitution as the solution to this Africans, having been excluded from the problem. Those who fought the struggle democratic process, do not have as much the elections from inside South Africa would like to be knowledge of the democratic process. This a part of the new government. This tran- serious disadvantage can be resolved by sitional constitution is in place to ensure voter education. This process, Mogana take place, the that there is a feeling of equal participa- believes, will most likely take many de- tion for all. The government in place has cades. political, social, the finances, the political experience, and Although these major political bureaucracy in place. The ANC has none developments generate hope, there also and economical of this. The transitional constitution is are reasons to be concerned about the there to balance this out. future of one of the most important coun- Mogana is a bit weary of how tries in the African continent. While the situation in things have been lately in South Africa. African National Congress (ANC) and When the person who oppresses you says National parities that have dominated for South Africa will "Gee, I made a mistake, I should not have four decades actively prepare for the April oppressed you so long...Let's get together elections, other minor politicalpartiesand now and we'll work things out. Should organizations have expressed discontent be improved." we believe that this person has your good with the forthcoming democratic elec- at heart? What heart? You ask yourself. tions. These political parties and organi- president. What kind of heart is it that oppressed you zations thatrepresent various ethnic groups Ironically, he was never given theoppor- were purposely given an education that for so long and then one day just changes?" may not participate in the elections. This tunity to vote. He is running against was designed to make them not succeed Mogana also raised the question on how raises good reason for concern. The criti- people who are well-grounded in the po- beyond impoverished levels. To make South African president De Klerk, after cal question we must address is whether litical process. Will Mandela's popular- matters worse, Black Africans pay taxes killing, oppressing and damaging so many we should be optimistic about the future ity actually be reflected in the ballot box? to educate Whites and have to pay for people all of a sudden changes and is of South Africa. Do we have good reason Mogana further addressed the their own children's education as well. awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. to expect political conflict and even pos- issue of voting again, explaining that she This led to a shortage of skilled labor. Someone in the audience asked sibly civil war? These are some of the has never voted before, "What will I be Fifty percent of Africans were not only the question whether a Black government questions raised by the guest speaker. voting for? What will I be doing? What unemployed but unemployable. Another will be capable of running the govern- As a part of the Black History will it mean? What does my vote count problem that contributed to the shortage ment given the lack of experience and Month Celebration, Dr. Sindiwe Mogana for if everyone knows who is going to be of skilled labor took place in the 1970's cultural diversity. Mogana said that South came in to share her thoughts on the status in power?" This is a time in South Africa when a large number of whites left the Africa can perhaps look at neighboring of South Africa. She is currently working of "mammoth implication historically. country as the income for white skilled countries and learn from their mistakes. It in the Public Information Office of the This is a peculiar time in the history of my labor increased. Such a high unemploy- has occurred elsewhere that people of United Nations and she is the author of country. A time we have long dreamt of." ment rate created a challenge for those diverse language and ethnicity ran a gov- three books. Dr. Mogana joined us to Mogana gave a brief account of running the country. ernment with every one's best interest in speak on the current political and consti- apartheid in South Africa. Political There are a number of issues mind. tutional development in South Africa to struggle and constitutional evolution of which the new government must address The last thought we were left illustrate how the free elections in April South Africa did not begin with the re- since this is a time of desperate need. with was that we must realize that the will effect South Africa itself as well as lease of Mandela from political prison in "South Africa has never been in such a Black peoples of Africa are capable of the neighboring regions. To illustrate 1992. The Union of South Africa was difficult economic situation. The new running a government. Africa is a conti- this, Dr. Mogana began the lecture with formed in 1910 and the ANC was formed government has to try to create some nentoccupiedby various groupsofpeople. an analogy saying "when South Africa in 1912. These were peaceful organiza- stability. The government must putpeople "A Nigerian is not necessarily a Kenyan. sneezes, the rest of the sub-continent tions that struggled for equal rights for to work and build homes." says Mogana. Each country has money thus far to main- catches pneumonia." Black Africans. It wasn't until the 1970's "We are facing the end of the 20th century tain some semblance of sanity. Most of Dr. Mogana is a striking woman when Black Africans protested the biased and still, there are homes without electric- them are black. In other words, you don't with prominent cheekbones and skin so education system in the Soweto uprising, ity, plumbing and bathrooms. People still need white skin to be able to maintain a smooth, it belies her age. Dr. Mogana has that the national community captured the have no choice but to pay rent for these semblance of sanity in a country. Tanza- spent most of herlife in South Africa. She governments attention. This uprising terrible houses." nia, Kenya,andNigeria wererun by Blacks feels the way a lot of people feel, when paved the way for other groups to raise Another problem that plagues despite their legacy of being ravaged by talking about South Africa, "...very few of their voices against the South African South Africa is violence. Violence adds colonialism." us, deep down, really believe that apart- government. The economy's depressed to the instability of the country. This

I · rl 1 I -· LII I~ -· I -·I I Ir" a 1 r II I - AFRICAN STUDENT UNION

ASU's meeting was held on March 17th at 9:00 pm in the Uniti Cultural Center. Our discussion consisted (of suggestions for a possible speaker and social with another club. For Easter, ASU will be raising funds by selling candy (East er bunnies) for our 3rd Annual Miss Africa Pageant. The rest of the discussion was about our upcoming pageant, which wi be held on April 29th in the Union Auditorium. Each member of the club will be an active participant in preparing for tlie pageant. Judges for the pageant are still being decided upon along with who will be the MC's and what exhibition acts wiill be featured.


