International Journal of Academic Information Systems Research (IJAISR) ISSN: 2643-9026 Vol. 4, Issue 4, April – 2020, Pages: 36-43

Expert System for Mouth Problems in ( and ) Disease Yomna Riyad Al-astal Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology, Al-Azhar University, Gaza, Palestine

Abstract: Background: The mouth is a breeding ground for good and bad bacteria, it is active all the time and can attack your healthy teeth at any time, and the wrong dependence is always that brushing your teeth only is sufficient. There are many factors that affect the health of your mouth including speech, chewing, aging, etc., and since it is extremely important that we keep them clean. There are many health problems that may affect the mouth, tongue, and , and in this article we will learn about a list of the most prominent of these problems and ways of dealing with them. Many people suffer from mouth problems, including Stomatitis and tongue (mouth ulcers and tongue, erosive ulcers, or aphthous ulcers), which is the appearance of small, painful ulcers inside the mouth that usually begin in childhood and recurrence frequently. In this paper an expert system is designed to help users correctly diagnose oral. OBJECTIVES: This paper will solve the problems of treatment for Stomatitis and tongue through correct diagnosis and treatment. METHODS: In this paper, we introduce an expert system for diagnosing Stomatitis and tongue that will help clinicians explore everything related to Stomatitis and tongue . We look forward to providing simplified answers. The proposed expert system for Stomatitis and tongue was applied using a disease diagnosis using the SL5 Object Expert System Language.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, SL5 Object, Stomatitis and tongue

1. INTRODUCTION:  A void spicy, salty, and citrus foods. Types of stomatitis and tongue and its symptoms Stomatitis  Gargle cold water to get rid of heartburn. appears in the form of blisters that may affect any part of the  Avoid hot drinks. mouth, such as: the tongue, the edges of the , the gums, the  Maintaining dental hygiene. lining of the cheeks, and the throat. Celsius a few days before  Take pain relievers, such as: ibuprofen or the blisters appear. Having trouble eating and drinking. Runny acetaminophen. saliva. Gum swelling. Feeling pain. Oral lasts from seven to ten days.  Use of toothpaste containing cortisone. Rinse with Causes of stomatitis and tongue Stomatitis and tongue can be water and salt. caused by several factors, and more than one factor may occur at  The use of a on bedsores, such as: the same time, which increases the chance of , lidocaine. including them knowing the cause of inflammation to treat it,  Drink plenty of water. It is worth noting that there is and most of the factors that cause stomatitis, and the tongue are the following: often no cure for stomatitis except that some drug  Viral infection. Fungal infection. and home remedies can be used to reduce the  Smoking, or chewing tobacco. severity of inflammation and its symptoms, such as: Taking aciclovir.  Bruising from dentures, or biting internal parts of the mouth, such as: the tongue, cheeks, and lips, or intra-oral surgery.  Dry mouth.  Stress. Infection with some diseases, such as Crohn's disease, weakened immune system.  Bacterial infection. Treatment of stomatitis and tongue Oral ulcers usually heal within two weeks without resorting to treatment, and in the event that the main cause of stomatitis occurs, it must be treated to get rid of these ulcers, and here comes a

mention of some of the methods that help get rid of Figure 1: Stomatitis and Tongue the pain of ulcers, and their prevention: 36 International Journal of Academic Information Systems Research (IJAISR) ISSN: 2643-9026 Vol. 4, Issue 4, April – 2020, Pages: 36-43

