Benjamin Nathans
[email protected] Please do not cite or circulate without author’s permission Tentative book title: To the Success of Our Hopeless Cause: A History of the Soviet Dissident Movement Part Four: FROM THE OTHER SHORE: AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL AND SOVIET DISSIDENTS Dear Colleagues, My apologies for submitting such a long excerpt from my book ms. and my thanks in advance for your comments and critique. This pair of chapters represents the most explicitly transnational part of my book; the rest is focused more internally on the intellectual and political history of rights-based dissent in the Soviet Union after Stalin. I look forward very much to our discussion on April 12. Best, Ben Nathans CHAPTER 8: OMBUDSMAN OF THE WORLD Does the Soviet dissident movement belong to the broader history of youth protest that enveloped much of the industrialized world in the 1960s? This notion has tempted historians of ideas and international relations alike. From Paris and Berlin to Prague and Moscow (and in one version, in Berkeley and Beijing as well), it has been argued that a new generation of “sophisticated rebels” developed an “international language of dissent,” a “lingua franca of protest,” an “international dissident culture,” leading in 1968 to a “global disruption.” 1 ------------------------------------ 1 H. Stuart Hughes, Sophisticated Rebels: The Political Culture of European Dissent, 1968-1987 (Cambridge, 1990), makes a relatively restrained case for a shared culture of protest that was “sophisticated in the sense of recognizing realistic limits and frequently defying conventional Nathans/From the Other Shore/p.2 For Soviet dissidents, something more than a shared language or a set of transnational family resemblances was at work.