by Jennifer Masse we have seen no evidence of this. With Aristide could no longer serve as presi- cratic government. Aristide was Haiti's suspicion surrounding the ousting of dent because he was a threat to this opera- "Martin Luther King" and now like the The "Grassroots Movement" in Haiti's firstdemocraticpresident, Aristide, tion, therefore the United States called for Blacks of America long ago, the Haitians Haiti has been undermined by the United questions have arisen about whether the Aristides's ousting and replaced him with are being oppressed. Hence, we must rise States vested interest in maintaining its united States is really committed to stop- General Raoul Cedras, a "puppet" for the to counter attack this opposition or Haiti status quo, which is the de-stabilization of ping the drug trade in Haiti and whether United States. will be left with a"fate worse than death". the worlds first Black independent coun- the United States Government may actu- Opposition has increasingly es- Haiti once served as arole modes try. Although, the Haitian people have ally be involved in drug trafficking. calated toward this newly establishedcoup for other Black countries, and now is attempted to change the pending "psy- The nature of the relationship d'etat. Despite all of the evidence and being used by the United States as a tool chological war", the CIA and the Ameri- between the coup d'etat that sent Aristide opposition, the United States has done to undermine the development and suc- can government have made it nearly im- into exile and the CIA is questionable. nothing substantial torestore Aristide back cess of all Black countries. If we submit possible for the Haitians' to overcome. The "moving force" in the ousting has to power. If we continue to allow the to this abuse the United States will suc- Like the presidents preceding him, Presi- been completely blurred, and the CIA has United States to afflict harm, and control ceed in exstinguishing our war on oppres- dent Clinton has publicly voiced his sup- created an pseudo-front in order to main- in Haiti we will ultimately destroy any sion. port of restoring democracy in Haiti, but tain Haiti as a "transshipment" point. chance of Haiti reestablishing its demo-

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of Urban Black reality, to hear what the your processes and restore the Blackness ful names. The fact that a woman wears a CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 American Black man thinks of himself, in you. And my sistas you are the chosen tight skirt and likes to dance does not his woman and his nation. All one has to creative and corrective force of not only mean that she is a ho. As we move to the do is travel to our own neighborhoods and our people, but all people of which you are next century, we as Black man must cease remember the youth destroyed by the the mother. The weight is doubly on you, the mistreatment of our sisters. It is a SISITATAKSISTA White man's pistol in the Black man's on us, as the Creator has put it there. known fact that the Black woman is the hand. All one has to do is watch television SURVIVE BLACK PEOPLE!!! SUR- mother of all civilizations,and the back and our own backyards to see Black VIVE THAT WE MAY RESURRECT! ! bone of all mankind. Let us treat our ribs sons. Our people are kept high and thus women pimped by the media with the In Love and in Struggle, with dignity and respect. Black men we out of commission due to other sons. Our Black man holding the whip. He was not HETEP! must be wise and recognize. Lift your women are destroyed physically, spiritu- watching our backs when Massa was kid- head up for a moment to see what is going ally, psychologically, sexually and even napping, breeding, whipping, raping us on . Wake up and take a stand for your culturally by those other sons. Our com- then and he's not watching our backs sisters. We men must accept the Black munities are being held hostage by this now. If he had been in the spirit and piety women for their worthiness. Without 8 angry, reckless, displaced, dispossessed of his ancient self, the Afrakan man would CONTINUED FROM PAGE them we would be nothing. We have Afrakan male. To cater to his ego, his have died before allowing (and aiding in) mothers, daughters, sisters that are af- agenda, his desire, his manhood is to what has become of Afrakans in America DARKER SHADE fected by our behavior. Let us change our further destroy ourselves. We cannot. and throughout our Diaspora. Our sacred mentality. We must put the challenge Afrakan men have stood at our warrior has turned against us. their clothes off in videos just "to get before us to respect, protect,and no matter Afrakan shores as middlemen who aided Sistas and Brothas, I have often props" is ludicrous! These sisters are what never neglect them. Our women in the enslavement of our own babies, our come to you begging you to close your giving bad names to other women. These deserve to be put up on a pedestal, and be women, our men, our kings, our priest- eyes and turn inward, to seek your Creator particular females lack self respect and crowned asour queens. My Blackwomen, esses, our elders for centuries, and they and thus find yourselves. I have begged self esteem. In order to build up their self stay strong; do not lose faith in my fellow continue to do so in this wicked Babylon you to abandon Western thinking, West- esteem, they feel a need to do whatever it brothers. Forgive us for all the things we we call America. The European could not ern morals, Western realities, Western takes to uplift their status, without con- have put you through. (I dedicate this destroy Afrakan souls, Afrakan psyches, culture and aspirations. Let alone this sidering what they are doing to them- article first of all to my mom, my savior, Afrakan morals, Afrakan culture nor could enemy of ours! I have begged you to selves in the process. my guidance Celimene " Tante Ce". Sec- he remove Afrakans from this earth with- recall who you are through your own Black men have become accus- ond of all to my Nubian queens here at out the strength and assistance of the ancestral memories. I have begged you to tomed to using to derogatory remarks Stony Brook, and to all strong Black Blackman. And the Black man in America begin building our nation morally, struc- when speaking with and referring to their women all over the world. I, speaking in has become the weapon used to destroy turally, culturally, institutionally, in all women. These slurs have become part of the name of my fellow brothers, vow to no us. All one needs to do is to listen to the ways that