Garioch Community Planning E-Bulletin 4 February 2021

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(Photo credit: Aberdeenshire Council Image Library)

Contents : (click on heading links below to skip to relevant section)


Service Changes

Community Resilience

Support & Advice

Health & Wellbeing

Survey & Consultations


Guidance Links to national and local guidance

*NEW* Latest Update from The Scottish Government From 2 February, mainland continues with temporary Lockdown measures in place, with guidance to stay at home except for essential purposes (this includes guidance on work within people’s homes - that this should only be taking place where essential) and working from home. In summary, today’s highlights are as below but please also see the video this article:

• Nicola Sturgeon says although progress is being made on controlling the virus, restrictions will remain for "at least" the rest of the month • Pupils will begin a phased return to school from 22 February with the youngest going back to the classroom first • Senior pupils who have practical assignments to complete will be allowed to return on a "part-time" basis, with no more than 8% of the school roll attending "at any one time" • A "managed quarantine" requirement is to be introduced for anyone arriving directly into Scotland, regardless of which country they have come from

You can view the most up to date information on the main Coronavirus page The latest Lockdown restrictions include further information has been added for guidance on moving home . In the stay at home guidance above, it has been reflected that whilst it is permitted to leave your house for activities in connection with moving home (including viewing a property), or for activities in connection with the essential maintenance, purchase, sale, letting, or rental of residential property that the person owns or is otherwise responsible for, at this time it is advisable to postpone, if possible. The Guidance remains clear that people should do the majority of their property searching online. Initial viewings should be done virtually wherever this is possible. Physical viewings should only be conducted where people are seriously considering making an offer on, or renting, a property, or where a prospective tenant is being offered a rental property and a virtual viewing is not possible. In areas in temporary lockdown, it is advisable to postpone physical viewings of properties, where this is possible. The Scottish Government website also includes advice for health, travel, service provision as well as the Scottish Government's action plan and what they are doing.

The lockdown measures will next be reviewed in a fortnight.

You can watch the full announcement below.

*NEW* Self Isolation Support (Click image to view full-size)

Vaccination Rollout The vaccine roll out in Scotland is underway. There is no need to do anything until you are invited for a vaccine. Find out more about the priority groups at

The vaccine will be given in two doses, and you need both to protect yourself. It isn’t a live vaccine and will not cause the illness.

By getting the vaccine you are reducing the risk to you and your loved ones from COVID-19. It is not a live vaccine and cannot give you Coronavirus.

SCAM MESSAGING Please help to protect our most vulnerable from being victims of Coronavirus fraud and alert people NHS will never ask for financial details or to pay for the vaccine. If you receive an email, text message or phone call purporting to be from the NHS and you are asked to provide financial details, or pay for the vaccine, this is a scam .

Helpful Links The Scottish Government - Protect Scotland App NHS Inform - Website Page (British Sign Language and easy-read advice ) NHS Grampian Covid-19 Website - Staff Page Scottish Community Development Centre - Advice for Community Groups, Organisations and Volunteer Networks Ready Scotland Website - Advice and guidance during the COVID-19 pandemic British Deaf Association - Guidance

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Service Changes

A2B Dial a Bus and THInC - Changes to Services As you can imagine there are very few customers still using our services for shopping etc so we are scaling back services to better match residual demand. Here is a summary of the in-house services, for Garioch, that are currently operating and the changes.

Inverurie Town Centre : to be advertised as Fri only between 10am and 2.30pm Rural (from Kintore & ) : to be advertised Wed only

We will try to accommodate any emergency requests from A2B passengers needing to travel on days other than those advertised. We intend the above arrangements to apply until the end of February but we will continue to monitor demand for services, and take into account the prevailing Government guidance, so they may continue for longer if appropriate.

By reducing the number of advertised A2B dial-a-bus days we hope to be able to redeploy Council vehicles to assist with transport to health-related appointments, including vaccinations, managed through THInC.

Live Life Aberdeenshire - Latest Covid-19 Update All our sports and leisure facilities and most of our services will be closed until further notice as required by the latest Covid-19 lockdown.

For more information on the services being suspended and details for requesting a refund, please click here .

