Local Development Plan Proposed Plan: Bishopbriggs and Torrance 1:10,000 April 2015

Flood risk area Council boundary Policy 9

Green belt Conservation area 6.18 Policy 3 Policy 10 Place initiative Townscape protection area Policy 3 Policy 10 6.20 Proposed railway station Gardens and designed landscapes Policy 4 Policy 10 674000 Sustainable transport World Heritage Site Policy 4 Policy 10 6.19 Indicative Bishopbriggs relief road route Antonine Wall World Heritage Site buer zone Policy 4 Policy 10 Core path Scheduled Monument Policy 4 Policy 10 Housing site Listed building Policy 6 Policy 10 Open space Signi cant archaeological site Policy 7 Policy 10 Community facility centre Policy 7 Policy 11 Site of Special Scienti c Interest Commercial centre Policy 8 Policy 11 Local Nature Reserve Village centre Policy 8 Policy 11 Local Nature Conservation Site Local Centre Policy 8 Policy 11 LNCS geodiversity site Business and employment site 673000 Policy 8 Policy 13 Tree preservation order # Waste management facility Policy 8 Policy 16 Tree preservation orders within Mineral resources site Policy 8 Policy 17 Local landscape area Petroleum Exploration and Development Licence Policy 8 Policy 17 Note: Areas that are covered by more than one policy may be hatched on the maps so as to show both policies. For example this aects open space, housing sites and employment and business land policies where they are 13.10 also in the green belt. 7.6

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. (C) Crown Copyright and database right 2015. #16.4 All rights reserved. Council OS Licence Number 100020774.


13.14 4.5 13.12 13.15

#16.3 6.15



6.17 13.17


671000 4.3

6.21 6.16



7.5 6.14

670000 13.11



13.9 7.7 13.8 257000 258000 258000 259000 260000 260000 261000 262000 263000 263000 264000 264000 669000