Forever Judy Sunday, March 8 2PM

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Forever Judy Sunday, March 8 2PM Newsletter and Program Guide of the Mount Laurel Library Vol 29, Issue 3 March 2020 Sunday Concert: Forever Judy Sunday, March 8 2PM Francine Evans & Joel Zelnik will take you on this memorable musical program featuring America’s number one female vocalist, Judy Garland. Crafted with love, “Forever Judy” is an inspiring musical experience. No registration required. Women and Tea in the Victorian Era Mahjong Monday Thursday, March 26 Monday, March 16 10:30AM 1PM Monday, March 30 10:30AM Tea was introduced Need a space to meet other mahjong to England in the middle of the players? Stop in to the library with 17th century, but it wasn’t until the early your tiles and your determination to 18th century, when the Golden Lyon win and play a few games. Note that this Tea Shop opened in London, that women is not a training class: participants could purchase tea, and it remained an should already know the basics. expensive and prestigious beverage. No registration required. Learn how tea had an impact on both upper- and working-class women with Judith Krall-Russo, tea historian. Foreign Film: No registration required. Brassed Off Sunday, March 15 1:30PM Book Discussion Group The funny, touching true story of a Tuesday, March 3 mining town facing major shutdowns in 7PM the mid-1980s. Facing an uncertain Join the Book Discussion Group for future, the townspeople rely on the local fascinating conversation. This month's brass band for pride and encouragement. book is The Friend, by Sigrid Nunez. In English with English subtitles. 1997. R. No registration required. 107 min. Hosted by Irv Slifkin. No registration required. Library Hours Mon - Thurs. 9:30am - 9pm, Fri. 9:30am - 7pm, Sat. 9:30am - 5pm, Sun. 12 - 5pm 2 ADULTS Crochet Anyone? Chronic Pain Monday, March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Self-Management Program 6:30PM for Seniors Wed., March 4, 11, 18, 25 1PM Monday, April 6 Friday, March 6, 13, 20, 27 1PM Join craft enthusiasts for crocheting and 1PM conversation. Novices and experts welcome. This 6-week program will help you learn to deal Instruction available if needed. Please bring with chronic pain and related problems, such as your own materials. No registration required. fatigue, isolation, and insomnia. Instructors will help you improve your strength, flexibility, and endurance. Other topics include nutrition and Classic Comedies communicating effectively with health Thursdays professionals. Intended for attendees 60+. Easy Living - March 5 2PM Registration required. Midnight - March 19 2PM Trouble in Paradise - March 24 2PM Info Table: Ninotchka - April 2 2PM US Family Health Plan Paul Howe hosts a series of classic and Thursday, March 12 10AM screwball comedies. No registration required. Thursday, March 26 10AM Health Benefits Consultant Josephine Grey will be in the Bob Fosse Series lobby to answer questions about US Family Health Plan for qualified Clips and Discussion military personnel. Wednesday, March 4 12:30PM No registration required. Cabaret Wednesday, March 11, 12:30PM ESL Intermediate Lenny Wednesday, March 18 12:30PM Class All that Jazz Tuesdays March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Wednesday, March 25 12:30PM 1PM Star 80 Thursdays Wednesday, April 1 12:30PM March 5, 12, 19, 26 Join us for a series focusing on the films and 6PM career of multi-talented director and Practice your English grammar and choreographer Bob Fosse, hosted by Joseph conversation skills with others in this program, Truitt. No registration required. put on by Literacy New Jersey. An experienced volunteer tutor will help guide the conversation Gaming for Grown-Ups and provide assistance. No registration Tuesday, March 17 6-8PM required. Join us for our game night and learn a new game, or play an old favorite. No experience needed, just your desire to get in the game. No registration required. Books and Ages 18+ Movies Discussion: Saturday, March 21 Movie Matinee: 11:30AM Judy Join Joseph Truitt and Paul Howe --longtime educators about film Thursday, March 12 2PM and literature--for a guided discussion Legendary performer Judy about films and books. This month's topic Garland (Renée Zellweger) will be New York City. arrives in London in the winter No registration necessary. of 1968 to perform a series of sold-out concerts. No registration required. KIDS Messy Masterpieces Baby Sensory Friday, March 20 11:30AM Thursdays, 10AM Perfect for preschoolers with an March 5, 12, 19, 26 interest in art! Join us as we cre- In this program we will be ate our own unique works in the focusing on sensory play for little ones style of some of the worlds most ages 0-18 months. Come out and experience celebrated artists! This month, different sounds, sights, textures and age we will be creating