Aberdeenshire Council - Volunteer Snow Wardens We introduced the Volunteer Snow Warden Scheme to actively support members of the local community who wish to offer their spare time to manually clear snow from publicly-adopted footways and footpaths.

The scheme runs from approximately 1st November to 31st March. It requires groups of volunteers to nominate a snow warden leader who is responsible for carrying out duties assigned to them by the scheme.

To find out more about becoming a volunteer snow warden team member or leader, view our Snow Warden Scheme - welcome pack (pdf 380KB) . It also includes instructions on how to apply. Part of the application process includes taking council-approved Snow Warden Scheme - training (pdf 229KB) . View Snow Wardens Scheme privacy notice (pdf 82.2KB) .

Snow warden leaders can return their application form to their local Roads office by email [email protected]

Alternatively, you can post it to the addresses listed here .

Helpful Links Aberdeenshire Council - Aberdeenshire Council - myAberdeenshire Aberdeenshire Council - Gritting Update , Grit Bins , Gritting Routes Aberdeenshire Council Waste Services - Coronavirus Information Update and Booking a Slot to a Recycling Centre Stagecoach - Timetable Changes

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Community Resilience

*NEW* Volunteering Opportunity - THInC

*NEW* Inverurie Community Larder

The Grampian Assistance Hub If you are told you need to self-isolate and need some support there is help available through the Grampian COVID-19 Assistance Hub. Launched back in late March, it remains open and offering advice to people across the area. Go onto the website or call freephone 0808 196 3384 weekdays between 9am and 5pm.

Please be aware that if you'd like to offer to volunteer, you need to register on the hub.

Garioch Know Where to Turn Leaflet (click to open full size)

Live Life Aberdeenshire - Knit a Cosy Bosie Do you or your friends like to knit? You could help some of the most vulnerable in our society this winter by contributing knitted garments to help keep them warm. Live Life Aberdeenshire has teamed up with colleagues in Aberdeenshire Community Planning to launch the initiative. It's a chance for people to be kind to others in a time of need, with donations of knitted or crocheted items such as hats, scarves, lap blankets, pairs of socks or gloves in any colours or sizes being sought. The items will then be gifted to someone who would benefit from a Cosy Bosie to help them get through the colder months ahead. Community groups who can help co-ordinate the distribution of Cosy Bosies in Aberdeenshire are also encouraged to get in touch. Donations of knitted items can be made by booking a time slot at one of the library service’s Click and Collect locations. See: If you’re a community group who would like to get involved please email [email protected] and a member of the project team will be in touch. For further details about how to get involved see:

The Garioch Partnership - Interactive Map The Garioch Partnership have launched a new interactive map to help you find out about support organisations and resilience groups operating in the Garioch area. It includes the areas which each group covers and contact details if you would like to get in touch with the groups.

Aberdeenshire Support Map - Click here to view The Aberdeenshire Rural Partnership Federation have published an Aberdeenshire-wide map compiling the 6 local maps together, including TGP's map above. If you click on your area, it will take you to your local map. By clicking on your area in the local map, you will find a list of the resilience groups near you who can provide support and help.

Community Councils There are 9 Community Councils which cover the Garioch area of Aberdeenshire. You can find contact details for each Community Council here .

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Support & Advice

*NEW* Housing - Choice Based Lettings (CBL) launch - 5 April Aberdeenshire Council has reviewed their housing allocation policy and is due to launch a new Choice Based Lettings (CBL) system from the 5 April . CBL allows applicants to have more choice in where they are allocated a property by adverting all vacant properties on the website. Applicants will be able to register an interest in the properties that they feel would meet their needs in the areas they wish to live. Applications will still be required to be submitted and assessed by the housing team to determine a level of priority. Allocations will remain based on housing need but by applicants being able to select properties, this should lead to a reduction of refusals and increase tenancy sustainment. Vulnerable applicants and those that require to be rehoused urgently can be given further assistance in applying and registering their interest where necessary.

The current application form, Apply4Homes will close to applicants on the 18 March . Between then and the 5 April, the waiting list will be CLOSED, however those that require urgent assistance will be able to contact the local offices. From 5 April, the Apply4Homes webpage will become an options resource so that applicants can access all housing providers from one place. They will be required to apply to each landlord individually from this date.

