The La Salle Collegian Vol. 93 Explorientation Issue

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The La Salle Collegian Vol. 93 Explorientation Issue

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The La Salle Collegian Vol. 93 Explorientation Issue

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Philadelphia, Pa. Vol. 93, Explorientation Issue August 22, 2019 La Salle welcomes new students to campus for Explorientation

Dawn Soufleris Freshmen and transfer students moved into their residence halls while commuters reported to the Union on Tuesday for the start of new student Explorientation week.

A letter to new students from the editor-in-chief

Jacob Garwood anyone around to tell you that you Editor can’t take a three-hour nap; no one will prevent you from playing When I moved in to La Salle video games for eight hours a day. three years ago, I remember being If you want to sleep in until noon amazed with two things above all every day, there won’t be anyone else. The first was the incredible to stop you. Time is a precious amount of free time that there thing to have, and so we need to was in college; the second was be careful not to waste it and learn the endless number of things that how to properly budget it. I could pick from to fill that free time. How you spend your extra La Salle TV time is up to you. There won’t be See FRESH START Page 2 Resident Assistants and other members of the community helped with move-in.

Advice for transfer students INDEX transfer student should know. To make the adjustment period Thomas Cahalan A piece of advice any transfer easier requires the ability to not Editor student should hear is that the be too hard on oneself. La Salle Perks Every fall semester sees process of transferring doesn’t For example, if somebody Explorientation 2-4 The professional advantages the arrival of new freshmen always end within the first week is used to larger class sizes it of attending a small school Page 4 students adjusting to life in of classes or once the paperwork could take some time to get used Philly Phile 5 the big ecosystem known as a is done. In reality, it depends on to the personalized approach of Restaurant Week how long it takes to adjust to the education. Sometimes it may university. However, the fall Scenes 6 The Collegian’s top picks for semester also sees the arrival new school. Sometimes it may even take a while to get the where to dine out of new transfer students who just take a day or a week. For old school out of your mind. Page 5 decided their old university others, it might take a month, a Even making a good friend or Campus 7 wasn’t for them and that La Salle semester or even a year. a couple of good friends is an Campus would offer a better pathway It would be a big fat lie to say ongoing process. However, in CAKE-Kicks 8 See some hidden gems and for getting a quality education adjusting to anything is never life it’s necessary to go through highlights of La Salle and achieving their individual hard. However, it’s often the the hard times in order to get to Page 7 goals. Being a transfer student hardest things in life that are the good times. who is now part of the upper the most rewarding. While that elite known as the senior class, I may seem like a statement from See TRANSFERS Page 3 think there’s some advice every a fortune cookie, it’s the truth.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @TheLSUCollegian 2 EXPLORIENTATION Aug. 22, 2019 College is a fresh start; make the most of it

FRESH START that time for important heard and respected. The FROM FRONT things like self-care; Collegian is here as a showering is important for platform for you; send me In high school, time your own health, but also a letter to the editor and is spent trudging from the sake of your roommate I’ll publish it. The Student classroom to classroom, and classmates. Government, Resident five days a week, seven But after you’ve taken Student and Commuter hours a day — that’s 35 care of the essentials, you and Off-Campus Student hours, at least, spent in should consider getting Associations all also serve your average week of high involved on campus. La as official voices of the school. By comparison, Salle is your home for student body, join one of an average college course the next four years, but them if you want to get load might be 15 credits, it’s up to you to make it involved and help change which means 15 hours feel that way. Join one campus policy for the spent in class. That’s of the 120 plus clubs on better. it. Let’s suppose you’re campus; go to the gym; College is full of people going to spend three hours start an intramural team; who are just waiting to studying or doing work go to an Explorer Café; sit meet you. It is a chance for every one hour you on the quad for no other to start over, to begin the spend in class. (Yes, that reason than to see the rest of your adult life, to is the official amount of many LaSquirrels running make friendships that will time you should spend around. But there is too last for years to come. So doing work outside of much going on around challenge yourself, step class.) On top of that, you you for you to never leave outside of your comfort make sure to get a restful your dorm room. zone, do things you never seven hours of sleep each If you aren’t happy with imagined you would – that night and take some time something you see here on is what being an Explorer to ensure you get three full campus, try to change it. is all about. And yes, when nutritional meals each day. La Salle is a small enough all is said and done, take a That’s still going to leave community that the voice nap, you’ve earned it. Jacob Garwood you with 45 hours a week of each and every one [email protected] A rough estimate of how much free time college students have in a week. to fill. You should first use of our students can be Ruggiero joins La Salle community