a nation needs. And I beg you our vocabulary. We men no longer ad- longermistreat, you, Black women. Peace lyrics of gangsta rap, the so-called voice now to stare at yourselves, your histories, dress our sisters with proper and respect- and One Love.) I I I LI I . - I -~ Ir I -- - · I IIL Ilr- - · · I · · · I I rr BLACKORLDONE ATIO STATEMENT FROM MALIK SIGMA PSI FRATERNITY INC The brothers of Malik Sigma Psi Fraternity chairperson Dr. Floris Cash. These attacks you think attitudes, morals and notions that may lend us some insight into understanding incorporatedae writing this letter to respond have rested on a weak and unstable founda- rationalized and justified the subjugation of the nature of the social, economic, and politi- to Richard Cole's allegationsagainst our oga- tion of assumptions, stereotypes, racism, non- others for centuries simply dissipate in a rela- cal conditions that surround us today. The di- nization and ask thy you print this letter in it's existent scholarship and flawed and immature tively short period of time because of legisla- vision Cole speaks of has existed already for entirety so that we may be able to address Mr. reasoning. Upon Mr. Cole's appointment as tion? Another question to consider is what hap- some-time now and is endemic to the very Cole's public references to the fraternity. Editor-in-Chief of the Statesman, a new me- pens when those who have prejudices and rely structure of America. Could it be that this di- On February 21,1994, the editor-in- dium for his views had been seized. on stereotypes assume leadership positions in vision spoken of is the result of students gain- chief of the Statesman made libelous and un- In Richard's greedy quest for fame our nations government, businesses, universi- ing consciousness and recognizing racists and founded allegations against Malik Sigma Psi, he has amassed a large collection of works that ties and judicial system? Many gains have been racism when they see it? Because issues of and displayed irresponsible journalism as well can only be seen as intolerant. The citations made in the African-American struggle to re- race are controversial should we abandon their as a complete abuse of his position as editor of are too numerous to detail fully and would pair, rebuild and develop it's community, but study for the sake of a impotent and feigned the campus publication. He states "I was told encompass many pages, but to get a sour much more work remains to be done. sense of American "unity" and the desire by that Malik Sigma Sigma Psi, a Black frater- sample of his prejudiced mentality, consider During World War Two loyal Ameri- many to not "rock the boat". Race relations nity, had told their pledges to 'show that white the following examples of Cole's racist notions: can citizens of Japanese descent that resided are perhaps one of the most important issues boy'". This rumor is utterly ridiculous and is 1. In Against the Tide, Richard Cole on the west coast of the U.S. were humiliated of our day and will have to be addressed sooner nothing more than hearsay. More importantly labels inner city students ("inner city" is a eu- and wrongfully incarcerated in concentration or later. Mr. Cole exposes his stinging hypoc- where is your proof and who is your source? phemism or code word for African-Americans camps similar to those utilized by the Nazis. risy by criticizing the need for and the creation Why has this person taken steps to wrongfully and Latinos) as academic underachievers and Many lost their homes and businesses and were of the curriculum of inclusion and Africana defame the character of the fraternity? Your argues that these students lack the intellectual treated poorly by a country that they called studies, while tenaciously clinging to his right editor passes off unreliable gossip as factual capabilities necessary home. Many years to freedom of speech, and expression. information and furthers his mistake by imply- to excel at Stony after, these same The brotherhood of Malik Sigma Psi ing that our brothers keyed his car. Brook. He also persons sued for fraternity incorporated was created on May 13, Mr. Cole flatters himself by assum- claims that there ex- reparations and 1977 in an attempt to combat miseducation on ing that he was the would be target of Malik ists a correlation be- "Our organization be- won. Now why is college campuses and to promote the study of pledges, while at the same time he also uses a tween inner city stu- it that many white African and Latino culture and history. With public forum to erroneously discredit the broth- dents and certain gan to est ablish roots Americans cry this in mind, it is no surprise that we whole- erhood. Any reader of this garbage that lacks types of crime on about equal op- heartedly endorse the AFS department and critical thinking skill, and the ability to recog- campus. The assump- here long 1before Cole portunity scholar- multiculturalism. We live in a nation that does nize the transparency of his writings will ac- tions are injurious and ships awarded to not have one monolithic culture that is repre- cept these falsehoods as the "truth". The ac- are totally devoid of attended SItony Brook Blacks and other sentative of the vast myriad of peoples that call ceptance of Cole's accusation will lead to the reason and sound re- "minorities"? themselves Americans, but rather a varied unjust characterization of Malik as a racist and search. Cole adds in- and will be here long Was it not the un- population complete with differing experiences .malicious organization. Dick Cole is certainly sult to injury by stat- paid prosperity of and realities that should be reflected in our edu- entitled to his viewpoints and the right to ex- ing that this same in- after." this colossal na- cation system. press those ideas, however, does his right to ner city element tion? To some In conclusion, Malik Sigma Psi ... i.. *t_'---fI » 4."a Mr. Cole's lu- free speech give him the jurisdiction to malign wuuit p iagei tLe significant degree makes this public repudiation of individuals, organizations, and entire ethnic Three Village area. the foundations of dicrous accusations and confidently deny any groups? He is an illustrious example of free How did Cole arrive at the economic and of the activities maliciously connected to us in speech gone astray, for he has transformed this these invalid conclusions? Where is the data political powerhouse we call America rest sol- Against The Tide. Unfortunately Mr. Cole as universal principle into "Free Babble". Print and evidence to support these racist and elitist idly upon the broken backs of