As this is a new way of working for us all, we would like to invite you to awareness sessions on how this new allocations system will operate. Dates will be confirmed in due course. This will include a demonstration of the new system and how to navigate around it. If you are interested in attending, please contact Hannah McSherry for more details by email or 01467 538332.

*NEW* and Grampian Chamber of Commerce - Courses More than 50 public courses are available through the Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce to help businesses enhance the skills of their workforce and meet the challenges of 2021:

*NEW* Red Cross - Digital Classrooms for Adults and Wellbeing Resources Red Cross are currently running different types of digital sessions for adults over 19 years old including tackling loneliness digitally, first aid, and TLC. They also have a variety of resources to support your wellbeing. As the coronavirus continues, loneliness affects more people. Life can feel over whelming. Reaching out to others may feel like a challenge at times, and knowing where to look for advice can be hard. These resources can help.

*NEW* Sign up for FREE electric heating training Many people with electric heating systems find it difficult keeping their home warm and comfortable. Systems can be tricky to use, plus the metering and tariffs can make it harder to switch to a cheaper tariff. Home Energy Scotland is here to help with the free training to help you give sound advice about electric heating. The course explains how different electric heating systems work and are controlled. Home Energy Scotland also cover electricity supply and the different ways customers pay for it through their meter and tariff type, including Economy 7, Economy 2000, Total Heat, Total Control and ComfortPlus tariffs. You don’t need a technical background, but an awareness of how householders interact with the energy market will be helpful. Sign up here to register for your free place.

*NEW* Online Safety Classes - February 2021 LEAD Scotland online safety classes are back for 2021! This year they are giving up-to-date advice and information about important topics like passwords, online scams and cyber attacks so you can feel more confident that you can use the internet while protecting yourself.

The classes will be especially useful for disabled people or those who might find it harder to use the internet safely, but they are open and suitable for everyone. They will also be handy for you if who care for someone who needs some extra support using their digital device safely. All classes are free and open to the public.

We’re also giving webinars for practitioners and organisations about how to give online safety information in an accessible manner.

Click here to sign up to the webinars you want to attend.

*NEW* National Trauma Training Programme - 19th February Below is an invitation to a National Trauma Training Programme event - all details of how to book a place contained on the leaflet. Click on the image to expand.

*NEW* Aberdeen Foyer - Financial Inclusion & Foyer Families

*NEW* Financial First Aid Workshops The WEA is offering workshops in financial first aid. These workshops are aimed at community groups and organisations who might be working with people in financial difficulties as well as individuals looking to improve their financial first aid skills. Click on the image to expand.

*UPDATED* Trading Standards Scotland - Scam Share Update 04.02.2021 As Scottish communities deal with uncertainty and isolation, there is a rapidly increasing variety of scams related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Read the latest edition here .

Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action AVA are here to help your group should the situation escalate over the winter months. You can contact your local AVA Development Officer through the details below.

Through these last 10 months, AVA has been working with the Grampian Coronavirus Assistance Hub (GCAH) and have reached out to volunteers registered with the Hub and are aware who in your community is still interested in volunteering. Where they can, AVA will match them with your needs.

AVA can also help with funding and governance support too.

Contact your local AVA Development Officer: Aileen Longino Tel: 07824 096531 Email: [email protected]

Below are links to organisations, services, websites and opportunities we have highlighted in detail in a previous bulletin: Citizen's Advice Project - Advice on the EU Settlement Scheme Bailies of - Winter Programme Aberdeenshire Council - English for Speakers of Other Languages Aberdeenshire Council - Scam Awareness Covid-19 Vaccine Children's Panel - Opportunity Scotland's Wellbeing - Newsletter Jan 2021

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Health and Wellbeing

*NEW* Grampian Women's Aid In these times, we recognise it may be specially difficult for women to get in touch with us directly. If that’s so, consider, if you can and it’s safe to do so, asking a trusted friend or relative to contact us or the 24 hour helpline on your behalf:

*NEW* Children's Mental Health Week 1-7 February 2021 This week (1-7 February) is Children’s mental health week. The impacts of the pandemic on our mental health and that of our young people are more pronounced in the winter months and it is important to share resources to support. In amongst this important week, 4th Feb is also Time to Talk day . See some useful links below: Children’s Mental Health Week Time to Talk Day SAMH Clear Your Head Aberdeenshire Educational Psychology NHS Psychological Resilience Hub Remember, if you are experiencing prolonged and significant difficulties, please contact your GP as a matter of priority.

