Hormuzd Khosravi, Principal Engineer, Intel Corporation Legal Information

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© 2015 Intel Corporation. Agenda

Problem Statement and Introduction

Identity Protection Technology Overview

Intel® IPT with PKI

Intel® IPT with MFA


Q&A Agenda

Problem Statement and Introduction

Identity Protection Technology Overview

Intel® IPT with PKI

Intel® IPT with MFA


Q&A Compromised Credentials Lead to Breach and Data Loss Top Organizations Attacked





Ground Zero for many attacks is compromised Identity

1CNN Money 2014 2NY Times 2014 3DarkReading.com 2014 Problem Statement

Passwords are Problematic for end users and IT

Complex Passwords are not the answer: 350,000 • Users can’t remember complex passwords, 300,000 costly to IT: 250,000 Distribution of Character Length . 35-40% of helpdesk calls are password resets, of Cracked Passwords 20-30% of helpdesk calls result from lost, stolen 200,000 or broken credentials (Gartner*) 150,000 . 20-30% of Helpdesk calls are related to lost, Username LSmith99 stolen, broken credentials for enterprises using 100,000 Password PaSSworD12 discreet tokens (Gartner)

. Cost of Helpdesk call to reset token or issue Numberof Cracked Passwords 50,000 temporary credential averages $25 per call (Meta) 1 5 10 15 20 25 . Complex password policies generate more costly Character Length of Cracked Password helpdesk calls without added security (Wired* Article) Passwords are easily cracked, -logged, phished & Intercepted, making them a security risk

1Trustwave *2014 Business Password Analysis Identity and Access Management (IAM) Securing the Front Door a Key Challenge • Many authentication factors including Passwords, Tokens, Key Infrastructure. But no unifying framework to simplify implementation, management, enforcement.

• Known challenges with current authentication methods: . Passwords: Complex Users and IT = vulnerable . Tokens and Smart Cards: Costly to maintain . Software-based Keys: are at greater risk . User Presence and context: Location confirmation is difficult

Many weaknesses in traditional security make it difficult and expensive to optimize identity and access management How Big is the Emerging Attack Surface?

An Average Day In An Average Enterprise1 Forecast: Global Internet Device Installed Base2 Every 1min a host accesses a malicious website 20 The Internet of Everything Every 3mins a bot is 18 communicating with its 24 H 16 command and control center 49 mins 27 mins 14 10 mins Every 9mins a High Risk 9 mins mins globally use 12 application is being used 3 1 min 10 Every 10mins a known billions)

(in 8 malware is being downloaded 6 Every 27mins an unknown

malware is being downloaded 4 Number of devices in devices of Number 2 Every 49mins sensitive data is sent outside the 0 organization 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013E 2014E 2015E 2016E 2017E 2018E

Every 24h a given host is Connected Cars Wearables Connected TVs infected with a bot Internet of Things Tablets Smartphones PCs

1 source: Check Point Security Report 2014 2 source: BI Intelligence Investments 2014 The Four Pillars of Intel’s Security Focus

Protect Detect Correct

Identity Data Protection Anti-Malware Resiliency

Protect user & device Protect data at rest Detect malware Correct security identities and in transit based on signature & weaknesses & behavior breaches

Intel® platforms ship with Security built-in!

Note: Not all features available across all products Agenda

Problem Statement and Introduction

Identity Protection Technology Overview

Intel® IPT with PKI

Intel® IPT with MFA


Q&A Intel® Identity Protection Technology



345910 779132

173490 561038

One-Time Password token built into the chipset, enabling Helps protect PC display from malware scraping and frictionless factor user authentication for more secure proves human presence at PC. Great for transaction website and corporate access verification and ACH fraud prevention+ PUBLIC KEY INFRASTRUCTURE Intel® Identity Protection Technology: Embedded security ingredients to help protect confidential business data, and employee and ++ Uses hardware protected PKI certificates to authenticate customer identities user and server to each other and to encrypt and sign documents

+Protected Transaction Display requires a device with Intel® Integrated Graphics ++No computer system can provide absolute security. Requires an Intel® Identity Protection Technology-enabled system, including an enabled Intel® processor, enabled chipset, firmware, software and Intel integrated graphics (in some cases) and participating website/service. Intel® Identity Protection Technology with Multi Factor Authentication Key Use Cases: . Domain/OS Login . VPN Login & Key Storage . Remote Cloud Services Single Sign On . Walk-Away Lock of Platform & Services . Web log-in . Drive Login

Potential Hardened Authentication Factors:

PIN Proximity Logical Location Tap to Login Biometrics Protected Bluetooth, BLE Intel® AMT Location NFC Face, Voice, Transactions Fingerprint

Easy to use while strengthening authentication, factors and policies through hardware enhanced Multi -Factor Authentication for Corporate applications and services Agenda

