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Raton Independent, 1884-1889 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

1-14-1888 Raton Weekly Independent, 01-14-1888 Independent Pub. Co.

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Recommended Citation Independent Pub. Co.. "Raton Weekly Independent, 01-14-1888." (1888).

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Raton Independent, 1884-1889 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1111 . "lJ"HHHflS"aJ VOL. 5, NO. 11. Saturday, January u; urn TEN CENTS. W. B. HERFORD, SPlRlTTHISI. tial materialization has beeu effect the rxnr Prorrni fladt kj ths Circle f Delintn li tatsa, ed and it is reported that in a" few B. 8. LETTOfJ Real Estate Nearly fiye months ago, princi- - weeks the work1' will be perfect, Aeent son of when friends of the members will In toweit -A- pally through the exertions Dr Eu neck and for nCt at price: ND- ' a circle was be admitted to the seances. The LIVER NOTARY PUBLK; uuy, organized in Raton for the purpose of itivesti number is new very small of those FLOUR, BATO.M . . NKW MEXICO, DISEASE ... gating what's known as Spiritual who are engaged in the investiga for Timber H1LVER PR1DI OF Headquarters ism. Lave been held on uou, dui mere are a large nnru- - SYMPTOMS: QL'UX. rKXVtR. WDITt Meetings tO'Af. CHAMPION. Claims Deeded J.andi and Town bcr of In ovcred with a browa ftirtrSrZ?2; pain ia the back, tidM. Sunday and Thursday evenings of believers Spiritualism in r )oinu otn nittaken for Rhcuaatiua; aur Lots. sHowssch i ioaa at appallta ( tome timet naua SWKIT POTATOES, each Raton and vicinity, Bfld uc entioa week, and it is claimed that watrrbnub, ittjig ; flatulency and 0IIE1KY POTA'Ofi. xtd CTtaUori ; bowati alternately cotiirt uttl Lou NATIVE POTAT0I D. PEMBRKTU.V considerable progress has beeu torearagiBj (itlsek. ki fhadanho t af ateatory, with a S made enaattan of kariaf sailed 10 do nmetbinf wKioa) toward materialization. The Silver Clt gonilnil. auetil to hav been dona; dfbllityi lowspsriuj ft thick, yaliow apaearaata of the akin and ayca ; cuoick Arri.Fs. DENTIST. a meetings are private, but various There appear to be a better dry cough : (Vvcr ; rcaileunau : the urine it Kaarjr ataJ hth ealared, ad, if allowed ta taand, dcpeaiia MORTHE1K APriW, PRrXES, APBICOTr reports have been circulated con geueral feeling prevailing through- ft aaxiiment. -- All work tutu tutted. the wonderful out at BUTTER. EGGS. cerning develop the'Territory the beginning SIMMONS UVEB RESUUITOR fflee oi Flrt Street, evei Bnrnam Broi.' Store. metits, and considerable attention eftbie year tliun there but been HAU, LARD, COFFEE, TOMATOES, BOKXY has beeu the out for several (PUSKLV VIOITABU) given subject by years past. Although h (cixnllv 4 la die Saulh. M wum Um ONIONS. a. I Urmr I kwllli riKt:, eiders Lately it hos been rumored the stock interests of the Territo- - orpid tiUtm It ata with oxteaaraJaarr eaSeaey ea ifc Attorney and Counselor at Law that Mrs. 1. fj. Hall was giving ry are, just slie present, at a low Wheat, Oats, ani Hay r. O. Box "F " Santa Fe. N. M evidence of and ebb, the universal is th TIVER, strong mediumship opinion I KIDNEYS, Actut fbr tK was holding communion with de there ate better times ahead and BOWELS. Practices in Supreme ind U District J and Arnold friends and that will M WIC?IMl FOR Famous Soap. ejourts or r(ew Mexico, Special atten- parted relatives. there ootibe long to wait. tneipit tion to If and nd To SfalaHa, Dnpaptla, given Ininf Spanish get at the facts of these re There is every indication that the CnnafljiatlMH BlUollM, Mexican Grant Litigation. Sick Headaeae. Jaundlea, ports, a represeutativo ef this pa coming summer will bring much Mamiea, Cello, V. liTALnUKEK, called of atealal DaaraHlan, Bowel CoaUbite. per at the residencei the higher prices for cattle and that SEte Kte., 4. lady's mother, Mrs. J. C. Iloichkin, the constantly jncreusing demand Indannl kv tat aw of 1 Hlllloiu of B011W, at Meat PHYSICIAN and SUKOION. City Market, on 1 Lira street. Alter making; ill keep prices ap to a good fig- - THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE the of his tot ChlldreB. br Adalti, asd br uw Aged. known object visit, he ure.Tbe encroachment of granger BE L3fi5 6 SAWES, Frepi,, was cordially invited to enter Bud on (be rauges of Texae audio the !Vt TO TAKE HI MY OOsDITIOH OF THE 8Y3TEHI Office on Second street, corner satisfy his curiosity. northwest is very seriously catting J.H.ZEILIN a: CO., CLARK AVENUE. RATON i Saunders Avenue. Mrs. Hall was seated at a small down tbe area of the range eon a try . i raoraiiTObt. PHILADELPHIA, PA her hand and it PRICK Bl.OO. E BftlX B. ntlJIKtl,, table, and arm moving miitl necessarily follow that rapidly, and occasionally the pen-- 1 the number of cattle on the rungen Fresh Meats of all Kinds ATTORNEY-AT-LA- cil touched the paper and words mint be considerably reduced. were written. The reporter was This reduction can operate in but MODERN informed that the was one way aud that-- , is to raise the Office in WilJisnV youDg lady Mr Block, then nnder the influence of the price of stock the throughout west, E VEX Conk avenue Raton, N. M. spirits, and that her little brother Cattlemen of the Territory ss thi Blacksmith Shop riESCI!IPTJOJV, Gussie, who died about two years aud anr contented with the pros. ago, aed ten, was then holding pect of better l fines. The outlook ill oommunion with bis sister and for the miuing interests is do 1ph Wild Camo Season ASSESSOR FOR COLFAI COUNTY. mother. The of the informs- - than the for gist flattering prospects PRWRISTOIt. tion derived was that the little better times with cattlemen. Nsvet fellow was in new before has been Spring Chickens S Office with E. B. Franks, very happy his there each activity and all was here the home that done ii mining industry aa there i Attention s attorney-at-Iaw- , Cook avenue. t9 Bpecmf Sausage, to keep him that was possible, bat now and, should the price of cop-th- the Shooing of Lame Horses.. he could not live here longer, per continue at a reasonable fig Pork, Such messages from a beloved ure, there will soon be much more 'PHYSICIAN and UENTIST. Ham, Etc, child to its mother can bave but activity than at a the present, Aad everything usuafty found in a one effect, and that of whole there is - effloe In the Williams building Cook av, pleasure, every euoourage- Car. Second Street and Cook Avenue. First-clas- s Establishment. ic - gr-rr- Hours--From 10 to 12 i. u., Mrs. Hotchkin informed there- meat that the present year will b i to 4, end 6:30 to 7:30 r. u. porter that she had visited the one of the most active known iu ttLPEACHERV W. A. HAWK. - circle bnt as an unbe for some 3 All operation! in Dentistry per- frequently, the Territory tin.).. formed by special appointment. that she had became con liever; PKItE Lisr W. KOHLHOl'MKW. X. D.. vinced through what she had sssn and heard of the truth of Spiritual At the Rat Meat Market. PEACHER&.HAWK, PHYSICIAN SURGEON. and ism and was now a firm believer. Porterhouse Steak, 1212c. Mrs. Hall has not been an at G-rocer- s, flloe on First street, second door south Sirloin " 10. f post office, Raton, N. M. tendant at any of the meetings un Round " 8. Retail 10:00 K9Orrics Hours 0:00 to a.m.; til last Sunday evening. Or Janu Chack. " 1:00 to 2:M r. m.; and 7:00 to :00 p. v. A. FIRST STREET door to Postoffl ary 5th. while sitting at a table st Boiling: pieces. 4...... Next Roast 41 9. jliSMKY STMKXClf. home, her band was affected in an 6, to invisible manner and a be Mutton, Piirk, Sausage, etc., at ATTORNEYAT-LA- pencil low e first proportiouaiely price ing in the the t? Orrica coasaa First St. anb Cook avk. placed fingers l-- J erms, casJv. EJEW STOCK RATON, - - . . N. M, writing was done by her of this Remember the p)aoe Williams' Coffee, Tea,. Iflear Meal Graham Meal', Will prtctiee in all the Courts in kind. On last Sunday evening she .old stand. Cook aveuue. Sugars, serthers New Mexico, and the Supreme attended the circle and in the cab ' ' ' Canned Goods,. Jellies,. Court at Santa Fe. : ... Preserves, Spices, inet was revealed to ber face iiiiruwaii'in the Is undoubtedly caused b. lacMamd Fruit Butter, llain Lard,. Bacou, Fotatoes, Etc. SOCIETY MKETIWUN. of her dead brother Sheaowrlwsl in the bloody This acid attxekt he the! fihrous tissues, and ceases the on. s of Raton IMvl- - frequent communicatioa. with Regular meetings and aches in the back, shouldeis. ton, Ho. 3, U. K. K. or f., ftrst Wednes- c parted and claims to be ablets BR1E1 AN EVAPORATED FRUITS.. day of each month, in kncpfw,. ankleo, hips, and wrist evening Armory, hear and converse with-- , them. ever Puce's store. see, Thousands of have found in . Visiting Knights people Apples ?eaehes Apricvts,. Plums,. Berries Currauta-- erdlally Invited. The mother is hnppy at tk re- - linod s a cure P. P. Fanhino, Sr. Kt. eiirsaparilla positive Capt. She-lo- st rheumatism. VT. A. Hawk, 8r. Kl. Recorder. ult of the investigation. lor This medicine, by aotiuo,- neutralizej the er bov with the belief death, G-I"VL- ai9" Regular meeting of Harmony that '8 Paving E! "CTS Ca.X-L- . Lodfea. No. 6. K. of P., every Monday nded all for she is now - " him, but i i Z 1 at 7:30 c'oloek. at tbeir ball. . """y- "w evening .1 : 1 .v... u r " overrent 9 race. All brothers Tisiting G. A. BSJSIINELL.. are cordially invited to attend. lives a better world, and the The Griamer Dramatio company ff. A. Hawk. C. C. b - will in-th-e ikj. B. BnnxGKR, K. of R. and S. scoffing of skeptics cannot change- appeaa riuk January 21, - that belief or cause her faith to. 1888. HarRerlar meeting- of Gate City No.H. A. F.4 A.M., on tuo first waver. Sh is not in any manner Cash saTea and close Hemes is sail third Thursday of each month.. excited and she is not Vtsltlnt brethren are cord lull v invited says cra&y, the motto of the Ra'.on Meat Man- - DEALERS, m to attend. which assertion is not necessary.. Cook aveuue:a Richard Knolish, W. M. ket, C. E. Stkvkxs. , It is not the object of this article Secretary. . Services at the M. E. church, to discuss the merits of Spiritual-turn- DRY GOODS AND meetings of Raton Lodge as follower CLOTHING, Ho. i, I O. . F., will h held on Snlur. This ia onlv one ol manv January 15th, Sunday day or sues week. Visiting brotben Sebt)0 10A M. French rag. at U are welcome. things that will be the source of A. St and 7 P. M. Subject fbrlhe X. J. Dtjoah, X. O. eontrnveisy aa lung as the world BOOTSIAITH: SHOES, J. It. Hill, Secretary. shall last. wi.l mor,"nK BerT,ce- - 1 he T,8It People investigate , the mat seme to bn convinced wise won 10 ienus." nvpntne; ten, a e Ladies' and Gents' Goods-- iti. . ni o.f o.meou.o: Furnishing others to doubt, and still many iU0 "er more to denounce. The facts aie J. S. Jones was proudly exhib-- - all we have to deal with and these Ring his brand It con-a- re Aents.fbriHendorscai's Red School House. Shoe?. FUR1STITTJRE, given.only taporrect tho vague sigted of two bars aad twadots on rumors now aduat regarding the left cheek and bar n right. The and Mrssses Siring?, maiter, and to give tho publio an marks wero evidently putoa by Made and La;d at Eastern P?ic idea of whnt is going on. strang.0?, for no. aian or woman Carpets stoves anff. tinware.. It is understood that the circle isl w.lit knows Jones. would.cver haw SOUftliST Avoiui adv.9u.cin5 rapidly. Already RATON WEEKLY 1 2STDE PE 2X372&Ti. Krom Monday's Daily.) From Tuesday's Daily. '.. (From Wednesday's Daily.' Pro Taurdw'a Ballr 0s 6,000.000 CEFtCWg T. Bush went to. Trinidad on The county hospital at Silver J. F. Burnam went to Santa Fe Dave Collins is in town from S. FRr the noon train. O.M.ffRRUCO, is crowded. r , .. Trinidad. t v7 KJ City tday. amwhnnM4tot-at- k Mrs. Robert Cowan came LargMt Silver City has 216 children at Deputy Cook is ont of town on Prospects are good for cheap ice up fn th world. ' . B.K.rKtaYACO'S school. busineos connected with his dice. next summer. . from Springer tending ' " 1 - - E. Parson ii back from his visi Tbe Blair education bill stands Mail came in from the south to- The-- Cherokees are preparing a SEED and no show with the house committee a trifle strong claim to No Man's Land ANNUAL to Topeka and is as jolly good day only late. For 8S8 oatured as ever. ou education. . The first snow of season fell wtiltoBittW The Bennett mine in the Organ the .FREE TO ALL. W. L. is eonflnsd to What was it that Jo- mountains has beon sold for the inAlbuquerque yesterday morning. 'to ItJt MKn1 Jennings Delegate with- o QitosMn his room bv a severe attack seph said about his being respon- nice little Bum of tSO OUQ. Hon. J. S. who died in out crdflrlog a. Rollins, imamInvuluablatoall. acute rheumatism. sible for the of the on was irregularities lion. James Sydney Rollins, one Columbia, Mo., Monday, FMMFloirar mails after Istl W. S Atelegmph line is being built January of Missouri's most prominent men. the uncle ef Mrs. C. Burnam, 'SEEDST-ISi- from Dewing to Las ralomas, and The meeting of the directorsof died in Columbia on Monday, aged of Raton. D, M. PERU YACO..Detrolt,MlolW railroad will soon follow. Well 7G ths tbe Artesian last Id , a saloon company yers. Wichita, Kan., C. GKIFFIIH. JKaiwe :ougarite and IUdRlTr. Tha new meat market on Cook evening accomplished nothing, U. W. Burnam is busy invoicing keeper has been fined $20,800 and there no avenue was opened this morning being quorum preseut. his goods, and so soon as this sentenced to imprisonment for is ly Messrs. Boyd & Cook. This Is Mr. Joseph monkeying with work is completed the stock will seventeen years and four months in this line for the fifth establishment the mail department at Washing- ue shipped to Pueblo- selling beer. in Katon, and there appears to be or what is the matter! The ton, Archbishop J. B. Lamy is re- The house committee on Terri- room for all. service is no better getting very ported very ill and not expected tories has instructed its chairman The oonl dealers are making no rapidly. to recover. Puenmonia is the to report favorably a bill for the moro on their coal than before the Christian people should take cause of his illness. division of Dakota and the admis rise. With the royalty paid to the Rev. Mr. Pentecost, the sion of south Dakota as a State. courage. Frank Springer, Esq., is expect company and the increased a..archi6t he is no grant preacher, says ed to sail for America on Saturday It was a protected coal miner in to the miners, the margin with Chris- -- m wages longer in sympathy next. He will be in New Mexico Pennsylvania who said to an in- Jar Murk Nllt ii Iffl ; rnirtcrblt r nth. same. How Old t'ck branded X ihuulilftr. T on tide. remains about the 011 brandfrt : tianity. in about three weeks quirer, "Lord bless yoa, sir, we X hip ; left side, fcura j there is no grumbling at the Vnr.ouiMMr ru rkn. ever, Train from south late don't eat when we are hun- hoMOfflc addresj, the again time in the alway Raton. NM prices. A change of running present y as no We our belts and, usual, brought of the railroad trains is expected gry. just tighten Denver and Trinidad are just mail. The A. & P. section is ex- another hole." O. SIT AW. about the loth iust. Whether this ALBKKT : lin-ho- Rnnge now driving out the. earn some time this evening aud Rod llarllelt Mmh. pected will a fleet the mail .service is not The jingle of sleigh bells was RIvit, SugMlt nd biers and vags. Several of these the mail. FOHt Utile uddieiw: Belmont Ranch, may, perhaps, bring stated. heard on the street last night and Hittou.K, Hi refugees have crossed tbe Colors Mrs. Annie Weber of Louisville, this morning, enough snow having do line and a few have stopped in C. W. Roperts, while trying to Ky..the wife of an industrious man fallen to tmke the runners glide Katon. Sbvriff Cook will catch a train in Trinidad, fell and and the mother of eleven children, smoothly. Mr. Corbett had two stand nolityfoolishness from such had his leg cut to the hone below was found frozen to death. She was sent to of his fancy teams oat and every- and they will be compelled Vho right kiiee. IIo people had been waudering around in a body had a tastu of this unusual to move en. the Pneblo hospital state of intoxication. pleasure. The house committee r Tcrri The Maxwell grant surveyors It U predicted that the house The Atlantic & Pacific passen- torics held a special meeting to have laid off in blpcks all the land committee on Territories has been ger train, which aimed in this .lay to hear a delegation headed by south of the toyn Bite, and tbe made up with a view to rush into city last night, was detained in iiovernor Ross, which is in W ash suuurb of Chihuahua has also been Statehood three or four of the Ter- northern Arizona absnt twenty-fou- r for tho purpose of urging laid off iu town lots. ington ritories and that the Democrats houis by a terrible accident, the necessity for npon congress will have the best of the deal. Several cases of hydrophobisaro the cause of which cannot be ftnflculv legislation for tbe final in different portions of is the name to the reported learned. Several persons were adjudication of Spanish and Mexi Clayton given the The belief that this Territory. slightly injured, and a Mrs. Flor- can land claims in New Mexico. the new town on the Gulf road could not exist in this al MOI.M! A Til A 1(1', malady fatal-ly- . , near Perico. The ence Wil8on'seriously if not I". O. Adrtrrm, M idlon, . JI. - place promises erroneous. The new firm of Peach- titude seems to be The was grocery to become of some note. Engines lady brought to this r & Hawk has commenced kusi The new town in tho and is now at tho San and pip have beeu ordered for a proposed city, Felipe ness in earnest and will command the is at- where she is under the med- of water works to supply eastern portion of county hotel, share of The system its public patronage. the from a near tracting considerable attention and ical care of Dr. Aubright, and is in this town spring by. gentlemen are woll known, eevei al parties are ready to start receiving every attention. Citizen. community a:id are very popular Jack Miller is doing good work soon as definite and bo anything It is reported that II. C. Burnett They only liojve to control a por as deputy sheriff and should re can be learned. satisfactory was appointed warden of the peni- tion of tbe trade and have not ceive the hearty support of every Senator Evarts is the tentiary on the 1st inst., and John started to compete with any of the citizen. During the paet few days apposing confirmation of Secretary Lamar. Gray deputy warden. Mr. Burnett els? bouses. 