


Professional Paper 125-C



Publlehed January 27,1920

Shorter contributions to general geology, 1919

(Pages 2397)


Introduction...... Geology...... - - .- . .- . .- ...... - .- - .. - .. - - . . .. .------.------.- . .- - - . .. . . Colville ""...... - .-. - .- .- - .- .-. -. - - .- -.. -. - -.------.------.. . - - -.- -.. . -. - - -.- Gubik sand...... - . . . - - -.- -.-. . -. - -.. . . .;. -.. -. - .- - - - - .- - -.-. -. - - - -.-. - - - -.- -.. - . .. - -.-. . . Nome elevated beaches...... - .- - - - - . .- I-- - - -.- -.. . . - - .------.------.- - - -.-. - - .------.- - - - - .- Indications of elevation and climate...... -. -. .------.-. - - .-. - .- -.- - - -.- -.. - - .- . Routes of migration of fauna...... - ...... ------.-. - - - - -.. . -. . - -.-. -. - - - -.. Intercommunication of and PwSc faunash Pliocene time...... - .- .------.- . Lists of species...... ------.- .- - - - .- - - - - ...... - .- .. - - .-. - -.- -.------.. - - .- - - - .- - .- -.. - . .- - Deecriptiom of new species...... -. . -. - -.------.------.. -. - -.- -.. . - - - - .- .- -.- - - - .: - .- .- .- .- - Gastropods ...... - - .- - - . .- . .- . . .. - - - .- - .- - .. . - .- - .- - .- .- - .- - - .- ...... - .- . .. .- - .- . .- .- .- - .- . Pelecypoda...... - - - .- - . - . .- .. - .- - .- .- .- .- - .- .- - - - . .- - - - .- .- - .. - .- - - .- .------.- - .- .------Brachiopoda ...... Polyzoa...... - .- - .- . .- . .- - ...... - . .. . .- .. . .- . .. .- . .'- . .. - - .- - - - .. - .. - - .-. - .- - . .- . - - - -.- -.


page. PLATESV-VI. Alaskan fossils...... -. . -. . -. . - - -.. .. .-. . . - -.- -.------.------.- - - - - .------.- -.. 36-37 I1 PLIOCENE AND PLEISTOCENE FOSSILS FROM THE ARCTIC COAST OF 'ALASKA AND THE AURIFEROUS BEACHES OF NOME, NORTON SOUND, ALASKA.

INTRODUCTION. in 1898, attention was attracted to this part of Exploration of the geology of the Arctic and Alaska, and the Geological Survey, represented subarctic shores of Alaska began as early as by *. and C- Schrader, began the voyages of &tzebue and Beechey, in 1818 geologic work in the , but it was and 1826, and a detailed reporton the verte- not until 1905 that any fossils brate fossils found there, with a wealth of were received from the region; in that year a illUBtration, was made by Sir john ~i~h~d~~~small lot of nine species received by F. H. Moffit, in 1854, in the zoology of the voyage of the from Mr. J. J. p. Beaver, of Nome, were sub- ~~thi~~of importance bearing on mitted to me, and later a report on them was the ti ti^^^ of this region ap- published in the American Journal of S~ience.~ pears in the literature of the nineteenth ten- The attaching to these fossilrJ was so turgr, and but lit& on those of fhe older form* yeat that the members of the Survey working tions. A search of the marine sandstone m the region were urged to make special exer- strata on the right bank of the Yukon near tions t~ a larger series. Nulato, made by me in 1867 and 1868, dis- In 1908 E.%f. P. S. Smith, and R. D. dosed onba few tracesof fossils bdonging to Mesler succeeded in obtaining a considerable the genus ~~26sand led to the supposition number of specimens from various localities in that the age of the deposit might be , the vicinity of Nome, of which I Prepared a but later investigations place it in the Meso- prelimka~list. ' aoic. 'While I wasin the Coast sumegservice In the summers of 1912 and 1914 collections in 1880 the Pleistocene deposits in Kotzebue were made on the Arctic coast of Alaska at sound and near in^ strait previously Peard Bay, about 30 miles southwest of Point referred to by Chamisso, Beechey, and Rich- Barnow, and at Carter Creek, Camden Bay, ardson were examined,' and numerous verb about 1 mile from the coast, by E. de K. bfig- brate remainswere collected; but, vFith the well. A Small series of specimens submitted exception of a species of PWium., no inverte- by Leffingwell to the United States Geological brates were found. Survey was determined by me and considered, With the explorations of F. C. Scbader and to belong to a stratum of the same Pliocene W. J. Peters, of the '~nitedStates Geological age as those obtained farther east on the Arctic Survey, in 1901 a the fkst really systematic Schrider and geologic reconnaissance of the Arctic coast of GEOLOGY. Alaska was begun- They described the strati- fication of the coastal deposits and collected COLVILLE "SEBXES." marine invertebrate fossils from them, part of The portion of the Colville "series" referred which were submitted to me and determined to the later Tertiarg is thus described by to be of Pliocene age. A brief summary of %bader:E the species Was prepared for the abovecited ~biaportion of tbs sfction ia practically free from indu- report. rated rock. It con~istsof nearly horizontally stratified When gold was discovered in the beach sands be& of begray, slate-colored, or ash-colored calcareous of the north coast of Norton Sound, near Nome, 8, Jo, ,,,,*m., ~01.a, pp 457,lW. 'Moat, F. H., Geology of the Nome and Grand Central quadrangles, 1 h.Jour. Scli., M ser., vol. 21, pp. 104-111,1881. Illasga: U. 8. Wl. Burvey Bull. &33, pp. W6,1013. 9 U. 8. hLBmy Pro2 Peper 20,1804. . 6 U. 8. Oeol. Survey Prof. Paper 20, pl. 83, pl. 14, A, 1804. Ismoo-19 " 23 2 4 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY, 1919.

