UBSS Proc 12 1 97-98
AUTHOR INDEX TO PROCEEDINGS 97 WALLIS, F. S. 1944 see DONOVAN, D. T. WALTON, G. A. 1944 The Natural History of Read's Cave. 5 (2), 127-137. WARREN, S. H. 1926 The Study of Flint Flaking. 2 (3), 302-308. WATKINS, C. A. 1956 see ROBERTSON, D. A. S. \VELCII, F. B. A. 1956 Note on Gravels at Kenn, Somerset. 7 (3), 137. WELLS, L. H. 1958 Human Remains from Flint Jaek's Cave, Cheddar, Somerset. 8 (2), 83-88. *-- 1959 A Reeonsideralion of the Tilbury Fossil Skeleton. 8 (3), 17!)-185· WILLlAMS, P. W. 1965 Coole Cave: County Galway, Ireland. 10 (3), 299-304. and COLEMAN,J. C. *WILLIAMS, P. W. and 1966 The Deposits of Ballymihil Cave, Co. Clare, Ireland, WILLlAMll, R. B. G. wilh Particular Reference to Non-marine Mollusca. 11 (I), 71-82. WILLlAMS, R. B. G. sec \VILLlAHS, P. W. WILLIS, A. J. Further Studies on a Filamenlous Saprophyte from Wookey Hole. 9 (2), 137-144. WITTS, G. D. Shorter Accounts of Caves, Co. Clare, Eire-Cullaun Zero; Pollcahermaan. 8 (2), 138-139. see CoLLlNGRlDGE, B. R. WOODWARD, B. B. see KENNARD, A. S. sce KENNARD, A. S. YORKE, P. A Polished Flint Axe from a probable Bronze Age Living Site. 7 (1),44-45, Jubilee Contributioll Ulliursit;' ofBristol Sptl.rologkal Socut;· Site Index to Archceological Notes in Proceedings. Proc. Univ. Brist. Spel. Soc. 1969, 12 (I), 97-98 By P. A. STANDING Archreological Notes were first published in Proceedings 8 (I), 1957, and have appeared five times since then. Before 1957 short archreological accounts were published as articles in their own right and as such they have been listed in the main author index to Procudillgs.
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