'They will do mostly be has notified at least twenty-fiv- e Senator Vest says it is likely there knew what he was talking about Additional a cash business, and being enter or thirty trainps.tin horn gamblers Brands, . will be majority and minority re- when he boasted that the people of prising and energetic are bound to and vags that they must leave the ports by the judiciary committee New Mexico wosld ,bo compelled succeed. town, among them being the noto with division on lines, to his full salary as warden. '1 rious Iiob. Ford. The Colorado the party pay Range, Urv l.imtu ron unit rnuiperas It is fully time the people were n. It is fortunate (1) for this will find no welcome here, the miijcfrity report opposing Territory taking somo action regarding the roughs that she has Kansas to dra from Bwaos, and must keep moving. . WW., r.O. kddreu.KATON.N. St, 1 miserable postal service that is for men to fill her po Complaint is made that saloon- responsible being inflicted on this Territory Judge Krekel, in the United sitions. When 2ew Mexico be keepers are not strict enough in So mail from the south for two States circuit court at Kansas City, comes a State, however, it is hoped enforcing the law against minors days untiil'2 o'clock this morning has rendered a decision c--f impor there may be found honest and re- frequenting is 6aid tt be although the trains run regularly tance to cattle mail. The case was liable men at home without drain- nothing uncommon for mere boys Important letters mailed at the one in which Charles 13. Hudsen States. to be found at some of the gam- ing neighboring postoflice Friday and Saturday re had shipped S7S steers from Ben- - tables in town night, At a meeting of the house com mainctl at the depot an til thte Kan., with orders to have bling every ington, There is a for this state of mittee on Territeoes laat Monday Tlrc-r- i is a- for stock remedy uiorninr. remedy them in the Kansas Ciiy Ear-mar- tn sn things. morning, Gov. Ross made an ar Overslope right this vendition of things aud it is in yai'tis the next uav in nine lor ine unrierslops in leTt. gument in support of Delegate Jo- Horse brand It on rlgbl hip. the bands of the poo pie. markets. The Union Pacific rail Lis Crucea is suffering from the bill! to create an Tfanire. Out a Canon. to do hut unisoiiee. It seems the seph's appellate t road guaranteed this, tramp On the night of Saturday, court of three judges to pass pon in on tbe failed1 to comply with the contract. further south this class gets tbe TAMB.-- NUAW. alt., a baile was progress the land claims that have accumu- " Hunfe. SngtclltaBd Sti It r and the cattle were sold the next bolder they become. The La Uppes Yermej,o. A fight enated lated in the surveyor general's of- whea the market was dull, at Cruces papers chronicle the steal- on the outside, and Prank Mar- day, fice, and said there were on, file a loss of (166. Hudson Bied and ing of overcoats-- and hats from a tinet, county fotnmiseioiaer, weiit 800 claim to about 6,000,000. acres ball and of a out to. the combatants. received the money. rom the picking dep separate slwerilTs these of land, and of thse only fourteen uty packets by of While s engaged he says be was Nathan B. Sutton was hanged in felloWS. had been disposed in the last Fran- three As a seized by a supposed friend, Ashland, Cal., last Friday for mur- years. consequence the settlement and development of cisco TrwjrUo, his arms irmly made The senate judicial committer ail der. Strenuous, efforts were the was greatly retwrded. while beat him is looking up the record of Secre- Territory pinioned, others in Sutton's behalf for cemrutation Judge L Waldo followedin is said,, his Henry with a chair and stabbed him near of sentence, but Gov. Waterman tary Vilas, and,,it the same line,, speaking tor the chances ol confirmation are less the ueak w'th a knife. Ou account refused to interfere. Sine Gov railroad interests of the Territory. Mr.. Martinea was un- than are Lamar's. Timber land P. O. add rem Katon. M. M,. ef this affair Waterman acquired bis office by There is bitt little to be expected able to attend the meeting of com- frauds in the northwest.with which tbe death of Gov. Bartlertt four by the people-i- the way ef better CO. M r. said'To- been con- SHIE' DURA this week. Stockman. Vila is have TUB W. missioners, months ago, six executions have mail servicei The gevernnvent Juki. Uanairar. nected, stem to be the ground of Ranfte Clilcorlea Park. P. O. Aitdroia, At the recent session of tbs take in the State, and al fails to furnish the num- place him. requisite Rnton N. M. - changes brought against county commissioners the railroad though eS'orts in behalf of the con- ber of clerk to handle the mails, tax compromise that had been ar- emned men have been made in Judge Brewer, in the United and the railroad cumpany negleets has ren- ranged by. Mr. Mills was approved every ease, wont, waterman uas States court at Denver, to provider poetal cars for transpor- and checks for 8,585.8tf cents ac refused pardons or commutations. dered an opinion in the case in- tation. Therefore the cpted in full ton taxes agaimvt tbe When Sutton was placed on the volving- the title of the Vigil and is not likely to stir up the railroad N: M.&S. P. and A. T. & S. F scaffold he mad a speech. Among St. Viain or Las Animas grants, company so long as it is at fault, foe he "I admire the four millions of wilH :ompanies tbe year 1S27. By other things- said; covering nearly and cite company probably ' this act county warrants are firm. 6311(1 Gov. Waterman has aenes of liaad in southern Colorado. put om the extra cars a its own , IwLl,, ,, t brought to par, there heing money taken in. the matter ef granting The ease is won by the gerern-ment- convenience. M eanwhile the peo- ,i Other brands : M T on side, ndi enough now on hand to pay all conxnaUtion ami pardons, II he but will of course be ap- ple can bo satisfied to get then M ou hip, left side. . was anis issued! and leave a baL holds-hi- will to the United State su- cease to grip the cocuunnity pealed mail (when they caii and 1 1 anee in tbe treasury, and the coun Crop left ear.. have lu--t little- - to complain oft as preme court. The decision m of it does no goof whatever. aide. tv school fund a boost ot 12-- , growl;; Ear noilt. crepJeft fright tin of executive the' t - ifh a swallowfork 4 Colfax county is to be eoa-j-r regards the shewing, greatest, Cl- New Mexico, only Jerritoivj. right. 3k, Xlorse sfculAletf. j.ulaJLd .. & oc kuiar , clemency..' hraai shooter. 591 4FCHTIAL DIRECTORY. O.'W. COOK. n.'ir.siitPHERD. NOAH A. OWEN TKRR1TORUU 17- It prepared to deliver his Celebrated II. - a leg-a- to'Conf nw. - A Flagg, waeernor iaa Gook Avenue Stable PearetarT...... (.eori'e W. Lane Livery attorney General William Breeden ... . Aaaiiur rnmuaa Alarm DIAMOND Traa.urer -- Airtcnlo Orlli y 8luur aejuieoiuinerai...... Kdwua u aaruel COOK & SHEPHERD, SURVEYOR JIDI1ARY. Props. lef Junlr fttinrenic Court...... E. V. Lout aeaoelate Jn.tire lit di.trlct K. A. Keevw Juatii-- rll W. H. 11 ri Hirer COAL aaeneiktt ad rk aeooi. Ju.tice 1 di.lrlct W T. Ilendernna HORSES BOUGHT AND To the citizens of Raton at reasonable Asocial. Jtiuice 4th diitriel K. V. Itug SOLD, 9. ft Itiitmt Attorney Thoma Smith rates. Orders left at his residence V. i. Manhal ...Romul'i Martian CIVIL ETJCI TJER. Nerk Kiiereme Court ..... --..R. U. Koree on lower Second next to Dr. V!lrk 4lu Uletriot t'ourU... K. M.John-ol- i street, ietrlct Attorney ,.M. W Milll Ilolcomb's, will receive primp IT. S. Deputy surveyor. LAND DEPAHTXIKNT and Grain on Sale. attention. V. S. B.rTeyer (ienetml Mm (ieort.'e W. Julian Hay Constantly OfBve with W. O. 17. Uud lterlaler J. H. Walker Wrigley, Esq., I'uWic ...... O. "a.eeiver Money.. .Leigh knapp Saunders Avenue. U. 8. AUMV. Best Teams and Careful 'lamender Diatrict N. U Gen. B. H Uriernon Livery Adjiua'.it Uenra Lieut. S. L. Woodward 'V. 8. Internal Rev. Collector J. P. WcGrorty Drivers for Parties to "ct'y lureau oftaiiniH'rtion...... ii.C. Burnett Desiring WE COUNTY- - :JtheriflT. Abraham Sever Ae.e.or --Ctrurite VV. tieer the I tM.ctanitriMM. folic tue Visit KM M' M. Naiazar Country. At Mil ft. tt.kMM. rrotiate l.ieia...... KiM h In mimwa.! fc. tlnnul.mliL i Treasurer Allen llurnaui iiliTMiy iKri'i all atom miia toner l.t district FraiwiHco Murtinea punvtm rimmitiiioner 2d district Henry P. Scherer rc'lUMtairtlvMVa ftvtal IrmJi onimiiKimirr -- Fisher InuHt ImttovenMliiow.r .n othr Wortt n r(. Id rii.triot. licorice ii.EcnU7 cunial'ntAt' ftviil 01 at. panokMac. eutieriniennetil ttcnoois Mfturiu kSAMUaN IUUINIU OkNVui Prebate Judge ietor atailiuec All COAL iil.,HINU DLK, PR1SCINCT. Orders for Promptly Filled, Jmatice of tha reacts Robert I. Thomas aevuty Sheriff George V. Cook Tha Bin tM' ariDM tt - 8 P. Office laaartt Bcpt. luiil jHaixIa, aaool Directora...... George v. I ooti John Jelft SzlilMel,wl(atTr A. H. CARE 3. COO UluatnaUona a Y, wliola Ptatnr. Oatllwy. (jwIiSralioi for totem. -- DEALER IN OIVKS WhalMtJa MmI firm U tamumm an nil roda far The Silver Citj Sentinel offers ar ftimlly uae. til. baw to prmnal aoat or wbicli 1 ardar, and gins exact e.MT" tbe following saggaitiou thing yon uuw, eat, drink, Vrrar, or Si Thaae IN VAIA ABLfi will not be popularly received by ban fnn with. Agricultural Implement, Farm Bprinjr Wagons, IMKtllS contain Infnrlnatlon gleannl politicians who use wouey to con ad from the market of the world. We Barbed and Flain f enne Wire, Misers' and Blacksmiths' Tools, will mall a copy FR 'S to any ad trol the ignorant vote: STOVES of eyery description. Arms aud Ammunition, dreaa Upon receipt vf 10 flts. to defray A law to be in this Fine Table axpenae of mailing. Let oa atcr mm. ought paused Cutlery, Yertiia'lfS, Brushes, Rtapeotralljr, Household jou. Territory requiring citizens to be Utensils, Paints, Glass, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Pocket Cutlery, Oil", Putty WT as aeo Wakaah A.eaae, Cklcnca, Hi, ablo to speak tbe English language NEW H0f SEWJK MACHIME &0RWiCE,MASS4 Hanging and Stand Lamps, Etc, before tbey are allowed to vote. cmcAM -- 30 lWI0N8QUARL.l- t- DALLAS. ATI aitfTA raft Tfa rrvnhitlorlwdtli. No person can be considered us iliirhiK the laM to of Inventionl ce n tu r y. Nut competent exercise the right TIN ROOFING a uniotitf the Vntt- Specialty. GEO. B. den of Inventive proa-r- ii ami'Muul anil syHiena suffrage who has neither a concep BERINGEii, of work that (At: be iMtrf.irmeil ftll over the 'rimn of form of trv without apharHiiuy tha worker, ftvtn their tion our government nor noin.. i'ay iioerai; any otw n trit nit1 ork; Second N. M .'X. no rt-- insane of a Street Raton, iiIht yntitiK i.r old; apcolnl ahlllty nny obtaining concep ?nirttl. i'Riii'.l not titatletl: ynu are alerted free, RATON Mexioo. out mid return to ua and we will tend tion of it. If such a law should be New you free, aemethitiff of Kfcat vnhie mid iniDort- - it would be but a short anca to ou, thxt will atari you In hu.lnetii, which passed win orinie you in more money rif;ni awny. tiiau time before the & anyliHMK elm in the worm, (.mini uuml free. prevailing language Born NOTICE, AadrcuTauaACo., Aaiu.ta. Slalt e Hotchkin,In in New Mexico woald be English Dealers instead of Spanish. Forty years Notice ia hereby given that no WEAK, UNDEVELOPED PARTS Of th tUtAf ftnlftrtetl And ntntngthfrtaMl. Full lagrtica under American has anvil KUTK government persons will be allowed after this lri"tii M Ire. MKlMXi., BurrAW),N.i, rmt .nffif'Ail in nrfiinatat AnA.fhirrl FURNITURE, SUFFEREHSS'iNERVOUSHESSWA'rte: date to settle on the Maxwell Land raswlloC ovMNwork. Indtaorwtioo.ato.. d(irs borfc. of the Dative population to speak Wall Paper, Jnguan. A little compulsion i Mirrors, Grant without having first made 'this matter would be a good thing Pictures, arrangements with the receiver or all concerned and about tbe Picture DEGNER & ROHR'S Frames, person doing so will bo sub only way to solve tbe problem is Mouldings, Any to deprive those who cannot or ject to legal proceedings. will not English of the right Etc., Etc, Etc speak -- rail Lifts o-f- November 3, 1887. FuLTor. of snffrage. Harry WniaitAM, Make No MlHtnke. Receiver Maxwell Land Grant Co. ft! EAT By dispelling tbe symptoms so often Undertaker's Supplies. iARRET, mistaken for Santa Abie consumption. All Orders Attended to. Cob Clark ave. and Second stm has to a house- - Promptly brought gladness many - bold. By its prompt use for breaking and WALL PAPBR a Specialty.- the cold that too often up develop FRESH MEA TS of all A'JA'DS into that fatal disease, thousands can "be saved from an untimely grave.Yoa DBLOS A. CHAPPELL. II. H. OFFICER. Vegelablts Spring CAu mako oo mistake ha:i i n liiinrlred by keeping a bottle . Thonuod tnrtHcit'i. I paten u im Sausag-t- Pork of this in houo I ntU-- cntin pleasant remedy your ut Cit-R-C- cf- trifM, tti iubU!n'ra tli tklutiflo California is equally - menmn coiicixui to nci hm loiiriiorai lociive in all traces of JNa-- al r pitiitla0'iv'-H(ai- eradicating RAT0S3 BAEMK etc.. fur tt. I'nlfd StAtM. and THE c Catarrh.' Both of these woaderful to obtain in ranti'tn, Itnftj.imi. rnc, and Ovrmanj1, tnd ill othruouitrlM Their tiipr,-n- o California remedies are sold and war-lant- ! uumjaftltiil ftuillhtir fncilltiva mrm uuivr J. B. Schroedor. -- OF- pauuied. WILD GAME by $l.ooa Draartniri and pcctlon9 prrpitrrrl andfllra MSEA3Q, packago, 3 for jrx.&O. Z Hi Uis Faicot OrTie nn slimt nmivr. 'IVrmi vorr rsonal)lt, ho charift for laiiiiiiition ot modali or drawinc" Adrlrs y mil fr ltncklen'e Arnica Native, &, Ptntiifihtiir. tlirooeh Mmtn AOo.amnntioM Chappcll Officer. liith SH IKJV'l ! KI! A?IKIif 1'A.N winch ha DOK'T FORGET The. Besi Salve in the world for th lirf.t circuitUion tnd i ttm most intluantlai rH;;PLACI. newatpnpsir of tt kind ptihlmried in tha world. Sail Fe Transacts a business at RATON, NEW MEXICO. Bays ana Tha advantage of atiuh a ooucw avary pattntM Cats, Bruises, Sores Rheum, gtntral banking ndfraunds. ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, s.lls For.lgo and Doat! Exchange. Mukea adfaneemants on ahipa.ots 0 Tbta Urira and fp'urt'li'lW )1tntratd nawnpap? It pub I), hod WKKiiLYat .1.(H) a yaar, and Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Ertjp- - Wool, Bides. Catlla, ate. Keceives Deposits and paju Interest os Tina Depastts rdmittadu. ha the beat papar devoted to aolanoa, mvrhaniea, Inreotiona, ensineorinsi worka, ana CHICAGO Wens, snd powftively cures I lies, or no Colleetioas wilt receive psrsonal and prompt attention. Bttinr daiiartiueote of IndnntriAl prnareM, pub- - I in tied In any country, Et contain the natna of pay required. It is guaranteed to 11 naUntmta and title of every invention patented Wch wet'k. Try it four moBtUa for one dollar, i give perfect saiisfaotion, or money re tk'l by alt nawadealera. COTTAGE If yoo hav an invention U patent write t Price M cents per box. Muna A t o., piihlialiora of SvieotiAo AjBerieasV .frdel Wew Yorii ( I. H I ',it v I iiHi Ik I IM'lrliUHIItill Ml Broadwey, Hitma n at U. nllman'a 7 KjSaS-iV-A(tt- J XiadboukatMuapataale mailed fra. yatSTWTWmVI,.0,1 UjuxmUVb at DreanntlmM !,'. v,)itlJj raajs First street. li a RuiLkftri diM fbv ihrwc t7iuilr4, suid sUi QrxmtM, DrugStore, to . Raa attalnad a irhUiti xiAti l i naa rlHMsBCnlratrn n to tW1 Uiftirflo-tlui- atandard of ezecllenM v T irtUUC HKJian)! UiaX ILaJ admlta of no auiienor. CUtlBU dMf m4 A hill Will BOOn h lntmdUPAd. isuirrxl lobeititii by am ttmmnU, rnatrfen It eoDliilna evorr lmorevemant that Inventlva rt hto vult suteiitaoo lo buissMM. or mam neJa aklil and an rit)rnvAMncdi nv m fott4e4 GET THE BEST! ajvulua, tauaey prwluaa. ith good prospect of its pa.sage, mtntmt mwiravi prtrtfltnlrsv Rr dinwl OBTliri ittunoDto we mi m m to SELF-INKE- R, creating a coaimisBion treat with SiLHfK'i JrtVefirt frHMinm n ftnmnlnn MaStnnwl. THE MIDGET a 1Hedirfmstint Mb baefc, tbe in Territo- tiiU niavirwint of uimmnu at arivn paties! otra the Indians the Indian DtOOiaJaT OaMa7tUlU gasltM POtfa Umutth UU hmtim Best R prfctaa luii ManirStiMa(cta urn Upaty The Machine Ever Produced, lianulW fmrntliAnunur MOtirn tflntlM Kos.ll TbtS, tt oboam2 ry. Its object is to mass them brmmLlstMart b ln4iinalionr&noawm, Chrrftnn 9n uv sir in WerLMtflnnm atai(iu4mwi-- . wat m!k tkot sTtm MUia Us REMEDY Mrs MADE IK 3 SIZES. - closer together the eastern part rypism3 wlVh (jfeitsttrtrtQl of roqrinxitbs wad mar HARS CO., QUM WAS- aoou M . TnLii StrMt BT.IXJDIH mi fI of the Territory, thug leaving about is. can luttre FtikB Trial or our Aepleano. Aaa lor Tarmat Na. t, - 75.. BAJTTBB 51 nOO OOO Mm No. 2, - - $1.15. , nfn in nntrn. - FOX v Na.4,- - - J2.25. XVI I portion open for settlement. To yrva Homestead, Xo. 413.1 Then machines can be V; this will be added No Man's Land NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Oaetl lor juuiklliK JJjieo, ZXOEXa ,V'f TBAlSt Book, or a lifKt Kii at NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U 5r Okluhoma, which LanU Office at N. M.l op br btwliittiut C3,i cnt. comprises SnntaFe, be prlnu-i- with thoui. 