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University of Florida Thesis Or Dissertation Formatting MARIANISM: THE VOICE OF THE SOUTHERN MINEIRAN CATHOLIC IDENTITY IN BRAZIL By SCOTT RONALD SMOLENSKI A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 2018 © 2018 Scott Ronald Smolenski “To my wife Filomena” ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First, I would like to acknowledge my beautiful wife, Filomena for her love and unselfish support of this research. Because of her, I was able to do my fieldwork in Brazil, and complete this document. I also want to thank our children Luis, Gabby, and Suelen for their patience and understanding when Filomena and I traveled to Brazil for three summers in a row. I want to thank my parents Maryann and Ronald, and family members for their love and support throughout this experience. Special thanks go to Larissa Rissatti for her helping arrange my interviews, assist in recording performances, and for creating files of my research on flash drives. To her mother Marcia Rigatti and grandparents, the late Luis and Mar Zé Rigatti, for putting my wife and me up in their home in Pouso Alegre while conducting research. I would especially like to acknowledge my sister-in-law Patricia Ventura-Zelnicker for her tireless encouragement, numerous readings of my rough drafts, and editorial help. Thank you also to my sister-in-laws Angela and Silvana for taking care of our kids while we were in Brazil. Of course, a big thank you goes to my committee chair, Dr. Welson Tremura, and co-chair Dr. Larry Crook whose guidance and encouragement over the years has been a source of inspiration. I would also like to thank Dr. Willard Kesling for his expertise in choral literature, conducting, and friendship. Finally, special thanks go to Dr. Robin Wright for introducing me to the religion of the Indigenous peoples of the Brazilian Amazon. 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ...............................................................................................................4 LIST OF FIGURES .........................................................................................................................7 LIST OF EXAMPLES ...................................................................................................................11 ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................................16 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................18 Research Objectives ................................................................................................................19 Theoretical Framework ...........................................................................................................21 Methodology ...........................................................................................................................25 Marian Literature Survey ........................................................................................................28 Importance of This Study .......................................................................................................34 2 THE VIRGIN MARY, ROLES, DOCTRINE, VIRTUES, AND DEVOTION ....................36 The Virgin Mary .....................................................................................................................37 Doctrine ..................................................................................................................................39 Virtues .....................................................................................................................................40 Marian Devotion .....................................................................................................................41 Mary in Poetry ........................................................................................................................47 Mary in Visual Art ..................................................................................................................49 Mary in Music .........................................................................................................................60 Romaria, a Pilgrim’s Song ......................................................................................................67 Conclusion ..............................................................................................................................72 3 MARIAN SONGS AND THE HISTORICAL ORIGINS OF MARIAN VALUES IN BRAZIL ..................................................................................................................................74 The Virgin Mary, Protector of Missionaries and Navigators .................................................74 The Virgin Mary and the Jesuit Missionaries .........................................................................75 Marian Art and Music in the Brotherhoods of Colonial Brazil ..............................................79 4 MARIAN SONGS IN CATHOLIC DAILY LIFE ...............................................................100 Mary at Mass ........................................................................................................................100 Mission Masses and Mary .............................................................................................102 Mary and the Charismatic Renewal ..............................................................................108 A Marian Charismatic Healing Mass ............................................................................111 Youth Group Meetings and Mary ..................................................................................113 5 A Visit from the Pilgrim Mother ..........................................................................................114 Marian Processions ...............................................................................................................116 Mary and the Feast of Corpus Christi ...................................................................................117 Novenas ................................................................................................................................120 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................121 5 SINGING AND MARIAN DEVOTION IN SOUTHERN MINAS: CASE STUDIES IN POUSO ALEGRE AND THE NATIONAL SHRINE OF NOSSA SENHORA APARECIDA .........................................................................................................................123 A Charismatic Priest Sings to Mary .....................................................................................127 Luis Sings to Mary................................................................................................................130 Leandro Sings to Mary .........................................................................................................148 Mary and a Charismatic Healing Mass .................................................................................156 Consecration to Mary at Mass ..............................................................................................160 A Mission Mass at Monica’s House .....................................................................................162 A Charismatic Prayer Meeting and the Virgin Mary ............................................................164 6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION THE TRANSFORMING POWER OF MARIAN DEVOTIONAL SONGS ......................................................................................................171 APPENDIX A GLOSSARY OF TERMS .....................................................................................................183 B MUSICAL SCORES ............................................................................................................188 C AUDIO/VIDEO FILES ........................................................................................................244 D MARIAN DEVOTIONAL IMAGES ...................................................................................246 E MARIAN DEVOTIONAL AIDS .........................................................................................248 LIST OF REFERENCES .............................................................................................................250 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH .......................................................................................................255 6 LIST OF FIGURES Figure page 2-1 The Old Basilica, testament to early Marian devotion (photo by author). ........................45 2-2 The New basilica, a modern version of the “House of the Mother” (photo by author). ....45 2-3 The “Room of Promises,” a place to display gratitude to Mary (photo by author). ..........46 2-4 Ex-Votos of hands and arms offered to Mary in gratitude for healing (photo by author). ...............................................................................................................................47 2-5 Peter Paul Ruben’s “The Immaculate Conception.” ..........................................................50 2-6 Giotto’s “Nativity.” ............................................................................................................51 2-7 Michelangelo’s “Pieta.” .....................................................................................................52
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