the African (not well as other idiots are protected by the con- facts and opinions, not gossip and propaganda! notions? And if data and research prove these to mention other peoples devoured by the phe- stitutional right to free speech and are allowed Mr. Cole has allowed his simpleminded utter- theories correct then the real question is why nomenon of colonialism). to fully exercise that right, but slander and char- ances to leave the boundaries of ethical jour- is that? If Mr. Cole really wants to address the Therefore reparations for this injus- acter assassination we refuse to tolerate. nalism and enter the grimy realm of libel and issues of pillaging, let him investigate the glo- tice in the form of scholarships and other affir- It is with equal conviction that we slander. bal plunder committed by the western Euro- mative action measures cannot be seen as much also advocate the resignation of Richard Cole The brothers of Malik, as well as pean powers and the United States of America! to ask! How does Mr. Cole propose to address from his position as Editor-in-Chief of the many other students, staff, and campus orga- during several centuries of colonialism and the legacies bestowed upon the nation by the Statesman. He has clearly abused the position nizations are aware that Mr. Cole utilizes not imperialism. inhuman system of chattel slavery? given to him and has used the newspaper as a enlightenment and insight in his writings but 2. In the Stony Book Review, a now As far as the conservative views of tool for his own purposes: the sperad of racist sheer ignorance instead. Those familiar with defunct publication, Cole claimed that Black Mr. Cole (a self-proclaimed Conservative) on and conservative ideology. Using the pages Malik Sigma Psi, it's philosophy, ideology, and people persistently strive to obtain "victim sta- Multiculturalsim and the Africana Studies De- of the Statesman, Cole has passed his own in- work here at Stony Brook know that the im- tus" and special privileges because of the fact partment are concerned, we fail to see the mo- securities and complexes off as legitimate jour- plications made by Dick Cole are flimsy and that Africans were brutally enslaved for sev- tivations behind his and other's attacks on these nalism and has attempted to whip up race hys- lame. Racism is not a tenet of Malik, nor is eral centuries. He attacks Affirmative Action institutions. He has repeatedly called them teria. Additionally he has succeeded in insult- verbal or physical harassment. Mr. Cole has measures and race-based scholarships. This "divisionistic" and detrimental to the quality ing the dignity and character of the African in no personal knowledge of the fraternity or it's intolerable lack of sensitivity to the plight of of university academics. How is this so? America. principles and is oblivious to the enduring and our African predecessors makes a mockery of Cirriculum inclusion and Afrian studies can At this time Malik Sigma Psi frater- positive relationship Malik Sigma Psi had the suffering Black people experienced during only serve to enhance the educational system nity incorporated calls upon the African and maintained with the Stony Brook community. the days of Chattel slavery and ignores the system by truly bringing the spirit of free de- Latino community to diligently study both the Our organization began to establish roots here political, economic and social inequity of to- bate and inquiry to a system that has perpetu- curriculum offered to you, and your own heri- long before Cole attended Stony Brook and we day that is a direct result of that savage and ated the examination of American society from tage and history. The fallacies of Richard will be here long after he has taken his poison- barbarous institution. Mr. Cole, alone and with the dominant perspective. Anyone that com- Cole's writings will be exposed as members ous mentality elsewhere. Malik aims to con- many other European Americans, feel that the prehends how society and education are inter- of the "minority" student body excel in their tinue affecting positive change within the Black ills of slavery vanished upon the issuance of related realize that education can be consid- respective disciplines and become the new and Latino communities and to interact in an the Emancipation Proclamation, but the real- ered a tool used to uphold the status quo! leaders of a community that is desperately in upright fashion with all peoples. ity of the situation shows otherwise. Therefore a study of the African experience need of help! Let it also be known that not But more important than the reputa- The America south was in a quasi- both in the U.S. and across the globe, through every white person is a racist, but there are rac- tion of Malik is the dire need to rebut Mr. Cole's apartheid state up until the abolition of The Jim an African perspective should be deemed nec- ists that are white, as well as black, yellow and blatantly racist propaganda. We of Malik see Crow laws eliminating segregation based on essary. Americans should view African stud- brown. Know that racism is definitely alive his writings as insulting, arrogant, ignorant and color. That was roughly only thirty years ago! ies and multiculturalism as an alternative van- and well in our global community, but exer- of course bigoted. Throughout the birth and During the civil rights struggle of that era, those tage point to the mainstream interpretation of cise caution so as not to perpetuate the same demise of the The Stony Brook Review (a con- whites that strongly now, segregation forever." history. They should not be perceived as threats disease we are combating. When racism does servative publication sponsored by Cole and What do the political conservatives of today to rewrite history, but should be recognized as surface, as it does all too often (Richards Cole others), Mr. Cole along with Ary Rosenbaum, want to "conserve"? We hope Mr. Cole that a chance for African-Americans to inject their as case and point), respond swiftly and deci- launched vicious propaganda attacks on the you are not naive enough to believe that when historical, sociological, psychological, and po- sively and on the perpetrator's own terms! African-American community, slavery was abolished, thatAfricans were also litical theories into the realm of higher stud- FORWARDS EVER, BACKWARDS Multiculturalism, The AFS department and it's granted equal access to power and wealth? Do ies. Differing analyses of our nations history NEVER! ------~ I - C - ---c i ----I--- -- _-s~ _ C ------· ls -I C ------~- -- C --- _ I - m eRL I OE-ATION H


