28 April 2017—17 May 2017 Holy Lakes and Glaciers

Escorted from Adelaide by Geoff Simpson

Join Geoff Simpson, founder of Peregrine Travel Centre, on this exciting and rewarding trek high into the heart of the mighty Annapurna region, exploring some of the wild glacial areas below Annapurna South where few trekkers have gone. Annapurna Holy Lakes and Glaciers 20 days departing 28 April 2017

This is an exciting and demanding trek high into the heart of the mighty Annapurna region, exploring some of the wild glacial areas below Annapurna South where few trekkers have gone before.

The trek is one of great contrast, encompassing everything from the terraced village lowlands, through the forests and agricultural areas of the middle hill country, to the glacial basins of the Annapurna mountains

The trek starts from the sub-tropical Valley and passes through paddy fields before gradually ascending through terraced hillsides of wheat and barley.

At each of the villages along the way you are warmly received by the local Gurung and Magar people.

The walking is sensibly paced so we have ample opportunity to experience and absorb local lifestyles that have changed little over centuries. From the start we enjoy ever-changing views of the stunning, snow-covered Annapurna mountains.

Halfway through the trek we leave habitation behind and walk through rhododendron and oak forests, alive with exotic birds and beautiful flowers, to finally emerge above the tree line at Kopra Danda.

Here you will experience the stunning wilderness scenery beneath the towering peaks of Annapurna; to the west lies and far below lies the Kali Gandaki River Valley, which is the world’s deepest.

As you climb higher above the tree line you will enter a mountain wilderness visited only by local shepherds during monsoon.

The vista is dominated by Annapurna I (8091m) and Dhaulagiri (8167m), the highest peaks in the area.

This unique trek concentrates on the unexplored wilderness around Annapurna South (7237m), a remote and magnificent area that is rarely visited. An exploration of this rugged area is sure to be the highlight of your journey.

What’s Included?

• Escorted from Adelaide By Geoff Simpson • Return Economy class airfares including taxes • 16 Day Trek with English speaking local tour leader • All meals included • Kathmandu airport transfers • Trek Pack for use on trek • Twin share accommodation

$5095.00 per person *


Friday 28th April, 2017 Today you will depart Adelaide upon a Singapore Airlines flight bound for Singapore, where you will spend your first night. Upon arrival in Singapore you will be transferred to your overnight accommodation. The remainder of the day is at leisure. Accommodation: Actual hotel to be advised

Saturday 29th April, 2017 This morning you will be transferred to the airport for your onward flight to Kathmandu. Arriving into Kathmandu, whether your first visit or your hundredth this is a view not to missed. You will see small villages and farming terraces, and of course the majestic Himalayan Mountains that surround the Kathmandu Valley. On arrival in Kathmandu, you will be met at the airport by our representative who will be waiting with a Peregrine sign outside the terminal. After you settle into the hotel there’ll be a group briefing with your tour leader in the late afternoon. He will discuss the trek details and co-ordinate any last minute arrangements. The evening is free, but the tour leader will organise dinner (optional) at one of Kathmandu’s fine Nepali restaurants. Accommodation: Shangri La Hotel or similar, Kathmandu

Sunday 30th April, 2017 This morning you will explore Kathmandu on an organised sightseeing tour which includes Bodhnath Stupa, one of the biggest Buddhist shrines in the world, where you can observe Buddhist monks in prayer in the monasteries surrounding the stupa. You will also visit Pashupatinath, the most famous Hindu temple in the country, located on the banks of the holy Bagmati River.

Here you will see Hindu holy men (sadhus) meditating, pilgrims bathing, and occasionally funeral pyres burning on the ghats. The rest of your afternoon in Kathmandu is free for further sightseeing and exploration. In the late afternoon you will be issued with your Trek Pack and departure information for the next morning. Accommodation: Shangri La Hotel or similar, Kathmandu Meals: Breakfast