Problem Statement and Introduction

Identity Protection Technology Overview

Intel® IPT with PKI

Intel® IPT with MFA


Q&A Intel® Identity Protection Technology with PKI

1. Costs less than discreet smart cards 2. Ease of use of software 3. More secure than software 4. Integrated with secure I/O


Intel® Identity Protection Technology with PKI provides a second factor of authentication embedded into the PC that allows businesses to validate that a legitimate user is logging in from a trusted PC Intel® Identity Protection Technology with PKI v1.0 Architecture

Client Applications

Certificate Store Microsoft* CryptoAPI


Intel® IPT-PKI Library Intel Pin User Interface Host (Windows*) Intel IPT Service Protected Transaction Display (Local)

Intel® software Intel IPT-PKI Applet platform Intel® Management Other Engine (Intel® ME) Intel® Dynamic App Loader

Intel® Identity Protection Technology with PKI (Intel® IPT-PKI) Supported Cryptographic Algorithms

Algorithms Type Intel® IPT-PKI Proxy Support support RSA 1024/2048 private key usage Asymmetric RSA 1024/2048 public key usage Asymmetric DES, Triple DES, 2 key triple DES, RC2, RC4, AES128, Symmetric AES192, AES256 SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHAMD5 Hashing MAC, HMAC MAC

Intel® Identity Protection Technology with PKI (Intel® IPT-PKI) supports full cryptographic suite to maximize app compatibility Key Usage and Storage

Encrypted key Key generated in Intel® Management passed back to

Engine (Intel® ME) Windows*

Operating Operating System Hardware Key encrypted using Encrypted key saved AES256 and Platform to Windows User Binding Key store Encrypted key Key securely used in Intel ME passed to Intel ME

Key decrypted Encrypted key using Platform loaded from Binding Key Windows User store

Intel® Identity Protection Technology with PKI key storage is not limited by flash memory or Intel® ME memory Intel® Identity Protection Technology (Intel® IPT) with Protected Transaction Display What an End-User Sees

Protects private key usage with PIN

Created on key generation Requested on key usage PIN pad randomized What a Hacker Sees Button values protected by PAVP Provides PIN policy enforcement Graphics generated on the client Intel® Identity Protection Technology with PKI Version 3.0

Secure Import for PKI key-pair/certificate • Based on Intel® IPT with PKI Import certificate • Scales Intel IPT with PKI to protect non-self-generated certificates in the Enterprise Hardware based Key Attestation based on Enhanced Privacy ID (EPID) • Based on EPID Signature • Provides additional protection against man-in-the-middle attacks Enables new Enterprise usages • Secure cloud storage and file services • Usages across multiple devices

IPT with PKI v3.0 Enables New Enterprise Usages and Features

Intel® Identity Protection Technology (Intel® IPT) Enterprise Certificate Enrollment Process with Intel® IPT-PKI v3.0 Key Attestation Client Enterprise Intel® ME Applet Intel® IPT-PKI CSP Software Certificate Authority GenKeyPair GenKeys Generate RSA Key pair, associate Policy Return Pub-Key Return Pub-key Create CSR Gen Attestation Info Get Attestation Info Generate EKAE Attestation Info (EKAE) Attestation Info (EKAE) Send CSR (Pub-key+ Key Attestation Info) Attestation Verification Return Signed Client Cert

Intel® Management Engine (Intel® ME) Intel® Identity Protection Technology with PKI (Intel® IPT-PKI) Intel® IPT with PKI v3.0 - Secure Import

Import Certificate/Key-pair properties: • MUST be generated by Intel IPT-PKI • MUST not be exportable • CANNOT be used for general encrypt/decrypt operations, only import operations • MUST contain the special “Import” OID specified in the Extended Key usage Enterprise PKI Infrastructure responsibility: • Enterprise IT MUST create an import certificate template which specifies the key is non-exportable, used for signing operations only, and includes a special “Import” OID specified in the Extended Key usage • Enterprise IT MUST ensure that a client has non-revoked import certificate • Enterprise IT MUST ensure they are encrypting the keys to be imported with the correct import certificate

Intel® Identity Protection Technology with PKI (Intel® IPT-PKI) Secure Import (PKCS12 Public-key Privacy Mode)

IPT-PKI CSP Enterprise Migration Intel® ME Applet Client SW Certificate Authority Authority GenKeys – Import KeyPair Generate Create CSR RSA Key pair, Import Cert associate Policy Return Pub-Key Generation Send CSR(Pub-key+EKAE) Return Import Certificate

Get Import Certificate Validate SecureImportKey Send Keypair Wrapped with Import cert in PKCS12 file Import cert, (PKCS#7 env data) wrap keypair Verify and Secure Key decrypt keypair Success or Failure Import

Intel® Management Engine (Intel® ME) Intel® Identity Protection Technology with PKI (Intel® IPT-PKI) Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Integration