3.000.000 acres, making a territory January 5, loss. Land Office at Sunta Fe, X. M.. Him a lnketH srn no December 13, 1887. huiiiDuff, buluitJiy prnc-- Them Onrana are ealobntted for Tatuarn. Notice Is that the fol eta 24 000(100 Wrre hereby given JMntjiiinoa, hutl will ea)t-r- nt acres, al.ont rs Notice la hereby given that the following-n- quality of totiv, quiflk rasaonae. arMHtie lowlng-name- d settler has Itled notice ot do wiiaL e.aiui lor bfmny in nuina, perfeat conatruellon, oiniilii as the State of Ohio. 1 his amed iflltler has Hied notice of bis them tbe roost flcai ruble or a project t0 aAu flnil proof , too far baiaca. ,up. Intention to make final In aliuol, ohtaralMS, todgo., aeatvUM, cu. IS meeting witn great lavor. of bis claim, nnd that said proof proof support port of b JfW FMTABLISHED BE PTTATloal. , wil1 his claim, and that said proof will TZIE ..ihor-riber- a ba mlIf before the ProbtB clerk of VXiXtEALEB Did who rnPw nr.,1 made before the Probate Clerk of Colfax Wonder of tho Are Is FACILITIES, Tj pay in aavance receive ine az county, at Springer, X. M., on January THE PEN and PENCIL STAMP February 21. 1SS8, viz.: Uoliert A. Hairy, lliiel lb)auicalaetirguit.c.ti)M'r B3T HATai4, viz.: William R. for I books advertised in another W X E X W 8 25, 1888, Newklrk. OaTurad tu!. Aut-- veumna, hajix una for the S E Khowiiiti a. bikiaiUvO tbe S 2 N E 4. N VV 8 E 4. and liv cjiti luulu column. S E 4, N W N E S W BIS X E 4. a W sec 35, T 31 R 28 E. THE POPULAR OBOM Sec. 23,T 31 N. R tl E. X, to "Denver Best" Soap is ltd names witnesses to lie namei the following witnesses BH3 a Lavndry the following PAY. Totirnainoia Ri:blcr tnatriwtloa Sociia and Piano (toots. A on sale at all the grocers. 20 bars prove his continuous residence upon, prove bis continuous resideocs upon. nnd Stan)? wlUi any or I ak Co acuta. and said viz: Robert ?f-l-- 1.00. Try it. cultivation of, lam), cultivation of, said land, viz.: Robert rvftl-In- r IVr.rte Catalogue, end Maa iasta, an atfOiaaUea, tfiga. L. Baker. Jumea h. Fonvlll, Willluai J. WAWiwii v.wiiwn nii. iivir A. Halen, William Cronk. Ueorge Fish, J, SI, vi.nyIwJwaSU . Bwvis natrraAir en ' Oilcloth avheol IS cents. (JartwriKht, and Michael Usvoy, all of .y! killK aw.(Utwi.t DA satchel, Matlison. N. M. er, II. Devoy, all of Madison, N. M. t.4 ' tC. Jxuu II. Walckk, Sagistar, Jaii lit VTjlkik, Register, chBnh. aw aue AWaw asaaosA a3i. RAT ON IZITZ 1NDE PE KDENT.

WEEKLT INDEPENDENT. by President Cleveland in his message. for sending a commission of grant 1 HETTI EYAMEL1ST. kcuUr Blarkburi fsrwrHl. and thus define the policy of the admin' claimants to Washington to tell Con Some ef Senator Dlackbarn's friends istration on this we th what it should do. claim Lsvelj Wsbu EsgsgM is tit Wert f Saring ou him is . C. BatlSer. Question, quote gress These are telling a story that rather HOMIW, feats. following passage ants, within the past thirty years, have rich if it is srrlctly true. It is related t am nnw of the that tbe taoet Kw York San. opinion appropriated to their own use ntarly ten that one of the senators constituents, a KI.H M11C0 Mil HT115, desirable and euective manner or dis Miss Grace Weiser is an interesting Doalneof them would be through tb million acres of the public domain. They ed female of the masculine type, land Provision ahuulil be evangelist in many ways. She is comely trlf UiifW if Ibe Mih TnpvA for Tstir departmeat. have manipulated the land department came to Washington several weeks ago made IVr an appeal to the secretory of and her voice affects the ear pleasantly. KeUltment, and beguiled Congress itself in their in in search of a governmental appoint- the Interior, whose decision should he In stature she is below the middle height, The demand for the speedy settlemcn final, unless an appeal be taken directly tcrest. It is not customary for govern ment. The senator evaded her as Ion;; therefrom tn the supreme court of the but that is compensated for by her tact of private land claims in New Mexico ments to consult the holders ol stolen as possible, but one day recently she United Slat. s. Aa at tiresont orcsnlr.ed in cunningly making her gowns to hide far more and tlian wltb a Increase of property as t) the disposition of thei called at his and forced her general emphatic and equipped, slight her to Her audi- lodgings is tn tendency plumpness. ever before. The immedm-t- and force, the department fully equal swag. Yet one of the first men on the way the grinning domestics into the press with nnd all ences are not to discover that past is dealing determining: legiil list of commissioners selected the displeased In now the modt of such set I by Kentuckiarsroom. an alcove hidden ing question ( uesi ins arising under tune grants. It sleeves are cut to fit to her is Wilson who he,r closely lenient; id oft this point Sorveyor baa at He disposal legal talent, trained governor Waddingham, from gaic by heavy portieres, stood a wltb land rounded arms and shoulders, and that leneral Julian, in bis last annual report and faaiillur questions of law. has in a single case misappropriated to comfortable-lookin- g bath tub. Here his views with clearness and and in the ahlt of acting judicially In (he gracefulness of her gestures is height- expresses his own use over 600,000 acres of the the honorable Joe lay It ih to other cases Represer.tlngthe executive ened t his device.- - "Her is quietly musing, force, may pertinent quote is by face round, tnetn: power ot the government, this depart public lands. Another selection that when the sound of footsteps aroused nient must in any event be alwavs par her eyes of intensely dark blue, her The a Is of , Montoya, who has for years been him. the curtains slightly aside, project of land commission lu any action In relation to mouth or or fulling of ticlpant to have Confirmed the Socorro smiling, lender, sensitive, vqunlly futile. The art ot congress these grunts, lne omelnl document, trying the senator recognized his tormentor at, such a commission for according to her moods, and her com- providing ibe archives, ancient and modern, relat Grant, which would rob the government the moment she espied him. valllornla., bus been In operation ( to ton public lnndi and foreign plexion faultless. But it is the direct, and from 30 to 40 fcases of enntro' of more than 800,000 acres. Such men "In heaven's name, madame, what do years, grants, are In Us custody, and must there penetrating way in which Miss Weiser verted titles and survey are yet undti' remain. Even were laws enacted trans- are not the representatives of the peo want?" exclaimed the Kentuckian, nnd are now In Ike looks into sinners' eyes that makes them you posed of, pending ferring entire jurisdiction in relation to pie of New Mexico, and their counsel is the curtains about surveyor general's orace, ttie genera Iben to the courts, it reflect on their sins. Sinners who have modestly drawing land com foreign grants not wanted. olHee, and the courts. The would be almost Impassible entirely to been led her hint. mliaton war of meu of by to forsake their sinful composed ability separate the private lands from tbe pub "I want that appointment and I'm go- and character but under tbe oihIikii In lie land without the MM!f II IT. ways have said that there is magnetic fluence system Interposllioti to have it," was the emphatic reply, of Und Mealing experts, tbe of the department. In fact, now, where influence in Miss Weiser's eyes, that ing moit ralrrs the s irate into notrageoiiB upon ptiull grant are confirmed by congress, this Tiotbf'i Csntest kCarlidt'i Seat Datj a Mltlts is the female dropped a va tl .main were siiecesstnllv csrrUd m they are blue while she pleading with department must be an Important factor JllVf. cant chair, through fabricated grants and Iraudu In Isw aa to these them, and that they grow black in her lent admlnlntering tbe "Hut I can do for Kranrs and frnuditUrit surveys grants; It would, therefore, seem to be A ha tbe excitement, when she finds the sinner nothing you here," What Is known as Mr bill Is Washington special Joseph's the part of wisdom to confer upon It in his wickedness. rejoined Mr. Blackburn, piteously. aubMHiillal copy of the California act sufficient anil t following: weakening jurisdiction power fully "You wont do it anywhere else," was and Its introduction In coniiress, I ban adjudicate, and adjust them, thus die It ma be stated with reasonable No skeptic can accuse Miss Weiser ol no doubt,, wan by the the answer; "so I'll stay here inspired grant pens'iiif with the unnecessary operations j making the most of her personal at- unfeeling claimants of litis Territory, who. I be of two neither of which is certainty that the house elections until tell me what will do.'' If machines, tractiveness before a She you just you lieve approve It iinunlmfliisly. But complete In itself, or capable of perfect will congregation. - committee deoline ts reopen As Mr, Blackburn made no reply his le dim were unobretionalln In Its gen- ing the work. The agents nnd olllr.ers brushes her hair straight back from her nl it would the Thoebe-Carliil- e content case followed his and for a provliions. prove utterly of the department visit or are located In forehead, wears no a visitor example, abortive on account of the clause In It section whore such claims jewelry excepting every may as urgvel by the coansel for the narrow time a deep silence filled the room. The allowing an appeal from the commission arise. It clothed w ith proper gold bar at her pretty throat; no to is authority, office-seeke- r, after for a few ilia Territorial courts. Tbe fact the parole testimony desired could be contestant, nt it is not believed rings are on her plump little finrers, no waiting well I perfectly known here, but thete. lakeu before them: though in view o minutes, drew from her reticule an arti- courts are loaded down with that such a reopening would con bracelets on her dimpled wrists, and she already the lapse ot time very little testimony cle of needlework and calmly com- more Territorial work than thev can ac except that of record would be present tribute to the merit of the cane wears in public but two gowns, one for and would be obliged to fore on menced Half an hour passed. complish, ed, itint testimony is already llle and Mr. Carlisle will ob Sunday and one for week days. Miss sewing. KO even tbe attempt to adjudicate these recurda. Provision should therefore could stand it n among our Weiser's dress is a black The Kentuckian titles, lohope for their speedy settle- le made for serving process and runkii.g tain, on the record as it now Sunday satin, ment through auch a project is simply ttie decision of the commissioner ot tbe and her week day attire is a brown, longer. and stands, a clear title tn his teat by "Go down aoaolutuly preposterous. general land olTlce tlnul, unless appeal tailor-mad- e suit. "I give in," he said, stairs Equally vhIii is the hope of relie deci- betaken to the secretary, and the the committee's report. and wait in the parlor. I'll do whatever through Ihemacblnery of whut is known sion of the lntier officer iinul, to That Lesson aubjec km I.m(. if the as the Edmunds hill, w hich lias repeat- as vetme to Moreover important information you life you leave room," appeal, stated, tue supreme B tin llurali, edly passed the sennto, and as often been court of tho Culled States, Sucbaplan, has reached this iu tbe The woman did as retpuestcd. Later disowned by the bonce. It rafcrs tlifcte just city A little some seven In my opinion, would be simple, Inex of eenclneire that sturdy cbap in the day the senator presented her to vlaiius for adjudication to the d strict iieiiNlve, and accomplish the settlement almpe proof had vourl of the in whose years old, a tantrum one day Lamar as ono of his oldest Territory jurisdic- ot these claims lu a union more expeal many of (he affidavits filed bj tbe Secretary tion the lands may he situated, with the tious and siillsfnctorj uiunner than any last week, and his molber, iu order and dearest friends. She was a of either to from its couk'Stor are false, and given right parly appeal of those heretofore vugijesleu. flagrantly to her iieeimon w n I n to mark her displeasure and im place at $60 a month, and salary six months the When a member ot tbe senate 1 favor it is tbe eurrout lmprenion in well court of tbe Territory, and from ed tbe idea that tbe ordinary judicial press it upon him, left him by him began yesterday. the decision of t lint couit, within one tribunals of thecoutitry weie besi adapt informed circles that the attorneys to tbe court of ibe United self and went to her own year, supreme ed to deal with tbe suhjt-ct- as in other of Mr. Thoebe never to The romance about James Bu- tttutes, which la behind with Its work expected tnllowttd cases where the same riuntsare at slake, her as far as the deer, remained tour or five years. la all cases In which and more In accord Willi tbe ol secure a reopening of tbe case aud chanan, who a bachelor the spirit and, after she bad Judgment of tho district court shall our institution, and further, because that wus te passed in, all his life on account of an . be an the only purpose coin early ugalust the United .States, appeal w linlever legislation uiay he enacted or closed it somewhat iniiHt emphatically affair heart be taken to the Terrllorial supreme executive action taken, sooner or later pel Mr. Carlisle to ptesent a pub of the that proved and to court of Then he went buck to his vourt, aln the cupreuie each and every gram finds Its way Into lic defense nnd contribute play. fruitless, has come to the surface tiiei.iuied blates, unless the attorney the courts and in some way receives a thereby Ilitlf an hour later be So far returned, death a of frenerul shall otherwise direct. judicial construction. A larfre experi te tbe manufacture of political again upon the of lady as tho Is there' opened tbe door softly and looked government concerned, ence bus, however, brought me to real cuitn! for tlin ninety nine years, a Mrs, Bovee, (ore, all or irenriy nil tbeenscs will reach ise the lor. of the obiectlon urged In approticbibg presi in. Ilia mother Lis of canght eye who tbe supreme court the United SihIhk; the report of the surveyor general of dential caiupuign. refused to marry. the young while I If in and could not a smile. tie grant claluiuiits. delosled New Mexico, Hint tbe rl(rnt or the tui- repress of will be sure to Pennsylvania!), though her parents any itie lower courts, tions! government to lands cannot be M. 8. Otfrs Fators Stalehood. he said, "I knew uppeal, liiiiiunicb as hold their "There," you'd insisted. Her maiden name was tbey wisoiy left to the arbiiramerl of Incut Now lands without taxation, and won! reap tribunals, which lira more or less under "I am strongly in favor of the get over it. you are my own did tneir Duncan and shtt not succeed in prolirs i,r loilctlnite years ilirougli local influences and supposed tosympa aduiisHion of New Mexico, and that dear mamma again." Somehow it the law's delay, these case, therefore, iMize wuti the individual claimant aa marrying anybody until sh was would have to lie tried In these several was bard to make out that he foil against the Koveruiuent, and to be in as soon as possible. The people four. courta, In each of which It Is that be had been the ot eighty The bridegroom was proviifed clined to deul with bis pretensions in a of New Mexico, that is the anbjct that oral evidence may be beard, whIKi of undae liberality, without due pertion punishment. On the much younger than the bride and tn the lower It be spirit coutrary, two tribunal would to legal that of the people corn in what is somewhat otherwise. iaracl to the cases regard rlgbts. experience ho gathered in all her icnlly linpoesible try hail shown that the subordinale oftlceis New property at all, by reavon of thsir overburdened known as Mexico and having aud deserted of the government wb are charged k Famous Ilone-Tbie- her, thus avenging Territorial business, as 1 have already with the of its Intercuts at Spanish blood in their veins, are ' w:ied. While Niich a measure would protection the slighted love ef "Old Buck." remote points become easy prey to toe the next census The most famous horse-thie- f in certainly breed litigation and prove very same influences, and the trial ot sui h rapidly advancing; ticcepliible to lawyers, it would not fail cases ulmost