Julie Wood great professional staff at other large-scale Editor members here and Senior campus events following Explorientation Leaders Explorientation, along As the campus has been helping me do that!” with collaborating on preparing for the arrival Part of Ruggiero’s events throughout the year of the incoming freshman tasks for the event- geared toward the first- class with Explorientation, filled program include year student population. planning the various recruiting and hiring the While Ruggiero looks ways to welcome the Explorientation Leaders forward to the class of class of 2023 to 20th and that will guide the students 2023 coming to campus, Olney, there has been a through all the educational she eagerly awaits the key leader behind this and social events that return of the rest of the planning who deserves a will be offered for the La Salle community as warm welcome as well. incoming freshmen. well. “It’s always super Jennifer Ruggiero has “Some social events will exciting to see the campus been busy arranging and be an outdoor movie and full of life again after the executing the yearly dance party on the quad, quiet summer months,” program this summer, along with SEPTA trips to shared Ruggiero. “I love taking on the position some popular what I do in this field, of Assistant Director of attractions,” explained and I’m excited to meet New Student Programs. Ruggiero. “Our leaders really awesome students The Staten Island native will make sure everyone and immerse myself in the arrived to the La Salle has a great time!” campus traditions here.” community earlier this Regarding future Besides working on summer, working at plans for the potential Explorientation, Ruggiero another local college development of enjoys spending time prior to collaborating Explorientation, Ruggiero with her cat Amelia on the tremendous task plans to observe all the La Salle University and catching up with of Explorientation. “I activities Explorientation Ruggiero works closely with the Senior Explorientation Leaders to plan the Explorientation week. family and friends plan and execute all has to offer this summer on the weekends. logistics related to the to get students prepared from those in the La plans,” said Ruggiero. first-year initiatives, [email protected] program,” explained for their first semester. “I Salle community before For the academic year, focusing on representing Ruggiero. “And there are want to get the feedback brainstorming future she will be planning the first year experience

Want to see your ad in the newspaper? For more visit our website Follow us on Twitter and Facebook Email Jon Mains, our business manager: [email protected] @TheLSUCollegian Aug. 22, 2019 EXPLORIENTATION 3 How to make the most of your transfer experience

