GRAVEYARD MONUMENT EASN SI T LOTHIAN by ANGUS GRAHAM, M.A., F.S.A., F.S.A.SCOT. INTRODUCTORY THE purpos thif eo s pape amplifo t s ri informatioe yth graveyare th n no d monuments of East Lothian that has been published by the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland.1 The Commissioners made their survey as long ago as 1913, and at that time their policy was to describe all pre-Reformation tombstones but, of the later material, to include only such monuments as bore heraldic device possesser so d some very notable artisti historicar co l interest thein I . r recent Inventories, however, they have included all graveyard monuments which are earlier in date than 1707, and the same principle has accordingly been followed here wit additioe latey hth an r f eighteenth-centurno y material which called par- ticularly for record, as well as some monuments inside churches when these exempli- fied types whic ordinarile har witt graveyardsyn hme i insignie Th . incorporatef ao d trades othed an , r emblems relate deceasea o dt d person's calling treatee ar , d separ- n appendixa atel n i y ; this material extends inte nineteentth o h centurye Th . description individuaf o s l monuments, whic takee har n paris parisy hb alphan hi - betical order precedee ar , reviea generae y th b df w o l resultsurveye th f so , with observations on some points of interest. To avoid typographical difficulties, all inscriptions are reproduced in capital letters irrespectiv nature scripe th th f whicf n eo i eto h the actualle yar y cut.
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