silts, containing faunal remains. It is tentatively referred NOME, ELEVATED BEACHES. to the Pliocene on the basis of fossils collected in place by the writer in the bluff (near its top) on the west side of the On the south side of Seward Peninsula (orig- Colville about a mile north of the seventieth parallel. inally given the native name Eaviiak), on the The section assigned to the Pliocene horizon north shore of Norton Sound, the gold prospec- at Carter Creek, 1 mile from the coast of Cam- tors have revealed the presence of a series of den Bay, on the Arctic shore of Alaska, was ancient beaches the gravels of which contain measured by Leffingwell as follows: numerous marine fossils, including a cowid- erable proportion of extinct species leading Section at Carter Creek. to their identification as of Pliocene age. In Top. Feet. referring the horizon containing- the numerous A. Sand with intermixed humus...... 30 extinctspecies to a pre-Pleistocene age my B. Sand without fossils, some gravel...... 80 conclusions rest intirely upon the paleontolo- C. Pale-gray sand with marine fossils...... 100 gic evidence. It is proper to state that P. S. The fossils appear from the collections to be Smith and A. H. Brooks, of the Geological most abundant in the lower 100 feet of the Survey, from physiographic observations, are section. disposed to assign a Pleistocene age to the GTJBIK SAND. beaches. In regard to the succession of the strata there is no difference of opinion. Schraderl describes the supposed Pleistocene The present beach near Nome may be consid- deposit of the Colville River region as follows: ered the " fist beach." The "second beach " Besides the Tertiary Colville aeries, which underlies the lies inland, at an irrepular" distance that varies coastal plain along Colville River, the section here com- with the topography but is evewhere less than ~Gesdeposits supposed to be Pleistocene. Of a mae, and has an elevation sea level of probably the most important and interesting is a surficlal deposit of brownish sand or loam about 10 to 15 feet in 37 feet. The "third beach," some 23 to 34 thickness, which unconformably overlies the beds of the miles inland, has been elevated to the height of Colville series, apparently as a continuous mantle. * * * 79 feet above the sea.3 Between the second and The deposit consists of fine sand, with apparently an ad- third beaches are several less well-dehed inter- mixture of considerable silt. In some localities it seems mediate beaches, one of which is 22 feet above to be more sandy toward the bsse and more eacthy toward the top, where it terminates in from one to several feet of sea level, thus being lower than the second dark-brown or black humus. clothed at the surface with beach, to the south of it. Between the second moss and a little grass. It ia ordinarily free from gravel, beach and the present bsach shafts have been but in several instances subangular cherty pebbles, rang- sunk to a depth of 65 to 70 feet which reach at ing from mere sand grains to fragments as large as one- about 20 feet below the present sea level the fourth inch in diameter, were found. These occur very scatteringly and are sometimes roughened, as if wind worn. oldest beach of all those now known, which has In some localities a fine gravel seems to intervene between locally received the name submarine beach or the base of the deposit and the underlying Tertiary beds, beaches. These beaches have been described as if representing the basal part of the deposit. The de- in detail byMoffit in the bulletin cited. Doubt- posit as a rule is structureless, or without stratification less still others remain to' be discovered. planes. Owing to this fact, together with its surficial and its widespread occurrence and the homogeneity of mate- INDICATIONS OF ELEVATION AND CLIMATE. rials, for want of a better teh in field workit was called loess, but in the fear that thig term may be undkble, it The indications of the Tertiary geology of is here named the Gubik sand, after the Eskimo name of the northern and northeastern shores of Alaska Colville River. are therefore, in substance, that from early In a low bluff on the coast 15 miles south-' Pliocene (if not even older) time the land west of Point Barrow settlement and in the underwent a general elevation, broken by talus from this bluff Lefigwell found five periods of rest sufficient to allow the formation species of invertebrate fossils, all belonging to of low scarps with their attendant beaches, recent species. This deposit is probably Pleis- and at least one unimportant depression during tocene and may be tentatively correlated with the earlier portion of the period. The massive the Gubik sand of Schrader, which occupies granite extrusions, such as form Cape Prince a similar position in the section farther east. 1 Of 62 species 23, or 37 per cent, are extinct. 1 Op. cit., p. 93. 8 Moffit, F, H., U. 9. Geol. Survey Bull. 533, p. 41, fig. 0, p. 78,1913. PLIOCENE AND PLEISTOCENE FOSSILS FROM ALASKA. 25 of Wales, the Diomede Islands of the Bering locality or that the assumed migration must Strait, and a considerable portion of the have taken place over the ice of the strait Asiatic coast on the west side of the strait, when frozen, possibly during the glacial . though probably not all of one age, are almost certainly all older than the period during which INTERCOMMUNICATION OF ATLANTIC AND these beaches were in process of formation. PACIFIC FAUNAS IN PLIOCENE TIME. The presence of widely distributed Still another important conclusion is indi- or leaf beds and lignitic coals, covered cated by a study of the characteristics of the in some localities by beds of sandstone con- Pliocene marine invertebrate fauna. I have taining marine fossils, shows that a already stated that the fauna indicates a more milder climate in earlier Tertiary time, allowing temperate sea than at present washes those a profuse growth of oaks, planes, figs, and other shores. Taken in connection with other data trees, was succeeded during the Miocene by a derived from a study of the North Atlantic de'pression of much of the land below the sea Pliocene deposits in England, Iceland, and level with a much colder climate and consider- on the New England coast, the present investi- able volcanic activity. This was followed by gation shows that a more free connection prob- a moderate amount of elevation, which has ably existed in Pliocene time between the been practically continuous to the present North Atlantic and the Bering Sea regions. time. During the Pliocene the climate seems This is indicated by the presence in North to have moderated, judging by the character Atlantic Pliocene beds, as fossils, of species of the marine fauna, to be later subjected to still living in Bering Sea, and conversely by the Arctic temperatures which came in with the presence in the North Atlantic recent the glacial epoch and still persist. fauna of species belonging to groups now extinct on the Pacific side in the Pliocene at Nome. ROUTES OF MIGRATION OF FAUNA. P. W. Harmer12who is at present revising the The bearing of these conditions upon the fauna of the Crag of England and Iceland, theories relating to the immigration of hia-tic has already found genera and species now land animals into America is important. A extinct in the North Atlantic region but living supedicial glance at an ordinary map is likely in Bering Sea. It is probable that on the to lead the observer who go- no deeper into completion of his monograph a still larger the subject to the conclusion that land bridges, number will be noted. including the Bering Strait region and the In an investigation of the fossils of the marl Aleutian Island chdn, may rewonably be at Sankaty Head, Nantucket, the lower horizon assumed as the routes by which Asiatic immi- of which is probably upper Pliocene, J. Howard grations took place. Wil~on,~in 1904, found several Bering Sea, I have elsewhere* pointed out the serious species now extinct in the Atlantic region. objections to these assumptions that arise The presence of Corbicu2a in a small Pliocene from a more thorough bowledge of the lens discovered by Woodworth above tbe geology. So far as the Aleutian route is con- Miocene beds of Gay Head, Marthas Vineyard, cerned it must be positively rejected as imprac- is proof that on the Atlantic, as on the Pacific ticable. The Bering Strait region offers more coast, the Pliocene was an epoch in which the plausibility, yet the evidence so far gathered temperature of the sea in that region was higher from geologic exploration indicates not only than in the preceding and subsequent epochs. that no closer land connection than at present The presence of Rangia in the fauna of has existed between the two continents at Cornfield Harbor, Chesapeake Bay, is confirm- Bering Strait since Miocene time but, on the atory evidence to the same effect. contrary, that the present separation is less There is also evidence of a southward exten- than at any period during that time. The sion of the cooler-water fauna of the Californian conclusion from our present knowledge is 2 Pliocene MoUusca of , Paleontographical Society, 1913, inevitable either that the postulated land P,, ,, I,,,; ,,. % ,,,, bridges must have existed in some other 8 The Pleistocene formations of Sankaty Head, Nantucket: Jour, Geol- ogy, VOI.13. pp. 713-734,1905. 1 Am. Anthropotogist, vol. 14, pp. 12-18, 1912. SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY, 1m9.

