
3382 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 3 February 7, 2007 we would like to have permission to tained a home there even after settling the Colts in 1997, has helped revitalize the have his remarks put in the RECORD. in my hometown of Concord. Colts franchise along with Colts President Mr. Speaker, we yield back the bal- To the people of North Carolina’s whose name is synonymous with ance of our time. Eighth District, Benny Parsons will al- pro football success; Whereas , Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. I thank the ways be a hometown boy as well as a who had 25 completions for 247 yards, was se- gentleman from Indiana. This seems to champion. I ask that you join me today lected as the Most Valuable Player (MVP) of be the day for Indiana and Indianap- in extending your sympathy to Benny’s XLI; and olis. wife, Terri; his sons, Kevin and Keith; Whereas the entire Colts franchise has be- Mr. BURTON of Indiana. I would just and his entire family in the racing come a model of professionalism, goodwill, ask my colleague from Illinois, isn’t community. and community service in representing the every day the day for Indiana? Mr. Speaker, I ask to observe a mo- City of and the State of Indiana Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. I would urge ment of silence in honor of Benny Par- and brings pride to Hoosiers and Colts fans everywhere: Now, therefore, be it support for this resolution. sons’ legacy of giving. Resolved, That the House of Representa- Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- Mr. Speaker, I yield back for a life tives congratulates the National Football er, may I reclaim my time? Mr. HAYES well lived. League champion for win- just arrived. Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I ning Super Bowl XLI and for bringing the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without want to thank the gentleman from City of Indianapolis and the State of Indiana objection, the gentleman from Indiana North Carolina. We have no further their first Lombardi Trophy. reclaims his time. speakers. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- There was no objection. As I indicated earlier, NASCAR rac- ant to the rule, the gentleman from Il- Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- ing is one of the most watched sports linois (Mr. DAVIS) and the gentleman er, I yield as much time as he may con- in America, and I am amazed at the from Indiana (Mr. BURTON) each will sume to the gentleman from North number of people who participate. I control 20 minutes. Carolina (Mr. HAYES). would urge passage of this resolution. The Chair recognizes the gentleman Mr. HAYES. I thank my friends Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance from Illinois. DANNY DAVIS and DAN BURTON. of my time. GENERAL LEAVE Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I the life of Benny Parsons, a friend, a question is on the motion offered by ask unanimous consent that all Mem- true friend and a legend in the racing the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. bers may have 5 legislative days in community. Benny passed away in Jan- DAVIS) that the House suspend the which to revise and extend their re- uary; a great loss to all our commu- rules and agree to the resolution, H. marks. nity. Res. 69. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Benny was born and raised in the The question was taken; and (two- objection to the request of the gen- foothills of North Carolina. After lit- thirds being in the affirmative) the tleman from Illinois? erally stumbling into the racing indus- rules were suspended and the resolu- There was no objection. try while working for his dad’s service tion was agreed to. Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I station in Detroit, Michigan, Parsons A motion to reconsider was laid on will defer my opening remarks, and returned to Ellerbe, North Carolina in the table. first shall be first. And I am going to Richmond County to drive for car f yield such time as she might consume owner L.G. DeWitt, a local business- CONGRATULATING THE INDIANAP- to the first lady of Indiana, Represent- man who also just happened to own the OLIS COLTS FOR WINNING ative JULIA CARSON, who is the sponsor Rockingham race track. SUPER BOWL XLI of this resolution. Benny Parsons led a legendary career Ms. CARSON. I do thank you very as a NASCAR driver, and he helped Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I much, Representative DAVIS, for your make the sport what it is today. From move to suspend the rules and agree to courtesy and your indulgence, espe- 1964 until his retirement in 1988, Benny the resolution (H. Res. 130) congratu- cially being from Illinois, the made 526 starts. Benny Parsons was the lating the Bears. And the Bears have been over- first stockcar driver to go over 200 champion Indianapolis Colts for win- come by the Colts. If you watch the miles an hour, and he turned that ning Super Bowl XLI and for bringing Animal Planet channel, you can see speed into incredible success on the the City of Indianapolis