I SIGNATURE______DATE______I L..m - rn mrnr -- rrn-n a iamnn- NN-- m m----m--mr ----- m n--mm-a---- ai u---m------rn - mm mm I 1 The System Should we be turbulent or to]lerant? by Solomon Moor Before I begin, I will like to But this reality of mastering ones you damn Negroes and Uncle Tom's Eliah Muhanimad first give thanks to Allah for creating own destiny would soon change be- don't wake up-you too will be dead all aspire to this the original people, that's you Black cause Caucasians were preparing to and gone. And gone with the wind. position. Elijah man and woman, in his image and explore the New World. When they If we are going to pick up the Muhammad ii less after his likeness. I would also like came to these shores, as the story violent approach than sing a song of a threat be4cause to express thanks and appreciation goes, we were there to welcome them. that will inspire us to uproot and of his age. King to A 0 A, for putting together a They settled amongst us. And we destroy anything that gets in our could be a veraSreal question that will allow us, the. clothed and taught them survival way. Sing a song of Freedom, Jus- contender for this contestants, to get to the root of the skills on how to adapt to a new tice, Equality and land. In turbu- position shoulId he subject. And if not the root, it will geographical environment. After lence, I don't want you to think, that abandon his allow us to uncover some earth, they mastered our teachings, their I'm only suggesting weapons of war sup po s ed diggingin the rightdirection towards relationship towards us changed. alone. Use you mind, tongue and "obedience" to the root. And lastly, I would like to They became arrogant and hostile. pen. Disrupt their intellectual, reli- "white, liL)eral send a warm welcome to the judges, They wanted land to expand and gious, social, political and economic doctrin es" contestants and guests. they wanted us off of the land. At circles with truth. And if we are (nonviolence) and this point, an ideology wasneeded to going to eradicate the ideological embrace black The System produce this effect. The settlers, fallacy of these institutions, all we nationalism. Should we be turbulent or then began to generate lies tojustify need is truth. But if we are at- tolerant? [Question mark] their land encroachments. They said tacked, violently by the author of - F BI we were devils, savages,jungle bun- lies, wickedness and hypocrisy, then memorandum, Before we can even answer nies best suited for the wild. They let the insurrection begin. March 4, 1968 the question: The System Should said they came to give us souls- in In closing, the Any Means we be turbulent or tolerant, we first order to reform us from a wretched Necessary would be to fulfill the To fulfill this prophecy, we must define some things, we have to life ofbestiality. It was racist ideolo- prophecy that is written in the FBI must insure the coalition of Militant give some things meaning. So we gies like these that said we had no File on Malcolm X. But first allow Black Nationalist groups. In unity can better understand the question lease nor right to property. But they me to read to you what is written. It and strength, we must organize an and choose the right option.' The did not stop there, they when as far says: effective coalition of Black System. What is the System? Who as killing native populations of color Nationalist groups to bring about a is the System? And where did the wholesale. Where ever the white Malcolm and the American State first real "Mau" in America, the System come from? man went and found the Black, the beginningofa trueBlack revolution. Brown and Yellow peoples of the For maximum effectiveness This will create the condition The Random House earth, he slaughtered them whole- ofthe Counterintelligence Program, right for the rise of a "Messiah" who Dictionary, defines the word sale. Devilishment was their his- and to prevent wasted effort, long- will unify and electrify the Militant SYSTEM to mean-the structure of tory, culture, religion, psychology, range goals are being set. Black Nationalist movement. After society, business, politics, etc. values, behavior and more concretely this there will be no more turbulence, their system in relationship to us. I, 1. Prevent the you will have to redefine that term, It defines Turbulent to mean- therefore judge this system, Guilty coalition of militant there will be nothing other than a violently disturbed or agitated or to of practicing wickedness no better black nationalist true Black Revolution: An action cause disturbance or disorder. known as White Supremacy. White groups. In unity thatisbloody... basedonland, knows Supremacy is nothing other than there is strength; a no compromise, overturns, uproots It deciphers Tolerant to mean- A whatyoubourgeoisintellectuals code truism thatis noless and destroys what ever gets in its liberal spirit towards opinions and as Institutionalized Racism, today. valid for all its way. Thank you. practices that differ from ones own In fact, institutionalized racism in triteness. An or The power to endure or resist meaningis white. Institutionalized, effective coalition of discomfort, hardship, the action of a separating the '1 i z and e d' gives black nationalist drug, poison, etc. you institutions which are those ar- groups might be the eas in society that involves people first step toward a Let us put it all together. We must activities such as economics, educa- real "Mau" in understand and agree that the tion, entertainment, labor, law, poli- America, the choosing ofeither approach, whether tics, religion, sex and war. And beginning of a true it be the non-violent approach- 'Racism' as referring to those per- black revolution. Tolerance- or the violent sons who collectively use political approach-Turbulence- is all and economic power to oppress. And 2. Prevent the contingent upon the System's since Caucasians collectively hold rise of a "Messiah" •L•!ll" mn , aanl•mlii behavior towards us. Now it's time the most power in America, they who couldunify, and to put the system on a scale and fulfill the true meaning of the word electrify, the weigh our reality under the that more than Blacks. militant black system. How do we fight such a sys- nationalist Brothers and Sisters, before tem? With faith, truth and oneness.. m o v e m e n t. you and I were born, our forefathers Let me say this, that, that non-vio- Malcolm X might and mothers had their own lent approach is dead and gone. have been such a communal system of governance or Tolerance has produced to many "Messiah"; he is the self-rule in what is termed Africa damn Uncle Tom's. Why should you martyr of the and lands throughout the earth. tolerate or endure wickedness from movement today. Communal systems of governance another. I say fight with those that Martin Luther that existed thousands of years fight with you. That song, "We shall King, Stokely before the white man's existence. over come" is dead and gone. And if Carmichael and