Figure2: Stomatitis and Tongue

2. RECRRENT : Figure 3: Recurrent aphthous stomatitis Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS), a common oral mucosal disorder characterized by chronic,inflammatory, 3. EXPERT SYSTEM: and ovoid ulcers, has a complex aetiologyRecurrent A system that uses human experience, which simulates thinking aphthous stomatitis is a very common condition. through the application of knowledge and interfaces and the use Although the cause is still unknown, it is noticeable that of expert knowledge as databases and data within the system and there is a genetic role in infection. Recurrent aphthous dealing with the ability to solve problems in a human expert. stomatitis often begins in childhood years, which are This type of system seeks to exploit specialized skills or statistics that 80% of patients are younger than 30 years information held by a group of people in specific areas. It can be old.Patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis often considered as a service advisory computerized. It can also be develop ulcers. Some of them suffer from the appearance called system routing information. These systems are used to of one or two ulcers a few times a year. While patients explore for medical diagnosis or as educational aids. suffer from taking a persistent appearance of ulcers. The frequency and intensity of attacks often decrease with age. It provides that there are many factors that prepare a patient for injury or provoke an attack. These factors include oral harm and psychological distress. Etiology of recurrent aphthous stomatitis RAS belongs to the group of chronic, inflammatory, ulcerative diseases of the . Up to date, the etiopathogenesis of this disease remains unclear; however, it is considered to be multifactorial.The results of previous studies indicate that genetically mediated disturbances of the innate and acquired immunity play an important role in the disease development. Factors that modify the immunologic responses in RAS include genetic predisposition, viral and bacterial , food allergies, vitamin and Figure 4: The figure presents the Main Components of Typical microelement deficiencies, systemic diseases, hormonal Expert System imbalance, mechanical injuries, and stress.For the genetic predisposition, The proposed expert system for aphthous stomatitis was applied In this paper an expert system is designed to help users using a disease diagnosis using the SL5 tone of the organism correctly diagnose Stomatitis and Tongue. that remains for the simple Level 5 organism. There are many health problems that may affect the 4. MATERIALS AND METHODS: mouth, tongue, and gums, which are (cold sores or so- The proposed expert system will ask the user to answer the called blisters of fever, thrush, black hair on the tongue, questions about the symptoms of the patient and end up with the oral ulcers, coloration, flat lichen, geographical tongue, diagnosis. Then this expert system shows the user some temporomandibal syndrome, ,) with some information about the disease and some advices telling him / her Information about the disease and how to treat it. The SL5 how to deal with the person. Figure 5 shows the decision tree of Expert System Language was used to design and the expert system for diagnosing the mouth problems. Figure 6: implement this expert system. The figure shows diagnosis and advice of the expert system. 2 International Journal of Academic Information Systems Research (IJAISR) ISSN: 2643-9026 Vol. 4, Issue 4, April – 2020, Pages: 36-43

Figure 5: The figure shows when the system asks the user.

Figure7:Diagnosis tree. Figure 6: The figure shows diagnosis and advice of the expert system. 7. KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION:

5. LITERATURE REVIEW. The main sources of knowledge in this expert system are Stomatitis and Tongue The captured knowledge There is a lot of Expert Systems that were designed to was converted to the SL5 object syntax (facts, rules and diagnose human Diseases [31-63]. But there is no specialized object).There are several factors that may cause oral expert system for diagnosis of Stomatitis and Tongue ulcers together: diseases available free and Use a language SL5 Object  Genetic factors language. This expert system was characterized to be easy to  Bloody factors such as iron deficiency, vitamin use by specialists and People concerned. This is due to the B12 deficiency, folic acid deficiency, and lack coordinated application interface. Some of these Expert of periodic neutrophils. Systems are specialized in one specific disease and others in  Immunological factors 3 diseases. But the current proposed expert system is specialized in the diagnosis of 9 Stomatitis and Tongue  Hormonal factors such as hormonal changes diseases. during menstruation or pregnancy.  Allergy to a food. 6. DIAGNOSISTREE:  Psychological pressure  Stop smoking  Dynamic trauma, that is, the tongue or cheek muscles during food, etc.  Behçet syndrome  Digestive diseases 3 International Journal of Academic Information Systems Research (IJAISR) ISSN: 2643-9026 Vol. 4, Issue 4, April – 2020, Pages: 36-43

