Umm Kulthum Bint ‘Ali  Zaynab Bint ‘Ali  the Shape That We See in the Present Prophet 

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Umm Kulthum Bint ‘Ali  Zaynab Bint ‘Ali  the Shape That We See in the Present Prophet  TIMELINE OF THE LIFE OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD AND THE KHULAFĀ AR-RASHIDŪN “...SO ADHERE TO MY SUNNAH AND THE SUNNAH OF THE RIGHTLY-GUIDED KHULAFA...”(ABU DAWUD) SUMMARIZED LINEAGE OF THE PROPHET AND HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH THE KHULAFA AR-RASHIDUN 53-37 BH 28-13 BH 13-8 BH 8-4 BH 4-2 BH 1 BH-1 AH 1-2 AH 2-4 AH 4-6 AH 6-7 AH 7-8 AH 8-9 AH 9-11 AH 11 AH 11-13 AH 13-14 AH 15-17 AH 18-23 AH 23-31 AH 33-36 AH 36-37 AH 38-50 AH 570 CE 594 CE 608 CE 613 CE 617 CE 620 CE 622 CE 623 CE 625 CE 626 CE 628 CE 629 CE 630 CE 632 CE 632 CE 634 CE 636 CE 639 CE 643 CE 653 CE 656 CE 660 CE Indicates multiple generations in between Adam 12 Rabi’ al-Awal, 11 AH 11 AH 28 BH Sha’ban 4 AH Sha’ban, 6 AH Muharram, 7 AH Jumada al-Awal, 8 AH Rajab, 9 AH Jumada al-Thani, 13 AH Sha’ban 15 AH 18 AH Dhul Hijjah, 23 AH 33 AH Rabi’ al-Thani, 36 AH 9 Safar, 38 AH Indicates direct descendant 13 BH – 10 BH Dhul Hijjah, 8 BH Shawwal, 4 BH 1 BH Rabi’ al-Awal, 1 AH 17th Ramadan, 2 AH Nuh DEATH OF PROPHET DEATH OF FATIMAH MARRIAGE TO SECRET PREACHING ‘UMAR IBN AL- PROPHET’S JOURNEY MUS’AB IBN UMAIR BUILDING OF MASJID BATTLE OF BADR BIRTH OF AL-HUSAYN SLANDER OF Ā’ISHA EXPEDITION TO BATTLE OF MU’TAH EXPEDITION TO TABUK As foretold by the Prophet , BATTLE OF YARMOUK BATTLE OF QADISIYYAH GREAT FAMINE DEATH AND BURIAL OF RISE OF ABDULLAH IBN ‘ALI LEAVES BATTLE OF NAHRAWAN The Prophet secretly preaches his A group of 313 Muslims face off While the army and its caravan was The envoy the Prophet sends The Expedition to Tabuk takes MUHAMMAD Another major battle between the Under the command of Sa’ad ibn A severe drought causes famine The Khawarij are dealt a huge blow Indicate relations by marriage/concubinage KHADIJAH KHATTAB ACCEPTS TO AT-TA’IF SENT TO YATHRIB AN-NABAWI IBN ‘ALI KHAYBAR Fatimah is the first of his family to ‘UMAR SABA MADINAH FOR KUFA returning from the expedition of to the ruler of Busra in al-Sham is place, in which the Prophet The Prophet dies while lying on the Byzantine forces and the Muslims Abi Waqqas , the Muslims win the in Arabia. Refugees from all over after ‘Ali defeats them in battle. Ibrahim After hearing of his faithfulness message of tawhīd to those close to him Having lost his tribal protection Mus’ab ibn Umair accompanies The land that the Prophet’s camel against an army of more than a The Prophet’s daughter Fatimah Khaybar is the last Jewish stronghold die after him. ‘Umar dies three days after being Abdullah ibn Saba begins a secretive Not wanting to involve the city of ISLAM Banu al-Mustaliq, Ā’isha misplaces killed. This, as well as the constant marches an army of 30,000 Muslims lap of Ā’isha . He is 63 years old. As occurs. It is one of Khalid ibn al- decisive victory against the Persians. the desert come to Madinah for Despite having supported ‘Ali and trustworthiness, Khadijah and has lessons in secret at the house of in Makkah, the Prophet , the people from Yathrib (Madinah), finally rest upon on when arriving in thousand Makkans in the first major gives birth to her second child, a son around Madinah, from there they stabbed. Before he dies, he asks and vicious propaganda campaign Madinah in the fitnah anymore, The Prophet’s du’a to Allah about a necklace and is left back when she persecution of the Muslims in Busra northwards to Tabuk to fight against news of his death travels through the Dhul Hijjah, 11 AH Walid’s major victories. After Qadisiyyah, the rest of Persia is relief. Refugee camps are set up and against Muawiyah earlier, they hires Muhammad to conduct Al-Arqam ibn Abi al-Arqam. From accompanied by Zaid ibn who accepted Islām during their stay Madinah is chosen and purchased to battle of Islam. Among the Makkans by the name of Al-Husayn ibn ‘Ali . had allowed the Makkans to launch permission from A’isha to be against ‘Uthman and his governors ‘A l i moves the capital to the city granting Islam to either Abu Jahl or goes to look for it. She is found by by Arabs who have the protection the Byzantines. Though they never Muslim community, the companions conquered with ease. governors from other provinces are now consider both of them to Ismail some business for her in al-Sham. amongst the very first converts are: Harithah, travels to Ta’if in the in Makkah for Hajj, on their return be the place of the Masjid and many killed are Abu Jahl and Umayyah ibn numerous attacks on the Muslims. It BATTLE OF YAMAMAH buried beside the Prophet and by using an extensive network of where he feels he has the greatest ‘Umar is answered. Though a stern j Safwan , a companion of the Prophet of the Romans, prompt the Battle of engage in battle, the Muslims gain are in shock and inconsolable. Abu Jumada al-Thani, 13 AH ordered to send food and supplies. have apostatized because of their Impressed with his character and ‘Uthman ibn Affan , Sa’ad ibn Abi hopes of spreading the Message of and preaches Islām to the city, laying people come out to help in building Khalaf. 