and the State that the Colts are not to be pushed track. Benny won 21 major races, in- of Indiana their first Lombardi Trophy. around. So I want to thank you very cluding the Daytona 500 and, in 1973, The Clerk read as follows: much for your courtesy. earned the highest honor in NASCAR, H. RES. 130 I come to the floor today to join my the Winston Cup. Whereas on February 4, 2007, in , colleague, DANNY BURTON. We have Benny’s work and contribution did Florida, the Indianapolis Colts defeated the contiguous districts. I am fighting over not end on the race track. Upon his re- by a score of 29 to 17 in Super mine because the Colts’ headquarters Bowl XLI to win the National Football tirement from racing, Benny Parsons League (NFL) Championship; and the team is in my district, but I entered broadcasting, where he further Whereas this is the first Super Bowl win am sure he doesn’t mind that at all. I expanded the sport through his insight for the Indianapolis Colts following an over- heard the wonderful remarks that he and his down-home commentary. all record of 16–4 and a regular season made yesterday about the Colts, about Benny was a fan favorite and became record of 12–4; and Bill Polian and Jim known as The Professor for his relaxed Whereas the Colts won their fourth Amer- Irsay. I want to thank him for it. and uncanny style of commentary. ican Football Conference (AFC) South Title I come today to congratulate the In- this year and the AFC championship title dianapolis Colts, who are in my dis- Besides being a champion and Hall of with a stunning come-from-behind 38–34 vic- Famer, Benny Parsons was most re- tory over the on Janu- trict. See, we have good things in my vered by his colleagues and fans for his ary 21, 2007; district. They are not all drive-by generous nature and lovable person- Whereas Tony Dungy, in his fifth season shootings. The Indianapolis Colts have ality. with the Colts, is the first African-American made us extremely proud. Here is a Benny told me he was always grate- to win the Super Bowl and is one man, Tony Dungy, who incurred major ful for the support the people of Rich- of the most respected coaches in the league, tragedy, who hung out about a week or mond County gave him. Despite his cultivating Championship success for the two, and then he came back and got team and boasting 10-plus victories and play- fame, my conversations with Benny off appearances in his first four seasons with back on the plate. I admired him for seemed to flow around eating at the the Colts; that. He sets an example for a lot of Dixie Burger and talking Raider foot- Whereas Colts Owner and Chief Executive our young kids to follow that your set- ball in Richmond County. He main- Officer , who assumed ownership of backs can be your setups and your

VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:56 Jun 09, 2017 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00100 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK 3\LOC FILES\BR07FE07.DAT BR07FE07 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD February 7, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 3 3383 stumbling blocks can be your stepping championship history to defeat New After this the Bears’ offense sort of stones. England 2 weeks before. fizzled, and the Colts took advantage Tony Dungy was determined to lead. But the reason I want to thank them with Peyton Manning leading several He lead in a very positive way. He today is for my Illinois colleagues. I drives that ended in ’s could have stayed out, moaned and want Coach Dungy and Peyton Man- field goals and a TD pass to Reggie groaned about what had happened, but ning and the whole team to know, from Wayne. and Dominic he didn’t do that. He incurred his spir- my colleagues in Illinois, I want a Rhodes also both contributed some ituality and kept on moving. deep-dish pizza, a pound of cheese cake hard runs with a combined rushing I heard somebody mention the and a bunch of DVDs for our troops total of 190 yards and a . On NASCAR a few minutes ago. We lost over in Iraq. So I want to thank them the other side of the ball, the Colts Paul Dana in NASCAR out in Indianap- very much for making sure I didn’t were the better defense, causing five olis, and he fought successfully to get have to pay for all that other stuff, but turnovers. race cars to use ethanol. In 2008, all the my colleague on the other side of the As noted last week, this game made race cars of NASCAR will be fired up aisle does. history with two African American and fueled up by ethanol. I want to be Let me be serious for just a moment. coaches facing each other for the title, sure and mention that. We are very, very thrilled to have a and Tony Dungy being the first black I rise today to recognize the Indian- Super Bowl champion in Indianapolis, coach to win a Super Bowl. apolis Colts, the Super Bowl cham- we waited for a long, long time. And it Of course, I want to congratulate pions. The path they took was not came at a time when we had some of Coach Dungy on a job well done, and easy, but they made it look easy be- the finest people