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n otS # d &t er I March 24,1994 The Latino supplement to BLA CKWORLD newspaper Vol II, no. 6 The Role of Latinas in Today's Society Homemaker vs. Working Mother

by Marilyn Ramirez

Today's Latina has many more New York and discussing important is- because it is a source of empowerment. a career outside the home and raise a opportunities open to them than their sues in the Latino community. Education will open our minds to new family we must be committed to our mothers, despite the fact that they come In order for latinas to be success- ideas and perspectives. It also will give us goals and to their achievement. from a culture dominated by machismo. ful today we must incorporate into our better chances for success in the work- Most of all Latinas must have a In the past, they were locked into the roles lives four qualities. These qualities are place. It gives us more opportunities and strong sense of self-confidence. We must of mother and homemaker. Now many independence, education, commitment to more career choices. With these choices know that our dreams can become a real- are achieving success outside the home as hard work, and self-confidence. These and opportunities we prosper financially ity. We must continue to tell ourselves well by incorporating the roles of home- qualities are vital for Latinas to continue as well as socially. We can continue to that success is out there. But most of all maker, mother and working woman. the progress we have already made. achieve a higher socioeconomic status. we must know that our goals can be Latinas today have many role Latinas must be independent. Hard work is a quality that is achieved and that success is within our models within the public sector that are We must face reality. In order to achieve central tooursuccess. Wemustbe willing reach. visible to us all. In New York City there we must do it ourselves. No one will do to go beyond the boundaries and to give Role models are those who in- are several Latinas holding key positions anything for us. If you want something instead of one hundred percent, we must spire us to grow as individuals and teach in politicsand business. JacquelineRivera you need to set a goal and work towards give one hundred and ten percent. Latinas us to achieve greater results. They can be is the Assistant Treasurer of Chemical it Our future is in our own hands. have two strikes against them. The are a the women who stays home, and cares for Bank. She began as manager of Chemical's Independence in Latinas breaks double minority, they are minorities both her children as well. These role models Latino market division. Ninfa Segarra is many traditional roles. No longer must in gender and in race. are our mothers, aunts and sisters. Once the Deputy Mayor in the new Guiliani we depend on our families for everything Today Latinas must be willing we have achieved success, we must re- Administration. She is an accomplished or on a man. We should be our own to work harder. Especially if they want to member that we have a responsibility to attorney as well as the mother of two. person. Don't be locked into being some- raise a family. With the problems of our future generations and to our community Daisy Exposito was the producer of thing that you're not happy with. society raising a family becomes more to be the next generation of role models. Visiones, a TV show geared to Latinos in Education is important toLatinas and more difficult. If we intend to have

All in All, Still Celebrating 150 Years of Independence! by D. M. Abreu LASO presents Me qga0a The Dominican Republic is a small country dependence from Haiti, it was too weak economically to eenl of Me soifester$... located in the Caribbean Sea. The early 19th century saw support itself. Thus it asked the U.S., who was only to the Dominican people struggling for independence-not eager to help, for financial assistance. However, when only against Spain and France, but also the Haitians with the U.S. took over the finances of the country, its national whom they share the island of Hispafiola. It's history has debt soared. Th Annuna] been marred by violence and civil war. In 1930, General Rafael Trujillo became the e In 1492, Columbus landed on Quisqueya which dictator of the country with support and manipulation of he named Hispaflola and left his brother in charge. His the government by the U.S. During his rule, the economy Scmi-Fornal brother established the first city of the new world, Santo flourished, paying off the national debt and putting an Domingo. France's wars with Spain eventually divided end to the U.S. control of the country's finances. How- Hispafiola, the right half belonging to Spain (Dominican ever, after his assassination (allegedly by the CIA), the cxtrava5anza Republic) and the left to France (Haiti). country again faced economic difficulties and the U.S. The Dominican Republic has faced many eco- forcibly took control of the economy as it did before. nomic difficulties. The problems with the economy Their motto, "God, Fatherland, Liberty" and started when the island was divided and the French side religious symbols characterize both the Dominican flag coming S!trtj prospered. and its coat of arms. The blue represents liberty, red for April 23f' In a slave revolt in the early 1800's, Haiti fire andblood of the independence struggle and the white expelled all colonial influence and took over the entire cross as a symbol of sacrifice. island. After several unsuccessful attempts, indepen- Although today the island is still confronting dence was finally achieved on the 27th of February, many economic hardships, the world has seen and ben- 1844. efited from the many contributions of the Dominican The leader of the independence movement was community, from music, dance and culture to sports and Juan Pablo Duarte, who on July 16th, 1838, formed a science. secret revolutionary society, the Trinitarian. This name Juan Pablo's dream of a sovereign free land has referred to three individuals who composed the group now celebrated its 150th year. All those who died for the and also their religious faith. independence movement can now rest in peace know- When the Dominican Republic claimed its in- ing that their struggle was not in vain. mamommom Pat Lax 1994lilf9 ..