Pleistocene on the Pacific coast as far as the Station 21a (5075). Five miles east of Nome, from the island of Socorro, which will be presented in a second beach. Collected by E. M. Kindle, 1908. Pliocene. publication. *MagaaeUa, aleutica Dall. Hemithyria psittacea Gmelin var. alaskana Dall. LISTS OF SPECIES. Station 21b (5076). Five miles eaat of Nome, from proe- The species collected at each locality on the pect holes insecond beach. Collected by E. M. Kindle and R. D. Mwler, 1908. Older Pliocene. Alaskan coast above indicated will now be Pecten islandicus Milller. enumerated. The collectors' station numbers Chrysodemua sp. (fragment). are given when such numbers appear on their Thais (Nucella) nomeana Dall. labels. The large numbers are those of the Hemithyrk psittacea Gmelin var. alaskana Dall. stations as registered in the official records oi *Magasella aleutica Dall. *Balmus rostratus alaskensis Pihbry. the United States Geological Survey. Station 22a (5077). One and one-half miles east of Nome, Otter Creek, 2 miles from the coast near Nome, 50 feet from prospect holes in second beach. Collected by below the surface and at an elevation above the present E. M. Kindle and R. D. Mesler, 1908. Pliocene. sea level of about 20 feet. Collected by J. J. V. Beaver, Pecten islandicua Miiller. 1905. Those marked with an asterisk now live south *Monia macroschisma Deshayes. of the line of floating ice in winter, or, roughly, in about Mytilus edulis Linn6. the latitude of the Aleutian Islands. Pliocene. Cardium (Serripea) grblandicum Gmelin. Pecten islandicus Miiller. Cardium ciliatum Fabricius. Pecten lioicus Dall (temperate type). Extinct. Astarte sp. (fragment). Pecten kindlei Dall (temperate type). Extinct. Venericardia crassidens Broderip and Sowerby. *Monia macroschisma Deshayes. Macoma middendorffii Dall. Cardium sp. (fragment). Macoma incongrua Martens. Venericaxdia crassidens Broderip and Sowerby. Saxicava arctica Linnd. Venericardia crebricostata huse. *Mya sp. (aff. M. japonica Jay). Macoma sabulosa Spengler. *Panomya ampla Dall. *Panomya ampla Dall. Buccinum sp. (fragment). Hemithyris psittacea Gmelin var. alaskana Dall. Trichotropis insignia Middendorff. Bdanus sp. (fragments). Hemithyris psittacea Gmelin var. alaskana Dall. Station 18a (5074). Second beach, about 14 milea north .*Balanus rostratua alabkensis Rlshry. of Nome, at'center Creek, 32 feet below the surface and Station 22b (5078). One-fourth to one-half mile east of about 20 feet above the present level of the sea. Col- Nome, on the second beach, in prospect holes. Col- lected by E. hf. .Kindle, 1899. Pliocene. lected by E. M. Kindle and R. D. Mesler, 1908. Plio- *Peeten kindlei Dall. cene. *Monia macroschisma Deshayea. *&nia macroschiErma Deahayes. Mytilua edulis Linn6. Cardium ciliatum Fabricius. Venericardia crebricostata kuse. Astarte actis Dall. *Astarte rollandi Bewdi. Macoma incongrua Martens. Astarte arctica Gray. Mamma middendofii Dall. fhxicava arctica, Linn6. Astarte actis Dall. *Panomya ampla Dall. Cardium ciliatum Fabriciue. Spisula polynyma Stimpson var. alaskana Dall. &facomamiddendoa Dall. Thais (Nucella) nomeana Dall. Macoma incongrua Martens. "Littorins' palliata Say. Macoma sabulosa Spengler. - Littorina sp. (aff. L. grandis Middendorff). *Siliqua cf. S. patula Dixon. Cryptoctenidia magna Dall. Spisula polynyma var. alaakana Dall. *Balanua balanoides (I~innB)Pilskry. *Mya sp. (aff. M. japonica Jay). *Balanua roatratua alaskensis Pilsbry. Saxicava arctica Limd. Station 627. Forty miles up Colville River from its mouth *Panomya ampla Dall. on the Arctic coast. Collected by F. C. Schmder, 1901. Panomya arctica var. turgida Dall. Pliocene. ~hr$sodomusmesleri Dd. Chrysodomua leffingwelli Dall. Chryeodomus (fragment). pyrulofusus schraderi Dall. Thais (Nucella) nomeana Dall. gtation 7q7, Peard Bay, about 30 miles southweat of Trichotropis insignis Middendorff. Point Barrow, from top of high bank. Collected by Natica Sp. E. de K. Leflingwell, 1914. Pleistocene (7). Natica aff. N. clausa Broderip and Sowerby. Astarte bennetti Dall. Cfyptoctenidia magna Dall. Astarte borealis Schumacher. *Bdanus rostratus (Hoek) alaskensis Pilsbry. Agtarte leflingwelli Dall. *Bdanue evermanni Pilsbry. Venericardia crebricostata Krause. PLIOCENE AND PLEISTOCENE FOSSILS FROM ALASKA. 27 I Station A (7068). Carter Creek, 1 mile from the'brctic Station 19a (7618). One mile north of Fort Davis, east of c& at Camden Bay, in iine consolidated silt from top Nome, Alaska, near parting of Florence and Otter to 30 feet below. Collected by E. de K. Leffingwell, Creek gulches (Gallatin mine). Collected by R. D. 1914. Pliocene. Mdler, 1908. Pliocene. *~ucufamirabilia A. Adama (Japan). Pecten islandicus Mtiller. Astarte actis Ddl (fragment). *Monia macroschisma Deshayes. Venericardia crebricostata Kram. Cardium ciliatum Fabricius. Saxicava arctica binn6. Venericardia crebricostata Krause. Venericrrdia crasaidens Brpderip and Sowerby. Lora sp.? (fragment). Astarte sp.? actis Dall. *Antipha (fragment). Macoma incongrua Martens. Buccinum sp. (fragment). *Macoma brota var. lipara Dall. , *Balanw crenatns (Bruguib) Pilabry. Macoma balthica Linnk. Station B (7069). Carter Creek, 100 ya& east of station A Spisula polynyma Stimpson var. alaskana Ddl. (7068) and 80 feet below it. Collected by E. de K. Saxicava arctica Linnk. Legwell, 1914. Pliocene. Panomya ampla Dall. Astart8 carteriana Dall. *Panomya arctica Lamarck var. turgida Dall. *Antiplanes sp.? cf. A. purpurea Dall. Hemithyris paittacea Gmelin var. alaskana Dall. Station 0 (7070). Carter Creek, 200 yards east of station Balanus ap. (fragment). B (7069) and 100 feet below it. Collected by E. de K. Station 18a (7619). Center Creek mines, 2 miles northwest Le-ell, 1914. Pliocene. of Nome, at second beach. Wlected by E. M. Kindle Leda sp. (cf. L. arctica Loven). and R. D. Mesler, 1908. Pliocene. Leda sp. (cf. L. frigida Torell). *Pecten kindlei Dall. Bp. (-nt). "Monia macroschitma Deshayes. Cyrtodarh camdenensis Dall. Cardium ciliatum Fabricius. *Cadulua arctic- Dsll. As- actis Dall. Dent81ium sp. (went). Macoma middendoa Dall. *Philine sp. (fragment). Mamma balthica Linnk. . Turria (Antiplanes?) sp. (fragment). Spiaula polynyma Stimpson var. alaskana Dall. Cryptonatics a@. (aff. C. clam Broderip and Chrysodomua eaturus Martyn. Chrysodomus mesleri Dall. Sowerby). Thais (Nucella) nomeana Dall. Amauropsie sp. (cf. A. ialaudicua Gmelin). Trichotropis insignis Middendorff . . *Caecum sp. (fragment). *Natica sp. (aff. N. rum Gould). Station 7228. Fifteen miles southwest of Barrow village, Cryptcctenidia magna Dall. Point Bmw, Almka, from talus below bluff on the Balanus ap. (fragment). coast. Collected by E. de K. Leilingwell, 1910-12. Station 20a (7260). Half a mile west of Nome, from tail- Pliocene. ings of Welsh mine on second beach. Collected by Macoma aabnlm Spngler. E. M. Kindle and R. D. Mesler, 1908. Pleistocene. Astaste actia D9. Astarte fabula, Reeve. Astarte lefljngwelli Dall. . Saxicava arctica Linnk. Venericardia mbricoetata Krauae. Station 20b (7621). Half a mile west of Nome, from pros- BWns rcstratue alaskeneia Pilsbry. pect holes on the near River, second Station 7229. Specimene in place at same locality tts beach. Collected by E. M. Kindle and R. D. Mesler, station 7228, taken from the bluff. Pliocene (?). 