*NEW* Live Life Aberdeenshire - Workshops for all ages (Click image to view fullsize)

*NEW* Educational Psychology Service - help for parents and carers As part of the ongoing focus on nurturing approaches, the Educational Psychology Service has developed leaflets on key topics which contain tips and advice for parents and carers. They will also be a helpful resource for schools and multi-agency partners in their work with families. A loving, responsive, and safe parent/carer-child relationship is important for healthy development in childhood. The topics selected aim to help build resilience, connection, and secure attachment. The leaflets translate the research in these areas into simple, practical steps for parents and carers. Please share these leaflets as widely as you can, they are available on the EPS website at: leaflets/

A 5-10 minute presentation has also been developed, which can be used to promote the leaflets with staff groups, parent councils. Click on following link to view this : information/

Aberdeenshire Council - Educational Psychology Service

Community Learning & Development - Self-Esteem Online Sessions

Live Life Aberdeenshire - Winter Wellbeing Initiative

Winter Words Initiative Live Life Aberdeenshire has launched its annual Winter Words initiative , with a range of activities for all the family and all abilities. Normally the Winter Words initiative is purely a libraries-based event, but this year physical and cultural activities are included, widening the offer. Participants can check off the activities they complete and once they have completed eight are entitled to enter a prize draw. Activities include requesting a Book Bundle from your local Click and Collect library, downloading eBooks, eAudiobooks, eNewspapers, eMagazines and music. There are also arts and crafts and aquarium-related activities too – hopefully providing something for everyone. Participants can get involved individually, together as a family or a group of friends to keep occupied during the winter months. The Winter Words initiative started on Monday, December 7 and ends on Saturday, March 27, 2021.

Useful Helpline Numbers Age UK 0800 1244222 Breathing Space 0800 838587 Childline 0800 1111 ParentLine Scotland 08000 28 22 33 LGTB Youth Scotland 0131 555 3940 or Text Line (Mon-Fri) 07984 356 512 Combat Stress (Veterans) 0800 138 1619 Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247 Abused Men in Scotland 0808 800 0024 Icarus (Armed Services) 0333 987 5055 Mind 0300 123 3393 Papyrus 0800 068 4141 RSABI (Farmers) 0300 111 4166 Samaritans 116 123 (free call) SANE 0300 304 7000 The Silver Line 0800 4 70 80 90 Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs 08080 10 10 11 Disability Information Scotland 0300 323 9961 Shelter Scotland 0808 800 4444 Promis.Scot 0800 111 4191

Previous Highlights The British Red Cross - Are you feeling lonely, alone or isolated?

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Survey & Consultations

*NEW* The Garioch Food Provision Group - Food Map Survey Closes 9am on 8 February 2021 The Garioch Food Provision Group are developing a food map to help support our food provision in Garioch and will help partners signpost individuals to the support that is available around food. The link is open until 9am on Monday 8th February, they are looking for as many organisations as possible to submit information on food provision, therefore, if you can complete the form with details of the provision your organisation has food wise or alternatively if you can share this through your communication channels to ensure other organisations have a chance to submit information they would be most grateful.

*NEW* CAMHS - GIRFEC Survey Closes 22 February 2021 Could you help to inform the work of our multi-agency GIRFEC group who aim to improve services for children and young people with disabilities? If you are a young person aged 12 - 18 who has been through the CAMHS neurodevelopmental pathway assessment process, or a parent or carer of a child who has been supported in this way we would like to hear from you. We work alongside NHS Grampian 's CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) and partners including Aberdeenshire VoluntaryAction and North East Police Division to support families across the local area. The CAMHS service is currently developing its neurodevelopmental clinical pathway and as part of this we are really keen to hear from service users about their experience of neurodevelopmental assessment. This includes assessments for conditions including autism and ADHD led by the service. Your views will help us develop services for you and other children and families. Survey for 12-18-year-old: Survey for parents and carers: All responses are anonymous. Both surveys close on Monday 22nd February. #GIRFEC #GettingItRightForEveryChild

Talk to Scarf Scarf has been around for 35 years and if we’re to carry on successfully working for our customers, we need feedback from you. How do you see Scarf? And how would you like us to work with you and your communities over the next 35 years?

