Drupe. Fruit with a Hard Endocarp (Figs. 67 and 71-73); E.G., and Sterculiaceae (Helicteres Guazumaefolia, Sterculia)
Fig. 71. Fig. 72. Fig. 73. Drupe. Fruit with a hard endocarp (figs. 67 and 71-73); e.g., and Sterculiaceae (Helicteres guazumaefolia, Sterculia). Anacardiaceae (Spondias purpurea, S. mombin, Mangifera indi- Desmopsis bibracteata (Annonaceae) has aggregate follicles ca, Tapirira), Caryocaraceae (Caryocar costaricense), Chrysobal- with constrictions between successive seeds, similar to those anaceae (Licania), Euphorbiaceae (Hyeronima), Malpighiaceae found in loments. (Byrsonima crispa), Olacaceae (Minquartia guianensis), Sapin- daceae (Meliccocus bijugatus), and Verbenaceae (Vitex cooperi). Samaracetum. Aggregate of samaras (fig. 74); e.g., Aceraceae (Acer pseudoplatanus), Magnoliaceae (Liriodendron tulipifera Hesperidium. Septicidal berry with a thick pericarp (fig. 67). L.), Sapindaceae (Thouinidium dodecandrum), and Tiliaceae Most of the fruit is derived from glandular trichomes. It is (Goethalsia meiantha). typical of the Rutaceae (Citrus). Multiple Fruits Aggregate Fruits Multiple fruits are found along a single axis and are usually coalescent. The most common types follow: Several types of aggregate fruits exist (fig. 74): Bibacca. Double fused berry; e.g., Lonicera. Achenacetum. Cluster of achenia; e.g., the strawberry (Fra- garia vesca). Sorosis. Fruits usually coalescent on a central axis; they derive from the ovaries of several flowers; e.g., Moraceae (Artocarpus Baccacetum or etaerio. Aggregate of berries; e.g., Annonaceae altilis). (Asimina triloba, Cananga odorata, Uvaria). The berries can be aggregate and syncarpic as in Annona reticulata, A. muricata, Syconium. Syncarp with many achenia in the inner wall of a A. pittieri and other species. hollow receptacle (fig. 74); e.g., Ficus. Drupacetum. Aggregate of druplets; e.g., Bursera simaruba THE GYMNOSPERM FRUIT (Burseraceae). Fertilization stimulates the growth of young gynostrobiles Folliacetum. Aggregate of follicles; e.g., Annonaceae which in species such as Pinus are more than 1 year old.
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