The United Synagogue of America
u. thy children . thy builders." (BERAKHOT 64) Jv/« ri וי! THE UNITED SYNAGOGUE OF AMERICA 1973 Biennial Convention CONCORD HOTEL KIAMESHA LAKE, November 11-15, 1973 NEW YORK THt AMERICAN JEWISH COMMIÎTÇÊ Blaustein library TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword v Officers & Board of Directors 1973-1975 vi Officers & Board of Directors 1971-1973 xi Program xvii Plenary Sessions 1 The Future is Now Jacob Stein, Honorary President, United Synagogue of America 4 That Fateful Yom Kippur Rabbi Bernard Segal, Executive Vice-President, United Synagogue of America 5 A Call for Holy Discontent Rabbi Harold Schulweis, Valley Beth Shalom, Encino, California 7 In Search of a Higher Unity Rabbi Gerson D. Cohen, Chancellor, The Jewish Theological Seminary of America 10 The Dilemma of Choice Kenneth Rush, Deputy Secretary of State, The United States of America 13 Who Will Stand With Us? Abba Eban, Foreign Minister of Israel 16 "From Strength to Strength" Arthur J. Levine, President, United Synagogue of America 19 Conferences in Convention: Conference on Demography—Golden Agers, Young Marrieds, Singles in our Congregations The Brooklyn Picture Martin Lerner, Executive Director, Brooklyn Jewish Center 21 The Florida Picture Rabbi Seymour Friedman, Director, Southeast Region, United Synagogue of America 22 The Successful Young Married Club Rabbi Howard J. Hirsch, The Park Synagogue, Cleveland Heights, Ohio z4 The Role & Responsibility of the Synagogue Towards Singles, Widows & Divorcees Rabbi Simon Glustrom, Fair Lawn Jewish Center, Fair Lawn, New Jersey 26 Conducting a Congregational Self Study Stanley I. Minch, Executive Director, Chizuk Amuno, Baltimore, Maryland 28 Means of Effecting a Congregational Merger ־& Ways Sam Horowitz 32 Ways & Means of Effecting a Congregational School Merger Ruth Perry, Vice-President and National Coordinator of Educational Activities, Women's League for Conservative Judaism 34 Conference on Intermarriage The Familial Milieu Dr.
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