CERD Shadow Report from Coalition
SHADOW REPORT United Nations Committee Against All Forms of Racial Discrimination Suggested Issues for Consideration Regarding Israel’s Combined 14th, 15th, and 16th Periodic Report to the UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) January 2012 Written by: The Mossawa Center, the Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens in Israel The Israel Religious Action Center The Hotline for Migrant Workers Edited by: Mariyam Hussain Submitted on Behalf of The Coalition Against Racism in Israel The Israel Religious Action Center The Mossawa Center The Hotline for Migrant Workers 13 King David St. Saint Luke's St. P.O Box 4471 75 Nahalat Binyamin St. Jerusalem 31936, Israel Haifa, 31043, Israel Tel Aviv, 65154, Israel Adv. Ruth Carmi Rania Laham-Grayeb Sigal Rozen +972-2-6203323 +972-4-8555901 +972-3-5602530 +972-2-6256260 +972-4-8552772 +972-3-5605175 ruth@irac.org rania_mossawa@yahoo.com sigal@hotline.org.il www.irac.org www.mossawacenter.org www.hotline.org.il 1 The Mossawa Center, the Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens in Israel The Mossawa Center is the Advocacy Center for the Arab Citizens in Israel. Established in 1997, the Center is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that works to promote the social, economic, cultural and political rights of the Palestinian Arab citizens in Israel and the recognition of this community as a national indigenous minority, with their own national, cultural and historical distinctiveness. Mossawa, which takes its name from the Arabic word for ‘equality’, promotes a democratic society and acts against all forms of discrimination based on race, nationality, religious affiliation, social status, gender and disability.
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