Symptoms begin with a feeling of pain or burning in the ease of use, and they expressed the severity of the convenience mouth, followed by a day or two after the appearance of of this expert system. erosive ulcers. An ulcer is not preceded by a bubble. The pain 9. CONCLUSION: is very severe, exceeding what can be expected from a very This paper has presented an expert system for diagnosis the small lesion, and lasts 4 to 7 days. Eating ulcers often form on Stomatitis and Tongue, which provides the patients with the loos tissues, such as those on the inside of the , cheek, on diagnosis, recommendation and treatment; based on the expert the tongue, on the bottom of the mouth, on the soft , or system knowledge base and data collected from the patients. in the throat. Sores appear as shallow, round or oval spots, This expert system saves the patient the time and effort by with a yellowish-gray center and red border. Most sores are allowing the patient to diagnose the Stomatitis and Tongue small in size and ulcers usually disappear on their own within faster more accurate than the traditional diagnosis. This expert 10 days without leaving any scarring. Large ulcers are less system does not need intensive training to be used; it is easy to common. Big sores take an irregular shape, healing may take a use and has user friendly interface. It was developed using SL5 few weeks, and often leave scars. Object Expert System language. Classification of recurrent aphthous stomatitis: 10. FUTURE WORK : Three types of RAS, namely minor, major, and herpetiform types, are recognized.1 Minor RAS is the most common type This expert system is considered to be a base of future ones; that occurs in 80% of RAS patients. The oral ulcerative lesions more mouth problems diseases are planned to be added and to of minor RAS measure between 3 mm and 10 mm in diameter. make it more accessible to users from anywhere at any time. They usually arise from the nonkeratinized oral mucosae with the buccal and labial mucosae being affected frequently. The 11. EXPERT SYSTEM SOURCE CODE: lesion may be preceded by an erythematous macule with ! Written by Yomna Ryiad Alastal the prodromal symptoms of burning or stinging for a few ATTRIBUTE start SIMPLE hours to one or two days. Then, the oral ulceration appears and ATTRIBUTE The patient suffer from pain in your mouth is subsequently covered by a yellow-white fibrinopurulent SIMPLE pseudomembrane. The oral ulcers heal without scarring in 7– ATTRIBUTE The patient suffer from painless white or gray 14 days. Although the minor RAS lesion is small, the pain is sores that may have a hard, raised coating on the tongue or often out of proportion for the size of the ulceration. The oral the inside of the cheeks SIMPLE ulcerative lesions of major RAS measure from 1 cm to 3 cm in ATTRIBUTE The patient suffer from painless lesion, diameter. They usually take 2–6 weeks to heal and may lead to growth or lump on the lip or face SIMPLE scarring. The labial mucosa, soft palate, and tonsillar fauces ATTRIBUTE The patient suffer from a painless, fluid-filled are most frequently involved. In severe cases, the repeated sac that may be bluish in color on the inner lips, gums, palate scarring processes may result in a limitation of mouth opening. or under the tongue SIMPLE Treatment: ATTRIBUTE The patient suffer from pain or swelling under  pain killers. your tongue or in your cheek, especially while eating or  Oral rinse. drinking SIMPLE ATTRIBUTE The patient suffer from small open and taken orally,the condition is first treated with painful sores that are white or yellowish with a red border on analgesia with the same general procedures used in the the inner lips or cheek, gums or tongue SIMPLE treatment of other oral ulcers. In addition, doctors often ATTRIBUTE The patient suffer from a sore that is red and recommend using chlorhexidine mouthwash. In the event of a crusted on your lip or on the outer edge of your lips SIMPLE large number of erosive sores, the doctor may also prescribe an oral rinse containing corticosteroids, such as ATTRIBUTE The patient suffer from a red, swollen tongue dexamethasone. If there are fewer erosive ulcers, doctors or lips SIMPLE recommend using ointments that contain other types of ATTRIBUTE The patient suffer from wear dentures that corticosteroids, such as flucinonide or clobetasol, which can be seem to rub your gums or irritate your mouth SIMPLE mixed with carboxymethylcellulose, and applied to the site of ATTRIBUTE The patient suffer from red and swollen gums the ulcer. that may bleed when you brush or floss SIMPLE Patients with frequent attacks of erosive ulcers can start using ATTRIBUTE The patient suffer from small, painful bumps oral rinses as soon as they feel the ulcer is about to appear, that on your tongue SIMPLE is, before it actually appears. Patients who use corticosteroids ATTRIBUTE The patient suffer from creamy white patches can develop an oral infection caused by . on the tongue, inner cheek or gums that are painful when 8. SYSTEM EVALUATION: scraped SIMPLE Accordingly a preliminary evolution, medical students tested ATTRIBUTE The patient suffer from raised patches of white this proposed Expert System and they were satisfied with its lines or bumps that may also include red open sores on the performance, efficiency, accuracy, reliability, user interface, inside of your cheeks or sides of the tongue SIMPLE 4 International Journal of Academic Information Systems Research (IJAISR) ISSN: 2643-9026 Vol. 4, Issue 4, April – 2020, Pages: 36-43

