University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Raton Independent, 1884-1889 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 1-14-1888 Raton Weekly Independent, 01-14-1888 Independent Pub. Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/raton_ind_news Recommended Citation Independent Pub. Co.. "Raton Weekly Independent, 01-14-1888." (1888). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/raton_ind_news/11 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Raton Independent, 1884-1889 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1111 . "lJ"HHHflS"aJ VOL. 5, NO. 11. Saturday, January u; urn TEN CENTS. W. B. HERFORD, SPlRlTTHISI. tial materialization has beeu effect the rxnr Prorrni fladt kj ths Circle f Delintn li tatsa, ed and it is reported that in a" few B. 8. LETTOfJ Real Estate Nearly fiye months ago, princi- - weeks the work1' will be perfect, Aeent son of when friends of the members will In toweit -A- pally through the exertions Dr Eu neck and for nCt at price: ND- ' a circle was be admitted to the seances. The LIVER NOTARY PUBLK; uuy, organized in Raton for the purpose of itivesti number is new very small of those FLOUR, BATO.M . NKW MEXICO, DISEASE ... gating what's known as Spiritual who are engaged in the investiga for Timber H1LVER PR1DI OF Headquarters ism. Lave been held on uou, dui mere are a large nnru- - SYMPTOMS: QL'UX. rKXVtR. WDITt Meetings tO'Af. CHAMPION. Claims Deeded J.andi and Town bcr of In ovcred with a browa ftirtrSrZ?2; pain ia the back, tidM. Sunday and Thursday evenings of believers Spiritualism in r )oinu otn nittaken for Rhcuaatiua; aur Lots. sHowssch i ioaa at appallta ( tome timet naua SWKIT POTATOES, each Raton and vicinity, Bfld uc entioa week, and it is claimed that watrrbnub, ittjig ; flatulency and 0IIE1KY POTA'Ofi. xtd CTtaUori ; bowati alternately cotiirt uttl Lou NATIVE POTAT0I D. PEMBRKTU.V considerable progress has beeu torearagiBj (itlsek. ki fhadanho t af ateatory, with a S made enaattan of kariaf sailed 10 do nmetbinf wKioa) toward materialization. The Silver Clt gonilnil. auetil to hav been dona; dfbllityi lowspsriuj ft thick, yaliow apaearaata of the akin and ayca ; cuoick Arri.Fs. DENTIST. a meetings are private, but various There appear to be a better dry cough : (Vvcr ; rcaileunau : the urine it Kaarjr ataJ hth ealared, ad, if allowed ta taand, dcpeaiia MORTHE1K APriW, PRrXES, APBICOTr reports have been circulated con geueral feeling prevailing through- ft aaxiiment. -- All work tutu tutted. the wonderful out at BUTTER. EGGS. cerning develop the'Territory the beginning SIMMONS UVEB RESUUITOR fflee oi Flrt Street, evei Bnrnam Broi.' Store. metits, and considerable attention eftbie year tliun there but been HAU, LARD, COFFEE, TOMATOES, BOKXY has beeu the out for several (PUSKLV VIOITABU) given subject by years past. Although h (cixnllv 4 la die Saulh. M wum Um ONIONS. a. I Urmr I kwllli riKt:, eiders Lately it hos been rumored the stock interests of the Territo- - orpid tiUtm It ata with oxteaaraJaarr eaSeaey ea ifc Attorney and Counselor at Law that Mrs. 1. fj. Hall was giving ry are, just slie present, at a low Wheat, Oats, ani Hay r. O. Box "F " Santa Fe. N. M evidence of and ebb, the universal is th TIVER, strong mediumship opinion I KIDNEYS, Actut fbr tK was holding communion with de there ate better times ahead and BOWELS. Practices in Supreme ind U District J and Arnold friends and that will M WIC?IMl FOR Famous Soap. ejourts or r(ew Mexico, Special atten- parted relatives. there ootibe long to wait. tneipit tion to If and nd To SfalaHa, Dnpaptla, given Ininf Spanish get at the facts of these re There is every indication that the CnnafljiatlMH BlUollM, Mexican Grant Litigation. Sick Headaeae. Jaundlea, ports, a represeutativo ef this pa coming summer will bring much Mamiea, Cello, V. liTALnUKEK, called of atealal DaaraHlan, Bowel CoaUbite. per at the residencei the higher prices for cattle and that SEte Kte., 4. lady's mother, Mrs. J. C. Iloichkin, the constantly jncreusing demand Indannl kv tat aw of 1 Hlllloiu of B011W, at Meat PHYSICIAN and SUKOION. City Market, on 1 Lira street. Alter making; ill keep prices ap to a good fig- - THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE the of his tot ChlldreB. br Adalti, asd br uw Aged. known object visit, he ure.Tbe encroachment of granger BE L3fi5 6 SAWES, Frepi,, was cordially invited to enter Bud on (be rauges of Texae audio the !Vt TO TAKE HI MY OOsDITIOH OF THE 8Y3TEHI Office on Second street, corner satisfy his curiosity. northwest