Eight Ever, Nine Never Dummy ♠AJ97 • How Many Tricks Do I Need from This Suit? If You Declarer ♠KT865 Need Six, You Had Better Play for the Drop
Micro Bridge Lesson 36 Eight Ever, Nine Never Dummy ♠AJ97 • How many tricks do I need from this suit? If you Declarer ♠KT865 need six, you had better play for the drop. If you need The bridge maxim “Eight Ever, Nine Never” was only five and you don’t mind losing to RHO, then you designed to make easier the decision whether to should play SK then small to SJ. finesse for the SQ or play SA then SK. The theory is • Notice if you play for the drop and it fails, you get with 4 trumps missing, the queen will come down two tricks. most of the time. So, with nine trumps, never finesse. • At pairs, if the opening lead seems odd and has This is called playing for the drop. The contrary is donated a trick to you, you should finesse. Don’t be true with 8 trumps between you and dummy. Now, greedy unless you need to shoot for tops because of they are likely to break 3-2 with the queen with the earlier bad scores. longer holding. Therefore, you should finesse giving Tip: On the CK did you drop the C8 from dummy? If you a 50% chance. LHO has all four clubs, you will then be able to run With nine trumps, the reasoning is flawed. The queen your C7 from hand, saving a valuable entry is coming down 54% of the time. That isn’t much better than the finesse! Dummy ♣AKT7432 Instead, you need to look at the whole hand. There Declarer ♣86 are frequently clues as to the approach you should take:- With no other entries, how should you play this suit? • Did one opponent make a pre-emptive bid? If so, Again, you reasoning should be as before.
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