Unit 13 Learning Outcome 3: producing relevant materials for a planned original media product. Task 1 Images Research

Reference-Blood Fest (2018) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7208564/mediaindex I have chosen this image as it is a front cover from a horror comedy film, that is based on a parody of the normal conventions of horror, meaning it follows all the tropes of a regular horror film but in a parody type of way. This will be useful for when describing how horror fits in with different genre’s. and also explaining the conventions Reference-Split(2016) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4972582/ I have chosen this image as it isn't a conventional horror film and has multiple things in it that I can use to describe some good techniques when it comes to filming and more. The main reason I chose this image was to use when describing popular movie director’s in the genre, this film being written by M. Night Shyamalan being a very well known writer/director. Another reason I chose this is because the film is part of a franchise (only found out through an Easter egg in the film) relating it to the film Unbreakable. Task 1 Images Research

Reference-The First Purge(2018) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6133466/ I chose this image to explain the use of costume and props within horror film as in film’s, most people wear a mask and or use a weapon. I also chose it to explain the use of lighting within film as they use dim but colorful lighting.

Reference-(2018) http://celebcafe.org/a-quiet-place-2-may-recycle-unused-scenes- from-first-movie-6298/ I chose this image as it is from the movie a quiet place which is a horror thriller. The film itself is good for talking about the use of dialogue in film and how it effects the storyline, however I chose this image in particular to explain the use of camera angles in horror films and how that effects how we perceive characters Task 1 Images Research

Reference-It (2017) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1396484/ I chose this image as it is from the 2017 horror film It and it is a useful image to explain the use of location within the horror genre. Also the use of camera angles when introducing the audience to a location.

Reference-It(2017) https://www.framerated.co.uk/it-2017/ I chose this image to show the use of character's and the difference between victims and villains within the horror genre, and how they are portrayed.

Reference-balloon image https://mbtskoudsalg.com/explore/red-balloon-png/ I chose this image as it is a prop, and it is related to the props used in the film It Reference-Hurt(2018) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt68 77562/ I chose this image to explain the use of lighting in horror and how it effects the audience’s view on the character. Also the use of color in the film.

Reference-Patient zero(2018) https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/patien t_zero_2016/ I chose this image as I can use it when explaining the use of characters and most importantly villains within in the horror genre, also to explain some of the common horror conventions. http://www.stickpng.com/img/objects/ax /axe I chose this image as it is relating to props and the ones used in Hurt. Task 1 Images Research Reference-Saw(2004) http://cinemorgue.wikia.com/wiki/Saw_(2004) I chose this image to explain the use of props and special effects within a film and how they are used to create a realistic horror film.

Reference- Shaun of the dead http://horror.wikia.com/wiki/Shaun_o f_the_Dead I chose this image to also explain the use of props such as weapons in the genre of horror, this is also a good film to show how the horror genre integrates with other film genres. http://pngimg.com/imgs/technic/cha insaw/ I chose this image as it relates to the props used in the horror genre. Task 2 Fonts Research

American Typewriter. Size 48. red Adobe Garamond Pro. Size 12. black Franklin Gothic Demi Cond. size 16. Red Apple Chancery. Size 16 . Red Farah. Size12 . Black NOTEWORTHY. SIZE 14.Orange Bookman old style. Size 14. black Letter Gothic Std. size 14. blue Ms Ui Gothic. Size 14. black Batang. Size 14. black Magazine title image


Text Brief image Introduction

Text Text Text image

Task 3 M A image G A text Z I N E text T I T L text E


images introduction

Task 3 Magazine title image Text image

Introduction image

image Text


Text Task 3 Consistent colour Task 4 Magazine Analysis scheme throughout makes it look more professional.

Clear text, the font used is easy to read Stylized background and bold for used to draw in consumers to read. reader and make the spread look more professional. Two Column layout makes it easy to read Different colored text for the consumer. used to make it easier for the reader to see questions and Black text on a lighter responses. colored background also helps make it Only one image used easier to read. in the article, means it has less variety and can come across to A large image is used the reader as boring. to draw the audience in to the article. The one image takes up the whole page, Smaller font in the meaning they have to main body may make fit all the text on one it hard to read for the page. consumer. Task 4 Magazine Analysis Integrated text and images together to link them. Clear text, the font use is easy to read Bright bold Text boxes and bold for used to draw the consumers to read. attention of the viewer . Consistent colour scheme throughout Bold Quote used in makes it look more middle of body of professional. text to draw readers attention, designed Variety of images like social media to fit used to help keep the in with modern readers attention and media and keep the to provide more audiences attention. visual detail. Images of props and Three Column layout behind the scenes makes it easy to read lets the audience see for the consumer. what is not In the film. Large quote box makes the writing around it an awkward Small font because of shape to read around large images taking for the consumer up a lot of space. Task 4 Magazine Analysis Bold text used for title draw in viewers attention well. Integrated scenes from the movie and text well. 3 columns used makes it easy to read for the reader. The contrast on the dark background of Consistent colour the text helps make it scheme throughout easier to read. makes it look more professional.

The use of a movie reel to hold the Small font used for images from the film the main body of text helps link the article this may make it to media as well as showing key movie harder to read for the consumer. points.

One main image Clear text, the font takes up half the first used for the title page meaning the which makes it easy font has to be very to see. small and all fit into a smaller space.