Into will show a decrease in illit the west has just been discharged Use Noah Owen's Diamond invariably degenerates great i 1 to prove a wretched mockery of Its pro- an ex wherein tue claim from parte hearing, will ue cJ the Illinois penitentiary after fessed ptirpose. It xvoflld not settle ant is allowed and to make out eracy, jt lout) that many in and expected sentence of these titles forty years; it ought bis side, of the case, if Id bis power. grown men of over twenty years serving a nine years. Pay your subscription aud secure to be entitled An act te postpone in- without or or a all opposition resistance, of hare in the tie is ktiowtt under a long cata the definitely the settlement of titles to due regard to the rights of tbe defense. age past eight years premiums. lnnili and Mexican grants, and secui Further. It is utateu that the dockets of learned to read and and the logue of names, but generally aa to melr claimants tbe unmolested occu write, Every Plow lay warranted, at tho local courls In tbe lerrltories are of Frank Bradshaw, George Vanzant, paiicr and use of the snme." already overburdened a lib causes wbicb percentage persons net kuowing the Modern Blacksmith Shop, cr 1 that whut s James Green or Glen reapecltully submit, the judges find themselves utterly una how to read and write, under the Vanskout. ne obviously wanted Is a simple enactment lo ot as as pay. ble dispose expenitlouslv the will lie has served six terms in the of congress referring all those cases to proper administration of de- age of 20 be found extremely the of tbe interior justice Is For $250 in advance you get secretary fordecitlon, mands, bucb cases would almost inva small at compared with 1880. It Joliei prison, and the most in Tuev are all on the files of tbe general riably be carried up to tlio United Stales this paper one year and 62 books, land nrnce. is well known whut is com veterate thief of his kind known. Including duly certilleu cop supreme court, certainlyai ofteu mlli.y that one each week. lea of the papers In each case, tbe vl is venerable-lookiu- r. would be if decided by the department. monly called the American lie a very dence, both documentary and arul. the the portion To suggestion otaspecial commit white baired man of eixtv-eigh- t reports ot the surveyor genera!, and Ibe tee to sit at convenient llmeannd niaccs of the people of New Mexico com- suppl-iuenta- ry reports recently submit to bear and ot these claims. years. Ilia neck has been stretched The Oft Tc!d In dispose pares more than favorably with Story led, all printed their orderly connec objections are present- equally vigorous three times to get information ont 01 the peculiar meilclasl merits of flood's tion. 1 lie labor of preparing this work ed, and It is urged that the experience the citizsus of other portions of nnd it in could thus be Is fully eci.flimcil by tlio volun-- t putting shape obtained through the California com the union In of of him when suspected of horse- utilised, and the settlement of the cases mission Is or such a character as to poitjt intelligence, .rr testimony ot lluiuiamlt who hare trlea but be never confessed H, tn speeded. Ibe questions f Isw and fact make a tribunal of that kind the least education and manhood. I believe stealing, l'ccullar tl.e Combination proportion, Involved are no means rsmarknblv and ef ll hy ndvnntageoin of the methods proposed. will- - anything, even in the of preparation bieretllents, peculiar and are such as tbe otll- - the people of New Mexico are presence In t1:e rslrnue .re with whkli It Is iniricate, they Theobvinus truth is that these old put rials ac- death. He has lived rears 11:1, ol the interior department are tig and even anxious to pay in thirty llufid's Sursapurllla acooinpllftlies euree customed to examine and competent te claims must be disposed of on the papers n Joliet and hi sentences where oilier prepr.ratlnr.s entirely fall. Peru-li- ar no Inter-tha- creased taxes for the boon of self prison, didde. They involve greater now on file in the general land office. in Ilia unequalled :ixul name It has mad thoao have seventy-twoyear- s. at Which constantly abjudicated No other method is whether government. Both the great po- - aggregated home, li s "tower ef tlreiiftlt the head of that with possible, at In 1 by department, itical contain men in suf mad," peculiar the l.'nomiul siLet tue help of hit legal adviser. Of course, the decision shad be made by a court, a parties Now is the time to subscribe to It has tUuhiM, be in N laiitskt might made deciding or the of the in- Goiency for all the offices, and these raves, liven our courts commission, secretary this paper. By paying $2.50 In higher be- Hood's Sarsaparllia some.! I in while 1 hare terior. Nearly all the witnesses in these there are plenty to spare. I - will 52 is estray, nlready advance you receive books Is the ainst and successful niedtchi shown what a of both be popuhr travesty Justice cases are dead. They cannot called ieve statehood would con before Urn and law was of the greatly of choice reading matter aud the public today (or purifying the tbe action California back from their the record -- graves, and duce to New blood, nlvir.g strength, sn commission, and that congress, by Mexico' rapid ad Weekly Independent one year. creating appetite. legislation In dealing with these of their evidence must be secured, The vancement and The "I suffered from wakefulness and low baa surrendered to prosperity. spirits, anil alto hud ociema cu tho back of grants, mannpollatt documentary evidence is of course on assessment 188S will Dr. II. B. Ilaydeti, dentist, will and thieves millions of acres of the pub- for show aiy head and neck, which was very aiinoylns;. file; and a in the interior no I one Huod's lic domain. No such results need be good lawyer oyer $60,000,000 worth of taxable remain in Raton until further took bntile of Sarxaparlll, and from the of the can decide the case in I have m'civel so much benefit Unit I am aporebended department department 111 tice, and can be found at his office, In event lliere would be property New Mexico, and a tax very and I am always to interior. any Washington as well aa a commission or grateful, glad spaak a settlement of titles, which Is the para- f live mills on the dollar would opposite J, F. Burnam's residence a food word for tlila mcdlclua." Mas. J. 8. of all The au- court in New Mexico. There is no ne- 1'cim. mount desire good loen. the of the State on Second street, between the txi'DKit, I'ottrville, thority of congress to do wbat la pro cessity, nor even excuse, for the r xpen- - defray expenses la as as It hours of 9 a. M. and r. u. Purifies tho Blood posed unquestionable ive and cumbersome machinery of the fNow Mexico and enable the peo i authorltr to create a commission, t Kan; ill now Gov, Ross and the ple to administer tho affairs of the Henry Nipus. Campbell Street, City, refer the caaea to the courts, or to res proposed by Attention is called to the offer, had scroluloun sores all mer his for as submitted In hodjr upon them llself, lb. rant claimants, with its three addition- - State, economically of course, bat fifteen rears. JTood's Sumparilla It owa commit Shi ul I in another column, to new sub- tcnipleUly of at. 1 on reports mischievous pro-isi- cured him. lot federal judges, its well. In 1880, and it would take it be dene, the whole of tlie.e g scribers. Parties who have sub- of Korlh ninomfi V. Y can be o' as to land and the inevitable Walbce Buck, eld, pending corneals dlspneed scrip, us till then to set the machinery of suffered eleven with a terrible rarieon within the limit of three Or nitir scribed to the Weekly and who years years, clay of settlement it would involve. ulcer on his so bad that I'.o had to and New Mexico will be rcfcenerid the State going, there will be, in now leg, gr is no occasion for the renew their subscriptions and up LiisI'.cm. Ho wui curud of U.o ulcer, aud through the feneration of her stolen There Joseph bill, my opinion, some $70,000,000 worth advance are also of catarrh, bjr f) main and the union eat ef ber titles, nor any other special machinery for the pay in entitled te of in New Mexico, which Secretary Lamar, in hisannual report, settlement of these cases, for the simple property the same benefits. II ere is a seoma to me a Hood's GarsapariHa with the surveyor-- g as Lamar shows, that pretty good for uew to a substantially agrees reason, Secretary plendid opportunity gat large Soiabymlldragfrlus. f ; ilz for JCS. Prepared only I am for neral; and as his views are earnestly fit tribunal lor the service already State. unequivocally the amount of good reading matter for bj C. I. UOOD CO., AprthloriM., Mm. attention of is n admission of New Mexico." onvitenled to thi Congress exists. Certainly there necessity low price. 100 Doses Ono Dollar RAT 6 ymJcilK:nT IKBPENDENT. liBgLiJL-.!.l'JL- '" ' T Winning umkn your debt. You took me from the tow- - From Friday's Daily, The Democrat baa Following in a list of the nn path in Ohio and gave me my first op- J. K. Cedlitt is in town. Albuquerque And when I heard were an account of a brutal murder com- hurt drawing the large prizes portunity. you in trouble t rode out here to help you." The Reading strike has ended. mitted about middle of last TTuenday last in the Louisiana Stitle the One morning the oM gray horse which L. M Bedstead's, at Sinneck's. mouth at the pueblo of Acoma. lottery, as furnished by F. the to Rockford cheap, had brought stranger Three strange Sandia Indians went Smith, ageut at Pueblo, Col.: was around to the front door of J. E. McKown is confined to his brought to tbe pueblo with some native No. 33,442 .drew. 1150,000 the tavern. The landlord brought out a room by sickness. wine to sell, and in accordance pair of saddle-bag- s and put them over The thermometer In Minnesota with of na- ' 51.613 " 20000 the saddle. The street was crowded the hospitable custom on Wednesday registered from 25 tive were entertained ," 79,040 " 10,000 with people from the town and country villages by 40 Ber-end- o. The who had defended Gov. to degrees below cere. the assistant Jose " 6.419 . 10,000 lawyer governor, " 52,447 " 6,000 ISibo came out, mounted, and rod; The Raton Meat Market, Young The strangers returned tbe i .i sis k (inn away. The landlord watched as the & McAuliffe proprietors, is now courieey by opening their wine, 85.045 " 6000 horse and rider disappeared in tin dis- and " open at Williams' old stand, Cook all drank freely, the assistant " 43 93? g' tance. He lived to tell the story many - avenue. governor and bis wife becoming a day, and always finished it with the very much intoxicated. After the OLD Jim II IUIWIS. remark: "He was the easiest suited man, Raton has her bawdy houses en wife retired to bed, the strangers and the tunniest man, and took the least the main of the town . 5w Ton Ctrvii R'paiJ Ri Debt f Gratitude to thoroughfare drunk- kiver to him warm that ever J fell upon their host, in his tivernw Bibb. keep stoppi There is nothing like keeping the at the tavern.'? en and helpless oondition, and ChtoafW Mall. resources cf an enterprising town beat ant kicked him till be died. Many years ago Ohio had a governor 1 Satural Question. in plain sight. Then fled. The d of the name ot Bibb. At the expiration Burton Wubo, they body present-e- FOR RENT A house of of his term he concluded to leave .It Our M.ibel not long since began going good a sickening fight, being bruised stable-bac- k end State, He bought a farm in Winnebaj to school, and she likewise imbibed or three rooms, with from head to foot. Gov. Bibo suc- Lnd Bak- county. III., and not many miles fr m developed considerable willfulness, of lot, next door to wig's ceeded in having the murderers ar- Rockford. One of his family was a which grieved her parents. One nigh', ery on First street. Enquire of E rested in Sandia, and a justice of and a man loved and as she was her good-nigl.- t daughter, young repeating Par Hon, at depot. ; the peace held them over to tbe nurried her. The where the which wound up with the usual people prayer, The will make a grand jury, committing thorn to "wedding occurred believed in extending formula, "And make me a good girl, Republicans the cam- the at Los Lutias. The "their in their own way, amen, her mother said to her: political issue, in next county jail congratulations in whose cus- and this was the charivari party. Gov. "Mabel, don't you know you ask to paign in this Territory, of Govern- constable, however, booatua ISibb and his wUe objected to the Illinois be made a good girl every night, but or Ross' administration of affairs. tody they were placed, charivari. He sent a message to the you ain't?" It will be a strong point. drunk aud the prisoners escaped. leaders that they must desist, and if they "Yes, mamma, I know it,'' was the re- They are still at large and no ef- . is H. C. Burnett attempted to tarry out their plan some ply, "but why don't God make me good It reported that fort seems to have been made to wouid hurt. In the midst of then?" is salaries from the differ body get drawing recapture them. The wise justice what the tribe considered ent he amount- Winnebago Wlirt! "JVculiur" Menus. positions occupies of the peace. Jose Angel Jaramillo, the old who had had to deal wonder fun, man, ing to (6,000 per year. No with wise for his owu his Applied to Hood's Sarsaparila a foresight with an Ohio legislature, pot gun, im- he is stuck on New Mexico. " word Teculiar is ot door-Ma- the great the governor He took it from its place over the y, ' interests, compelled portance. It moans tliul Hood's occur- out in the and A fanatical outbreak has to pay the cost of the preliminary walked darkness, Barsiipnnlla is different from other the y- red in the of Fnkieu, examination. fired. Two of the men in part- preparations in many vital points, province who liked a bit of and Christian estimable citiiens which make it a thoroughly honest China, twenty A Reprieve for the Condemned. fun fell wounded, and Governor Bibb und reliable medicine. It is Pecu- churches have been burned and Wreiched men and "onion long was arrested and taken to jail. liar, in a strictly rocdieinal sense: hundreds of converts massacred. condemned to suffer tbe toitnres - Before the meeting of the grand jury, first, in the combination of remr- ol dyspepsia, are tilled with new mm & which indicted the of Ohio, dial agents useu; scona, in The track of the Denver Gulf hope alter a few doses of Hostet-tei'- s in which are a man rode into Rockford one evening proportion ihey pre- road is expected to reach Cliiytou Stomach Bitters. This bud- pared; thirds in the process by blossoms into the frui- nd tied his horse to a cost. He walked by the lbt of February The town ding hope which the active curative proper- if tbe Bilters is over to the tavern, talked to the land- is Several houses tion of certainty, tied of the medicine are secured. booming. nersiated in. It brings a reprieve lord a few minutes, went to his room on Study these points well. They and material is the i'i all who seek its aid. and to bed, The landlord walked out dyspeptics mean volumes. They make Hood's ground for others. Flatulence, heartburn, sinking at and the guest's horse in the stable. in cura- put Sarsaparilla Peculiar iis the pit of the stomach between next the called for Settlers on the in the vi- The morning guest tive powers, as it accomplishes grant meals, the nervous tremors and his was all and came of nre in n horse, gone day, wonderful cures hitherto unknown cinity Elizabetlitown jnno.nnia of which chronic indigos-jtio- .in at The appearance of a and which irive to Hood's night. Sarsapa earnest in their determination to is the parent, disappear with . in a like Rockford at that rilla a clear to the title of stranger place right protect their rights its against the heir hateful progenitor. Most, time was an event, and as this one rode 'Tuo greatest blood purifier ever beneficent of stomachic! who can grant company. They have the out everv day and came back for nearly discovered." wonder that in so many instances to biick too. " money tbem, in two weeks, people plied the landlord I Veteran (iniie. t grateful eloquence with questions, but he knew nothing, those who, benefitted by it, speak Optle. It is rumored "that Col. Thomas re- not even his name. . voluntarily in its behalf. It guest's There died at Tiptonvllle yester- Smith, U. $. district-attorne- for trial of Gov. a graphic pen to describe The day came for the y quires day and was burled at about New Mexico, and now iu Washing the torments of but in Bibb, indicted for murder. The char- dvEppsia. 11 o'clock, Joel Heme, one of the ton. has tendered his many of the testimonials received acter of the men murdered and of the resignation, eight survivors of the war of 1812. and that C. l.Jackson, of Socorro, hv the proprietors of the Bitter, man who was indicted for the crime, these are wiih vnid Mr. Heme was ninety six tear is to succeed him. Mr. portrayed crowded the little capital of Winnebago trying truthfulness. Constipation, bilious- old, a man of remarkable power county, and the courthouse was jammed. Jackson is now in Washington. ness, muscular debility, malarial Gov. Bibb was brought in by the sheriff. and history. He was reared in fevers aud rlienmati.