Newsletter 0103-1.Pub
First Quarter (January - March) 2003 Volume 15, Number 1 The Newsletter of the War Eagles Air Museum Editorial A New Year, A New Start, A New Newsletter t’s been a while since the last Plane Talk War Eagles Air Museum news- I letter appeared. Actually, it’s been about two years. The reasons are many, but mainly involve the lack of a staffer or volunteer able to commit the time and effort to what is, if done right, a fairly major undertaking. Publication of this issue marks the first step in the rejuven- ation of the newsletter. We’re restarting small—this issue is eight pages long, with lots of pictures. It may grow to 12 pages, or even more. We think the timing is more important than Magnificent Obsession, the War Eagles Air Featured Aircraft Museum’s Hawker Fury, aloft over the New the size. We plan to bring it to you regu- Mexico desert with the museum in the larly, four times a year, every quarter, like clockwork. We’ll include features of he Hawker Sea Fury was the interest to a variety of readers, and try to British Royal Navy’s last piston- make sure each issue offers something T engined fighter. Although develop- for everyone. For example, each newslet- ed during World War II, it did not see oper- ter will include the history of one of the ational service until after the War. Many Museum's aircraft, like the Hawker Sea consider it the fastest piston-engined air- Contents Fury story in this issue.
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