that have ever been adding to the celebration of Black His- cause they operated as a team. I think on a football team playing in Indianap- tory Month. I also want to commend that is an illustration of what we can olis. It came at a time when we had one Peyton Manning for his leadership of become if we operate in unison as a of the finest coaches who ever coached the team. I want to thank Representa- team. When one member faltered, two football in Indianapolis. And not only tive CARSON’s staff for their hard work, others would be there to fill the gap. is Tony Dungy a great coach, but he is especially Kathleen Taylor, who did And after a long season, they filled the a great American and a very patriotic such a quick job of putting all of this gap on a rain-soaked field in Miami to man and a good Christian fellow. And together so that we did not have to claim the title of world champions. everybody in Indianapolis really re- delay. Tony Dungy, game MVP Peyton Man- spects him. And so with serious regret on the ning and Robert Sanders have all Peyton Manning has been a gen- part of the Chicago Bears, I commend earned the title of champions. tleman on and off the field. The whole and congratulate the Indianapolis I am proud that Indianapolis was rep- team has. I can name everybody on the Colts and urge support for this resolu- resented by a very classy team with team. And I just want to say, on behalf tion. character. In a day when so many ath- of the Congress, me and JULIA CARSON, Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of letes are questionable examples, this my colleague who represents Indianap- my time. team shows that you can be an active olis, and STEVE BUYER and others, that Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- citizen and a winner at the same time. we are very, very proud of the Colts. er, it sure is nice to hear the gen- This is a championship of firsts. This We hope they bring us another Super tleman from Illinois extol the virtues is the first Super Bowl win for the Indi- Bowl next year, but even if they don’t, of the Indianapolis Colts. I really ap- anapolis Colts, and the first time an we are very, very thrilled. They have preciate that, DANNY. African American head coach led the done Indianapolis proud, and we are I am very happy to yield to my col- team to an NFL title. very proud to talk about them here league from Indiana, another great Congratulations, Indianapolis Colts, today. Colts fan, Congressman STEVE BUYER, 2 and team owner Jim Irsay and Presi- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of minutes. dent Bill Polian and all those who have my time. Mr. BUYER. Mr. Speaker, I am supported this team through the years. b 1215 pleased to stand here to honor the Indi- I want to thank , class act; Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I anapolis Colts and Super Bowl cham- Chicago Bears; and all my friends in yield myself such time as I might con- pions. The Colts are a team that I be- Chicago for a wonderful Super Bowl. sume. lieve represent the best of profes- You go, Colts. Mr. Speaker, this is obviously a bit- sionalism and goodwill. I yield back to DANNY, and I won’t ter pill to swallow, especially given the My congratulations to Tony Dungy take my district away from him right fact that I represent the Chicago Bears, for his accomplishments in leading the now. who happen to be in my district, the Colts to an overall season record of 16– Thank you, Mr. BURTON. stadium that they use. We were antici- 4 and for becoming the first African Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I pating great thrills and great delights, American head coach to win a Super reserve the balance of my time. and for a brief moment we did, in fact, Bowl. I am most hopeful that such ref- Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- have that. But then someone said to erence does not have to be made in the er, I yield myself such time as I may me that we came in like lions and went future. That is the goodness of Amer- consume. out like lambs. ica. Coach, you have also demonstrated You know, there are a lot of reasons I guess that is exactly what hap- that nice guys can win. to thank Tony Dungy and Peyton Man- pened. This past Sunday, Tony Dungy I also commend the passionate Indi- ning and the whole team for the great and the Indianapolis Colts beat Lovie anapolis Colts who braved single-digit victory they had last Sunday. I sat in Smith and his Chicago Bears 29–17 in a temperatures to welcome back home the rain for about 5 hours and watched wet Super Bowl XLI. for the first time to the city of Indian- them, and I didn’t feel a drop of rain The slippery conditions made for sev- apolis and the State of Indiana the because they did such a great job. eral muffs and miscues throughout the Trophy. I might have felt a drop of rain in the game, including a Romo-like botched Mr. Speaker, I also learned some- first part when ran 92 hold during the extra point after the thing, though, that I think America yards for the opening kickoff touch- Colts’ first touchdown. should know about the