-n- are relieved Eastern butter commands a The court asked him if he had a lawyer. Kentucky, was onder Harrison al by it. in a etirrn i in this than II. v&nlijal i mnct fipfl vjav that- and Jnckson at the higher price market lie itpuwv hi " Tippecanoe, Remember, that Charles R. he hadnot. The "Isthere the native product from the fact judgeasked: battle of ew Orleans, remember Thompson will copy your photo, no one to defend the old man?1 The that the latter is too Thf Do; Knew Ilim. ed Tecumseh well, tud could talk slovenly in Crayon cheaper, and give better was standing like a white pillar made. It is not worked Call. prisoner agreeably and interestingly about thoroughly i'hllde!jhl satisfaction, than any traveling in the midst cf the people present. He and contains too much milk and ' A physician who lives in the can afford to do. those long past days and events. agent was silent and had the stateliness of an it to before It northern of the city is noted He bad the proper use of his fac- water, causing spoil part Indian brave. There was another man for his extreme leanness. Ho is ulties and a eommnud of his can be used. Good ranch butter is in the audience who attracted good 1 quickly scarce. very tall and thin. Several days How Child their attention. He was, like them, a body up to a short time since, when very a Dying his atneur.e, a match in manner and dress, but the lie accidentally fell and broke iis The Atlantic & Pacific road is in ago, during .pioneer called at Ins house, was nd years had not yet made any inroad upon thigh. This caused inflammation a deplorable condition. No trains boy taken iuto the back office, ! his face. He had not the y miited, acquaintance of the brain, and the old gentloman left the Albuquorqus depot ysster-da- Wai; Saved or barber. He was and the doctor's wife bought some of tailor slovenly out into the great uc known. for the west, aud no California thiew passed was in a attired. He walked inside the bar, of bis stock. Tbe money ISfT. He the of the tickets are sold at the Cimiio, Hakiltoh Co.. lm.. Spl, l. ws grandfather being depot. nrtiou-lote- lis old slouch hat the ttble, and, oloset willi an Tim followln la s Iron account nt wht rottr upon Misses Heme of this city, and which arrived )n company meas- The eastern train a S. S. hiwdoM rorour llcil ilmutliMr. Hwl. himself to his fullest was dis- . straightening leaves a family of highly respooted skeleton, whieh m oUI. When 1J raonibiold a I'll defend yssterday tuoruing was' held over now four ure, he said: "Your Hanfor, descendant. closed as soon as the door was Iqmp pp'"'! " Mr hel,wlileh lowlr jrer rlie nld at the depot awaiting Urtw. TM family ihyleln tlioiiuM II M man'' Albuquerque one look or ncxUA A amount of mat opened. The boy took tuuvsl by of broura l" are Where do come large reading orders. There i said to be seven plei to Tt "Who you? you at tbe horror aud fled but to brlnmiiythtnn iljht. ter is given to every subscriber of grinning chll.1 bMani.' fwblw all tlw tlra. Miniiur u from?" asked the court. feet of snow at Belmont, Arizona. watt-In- r both hnr the iimi of tor, anil dually iilt I this who iu advance. from the bouse, leaving hr "In the country that hail from, your paper pays ontlrcly. Trio mlndla Snatr awl thumb The wreck on the Atlantic & Pa- and matches. This was d anlant""!. thf Una Honor," replied thj stranger, whose money of either baud booame Remember that each new sub lianl. Tha blp Join" bmm lnol. call me Tom cific road last northern to the and sovrial "Ho words were clear cut, "they doctor, td, to that when wentoan nvnilln nld scriber to tba Weekly Independent Arizona is much worse, than was days afterward tbe same boy was could not utand, barlnit lout th m of la Corwin," of tba " had ridden who bis subscription in ad and arm. Partial curatura pln He was the stranger who pays conjectured. Four dead bodies seen passing the house. On the followed. TM aervoui nyiUM win wrackoi, into town, and had excited the wonder vance will receive 52 books, one have been but no in- doctor's attention called to luutoe contracted, and thore win rrneral brought in, being of neih and inuole. At alirhteou of He had traveled all sch week the waitlni the community. during year. formation can bo elicited ss to the the fact, be went to tbe door and monlha of aico M wna placed tmdw the of B'e-V.- the way from Ohio on horseback. He bim treatmentof a prominent phyalolan The Boston are to total number killed, nor the cause beckoned the lad te come to but at tlw end of ten lo intha an house in girls going Haea., visited nearly every Winuebago officers out: bail declined to audi a dfgrca that lha waa In hear twelve lectures on Kant. It of the accident. The of Tbe match boy sboutod "Not l county, felt the pulse of the people, dying condition. Tula waa la AprU, road to think that it is old I We toob ibo ohlld away not amuwlur what all asked was for jus- is believed by many philosophers the appear much, you big skelington. learned that they to do. In tbla dreadful dilemma we were reason Kant mar-rio- d to all information knows even if have bot- tice, and presented himself as counsel that the never necessary keep yer, ye got oeer penuadad by frlenda to try "one whiob we did, ana for When he told the was because he never happen- of the wreok from the publi- c- ou yer clothes " tle" of Swirr't the prisoner. before It bad all been lake we euw a clianae judge who he was and what he was there ed to meet a young lady from Citizen. for the Uettur In her ayiuptoma. Wo kept it Dectort' Bills. up, and Mve done ao to thla day, and wilt for. he did it in a manner which crowded Boston. Courier-Journ- al. The New York Herald prints Nearly all diseases originate krei up, U the lord will, for many dy the little town thereafter during the locoine, for It baa uroueht our dylnj Hanoi under three columns a from niaction of tbe liver, and health trial. I am told that when he addressed A Texau ts picturesque exposing gignutic to life, to rigor, to itrennth again. One timber Scotch and this is especially tbe case with The aahen bue of her check. Una ehauged to the were taken from the the moat trying circumstances. a syndicate. la walk jury the doors chills and fever, intermittent a may tint. She able to anywhere, of the courthouse and the sash of them, near Austin, got drunk; of bM,000 acres in the best redwood To her languor and nielnnoholy be poaaee) hinges fevers, and malarial diseases. away, and alia la now a blltue, cheerful, hap- so the and of California. 1 hs wlab to Irom the windows, that people he also got in his wagon tried district syndi- save doctors' bills and ward off py romping child. Should yun of of tn without could catch the matchless elo- to home. a -fla- t cate secured 400 men at $50 disease lake Simmons Liver Regu- your teallmonlala proof get Crossing elrtue of S. K. a, onr aamca and what wo of the man who hailed from went-t- o increases iu what we owe quence befell nut, stuck fast, head and apiece, who the land office, lator, a medicine that bare aald It but a portion of t and be- thould you wlah to uaa them, Oh;o. shoulders in the mud, and froze to the land, which was im- popularity each jear, has yon, in proved up Kindly youra. Gov. Bibb was acquitted, and the come tbe most popular aud best Baa. r. Swirr. death. The declare that it mediately transferred to the syn- scerte that followed he said: "All I have papers endorsed medicine in the narket GaaTatiDe a awiee. sim- W. O. N. ever The were die-use- s. Boi and when I am able is the first death by freezing dicate. operations for the cure of liver or bowel is my farm; take it, Skiu IMaaaaea known in that section. He led off ilar to those used for stealing coal Telegraph, Dubuque, rreatlae on Blood and 004 1 will pay I.JlUaaU.0 to noticed. and lands in Colorado. Iowa. Tua owinSractrwCo.. Drawer vorwin rcpirea: wny, lamitui in in ft way get it range .rv WEEKLY INDEPENDENT Is Connmpin lnrnrablef the following: Mr, 0. H. "Was f J. . alitor. Morris, 'Newark, Ark., sy UH, down With Abscess of the Lungs, and MubticriptioMRtes. friends and physicians pronounced mean Incurable Consumptive.' Be- Capital Prize, $160,000 Dr. New Discov- I gan taking King's. "We do hereby certify that wt super- K4 DAL. ery for Consumption; am 'now on my vise the arrangements Tor all the Month- Vir year. third bottle, and able to oversee tbe ly and Quarterly rawings ot'Th CURES ALL 8ix months...... o.t work on my farm. It is the finest Louisiana State Lottery Company, and HUMORS, Three moDtfaa..... -. 2J medicine ever made." In person manage and control the draw- from a- common Blotch, or Crnntloaw same are to the worst aIl-rhcn- ns i ings tbemselros, and that the icrofuIa. One month. v. l. Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, conducted with and tn "Ferer-eores-," Scaly Skin, honesty, fairness, in all diseases causedorBenikbod blood ass) nbscribers in town fuftiislrr have been for Dr. all w short, by , says: "Had it not pood faith toward partial, and conquered by this powerful, purifying-- aed by earner t aftteenta per wees. King's New Discovery for Consump- authorize the Company tn use this cer- Invigorating' medlclno. Clroat allu UK with .s of eur eera rapidly beat under its benign inUuenoa. tion I would have died of Trou- tificate, signa Kniwdn ir haa it tnnnifretfid its ootoner to Lung tures attached. In its advertisements.' - WEEKLY. curing- Tenor, Hono Hash. Holla, Car bles, Was given up by rtoctois. Am bnucloa, Sore lipea, Scroruloua sore now in best of health.' Trv it. Sam end awellliigs, 111 p. Jolut I)leak The "is i White Swellliigs, Goitre, or Thletf Weekly Independent ple bottles free, at 0. C. Huffman's Neck, and Eularged O land a. fond tan ' t every Saturday atteruoo Store. 5 cents in stamps for a lrtrire truatlso, with City Drug orod plates, on! Skin Diseases, or tho same mid will be sent to any addren amount foratrcntlso on Scrofufoua AlTwtloii, An Absolute Cure. "THE ULOOD IS Till) 1.IFK.3 postage paid, Thoroughly oli anse ltby using Mr. One year 2,1 The Original Ahietiue Ointment is Coldoii Medical Discovery, andPlrjgoo4 two-ounc- e digeatlon, a fnlr akin, buoynnt ir. Six u.onths. .. only put up in large tin ita, vital atreuKtb) aud aountlueaa of Three mouths. . l.C boxes, and ia an absolute effre for Commiioners. ouatitatioii WiU bo estubligluxL old burns, wounds, chapped TarPayable in advance. d sores, Sample copies tent on applicatie hands, and all skin eruptions. Will 'COIISIJilPTIOfl. r- - Hrty the Banks and c'Ure all kinds of pilesj Ask undersigned which Is Scrofnlone Disease of tn positively is and arrested A'QENTS. ! Bankers, will pay all Prizes drawn Luuis, promptly oertaiuly for the 'Original Ahietiue Oirttmeut, and cured by this Godgiven remedy, if taken ..R. L. Vandtve in 7 he Louisiana State Lttteries before the Inst of the disease are ruiched. Ratijn...... id Sold J, B- - Sohaoeder at 25 nnt stages by which be at eur From Its wonderful power over this terribly San Franc'sco.... Palmer k Ee per box bv hhI, 30 cents. may presented fatal disease, when first otlerinir this now San Francisco K. C. Dak counters. ebrated remedy to tho public, Tib. Pishcsj thought seriously of calling it his "Con-aumptl- on No. 05 Exchan Do you have any trouble with II. OGLESBV, President LonlaUno butabondoned thntnaino Merchants' J. Ikailonat Cure," ife Ber-inger- Itauk. as too limited for a medicine from its Re n 's which, New York Palmer your eyesight? If so call at PIERRE lMIVAlX, Prmldent Htate Xa Wonderful combination of tonlo, or strengthen New Yerk. N. Erickso tioiiRl Bank. ing, alterative, or g, and have eyes tested. and nutritive is & year A. BALDWIN Prealitent New Orleans pectoral, properties, unequaied, Few York. .Geo. P. Rjwell C sci- not only as a remedy lor consumption, of the d They have tbe latest and best National Bank. but for ail Philadelphia.. .N. W. Ayer & 80! IMKL KOHX. Pres. Union Rational lungs, 19 entific devices invented for fkrcago ...La-r- & Thema testing . CHRONIC DISEASES id the eye, together with a complete en file at K. giSTTliis caperis kept id line of Eye Glasses, Spectacles, NPEJCED2NTED ATTRACTION ! Pake's Advertising Agency, San Fra etc., and we gnarantee to giva you u and erlseo, Csl., where contracts may be ma 11 a HALF A WM SISTIlISuTSS, Liver, Blood, Lungs, fet H" perfect ft. ml n tf you fool dull, drowsy, debilitated, have yellowish-brow- n s sallow color of or ( M jtSy-Thl- ( the has the akin, paper may be found en e Beringer, jeweler, Louisiana State Lottery Company, on face or body, frequent headache or dko-nee- at Geo. P. Rowell k Co's Newspap most complete line ef American bad taste in mouth, internal heat or ohilis, a Incoporated In 1808 for 25 years by alternating with hot Hashes, low spirits anil Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce 8 watches, diamonds, solid for Educational and gloomy borebodlngs, irregular appetite, and ' jewelry, the Legislature, coated tonguo, you are sutrcring from IndU where contracts mey of 1 advertising ad ware, clocks, etc., in Charitable purposes nil h a capital goal 011, yapopai a, and Torpid LItsn made for it la New York. a plated $1,000,000. to which a reserve fund of or "Uillousiiena." In many cases oulf - A Northern New Mexico, and an- $550,000 has since been added. part of theso symptoms are experienced. u a remedy for all sucb esses, Pierce's ia east- By an overwhelming vote its lr. has ne He Was a Hog, ourrcoB that he selling at popular Coldcu Medical Discovery Wy e franchise was made apart oi tne present cquaL N. T. Herald, ern prices In watches especially State Constitution December For Weak Iinnga, of IBlood, j .d adopted Rhortnoaa of flplttlnf 2d, A. V., 1879. Breath, ans He was ti bnindle car and h. in there has beea a great reduction, Severe OonKlis, CoiiHiiniplion, 7 he only Lottery ever voted on kindred affections, it Is a sovereign remedy. nothing btot hi at to xcite adir d. and Beringer, always te the front, Bend ten cents In stamps for Dr. Pierces and endorse by tne of any book on Consumption. Mold, by Drnggists. ratioiK but as he atood shireri is selling them t the reduced people State. PRICE wnder the "L'' station at Fffty-nir- t aid in all the lines ef $1.00, fottVSToo: it prices, goods It never scales or postpones. etreet and Third avenue bis lorf - that be sells can bet oa the Woiitfs Euflcal o- you Its Grand Sinele Number Draw DIspsnsary AssocIatloB, as iiness and entire misery dreJ at quality being represented. Ings takes place monthly, and the Grand Proprietors, 663 MUn St, BOTFAio, N. T. ytu pathetic glance now and Senator Stanford ef Oaliforniais Qnnrter.y Drawings regularly every thj three months (March, June, September tram a bv. He did 1. paaaer Dff a liberal man with his millions in and December). ACOTS UTTLE earn to Irs ha acity dog; appear 7 more ways than oue. Ilia gener A Splendid to Opportunity VLTC.BtVO too shy and sguwaut of city wtj sd osity is shown, for instance, to his Win a Fertnne. Second Grand for and anxiouf class In the Academy of FILLS. that, he looked in committee clerk, whom the law Drawing, II, Music, New Orleans, laasiBJavurj SMiu via "awsiv la the face of each iew oomerf allows a To this Mr. Tuesday, Feb Sold,jn Si oeniM a VkU. r $2,500 year. 913th by llrugsjlal. if a fiieud. Dot nc of uarv T, 1SS8, Monthly seeking ce Stanford adds his mileage 81,300, Drawing. cane, Retried to get on a ck which gives the clerk the ceinfort-abl-e $500 REWARD CAPITAL PRIZE, $130,000 is offered tbe face car, btt the conduotor yelf hs little sum of $3,800. Than by proprletoai art Tn Dollars sal. HaUs of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy tt& a kicked at him,! Mr. Stanford's as senator is tor acase of catarrh which tiuy passenger ic- salary II.. fifths, It. Tsnths, II. cannot curs. he eueukad icto the lea of one) a And this entire sum If you have a discharge from $5,000 year, LIST OF PRIZES. tbe nose, offensive or other- loss of smeU, touts, the iron posts and shivered 0 he turns over to his 1 CAPITAL PRIZE Of" $1SO,OOD fiBO.IWI wise, partial ed right private fW hearinir. dull OsiBs 1 OK A fru.isio so.ron weak eves, NO PRIZK Ot Catarrh. Thou- miserably than ever. How some 1 or pressure In head, you nave ,'ul secretary. fortunate OKAND PKI. OF 2i),aio loam oases In 1m LA R K OP sands of terminate consumption. Tan lit r trirlm e. mm oi tvn tr j PKIZK8 so.wi wr. cures trie wonn men are in matters. 4 6.000 sage's Data rum kemboy ad money lAltliR PHIZES OF eases 20 1,00(1 20.010 of tiatarrh, "Cold In She Head,) a womeot to rmiKs or and W eeoU stepped speak of The bureau of claims 60 " Catarrhal Headache, emigration 100 " SCO.... tta,00li Kale doggie," who aUem t "poor d that there are 600,000 KK) " 3UO 4 000 Hungarians 600 '" &0.UX) d a Kttle wag of the tail iu 1 10V.... .he in this country, a large proportion ponso. Then they patted h APPROXIMATION PBlZES. fwhorn are not naturalized. It 100 ApproxImaltonPrlzeior M00.,.. It! 000 and spoke kindly to bios, and j leo " 20i ao.uoo PATENTS, te how ISO ' " 100.... 10CJU br sems impossible estimate ' Nf cnivRBlinn Man wr oi the waif tfcat l,0J0 Tsrmlnal 60... 