TRANSFERS research opportunities and FROM FRONT even what you can use your degree for. No student is Rarely is anything just a number at La Salle. major accomplished in Besides the advice listed one day. With that in above, just let yourself mind, ease up on any self- enjoy the journey. When directed criticism and just living in an age where life go along with the journey. after graduation can seem a Besides possessing a little intimidating, don’t let guiding philosophy, do not your college years be seen hesitate to take advantage through cynical vision. of various resources at What makes the transfer La Salle. Considering process worth it for any that a large number of transfer student varies. transfer students tend to Allow yourself to enjoy be commuters, transfer the journey; recognize that students might want the decision to transfer, to consider joining rather than just staying at the Commuter and a school you didn’t like, Off-Campus Student makes you strong. And Association (C.A.O.S). know that you’ll succeed. Joining any student Remember, choosing to organization in general transfer to La Salle means is a good idea to help source you saw an opportunity get more acquainted with Transferring schools can be a difficult journey, but if done well, the payoff is incredible. for a better experience that and adjusted to campus. you didn’t see at your old Student organizations Believe it or not, La Just make sure to be self- getting some extra help leave you overextended school. Don’t lose sight of can make meeting other Salle is not in the middle of aware and not gullible. might be beneficial. unless it’s necessary. Plus, that opportunity, because like-minded students nowhere. Instead, it’s in an Make sure to also use While this piece of take courses that sound pursuing that opportunity easier and foster a sense area where entertainment, the student counseling advice, in an ideal world, like you’d enjoy, since won’t just make you a of community, which is a internships, jobs and center when necessary. would be obvious, it can be it’s easier to do well in a transfer student, it will good feeling, especially culture are literally just a Being a transfer student easy to forget sometimes. class when you actually make you a happy student for transfer students. subway ride away. Granted, comes with its own unique Regardless, any type of enjoy the subject matter. and that’s what really As for transfer students it may seem overwhelming set of potential challenges student needs to personally Also, feel free to visit matters. Good luck to who may come from a at first, but you’ll come to that may be different value their education to professors during their any transfer student that small town somewhat far love the excitement. La from challenges faced make the journey and office hours whenever reads this and have a away, do not hesitate to Salle is an urban university by first year or returning massive amount of student you have a question about great first year at La Salle. take advantage of being after all, so remember students. So, make sure loan debt worth it. Work the class you’re taking [email protected] in one of the largest opportunities for self- to set up an appointment hard in any class you from them or whenever cities in the United growth and enrichment or use the walk-in hours take but try not to make you need advice about States: Philadelphia. exist on and off campus. when it seems like a schedule that might your major, internships, 4 EXPLORIENTATION Aug. 22, 2019 Practical benefits of attending a small school like La Salle And no, it’s not just about a community environment Bianca Abbate not only on professional have a theory that, from in this way, but outsiders good or bad, with your would surely put me at a Editor applications but also in a statistical standpoint, will and if you are willing school. How is that a benefit? disadvantage. This could not one’s personal development, companies in Philadelphia to put in the extra work to Well, when you apply to have been further from the Whatever reason you may it is a great benefit to be want more applicants from make these things happen different opportunities, your truth. I have been blessed have had for applying to and able to have better access La Salle because they are for yourself, it will greatly accomplishments will speak with so many incredible choosing La Salle University, to these opportunities. accustomed to seeing a reward you in the future. for yourself louder than the opportunities in my time you are now here and, as Avoiding a one-size- high volume of applicants Unique relationship name of your school will. here — opportunities that you may know, it’s a small fits-all education model from the same school. For with alumni — Of course, You might be surprised to otherwise I am not sure school. You have probably — You won’t be one of example, if for any local every school’s alumni are know that associations with would have been possible. heard a thousand times thousands in your class; your internship, there are 50 willing to help their school’s well-known universities are In any case, these benefits over that the community education will inherently applicants from Temple and current students. However, not always positive. When are not gained passively. environment is the inherent be more personalized. I five from La Salle, in theory, this is especially true, if you apply as a student from A sort of disadvantage you benefit to attending a small have been able to foster the La Salle applicants not more crucial, when you a smaller university, you will encounter is that, unlike school. I agree that a sense an extremely personalized receive special attention attend a smaller school. The will avoid having the name bigger schools, there will of community is alive and track for myself, and I because every company relationships you will have of your school speak for not be “Office X, Y and Z well at our university, but believe many other La Salle or organization will want with alumni become much you. In other words, you of So-And-So Opportunity I’m here to tell you that students will say the same. a diverse pool of interns. more personal, because they are seen by the world more That We Will Beg Our there are more advantages to You would be surprised by External opportunities can more closely identify as an individual than as a Students To Apply To” (Yes, going to a small school than the ways in which you can — Though the last benefit with your experience, having product of your university. these really exist.). All this the community environment. mold your own education was more or less a personal been one of a few thousand These six things I have means is that, if you want More leadership when, at a smaller school, theory of mine, this one rather than one of 20,000. found to be true in my to reap these benefits, you opportunities — Because you realistically have more I can say with certainty: Alumni will always go out two years of experience at will often have to actively statistically there are fewer capital, due in part to closer external scholarships and of their way for you because La Salle University. Even seek them on your own. That students at a smaller school, relationships you form with fellowships will look at they want you to succeed. though I went to a small being said, you will find there is generally less your professors and sheer your application differently. Use these relationships to high school, I frankly incredible support from your competition when it comes proximity to the higher-ups. In the application process, your advantage, especially if did not envision myself professors and peers, who to leadership opportunities. Internships Want You — you will have an edge on you intend to do professional attending a small university. want more than anything to Leadership opportunities From my experience in the your competition because work in Philadelphia, I wanted to escape the see you succeed. After all, in the clubs you join will political science department, the selection panel will where the work field “community,” to revel in the the quintessential benefit of always be in your reach, and many local organizations recognize that you achieved is crawling with alum. anonymity that comes with going to a small school is that if you want them, working reach out to La Salle your accomplishments You represent you, not attending a larger school. community environment. toward your goal will be University with different without the resources of a your school — When you From the beginning, I was [email protected] manageable. Given the student opportunities; though larger school. You might not attend a smaller school, there steadfast in my belief that importance of leadership admittedly conjecture, I think about your successes will be less associations, attending a small university STAFF

Jacob Garwood Bianca Abbate Editor-in-chief Managing editor garwoodj2@* abbateb2@*

Jonathan Mains Karen Kerwick Business manager Head copy editor mainsj1@* kerwickk1@*