Super Bowl. down. It kind of scared everybody to The Bears got off to a quick start You see, the teams that actually play death who were Colts fans, but we all with Devin Hester returning the open- the Super Bowl actually get 17 percent had faith in Peyton Manning and the ing kickoff for a TD, and Rex Gross- of the tickets. Those tickets go to Colts, and we knew that they wouldn’t man hitting with a those fans of the two teams, and they give up, especially after watching them 4-yard pass in the first quarter for an- are upper deck, end zone seats, which coming back from the biggest deficit in other seven points. means that all of the prime seats of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:56 Jun 09, 2017 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00101 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK 3\LOC FILES\BR07FE07.DAT BR07FE07 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD 3384 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 3 February 7, 2007 Super Bowl go to all of the other own- of injured starter Nick Harper, put the ican coaches shatter that glass ceiling, ers. So what I am most hopeful is that game nearly out of reach in the fourth that for reasons of culture and habit America takes note here that actually quarter when he intercepted Rex Gross- had somehow been long established, in the fans of the teams that get to play man’s pass and returned it for 56 yards that stadium for that great champion- the Super Bowl really do not get to see for a touchdown. ship game. much of their team in a Super Bowl. Safety , who forced a You know, Mr. Speaker, it is said And so what happens here is the city earlier in the game, clinched it that attitude reflects leadership, and I who wants a Super Bowl in their city, on the ensuing drive with an intercep- believe that Coach Tony Dungy really they trade seats for votes. And so it is tion of his own, and Colts kicker Adam personifies just the type of leadership like, hey, if I want the Super Bowl in Vinatieri, the NFL’s all-time leader in that deserves rewarding in the NFL Detroit, and you are the team owner in career Super Bowl field goals, contrib- and is heralded in the State of Indiana. Detroit, I will give you 1,500 seats at uted the remainder of the team’s scor- Let me say that Coach Dungy should the 35-yard line. ing. be admired not only for that calm, By the end of the first quarter with I am proud to congratulate the Super steady leadership on the sidelines, but all of the rain, you had over 10,000 Bowl MVP Peyton Manning. With his also his career off the field is equally empty seats. You say, what happened performance, Manning silenced all of impressive. Since his time in Tampa to the fans? Well, those are people the critics who throughout his career Bay, he brought his commitment to there who wanted to see a football claimed that he could not win the big Christian values to young people game, but do not necessarily like to sit game. They do not get any bigger than through the Fellowship of Christian in the rain because they didn’t like ei- this. Athletes. He launched Mentors for Life, ther team. Manning threw for 247 yards and a a program that provided tickets to So we need to redo how they do the touchdown, while leading his team to young people for home games and their Super Bowl and actually sit the fans victory. Manning was aided in the mentors. And I was there about a year where they can enjoy the game. So backfield by the two-pronged running ago when Coach Dungy, one of many hopefully that is taken into account. attack of Rhodes and rookie Joe Addai, such occasions around the country, To Coach Dungy, the entire team, who combined to for 190 yards. spoke in Anderson, Indiana, to a sta- the owner Jim Irsay, the dedicated The Colts excelled on the field at the dium full of young people about his staff of the Colts organization and Super Bowl, but what makes it truly a profound faith in Christ and about his thousands of Colts fans, I offer my con- pleasure to cheer for is the dignity and belief in the relationship of character gratulations to the Colts for the Super class the team displayed throughout to success. Bowl victory over my father’s beloved the season. I believe that this starts at But we also celebrate Peyton Man- Chicago Bears. Go Colts. the top with Coach Dungy. Karen ning, the man awarded with Most Valu- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, Crouse of summed able Player in the Super Bowl, and of of course maybe the NFL could learn up the Colts’ coach best when she course now a man who others have said from the House and realize that there wrote, and I quote, ‘‘Dungy has the has minted his reputation as one of the should be no trading of seats for votes, most victories of any NFL coach since greatest of all time. He and that would make the disposition a 1999 with a record of 90–38. But the bot- personifies a humility and a work ethic bit different. tom line is not what defines him. His that I believe are rightly celebrated. I yield 3 minutes to Representative life has been about opening people’s Let me close by