Biography of New Testament Characters
+:, &$, ik*: OF % NEW ~~TEST~MENT&3 Ol-IARROTEEZS? t FOH THE USE Ot 4 g?. SI'K r)A Y SGIIOOI -;. i,a*, BY h11ts. D. CI. WESTOX, d~ttlior "Cal~<l,'yV~ILCCIL~~~Z,""(:~:(LIOC~~\I,L I~cChrrrrli," ,ro#.s;v ef the fl~ble,~~<old L'Iiiao,<7uhi~CIJ' Olcl Testnme,zt Clin,'ntle,6" a*,' 8 NEW TOItIC: q. [:EN. YK!'1'. EPIS. S. S. UNION AND CHURCH BOOK SOCIETY ."h 713 I<RO.\I)\V.\\', -t i+i+:*:r+~*&B'*#**&& i+i+:*:r+~*&B'*#**&& NEW TESTAMENT BOX TIlE USE OB SUNDAY SCHOOLS BY Mns. D. C.'WESTON, dulhor of 'LCalvarliCatechzpnz," "raterhlsm on the Chwch,*r " Gunopsls of the Ulh2~," and "Rlograyhy of Ola Tentantent Characters." NEW YORE: 6- GEN. PROT. EPIS, S. S, UNION AND CHURCH BOOK SOCIETY, * ' 713 BROADWAY. 16; 3.i Entered according to Act of Congress, In the year 1870, BY MRS. D. C. WESTON, In the Offlca of the Librarian of Congress, at ,Washington. INDEX. PARE PAGE Ananias ........... 81 Ja~ncsthe Less ..... 31 Ananlas ancl Sap- J:~nnrs and Jnmbres 72 phira ............ 59 .fils011.............. 79 Anclre~v........... 34 Joliil tlie Apostlc ... 2!! Annas and C3iaplias 82 .J<)llnthe Baptist ... 10 Apollos ............ 71 ?losepli............. ? Aquila and Priscilla '70 Joscpli Barsnbns ... 95 Arclielaus 113 Joscpli of Arirntztllca 22 ......... c- Aristarclins ........ it) Jildi~sIscariot ...... 41 Aug~istusCzesar .... 97 Jucle............... RS Bar-Jesus .......... '78 .Julins .............DC Barnabas .......... 47 Lnznrns of,zny. 1; Caius Cahgula ......101 1,.marus tllc Brggnr . 1. Candace............116 I,uBc ............... 2: Clandius Cceqnr .....102 Lydia .............. GI Claudius Pelis .....10G ili~l~lll~s..........
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