Bioethical Issues of Nanotechnology at a Glance
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Iranian J Publ Health. IranianA supplementary J Publ Health. issue onA supplementaryBioethics, Vol 37,issu No1,e on Bioethics,January 2008, Vol 37,pp.12-17 No1, 2008, pp.12-17 Bioethical Issues of Nanotechnology at a Glance M Aala1, B Larijani 1, 2, *F Zahedi1 1Endocrinology and Metabolism Research Center, Medical Sciences/University of Tehran, Iran 2Medical Ethics and History of Medicine Research Center, Medical Sciences/University of Tehran, Iran Abstract Nanotechnology is considered as an industrial revolution of the third millennium. Advances have a remarkable impact on different fields such as medicine, engineering, economy and even politics. However, a wide range of ethical issues has been raised by this innovative science. Many authorities believe that these advancements could lead to irreversible disasters if not limited by ethical guidelines. Involvement of developing countries in new fields of science could be associated with substantial advantages. In this paper, we intend to review main ethical issues of nanotechnology, taking into account the surge of interests in this field and the ever-increasing advances of nanotechnology in Iran. The issue of safety, considering environmental and ecological impacts of nanoparticles (smart dust), and standards of customer awareness are important de- bates. The ‘Grey-goo’ scenario and the concerns about ‘post-humanism’ are also discussed by bioethicists. There are further concerns about justice, intellectual property rights, accountability, and the probability of military and security misuse. Keywords: Nanotechnology, Nanoethics, Bioethics, Iran Introduction ogy could be "from utopian dreams and apoca- Nanotechnology, also called molecular manu- lyptic nightmares (5)". facturing, as an emerging field of science, has Public and private expenditure on research in paved the way for an industrial revolution in the this innovative field has dramatically increased current century. In 1986, a researcher named in recent years (6). This branch of science has Eric Drexler in his book, Engines of Creation, focused on the creation of functional materials, called this rapidly expanding branch of knowl- devices, and systems through the control of mat- edge "nanotechnology" (1). The goal of nanotech- ter on the nanometer scale, and the exploitation nology is to build nanocomputers and nanomachi- of novel phenomena and properties (physical, nes no bigger than bacteria, which like robots chemical, biological, mechanical, electrical, etc) work at the atomic level of any physical or bio- at that length scale (7). Undoubtedly, advances logical objects. This may be sound like science will have a tremendous impact on fields such as fiction, but ever-increasing evidence shows that materials, electronics, and medicine (6). Many de- these nanorobots could be used in near future. veloping countries are active participants in the For instance, in the field of medicine, some of field of innovative sciences. It is obvious that Archive ofinvolvement SID of developing countries in new fields its more prominent benefits would be pharmaceu- tical creation, disease treatment, and nanomachine- of science would have advantages; for instance, it assisted surgery (2). With nanomachines, we could provide appropriate and more affordable could better design and synthesize pharmaceuti- solutions to the particular local health needs. cals; we could directly treat diseased cells like However, rapid advances in biomedical sci- cancer; we could better monitor the life signs of ences have been associated with debates about a patient; or we could use nanomachines to make ethical aspects of the new knowledge in differ- microscopic repairs in hard-to-operate-on areas ent societies. The ethical issues and the possible of the body (2-4). According to an interesting benefits and harms about nanotechnology are in- phrase, the benefits and hazards of nanotechnol- creasingly discussed, as well as its implications for 12 *Corresponding author: Tel: +98 21 88026902-3, Fax: +98 21 88029399, E-mail: [email protected] M Aala et al: Bioethical Issues of... international relations in science and technol- rently under investigation include risks of lung ogy policies. Special efforts should be made to and heart diseases from inhaled nanoparticles, address the related issues. accumulation of non-biodegradable nanoparticles In current paper, we will review the main ethical in the liver and uptake into the brain. Nanopar- issues of nanotechnology in brief. For compil- ticles may also enter the food chain (14). ing of the article, we have searched related sources Regulating or managing emerging technologies is through the databases of PubMed, Ovid and particularly