50,000 7wy cheered poor little of he iHTSntlon, when I will make caraful prullminm-r- sheep ownaa, iue uuutUv.ens many foreigners of all kinds there xamlnAtion, and report as ta patentabllltr, tie frisked abaat them and wiirned e 2,179 Prizes, amounting to S636,CO0 All pricss of wtol in an slabor-at- e are in this who have not with advice, circulars, te., Free of charge. for A country ursiness bsfore U. S. Patent Office attended la fey. feesvy, lumbers"! table and introduced a taken out naturalization Application for rates to clubs should far moderate Fees. Information and reference strong papers, be made only to tbe offlce et tbe Com- sant an application. N eliarge unless putenL brewery wagou bore downeuthero. -. protest against the reduction of though eligible to citieenship, and pany In New Orleans. l"gUI1U.4. Lll IGKlii nwillMSWui v.- With the rattle everitead and tbe directly euvoslte V. 8. Palest Ofire tbe doty on wool, all of which it is probable that a bill will be in- For further information write babel of noise about them, the two clearly, was sacrificed. troduced in this congress to make giving full address. Postal Notes, Ex- did heed g press Money Orders, or New York Ex- little tots not the rapi A from Iowa aent congressman the matter compulsory. It does change In ordinary letter. Currency by "W" nor bear tbe shout A., -- A. danger in hia biography ia verse, and very seem reasonable that a man who Epre ss (at oar expense) addressed a. S H that went out to thorn freui tbe M. A. Da:hhi5. bad verse, too. enjoys the prosperity of the re- New sidewalk. But the homeless dog New Orleans. La., Baton, Mkxico, Another from the same State public should be compelled te suf- or M. A. Dauphin, did. Springing between the chil- Washington, D. C. 1 states that be was living separate fer its adversity with others if ad- SEALER IN CATTLE. HORSES dren and tbe advancing horses, be from his wife, but in a detailed versity sbonld come. his ehrfll trebro high iVflrlress Letters to -- AN V-- barked, rising statement laid all the blame open Registerefi above tins clarnar f tbe street. her and appealed to his brother NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL U was all doue in a moment.The congressmen to everlook tbe mat- A. BAN It New JLa. EA1TCHES. rolled Orloana vkgna u; tbe cbildreo, to the not to be ter, and speaker COIOBAM A3EtCT,L09lSIAHA 3TATI MTTZST CO. pell-boHu- d 17 Thai the ot with fear, atood still; ItlfOnuntloD &o. fend tn m. X) If FTlf 1)1? I presence influence d it in him F, Xli:kt, Lisl", IlriULi Ucnerala lit.urepard by assigning It ynu have nut Ixsen lucky elxwhore TRY JlDrjlL the ia a last effort Bond nd Karly, i hours In f the drawingK, la a Will sell the same dog, desperate to committees. M I (or a chanm. tor UrReclronlar. charge buy or guaiautee nf abtulute fiiirneiw and Intexrlty. that to repay the kindness shown him, COLO. You can make a fair esti IfMiHnn thie I En il.FUIBLO, the chances are U and no nne cun pretty BnWnantaisKnffl equal, tlint fcarJed himself at the on commission. Correspond advancing mate of the men in Congress bj poMihlr 4tvlna what nmntwre will draw a Prln. iioraee. One child is brushed aside T WMilnr. exist in tlmu. KKMEHBKK that the payment of all riir.a In their biographies, and it is an in- Lruinci of for His. but OUARANTERD BYFOl'K NATIONAL BAKKF ence solicited. and the other clutched a friend- mVl I 'd ,y lhe 'JlHrvel or invention. by teresting thing to look them over. j Those who aid In need of mof- - of New Orlcam, and the Tickets arc signed by th hand as horses swerve Urthlfl work I hut run be done while living Rt Presitlont of an Institution whose chartered ly the at hi wand thair to Ilftllett tte should Hon rlgliLinrc rocosniii'd In the high there A Vo., I'ortlttiui, Maine, and ret eive free, full in wtt'oarts; the dog's attack. Elvcrric llittertt. fore bewara of. Address formation oi how either M)x, ot all aiftH, ctm earn any Imitations er auonyiaous The wagon went on its This remedy is becoming so well from 6 to pur day ani upward? wlieritvur schemes. brewery live. Yoy are Hartt-- free. CaDltal not re known and so as to Deed 11" thv Q. way, swaying, and two popular quired, fcome Imve niadu over $00 in a sit mo Iday ALBERT SHAW, teckiugand xnecial mention. All who have us at this work. All uiccetd. tear-dimme- d little faces out RAT051, Mcxieov purred Electric Hitters sing the same song of Hw from the sidewalk at a little heap praise. A purer medicine does not Dissolution Notice. JACKSON HOTEL 011 tbe stones of the street. exist, ami it is guaranteed to do all Their defender had given bia tli t is claimed. Electric Bitters w II The partnership heretofore existing THE LEXOiaS HOTEL OF - cum diseases nf the and between A. K. and C. W.Bnrnam under life in remembrance of all Liver grateful will remove Pollf tbe Arm name of Burnain Bros, has this their kindness Kiiluers, Pimples, 3ST.M. Salt lliieum aud other ITe tiou dny been dissolved by mutual consent, Springer, lie was only a dog; he k"e 00 unused by impure blrmd. Will drhe C. W.'Burnam purchasing the business. better. Milaria from the system, and prevent All parties holding claims against the as well us cure all Malarial fevers. For firm are requested to present the same d, and all iM'JA'AJ' blmJt Jt.- at cure and for at their leisure, nudall par- 1ie ttflicle i Housekeepers; of Headache, Constipation payment a traveling publle and rr h. letidtil t lof MOUKKATE FEES Out I'atroni-- e Imiigpstiou Eleoirio Bitters. En- ties knowing themselves to be indebted the U Patent Office, and we am Western enterprise by try ,piilei'atvnts lesa tnw limn thae reointe from nre men will And the Jackson House in using "Douver's Beat' Laundry tire 8tinf'ttctiiu giitranterd, or money to said firm earnestly requested to the .tAerO.V enil MOllF.I., UliAK INS IH()W ot Invealion We adiw t iatii Inll and warranted refunded. Price 50 cents and 81 per make Immediate settlement. Thanking c mnae Ac vHAHUK Soap weight place to stop wken they visit Springer. sl.iiiry flee of charge and it and will uso no botlle, at Huffman's Drug Store. 5 a geueroua publio for the liberal patron- fcjNAt'M' rAWtif la fti jHhi) Jjure Try you For ritetnar edfice. terms aha references la other. age always axtendid tti, we are, respect- actual elnmw In own Mt,Coniny latyoc Use Noah Owen's Diamend fully, A. K. BurxiMi ,0WU' "m,! it Diamond Coal is the best OsaL Reasonable Rates "KiSKSSI M Ugit and mud i (bat killing wm done a um n not iws. KUtfTOT T&DCTE. Irian 1 .. 1 II tbe indignant minister landed or r. t aeteose peouis' uri, and ui a terrifle blow ia face-tha- t Trainmaster Frank Rain this Fiotlag f a Slant's Remain (write, Toss. Darnell's morning . , it justifiable." Kl Cel. st tbe Hit f 1 explained to an Optic reporter the cause Paw TrlbttM. . tsgTMHYtamrh kpsrN sent him to tbe floor. Da tnell, Tbe-onl- manifested U H. B. McDowell of nan rmsi. . of delays in the mail from the south, as regret Francisco, and mad and his feet ' New York Wor 4. furious, sprang-t- well that the was al Dr. Wormian ol D. as the matter of an engineer mak partner tf Keyea Washington. C, BTrs. and was ready for another roand' who Ida Knowles.of Peoria.died wo lowed called on the'Tribune, is an an- sixty-t- in the course of one to escape. Trinidad baa The lu- - ing days in tais on the l.rtb inst. Hhe preacher was good oondi' month. long been eonaidured a for nouncement indicated, were attracted city refuge was wife tion, and did not lose any time in It seems that a to this region on a very important mis- the of Howard Knowles short time ago there the rough element, but there baa hie soiinica hi tbe maul sion, it bas since been . aud a of Richard displaying was a land slide in California, and at recently been a decided of They daughter II. change had been on th Col. nrtr but agiriti knocked bn that time a mail car, by some of the con sentiment aDd just "Hemmcnway Wbititig. Robert IngersoM, antago' tbe toogba-ar- met - being southwestern Archatlogical expedition," an down. Darnell came p- for . necting roads there, was dropped out runout. being intimate friend erf the which, under the of Lieutenant a third and tbe from its regular trip, so that the Santa guidance family, was invited to say a few round, preacher To Las iflfu. hat been- ethno- was meet him. Fe was to use the extra mail dishing, prosecuting flower-cov- e ready to In shorter compelled ' words over the rd bier Ciitzen. logical researches the Zuna and car which it was keeping at Albuquerque, ainong mi the ere of its removal to order thai before be sent bis man With the Santa Fe road enjoying Pueblo Indians of Arizona and has the and by means ol which it was able to par West for interment. to tbe floor, and when be picked a larger traffic than other cor- tially explored the ruins of a burieacity In cempli send the southern mail on cast, when- any himself up arrived at tbe wise con- evou the that now lies beneath the sands- of ance with this request Colonel In ever the A. & P. failed ol connection. poration, powerful Santa the bad-- l clusion that he ' enough and In Fe, can desert. gerse-l- nxide one of these eloquent the absence of this car no alternative accomplish with prompt Rev. was Mr. McDowell is connected with utterances for which he is cele Frederick awarded the was left but to hold the mail for the A. ness, it is morally certain that the San Francisco Examiner and is a honors. Time, one minute, Mr,. & P. Mr, Rain has been making stren- seme other road at an date. son brated. He said; early of Major General McDowell, of Bull - I'Vedetick is nil estimable and uous eflerts to have the lost car for- will coma to the rescue. There ia Mr Friends.- Again we stand Run fame. Dr. Wortman is a palcon- - scholarly gentleman, and warded (rum California, and win daily no risk in that this in the shadow of the great mystery ready saying coming ulogist and comparative anatomist of when to himself,-Hi- expectation of its arrival. As soon as it a shadow as and as necessary defend line will be ar extension of the the United States mtdical museum. He deep dark reaches Albuquerque, the mail will when the tears of the Srst fiiends have hud a warrant' brunch' now bailt sixteen miles has been detailed by the mother again come in on the El Paso section. surgeon gen issued for Darnell's arrest. west of Trinidad. No eral to assist in all fall upon the palid face of her life- This explanation is perfectly satisfac sane man preserving skeletons, has fossils,, etc., and to pass all less babe a myttery thnt has uev-e- r Life in tlif 'far Went. tory, and shows that the change com ever believed that the fine upon ques- tions of that arise. been solved. We have met TrlnlcUJ'Kewn. plained of is attributable to an unavoid road bed of this branch was con paleontology may yet Dr, Wortman is the author of several ia the Jack of Jim Lee's tier able accident, and not to the dijregand structed to nerye the commercial presence of the sacred dead Brady, very important publications on paleon- te a is in the and in con- of the convenience of the people By necessities of canon alone. speak word of praise, cf hope caaip, ci'y, Long's tology and is the the comparative anatomy and of consolation. versation wiJh a News mai gave-u- cither Santa Fe company or mail Prominent railway officials do not Another life o making a representative collection of 1 1 . department. tove is now a oiessed a tbe particulars of the death Hud deny that the extension of this skeletons, etc., tor the Army Medical memory Mr. Rain also explained that for an oil music I' u rial of Pete Larson, one of bfw branch would be beneficial, desir Museum to be studied there with lingering strain Tbe engineer running between here and regard able, to their loviug daughter, the pure and con convrades, who died at tbe eamp' a work is remuativeto both people and physical characteristics. Raton, day's something on tbe has-neve- etc. The two have to Cor-- eccrated wife, the sincere friend, llth of December; bnt less than five hours; so that in a trip to railway, etc., This earliest gentlemen gone in nzo, a little over a hundred whu, with tender dis- been reported to the press. Raton and reiurn, which a man can ac- prospect new railways should lexas, lakbfulness, mile east of Sierra where the a bus Pete Larsen, who was a complish in less than ten hours of work, be a plum for Las Veeas. That Illanca, the charged duties of life, Swede, recent activity ha reached wns taken sick 011 the fourth he makes more than two days as rail- town knows something of the re mining sprung up her jeurney's end. day and where the been made of road time is counted. Thus a man sources of foot hills discovery ha A braver, a more serene, 1 more December, and the camp beinff and mountain of o the remains of a human befog of it could have made sixty-tw- days in the fuel giant ehivalric spirit clasping tire loved situated as is, irr tbe Sierra sides. Their supply would the stature, skull being about the ordi- six-mile- momh of December, and not have be their and by them clasped never pass Qriinde cuoon about s from- - cheapeiibd, timber supply nary size, but the jaw bone is orur twice worked more than ten hours out of any ed from it was no tw their mail im- the life to enrich the realm of Capulin, easy matter r. augmented, service dimensions of an ordinary, robust twenty-fou- No Bold of get: medical'' aid. The iu proved, and many other benefits man. The vertebrae also are abnor- deaths war evi'r wit boys Liitfuln County Issassins. would accrue. took the best of khif mally large, and the was made nessed greater fortitude, more per- camp care' As to would be discovery Independent, Trinidad, sha in a natural cave or tunnel near the fect. Atuiliug courage, than this possible, one of them walking tc Cn the lucky of 11 such a line night of Septemher 21st, course, summit of the Diablo feet weak and woman Capulin and a bottle of1 would be built from thin end.Then mountain, 700 poor, helpless procuring a of lavless desperadoes par-round- above the level of the ' Bone the bed medicine, but Lanen ceutinued'to for six months more the construe-- 1 plains. displayed upon- of pain the residence of James si inches of - tion companies would drop their nejoics, longr. fragments and death. Her life was geu'.lennd grow worse and on the- followitig: and and other utensils weir-als- Oolley completely perforated shekels in Trinidad, and our town pottery, tier beam suoiime, sua loved me Snmlay died. They knew bat 1ft- - the with holes, be taxed to keen found theJe. dwelling ballet at supplies to the good and all tho-goo- loved her. tie of Larson's former home, but' exten-sio- n is Col-le- y. southern The This the first systematic archxolog-ca- tempting to assassinate James front, early But there is this consolation: She had! heard him say that his folks of this line is well worth talk- expedition ever sent out in the shot , One struck Colleyin the can never suffer she can lived in Minnesota. Us had no-- ing about by the business men of United States and these genttcmer think more; right aim and has caused a great letters his both cities. We toss the sugges that by the discoveries a ready made, never feel again tbe chil of death; upon persotr or any amount of and he tion to the and which eonldt'1 suffering, may public, respectfully subsequent explorations wiirdevefop the never part again from those she thing else by the men never have use it What the of again propose, art you going to fact that all the valleys of the southwest loves. Her heart can break no gain a knowledge ef' his ante- and do about itf has been say han-sbe- Everything kept quiet, have been dense?y populated by people more. She her last teur, cedents or friends. The only throe ' and no had bten made to who have aud-upo- th-- attempt Justice u tbe Frontier. mysteriously disappeared. her stainless brow has left tor to d was to- bury arrest the would-b- assassins until Vt'eit-r- n In of, the cave where the skull Liberal, sight been set the wondrous seal of their deatf eomrad , which tiey-di- last when Sheriff James Some time since Backler was found on Diablo mowntain; there is Sunday, John everfnsting peace. in true frontier stv's. There E? Brent in in is one a large quantity of copper, high gi ade, brought three prison- resided what now of the H'hen the Asngel of Death the was not a board m nail iipon Sheriff P. and nalive srfver, and only two miles ers, and Deputy J booming towns down on the Rio with whiijli to mnli-- a . of Nichols, Davis massed and voiceless enters the coffin, Church brought in one prisouer on Grande. lie was real home-- so two pok-- s am postmaster, & Beiaeh, runs 150 ounces silver door of there come with he they procured Monday, and Geo. 8. Jones, dep-- 1 estate saloon and then and- agent, keeper and 2a per cent copper. Thie whole all the daughters of compnnsion placed 'short boughs e;k'ke in another on of the in ithht dov-uate- nty sheriff, brought only justice peace section, of country is dotted with graves and of these Love mid Hope remai across tbem. Each man 1'ien Five men have been ar- - section of New Mexico. Monday. of prospectors and tmniigrants.pioneers forever. the best article of cloliiiii;;;. . . rested np to date, as follows: Wal He filled the judicial office with as it were, who, before the advent of You are about to take this dear in bis possession with- - wliiol k ter Weldy, William Weluy, II. E. great financial credit to himself. railroads1, traveled ilong the great high- dust home to the hom of he dress the corpse, and betweea all! Wm. L. When was in- - way to New Mexico, Arizona, and Cali Epps, McBride, and W. court session he and to tbe that whs were able to tog- fornia. Indians them. It was