Gordon Mcbride Mcbride Mcbride
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RARE AND ENDANGERED PLANT GUIDE FOR TIMBER HARVEST PLANS IN COASTAL MENDOCINO COUNTY RARE AND ENDANGEREDRARE AND PLA ENDANGEREDNT GUIDE FOR PLANT TIMBER GUIDE HARVEST FOR TIMBER PLANS HARVEST IN COASTAL PLANS MENDOCINO IN COASTAL COUNTY MENDOCINO COUNTY RARE AND ENDANGERED PLANT GUIDE FOR TIMBER HARVEST PLANS IN COASTAL MENDOCINO COUNTY Field Guide Rare and Endangered Field GuideField Guide Plant Field Guide RareRare and and Endangered Endangered Plant Plant Field Guide for Timber Harvest Plans FieldField Guide Guide for forTimber Timber Harvest Harvest Plans Plans in inCoastalin Coastal Coastal Mendocino MendocinoMendocino County County County GordonGordonGordon McBride McBride McBride This Guide was published by Mendocino County Resource Conservation District This Guide was published by 410 Jones St., Suite C-3 MendocinoUkiah, CACounty 95482 Resource Conservation District 410 JonesPhone: St., (707) Suite 462 C-3664-3 Ukiah, CA 95482 Phone: (707) 462-3664 This publication can be downloaded for free from Edited by our website: Tamara Camper, Shayne Green, www.mcrcd.org EditedEdited by by This publication can be downloaded for free from Darcie Mahoney & Geri Hulse-Stephens our website: Tamara Camper, Shayne Green, Tamara Camper, Shayne Green, www.mcrcd.org Darcie Mahoney &43 Geri Hulse-Stephens 43 Darcie Mahoney & Geri Hulse-Stephens RARE AND ENDANGERED PLANT GUIDE FOR TIMBER HARVEST PLANS IN COASTAL MENDOCINO COUNTY RARE AND ENDANGEREDRARE AND PLA ENDANGEREDNT GUIDE FOR PLANT TIMBER GUIDE HARVEST FOR TIMBER PLANS HARVEST IN COASTAL PLANS MENDOCINO IN COASTAL COUNTY MENDOCINO COUNTY RARE AND ENDANGERED PLANT GUIDE FOR TIMBER HARVEST PLANS IN COASTAL MENDOCINO COUNTY Field Guide Field GuideField Guide Field Guide RARE AND ENDANGERED PLANT GUIDE FOR TIMBER HARVEST PLANS IN COASTAL MENDOCINO COUNTY RARE AND ENDANGERED PLANT GUIDE FOR TIMBER HARVEST PLANS IN COASTAL MENDOCINO COUNTY Field Guide Field Guide 43 43 4343 RARE AND ENDANGERED PLANT GUIDE FOR TIMBER HARVEST PLANS IN COASTAL MENDOCINO COUNTY RARE AND ENDANGEREDRARE AND PLA ENDANGEREDNT GUIDE FOR PLANT TIMBER GUIDE HARVEST FOR TIMBER PLANS HARVEST IN COASTAL PLANS MENDOCINO IN COASTAL COUNTY MENDOCINO COUNTY RARE AND ENDANGERED PLANT GUIDE FOR TIMBER HARVEST PLANS IN COASTAL MENDOCINO COUNTY Field Guide Field GuideField Guide Field Guide RARE AND ENDANGEREDRARE AND ENDANGERED PLANT GUIDE PLANT FOR TIMBER GUIDE HARVEST FOR TIMBER PLANS HARVEST IN COASTAL PLANS MENDOCINO IN COASTAL MENDOCINOCOUNTY COUNTY RARE AND ENDANGERED RARE AND ENDANGERED PLANT GUIDE PLA FORNT TIMBER GUIDE HARVEST FOR TIMBER PLANS HARVEST IN COASTAL PLANS MENDOCINO IN COASTAL MENDOCINOCOUNTY COUNTY Field Guide Field Guide Field Guide Field Guide Notes Notes TableTable of Contents of Contents ForewordForeword 1 1 AcknowledgementsAcknowledgements 3 3 IntroductionIntroduction 4 4 How to UseHow this to UseGuide this Guide 5 5 Species DescriptionsSpecies Descriptions 6 6 ReferencesReferences Cited Cited 37 37 AppendixAppendix A: Significant A: Significant Forest Types Forest Types 38 38 GlossaryGlossary † † 40 40 43 43 42 42 RARE AND ENDANGERED PLANT GUIDE FOR TIMBER