San Diego Reacts to Threat of War T.A.S Strike at U.W.--Madison Chief
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m Volume 5, Number 15 published every two weeks, UC San Diego April 29--May 12, 1980 San Diego Reacts to Threat of War Around eleven o’clock, Friday News of the abortedU.S. military morning,several studentsgathered invasionof Iranreached San Diego late arounda bulletinboard in frontof the lastThursday night, and initial reactions gymsteps where the latestreports were ranged from silent shock to angry posted.A tapeof PresidentCarter’s 7:00 outrage.Even though no shotsappear to am speechwas also playedback. Many have been fired,many peoplebelieved studentsshook their heads in disbeliefas that an actualwar had startedbetween Carter justified the raid for the U.S. and lran. Those peoplewho turned on the news were greeted by Dorm Forum Times melodramatic interviews with the Warren rec lounge 7-9 PM Mon 28 FamiliarStudent addressescrowd of 200 at last Wednesday’sAnti-Draft hostage’sfamilies, like Channel 10’s live demonstrationon Revelle Plaza. report from the home of Dorthea RevelleFormal Lounge 6-8 P.M. Tues Morefield.The real news came around 29 2:00 am as initialreaction in Tehran Muir Fishbowl 7-9 PM Wed 30 T.A.sStrike at came overthe wire.For manywho had a ThirdCenter for People6-8 ThurIst personalstake in the crisis,like the U.W.--Madison alreadypersecuted Iranian students humanitarianreasons. "Only Jimmy SinceApril Ist, Teaching Assistants at rather than by the work performed. here,it wasa verylong night. couldcome up withthat one," remarked the Universityof Wisconsin-Madison Unpaid teachingcurrently occurs in Severalgroups immediately drafted one passingstudent. have been on strike--demandinga fair severaldepartments. statementsdenouncing the attack.One Severalpeople in the assembledgroup contractfor teaching assistants there. In October 1979, under the old membergroup of the CaliforniaCampus expressedtheir fears that the nextraid The TeachingAssistants’ Association contract provisions,an impartial Anti-Draft Coalition produced a wouldbe foughtby drafteesand not by (TAA)--AFT 3220--membership arbitratorruled that these teachers must statement(reproduced on page4) which volunteers.As the factsbecame known, rejectedthe University’s contract offer receivethe protections of thecontract, calledfor a peacefulsolution to thecrisis andthe depth of themilitary blunder was by a 92% vote March10-12. During the includingpay. The Administrationhas whileaccusing President Carter of abuse revealedby Secretaryof DefenseBrown courseof thestrike, areas of contention refusedto heedthis order, however, and of power. The UCSD Iranian Muslim that afternoon,many localsbegan to have been reducedto two major areas: the TAs have beenforced to concede. StudentsAssociation’s statement said, in grievancesand reprisals. changetheir previous feelings about the The Administrationalso wants to part,that the raid was a partof a long- useof militaryforce. The needless death The TAs are demanding that no plannedattack and invasion, ultimately eliminate the current contract of the eightAmericans demonstrated to reprisalsbe taken by the University requirementthat hiringcriteria be directedtowards a coupd’etat designed many San Diegans just how far the againststrikers or supporters.The to put a U.S. puppet governmentin government was willing to go to Universityis willingto limitreprisals power. InsideThis Issue: maintaintheir "honor" and "pride." againststrikers to loss of pay and benefits (unless ’extraordinary’ Kent State Remembered violationsof regulationsoccurred), but Borderlands HOUSE PASSES ANTI-DRAFT insistson theright to reprisalsagainst strike supporters.Several faculty Paraguay DRAFT BILL WEEK BEGINS memberstaught-classes off-campus in Kulture solidaritywith the strike,and the On Wednesday, April 23 the Theweek of April2g - May2 hasbeen Universityis refusingto pay them,an posted.The university’sproposal would U.S.Houseof Representativespassed designated Anti Draft Week by the actionwhich has sparkedprotests. alsoeliminate the right to grievefailure PresidentCarter’s request for thirteen California Campus Anti-Draft Other supporters who could be to postcriteria. subjectedto Universityreprisals include milliondollars for SelectiveService Coalition,of whichStudents for Peace The TeachingAssistants’ Association Undergraduate students who have registrationof 19 and20 yearold men by (UCSD) and Coalition Against the was elected as the bargaining occupiedAdministrative buildings twice a closevote of 208to 188.This allocation l]~raft (SDSU) are member Voups. representativein 1969. The first in thelast two weeksin supportof the bill,which now goes to the Senatefor Accrouthe state college based anti-draft contract,however, did not come until finalapproval, may represent only a tip