Report Sustainability 2010 Annual Sustainability Report
CEMIG’SCEMIG’S MAIN MAININDICATORS INDICATORS Financial dataFinancial (Economic data Dimension(Economic –Dimension in R$) are –consolidated in R$) are consolidated according to according the IFRS. toThe the other IFRS. data The refer other to data the controllingrefer to the company controlling company (holding) Cemig(holding) – Companhia Cemig – CompanhiaEnergética deEnergética Minas Gerais de Minas S.A. andGerais its S.A.whole and subsidiaries: its whole subsidiaries: Cemig Distribuição Cemig Distribuição S.A. (Cemig S.A.D) and (Cemig Cemig D) and Cemig Geração e TransmissãoGeração e Transmissão (Cemig GT) (Cemigin accordance GT) in accordancewith the GRI with – Global the GRI Reporting – Global Initiative Reporting methodology. Initiative methodology.1 1 2008 20082009 20092010 2010 GeneralGeneral Data Data Number of ConsumersNumber of Consumers– thousand 2– thousand2 6,602 6,6026,833 6,8337,065 7,065 Number of employeesNumber of employees 10,422 10,4229,746 9,7468,859 8,859 MunicipalitiesMunicipalities serviced serviced 774 774774 774774 774 Concession ConcessionArea – Km2 3Area – Km2 3 567,478 567,478567,478 567,478567,740 567,740 Saifi – NumberSaifi of– outgagesNumber of(EU28) outgages (EU28) 6.53 6.536.76 6.766.56 6.56 Saidi – HoursSaidi of outgages – Hours of (EU29) outgages (EU29) 13.65 13.6514.09 14.0913.00 13.00 Number of plantsNumber in ofoperation plants in4 operation4 63 63 65 65 66 66 Installed capacityInstalled – MW capacity (EU1) 5– MW (EU1)5 6,691 6,6916,716 6,7166,896 6,896 TransmissionTransmission lines – Km (EU4)lines
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