HARVEST PLANS IN COASTAL MENDOCINO COUNTY RARE AND ENDANGEREDRARE AND PLA ENDANGEREDNT GUIDE FOR PLANT TIMBER GUIDE HARVEST FOR TIMBER PLANS HARVEST IN COASTAL PLANS MENDOCINO IN COASTAL COUNTY MENDOCINO COUNTY RARE AND ENDANGERED PLANT GUIDE FOR TIMBER HARVEST PLANS IN COASTAL MENDOCINO COUNTY Field Guide Field GuideField Guide Field Guide RARE AND ENDANGERED PLANT GUIDE FOR TIMBER HARVEST PLANS IN COASTAL MENDOCINO COUNTY RARE AND ENDANGERED PLANT GUIDE FOR TIMBER HARVEST PLANS IN COASTAL MENDOCINO COUNTY Field Guide Field Guide pinnately lobed Feather-like, with two rows of structure on opposite sides of an axis. pistil Female reproductive structure of a flower, composed of an ovule- containing ovary at the base, one or more pollen-receiving stigmas at the tip and generally one or more styles between ovary and stigma ray flowers A generally pistillate (female only) or sterile bilateral flower in Aster- aceae (Sunflower family) with a long outer portion of the corolla (ligule) often 3-lobed, appearing on the margin of a head and accom- panied by more central disk flowers. recurved Gradually curved downward or backward. rhizome Underground, often elongate, more or less horizontal stem. Distin- guished from root by presence of leaves, leaf scars, scales or buds ruderal Growing in waste places, along roadsides and other places disturbed by human activity scalloped Having margins with wide, rounded tips and sinuses. sepals Individual member of the calyx, whether fused or not, and generally green. serrate Having margins with sharp teeth generally pointing tipward, not out- ward. spike Unbranched inflorescence of sessile flowers, nearly always opening from bottom to top. spikelets In Poaceae (the grass family), the smallest aggregation of flowers plus any subtending glumes. stamens Male reproductive structure or a flower typically composed of a stalk- like filament and a terminal, pollen-producing anther. Filaments sometimes partly fuse to the corolla or to other filaments to form a tube. stellate Star-like. Generally said of a hair with three or more branches radi- ating from a common point. stigma The part of a pistil on which pollen is normally deposited, generally terminal and elevated above the ovary on a style, generally sticky or hairy, sometimes lobed. strobili Cone-shaped reproductive structure bearing sporangia in Lycopodiace- ae (club moss family). tendrils A slender, coiling structure (generally stem, stipule or leaf tip) by which a climbing plants becomes attached to its support †Definitions developed from those in The Jepson Manual 43 43 4141 RARE AND ENDANGERED PLANT GUIDE FOR TIMBER HARVEST PLANS IN COASTAL MENDOCINO COUNTY RARE AND ENDANGEREDRARE AND PLA ENDANGEREDNT GUIDE FOR PLANT TIMBER GUIDE HARVEST FOR TIMBER PLANS HARVEST IN COASTAL PLANS MENDOCINO IN COASTAL COUNTY MENDOCINO COUNTY RARE AND ENDANGERED PLANT GUIDE FOR TIMBER HARVEST PLANS IN COASTAL MENDOCINO COUNTY Field Guide Field GuideField Guide Field Guide RARE ANDRARERARE ENDANGERED ANDAND ENDANGEREDENDANGERED PLANT GUIDE PLANTPLANT FOR GUIDEGUIDE TIMBER FORFOR HARVEST TIMBERTIMBER HARVEST HARVESTPLANS IN PLANS PLANSCOASTAL ININ COASTAL COASTALMENDOCINO MENDOCINOMENDOCINO COUNTY COUNTYCOUNTY RARE