is very seriously catting J.H.ZEILIN a: CO., CLARK AVENUE. RATON i Saunders Avenue. Mrs. Hall was seated at a small down tbe area of the range eon a try . i raoraiiTObt. PHILADELPHIA, PA her hand and it PRICK Bl.OO. E BftlX B. ntlJIKtl,, table, and arm moving miitl necessarily follow that rapidly, and occasionally the pen-- 1 the number of cattle on the rungen Fresh Meats of all Kinds ATTORNEY-AT-LA- cil touched the paper and words mint be considerably reduced. were written. The reporter was This reduction can operate in but MODERN informed that the was one way aud that-- , is to raise the Office in WilJisnV youDg lady Mr Block, then nnder the influence of the price of stock the throughout west, E VEX Conk avenue Raton, N. M. spirits, and that her little brother Cattlemen of the Territory ss thi Blacksmith Shop riESCI!IPTJOJV, Gussie, who died about two years aud anr contented with the pros. ago, aed ten, was then holding pect of better l fines. The outlook ill oommunion with bis sister and for the miuing interests is do 1ph Wild Camo Season ASSESSOR FOR COLFAI COUNTY. mother. The of the informs- - than the for gist flattering prospects PRWRISTOIt. tion derived was that the little better times with cattlemen. Nsvet fellow was in new before has been Spring Chickens S Office with E. B. Franks, very happy his there each activity and all was here the home that done ii mining industry aa there i Attention s attorney-at-Iaw- , Cook avenue. t9 Bpecmf Sausage, to keep him that was possible, bat now and, should the price of cop-th- the Shooing of Lame Horses.. he could not live here longer, per continue at a reasonable fig Pork, Such messages from a beloved ure, there will soon be much more 'PHYSICIAN and UENTIST. Ham, Etc, child to its mother can bave but activity than at a the present, Aad everything usuafty found in a one effect, and that of whole there is - effloe In the Williams building Cook av, pleasure, every euoourage- Car. Second Street and Cook Avenue. First-clas- s Establishment. ic - gr-rr- Hours--From 10 to 12 i. u., Mrs. Hotchkin informed there- meat that the present year will b i to 4, end 6:30 to 7:30 r. u. porter that she had visited the one of the most active known iu ttLPEACHERV W. A. HAWK. - circle bnt as an unbe for some 3 All operation! in Dentistry per- frequently, the Territory tin.).. formed by special appointment. that she had became con liever; PKItE Lisr W. KOHLHOl'MKW. X. D.. vinced through what she had sssn and heard of the truth of Spiritual At the Rat Meat Market. PEACHER&.HAWK, PHYSICIAN SURGEON. and ism and was now a firm believer. Porterhouse Steak, 1212c. Mrs. Hall has not been an at G-rocer- s, flloe on First street, second door south Sirloin " 10. f post office, Raton, N. M. tendant at any of the meetings un Round " 8. Retail 10:00 K9Orrics Hours 0:00 to a.m.; til last Sunday evening. Or Janu Chack. " 1:00 to 2:M r. m.; and 7:00 to :00 p. v. A. FIRST STREET door to Postoffl ary 5th. while sitting at a table st Boiling: pieces. 4. ......Next Roast 41 9. jliSMKY STMKXClf. home, her band was affected in an 6, to invisible manner and a be Mutton, Piirk, Sausage, etc., at ATTORNEYAT-LA- pencil low e first proportiouaiely price ing in the the t? Orrica coasaa First St. anb Cook avk. placed fingers l-- J erms, casJv. EJEW STOCK RATON, - - . N. M, writing was done by her of this Remember the p)aoe Williams' Coffee, Tea,. Iflear Meal Graham Meal', Will prtctiee in all the Courts in kind. On last Sunday evening she .old stand. Cook aveuue. Sugars, serthers New Mexico, and the Supreme attended the circle and in the cab ' ' ' Canned Goods,. Jellies,. Court at Santa Fe. : ... Preserves, Spices, inet was revealed to ber face iiiiruwaii'in the Is undoubtedly caused b. lacMamd Fruit Butter, llain Lard,. Bacou, Fotatoes, Etc. SOCIETY MKETIWUN. of her dead brother Sheaowrlwsl in the bloody This acid attxekt he the! fihrous tissues, and ceases the on. s of Raton IMvl- - frequent communicatioa. with Regular meetings and aches in the back, shouldeis. ton, Ho. 3, U. K. K. or f., ftrst Wednes- c parted and claims to be ablets BR1E1 AN EVAPORATED FRUITS.. day of each month, in kncpfw,. ankleo, hips, and wrist evening Armory, hear and converse with-- , them. ever Puce's store. see, Thousands of have found in . Visiting Knights people Apples ?eaehes Apricvts,. Plums,. Berries Currauta-- erdlally Invited. The mother is hnppy at tk re- - linod s a cure P. P. Fanhino, Sr. Kt. eiirsaparilla positive Capt. She-lo- st rheumatism.
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