saying, as Peyton BRAD ELLSWORTH from Indiana. eyes so they may see talent and not Manning remarked on being selected Mr. ELLSWORTH. Mr. Speaker, I skin color; spirituality and not celeb- MVP, he said, ‘‘I am excited, but I am rise today to extend my congratula- rity; integrity and not self-interest. He proud to be on this team.’’ tions to the Super Bowl champions, the has helped a lot of people see more I would like to close my remarks Indianapolis Colts. The NFL season clearly,’’ and I could not agree more. today by asking unanimous consent to came to a triumphant close Sunday Go Colts. add to the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD the night in Miami. But I am most proud Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- names of all of the members of the that the Colts began their history run er, I yield 5 minutes to another great Colts’ offense, defense, substitutions to this Super Bowl in Indiana’s Eighth Colts fan, Congressman MIKE PENCE. and the coaching staff, because this District last August on the training Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, today I rise truly was a team effort. It was men and fields of Rose-Hulman Institute of in this bipartisan gathering with women in the head offices, and on the Technology in Terre Haute, Indiana. thanks to the leadership of Congress- fields, on the training staff, and the On Sunday, Coach Dungy, along with woman JULIA CARSON to congratulate catching staff that brought this world Lovie Smith of the Bears, became the the world champion Indianapolis Colts. championship home to our capital city. first African American head coaches to I congratulate the gentlewoman from They have our praise, our congratu- walk the sidelines on the Super Bowl. Indianapolis for her leadership on this lations. As the clock expired and the score- resolution and its eloquent drafting. Offense: , board read 29 for the Colts and 17 for As others of my colleagues have sug- —Offensive , — the Bears, a rain- and -soaked gested, the Colts’ victory was not just Offensive Guard, —Center, Dungy made NFL history again by be- a demonstration of athletic prowess, —Offensive Guard, — coming the first African American to but it was a moment where I think the Offensive Tackle, , win the Lombardi Trophy. world got to see a little bit of Indiana —Wide Receiver, Peyton After a sloppy start in a rainy Miami on the world stage. They got to see the Manning—Quarterback, Joseph Addai—Run- that included a kickoff returned for a kind of serious work ethic, humility, ning Back, and —Tight End. Defense: —Defensive End, touchdown and an by the commitment to getting the job done Anthony McFarland—, Bears, the Colts found themselves in an without a lot of flash and a lot of fan- —Defensive Tackle, Dwight early hole. But the Dungy-led team re- fare that really characterizes the peo- Freeney—Defensive End, —Line- fused to give up and charged back to ple of Indiana. backer, , Rob take a 16–14 halftime lead, with Reggie As Congressman BURTON said, I also Morris—Linebacker, Nick Harper—Defensive Wayne and providing had the privilege, along with my wife Back, , Antoine . Karen, of witnessing some history, not Bethea—Defensive Back, and Bob Sanders— The Colts dominated the second half only the first world championship to Defensive Back. Substitutions: Adam Vinatieri—Kicker, of the game on both sides of the ball, come to Indianapolis, but also I saw Terrance Wilkins—Wide Receiver, Hunter surrendering only three points while the first African American coach lead a Smith—Punter, —Defensive bolstering their lead. Kel- team to the Super Bowl, and to see two Back, —Defensive Back, vin Hayden, who was playing in place great teams led by two African Amer- DeDe Dorsey—, Dominic

VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:56 Jun 09, 2017 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00102 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK 3\LOC FILES\BR07FE07.DAT BR07FE07 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD February 7, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 3 3385 Rhodes—Running Back, —Defen- from Illinois and Indiana for bringing Mr. HILL. Mr. Speaker, I was in my sive Back, —Defensive Back, us to this moment. office just a few minutes ago watching, —Tight End, — Mr. Speaker, it is a privilege to rep- doing my work in my office, but I Linebacker, Keith O’Neil—Linebacker, resent the State of in com- caught my colleagues talking about —Linebacker, —Linebacker, —Offensive ing to congratulate the Indianapolis the victorious Indianapolis Colts, and I Guard, —Defensive Tackle, Bo Colts. Few people would know this, but couldn’t resist coming down here. I Schobel—Defensive End, Charlie Johnson— last Thursday here in was don’t have any prepared remarks, but I Offensive Tackle, Bryan Fletcher—Tight our annual prayer breakfast, where we want to come to the floor today to also End, —Wide Receiver, Josh bring people from all around the world extend my congratulations to the Indi- Thomas—Defensive End, and — for our prayer breakfast. And Dr. anapolis Colts. Defensive Tackle. Francis