ATTRIBUTE The patient suffer from a burning sensation in WITH fill color := 170,170,170 your mouth that may involve several areas SIMPLE WITH justify IS left ATTRIBUTE The patient suffer from cracking or open sores WITH font := "Arial" in the corners of your mouth SIMPLE WITH font size := 14 INSTANCE the domain ISA domain WITH text" --===--" =: WITH start := TRUE RULE R0 INSTANCE the application ISA application IF start WITH title display := introduction THEN ASK The patient suffer from pain in your mouth WITH conclusion display := Conc RULE R1 INSTANCE introduction ISA display IF The patient suffer from pain in your mouth WITH wait := TRUE THEN ASK The patient suffer from painless white or gray WITH delay changes := FALSE sores that may have a hard, raised coating on the tongue or WITH items [1 ] := textbox 1 the inside of the cheeks INSTANCE textbox 1 ISA textbox RULE R2 WITH location := 10,10,800,350 IF The patient suffer from pain in your mouth WITH pen color := 0,0,0 AND The patient suffer from painless white or gray sores WITH fill color := 100,200,100 that may have a hard, raised coating on the tongue or the WITH justify IS left inside of the cheeks WITH font := "Arial" THEN ASK The patient suffer from painless lesion, growth WITH font style IS bold or lump on the lip or face WITH font size := 14 RULE R3 The patient suffer from pain in your mouth WITH text=: " AND The patient suffer from painless white or gray sores Mouth Problem Diagnosis Expert System that may have a hard, raised coating on the tongue or the Written By Yomna Ryiad Alastal inside of the cheeks This Expert System diagnoses Mouth Problems through a AND The patient suffer from painless lesion, growth or dialogue between the System and the End User lump on the lip or face The Conclusion of the finding is displayed and an Advise is THEN ASK The patient suffer from a painless, fluid-filled given for the End User to solve the problem". sac that may be bluish in color on the inner lips, gums, palate or under the tongue INSTANCE Conc ISA display RULE R4 The patient suffer from pain in your mouth WITH wait := TRUE AND The patient suffer from painless white or gray sores WITH delay changes := FALSE that may have a hard, raised coating on the tongue or the WITH items [1] := title textbox inside of the cheeks WITH items [2 ] := problem textbox AND The patient suffer from painless lesion, growth or WITH items [3 ] := advise textbox lump on the lip or face INSTANCE title textbox ISA textbox AND The patient suffer from a painless, fluid-filled sac that WITH location := 20,10,800,70 may be bluish in color on the inner lips, gums, palate or WITH pen color := 0,0,0 under the tongue WITH fill color := 200,200,100 THEN ASK The patient suffer from pain or swelling under WITH justify IS center your tongue or in your cheek, especially while eating or WITH font := "Cambria" drinking WITH font style IS bold RULE R5 The patient suffer from pain in your mouth WITH font size := 12 AND The patient suffer from painless white or gray sores WITH text := " The Conclusion of the mouth problems that may have a hard, raised coating on the tongue or the Diagnosis Expert System" inside of the cheeks INSTANCE problem textbox ISA textbox AND The patient suffer from painless lesion, growth or WITH location := 20,110,800,130 lump on the lip or face WITH pen color := 0,0,0 AND The patient suffer from a painless, fluid-filled sac that WITH fill color := 170,170,170 may be bluish in color on the inner lips, gums, palate or WITH justify IS left under the tongue WITH font := "Cambria" AND The patient suffer from pain or swelling under your WITH font size := 12 tongue or in your cheek, especially while eating or drinking WITH text " --===--"=: THEN ASK The patient suffer from small open and painful INSTANCE advise textbox ISA textbox sores that are white or yellowish with a red border on the WITH location := 20,280,800,130 inner lips or cheek, gums or tongue WITH pen color := 0,0,0 RULE R6 The patient suffer from pain in your mouth 5 International Journal of Academic Information Systems Research (IJAISR) ISSN: 2643-9026 Vol. 4, Issue 4, April – 2020, Pages: 36-43