girlhood, place oftbemtaey get Breece. Each gave $300 bond would every-fe- moments waylaid of- adjourn once my home. You-- ' will Ivy her ether a respectable wuti the stage route to (he west. Put the re- for their appearance before tbe to tbe saloon, whiahl;wis located I hnvtt clothes, after which gion is covered now with claims as well with neighbors that loved they wrapped1' of the peace. Warrants are down stairs in under the ' the ill a justice as graves. that are now at rest. You will lay corpse blanket anoVmidi! out for two and are "Seat of Justice." more, expect Squire John The San Fraroeisco ExaMincr - her where my father rests. the deceased out. A' grave wa" ed to be week. Tbe was happyvw-hen-h- a served' this could adjourn descriptions of the Arizona find, All I can euy is; then dag, leaving an offset a busS" preliminary examination was lawyers, clients, jury, witnesses the underground city, and the well pre Lay her In thi- - earth. one foot- - and a half from the Ivot postponed. until the 10th inst. and an- - anxious crowd to bis bar served skeletons in the ruins. It is air And from bF fnir and tmpolluteU flesh torn and"' whan the retnahia ware- - nil and the Tribune look Let violet for drinks around, then court very interesting, spuing. placed irf theirdast resting pmoe,. Killed is the Art for the return of Messrs, McDowell and I never knew, I nver met, a would open np for from half to they1 placed evergreen boughs- The Trinidad the Wotitman with , braver than tho one that papers give three-qtrarte- of an- - The eagerness. spirit hoar. once inhabited across- the grave and tore-re- ift particular of the killing in that this silent torm 0 Squire raid that be kept them once k City kmik tbe Sta. dreamlPHs clav. over with dwt. The names of Mre: town en last It Saturday evening. for a whole hour without adjourn Nortli Gorman (iizottl. men who administered'' to the ' appear that Louis Dennis went to the bottom of sea knurled Oat by a Preirhec . ing, becaase it was hie treat. at the wants of and cared for their eom- - on side - Jan. 7. An unusu- his home the north about was seen- toward the end of Oct- Urbana, - After he had held 'the office for rude during his- last illness, und 'i nine o'clock and foand unknown ober near wlien al and exciting scene took place two years the secretary ef tbe Ter Treptow, in Prussia, gave Mm the beet bnrral. men near the bouse. last night at the close or the ser theyy poultry They ritory wrote him to send up tbe a powerful south wind blew the conld under the circumstances, are - bad been there sorae time, to the waters of the Bailie the vices in tbe Protestant Episcopal books under seal for examination away from Albert Nelson, the Peterson Broe.,. . slight alarm of bis mother and sis- a portion-o- f the church, known as Jenkel's chapel, Squirt Jobo wrote back that he shore, uncovering O. W. Shidlerand - ter. Dennis went out to find whs near. Cable, this county. While Ja:tUrady. had no books belonging to the Ter ground usually hidden freiu sight were-an- the were f.u Probably 1 CumrJ. - tbey what was their bus- t else. The by the waves. It was the ruins of exercises progress, ritory or atiyono ' i iness, but gave him no satis- of once a jRieuard Darnell, a burljr-rnralist- GardtCltr tby county oonrmissioueps called on the city Regamuende, .'t - G. WT' a resident of Oak. faction .and threw rocks and a cemraercial entered the church and- took a Olef, tbe Squire and ha told them he flourishing station, down on the of No Man's' hammer at bho. tb swallo-we- seat in the front row. He immed- City, edge sledge In had no belo-n-gin- to the which was by tne sea bok noed Land, was in the city last bight. Iu--1 Dennis shot at dim al iately tcoinrae both darkness,. the county. Then cam the bluster some fire centuries ago.' The annoying conversation with a Herald itepre-- " objects, and, as was afterward was but the preacher and the congregatiou ing district attorney demanding spectacle enjoyed he fouad struck one under-- . tSe a few when- the storm and sentativa expressed bimselraiT'H out, mmediate possession, and threat ftr hours, bytoughi'ng, hacking tasking left a mortal slackened and the waves returned a : lot iof nnneceseary noise until greatly surprised at the report pent eye, inlicting wonmf.j entnar arrest. But Squire John up the place which had the Rev. out over the country in regard to- -' Tbe wounded man was taken te saidr. be too paeto. J. 'F. Frederick, "Don't last, pard; just once been tb residence and Held the down in that - - tbernsidarice-oH.-, M.'Flsb, where politely asked1 the disturber to de capture neighbor- keep-you- r shirt this here of labor of buw oiwfor mn the , be died in a few boors. Investi- sist er tbe church for the hood', ef lAraowr Kelly lanniiy' cussed1 old county aor quit Territory MFer gracious sake, dott'f look Darnell He says his business' carries aim'" gation showed that tbe men were, so much us a evening. "paid but little haint ever give ma as if were to be- all over that fetw-- r at the time they were discovered, you going htrng," attention to the patoirs injunction country every blotter, to ray nothing about your stufd a bride' in ao audible and if such took- - -- a truuk of stoles dashing and continued. Heme over, both days, any flght going through docket ami law books." Squire tone of voice to the embarrassed men niet a tbe door: Diirnell place by goods- - Deonisgave himself up. John looked at the bartender with bc as marched own Wichita Jonriml' and-- l Tbe name of lie man killed was bridegroom, they cosied the pteachfr, saying: Times, a smile of satisfaction, saying: the aisle of the church, after the sensstioiial he'failed-- James-Keyes- . "Do other papers, A coroner's inquest "Give us ; I made yoirknow what I think of guess And - ceremony onfiday last week. T:-whic- to hear .of It .He Its as his- was bald on the remains and tbe enough out ef this dtocket deal to yoal h 'Mr. Frederick gures back,-didu'- smiled. wamwann- - verdict rendered was in effect that set 'em up." The boys held t everybody replied that he wm not very ar opinion' thatthd atevy to the- - bar with itbeir Express. factored?' cut of whele clothr'ai'd- -l j"tbe said James Keyes came, to his spring tieulnr what hisopkiiou of hrtu was. usual feverish The in ti womid inflict- energy. Squire $2.50 in advance V! thlhk that fat sucb ftiuiily evw e denth by , & gunshot looked over his shawJder and ejac- For yoBget "Well.Tsaid' Darnell, in and istedi1'. ed upon bis1 body by a revolver ulated: "Darn it , boys-com- e (his paper oneyear 52 bosks, (you are a .'' The words had I tbaada at, one Louis, DnuU 00. Do iflo.wanttarJivafojca.vetl.". ooaeach jksjJu.. , noi eooaeiv .passed. DarnalL'a lips SitMuib fac th.lSHiwcmn liou'i Baton tl ereafter, which delegts sbeuld ! thnt cold of ron on. Ton bare power to so change the i Id articles CALIFORNIA Lt your of association aa to suit their pleasure, NEW SUBSCRIBERS tliitik it i a it light tbioff. Bat and who should tben proceed te elect Who uny In advance $5 00 will re lve Til E DAILY INDEPENDENT THE LAND OF may run iuto catartb. Or into new ollicers. l or tbs same purpose au Mx Mnniha unci 2fl Books (one week lur 26 weeks); or for i 60 we will to Ike same end, a mass puenmonia. Or conuumpiioi). . locking meeting send T1IE WEEKLY ,'oroue year and to be held at ihe 1.1. 1, ranch, is riifuino-ni- a January DISCOVERIES! Culurrb (lifgngliiig. 16, 188S, was called by other citizens, is iiungrroiu. Consnniptiou is who alv bad the put lie Interest l 52 STANDARD & POPULAR WCP.I BEWARE0MMITAT10NS. denlh itnelf. heart, and who felt that aomething must Secthal our trad mark. SANTA lion he a- ' ABII, now, if ver, done. fcyttw fVrt atttnr NovaliaK I'neU, Hlstoriana. (raripfal Tr!tcr. Tlw boitl of that Callforaia Tlie matt umw on 1 rr.ry pleatant r.aiedy briitniiijf Mppnrataa Aa a ex- inuV 1t ra Ifi" ami ifooU paper, and maul! yur hnni'i ndrww iuc i 4 conflict of pnrpoae. will, ihe I Suti.faction tuaranteed or uoney refunded bfi WwtJ. tfH It fnly o wiirf prompt nmawai ui cttam a vvi iinirtK. r l mi- - kept beulthy nud clear of all perience of the nsst, is ne t desired, er EXTRAORDINARY OFFER obstruct ion nnil offmiBive matter. any action that may possibly lead tn two iti ivl. 'HitfV'ft (hir will ba aant for the full time fnm the dale voiii '7.:15 and In r paiwr IWrtw frswit tliere in results, aa all must now, view ef 'fbi Hooka da;ril'd am amour t mmVr ii ' ianuM. au4 ih;iw 111 h!rh f'l.-- Ollierwise trouble ahead. 'tw and tandnrd pmrauwrf. Otir liharsl our great' peril, submit each his ewi la-t- All the of these UJkW'l&T OK CHOICE THIMJH fcrourU afrfaUra ycarf Aooa't pi5pl5. dipanea parts opinion ann desires f r Ihe approval or beHtl, nose, throat, bronchial tubes the whole, and In view of the present ItonittO and Juliet: by William Black. Tins and lungs can be ileligbtfnHy and cold and Inclement season of the rear, riiinr wmm tuv ncj- win nui oi ttiarif Mint. Jila " roinM ann JruM." la aa nnd the chance of storms and a l moiru 01 iwu iwiniu ivtWAa. TtJl'J BmIISK IbltuCT taauit w.lh Ua liullcrouj i;i entirely cured by tbe Dse of resulting ' to maku evcrybxi amJ. of attendance German tiyrop. If Impossibility .py general EllOCll and other you of our citizens at a uiass meeting at any, Ardeii; gems; by Alfk:.. don't know this already ,tbousaud point that could be named, after a con- Tkvktwx. Fnrpirilyof atrK irmn '.n niiti n ant ptthc. the emt am inn-tir- t .il h "Luncb Anton " In th.i liuliuu tllccitn to kil Lis :.LuUpelout and tlintittands of people can tell ference, it has been thought beat by tbe tuuw th. without kaowiax it. in- poit4amoat you. They have been enred bv it, nndersigned, and It so ordered, that Tv.-- stead of a general mass at the Miss Mission; and Laddie. . . and "know how it is themselves." meeting - Toosey's -' ranch on which la fioa- rarriv enrol ved and t "Id atorir rf hrme rnd :t tillc'i rtfru.Ii ax.. LI,L Jannary 16, call fiiulit to be raa4 hy rrjr you-- j a who ku la to lce. Bottle only 75 cents. Ask any hereby revoked, that meetings be held How, When. druggist. at each and very precinct on the grant AVilliam Hlnakspoare; Why, on 20. 1888, at and Vint hi Wrnfb: by H. A. Trva. Thm m.vtr h bwt crnnr!""! Into brfof ?roi-- Jannary places points hout Uw Immortal "Bril trf At" Ml;i tin work bv iht brilhuut iimnuii nukiicr. A CALL n Hinei as rotiows: tlw yiM of Um mtUr to thuuAtud tliuiitu uur Ulor draauiwi of. Klizntiethtown, Garlck ball. Doom; An Atlantic Episode; by Iijstin McCain. To the ftettlers on the Maxwell I'to (.'reek. Cbas. Rand's old store. m imwornii mnn inniantr nwrr ins on n mr.en r.nmr. Tha I'tmt'ani innilnnl Cimarron, Lambert's Hotel. h.ui4 U a inaator 1 viafbJa lrwt tha " a& abuord " At J Middle tu tUe UiiibJe t tiraut. Vermejo. postoftlce. pool hxullux Utv York. Karon, 7 r. m. Over i yenr and a bull ago meeting rink, Tho of by Sir E. Bulwer Lytic Upper Termejo, polling place. Um Iiady Lyons: of ths mlileri wti bad at thn adobe Thl U l.Ay u wn m th nlebrtt phr rf tin trjr.o rania. It rmnVi w tlw prwtilrjrt p"ct;ir Ponil Park. Mart's ranch. f dtrrHion mid tuiiurrMt xpMloa rf thu "Ui:clr jn'' arr fleocdou tUtiUfo. TLuoai bouee on tbe at which time court bouse. tbvdraiuft uemtireof prMutlujf it to admixing aucicnotc Verroejo, Springer, nnd place articles of association were Lower Verinejo, pnstofflee. Uulldoff and by David Chfist" and nnd ofll Blossburg, Cox it Mitchell's. A aiHoily toM rtoryof humanlUltterfly;yet nil a Wt orrdniv'n. Hnl(oc ttnd Pnttr. ndopted, strung good, Lower Fnnll, Charette's store. JiTmat. 1 hw autlior clotUaa hi ilWliill ujl raLaia in garba piaaaantr and humor. ium UAJkR NO I'lSTAKK cers loakinir. toward a lunea ai hiu. elected, complete Doreey. Wm. Honey's. Rr dlinelllni lh. in often ml.tuk... organization cf all tbe people for united Ktonewall. Col., postolHce. Dickens. fi.r coimuniptian. HAN I'A A 11 lit has brouglil are 10 Tlio Trial of Pickwick j by to a and defence of enU and one of Ii Above meetings calUd for a. the tlmetha entlra of th PicLwick'a vl'.h t'jft vladneu many hotuehold by promptly every Tbll flrt ittry rn'.lart adrcntc'aa lmpiwiIonil:l eoncn com too one., otherwise at which Mr. Hantvll hat In coimpotM frrm. It r.t').muft iu lndi'r;u luntU D5 nii'i ivirUi-vi- tirenktiiE up in ana inai mem hen ngnlmt the Muxwell Grant specitied. voklnir incldciiU, iirrdtae Intarctt in by tho rla oomlcaUtlfa of the lmmorUl turn Acr itavalonslnto that fulul rtlic.'e will yetave thou time and places the people of each pre- sandi trera an untimely arare. You mak no company, and to that end precinct vice cinct who desire to for their t o a plea-an- t organize (1IoU(1h and Sunshine: by Charles Reai e by keepiui hottl ol thia were In eiich own defence in the la of M - in ilia House. presidents appointed pre coming struggle fcnppily tnlil gtnry farm ltfn, hill ftf mrr.l tiirwi and ritTrl nmt?a:it7. An ii., rauicuy aiway. the shall enroll pjut, ci':itinr narntive, riiarttn withrtiyj'wlmi ai;l riotivun Juft J'kj"c.ty f lka." All lii i.i! clnct to make and perfect a thorough courts themselves and vi um ni" un rxaaauio norm ui uiu jiiiisu'iuui aum'-r- ball elect a and two luiKuuy of the and to make precinct president the 'Dt'CHESS." toLIFORNIA organization same, secretaries (where American nnd Span- Sweet is True Love; by . their reports to, and be connected with ish are who shall, a tminuinir itorr of (!l,piKlntin!il. etrnirmrt irrt rccncIHatl'-n- Tiitl rf !rltr Vrt-li- interested), alter itufttiuit mmI clittnwtcr. A vixuruua anU lta..inr nurrfaiti. l)" t Uin Kuikor'n vtrourutkatuiUv a central tunilttee, whicb bad power thorough precinct organization is e fleet- to . Sir E. to transuct all business counseled with ed, proceed elect three delegates, Tho Haunted House; by Bulwir whose duty it sbnl) he to atiend a dele-rul- e Th'i on ( ... eriit nuttior1 conccltN a"l haray trW itoriaa. WiJrJir,i.l the interests of tht members of the or Smof. turuiwlx'UU Uvoryknly ra3 it aith of ilci'lit. convention to be held in Kat'Ui, on fjiuii- which nrticleii were as of der, follow. Jannary 27, IM&i, for the purpose of I1. Marigold: by Charles Dickens. One I. This nssociation shall lie called a general orgnniznt ion, with the known to for tho e. bin, and a atirv antidotn io dull otn Every aaniuiuiii.y 1U ur. wRT.Kx.ti," ana an and as tlie Settler.' Mutual Pro- necessary power provide bl vqka urr uat! kindly tn ireici1'jt!?n. CAT-R-CIIR- of one of its and CAI.5FOKMA R. tective Association. every members, whose membership shall include and b On Weddinar JJorn: by RerthaM. Clay. Til E ONLY GUARANTEED CI'RK for Catarrh II. The ollicers of this as.ociatlon Ilcr . IlKlnrrh-a- i of all the organiza- Iwrr trtii!r and chsrmlnrpMrar-tar-atnn-- Hotim!irt fi itr.khifr kltuaUuna adif.'rriM cannUic Cold In the Head. Hav Kever. Km Cold, shall consist of a preriilenl, four vice composed precinct Jui"tai wariunal yi.i;.ata;t and rivaU attinUan to Ihis rail. lieafneu.ndrinre Kyea. Kestores theaenieo-tHst- secretary and and tions. (Signed.) ami nmell; removes bail tiwte anil unpleas- presidents, treasurer, C. II. LA DO, J. It. T1RANNIN. di- these ehall conslilute and hare the Jack of All by Charles Reade. Tlie ant breath, from Catarrh. Follow pow- (4. W, COOK, C. DkFOBKSTA. of Trades; rections a is warriinteit Seml for cir- ers ol an executive couimiliee. imodprTiiI triak; nn artisan whn dHn't otlrli to hia rrda. TV of ovW.t ft'.nny and Cure X. OLDH M. J. W. 0i;U oi lrvcl In Euror and tbrillinir t Witurui a i w cular to AHIKTINK MKDICAL CIJMPANY. The duties of officers WOOL', urovllle. rial, six raoiilhi' for $1; Mint III. the herein .1. A UITXUM, CM. REM). OTirKK BOOKH TIIR TO THE 10. be sucb 38 niJKlN'Q YEAR COMPttfTi: fif. by mail tl named ilmll aa are usual to tbe W. HARNKss. C. H. IJALKV, nflT1'' ,,m l1 ad-w- t, A K offices. V- w!" klonft. BiaDtd to anv ' nutwfd. t Mlprr!njf irUs. SANTA AW AND RU aevernl DUDLEY SHY, BEN JIART. ltnoki f on a wk fnr noe or a ' lVit f r JK nn woek fi i t.;i.o For kill bv f-- '0 IV. sbull It. niontl; ct W Pooka (or 70 vriim ona a yf:wk o't r h rim; or fl To(;k for M) cei-- There be appointed by the TAYLOh. And many others. ii k nrnnthH; w Hcf-V- for a" ro(f.-- w frr t"o nontt: or 4 executive committee one man in each Biol.? for 15 roi'ia tii a wwk for rrt- - month, sv- tUtL lj .ok may ai J. B.SCHROEDER. w Add-- ' of blnod will data. Slnulu '"oIpm r.vnra. it', Wholesale Agent. precirct tbe alleged grant, who shall Keep your pure aud you J. R. nttt'ENKKA CO.. I'ttfcMo. Col, act aa tlie president of tlie precinct or- not have rheumatism. Houti'a TIIF, K. M ganization in which he redideii. and to IM)KPEMET. Raton, whom the executive committee) may purifies thn blood and tones i wire such orders hr they may desire tbe whole 10 TO TJbLJij .LADIES. Van Duzer & Clark execoted In the locality of his division system. V. Knch member of this association Old subscribers who renew shall fee and Deulori Id puy ati initistlon jf one dollar on nnd he ahull also bia pny in ndrunee will receive tbe joining, pay ' Exquisite Embroideries Free share of each and every aeHMijenl book premiums. confectionery:,. levied by the executive committee lor FRUITS, ihe good of the cauae, auch asseaainent To everj; sub clbcr to Ihe AM Hill Ah ART MACA.INE for on jearwlll be lent tin Hebrntwl to be bnsed upon tbe value of bis prop- PAGE HMBKOlDHkY OUTFIT. CIGARS, erty on the grant.