Collins of the Human Genome My wife and my three daughters had Coaching Staff: Tony Dungy—Head Coach, Project was the speaker, and he just the opportunity to see the Colts win Jim Caldwell—Assistant Head Coach/Quar- terbacks, —Receivers did an extraordinary job. the AFC championship at Indianapolis. Coach, —Special Assistant to But what people wouldn’t know was And at the time, I thought it was good Head Coach/Defensive Backs, Richard How- that before we invited Dr. Francis Col- enough that we just made it to the ell—Assistant Strength Coach, — lins, we actually extended an invita- Super Bowl. But that wasn’t good Running Backs Coach, —Defen- tion to Tony Dungy. But Tony Dungy enough for Peyton Manning and sive Coordinator, —Offensive knew when we extended that invitation Marvin Harrison and the rest of the Quality Control, Tom Moore—Offensive Co- where he was going to be the following Colts and Tony Dungy. They wanted ordinator, —Offensive Line Sunday, and he told us. Sorry, I can’t the ring. And they stepped up to the Coach, Mike Murphy—Linebacker Coach, —Special Teams Coach, Diron come speak at the National Prayer plate and took it to another level. And Reynolds—Defensive Quality Coach, John Breakfast because I will be preparing I watched in amazement how they held Teerlinck—Defensive Line Coach, Ricky to play in the Super Bowl. And boy, steady when the chips were down, espe- Thomas—Tight End Coach, Jon Torine— was he preparing. cially when they were playing against Strength and Conditioning Coach, and Alan Many people know the connections to the Patriots, and how they held steady Williams—Defensive Backs Coach. Tennessee here with this Super Bowl when the Chicago Bears scored that Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I because of Peyton Manning, because he touchdown right off the bat. They yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from played his at the Uni- didn’t panic. They showed true leader- Indiana (Mr. DONNELLY). versity of Tennessee. And I dare say, ship, and I am so proud of the Colts, Mr. DONNELLY. Mr. Speaker, I want other than the State of Indiana, and and I am proud of the fact that I had to congratulate Congresswoman CAR- maybe Mississippi, the State of Ten- the opportunity to extend congratula- SON on her resolution, to add my name nessee was cheering for the Indianap- tions to them. to it, and to also say I come from a olis Colts in greater numbers than any I think Marvin Harrison and Peyton unique place, and that my district is State in the Union because of Peyton Manning are the best one-two punch in not far from Chicago. Our beautiful dis- Manning, because he is our favorite son the history of the NFL. These two trict has numbers of Bears fans in it as because of where he played his college players are magnificent athletes, but well as Colts fans. And so to the Bears football. they are also magnificent human fans from Michigan City, Laporte, and To this very day, he owns real estate beings in who they are and how they South Bend, I say a season well done; in Chattanooga. He plays his golf in lead. And I couldn’t be more happy. one step short is still a heck of a year. Chattanooga. We see him a lot. He is I also have to say something about We are incredibly proud of the Bears, married to a Chattanooga girl. We are the Chicago Bears. They are a great but we are also beaming about our very proud of that. football team. We beat a great football world champion Indianapolis Colts who You wouldn’t know also that R.V. team. And , who is the did it in a way to reflect what our Brown, who was the chaplain for the quarterback of that team, has caught a State’s values are: dignity, hard work, , is one of Coach lot of heat recently for what he did. class, and a never-give-up attitude. Dungy’s closest friends and the person But he took the Chicago Bears to the To Peyton Manning, to Joseph Addai, to whom we extended the invitation. Super Bowl, and that is a feat in itself. to all of the outstanding players, and We are so very proud of these relation- And I single him out because I be- especially to Coach Tony Dungy, Tony ships. lieve it was his dad or his uncle that I Dungy and Lovie Smith come from a What about Lovie Smith? He coached actually played football against in long tradition of fine men like Sherm at the University of Tennessee as well. Bloomington, Indiana, where Rex Lewis, men like Eddie Robinson, and to So all of these great players and coach- Grossman actually is. So I consider see Tony Dungy as the first African es that really represented the goodness him a constituent. Bloomington is in American coach to win the Super Bowl of America on Sunday and in the days my district. It is great to applaud him was a tremendous moment. But he will leading into Sunday have some kind of for his accomplishments. I applaud the not be the last. There will be many, Tennessee connections. Chicago Bears, and I applaud the Indi- many more. But his name will be But I just want to close with this anapolis Colts for all the good things etched in history forever. And as a thought. Proverbs 16:15 says this: Good- that they have done for the State of In- man, we can only look at Tony and tempered leaders invigorate lives. They diana. hope that we can be as fine in image are like spring rain and sunshine. Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- and in value to our sons and daughters And I have got to tell you that Tony er, might I inquire of my colleague, do as he has been to all of us. Dungy and Lovie Smith are good-tem- you have any more speakers? Hard work, nonstop class, I am proud pered leaders straight from that scrip- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. No, I don’t be- to be from our beloved State and proud ture. They have invigorated lives, and lieve we do. of our world championship Super Bowl they refresh and give life to this great Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Well, if he champion Indianapolis Colts. Nation. We honor them today because has no more speakers, I am prepared to of their leadership. We honor this team yield back the balance of my time. But b 1230 because of what they stood for. And we I just want to say to my colleagues Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- are grateful, frankly, that this brings from Illinois, and I say this in a good- er, I am very happy to yield 3 minutes the country together and lifts us to a natured way, if you need a Colts hat, I to another Colts fan who is a friend of new level. just happen to have a few in my office. Peyton Manning from Tennessee, the Congratulations, Indianapolis Colts. I will be very happy to buy you one. great Congressman from that State Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, But I still want my deep-dish pizza, (ZACH WAMP). now it is my pleasure to yield 3 min- my cheesecake, and I want to make Mr. WAMP. Mr. Speaker, I thank the utes to the distinguished gentleman sure those DVDs get to the troops in gentleman for yielding, and everyone from Indiana ( Mr. HILL). Iraq.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:56 Jun 09, 2017 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00103 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK 3\LOC FILES\BR07FE07.DAT BR07FE07 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD 3386 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 3 February 7, 2007 Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance ANTITRUST MODERNIZATION COM- Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I of my time. MISSION EXTENSION ACT OF 2007 yield myself such time as I may con- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I move sume. to close, I will just simply say that, of to suspend the rules and pass the bill Mr. Speaker, I support H.R. 742, the course, Eli’s has the best cheesecake in (H.R. 742) to amend the Antitrust Mod- Antitrust Modernization Commission the world, and Representative BURTON, ernization Commission Act of 2002, to Extension Act of 2007. you shall be able to partake of that. extend the term of the Antitrust Mod- Our Nation’s first antitrust laws were But also, let me say that we will con- ernization Commission and to make a enacted at the turn of the 20th century. gratulate all of the players, all of the technical correction. The Antitrust Modernization Commis- owners, all of those who made these The Clerk read as follows: sion Act of 2002 created a commission two great teams. I have never seen two to examine how to update our antitrust H.R. 742 men who have given more to a sport laws in light of the new technologies than Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- that have developed in recent years. resentatives of the United States of America in Not only are they masters of the game, Congress assembled, The Antitrust Modernization Com- not only are they great coaches and mission, or AMC, was required to SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. leaders, but they exemplify the best of This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Antitrust produce a report 3 years after the date human beings, the best that you could Modernization Commission Extension Act of of its first meeting on April 2, 2004. possibly be, and that is what they have 2007’’. Mr. Speaker, I am happy to report done for the game of football. That is SEC. 2. EXTENSION OF TERMINATION. that the AMC will submit its rec- what they have done for America. And Section 11059 of the Antitrust Moderniza- ommendations to Congress and the I am sure that Americans all over the tion Commission Act of 2002 (15 U.S.C. 1 President by the statutory deadline of Nation will be cheering them on for note) is amended— April 2, 2007. years and years to come. (1) by striking ‘‘30 days’’ and inserting ‘‘60 The AMC is required to terminate 30 Mr. Speaker, I yield to Representa- days’’; and days after submitting its report. How- tive JULIA CARSON for the last word. (2) by striking ‘‘section 8’’ and inserting ever, the commission has requested an ‘‘section 11058’’. Ms. CARSON. Mr. Speaker, I am extension of its authorization by an ad- pleased that all of the delegation of In- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ditional 30 days