1908. Pliocene. Astarte sp. (went). Mytilus edulis Linn6. Venericardia crebricostata Krauae. Cardium ciliatum Fabricius. Chrymdomua fornicatus Gray. Astarte sp. (fragment). Station 200a (7230). Camden Bay, Arctic roast, st Carter Venericardia crassidens Broderip and Sowerby. Creek. Collected by E. de K. Lef3ingwel1, 1912. Macoma balthica LinnB. Pliocene. Mamma middendorffii Dall (fragment). ") Astarte Chrysodomus sp. (fragment). martini Dall. Thais (Nucella) nomeana Dall. Astaste sp. Balanus sp. (fragment). Venericardia nuwokensia Dall. Ststion 2 (7622). Half a mile northwest of Nome, from Buccinum ep. (fragment). gravel 10 feet below the surface, near submarine beach, Stetion 200b (7231). Same locality aa station 7230. Col- in prospect holes. Collected by E. M. Kindle and lected by E. de K. Leffingwell, 1912. Pliocene. P. S. Smith, 1908. Pliocene (?). Mduasp. (fragment). Mytilus edulis Limb. Serripea gronlandim Gmelin. *Monk macroschisma Deshayes. , Astart8 arctica Gray. Cardium ciliatum Fabricius. Astarte martini Dall. Venericardia crawidens Broderip and Sowerby. Qrtahhcamdenensis Dall. Macoma incongrua Martens. I Coins ep. (fragment). Macoma middendorffii Dall. Bhnsep. (fragment). Thais (Nucella) nomeana Dall. Balanm balanddea (Linn6) Pilabry. Balanus sp. (fragment).


Station 1(7623). Mine on submarine beach 30 feet below it Cafi not fail to be recognized when better preeent sea level, half a mile northwest of Nome. Col- specimem are found. lected by E. M. Kindle and P. S.Smith, 1908. Pliocene. ~h~ shell had more Cardium ciliatum Fabricius. than four whorls, with a smooth surface and an Venericardia crassicostata Krause. appressed suture strongly undulated by the Astarte hemicymata Dall. ribbing; the penultimate whorl has seven ex- *Astarte (Gonilia?) diverea Dall. tremely strong protractively angular axial ribs, Macoma balthica LinnB. projecting ast stout knobs at the shoulder, ' *Mya sp. (aff.M. japonica Jay). Chrysodomus sp. (fragment). which are connected by an obscure spiral Balanus sp. (fragment). ridge; the interspaces are deep and about as Station 3 (7624). Prospect hole half a mile northwest of wide as the ribs; on the upper whorls the series Nome, on submarine beach. Collected by E. M. of knobs develop into a continuous broad un- Kindle, 1908. Pleistocene (?). dulating spiral ridge and the ribs disappear; Astarte fabula Reeve. Station 7477. Dump of shzft 80 feet deep on the tundm the last whorl is deficient, but the remaining between Dry and Bourbon creeks 1mile from beach at portion indicates that it was ribbed, at any Nome. Collected by F. L. Hem, 1905. Pliocene. rgte near the suture. Height of the penulti- Admete sp.? (fragment). mate whorl, 25 millimeters; diameter, 36 milli- Chryaodomus sp. (fragment). meters. "Tachyrhynchus lacteola Carpenter. - "Pecten (Chlamys) n. sp. (fragment). Southern type. Station 7619 (18a). Pliocene. From the Pecten (Chlamys) islandicus Miiller. Center Creek mines, 2 miles north of Nome. Astarte sp. (fragment). Collected by E. M. Kindle and R. D. Mesler, Astarte hemicymata Dall. 1908. U. S. Nat. Mus. catalogue No. 324317. "Astarte diverea Dall. The species perhaps nearest allied to this, Astarte arctica Gray. Serripes gronlandicus Gmelin. though sufficiently distinct, is 6. saturms Mar- Cardium ciliatum Fabricius. tyn, of the Recent fauna of Bering Sea;. Venericardia paucicostata Krause. A fragment (fig. 3) from station 5074 (18a) Macoma calcarea Gmelin. ' at Center Creek, 1+ miIes north of Nome, from *Mya (n. sp.?) (fragment). the second beach, is probably of the same Saxicava arctica Linn6. Balanus rostratus alaskanus Pilsbry. species and indicates that the ribs reached Myriozoum "truncatum Pallas" (n. sp.?). over the last whorl dear td the beginning of the twisted and recurved canal. DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES. GASTILOPODA. Chrysodomus leflingwelli Dall, n. sp. Antiplanes? cf. A. purpurea Dall. Plate V, figure 11. A decorticated specimen of about six whorls Shell of moderate size, with more than four presents the appearance of an Antiplanes of rounded whorls (apex decollate) separated by the type of A. purpurea Dall. It is in a state a distinct, deep, but not channeled suture; too dilapidated to serve as the basis of a de- whorls widest at the shoulder; spiral sculpture scription but is worthy of mention as an indi- of (between the sutures three, on $he last cation of the probable presence of this genus in whorl about 14) strong, somewhat flattened the fauna. cords regularly spaced and separated by wider Station 7069, in the Pliocene, horizon B, 80 channeled interspaces in which run from one fo feet below horizon A, and about 300 feet east three minor cords which, toward the canal, of station 7068. U. S. Nat. Mus. catalogue may be absent; axial sculpture of (on the last No. 324316. It is about a mile from the Arc- whorl eight or nine) rather narrow, not very tic coast in the Camden Bay region; the ma- prominent sigmoid ribs extending from the trix appears to be a hardly consolidated ash. suture over the body and becoming obsolete on There Sp a possibility that the specimen may the base; these ribs are less distinct on the represent a broken and decorticated Coluus. spire, and the surface also bears he,close-set incremental lines; pillar twisted, inner lip Chrysodomus mesleri Dall, n. sp. slightly erased; canal moderately long with a Plate V, figures 2, 3. very feeble siphonal fasciole, slightly recurved; A fragment only of this species was obtained, outer lip defective in the specimen. Height but its characteristics are so pronounced that I of (decollate) three whorls, 74 millimeters; diametcr at shoulder, 40 millimeters; height solete traces of spiral sculpture being apparent. of last whorl, 60 millimeters; of aperture, 40 The general aspect is rude, the suture closely millimeters. appressed. None of the specimens show any Station 627, 40 miles up Colville River denticulation on the inside of the outer lip; from the Arctic coast, with PymZofiLsus schra- there is a strong siphonal fasciole and a very deri, Pliocene. Collected by F. C. Schrader, narrow chink between the fasciole and the 1901. U. S. Nat. Mus. catalogue No. 210853. pillar, which is thick and callous, though This species belongs to the general group there are no indications of a thickening of the represented by 0. Eyrata Martyn but does not inner lip. In size and general characteristics agree closely with any of the known recent this form closely approaches N. lameZZosa. forms. Other specimens have the ribs more or Station 5074, Pliocene on Center Creek, about less obsolete. 