- - - - .Bringslk . . . ý1 New Faces To BY JASON YELLIN the midfielders and have a major role in the As Stony Brook enters its sixth season as a area of recruitment for future Stony Brook play- Division I lacrosse program they are begining ers. a season featuring many new faces on the field LoCascio will spend much of his time and off the field. working with Stony Brook goalie Steve Cox, On the field, the Patriots had just seven Kevin banks and Dan Lozza. returning players and 22 newcomers during Stony Brook will be looking to major their home opener against Air Force last contributions from two big time defenders weekend where a Stony Brook rally just fell Brian McDonald andLoren Herod. short, losing 6-5 in overtime. McDonald is a transfer from Nassau On the sidelines, seven year coach John Community College. "He is a big stong Espey will have two new assistance by his side. defenseman and should find a starting spot on Jim Strub and Sal LoCascio were named assis- our close defense," said Espey, who has known tant coaches this past January. McDonald for several years.When McDonald Strub comes to Stony Brook with a wealth was a freshman at Chaminade High School, of lacrosse experience. For the past year and a Espey was his basketball coach. half, he served as an assistant in his alma mater Herod was an Empire State player from Brown University. Prior to serving as coach, Western New York while at Stanley High he helped the Bruins to three consecutive School in upstate, Webster, NY. "Loren is very NCAA playoff appearances. stong and quick," Espey said. "He will get Locascio is a name that is familiar to many plenty of time as a long stick midfielder also." Long Island lacrosse fans. He is currently the Among the freshmen expected to bring goaltender for the NewYork Saints of the Major immidiate contributions is Fayeteville-Manilus Indoor Lacrosse League. midfielder Derek Reyna. He has been named the team's most "Derek is a very good face-off man that valuable player for the past three seasons, as helped lead F&M to the NewYork State Cham- well as an all-pro for the same time span. pionships," said Espey. Also coming to Stony A 1989 graduate of the University of was a member of the 1990 US National team Brook from the Syracuse area are freshmen Massachusettes, LoCascio was a fourtime All- that won the World Championships and will Courtney Wilson (middle/attack), Rob American who led the Minutemen to NCAA compete with the same club in 1994. Aitchison (middle/attack) and Ed Warner tournament all four years. In addition, LoCascio Strub will be responsible for working with (defenseman) Patriots Swim to Success Baseball The Lady Patriots finished BY GLENN STORDEUR citing, I have been looking forward From back page The Stony Brook men's team to it." their season at 6-3 and took fourth on his years at Stony in the Metropolitian capped off season with a seventh Reflecting ten game trip DeMarie said "I feel I have Championships with 225 points at a tough nine day, place finish in the Metropolitian Brook, in late March. Senk Coach John accomplished what I set out to do Kings Point. The team was led by to Florida championship. Head the preparation and the his " and pointed to his four dual meet Kristen Bernard, Mary Angelini, cites DeMarie was pleased with commradery that the trip brings teams performance as most of the titles, two Suny Center Corinne Jones and Amy Romano. chamionships and two Bernard, a sophomore, finished to the team. swimmers achieved personal best "The trip we took last years times. DeMarie said "No coach metropolitian championships. fourth in the 100 free (57.44) and In addition, Demarie was 6th in the 200 free (2:09.33). ago was a big part of our suc- can ask for anymore, we did not cess in capturing the ECAC be a proud that he coached the only Angelini, a senoir, took second have enough swimmers to Championship," said Senk. team threatt but individually we undefeated team ever at Stony in the 3m dive and sixth in the 1m new university dive. Jones, a-sophomore, took In addition to the always had well over 90% of our Brook and over 140 games in the Sky- were set. At the meet, senoirs Dan fourth in the 200 butterfly(2:27.58) competitive swimmers achieving lifetime best line Conference, Stony Brook times." Tesone and Larry Sawyer made the and eighth in the 200 individual medley(2:26.39). Romano, a will face 1993 playoff teams DeMarie was honored at the national championships for diving Westbury along Joe Morawski freshmen, took seventh in both the Kean and Old meet in this his 15th and final sea- and senoir captain Division II opponents swam a personal best 2:16 in the 200 breastroke (2:42.58) and the with son as head coach. DeMarie has Adelphi, Queens, Dowling, been promoted to the position of 200 breastroke. 200 individual medley(2:25.36). The Stony Brook relays took Concordia, Mercy and Molloy chairman of the physical education During the season, the team prepares itself Maritime (124- fourth in the 200, 400 and 800 as the program department at Stony Brook. defeated New York for the upgrade to Division II. DeMarie said " its' a great 105), Albany (128-98) and freestyle relays and fifth in the 200 for me, its' new and ex- Adelphi(111-87) this season. and 400 medley relays. During the 01ý challenge season, Stony Brook defeated Queens(167-129), Albany(108- Paterson(82-56), Phat Pat Stat : 29), William awa New Paltz(121-119) and * Senior Dan Tesone was Manhattanville(131-79). Stony Snamed an all-American Diver also took second at the Brook the Skidmore Inviatational and third at * as he finished 14th in the Stony Brook Defender's Cup. SNCAA National Tournament S * Championships which was 0 held in Massachusettes last S Sport Shorts : 0 : Friday. 0 The softball team is looking * Tesone is the first Stony S to rebound from a dismal 2-12 * Brook diver to earn such an 1993 season as they open up * honor. There have been four 0 against Mercy College on * swimming all-Americans in Thrusday. The 1993 squad was Patriot history. plagued by the weather which * Tesone placed 15th after forced the cancellation of sev- * the qalifying round and ended eral games. They were also Swith 3443.65 points in the troubled by the lack of depth of STrournament. their pitching staff. * * *.