our own Piet appropriate developmental activities. Mondrian style paintings! Smocks welcome (an old tee-shirt will do)! Recommended for ages 2-5. Registration required. Bricks for Kidz Workshop: A Pirates Quest Sunday, March 1 Toddler Storytime 2PM Mondays Shiver me timbers as we explore the March 9, 16, 23, 30 10:30AM popular culture behind the life of a pirate! Build a Fun for the little ones! Join us for stories, motorized pirate ship, a helm and an anchor, as songs, fingerplays, and musical we batten down the hatches and prepare for muti- instruments for all. Best suited ny. For this event, children will have a 10-minute for toddlers up to 3 years old. themed discussion. They will then build a model No registration necessary but using LEGOS and Bricks 4 Kidz unique building our space can only accommodate a instructions. Grades K-5. Registration required. maximum of fifty people so please arrive on time. Abrakadoodle Sunday, March 29 2PM Abrakadoodle is a creative, fun art experience where kids are provided the opportunity to experiment as they discover exciting artists from around the globe. Join us for an ART-rageous adventure as we explore striking colors, exciting techniques, Preschool Storytime and create masterpieces of our very own! Tuesdays No prior art experience necessary. March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 10:30AM Grades K-4. Registration is required. Join us at the Library for a fun-filled session of stories, songs, fingerplays, stretching exercises, and an art activity. Best suited for ages 3-6 years. No registration required. Kids Code! Thursday, March 26 6PM Coding may seem Climbers intimidating, but in this club, we make it look easy! and Crawlers Club Join us as we tackle a new Fridays, 10AM project every month in this March 6, 13, 20, 27 kid-friendly coding program. Kids will use This is an open-play gross motor skills program websites like scratch and thimble to create their designed for little ones just starting to move and own version of the months set project. While it groove on their own, up to 18 months. We will be may seem like just having fun, kids will be using different sized foam shapes to create learning foundational aspects of interchangeable obstacles for the kids to go coding that they can build on in the future. over, around, up, down and possibly through. For grades 5-8, registration required. 5 3 4 KIDS Read Across America Family Music Class Storytime Celebration Sunday, March 1 Monday, March 3 10:30AM 3PM Infants, toddlers, and preschool At this special, all age’s storytime, we will children- along with their celebrate Read Across America, a holiday parents or caregivers- join together as a centered around the birthday of Dr. Seuss. musical community. Activities include playing With stories, crafts, and a “photo station”, rhythm instruments, having fun with rhymes, this storytime will show kids how much fun and singing and dancing to music of different reading can be! tones and modalities. Please register. Ages 6 months-6 years. Kid’s Move and Groove Wednesdays Little Yogi Storytime March 4, 11, 18, 25 10:30 AM Friday, March 27 Does your little one love to dance, 11:30AM sing, and get active? Join us for a Is your little one interested in program where we celebrate moving around during sto- music through rhymes, songs, rytime? Incorporating aspects of and dance-alongs! This program will give kids traditional storytime and kid’s yoga, a chance to learn new dance moves and get this program keeps kids active and active! Perfect for ages 2-5, no registration. mindful while teaching them new and valuable skills! Join us as we read through a book and try poses that reflect the story Paws for Reading: and encourage mindfulness! This program is run by Ms. Lindsay, who is NOT a Wilson certified yoga instructor, but has experience Thursday, March 26 teaching children basic poses! 4PM, 4:15PM. 4:30PM, Registration required, and yoga mats 4:45PM are welcome but not required. Practice your reading skills with a captive canine audience in a private setting with Wilson, a registered therapy dog, and his owner, Ms. Judy. Wilson is a friendly ALL AGES Bearded Collie mix who is waiting to hear you read to him. Please note, sessions are in Write Stuff 15-minute blocks. Bring your favorite book Tuesday, March 17 6-8PM from home or arrive early to choose a book This is a community service opportunity for from the library’s collection. children who may be too young for our Grades 1-4. Please register. regular volunteer positions. Participants will color pictures, make cards, or write letters that will be distributed to nursing homes, children's hospitals, and deployed military Facebook Storytime! personnel. Children will receive a letter of Thursday March 19 participation at the end of the event. Open to 6PM kids in Pre-K and up.
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