News: Politics: Elyssa Loughlin Thomas Cahalan loughline2@** cahalant11@*

Rita Offutt Sports: offuttr1@* Steven Silvestro silvestros1@*

A&E: Commentary: Jackie Anderson Elizabeth McLauglin wileyj2@* mclaughline7@*

Jakob Eiseman Kicks: eisemanj1@* Emily Weintraut weintraute1@*

Features: CAKE: Julie Wood Claire Kunzier woodj11@* kunzierc1@*

Elizabeth Rafter * raftere3@* ** Aug. 22, 2019 PHILLY PHILE 5 Make Philadelphia your largest classroom

Jacob Garwod known as Old City. They of shops, multiple Coffee and Hideaway check out, and they’re not Belmont Plateau. Another Editor are situated between cheesesteak restaurants Music. Trolley Car has far from campus. Here favorite outdoor spot even more museums and Philadelphia’s Magic classic diner food and you will find Delasandro’s is along the Schuylkill La Salle is perfectly and historical locations, Gardens is another great fantastic milkshakes. Cheesesteaks, which River, especially by situated in one of the including the Museum of place to explore. The It is a frequent stop for many cite as their Boathouse Row. And country’s largest cities, the American Revolution Magic Gardens is filled many La Salle students favorite cheesesteak, and once you learn how to Philadelphia. We are a and the portrait gallery with mosaic art work, looking to get pork roll Insomnia Cookies. pronounce Schuylkill, short subway ride away in Second Bank. Many with many of the pieces sandwiches, one of the Be sure to take you’re practically a true from the heart of the city of Philadelphia’s historic coming from broken nutritional staples of the advantage of the natural Philadelphian. where you can find any sites have interactive bottles, mirrors, and even tri-state area. Whether beauty of Philadelphia. There are hundreds of number of cultural and features, and they are bicycle tires. you’re already into The Fairmount Park ways to go out and make historical resources. worth seeing, even if Closer to our campus collecting vinyl albums or system is a great place Phialdelphia your largest Philadelphia was you’re not majoring in are the neighborhoods trying to start a collection, to start; with over 9,200 classroom. Go see a film, our nation’s first history. Plus, if you make of Mt. Airy and Chesnut Hideaway Music is a acres, it is one of the musical or play; visit a capital, where both the trip to Old City to Hill. Cut down the middle great place to go. They largest urban greenspaces new museum; try out a the Declaration of see history first-hand, by Germantown Ave., this specialize in high quality, in the country. There new dish you’ve never Independence was signed you can reward yourself part of town features a popular albums making are trails for easy walks heard of in Chinatown. and the Constitution was by visiting the Franklin number of small shops, it a good place to fill or moderately difficult Above all, try something written. Additionally, Fountain, which has some a farmers’ market, in missing pieces of a hikes. You can also new. Make yourself an the Liberty Bell hangs of the best ice cream in and a number of great collection. catch seasonal concerts explorer. on display for all to see. the city. restaurants. My personal Manayunk and at the Mann Music [email protected] All these historic sites South St., with its favorites include Trolley Roxbourough are also Center or watch the city sit in a neighborhood eclectic collections Car Dinner, Chesnut Hill great neighborhoods to skyline darken from Restaurant Week How to use SEPTA: Philadelphia is home to well over 1000 restaurants and places to a quick-start guide to the subway eat out; with so many, it can be hard to pick somewhere to go. Center Step 1: Decide where you’re going. Knowing what stop to get off at will City’s restaurant week is a good place to start. From September 15 help you out later. to 27, some of the best restaurants in Philly are offering multi-course meals for only $35 – these are top tier restaurants where normal Step 2: Get to the subway station at Broad and Olney. You can take the dinners can often reach above $100 per person, making this the La Salle shuttle, but it’s a nice easy walk from campus. perfect week for college students to indulge without breaking the bank. Step 3: Once in the station, use a kiosk to buy a one-trip pass, or get yourself a shiny new SEPTA key. Rides on the subway cost $2.50, but There are 126 participating restaurants, you can see them all you’ll save 50 cents on every trip with the SEPTA key. and their menus at: restaurant-week Step 4: This is sometimes the hardest part - getting on the right train. Once you’ve paid your fare and gotten through the turnstyles, you’re In the meantime, we here at the Collegian picked out some of our going to head for the Southbound part of the station where trains depart favorites for you: toward the heart of town. If it’s a weekday, you’ll be able to pick from the local train or the express. The express is your friend; it will save you Chima or Fogo de Chao lot of time if you’re going to a major stop like City Hall. The train will say “Express” on it and list Fern Rock and Walnut on the illuminated Both of these restaurants are Brazilian steakhouses that operate under the same signs. Be careful not to take the spur, which shares a track with the premise: you get an unlimited stream of beautifully cooked steaks, chicken, express, but takes you to Chinatown. (Unless you are trying to go to sausage and fried bananas. Plus you get access to their salad bar. Chinatown, which is worth a trip of its own.)