* • 0 o *8 o *• ***• Canada And Gill Named All-Americans BY JUSTIN SCHEEF ECAC Men's Division III Indoor Track as he finished in 22.2 in the first heat. "The Senior sprinters Jerry Canada and Roger Championships March 4 at the Indoor Sports talk was that I ran the semis fast, but I didnt Gill were namedAll-American in the 400 meter Complex. know that I ran that fast," Gill said. dash as they finished third and fifth respectively Stony Brook garnered 86 points, second to In the final, the Springfield Gardens native in the NCAA Division III Championships. the U.S. Coast Guard, who cruised to victory wasn't as quick, but was just fast enough to Gill ran the event in a time of 49.56 which with 150 points. beat teammate Canada for top honors in 22.8 was slower than his time during the ECAC Gill earned Most Valuable Competitor seconds. Canada finished second in 23.0. Tournament. Canada ran the 400 meter event honors, breaking two meet records en route to Morgan finished third in the 55-meter high in 49.73. winning the 200-meter and 400-meter dashes. hurdles with a time of 8.1 seconds. In the 800- Gill said that he was running "injured" as Gill also teamed up with Canada, Ken Napier meter run, Napier finished a strong fourth. Rory he pulled both his hamstrings during the quali- and Jeff Morgan to outrun all in the 1,600-meter Manning finished third in the 1000-meter run. fying round where he only finished third in his relay. Several Patriots also turned in strong pe- heat, running at a 49.73 pace. "It's great, one big word...great," Gill said. formances in the field events. Canada, a senior For Gill it was the fourthAll-AmericanAc- "It's a great way to go out. I was relaxed the from Freeport, leaped 6.8 meters, good for sec- colade he has garnered in his four year Stony whole meet." ond place in the long jump. Brook career, while for Canada, it is his first Gill and Canada's performaces made them JeffVitale was able to clear 12 feet, 6 inches such distinction. qualify to compete in the NCAA Division III in the pole vault, earning him third place. Sophomore Julie Bonurajust barely missed Championships Three Patriots placed in the 35-pound the cut in the qualifying rounds of her events In the 400-meter dash, Gill smashed his own weight throw, led by Brent Spinieo with a 12.29 in the Nationals as she placed ninth in both the meet record in 48.7 seconds, better than his meter toss. Mike Helbig and Ed Shepard hurled long jump and the 55 meter dash. 49.27 last year. Canada finished second in 49.5 The prior weekend, both Gill and Canada seconds. Continued on the inside page led Stony Brook to a second place finish in the Gill also broke the meet record in the 200, Young Patriot Team Aim for Set Goals Patriot baseball Head Coach McDowell, combined with sopho- ing staff. the infield will be freshman John Matt Senk has two goals for the more Garrett Waller should give "Dave was our most valuable Callender, Frank Colon, Spyros 1994 season: win the Skyline the Patriots a one-two punch out player last year and is a great de- Economou and Rich Nordt. Conference championships and of the bullpen. fensive catcher," said Senk. "Our Sophomore Erik Haag, who is qualify for post-season play in "Drew has started in the past pitchers love throwing to him. In coming off a great fall season, will either in the NCAA or ECAC play- but has the maturity to be our addition he has a career .400 be the teams designated hitter and offs. average and is emerging as a real might play first bas eon occasion. "I have the same expectations team leader." In 1993 Marcus Senior Adam Karol, will play of my team and myself every either led or was second on the center field and anchor the Patriot year," explained Senk. 'This year's team in RBI's, hits, run scored, outfield. team is younger than the ones I've home runs, doubles, walks, and "Adam covers a lot of ground had in the past. Because they have sluggin percentage. and can get the balls hit to the yet to achieve either of these goals, Stony Brook's infield is the gaps," said Senk. " He helpd this they are focused on winning." team's youngest unit, with three team by playing a solid center filed This year Senk will rely on a sophomores and a freshman ex- and doing the little things well. young pitching staff that gained pected to get the starting nods. Joining Karol in the outfield valuable experience last season. Sophomore Joe Nathan will start are sophomore Chris Livingstone Junior Mike Robertson is penciled at shortstop and bring big-league and freshman Jason Fiermonte. in the team's number one starter potential to the Patriot line-up. "Chris worked hard in the off- position. "Joe spent most of the last sea- season," said Senk. "Jason is a "Mike emerged as a quality son at third base and has caught good hitter with a stong arm." pitcher in his freshman year when the eye of scouts with his size Senior Sal Azzariti heads the he won five games and struck out (6'4"), range and major league list of Patriots expected to see ac- 31 batters," said Senk. "He had an arm," said Senk. "He also is much tion in the outfield. other averaged sophomore season but stonger than last year and now outfileders are freshmen Mike appears physically stonger and brings good power to the plate." Anello, Anthony Bodolato, Patrick more confident coming into 1994." Sophomores Jason Cifuentes Daly and Sam Jalayer Sophomores Tim Lynch and (second base) and Makr Balsamo The Patriot Schedule includes Patrick Hart are scheduled to be the closer," said Senk. "When he is on, (first base) are expected to get the team's number two and three start- he's as good as anybody around. start on the right side of the infield Contiued in Inside page ers. Lynch was 4-1 with a 2.51 Garrett really came on at the end after seeing limited duty as ERA as a freshman starter and Hart of last season and was out top freshmen. was the team's spot starter and middle reliever." "Jason and Mark have both reliever last season. Adding depth to the pitching stepped up their games from last Inside: Transfer Carlos Quiroz is the staff are sophomores James season and should be ready for the leading candidate to be the team's Mezey, and freshman Luis challenge of starting," said Senk. Lacrosse Preview fourth starter. "Carlos was in Old Amador, Donald Ecker, Matt The third base job will be Westbury's starting rotation last Goodman and Dolan Patrick. handled by either freshman Scott Men's Swimming season and was one of thier top Junior Dave Marcus, a first McAleer are transferWill Bernake. pitchers," said Senk. team all-region and all-conference "Scott is a good athlete with a Women's Swimming Senior Drew McDowell has performer last season, will be be- strong bat," said Senk. "He may been moved to the bullpen and is hind the plate and responsible for also see time in the outfield for us." Phat Pat Stat expected to be the team's closer. handling the team's young pitch- Other players vying for time in