- Afl But at taut time, owing te tbe fact 1 hl outflf rcnMsf- f fl(x'y stnm' pnttprn on iarcl m"rt pfipr. i'k fln, dtr tttlo's, orl)r TOBACCOS. liiH, i an i (f tlMiitrn ot it it wiin a i muteiiHis ror worKitiK-mi- a boon ui instruction, inevKiu that certain fnctlons i tinned in I el y went of I hew iiriUh's bon(rht t'liarately at rctnil would be moie ihan to work to and defeat the MX DOLLAKV. upset good work then begun, no organization of the In 'Milton in lh ah'ire w" will !o n rl to ever t ubrrlher live beautiful picture, sn (Hilng kr A. II. Hiekne1! nrreidilns Clini'ea Volkiner, an.l mxmvlnu h; JI . I.. D. WiiIm, H. Choice Cream Candy precincts hue ever been completed, so H mid A . H. Mmik' Ht klt Ale for and on J. . Thee vri" " Iieiivy pi Imuer. ultible iMinltiij, are that our when to tbe genuine Tiri,sui mri m n ?oum Mr i o.ii'.rnt in any art store lor lew man a specialty. people brought T t'OLLARN. court i have had each to furnish and pay This is the Top ofthe Genuine own Tbe AMFHICAN ART MAOAZTNK. now enterlnir upon the seeo' d terofll p'iblientloii, for his defence or wss forced by anh to' Im t ft handrmre i n l the be-- t 't ptriO'ttCHl lu thin enuntry. fia Be tdiiur airt tbe of a rich Into a hu- Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. A Fresh Eastern and power company rt arii ami Hrtltof ' er'',i contribute to ii. and eft"h monthly iKue comahtR two or more fill'. California, All si m ilar are i m Ration j!iue , ei hiofr aboioifrm'iires aii'l e'tir avlnx. eitfi'les on art lonlci, esoeetal ly ax rulatef to miliating compromise. others, S!e lunne rii If score of nii'l emplo.D.eni, and tine plcturei with the text. Native Fruits, We are now informed tbat It liia. Tlie ni'iilur Kiihee. Ip ion fir i t of Ibis V ifiizlne i tl 'i0 per ye;ii; but t if a limited lime only un- reliably exact Label til ipiH VM sutiTriall iia will be riiTilvril by im lor I tbe purpose of tbe grant company to ison each Pearl OXK IXILI.AIt PER YKAK. soon begin actions against all residents All lnv prcmliirnn are .ant tn every d 'liar viwiribr. Thta nnil nflrVr Is mnrle ai an cxper. who not or have not Top Chimney. Iment ami will for the liinitcit sUied. To ' five new Finest Brands and di already accepted reniHiri.npen only period every iier.on douilini; Cigars A a ili'i ripiioni iih K ve IhiIIiih, we w II seinl f ree the !uHcrino for on jo with all the abo their outnigeoua and unlust terms; so dealer may say ortnilum Aildiew Tobacco. that we will be brought by the hundred and think he hat AMERICAN ART MAGAZINE COMPANY, to tbe next court to defend ouraelvea Others as good, 170 TtlFMONT FTUEi-T- . P0STrN. and our homes. What ara we going to BUT HE HAS NOT. Sh North ey?e under Avenue. do about it? la tbe question of the hour, Insist upon the Exact Label and Top. fo.t SAit ivEmrwmi&T. dy tbat must be decided At onee. Shall we kaje only GEO. A. MACBETH & CO., Pittsburgh. Pa. SOOES, THREE CENTS EACH! lefend our rights like men against this rich foreign corporation, or shall we Tht followinc botiki ar puhllihuii In titat ram nh let form, printed from food readable tyot on (roM No. AMr, and many of tliatit hwdaomtly lllattrawa. J amy art without eioAptloo tha cheit hooka aver submit to their injustice without even a Mon.estead, 2951.J iq anv land or language, and turniah to tfia muiiri of Ilia ptonla aa opportunitr to acura the bat Lwraturt or tna aay at in moor, .riatiiif rapaoao. in any outer penea tneaa gram worn woum con manf struggle? NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIO- N- titoaa Mia price at wbicli tliey arr amtw vhvidu. earn ona cotuflau iu IbwU: 1 Wti4era tk WaHJ, Ktwau ami) Oraaa. Tha Poeerttfnl itablaa. A Kara!. By If. T. Cit.Boa, Tbe .'titer, we think, Is net the pur Land office at Santa Fe, N. M., kM1 o( tht WoftiUtiui A RTi.TAHua Com, itwlptiun lilufHi.riii Riml Tko Old Uik?n I mL By Jr. Colo- December 19, 1887. Wnrhii'l naluia nj uf ntaa. Vr lniratlti( nl lntmrliv. '1 he I'carl nflhe Ovvaw. St.i liwl. Ttj d.a AuuvaTA. pose of our people- - Ait Sough tbe Wondrn mf tho rHeW A ! rti.lloit nf l man)- wumlr- - Hollow Aah UuJi. A L lia.AT lii.ou. Notice Is fel- - tml lietutidtl (iiIhm loaud at Ui button l tl tweaa, with Nl. rado case was allowed to go by dtftuli. hereby given that the IJiTe A FVM W. Wl'M UliIatrallM)!. irnvtl. Py Tiwara. lowing-nanie- d K. llue. 1mm settler has filed notice I A Hleniirp trtlon." and Other kHfh?a. T.y I bdr Urn LUaua. A XL autuwr of "Dora and nlthoftgh the goyertitneat re " 4wut Ai.t.i i'a Kirk." i roiUrlfun m 1rrniiirl fuuaj Ttfriii." his intention to make final In krriM'b tut ffi'ial f'pnUr limiitunu writer ot lit" Ujy. The Plamond BrareteU A Xartl. Er II n. Uaaar fused to kelp us,, ws bavs many proof sup- 1 no yet ' Tla Aunt Krxluh Optr, byi'itu tar, anltmr W""D. MlMlralrlf. In of bis and that said ml Tim Uii 1.i. " a HMculeulj' fuuu Uwk ThoI .Hyer'aHert A JTwl. Ity MU V. R. Rnnnaw. grounds ot hope lefk. But order to port claim, proof wil, 4a cvtrr ii itl IVIJnw lirrfnii." TltwMrntifr 'ae of lis aiti.jlfcaiui aix. liila. A be made before tbe and Receiv- Chrintinaa Murlo, f Cum m Pirirrvi. Cnfltslni a Kottl. 9v It rvTuviHiiaH. utilize them we uiiift be united nnd act Register imiMi i mi t'iat inn i :iirlirnni iititi.-- ter uum A WIcLeri tilrV ANonl. " Mart Cam Hf. SEND aV7 nins'Mtid CATALOGUE er at Fe. N. 3I r wrltr!" rirrllvttl. Kv Iiip lcwtiil l.adr VadwariU tataaatiaw A Mr "Tim as, whole;' wa must organize. Kvery .Santa Mon Jannary A m Flower. VttM Uwumltha I'vrnlnt l.tirf. Uot U, nwuet. Vl(Hal)l, O CT CS 1888, viz.: John C. for theN W liettrecn Two "laa. AyEotcU Sjllia aattntr af " Dara rums. Itullis liDPieni'ia. (Z.ti C Uf one who to defend himself can Miller, ItwItntliMll nrtannmnti. frmtK mutt i K .lpitUr end BI:il(sinT, r-- on appiicRtton. 9 S J S W S W mii't nti in hi 7 Iwm l A Noert. PfTl.t.. "y 'nii best? do Ib himself witb s E tot'., itn, t:i tlif Ufi, ii. ni'ai populnr. The Mnr iliHi. rtaiaaa. ITp Cjn p Km Hon'l vrllin by onneeling r.r-r- (' urtiinr1. AUnul. By F( ncn W ABi'an. CI fur it TkNill,.mi!Mrii of IVrrn Tl'mra, ItnrU'a u. W 4, Sec 14, T 31 R 27 ii.1 i....-- (iil. a f btittitt wil iiitum Awcrlrua, It win tUa A !. Mwrrirtecv a Kntel. Mr JUm Utn.m ii. pkts firm. strongorgMilsalion tbat isfotioded N, E. Moitinf Fritan In ttim Tla4-allt- lilver. A Kr r pruni. A k HIRAM SIBLEY & CO.. on whose lie nnntes the witnesses to F mill iir QtMetnInrtav Ciulitnlnr Ih mIb MI'mlhiv 'fhe I'i'iamn of At. Knl. Ir Ki.rttt business principles, officers following puI l.ii:r !ie.;.irtiH DkI tu nii . Muiit truitar. A Ntel. Mr Ura. WnOli. uat. A (line . A Hv N. Y. men hU continuous residence and lnl.:) tnf'; ni rr citiirr. KtiT'lnj llir Krtte-r- hv. Ur. Ai.Rsanaa. ROCHESTER,-- CHICAGOi ILL. shall he of trust and responsibility, prove upon, tmw LIIV la 1 cl,. a A I'liijrtTHcht'M Oaati liter. A flj kn. Yf . f HfrrfW.TnpMara Ni. t. Ua St. nun. cun a.. so cultivation of, said tand. viz.: B. .wirn t4 Urk ai If in Ids itritteilr. f'HirnUi'. H Aim. Illutt.atcd. ia and wborff you desire, shall be put A Hovel. By the aulbor a "Dara Ta llnal to Wealth. an Jtrllitif rt;niar. Fair but Fnlae. du- John Sen i James T. Sheri- Wit llinr(iiihlr pr.irlii tl Wnrfc, fv.1t ting rul ft t Tlinrne." under bond to properly perform their Bnyley, tiger, Whli-- h All Mar MaJtfl nr bciltr.flf. I.niraaler'a tublw. A Kerel. It Ura. U.Y.Vmaa. TK II rn.ll. tUll, whose be re-- and H. L. of aitif rtt rtiulnp Miirtk, tnmiKai. pAaile wnrtVil are thoK ties; t easurer shall made dan, Grate,all Capulln, a J lit'i'i iint nutft . itia fi'fiki. nw biM el.l. I lonrtu rvthfftaMi'a Ootli. A Kovet. Cy Mri, Hia U reud thia and than for U. Jas. H. WiMtER, Wp Karl'a IliJr. i Nntil, Mr, IUt Aumis lLHlHa. A. Dunlin. lUuiUalril. spons'ble tbe return and accounting Register. A Burtvret l.lfi Kil, ll Masiom tUat.xa. 1 he tVoauut llaUr A Kowl. Di Dr. II. Xeaiaaew. RICHLYI tht;)' will tlnd Aw OI4 Miui a MMtiUee. .A unl, MrkMal. iH that for every cent he receives; which o Ulcers A KotcI. U. T. WTKraaia - The alltWwaa Cable. J Cuml (rill unt Uk tham from ihHr hnu and fit in shall bitre ample power, through wrtr-cle- a atX , T?Wa will aeM an ftwy of tha ahT book hy mail oprm reeeiptoroniy lvwntat anytvnror The prnlltK nri larRp and'aure tor every of organization, to perform every latany ivniy nrMt AO Ontat tha entire llat(J txiokatrnr irn.wmaaiiie ei.ine nt imuna id uuarai ptrou; Many liav made at4 ai now NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.. with rlotli Uack, lor 91 Tlnalaihaaraateat barjain in bonkaaverntrnred. lhnatf all to take advanUra of It. ninknie Mfvernl hundred doltftr s month. It Itt duty necessary to the best interest of t4l litrtiongvnrantrd or nervy foaUara itamria uken for fraetioaia of a dnHar. A a to our reliability, M. I rffu4H, ft eHujr tor to n.Hjt 95 each and who shall Land OOlce at Santa Fe, Jf. we rafer In aoy newapaner pubhibfil In N'w Trk. likewlne to tha Co'Oirmrelal Arenelea All ordera lad by. tiyrit. and upw.aniV per day, every member; bare jwMcaia;L K M. tV rTOAtlhlUUco.. 9H MiumyJItmt, who i willing to worl:. Kiiher e.i. jonir or power to assess each and every member Deceniler 19, 1887. ld: cupilal uot needed: we Mart you. Every in accord mice with the anount of the Hotlcs- - Is tbat the follow tliinir new. Ni ttpicial abflttv nttJitrctl;" you. hereby given t-- he ae ttvtit tbe I nr BEST n n in mTi 2k. in n -" mot. render, can fo it iw well a an v one. Write to us property possesses, sett'ier has filed notice of bia The mt Ba- ntoiifo lurfuH purtW-ular- w h f eh wo mail bee. den of defence shall no! tall on the Sew mis ! ear" Addr Mi Ktinsok A n Portland. Maltre. alone but on all equnllr, and who Stroll intension to make final proof in suppoit have power to eu.alov counsel or to )fhls claim, and that said proof will bet NERVOUS PEOPLE send an spel t tn sk fof congressional made before the Begister and Receiver, r whl fuarantae tho "I.ltVKM, W ASH KK" todo WAK, action in our behalf,.or to do any. other bmter Murk and du it caatt-- and hi Iraa time ibaii any rtr other aiifferimr (rim I Santa Ff, N. Jt. on January HI. 1888. otlior tout In in- in the wurl-J- Warrnntad tiva and if run. matter or trial is for the yeutra. thing advantage i H w atari tho clothe altiui w ithout rubbiutfi bill oi' the members. rz.rJiimee T. Slieri.dan,for Uie E 1 4 rcfiuid tliti lnurKi. ie Ia. l.ookintf townrd the above eads. and i K E N-- 1 4, Sec Jl, nd of ! JUajmelt HalL Tho wh at the request of many, the president .Jt VV 1 4 Sec T 3D N...K 28 K. A 12, 12, AGENTS WAITED r ovify'AAVI Sfata I t Uia I'ttlt'n liae heeii '..cRr'i the old callsd a of We VA N that AitenM KhHM.-'c't- organization meeting movery county. SHOW I'KlMtP j hitantlv Alt. MrtTtlt llelinriKj the following wiinesses te. aronmliiiiK (torn $75 to 130 iir m out la. Faimera t'viiia. t'Iuile fiLiilv u wmr aonie belt. rClttt-4- that executive board tit Springer. In uiake to .4t iliirinf tho miiiUt, Ladita hitvccr-- at utfiMtMirlira fr wih meyA Aod ik fo meet- - continuous rvslAetrce uiron iff : '.file t: 1m. wort!, mder to project pinna- holding prove his 'i. aULToAra MllinK tliiaW )t tail price only U5. fiim ru.u bone cornea:! 'tnpiUS . I vie tw lhn.e dt iriim an vS, Alaw tha llulirati-- i 700 eared iu iKnu atauny fw aimbUL at all Mie difterent and hind. viiz.:-H- S j - LT arnry tiaylua. ings precincts, and cultivation of;snid iff - hHVKNIM IUNSM(S at manufacHrera' lowt that the names of each and tiinn prion. Wuitnito the htriuieat io vertitaHon- floud your every Grstz, U. W lisyley. F. M.. Walter, ancrt addraaa oos auialard further puriiwtlara. C.K.WILLI A MS in tbe several preclncla he then enrolled, v".' fr John C. Miller, all of Capulln. N. M. CO.,. and that each- precinct send threerii L0VE1L WASHES Erie. Pjw lfitU aad Larlaif Jl.lMiXferv,CuU. each to a meeting, to be bc'.d iu. JUijxs U. WiijitK,. IlegltiCLi..