groupswill present educational forums, strike. Last Thursday,200 or more aftera successfulstrike in 1970.By 1978, studentsoccupied an Administration of thecoming iceberg. For a revitalizedteach-ins,and demonstrationsaimed at the rights they had won includeda buildingand heldit throughFriday--the draftto be effective,new allocations for grievanceprocedure with impartial final bu]ldTng-andunifying the ever growing administrationcancelled work in that armsand training facilities for the new anti-draftand anti-militarist movement. andbinding arbitration as a finalstep, recruitswill have to enacted,taking builidngFriday morning. Stuntsfor Peace wm hold s myriad three of four years of guaranteed away monies desperatelyneeded by In addition,the TAs are demanding of educationalevents at UCSD. Today, bindingarbitration of grievances.The employmentsfor 80% of all TAs, class federalhealth, education, and welfare Tuesday will feature an hour-long Universityinsists upon the right to veto sizelimitations to improveeducational programs.However, initial signs show presentation on the Tri-lateral quality,fair procedures for discipline thata neweffort to stopthe bill will be submissionof grievancesfor arbitration. commissionand its rolein U.S.foreign anddischarge, a just teaching evaluation attemptedin the U.S.Senate. On severalother issues, the TAs have policy. procedure, workload uniformity, According to Senator Beiden (D- accepted University demands-- mechanismsfor undergraduateinput including the definition of what Delaware), a member of the Armed Wedne~lay,thekeynote event will be a and healthinsurance for TAs, Project ForcesSub-committee, passage of the tzach-inRevelie Plaza at one in the constitutesa TA. The administration Assistantsand ResearchAssistants. billis ’almostimpossible’ for a numberof afternoon with Daniel EIIsberg currentlyrequires that graduate students speaking.Thursday therewill be s poster teach withouth any TAA contract The TAA currentlyrepresents about differentreasons. Many senatorsof 50% of UW-MadisonTAs, and has its bothparties are stillcommitted to the displayand ¯ ’liberatedzone in Revelle benefits,including payment for work, in Plaza. certaincases. The Administrationwants strengthconcentrated in the Collegeof continuedon page4 to definea TA by whetherthe TA is paid Lettersand Sciences,where the strike continuedon ~oEe4 Chief French Brought Before Graduate Council In responseto the growingprotest whowas detainedfor overhalf-an-hour, over March 10’s arrest of UCSD and requiredto provideidentification, graduatestudent Kevin O’Connorfor while walkingacross the Mandeville illegallyposting a flyerand declining to ParkingLot one morningat 10:00. identifyhimself upon demand,Campus Frenchopened his presentationwith Police Chief Hugh French appeared remarkson theproblem of theft.Eleven beforethe GraduateStudent Council, to twelvehundred thefts occured last last Thursday.French, who appearedin year, accordingto French, and his responseto theGSC’s letter of concern, officersare attempting to dealwith this addressedthe Councilregarding UCSD problem.He failedto relate,however, police’scriteria for stopping people, and how arrestinga studentfor illegal attemptedto justifyhis department’s postingaddressed this problem. position. He wenton to saythat in ordertodeal The GraduateStudent Council was withthis problem, police officers must concernednot only over the case of engagein constitutionally-questionable O’Conner,but also expressedconcern actionsand allowthe courtsto decide over the case of ChrisAgaga, a Black thatissue. He statedthat there was a UCSD studentsconfronted Navy recruitersFriday, April 18 at the Work AMES graduatestudent questioned and needto interceptpeople before thefts OpportunityWeek Job Fair. The Navy recruitersarrive around1 !:00, by forcedto identifyhimself while walking occured. fromhis UreyHall office to theStudent 1:00students for peacehad establishedan anti-militaristdisplay opposite the "If you were to lose $225 worth of Center parking lot one evening.In Navy’smain display,and studentswere confrontingthe recruiters.Little stereoequipment," French stated, "you recruitingwas done by the Navy that day. photo credit Byron Morton addition,the new indicatorhas learned of other cases--includingone woman continuedon page7 Charles A. Patterson 3 2 freedomto recruitpeople to fight the war rearrangethe rules when tlley’re losing-- Peoplemay recall that this paper, a Incredibly,we absorbedthe deaths we’renow in (invadinga country is an act someof you may recalla referendum, fewissues back, referred to a proposalto ! rememberMay 4th quitewell. the andwounded with a glazeI stillcan’t of war).Everyone must be freeto do backin 1975,when "only" 33% turned restructurecampus programming dayof theKent State Massacre. 1 was in Ten Long Years quitecomprehend. An icy, white