13 miles north of Nome, from the second Pydofusus schraderi Dall, n. sp. beach. Collected by E. M. Eindle. U. S. I Nat. Mus. catalogue No. 324318. Plate V, figuren 10, 13. I Shell large, solid, dextral, with a short spk Littorina palliata Say. and expanded last whorl; whorls about five, Plate V, figure 12. rapidly increasing; nucleus large, swollen, of about 'two whorls (decorticated in the speci- ' Shell small, smooth, solid, turbinate, of men); subsequent whorls sculptured all over 1 about four rounded whorls; suture distinct, with extremely fine, close-se t spiral threads ; ' appressed; surface with hardly visible in- axial sculpture of inconspicuous incremen- cremental lines; the rotundity of the whorls tal lines and on each whorl five very promi- slightly compressed in front of the suture; nent rounded sigmoid ribs diminishing toward aperture rounded, slightly angulate at the the base and stronger at the shoulder, below posterior commissure; outer lip thick, not re- which they are very obliquely inclined for- flected, entire; body and umbilical region ward; the interspaces are much wider than with a thin flattened layer of callus which the ribs; the suture is deep but hardly chan- merges evenly into the basal lip; base con- neled; the whorl rises a little at the posterior vexly rounded. Height, 12 millimeters ; diam- corner of the aperture and on the inner lip eter, 12.5 millimeters; last whorl, 10 milli- is a thin layer of enamel. The base and aper- meters in height. ture of the unique specimen are deficient. Station 5078 (226). Pliocene. From pros- Diameter of specimen at aperture from the pector's pits on the second beach, one-half inner lip, about 50 millimeters; estimated to one-fourth mile east of Nome. Collected by original length, about 75 millimeters. E. M. Kindle and R. D. Mesler, 1908. U. S. Pliocene at station 627, 40 miles up G1- Nat. Mus. catalogue No. 324319. ville River from its mouth at the Arctic coast, This species is of the type of Zittorina pa& in silt beds 80 feet above the river, 5 to 15 Ziata Say, of which no living form now in- feet below the base of loess, 20 feebbelow the habits the Pacsc Ocean or any part of the surface of the soil. Collected by F. C. Schra- Arctic coast west of Mackenzie River and &r. U. S. Nat. Mus. catalogue No. 210854. east of the Lena. The specimen retains some Thais (Nucella) nomeana Dall, n. sp. of the yellowish coloration characteristio of the Atlantic form, and after a scrutinizing Plate V, figure 9. comparison with specimens of Littorina pat This form is represented only by worn liata from Rhode Island and with all the and more or less defective specimens which varieties of obtusata from , no characters resemble the form from the Pliocene of Coos have been disoovered by which the Nome fos- Bay, Oreg., described by the writer. sil can be distinguished from Littok pat It is certainly a precursor of N. lumellosa liata. This is natural enough, as obtusata Gmelin and would probably by casual ob- has never been found in America, whereas pal- servers be referred to as a variety of that Eata is excessively common on the New Eng- species. The shell is nearly smooth, only ob- land coast in localities where it has not been 13690O0-19--2 supplanted by the introduced Littoha Zitorea. 3 0 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY, 1919. . The differences of size, form, and geographic This stratum, from the collector's notes, distribution seem to be conclusive as to the seems to be some 220 feet below the uppermost . specific distinction between Littorim obtu- stratum of the section. sata and Littorim palliata. They are not Arc- . tic shells. PELECYPODA. Pecten (Chlamys) kindlei Dall, n. sp. Ckyproetenidia magna DaU, n. sp. Plate VI, figurea 2, 7. Plate V, figure 1. Shell large, rather rude, belonging to the Shell large for the genus, ovate, apex very group of Pecten swifti Bernardi. Right valve anterior, the back behind it roundly arched, with four broad, low radial ribs separated by the anterior slope more steeply descending; the much narrower, shallow, ill-dehed interspa- apex blunt, usually eroded; sculpture of fine tial furrows; the whole surface sculptured with radiating threads with subequal interspaces, strong radial, more or less paired flattish cords, more or less cut into segments by incised lines often minutely medially grooved and some- corresponding to resting stages and equally times separating into two distinct radii; the distributed over the shell; interior white, the interspaces are about as wide as the cords and margins entire, smooth; the muscular impres- distinctly channeled; they also retain patches sion narrow, connected in front of the head by of a minute reticulated surface lamellation; a linear scar indicating the attachment of the the beak is pointed, the anterior ear. large, mantle. Height, -10 millimeters; length, 29 aliform, with an acute but not deep notch, millimeters; breadth, 25 millimeters; apex be- leaving a broad concentrically laminate f asci- hind the anterior margin, 5 millimeters. A ole, the margin of the disk at the notch with a defective specimen measures 34 millimeters ctenolium of two or. three rather widely sepa- long and 29 millimeters wide. rated short spinules; the radial threads crossed Stations 5074, 5078, and 7619. Pliocene by rather coqe incremental lines; the pos- of Center Creek, 13 miles north of Nome, from terior ear is very short, narrow, and oblique; the "second beach, " collected by E. M. Kindle. inner surface of the valve smooth except near Also from prospect holes on the second beach, the distal margin, where it reflects the external one-fourth to one-half mile east of Nome; and sculpture; the adductor scar large, the resil? from Center Creek mines 2 miles northwest iary pit rather small for the size of the shell, of Nome. Collectedby E. M. Kindle and R. D. with the lateral margins raised; a narrow, Mesler, 1908. U. S. Nat. Mus. catalogue No. transversely striated area exists, broader on 324320. the left valve; there are no auricular crura. The species of this genus are very similar to Left valve with five narrow radial ribs sep* one another, but this is larger than any of the rated by wider shallow interspaces which