Monday 1st May, 2017 Ulleri (2070m) Travel time: Flight time: approx 30 min; driving time: approx 1½ hours Trek time: approx 4 hours Meals included: 1 breakfast Activities: You will have an early departure from the hotel today for your flight to Pokhara. The flight often boasts spectacular views of the main Himalayan chain to the north.In Pokhara you will be transferred by road (private bus) to the starting point of the trek at Nayapul. Walk through the busy trading post of Nayapul. You will cross a small stream via suspension bridge and continue on a dirt road before crossing the Modi River to reach Birethanti with fine views of Machhapuchhare, the ‘fishtail peak’ to the north. At Birethanti your trekking permits will be checked and you follow the Bhurungdi Khola to the village of Tirkedunga. From here the trail crosses a small suspension bridge across the before ascending 500 metres up a stone staircase to our lodge in the village Ulleri. Bodegas Portia Winery Tuesday 2nd May, 2017 Ghorepani (2860m) Trek time: approx 4-5 hours Activities: From Ulleri you ascend gradually through forest passing the small settlements of Banthanti and Nangethanti. The trail leads to a pass at the village of Ghorepani where you may enjoy spectacular mountain views of the Dhaulagiri Himal. Here we check into our lodge and take lunch. In the early evening there is the first opportunity to ascend Pun Hill (3210m) for sunset. If conditions are clear one can see three eight thousand metre peaks Manaslu in the east, Annapurna and Dhaulagiri, as well as a sea of other snow capped mountains. This is one of the major highlights of the trip.

Wednesday 3rd May, 2017 Swanta (1950m) Trek time: approx 3-4 hours Activities: In the morning we again have the opportunity to rise early and enjoy the sunrise over the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges from Pun Hill. It is really worthwhile making the effort to get out of bed and head uphill by torchlight to experience this magnificent vista. You return to your lodge for breakfast and then make a liesurely start for your descent through beautiful rhododendron forest to the village of Chhitre where you leave the main trekking trail. The trail now continues descend, on a less defined trail, through terraced fields to reach the Swanta Khola. You cross the river on suspension bridge and make a short ascent to the village of Swanta, where you overnight in the community lodge. Our local operator has long supported the school in Swanta. The village has only 150 people and the primary school was threatened with closure before initiatives to save the school were implemented.

Thursday 4th May, 2017 Upper Chistibung (2950m) Trek time: approx 5 hours Activities: You walk through cultivated fields to enter a thick oak and rhododendron forest. You ascend gradually passing through several buffalo grazing pastures to reach a clearing and temporary herders’ settlement, known at Upper Chistibung, where we stay in the small community lodge. The lodge faces south and whilst there are no major mountain views the rolling hills of central can be seen stretching almost to the Indian border from this elevated location.

Friday 5th May, 2017 Kopra Ridge (3870m) Trek time: approx 5 hours Activities: To reach the ridge at Kopra you will have a steady climb on a small trail that takes you above the tree line. This area is noted for wildlife and you should keep your eyes open for Himalayan tahr and Danfe pheasant. The best way to tackle the climb is to ascend steadily, take your time and rest as often as you wish. You will reach the lodge on Kopra Ridge in time for a late lunch and will be greeted with spectacular views. This extraordinary panorama includes Annapurna South, towering directly above you and only six kilometres away, and Fang and Nilgiri prominent to the north, while across the depths of the Kali Gandakhi Valley, the Dhaulagiri Himal dominates the entire western skyline. The Kopra Community Lodge is the highlight of our work in the region. Profits from this lodge have contributed to developing the schools at Nangi and Swanta.

Saturday 6th May, 2017 Kaire Khola (4200m) Trek time: approx 4 hours Meals included: 1 breakfast, 1 lunch, 1 dinner Activities: From Kopra Ridge you will ascend gradually to the stone huts built to shelter pilgrims who attend religious ceremonies at the holy lake. In the monsoon months shepherds move large flocks of sheep into this area to graze on the grassy hillsides. This is a hauntingly beautiful region with the huge peaks of Annapurna South and Fang towering above the campsite. You will rest up in the afternoon, acclimatize to the altitude, and get ready for the next day's excursion to the lake.

Sunday 7th May, 2017 Kaire Khola (4200m) Trek time: approx 4 hours Meals included: 1 breakfast, 1 lunch, 1 dinner Activities: To further help with acclimatization you will remain at Kaire Khola for another day and night. During the day you will take packed lunches and follow a well-defined trail up a stone staircase to a lake known as Pautarko Kaire. This lake is the site of the Badau Purnima Festival, held annually in August and September. Villagers from the surrounding area converge here to pray to Lord Shiva, bathe in the icy-cold waters of the lake and offer sacrifices of sheep. Although not too far from the camp, the walk to this glacial lake will be tiring due to the alti- tude. Ascending the hill behind the lake is also recommended, as it allows for superb views of Annapurna I. In the afternoon you will retrace your steps back to the camp.