complex, especially when there is Google Scholar, using keywords of ethics and very little only insignificant data on their possi- nanotechnology. We also searched some Iranian ble effects on human health and environment. sites of nanotechnology, which have had ever-in- Majority of the ethical issues that are most of- creasing numbers of visitors in recent decade. ten brought up in relation to nanotechnologies are issues that have arisen in relation to other environmental promises and threats. Specters Main Ethical Issues such as the threat of biological harm, the creation Due to the far-ranging claims that have been of radically new kinds of materials, and the threat made about potential applications of nanotechnol- to the meaning of being human are all familiar ogy, a number of concerns have been raised worries raised by technological developments about the effects of nanotechnology on the soci- such as nuclear power, genetically modified or- ety and what action, if any, is appropriate to ganisms, ecosystem restoration, and human ge- mitigate these risks (8). Some peculiarities of netic therapies (15). According to the safety nanotechnologies rise to specific ethical concerns, concerns, accountability of scientists and re- including: invisibility, rapid development, mili- searchers is an essential principle. tary and security use, global impact, and risk of Another growing ethical concern related to “nano-divide” (9). The invisibility of nanotech- nanotechnology is called ‘Grey-goo’ scenario nologies after application makes it difficult to (16). It is based on the fear that nanotechnologi- control and trace their effects (9). cal devices will either be programmed to self- While benefits of nanotechnology are widely pub- replicate, or they will ‘evolve’ into devices capa- licized, the discussion of the potential effects of ble of self- replicating, and if should they proceed their widespread use in the consumer and in- to do so, they may destroy the natural world (16). dustrial products is just beginning to emerge This serious risk of nanotechnology, have been (10, 11). Short-term issues include the effects brought to the attention of the public by Bill of widespread use of nano-materials on human Joy (17) by discussing about the research with health and the environment. Little experimental regard to assemblers. The nanomachines will data about unintended and adverse effects of have the worrisome capacity of self-replication nano-particles exists (12) and this is the main (5). Without this kind of assemblers it is hardly ethical issue which have examined related to imaginable how molecular manufacturing could human health concern.Archive Scientists are primarily ofever become SID practically feasible. This would in- concerned with toxicity, characterization and ex- volve grave dangers such as unbridled self-replica- posure pathways. Other than the obvious poten- tion. In this case, since the newly produced as- tial risks to patients, there are other toxicologi- semblers would also start replicating themselves, cal risks associated with nanomedicine (12, 13). the total number of assemblers would grow ex- Like natural and residual nanoparticles, synthetic ponentially. If these uncontrolled assemblers used nanoparticles may have undesirable effects on a wide variety of raw materials as resources for health. The people most likely to be affected are self-replication, they could devour the whole those who produce, handle, use, or dispose of biosphere in an amazingly short while. The bio- nanoparticles. Health impacts of nanoparticles cur- sphere would, so to speak, be transformed into 13 Iranian J Publ Health. A supplementary issue on Bioethics, Vol 37, No1, 2008, pp.12-17 gray goo (5, 17). Global ecophagy, “according be considered as an important incentive for to this catastrophic scenario imagined by certain innovation and invention. On account of this nanotechnology specialists, the uncontrolled self- fact, paying particular attention to the rights of replication of nanorobots with the potential to pioneers is the subject of ethical notice. Some destroy all of earth’s ecosystems by transform- questions are also raised about public versus ing everything they find into goo” (18). It may private control of intellectual property (22). destroy the natural world. Fears of global eco- The risk of “nano-divide”, as another worth phagy and self-replicating nanorobots are closely noticing ethical issue, mentions potential deepen- tied and difficult to separate (16). ing of inequalities between developing and de- Human enhancement and its ethical aspects are veloped countries (9). Nanotechnology has pro- discussed by authorities. Not only will it be possi- vided a special opportunity for developing coun- ble to overcome contemporary diseases, pain tries to build