are recent forms and differs in details of sculpture, wider on the posterior half of the disk; the sur- Cadulus arcticus Dall, n. sp. face is covered with radial cords as in the other valve, but these are finer and closely crowded Plate V, figure 8. on the submargins; the reticular surface layer Shell small, slender, arcuate, smooth, with is the same as in the left valve, but the right circular section and no swelling ventrally; the valve as usual is more convex; anterior ear color is white with narrow translucent zones triangular, large, with about eight or ten radial irregularly disposed. Length, 7 millimeters; cords; posterior ear narrow and short; both set diameter at anterior end, 0.75 millimeter; off from the submargins of the disk by a deep, height of arc described by the ventral curve, wide furrow; hinge line straight, with a flat 1.2 millimeters. area half as wide as the length of the pit. The Station 7070. Pliocene of Carter Creek, in young valves retain a reddish tinge in their the Camden Bay region of the Arctic coast, substance. Reight of adult valve, 92 milli- stratum C, 100 feet below stratum B and 600 meters ; width of disk, 78 millimeters ; of hinge feet east of station 7069, 1 mile from the coast. line, 45 millimeters; diameter, 27 millimeters. Collected by E. de K. Idlbgwell, 1914. U. S. Station 7619, Pliocene of Center Creek Nat. Mus. catalogue No. 324322. mines, 2 ' miles north of Nome, from the PLIOCENE AND PLEISTOCENE FOSSILS FROM ALASKA. 31 .second beach. Collected by E. M. Kindle and. spaces. On the back of the ribs in the middle R. D. Mesler, 1908. U. S. Nat. Mus. catalogue of the valve is a strong radial cord on each side No. 324301. of which is a smaller cord separated from the This species, from fragmentary remains col- median one by a narrow groove. The more lected by J. J. V. Beaver, of Nome, was iden- lateral ribs have a groove between two mod- tified by me in 1907,l with P. (0.)swifti Ber- erately strong cords, the inner cord of the nardi, of northern Japan. The present much medial ribs becoming obsolete. The ribs bear more complete material, obtained the following small low imbricating scales. In the inter- year, enables me to correct this identification. spaces the hesculpture is minutely tessellate, The shell indeed much resembles the Japanese the alternate scales sometimes raised, giving a form, but it has not the concentric waves due minutely pustular effect. The medial ribs to resting stages that appear in P. swifti, and are about 3 millimeters and the interspaces . the posterior ear is of quite different shape. about 4 millimeters wide. The submargins The two bear to one another much such a rela- are feebly and more numerously threaded. tion as is found between Pecten nodosus of the The interior is smooth, grooved in harmony Antilles and P. subnodosus of the Pacific coast with the external sculpture. The shell prob- of America. ably reaches a length of some 3 inches when Related to this species is the P. peDall adult. from the Pliocene of San Diego, Calif., with Astarte actis Dall, n. sp. which fragments from Pliocene deposit near I Plate VI, figures 4, 5. Crescent City, Calif., were identiiied. The Shell of moderate size, rounded, very thick, latter (figured by Arnold2)uponlater and more nearly equilateral, beaks rather pointed, not exact study prove to be indistinguishable from conspicuous, usually more or less eroded; lunule . the true P. swiftti of Japan. The minute lanceolate, narrow, elongate, shallow; ligamen- structure of the reticulated outer layer of P. tary nymph strong, the nearly linear escutcheon pamneleei is quite distinct from that of P. extending beyond it 3 or 4 millimeters; outer swifti or the present species, but this delicate surface rather rudely sculptured with coarse structure is so rarelg. preserved intact in the concentric incremental lines ; hinge extremely fossils that its help in specsc discrimination is heavy,-in the right valve a strong thick cardinal seldom available. with deep pits on each side to receive the two narrower cardinals of the left valve, the pos- Pecten (Chlamys) lioicus Dall. terior of which is more or less radially furrowed; Pecten (Chlamys) lwim Dall, Am. Jour. Sci., 4th ser., there are traces of an obsolete anterior lateral vol. 23, p. 457, fig. 1, 1907. in the left valve and of a receptacle for it in the From 50 feet below the surface in marine right valve which vary in distinctness with the gravels near Nome, Norton Sound, Alaska, individual specimen ; impressions of the adduc- from a collection received by F. H. Moffit tors and mantle attachment are usually deep from Mr. J. J. V. Beaver, of Nome; donated and distinct; the inner margins of the valves to the U. S. Geological Survey. 'CJ. S. Nat. are entire. Height, 33 millimeters; length, 36 Mus. catalogue No. 110480. Pliocene. millimeters ; diameter, 20 millimeters. No further specimens of this very distinct Station 5074 (1%). Pliocene on Center species have come to hand. Creek, about half a mile north of Nome, from the second beach; collected by E. M. Eindle. , Pecten (Chlamys) n. sp. U. S. Nat. Mus. catalogue No. 324302. Also In the material from the dump of an 80-foot station 761 9 (18a), Center Creek mines, 2 miles shaft about a mile north of Nome (station 7477) northwest of Nome; collected by E. M. Kindle were fragments of a Pecten undoubtedly distinct and R. D. Mesler, 1908. from any known northeastern Pacific species, Astarte carteriana Dall, n. sp. but insufficiently complete to warrant naming. I Plate VI, figures 1, 3. The ribs are high, with wider channeled inter- 1 Shell of moderate size, rather inflated, the 1 Am. Jour. Sci., 4thsrr., voL 23, p. 457,1907. general profile like Saxdomus giganteus on a a Amolq, Ralph, The Tertiary and pectens of California: U. 8. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 47, pl. 41, figs. 5,5a, 1906. small scale; surface sculptured with rather 32 . SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY, 1m9. rude incremental lines; anterior end shorter, very fine, even incremental lines; hinge com- beaks rather pointed over a conspicuously de- pressed, in the left valve with two thin and pressed but not sharply limited lunular area; prominent cardinals and a long, little elevated, there is no escutcheon; a rather long nymph but distinct posterior lateral lamina ; muscular supported an external ligament under which in scars excavated. Height, 25 millimeters; one specimen in the left valve is an excavated length, 32 millimeters; diameter, 12.5 milli- space having the aspect of the resilifer for a meters. rather large internal refilium; in front of this Station 7228. Pliocene. In talus below low is a single strong cardlnal tooth with a well- bluff on the seacoast 15 miles southwest of marked socket for a cardinal of the opposite Point Barrow; collected by E. de E. Le5g- valve; the hinge of the right valve is deficient wen; U. S. Nat. Mus. catalogue No. 324305. in the specimen, but under the lunule there is Also station 7067, about 30 miles southwest of a rather well-marked lateral lamina; the pos- Point Barrow at Peard Bay; probably Pleisto- terior end of the shell is rather bluntly rounded, cene; collected by E. de E. L135gwell. the base evenly arcuate; the muscular scars Astarte martini Dall, n. sp. are emphatically excavated, the inner valve margins smooth. Proportions taken from the Plate VI, figuye 12. incremental lines of a fractured specimen: Shell small, ovate, with inconspicuous Height, 16 millimeters; length, 25 millimeters; pointed beaks, dorsal slopes straight, anterior diameter, about 10 millimeters. The whole end rounded, shorteq base evenly arcuate, specimen when entire must have had a height posterior end slightly longer, attenuated and of about 30 millimeters, and a length of more almost obliquely truncated; a narrow elongate than 37 millimeters. escutcheon and shorter, narrower, slightly Station 7069. Pliocene of Carter Creek, excavated lunule present; sculpture of some- stratum B, 80 feet below stratum A, and 100 what irregular, slightly raised, close set, con- yards east of station 7068. U. S. Nat. Mus. centric, narrow wavelets, becoming almost catalogue No. 324304. lamellose near the edge of the lunule; and The specimens of this species consist of three in other specimens reduced to narTow threads fragments, only one showing the entire hinge. on the disk; hinge heavy, normal, muscular The excavation resembling a resiliary pit is impressions somewhat excavated, inner mar- probably the effect of erosion, in which case gin smooth. Height, 15 millimeters; length, the shell would be allotted to the genus Asturte. 19 millimeters ; diameter, 10 millimeters. At any rate the species can not be a typical A larger but defective valve is 25 millimeters Crassatellites, on account of the well-marked long. external ligament. Other specimens otherwise Station 7231. Pliocene. Carter Creek. similar have the hinge of Astarte, though the Collected by E. de K. Leflinggwell, 1918. U. S. teeth are more oblique and less triangular than Nat. Mus. catalogue No. 324307. in most of the Recent species. Astarte hemicymata Dall, n. sp. Astarte leffingwelli Dd, n. sp. Plate VI, figures 9, 10. Plate VI, figurea 6, 8. Shell triangular, basally rounded, flattish; Shell of moderate size, with high pointed beaks narroy, high and pointed, prosocoelous; prosocoelous beaks curving over a deeply exca- lunule deeply excavated, lanceolate ;escutcheon vated, lanceolate lunule; anterior end shorter, feebly defined, narrow, obscure; sculpture of dorsal margin concave, below evenly rounded; seven or eight broad concentric flattish waves posterior doigal margin nearly straight, de- with narrower shallow interspaces, obsolete scending, with a short ligamentary nymph and toward the base, and fine feeble incremental a narrow escutcheon nearly three times as long linea; hinge compressed with (in the left valve as the nymph; posterior end rounded, attenu- two) slender, somewhat arcuate teeth; muscu- ated, base evenly arcuate, with a smooth inner lar impressions moderately impressed; inner margin; sculpture nearly smooth, under a lens margins of the valves smooth; anterior end with faint concentric nalrow undulations and below the lunule evenly rounded into the base; PLIOCENE AND PLEISTOCENE FOSSILS FROM ALASKA. 3 3 posterior end more attenuated, rounded. The latter feature is due to the fact that the Height, 20 millimeters; length, about 24 specimens dredged have been decorticated millimeters ; diameter, 6 millimeters; but the single valves. As there was an earlier Astarte fragments available indicate that it may bipartita of Sowerby when the Mediterranean ' attain double the above dimensions. ' species was assigned to the genus, Philippi's Station 7623. Pliocene. From submarine specific name could not be retained, and in 1903 beach, 30 feet below sea level, half a mile I proposed as a substitute the name calliglypta. northwest of Nome. Collected by E. M. The present species may, however, be more Kindle and P. S. Smith, 1908. U. S. Nat. nearly related to the Pacific Bictocyma than to Mus. catalogue No. 324308. the Mediterranean Gonilia. Venericardia nuwokensis Dall, n. sp. ' Astarte. (Gonilia?) dirersa Dall, n. sp. I Plate V, figure 6. I Plate V, figure 14. Shell small, rounded triangular, with promi- Shell small, rotund, moderately inflated, nent prosocoelous pointed beaks; nearly equi- with slightly prominent beaks, dorsal angle lateral, the anterior end slightly shorter; lunule about 85"; sculpture of about 20 radiating ribs lanceolate, deeply impressed, concentrically with, somewhat narrower channeled inter- striated., bounded by a sharp angular keel; spaces, crossed by rather regularly spaced escutcheon narrow, elongated, obscure; umbo- low threads which swell into nodules on the * nal angle about 90°, dorsal slopes straight, back of the ribs at their intersections; base ends and base evenly rounded; sculpture semicircular, internally crenulate in harmony divaricate, some specimens with narrow ribs with the external sculpture; hinge normal, with the apex central and the interspaces teeth short and very strong for the size of the equal, the ribs becoming wider and more shell. Height, 13 millimeters; length, 11 milli- irregular toward the ends of the shell, others meters; diameter, 9 millimeters. with few broad divaricate ribs tending to Station 7230. Pliocene. Carter Creek. obsolescence in the middle of the disk, and Collected by E. de K. Leffingwell, 1912. U. S. still others having broad, low ribs irregularly Nat. Mus. catalogue No. 324310. broken up into flattish nodules distributed W. divaricately but more or less irregularly; Macoma middendorai cardinal teeth short, narrow, two in the left Plate VI, figures 11, 13. and one in the right valve; ligament short; This peculiar species seems rather charac- margin of the left valve, under the escutcheon, teris tic of the Pliocene at Nome, although in the grooved; cavity of the valve extending under Recent fauna it is more southern in its general the hinge, adductor scars impressed, internal distribution, not having been found living margins of the valves smooth. Height, 15 north of Bering Strait. It has been obtained ; ; millimeters length, 18 millimeters diameter, at stations 5074, 5077, 5078, 7619, 7621, and 8 meters; but reaching a larger size as 7622. indicated by fragments. Cyrtodaria camdenensis Dall, n. sp. Station 