AND The patient suffer from painless white or gray sores AND The patient suffer from a painless, fluid-filled sac that that may have a hard, raised coating on the tongue or the may be bluish in color on the inner lips, gums, palate or inside of the cheeks under the tongue AND The patient suffer from painless lesion, growth or AND The patient suffer from pain or swelling under your lump on the lip or face tongue or in your cheek, especially while eating or drinking AND The patient suffer from a painless, fluid-filled sac that AND The patient suffer from small open and painful sores may be bluish in color on the inner lips, gums, palate or that are white or yellowish with a red border on the inner lips under the tongue or cheek, gums or tongue AND The patient suffer from pain or swelling under your AND The patient suffer from a sore that is red and crusted tongue or in your cheek, especially while eating or drinking on your lip or on the outer edge of your lips AND The patient suffer from small open and painful sores AND The patient suffer from a red, swollen tongue or lips that are white or yellowish with a red border on the inner lips THEN ASK The patient suffer from wear dentures that seem or cheek, gums or tongue to rub your gums or irritate your mouth THEN ASK The patient suffer from a sore that is red and RULE R10 The patient suffer from pain in your mouth crusted on your lip or on the outer edge of your lips AND The patient suffer from painless white or gray sores RULE R7 The patient suffer from pain in your mouth that may have a hard, raised coating on the tongue or the AND The patient suffer from painless white or gray sores inside of the cheeks that may have a hard, raised coating on the tongue or the AND The patient suffer from painless lesion, growth or inside of the cheeks lump on the lip or face AND The patient suffer from painless lesion, growth or AND The patient suffer from a painless, fluid-filled sac that lump on the lip or face may be bluish in color on the inner lips, gums, palate or AND The patient suffer from a painless, fluid-filled sac that under the tongue may be bluish in color on the inner lips, gums, palate or AND The patient suffer from pain or swelling under your under the tongue tongue or in your cheek, especially while eating or drinking AND The patient suffer from pain or swelling under your AND The patient suffer from small open and painful sores tongue or in your cheek, especially while eating or drinking that are white or yellowish with a red border on the inner lips AND The patient suffer from small open and painful sores or cheek, gums or tongue that are white or yellowish with a red border on the inner lips AND The patient suffer from a sore that is red and crusted or cheek, gums or tongue on your lip or on the outer edge of your lips THEN ASK The patient suffer from a sore that is red and AND The patient suffer from a red, swollen tongue or lips crusted on your lip or on the outer edge of your lips AND The patient suffer from wear dentures that seem to rub RULE R8 The patient suffer from pain in your mouth your gums or irritate your mouth AND The patient suffer from painless white or gray sores THEN ASK The patient suffer from red and swollen gums that may have a hard, raised coating on the tongue or the that may bleed when you brush or floss inside of the cheeks RULE R11 The patient suffer from pain in your mouth AND The patient suffer from painless lesion, growth or AND The patient suffer from painless white or gray sores lump on the lip or face that may have a hard, raised coating on the tongue or the AND The patient suffer from a painless, fluid-filled sac that inside of the cheeks may be bluish in color on the inner lips, gums, palate or AND The patient suffer from painless lesion, growth or under the tongue lump on the lip or face AND The patient suffer from pain or swelling under your AND The patient suffer from a painless, fluid-filled sac that tongue or in your cheek, especially while eating or drinking may be bluish in color on the inner lips, gums, palate or AND The patient suffer from small open and painful sores under the tongue that are white or yellowish with a red border on the inner lips AND The patient suffer from pain or swelling under your or cheek, gums or tongue tongue or in your cheek, especially while eating or drinking AND The patient suffer from a sore that is red and crusted AND The patient suffer from small open and painful sores on your lip or on the outer edge of your lips that are white or yellowish with a red border on the inner lips THEN ASK The patient suffer from a red, swollen tongue or or cheek, gums or tongue lips AND The patient suffer from a sore that is red and crusted RULE R9 The patient suffer from pain in your mouth on your lip or on the outer edge of your lips AND The patient suffer from painless white or gray sores AND The patient suffer from a red, swollen tongue or lips that may have a hard, raised coating on the tongue or the AND The patient suffer from wear dentures that seem to rub inside of the cheeks your gums or irritate your mouth AND The patient suffer from painless lesion, growth or AND The patient suffer from red and swollen gums that may lump on the lip or face bleed when you brush or floss 6 International Journal of Academic Information Systems Research (IJAISR) ISSN: 2643-9026 Vol. 4, Issue 4, April – 2020, Pages: 36-43

