Sunflower Plus6 Final Report.Pdf
Project co-financed by the European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 2601016_FinalReport_SUNflower 3/28/06 3:09 PM Pagina 2 Report documentation Title: SUNflower+6. A comparative study of the development of road safety in the SUNflower+6 countries: Final report. Editors: Fred Wegman (SWOV), Vojtech Eksler (CDV), Simon Hayes (DSD), David Lynam (TRL), Peter Morsink (SWOV), and Siem Oppe (SWOV) Keywords: Safety, policy, traffic, injury, fatality, road user, transport mode, statistics, drunkenness, safety belt, speed limit, development, road network, collision, trend (stat), evaluation (assessment), Sweden, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Catalonia. Number of pages: X + 69 Price: € 20,- Published by: SWOV, Leidschendam, 2005 ISBN-10: 90-807958-5-2 ISBN-13: 978-90-807958-5-3 NUR: 976 URL: SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research P.O. Box 1090 2260 BB Leidschendam The Netherlands Telephone +31 70 317 33 33 Telefax +31 70 320 12 61 E-mail Internet 2601016_FinalReport_SUNflower 3/28/06 3:09 PM Pagina 3 Foreword The number of road traffic crashes, fatalities, and casualties is decreasing in all European countries, as it is in other high-income and highly motorized countries in the world. Despite an ongoing increase of motorization, we manage to reduce the numbers of deaths and (seriously) injured by investing in the safety quality of the road traffic system. However, the toll of crashes on our roads is still considered to be unacceptably high. Almost all European countries are working with road safety targets, expressing their intentions to improve road safety.
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