By completing the simple questionnaire here you can help us shape our future, and be in with the chance to win £100.

Aberdeenshire Council - Employability Support Survey The Employment Support Team are seeking your views on the type of Employability Support that is required in the communities. They would appreciate your feedback in order for us to tailor services to meet your needs.

Aberdeenshire Council - Food Poverty Survey Following raised awareness of a potential increase around hidden poverty in our communities due to Covid-19, statistics are being collated by the Council and partner organisations to identify areas requiring support. Below is a short survey to gather your understanding/experience of food poverty in the area you work or volunteer in.

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Funding Please find information on sources of funding below.

*NEW* Smart Energy GB in Communities 2021 - Grant funding now available - Closing date noon Friday 12th February National Energy Action (NEA ) is pleased to announce that the 2021 Smart Energy GB in Communities programme is now live, with grant funding and support being targeted to organisations reaching people who are offline or on a low income, aiming to raise awareness and understanding of smart meters and how people might benefit from them.

• Grants of up to £25,000 are available for organisations that can deliver support to people who are offline. • Grants of up to £10,000 are available for organisations that can deliver support to people on a low income.

The grant funding opens to online applications on 18 January 2021 and closes at 12 noon on Friday 12 February 2021 . Please see further information through the following link .

*NEW* Aberdeenshire Community Sport Hub Reactivation Fund Closes 14th February - click here Money is now available to help ensure Aberdeenshire sports clubs are supported and remain covid-19 compliant during the current pandemic. Clubs can apply for a maximum of £250 through a Reactivation Fund launched by the Aberdeenshire Community Sport Hub Project. The fund can help to support costs such as social distancing measures and Personal Protective Equipment, facility charges, training and education.

*NEW* Aberdeenshire Council - Discretionary Fund A new Discretionary Fund aimed at combating the impact of Covid-19 on small businesses since October 2020 has been launched today (Monday). It enables individual councils to direct additional financial support to specific groups, sectors or businesses within their local business communities who are experiencing immediate financial challenges as a result of current restrictions and regulations. Aberdeenshire Council is hoping to support more than 800 small businesses with a grant of up to £2,000. For more details visit our website .

DigitalBoost Development Grant Fund - now open The DigitalBoost Development Grant Fund is now open ( as of Tuesday 12th January 2021 ) to Scottish businesses. This £10m fund is being processed on a first come, first served basis. If you are running a business in Scotland and want to do more with digital; for example to, increase productivity, safeguard jobs, improve cyber security, build online booking systems, develop apps or invest in hardware/software then this fund may be applicable to you. See link for further information.

The Garioch Partnership - Resilience / Flood Recovery Fund The Resilience / Flood Recovery Fund is administered by The Garioch Partnership on behalf of Inverurie & District Round Table. Donations were received following the flooding caused by Storm Frank in January 2016.

Applications are open to not-for-profit community groups or community-run organisations in the Garioch area. Grants of up to £750 are available.

Find out more about the Resilience / Flood Recovery Fund and How to Apply.

Applications to both schemes are reviewed by a grants panel of local volunteers, who assess applications and make recommendations to the Board of The Garioch Partnership.

Aberdeenshire Council Funds Community Resilience Fund Groups can submit an application form to the council’s Area Managers for up to £2,000 to go towards resilience work.

Community Food Fund The Community Food Fund is for community or resilience groups seeking funding to tackle food security such as constituted groups, registered charities or partnerships.

Business Support Funds There are various funds available for businesses to apply to to help support them including the Strategic Framework Business Fund and Discretionary Business Fund.

Comprehensive List of Funding Sources AVA has recently developed a file of Covid-19 funding information that can be downloaded and shared. It will be updated on a weekly basis and will show funds that are open at the time of publishing. The funding information previously listed here is contained within the above list. Please also view the funding page on the Our Aberdeenshire website for more sources of information.

Please be aware that funds can go out of date quickly so check that the fund is still open before putting together an application . If you require assistance, please get in touch with your local AVA Development Officer - Aileen Longino .

Previous Highlights EventScotland - Events Recovery Fund Aberlour - Urgent Assistance Fund