THEN ASK The patient suffer from small, painful bumps on AND The patient suffer from a painless, fluid-filled sac that may your tongue be bluish in color on the inner lips, gums, palate or under the tongue RULE R12 The patient suffer from pain in your mouth AND The patient suffer from pain or swelling under your tongue AND The patient suffer from painless white or gray sores or in your cheek, especially while eating or drinking that may have a hard, raised coating on the tongue or the AND The patient suffer from small open and painful sores that are white or yellowish with a red border on the inner lips or cheek, inside of the cheeks gums or tongue AND The patient suffer from painless lesion, growth or AND The patient suffer from a sore that is red and crusted lump on the lip or face on your lip or on the outer edge of your lips AND The patient suffer from a painless, fluid-filled sac that AND The patient suffer from a red, swollen tongue or lips may be bluish in color on the inner lips, gums, palate or AND The patient suffer from wear dentures that seem to rub under the tongue your gums or irritate your mouth AND The patient suffer from pain or swelling under your AND The patient suffer from red and swollen gums that may tongue or in your cheek, especially while eating or drinking bleed when you brush or floss AND The patient suffer from small open and painful sores AND The patient suffer from small, painful bumps on your that are white or yellowish with a red border on the inner lips tongue or cheek, gums or tongue AND The patient suffer from creamy white patches on the tongue, AND The patient suffer from a sore that is red and crusted inner cheek or gums that are painful when scraped on your lip or on the outer edge of your lips AND The patient suffer from raised patches of white lines or bumps AND The patient suffer from a red, swollen tongue or lips that may also include red open sores on the inside of your cheeks or AND The patient suffer from wear dentures that seem to rub sides of the tongue your gums or irritate your mouth THEN ASK The patient suffer from a burning sensation in your AND The patient suffer from red and swollen gums that may mouth that may involve several areas bleed when you brush or floss RULE R15 The patient suffer from pain in your mouth AND The patient suffer from painless white or gray sores that may AND The patient suffer from small, painful bumps on your have a hard, raised coating on the tongue or the inside of the cheeks tongue AND The patient suffer from painless lesion, growth or lump on THEN ASK The patient suffer from creamy white patches the lip or face on the tongue, inner cheek or gums that are painful when AND The patient suffer from a painless, fluid-filled sac that may scraped be bluish in color on the inner lips, gums, palate or under the tongue RULE R13 The patient suffer from pain in your mouth AND The patient suffer from pain or swelling under your tongue AND The patient suffer from painless white or gray sores or in your cheek, especially while eating or drinking that may have a hard, raised coating on the tongue or the inside of AND The patient suffer from small open and painful sores that are the cheeks white or yellowish with a red border on the inner lips or cheek, AND The patient suffer from painless lesion, growth or lump on gums or tongue the lip or face AND The patient suffer from a sore that is red and crusted on your AND The patient suffer from a painless, fluid-filled sac that may lip or on the outer edge of your lips be bluish in color on the inner lips, gums, palate or under the tongue AND The patient suffer from a red, swollen tongue or lips AND The patient suffer from pain or swelling under your tongue AND The patient suffer from wear dentures that seem to rub your or in your cheek, especially while eating or drinking gums or irritate your mouth AND The patient suffer from small open and painful sores that are AND The patient suffer from red and swollen gums that may bleed white or yellowish with a red border on the inner lips or cheek, when you brush or floss gums or tongue AND The patient suffer from small, painful bumps on your tongue AND The patient suffer from a sore that is red and crusted on your AND The patient suffer from creamy white patches on the tongue, lip or on the outer edge of your lips inner cheek or gums that are painful when scraped AND The patient suffer from a red, swollen tongue or lips AND The patient suffer from raised patches of white lines or bumps AND The patient suffer from wear dentures that seem to rub your that may also include red open sores on the inside of your cheeks or gums or irritate your mouth sides of the tongue AND The patient suffer from red and swollen gums that may bleed AND The patient suffer from a burning sensation in your mouth when you brush or floss that may involve several areas AND The patient suffer from small, painful bumps on your tongue AND The patient suffer from cracking or open sores in the corners AND The patient suffer from creamy white patches on the tongue, of your mouth inner cheek or gums that are painful when scraped THEN text OF problem box: = "The patient has stomatitis and THEN ASK The patient suffer from raised patches of white lines or tongue." bumps that may also include red open sores on the inside of your AND the text of the text box text: = "Advice: Go to your doctor so cheeks or sides of the tongue that complications do not occur." RULE R14 The patient suffer from pain in your mouth ELSE text problem: = "The patient does not have stomatitis or AND The patient suffer from painless white or gray sores that may tongue." have a hard, raised coating on the tongue or the inside of the cheeks AND the text of the text of the text box is Advice: = "Advice: Keep AND The patient suffer from painless lesion, growth or lump on good health, clean your mouth, and do a periodic check." the lip or face END 7 International Journal of Academic Information Systems Research (IJAISR) ISSN: 2643-9026 Vol. 4, Issue 4, April – 2020, Pages: 36-43

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