Gran Caffe L’Aquila Step 5: Get off at your stop and enjoy the city! The hard part is over, now go have fun. Everything about this restaurant is authentic Italian – even the interior, which was built in Italy and shipped across the Atlantic to Philadelphia. Even better, the menu has something for everyone. It is filled with fresh ingredients, homemade food, and fun gastronomy like a Parmigiano gelato. The best way to finish off this dinner is with two scoops of their house-made gelato.

Max Brenner Philadelphia

Max Brenner is an entire restaurant devoted to chocolate! Most of their dishes have some form of chocolate: everything from chocolate ranch to waffle fries dusted in cocoa powder. Your $35 will go even further here, as you get four full courses of chocolatey goodness. Ocean Prime

For simple upscale food, Ocean Prime is a great choice. Or any steakhouse, really. Other good options are the Capital Grille or Del Frisco’s Grille. It’s hard to beat a perfectly cooked steak.

Spasso Italian Grill

While most restaurants only give you a few choices for restaurant week, Spasso lets you pick almost anything from their regular menu to build your four-course dinner. Since it is some of the best Italian food in the area, don’t pass up the chance to dine here during restaurant week! SEPTA La Salle is only a few blocks from the Olney Transportation Center on the Broad Street Line. 6 EXPLORIENTATION Aug. 22, 2019 Scenes from Explorientation

Jonathan Mains First Fest on the McCarthy Stadium brought new students out for fun physical activity.

Dawn Soufleris Staff members, including the admissions counselors, helped move in resident students.

Meet Isaiah Flemingramsey a new commuter who is studying biology. We asked Isaiah “What has surprised you most about La Salle since being on campus?”

Isaiah said, “Probably that one side of the food tastes great but the other is tasteless. Like, who is seasoning the chicken at B&G” Dawn Soufleris La Salle Public Safety officers were around to greet new students. We are glad to welcome Isaiah and all of our commuter students to campus!

Dawn Soufleris La Salle criminal justice and sociology and communication Commuters checked into Explorientation at the Union on Tuesday Students in sociology and criminal justice (above) and communication (below) meet professors. Aug. 22, 2019 CAMPUS 7 Relaxing spots on Campus Other Great Spots on Campus courses is even taught by a could fix. La Salle takes Bianca Abbate student, who happens to be a mental health very seriously Editor certified yoga teacher. and encourages students to La Salle has 133 acres of land Feeling overwhelmed? 3. The Hansen Quad visit the counseling center. Take refuge in these five Everyone loves the quad. Making an appointment — it’s the largest university in spots on campus. College is How could you not? It is the is pretty simple, too. All stressful; these places aren’t. watering hole of La Salle; in you have to do to make an If you are feeling burnt the warmer months, it brings appointment is either call the Philadelphia so be sure to take out from your transition all types of La Salle students office or visit the Medical into college or just need a together. Some study, some Office Building behind St. advantage of all that space. breather, these spots will play frisbee and others Benilde. hopefully give you some simply bask in the sun. The Our campus offers our clarity. quad is a space you can truly students a necessary break 1. IBC Fitness Center make your own. I guarantee from the classroom and It is no secret that a great — when the sun is out — dorms. I highly recommend way to deal with stress is you will find yourself here spending your time in these through fitness. The fitness with friends. Particularly places, but there are plenty of center on South Campus is exciting about the quad are other great spots and finding a great outlet for students at the occasional dog sightings, them is part of the fun in La Salle. Pro tip: Avoid the as La Salle is generally a pet- navigating or “exploring” Many students walk right gym’s 5 p.m. rush hour. In friendly campus and many your first few weeks of past the grotto on the Hansen other words, dinner time is a students have pets. college. Enjoy the search. university favorite for going 4. Estate Of course, number Quad; but it’s a peaceful place to the gym. If a full gym is The Belfield estate is one six would have been the to sit and enjoy a beautiful less-than-ideal, aim for a of the less visited spots on Collegian office. Though day. time in the middle of the day. campus, but is certainly a admittedly biased, it actually 2. Group Fitness Classes hidden treasure. It contains is a very cool and slightly If lifting weights isn’t your the Alumni House at Peale quirky space about which thing but wellness still might House and is near the St. not a lot of students might be, you are in luck: La Salle Miguel’s townhouses; it is know. Located in the lower offers different group fitness a great place for reflection level of the Union, we are classes, which usually take and relaxation. The green hidden just beyond the place in the evenings in space on it helps you escape commuter lounge. If you see the Ballroom of the Union. all of the noise of college the package locker, you’ve These classes are a great life. It is one of the most gone slightly too far. All are opportunity to relieve stress, under appreciated places on welcome in the Collegian The De La Salle Chapel, have fun and stay healthy. campus and truly deserves office on Wednesday and its lounge, is open My personal favorite is more use. evenings when we work, but during the day for Zumba, but there are several 5. Student Counseling Center fair warning, you might be students to use for quiet different offerings. One of Lastly, and most asked to copy edit an article reflection and prayers. the more popular group importantly, what you are or two while you are here. fitness classes on campus is experiencing might be deeper [email protected] The chapel also has yoga. Fun fact: one of the than what a calming space weekday mass at 1 p.m.