7623 (1). Pliocene. Half a mile , Plate V, figure 7. northwest of Nome, from submarine beach 30 feet below the level of the sea. Collected by Shell of moderate size, nearly equilateral, E. M. Kindle and P. S. Smith, 1908. U. S. equivalve, gaping at both ends; the umbones Nat. Mus. catalogue No. 324309. subcentral, inconspicuous, the anterior end This is a remarkable species. The typical slightly longer; valves thick, with an unsculp Gonilia (bipartita Philippi, as Lucina) is a small tured surface, more or less marked by concen- Mediterranean shell with a crenulate inner tric incremental lines ; dorsal and ventral margin and obsolete lunule. Otherwise the margins nearly parallel, anterior end rounded, only systematio difference is of size. The posterior end subtruncate, rounded above and current descriptions of the original G01Lilia are below; ligament strong and prominent; adduc- in error in giving it three cardinal teeth in each tor scars small, pallial line distinct, entire, with valve and stating that it has no epidermis. a small round scar at the ventral anterior en& 34 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY, 191% indicating the attachment of an area of the mantle; hinge edentulous; a small portion of / Hemithyris psittacea Gmeh var. alaskana DaU, n. var. . the periostracum appears to be preserved and shows a black color. Height at umbonp, 23 millimeters; length, 48 millimeters; diame- Shell very thin, resembling the typical form ter, 15 millimeters; umbones behind the an- of the species but much more delicate, pale buff, terior end, 25 millimeters. passing into yellowish gray, surface marked by Station 7070. Pliocene. Horizon C, 100 irregular lines of growth and sculptured with feet below horizon B, at Carter Creek, Arctic radiating incised lines with much wider inter- coast, in the Camden Bay region. Collected spaces; ,pedicel valve less convex than the by E. de K. Leffigwell. U. S. Nat. Mus. other, the hinge moderately strong. Beight, catalogue No. 324311. 22 to 25 millimeters; breadth, 22 to 26 milli- This is larger and broader than the 0. meters ; diameter of pedicel valve, 6 millimeters ; ku&m Dunker, the only species now found of ventral valve, 9 millimeters. living on the coast, and differs in outline Station 7618 (19a). Older Pliocene. One from the Atlantic 0. siziqw Daudin, which mile north of Fort Davis (Gallatin mine), east has also a more irregular pallial line and larger of Nome, near the parting of Florence and Otter adductor scars. Creek gulches. Collected by R. D. Mesler, Mya n. ep.? 1908. U. S. Nat. Mus. catalogue No. 324313. The genus Mya is represented in the collection Magasella aleutica Dall. only by fragments including the more solid parts of the valve near the hinge. The chon- I have catalogued this species under the name by which it was originally designated, though drophore is more oblique than in any recent have a suspicion that it represents the Maga- American species and resembles that of Mya I sea of development of some larger ters japmim, but the receptacle of the flatter valve is entirely different in details from that bratelloid apecies. It does not agree closely of any of the species, all of which have with the young of Terebratalkfrontalb Midden- been compared with it. This leads to the con- dofi, and Terebratalia meanica Gould has not been.found in the Aleutians. In the absence of cluiion that it represents a distinct species, any other available species the question must but I refrain from naming it until specimens be left open. Pliocene to Recent. showing the characters of the entire shell shall have Keen collected. Numerous defective POLYZOA. specimens have been examined. Pliooene. Myriozonm n. sp. Fragments were co&xted at stations 18a and 22a (U. S. G. S. stations 5074 and 8077) At station 7477, in the dump of an 80-foot from the second beach within 13 miles of shaft about a mile north of Nome, occurred Nome, by E. M. Kindle, and at station 7623, fragments of a NyTiozoum which were subrnit- from the submarine beach, 30 feet below the ted to a. S. Bassler. He reported: "This is sea level, half a mile northwest of Nome, by usually identified as Myrbzoum truneatum Pal-, E. M. Kindle and P. S. Smith. U. S. Nat. las but undoubtedly is a distinct species." Mus. catalogue No. 324312. The horizon is probably Pliocene.

PLATE V . wge. FIGURE 1 . Cryptoctenidiu lhagna Dall. length 28 millimeters...... 30 2 . Chrysodomus mesleri Dall. fragment showing back of penultimate whorl, diameter 33 millimeters ... 28 3 . Chrysodomua mesla' Dall. basal fragment, height 32 millimeters...... 28 4 . Hemithyris psittacea alaskana Dall, outside of pedicel valve. length 22.5 millimeters...... 34 5 . Hemithy1.i~psittucea ahkana Dall, outside of ventral valve, diameter 23.5 millimeters...... 34 6 . Astar& diversa Dall. outside of left valve. length 18.6 millimeters...... 33 7 . Cytodaria cueDall, impreasion of interior of right valve, length 47 millimeters...... 33 8. Cadulwr arcticus Dall, magnified, length 7.5 millimeters...... 30 9 . %tk (Nucella) nomem~Dall, height 62 millimeters...... 29 iO . Pyrulofusus schra&i Dall. spire viewed from above, diameter 53 millimeters ...... 29 11 . Chysodomus lefiwpelli Dall, height 73 millimeters ...... 28 12. Littorhu palliata Say, mqpitied, diameter 12.5 millimetens...... 29 13 . Pyrulofusus schraderi Dall. profile. base defective, diameter 60 millimeters...... 29 14. Vierieardia nuwokensis Dall. outside of right valve, magnilled, height,13 millimeters ...... 33 36 U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 125 PL.ZTE V




ALASKAN FOSSILS. PLATE VI. Page. F~Qu~1. Astarte cmterhu Dall, exterior of left valve, length 36 millimeters- ...... 31 2. Pccten (G7hmys) kidDall, exterior of young left valve, height 56 millimeters ...... 30 ' 3. AsW ear- Dall, interior of left valve, length 36 millimeters...... 31 4. Astmte actis Dall, interior of right valve, length 37 millimeters...... 31 5. AsW actis Dall, exterior of left valve, length 37 millimeters...... :...... 31 6. Astarte k$ingwelli Dall, exterior of left valve, length 31.5 millimeters.-...... 32 7. Pecten (Chhys)kid& Dall, exterior of adult right valve, height 91.5 millimeters...... 30 8. Astarte li$7~gwelli Dall, interior of left valve, length 31.5 millimeters...... - 52 9. Astarte 7urmicpnatuDall, exterior of (broken) left valve, not quite mature, length 17 millimeters. ... 32 10. Astarte hicymatu Dall, interior of same valve...... - .- - .. ------32 11. Hacoma m-rfii Dall, interior of right valve, height 46.5 millimeters...... 33 12. Astarte martini Dall, length 27.5 millimeters...... - - - - - 32 13. dfcawmuma-rfii Dall, exterior of right valve, height 46.5 millimeters...... 33 37 0