AND RARERARE ENDANGERED ANDAND ENDANGEREDENDANGERED PLANT GUIDE PLAPLANTNT FOR GUIDEGUIDE TIMBER FORFOR HARVEST TIMBERTIMBER HARVESTHARVESTPLANS IN PLANS PLANSCOASTAL ININ COASTAL COASTALMENDOCINO MENDOCINOMENDOCINO COUNTY COUNTYCOUNTY Field Guide FieldField Guide Guide Field Guide FieldField GuideGuide GlossaryGlossaryGlossary ForewardForewardForeward The originalTheThe originaloriginal draft ofdraftdraft this documentofof thisthis documentdocument and the and andaccompanying thethe accompanyingaccompanying field guidefieldfield wereguideguide written werewere writtenwritten bract bractbract Small leafSmallSmall or leafscaleleaf oror-like scalescale structure--likelike structurestructure associated associatedassociated with an withwith inflo- anan inflo-inflo- by the bylateby thethe Gordon latelate GordonGordon McBride McBrideMcBride in 2002. inin Gordon2002.2002. GordonGordon recognized recognizedrecognized the need thethe for needneed an easy forfor anan-to easyeasy- --toto-- rescencerescencerescence or cone. oror Generallycone.cone. GenerallyGenerally subtends subtendssubtends a branch, aa branch,branch, peduncle, peduncle,peduncle, use rareuseuse plant rarerare reference plantplant referencereference to assist toto professional assistassist professionalprofessional foresters forestersforesters when preparing whenwhen preparingpreparing Timber Timber Timber pedicel,pedicel,pedicel, flowers flowersflowers or cone or orscale. conecone scale.scale. HarvestHarvestHarvest Plans (THPs). PlansPlans (THPs). (THPs). The manual TheThe manualmanual is also anisis also alsoappeal anan appealappealfor cooperation forfor cooperationcooperation among amongtheamong thethe calyx calyxcalyx CollectiveCollectiveCollective term for termterm sepals; forfor sepals;sepals;outermost outermostoutermost or lowermost oror lowermostlowermost whorl ofwhorlwhorl ofof many “protagonists”,manymany “protagonists”,“protagonists”, who were whowho at werewere the time atat thethe debating timetime debatingdebating the best thethe way bestbest to treatwayway to torare treattreat rarerare flowerflower flowerparts, generallyparts,parts, generallygenerally green andgreengreen enclosing andand enclosingenclosing remainder remainderremainder of ofof plants inplantsplants THPs. inin THPs.THPs. flowerflower flowerin bud. inin bud.bud. capsulescapsulescapsules Dry, generallyDry,Dry, generallygenerally many- seeded manymany--seededseeded fruit from fruitfruit compound fromfrom compoundcompound pistil, pistil,pistil, GordonGordonGordon understood understoodunderstood the natural thethe naturalnatural tension tensiontension that exists thatthat between existsexists betweenbetween human human humanresource resourceresource de- de-de- nearly alwaysnearlynearly alwaysalwaysbreaking breakingbreaking open by openopen pores byby or porespores slits. oror slits.slits. mands mandsmandsand biological andand biologicalbiological resource resourceresource protection. protection.protection. As a botanist, AsAs aa botanist,botanist, he sought hehe soughtsoughtcommon commoncommon sense sensesense compoundcompoundcompound leaves leavesleavesA leaf dividedAA leafleaf divideddivided into distinct intointo distinctdistinct parts.