The mezzanine on the third floor of the Connely Library can be both erie and calming. Sometimes sitting in absolute silence beneath the library’s skylights is the perfect way to recharge.

Bianca Abbate One of the least appreciated places on campus, the Belfield Estate is beautiful anytime of year.

Next to St. Neumann Hall on South Campus, the gazebo is a great place to hang out with friends.

Bianca Abbate The quad is the perfect place for multi-tasking while hanging out with friends. 8 CAKE-KICKS A Special EXPLO kicks and CAKE edition The Five Stages of Starting College kicks Excitement & Anxiety CAKE Songs You Probably Will Dislike by At Least the End of the Year: Dreams and Nightmares - Meek Mill Crying Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond Mo Bamba - Sheck Wes Sicko Mode - Travis Scott Everytime We Touch - Cascada Closer - The Chainsmokers Hotel Room Service - Pitbull Acceptance Old Town Road (and every single remix) - Lil Nas X Party in the USA - Miley Cyrus Realizing it’s all going to be okay The 10 Wonderful Parts of Explo: TWEETS OF THE EXPLO Random girl next to me in class: I see u brought ur daily coffee as well, to get thro these 8ams Me: haha ya, that’s college for u 1. Crying because you miss your pet Me inside: she can’t ever know that my yeti is filled with chocolate milk - @Blakegarav 2. Being really hungry all the time In highschool I woke up at 6 am, went to classes for 7 hours, went straight to track practice and ran 8 miles, 3. Sweat. Sweat everywhere then went home and did homework without taking a college I can’t even take a shower without needing a nap - @GabrielllaRosee 4. Brainstorming cool answers for the icebreakers and then being sad when someone else has a cooler answer yall pray for me, nothing’s wrong im just in college - @darealkykilla

5. Falling asleep during sessions Ever since college, that spongebob episode where he has to write an essay and ends up burning his house down to escape it is too relatable - 6. Falling asleep while walking back to your residence hall @ColIegeStudent

My professor handed back our 3 page film essays to my 7. Wishing you had money to buy La Salle stuff surprise I got a C after class I asked her why “you were supposed to write it about the movie The Emperor of Time.. you wrote it on The Emperor’s new Groove but it 8. Realizing that all the explo leaders have to be up earlier than everyone was kinda good so I didn’t fail you” so thats how im doing- and go to bed later and wondering how they haven’t snapped yet @adam_cook2014

9. Thinking Club Quad will be so lame but then going to Club Quad and A little note from emily and Claire realizing… it lowkey bangs Keep on keepin’ on y’all. Freshman year can seem rough, but it’ll all be okay. Kicks and Cake will be here every week to make you laugh (because we are hilarious). If you ever do feel lonely, just remember you can always go on Club Penguin and 10. Hearing about every club on campus 30,000 times but not actually we’ll probably be there. We are super excited for this year and cannot wait for you knowing what they are all to join this wild ride with us. -Love, the AMAZING Kicks editor Emily (<3) and the average Cake editor Claire (:/)


When you finally get through the morning line at Starbucks and all of the four drinks and two sandwhichs you want are gone.

Club Penguin

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