so that it can effec- diana has come to the floor to speak on ant to the rule, the gentleman from tively conclude its operations. This ad- behalf of this worthy resolution. Michigan (Mr. CONYERS) and the gen- ditional 30 days will allow the AMC to Tony Dungy, if you don’t mind, I will tleman from Texas (Mr. SMITH) each properly archive its records and trans- single him out, exhibits the kind of will control 20 minutes. fer property to other agencies. character that we would all like our The Chair recognizes the gentleman Pursuant to that request, H.R. 742 ex- men to exhibit. Young men, who were from Michigan. tends the authorization of the AMC by jumping up and down at the Colts Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I yield 30 days and also makes a small tech- Super Bowl, can learn so much about myself as much time as I may con- nical correction to the original author- how far you get in this world by dis- sume. ization statute. This bill will not delay playing strength, by displaying hon- Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of this the submission of the AMC’s report to esty and integrity and loving the Lord. measure cosponsored with me by the Congress nor will it require the appro- That is what Tony Dungy does. distinguished ranking member of the priation of any additional funds. He belongs to Northside New Era Judiciary Committee, Mr. LAMAR Mr. Speaker, I am happy to cospon- Church in Indianapolis, which is a lit- SMITH, to extend the Antitrust Mod- sor this bill, along with the chairman tle church on a hill. It is not a big, pa- ernization Commission by 30 days so of the Judiciary Committee, to allow latial church that swings around city that it may have time to wrap up and the AMC to wrap up its important blocks; just a little church on a hill. finalize its report and shut down its op- work without imposing any additional And the members there love him. erations. cost on the American taxpayer. And I notice that he took many of This modernization commission deal- I urge my colleagues to join me in the young people from Northside New ing with antitrust has been in exist- supporting this legislation. Era to Miami, which was an experience ence since 2002 and was created with Mr. Speaker, I do not believe I have that they will never replicate. the purpose of examining whether the any others who want to comment on So I want to thank the Dungy family. need exists to modernize the antitrust this legislation, and so, because of His wife, when the church has an event, laws. It began meeting in 2004 and for that, I will yield back the balance of she is right there with her little apron the past 3 years has been studying my time. on cooking, too. many aspects of antitrust law, includ- Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I con- So it shows you that you can’t think ing how these laws operate in a mod- tinue to yield myself as much time as too highly of yourself. And Tony ern, information-driven economy. I may consume. Dungy certainly doesn’t do that. He Also, they were charged with exam- The reason we have this commission thinks highly of the Lord and of all the ining the intersection between anti- is because there are acknowledged to people that he serves. And I am just trust law and intellectual property be some serious considerations, some happy that I lived long enough to see law; about immunities and exemptions problems that we need to examine in this major event happen on behalf of that are enjoyed under our current the area of antitrust law. the district that I represent. antitrust law; the relationship between Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I the Federal and State antitrust law en- b 1245 yield back the balance of my time. forcement; the application of antitrust The antitrust laws were derived from The SPEAKER pro tempore. The laws in regulated industries; and the the Sherman Act of over a century ago, question is on the motion offered by merger review process. I look forward and they are very important, and they the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. to reviewing the commission’s final re- have helped us in terms of developing DAVIS) that the House suspend the port, which is due in April of this year. an economy that is in some respects rules and agree to the resolution, H. I anticipate that the Judiciary Com- the envy of the entire planet. Res. 130. mittee will take a close look at the But there has been so much activity The question was taken; and (two- recommendations contained in the re- in the antitrust area that there has thirds being in the affirmative) the port and will continue to work with been some concern whether or not we rules were suspended and the resolu- the commissioners even after the re- have gone overboard. This past year is tion was agreed to. port is completed. the fourth largest in the history for A motion to reconsider was laid on Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of mergers. Since the Oracle merger, the table. my time. which the Department of Justice sued

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