~ ~ T Criminal Justice T Information Exchange
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If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. u.s. Department of Justice National Institute of Justice Naiional Criminal Justice Referenl~e Service Box 6000, Ro('kl'ille, MD 20850 ~ ~t Criminal Justice t Information Exchange 12TH EDITION 1993 13 u.s. Department of Justice /L)q'7 National Institute of Justice National Criminal Justice Reference Service Box 6{){)O. RO('k\'ille. MD 20H50 ~t Criminal Justice ~ ..t Information Exchange 12TH EDITION 1993 149713 U.S. Department of Justice National Institute of Justice This document has been reproduced exactly as received from the person or organization originating it. Points of view or opinions stated in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the National Institute of Justice. Permission to reproduce this 'I ; iii W- material has been granted by pubJic Domain/NIJ/NCJRS u.s. Department of Justice to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). Further reproduction outside of the NCJRS system requires permission of the~ owner. Table of Contents Introduction i Index By Library Name ii-viii CJIE Entries ,.\ 1-104 ~ GPO Regional Depository Libraries 105 Glossary 109 Introduction The National Institute of Justice/NCJRS is proud to sponsor the Criminal Justice Information Exchange (CJIE), an informal, cooperative association of libraries serving the criminal justice community. The Exchange aims to foster better communication and cooperation among member libraries and to enhance user services. Member libraries can improve services in the criminal justice area through information exchange and interlibrary loan. In addition, group members furnish criminal justice patrons with information about CJIE collections, policies, and services. The National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS), a CJIE member, coordinates the Exchange and produces the CJIE Directory. NCJRS is an international clearinghouse of justice information sponsored by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), a research and development arm of the u.s. Department of Justice. NCJRS also maintains or supports data bases for other Department of Justice agencies and operates their clearinghouses. These information centers include the Juvenile Justice Clearinghouse, the Justice Statistics Clearinghouse, the National Victims Resource Center, and the Bureau of Justice Assistance Clearinghouse. For more information about participation in the criminal Justice Information Exchange, contact: CJIE Coordinator NCJRS Box 6000 ROckville, MD 20850 (800) 851-3420 (301) 251-5313 Bow To Uae Thia Directory The Criminal Justice Information Exchange "'}irectory provides access to the locations, holdings, and services of member libraries. It features an index which provides library names, addresses, phone numbers, and page numbers to locate full entries. The Directory lists CJIE libraries alphabetically by State and province, and within each State, alphabetically by city. It includes the following information when applicable: Name of library; street, mailing address, or both; telephone number; and name and title of a contact person. In addition, the Directory describes the size of a library's criminal justice collection (books, periodicals, audiovisual materials) as well as special interest areas. Online services, interlibrary loan, (ILL), microfiche capabilities, and other services are described; and restrictions on the use of library facilities or holdings are explained. Additional information is included under "Notes." At the back of the Dir~ctory is a listing of 50 GPO Regional Depository Libraries. These libraries permanently hold all documents selected for the Depository Program, including many criminal justice documents. As regional depositories, they also provide reference services and interlibrary loan services. CJIE members are indicated with an asterisk (*). i Index By Library Name Abt Associates, Inc. Arizona Law Enforcement Training Corporate Marketing and Academy Library Information Services 5601 West Trails End Road 55 Wheeler street Tucson, AZ 85745 Cambridge, MA 02138 (602) 792-9934 •••••••••• 2 (617) 349-2844 • 42 Baltimore Police Department Alberta Justice Reference Center Library John E. Brownlee Building 601 East Fayette Street 10th Floor Baltimore, Me 21202 10365 97th street (410) 396-2518 36 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5J 3W7 (403) 427-3421 • • • • • • 96 Benedictine College Library 1020 N. Second American Bar Association Atchison, KS 66002 Information Services (913) 367-5340, ext. 2510 • • • • 29 Suite 200, S 1800 M street, NW Bowling Green State Un.iversity Washington, DC 20036-5886 Jerome Library (202) 331-2208 ••.•• 9 Bowling Green state University Bowling Green, OH 43403 American Ba~ Association (419) 372-2362 •.