PRESENTATION ADDRESS. tile constituents from the less volatile, in order to By C. F CHANDLER. increase the density, improve the fire test, sweeten MR. CHAIRMAN, BROTHERCHEMISTS, .4ND MR. FRASCH:the odor, and otherwise improve the quality. This It is my very pleasant privilege as the senior Past was followed by further applications for additional President of the Society of Chemical Industry, re- improvements for the same purpose. Five such siding in this country, to present to Mr. Herman patents were applied for between 1876 and 1885, Frasch. on behalf of the Perkin Medal Committee all of which were granted. of the Associated Chemical and Electro-Chemical He also obtained a patent in 1884 for the manu- Societies of America, the sixth impression of the facture of waxed paper, a material saturated with Perkin Gold Medal, in recognition of his most valuable . paraffin which has found a great variety of appli- work in Applied Chemistry. cations. In 188j, Mr Frasch invented an improved Herman Frasch was born in Gaildorf, in Wuertem- petroleum oil lamp. berg, in 1852. In Our great inven- 1868 he took up the tor’s attention was practice of Phar- not, however, con- macy, came to Amer- fined to petroleum. ica, and was placed In 1882 he invented in charge of the lab- a process for manu- oratory of Professor facturing white lead Maisch at the Phila- directly from the delphia College of Galena ore. In the Pharmacy. He same year he de- found, however, that voted considerable Industrial Chemistry attention to improv- interested him much ing the processes and more than Pharma- apparatus for manu- ceutical Chemistry, facturing salt, a sub- and in 1874 he es- ject which continued tablished a labora- to occupy his atten- tory of his own.
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