Certificate Certificate Issuer Consumer

Symantec* Managed Cisco*, MS Office*, Adobe*, Juniper*, PKI Service Internet Explorer*, etc. • 4-6 week effort • All enabled with no software change • Primarily enabling certificate templates

Microsoft* Certification Authority (CA) Solution builds on top of • No change to Microsoft Certificate Authority standard Microsoft* CryptoAPI • Create/enable certificate templates

Intel® Identity Protection Technology with PKI (Intel® IPT-PKI) solution requires minimal ISV integration effort! Market Leading Identity Provider RSA* Now Integrated with 5th Generation Intel® vPro™ Platforms

• RSA® SecurID® Software Token is protected in hardware by Intel Identity Protection (IPT) based Token Provider • SecurID seed record protected and signed by encryption key that is stored on Intel chipset • SecurID seed record cannot be removed (by malware) and run on a different machine • Offers hardware level token security with the convenience of a software token • Easy to install • Driver install package then same process as provisioning SecurID software token Agenda

Problem Statement and Introduction

Identity Protection Technology Overview

Intel® IPT with PKI

Intel® IPT with MFA


Q&A Intel® IPT with MFA Devices Network Apps & Websites For Corporate and Managed Small OS, Domain, Single Sign-on Businesses and Drive VPN & more 1• Hardened with Intel’s Security Encryption Technologies rooted in 3 4 3 4 3 4 firmware and hardware

2• Supports a variety of hardened authentication factors Business IT 3• Designed as a horizontal Users Intel IPT w/ MFA Admin capability and available to ISVs Authenticate Multi-Factor Authentication Manage your & OEMs yourself companies 1 Authentication 4• Easily integrates with existing Policy corporate infrastructure 2 5• Provides hardened MFA policy PIN Proximity Biometrics Location management using your choice Simply & Securely & Securely 5 of console (e.g. McAfee ePO, to securely login anywhere Reliably Microsoft* SCCM)

Intel® Identity Protection Technology with Multi-Factor Authentication (Intel® IPT with MFA) MFA: IT Flexibility with HW-assisted Enterprise Security

User to Device to User Presence Device Authentication Network Authentication Protection VPN login using 1 Domain login using 2 3 Walkaway lock/unlock • PKI • Bluetooth® • Bluetooth • Bluetooth Technology/ • PKI Technology/Bluetooth Low Bluetooth Low Energy • Password hash Energy with PIN

New Ways to Authenticate Single Sign on User Presence Protection AUTO LOCK

Network Unlock


4 IT Admin MFA Policy Management Intel® IPT with MFA End-to-End Solution Stack (Gen 2)

Phone Application IT Policy Smartcard VPN 3rd party based Agents Intel IPT Credential App Software Finger Provider Phone Factor Authenticator Face Factor factors Print with Software Factor MFA Android*/iOS* Software MFA Cred Virt. Policy Provider Smart MFA Software Factor Manager Plugins Card Mini Phone App Driver

Intel IPT with MFA Host Service (API) Intel IPT-PKI SW Stack MFA Policy ePO MFA Policy Ext Converged Security Management Engine Extension AD GPO Intel IPT w/ Intel IPT- Intel IPT- Attestation MFA Applets MFA PKI MFA Policy Applet Applet McAfee ePO Ext SCCM Client Software/Firmware Components Server Software Components

Intel and/or 3rd party Software Existing product Intel Software OEM / IHV

Intel® Identity Protection Technology with Multi Factor Authentication (Intel® IPT with MFA) Intel® IPT with MFA: Policies Policy Declaration Options: Policy AND/OR Specification Factors (e.g., SecPIN, Bluetooth®)

Policy Policy Context (e.g. Time, Location) Policies are designed to be Definition Declaration expressive to support multiple factors and applications Factor Action Factor Policy Definition Definition Declaration Instance

Factor Policy ID parameters Example (OS Logon, Alice)  SecBlueToothPhone AND SecPIN Static Factor Continuous (WalkAwayLock, Alice)  SecBlueToothPhone Set Factor Set (VPN Logon, Alice)  Fingerprint OR SecPIN

SecPIN = Secure PIN (Intel® Identity Protection Technology with Protected Transaction Display) Intel® Identity Protection Technology with Multi Factor Authentication (Intel® IPT with MFA) Agenda

Problem Statement and Introduction

Identity Protection Technology Overview

Intel® IPT with PKI

Intel® IPT with MFA


Q&A Summary

• Ground Zero for many cybersecurity attacks is compromised Identity

• Intel® platforms ship with Security built-in at hardware level

• Intel® IPT with PKI provides a second factor of authentication embedded into the PC

• Intel® IPT with MFA provides ease of use while strengthening authentication, factors and policies through hardware for corporate applications and services Questions?

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