••• • • 68 section of Criminal Justice 2nd Floor, South Lobby California state University, 1800 M Street, NW Los Angeles Washington I DC 20036 Government Publications Section, (202) 331-2260 • • • 10 Library 5151 state University Drive American Probation and Parole Los Angeles, CA 90032-8300 Association (213) 343-3960 •• • • • ••• 4 P.o. Box 11910 Iron Works Pike Canadian Police College Lexington, KY 40578 Law Enforcement Reference Centre (606) 231-1915 • • • • • 31 P.O. Box 8900 ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1G 3J2 Armed Forces Institute of (613) 993-3225 •••• 97 Pathology Ash Library Co-ordinated Law Enforcement Unit Building 54, Room 4077 Ministry of Attorney General Wa~hington, DC 20306-6000 2588 Cadboro Bay Road (202) 576-2983 •••••••••• 11 Victoria, British Columbia, Canada V8R 5J2 Armstrong State College (604) 356-1313 •••••• 98 Library 11935 Abercom Street savannah, GA 31419 (912) 927-5332 • • • . • • 21 ii Council of State Governments George Mason University states Information center Fenwick Library P.O. Box 11910 4400 University Drive Iron Works Pike Fairfax, VA 22030 Lexington, KY 40578-1910 (703) 993-2212 83 (606) 231-1827 •••••••••• 32 Georgia Department of Corrections Crimlnal Justice Center--Minnesota Reference Resource Center Planning Library Suite #658, 10 Park Place, S 658 Cedar Street Atlanta, GA 30303 St. Paul, MN 55155 (404) 656-60?-0 22 (612) 297-7518 • • • • 50 Governors State University Library Department of Public Safety Library University Park, IL 60466 P.o. Box 6638 (708) 534-4136 • • • • • • • 23 2310 North, 20th Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85005-6638 Harvard Univereity (602) 223-2301 •••• 3 John F. Kennedy School of Government Library Department of Public Safety and 79 John F. Kennedy street Correctional Service Cambridge, MA 02138 Maryland State Police Academy Library (617) 495-1302 .•••• 43 1201 Reisterstown Road Pikesville, MD 21208-3899 Harvard University School of Law (410) 653-4370 • • • • •• •• 37 Library Langdell Hall Drug Enforcement Administration Cambridge, MA 02138 Library (617) 496-2129 44 700 Army Navy Drive Arlington, VA 22202 Hennepin County Law Library (202) 307-8932 81 C-2451 Government Center Minneapolis, MN 55487 Erie Bureau of Police Library (612) 348-3022 ••••••••• 51 626 State Street Erie, PA 16501 Indiana Law Enforcement Academy (814) 870-1127 •••••••• 72 David F. Allen Memorial Learning Resources Center FBI Academy Library Box 313 Quantico, VA 22135 Plainfield, IN 46168 (703) 640-1135 82 (317) 839-5191 27 Federal Judicial Center Information Insurance Corporation of British Services Columbia One columbus Circle, NE 249-151 West Esplanade Washington, DC 20002 North Vancouver, British Columbia, (202) 273-4153 ••••••••.• 12 Canada V7!1 3H9 (604) 661-6095 . • • • • • • •• 99 iii Jenkins Memorial Law Library Law Library of Louisiana Suite 1220 Supreme Court Building 841 Chestnut street 301 Loyola Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19107 New Orleans, LA 70112 (215) 592-5693 • • • 73 (504) .568-5705 33 John Jay College of Criminal Maryland Police and Correctional Justice Training Co~missions Lloyd Sealy Library Criminal Justice Resource center 899 Tenth Avenue 3085 Hernwood Road New York, NY 10019 Woodstock, Me 21163 (212) 237-8260 •••••••••• 59 (410) 442-2700 38 Justice Institute of British Maryland state Law Library Columbia courts of Appeal Building Library First Floor 4198 West 4th Avenue 361 Rowe Boulevard Vancouver, British Columbia, Annapolis, MD 21401-1697 Canada V6R 4K1 (410) 974-3395 39 (604) 222-7200 ••••••• 100 Mercyhurst College Justice Research and Statistics Hammermill Library Association Erie, PA 16546 444 North Capitol street, NW (814) 824-2234 74 Suite 445 Washington, DC 20001 Michigan Department of state (202) 624-8560 • • • • • 13 Police Law Enforcement Resource Center Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas 7426 North Canal Road county Lansing, HI 48913 Mailande W. Holland Library (517) 322-1976 47 4140 49th Street, N st. Petersburg, FL 33709 Minot State University (813) 521-1853 ••••• 20 500 University Avenue west The Gordon B. Olson Library Kansas State Library Minot, ND 58707 State Capitol (701) 857-3857 •• • • • • • •• 67 Third Floor Topeka, KS 65612 Missouri state Library (913) 296-3296 •••••••••• 30 P.O. Box 387 600 West Main Street Lamar University, Gray Library Jefferson City, MO 65102 LU Station (314) 751-3615 • • • • 54 Box 10021 Beaumont, TX 77710 Municipal Reference Library (409) 880-8130 ••••••.• 78 Room 1004 City Hall Chicago, IL 60602 (312) 744-4992 24 iv National Associa'tion of state Alcohol National Organization for Victim and Drug Abuse Directors (NASADAD) Assistance (NOVA) 444 N. capitol st, NW 1757 Park Rd, NW Suite 642 Washington, DC 20010 Washington, DC 20001 (202) 232-6682 17 (202) 783-6868 • • 14 National Victim Center Library National