14 of the companions of is laid seige to and captured and the The Battle of Yamamah takes place. Abu Bakr and she complies. He is agents to forge letters in the name of amount of support. This also helps enemy of Islam in the beginning, , who takes her back to Madinah. Mu’tah. The troops are led by Zaid ibn military reputation and many Arab Bakr calms the situation by acceptance of arbitration. conduct, she proposes marriage to Waqqas , Talhah ibn Ubaydullah , Islām and building an alliance with the groundwork for the future Islāmic it. The adhān is established as the call the Prophet are also martyred. Jews expelled. Abu Bakr appoints Ikrimah ibn ABU BAKR FALLS ILL buried behind Abu Bakr , with his senior companions and planting seeds him keep an closer eye on the events Fihr ibn Malik ‘Umar's conversion brings great The hypocrites of Madinah take this Harithah until he is martyred, then tribes abandon the Byzantines and reminding the Muslims of their duty (Quraish) him and he accepts. Muhammad is Abdur Rahman ibn ‘Awf , Zubayr the tribes there. The leaders reject city-state. to prayer. Bilal becomes the first Abi Jahl to advance on the forces Realizing the situation, Abu Bakr 18 AH head at the level of his shoulders. of sedition. in al-Sham. strength and more determination to opportunity to spread the rumour of her Ja’far ibn Abi Talib , then Abdullah join the Muslims. to the Prophet . 16 AH 25 and Khadijah is 40. ibn al-Awwam , Bilal ibn Rabah , the Message and chase him out of the muadhhin. 2 AH of Musaylimah at Yamamah, but quickly goes about consulting the PLAGUE RAVAGES AL- Rabi’ al-Awal, 53 BH the Muslims. Shawwal, 4 AH commiting adultery. All rumours are ibn Rawaha . Finally, Khalid ibn major companions in regards to SURRENDER OF Sa’id ibn Zaid and Abu Ubaydah ibn city, goading its people and children DEATH OF not to engage in battle with them. Jarrah . MARRIAGE TO UMM quelched when Allāh Himself declares al-Walid takes command and choosing ‘Umar as his successor. SHAM BIRTH OF to pursue him and pelt him with Dhul Qa’dah 9 AH This holds up Musaylimah’s army at JERUSALEM Thousands die due to the plague; 29 Dhul Hijjah, 23 AH Dhul Hijjah, 34 AH Hashim ibn Manaf RUQAIYYAH her innocence through revelation. uses battle tactics that cause the The companions are pleased with After a long siege under the Jumada al-Thani, 36 AH stones until he bleeds. SALAMAH 7 AH 15 Rabi’ al-Awal, 11 AH Yamamah in preparation of an attack; among them are great Sahaba like 21 Ramadan, 40 AH MUHAMMAD 1 AH Ruqaiyyah , the daughter of the Byzantines to withdraw. This battle DEATH OF ABDULLAH ‘UTHMAN IBN AFFAN ‘UTHMAN CONVENES 24 BH The Prophet marries Umm meanwhile, Khalid ibn al-Walid his choice. He also seeks permission leadership of ‘Amr ibn al-‘Aas , BATTLE OF THE CAMEL: The Messenger of Allah, is born to Dhul Hijjah, 1 BH Prophet , dies in Madinah while POISONING OF THE helps to establish the news of Muslim BURIAL OF THE Abu Ubaydah ibn Jarrah , Muadh A MEETING WITH HIS ‘ALI IS FATALLY CONSTITUTION OF Salamah after her husband dies IBN UBAI AL-SALOOL deals with the smaller apostate tribes from A’isha to be buried beside the leadership of Jerusalem decides BECOMES THE THIRD FIRST MUSLIM CIVIL ‘Abdul Muttalib Āminah into the tribe of Quraish BIRTH OF AL-QĀSIM 10 BH Dhul Qa’dah, 4 BH the Battle of Badr was taking place. military's might to the nations around ibn Jabal , Yazeed ibn Abi Sufyan paternal grandfather SECOND PLEDGE OF from wounds he receives in the Battle PROPHET Abdullah ibn Ubai al-Salool, the PROPHET of Arabia without worry of an attack the Prophet and she grants him to surrender the city, but only if GOVERNORS WOUNDED in Makkah in what was known as The Prophet has his first child, a MADINAH AND TREATY She was married to ‘Uthman Ibn 6 AH and Shurahbeel ibn Hasanah .

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