Monday 8th May, 2017 Celli Kharkha (3850m) Travel time: approx 5 hours Meals included: 1 breakfast, 1 lunch, 1 dinner

Activities: From the campsite you will trek into a region only occasionally visited by local shepherds. Apart from our own groups, as far as we know, no other trekkers will have visited this region. The climb out of Tiboche Basin looks virtually impossible from the camp; however, a well-defined trail, marked by stone cairns and prayer flags, winds its way implausibly to the top, where a majestic panorama will greet you. This high altitude plateau affords beautiful views of the fishtail peak of Machhapuchhare and Annapurna South. From the saddle you will traverse across the hillside to camp near a small stream and lake at Celli Kharka.

Tuesday 9th May, 2017 Hidden Lake (4250m) Travel time: approx 5 hours Meals included: 1 breakfast, 1 lunch, 1 dinner Activities: Today will be a highlight of the trek, as you reach a rarely visited lake set among jagged, rocky spires. The scenery is truly awe-inspiring and is known only to a handful of shepherds and hunters. When researching this area, it took many days to locate the exact position of this lake. Some villagers knew of the area, but had never visited it and this led to many conflicting stories as to where we should look for it. You will camp a short distance from the lake itself and enjoy the rest of the day exploring this remote place where you will undoubtedly find some of the most magnificent scenery in all of Nepal.

Wednesday 10th May, 2017 Annapurna South Base Camp (3400m) Travel time: approx 4 hours Meals included: 1 breakfasts, 1 lunch, 1 dinner Activities: From the lake you will gradually climb up to a small pass that leads to a steep descent to Annapurna South Base Camp. The scene is breathtaking, with tumbling glaciers and huge moraine walls. You will set up camp close to Annapurna South Base Camp in time for lunch and in the afternoon you will have a chance to head up towards the main glacier of this magnificent peak.

Thursday 11th May, 2017 Baisi Kharkha (3120m) Travel time: approx 4 hours Meals included: 1 breakfasts, 1 lunch, 1 dinner Activities: In the morning there is a last chance for spectacular photographs before you follow the Kymrong Khola down a narrow gorge and out of this small sanctuary. The climb out of the valley is fairly steep but once the rim is gained, your return route to Pokhara comes into view. A steep but short descent then leads to camp at Baisi Kharkha where you enjoy spectacular views of Annapurna South and the fishtail peak of Machhapuchhare.

Friday 12th May, 2017 Chhomrong (2170m) Travel time: approx 5 hours Meals included: 1 breakfast, 1 lunch, 1 dinner Activities: In the morning you will bear east and follow a contouring trail that then gradually descends to Chhomrong through beautiful forest of rhododendron, oak and bamboo. After spending nearly a week in the wilderness where you are unlikely to see any other trekkers, you will now join the main trail to Annapurna Sanctuary and spend the night in one of the fine lodges in the village.

Saturday 13th May, 2017 Shyauli Bazaar (1210m) Travel time: approx 6 hours Barcelona Meals included: 1 breakfast, 1 lunch, 1 dinner Activities: This morning you will descend into Modi Khola Valley and to the hot springs at Jhinudanda. The return route then follows the river past a small cluster of lodges at New Bridge before a very picturesque trail takes you to Kalchane and on to a suspension bridge that leads steeply up to the village of Ghandruk. You will have lunch and in the afternoon continue to follow the river to Kilyu, where you will rejoin the main trail for the short walk to our lodge at Shyauli Bazaar. You’ll spend the night amidst the fields of rice and wheat and relax with perhaps a few beers, celebrating the completion of your brilliant off-the-beaten-track experience.

Sunday 14th May, 2017 Pokhara (850m) Travel time: trekking time: approx 2 hours, driving time: approx 1½ hours Meals included: 1 breakfast Accommodation: Barahi Hotel or similar, Pokhara Activities: It is a short walk to Birethanti, on the banks of the Modi Khola River, where you will be picked up by a coach and transferred back to Pokhara. This drive takes just over an hour and a half. At Pokhara you will stay at the Hotel Barahi, which is located close to the lakeside. This hotel has a swimming pool, so you may wish to bring your swimming costume. After a welcomed shower, you will have the rest of the day free to relax or do some exploring. It is well worth hiring a boat for a row out on the lake (Phewa Tal), which is the second largest in Nepal. Pokhara has an interesting old area as well as an elaborate Hindu temple and a Buddhist monastery. The lakeside area has great shopping and Internet cafés. In the evening there is the option to dine out at one of the many lakeside restaurants (cost not included).

