
3382 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 3 February 7, 2007 we would like to have permission to tained a home there even after settling the Colts in 1997, has helped revitalize the have his remarks put in the RECORD. in my hometown of Concord. Colts franchise along with Colts President Mr. Speaker, we yield back the bal- To the people of North Carolina’s Bill Polian whose name is synonymous with ance of our time. Eighth District, Benny Parsons will al- pro football success; Whereas quarterback Peyton Manning, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. I thank the ways be a hometown boy as well as a who had 25 completions for 247 yards, was se- gentleman from Indiana. This seems to champion. I ask that you join me today lected as the Most Valuable Player (MVP) of be the day for Indiana and Indianap- in extending your sympathy to Benny’s Super Bowl XLI; and olis. wife, Terri; his sons, Kevin and Keith; Whereas the entire Colts franchise has be- Mr. BURTON of Indiana. I would just and his entire family in the racing come a model of professionalism, goodwill, ask my colleague from Illinois, isn’t community. and community service in representing the every day the day for Indiana? Mr. Speaker, I ask to observe a mo- City of Indianapolis and the State of Indiana Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. I would urge ment of silence in honor of Benny Par- and brings pride to Hoosiers and Colts fans everywhere: Now, therefore, be it support for this resolution. sons’ legacy of giving. Resolved, That the House of Representa- Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- Mr. Speaker, I yield back for a life tives congratulates the National Football er, may I reclaim my time? Mr. HAYES well lived. League champion Indianapolis Colts for win- just arrived. Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I ning Super Bowl XLI and for bringing the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without want to thank the gentleman from City of Indianapolis and the State of Indiana objection, the gentleman from Indiana North Carolina. We have no further their first Lombardi Trophy. reclaims his time. speakers. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- There was no objection. As I indicated earlier, NASCAR rac- ant to the rule, the gentleman from Il- Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- ing is one of the most watched sports linois (Mr. DAVIS) and the gentleman er, I yield as much time as he may con- in America, and I am amazed at the from Indiana (Mr. BURTON) each will sume to the gentleman from North number of people who participate. I control 20 minutes. Carolina (Mr. HAYES). would urge passage of this resolution. The Chair recognizes the gentleman Mr. HAYES. I thank my friends Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance from Illinois. DANNY DAVIS and DAN BURTON. of my time. GENERAL LEAVE Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I the life of Benny Parsons, a friend, a question is on the motion offered by ask unanimous consent that all Mem- true friend and a legend in the racing the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. bers may have 5 legislative days in community. Benny passed away in Jan- DAVIS) that the House suspend the which to revise and extend their re- uary; a great loss to all our commu- rules and agree to the resolution, H. marks. nity. Res. 69. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Benny was born and raised in the The question was taken; and (two- objection to the request of the gen- foothills of North Carolina. After lit- thirds being in the affirmative) the tleman from Illinois? erally stumbling into the racing indus- rules were suspended and the resolu- There was no objection. try while working for his dad’s service tion was agreed to. Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I station in Detroit, Michigan, Parsons A motion to reconsider was laid on will defer my opening remarks, and returned to Ellerbe, North Carolina in the table. first shall be first. And I am going to Richmond County to drive for car f yield such time as she might consume owner L.G. DeWitt, a local business- CONGRATULATING THE INDIANAP- to the first lady of Indiana, Represent- man who also just happened to own the OLIS COLTS FOR WINNING ative JULIA CARSON, who is the sponsor Rockingham race track. SUPER BOWL XLI of this resolution. Benny Parsons led a legendary career Ms. CARSON. I do thank you very as a NASCAR driver, and he helped Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I much, Representative DAVIS, for your make the sport what it is today. From move to suspend the rules and agree to courtesy and your indulgence, espe- 1964 until his retirement in 1988, Benny the resolution (H. Res. 130) congratu- cially being from Illinois, the Chicago made 526 starts. Benny Parsons was the lating the National Football League Bears. And the Bears have been over- first stockcar driver to go over 200 champion Indianapolis Colts for win- come by the Colts. If you watch the miles an hour, and he turned that ning Super Bowl XLI and for bringing Animal Planet channel, you can see speed into incredible success on the the City of Indianapolis and the State that the Colts are not to be pushed track. Benny won 21 major races, in- of Indiana their first Lombardi Trophy. around. So I want to thank you very cluding the Daytona 500 and, in 1973, The Clerk read as follows: much for your courtesy. earned the highest honor in NASCAR, H. RES. 130 I come to the floor today to join my the Winston Cup. Whereas on February 4, 2007, in Miami, colleague, DANNY BURTON. We have Benny’s work and contribution did Florida, the Indianapolis Colts defeated the contiguous districts. I am fighting over not end on the race track. Upon his re- Chicago Bears by a score of 29 to 17 in Super mine because the Colts’ headquarters Bowl XLI to win the National Football tirement from racing, Benny Parsons League (NFL) Championship; and the team is in my district, but I entered broadcasting, where he further Whereas this is the first Super Bowl win am sure he doesn’t mind that at all. I expanded the sport through his insight for the Indianapolis Colts following an over- heard the wonderful remarks that he and his down-home commentary. all season record of 16–4 and a regular season made yesterday about the Colts, about Benny was a fan favorite and became record of 12–4; Tony Dungy and Bill Polian and Jim known as The Professor for his relaxed Whereas the Colts won their fourth Amer- Irsay. I want to thank him for it. and uncanny style of commentary. ican Football Conference (AFC) South Title I come today to congratulate the In- this year and the AFC championship title dianapolis Colts, who are in my dis- Besides being a champion and Hall of with a stunning come-from-behind 38–34 vic- Famer, Benny Parsons was most re- tory over the New England Patriots on Janu- trict. See, we have good things in my vered by his colleagues and fans for his ary 21, 2007; district. They are not all drive-by generous nature and lovable person- Whereas Tony Dungy, in his fifth season shootings. The Indianapolis Colts have ality. with the Colts, is the first African-American made us extremely proud. Here is a Benny told me he was always grate- head coach to win the Super Bowl and is one man, Tony Dungy, who incurred major ful for the support the people of Rich- of the most respected coaches in the league, tragedy, who hung out about a week or mond County gave him. Despite his cultivating Championship success for the two, and then he came back and got team and boasting 10-plus victories and play- fame, my conversations with Benny off appearances in his first four seasons with back on the plate. I admired him for seemed to flow around eating at the the Colts; that. He sets an example for a lot of Dixie Burger and talking Raider foot- Whereas Colts Owner and Chief Executive our young kids to follow that your set- ball in Richmond County. He main- Officer Jim Irsay, who assumed ownership of backs can be your setups and your VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:56 Jun 09, 2017 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00100 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK 3\LOC FILES\BR07FE07.DAT BR07FE07 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD February 7, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 3 3383 stumbling blocks can be your stepping championship history to defeat New After this the Bears’ offense sort of stones. England 2 weeks before. fizzled, and the Colts took advantage Tony Dungy was determined to lead. But the reason I want to thank them with Peyton Manning leading several He lead in a very positive way. He today is for my Illinois colleagues. I drives that ended in Adam Vinatieri’s could have stayed out, moaned and want Coach Dungy and Peyton Man- field goals and a TD pass to Reggie groaned about what had happened, but ning and the whole team to know, from Wayne. Joseph Addai and Dominic he didn’t do that. He incurred his spir- my colleagues in Illinois, I want a Rhodes also both contributed some ituality and kept on moving. deep-dish pizza, a pound of cheese cake hard runs with a combined rushing I heard somebody mention the and a bunch of DVDs for our troops total of 190 yards and a touchdown.
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