Monday 15th May, 2017 Kathmandu (1360m Travel time: Flight time: approx 30 min Meals included: 1 breakfast Accommodation: Shangri La Hotel or similar, Kathmandu Activities: After breakfast you will be transferred back to the airport for your flight to Kathmandu. On arrival in Kathmandu you will be met and transferred back to the starting hotel. The rest of the day is free for souvenir shopping or further sightseeing. Your final night in Kathmandu offers you the chance to go out on the town and enjoy a final dinner (optional) with your travelling companions and new found friends.

Tuesday 16th May, 2017 Kathmandu (1360m) Meals included: 1 breakfast Activities: Your trip will end today after breakfast. Your leader will be on hand to advise and assist with your onward travel arrangements. You will be transferred back to the airport for your overnight flights home via Singapore

Wednesday 17th May, 2017 This morning you will arrive into Adelaide. Annapurna Holy Lakes and Glaciers Tour— with Geoff Simpson

Though every effort will be made to fulfil commitments as per the brochure and itineraries Peregrine Travel Centre undertakes no liability should circumstances beyond its control prevent such undertaking being possible. Peregrine Travel Centre reserves the right to change the itinerary, dates, prices, inclusions, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. It will not be liable to refund passengers for any reason whatsoever including failure to reach expectations, inability to participate in other activities or inclusions. By booking a tour the passenger acknowledges and agrees that though every effort will be made to ensure your personal well-being , Peregrine Travel Centre accepts no liability for any additional charges, including transport, meals or accommodation costs, incurred as a result of fault, misdemeanour or third party failures, the non-provision of services, strikes, cancellations, delays, illness or accident. Peregrine Travel Centre expressly renounces all claims should you incur additional expense as a direct or indirect consequence of the tours, foods or beverages or transport or any ancillary service provided throughout the tour. Though all practical assistance will be given, no responsibility is assumed or undertaken by Peregrine Travel Centre for loss of money, credit cards, traveller’s cheques, baggage or personal belongings.

Peregrine Travel Centre collects personal information which may be forwarded to 3rd party suppliers i.e. airlines/wholesalers/tour operators to assist in the fulfilment of your travel plans. Your personal information is not on sold or divulged to any other organisations.

No details of your travel arrangements will be released to anyone unless advised to us prior to travel.

*Tour price is per person, twin share and based on 12 people travelling. Price subject to exchange rate and currency surcharges. Not included in the price: Items of a personal nature – meals not listed in itinerary, gratuities, drinks, souvenirs and local taxes. Single Supplement price on appli- cation.

Please contact Peregrine Travel Centre for help with booking airfares. Further conditions apply.

CONDITIONS & PAYMENT DETAILS: Prices are subject to subject to change and availability. A non-refundable deposit of 30% of the tour cost per person is required upon booking. The final balance is required 90 days prior to departure. Price is based on 12 passengers travelling. Any change to this will require a re-cost. Prices are based on USD therefore if the exchange rate changes more than 3% a surcharge may be applied. TOUR CANCELLATION

Cancellations must be in writing. The following scale will apply:

Deposit - non-refundable

After final payment, 100% cancellation fee applies.


A non-refundable deposit of $1530.00 per person is payable on booking. The final balance of the monies will be due 30th January 2017. Peregrine Travel Centre reserves the right to amend the tour cost if the exchange rate alters significantly and if the minimum number of participants are not reached.

- Cash, personal or bank cheque, direct deposit or electronic funds transfer to our bank account

Bank: Westpac Bank

BSB: 035006

Account No: 150990

Account Name: Peregrine Travel Trust Account

REF: “SURNAME—Geoff Nepal”

- Credit card; (service fees apply as follows: 1% Visa/Mastercard, 3% Diners/Amex)

PLEASE NOTE: Electronic Funds Transfer Payments usually take 24 to 48 hours to appear in our bank account. Please allow for this when timing your payments for a due date or airline ticketing deadline. We cannot pay tour operators or airlines until funds have appeared in our account. This may affect your quoted price if payment deadlines are missed. Receipts will be sent to you on the day when funds appear in our account.

Peregrine Travel Centre Adelaide P: 08 8223 5905 E: [email protected] 1/192 Rundle Street , Adelaide SA 5000 www.peregrinetraveladelaide.com.au