Incident from the Life of Mahatma Gandhi

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Incident from the Life of Mahatma Gandhi Successful people are not gifted ; they just work hard, then succeed on purpose. A magnificent effort by our VViiddyyalalaayyaaVidyalayassttuuddeennttssstudents ooffof ccllassassclass X and XII who excelled in their academics with 0.1 ( Merit) Certificate, a great hhoonnoouurrhonourffrroommfrom CCBBSSEE.CBSE.. ClClassClassssa XXX AswAswathyAswaththyya PPrraammooddPramod sseeccuurrededsecured iinnin EEnngglliishsh..English. GGG.G. KKaavvyyaaKavyaaannddand PP..P. AAaarrtthhiiAarthiin SScciieenncce.e.Science. SSS.S... MM..M. Kavyadharshini in Social Science ( Centum holderholder)))) ClClassClassssa XXIIIIXII P.P. AAbbiirraammiiAbiramisecured in Computer Science The students were felicitated for their commendable performance. Clearance of C. A Foundation Course All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. The following students’ little progress in each day has brought big results. Their persistent efforts yearned great achievements. P. AAbbiirraammiiAbirami,Abirami, Hardik.S.PandyaHardik.S.Pandya,,,, SS..S. AAbbhhiinnaannddhhAbhinandh,Abhinandh,,, VV..V. AAsshhwwiinniiAshwini,Ashwini, P. LLoohheeeetttataLoheetta,Loheetta, and M. Srihari cleared their C.A Foundation Course oonnon 888ththtthh FebrFebruary,uary, 2021. NamaNamastheNamasstthheeNamasthe ,,, "Ind"India,"Indiiaa"India, is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the greatgreat----grandgrand mother of K.Kavitha-XIIC tradition. Our most valuable and most instructive Editor materials in the history of man are treasured up in India oonnllyy!!""only!" InIndiadia celebrates its 757575th75th Independence Day on 151515th15tthhth AAuugguussttAugust 220022112021.2021. Its journey over tthheethe llaassttlast 747474 yyeeaarrssyears hhaasshas bbeeeennbeen mmaarrkkededmarked bybybyssiiggnniiffiicancanttsignificant mmiillesesttoonnesesmilestones aannddand rreeffoorrmmssreforms tthhaattthat eennaablblededenabled it to achieve the substantial progress in many years, including rise in income levels, growth, literacy rate, life expectancy and a wide variety of other economic indicators. As India commemorates 774474 glorious years as an independent nation, let's look back at some of the significant achievements of our country over the years through our VViiddyyalalaayyaaVidyalaya’Vidyalaya’’’ssss mmaaggaazziinne,e,magazine, VViivvekekaaVivekaVVaarrsshhaaVarsha. Varsha. This petal is quite a dedication to our freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives and made our country independent. In accordance with this, we have chosen the themetheme----RReemmiinniisscencenesesReminiscenes of Freedom Struggle. It gives vivid and lucid notions on tremendous development in various fields especially Medicine, Technology, Economy and Industries. It also explores the life sketch of patriots, unforgettable incidents and salient features of Indian Armed Forces. Our tiny tots dressed themselves as National Heroes to manifest the struggle and sacrifice of our freedom fighters which adorns the cover page of this magazine. “““I“I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his freedomfreedom”””” HAPPHAPPYY INDEINDEPENDENCEPENDENCE DDAYDAYAY Viveka Varsha Petal 1 2021-22 1 72ndRepublic Day 7272ndndndndRepublRepublicRepubliicc Day was celebrated with huge respect and reverence on 226626 thththJJaannuauarryyJanuary, January, 220022112021.2021. SSrriiSri.Sri... NN..RR..N.R. NarendranathNarendranath,, Hony.CorrespondentHony.Correspondent,,,, aannddand SSrrii..Sri. SS..S. JegathalaprathabanJegathalaprathaban,,,, SSppoorrttssSports CCooCo-Co---ordinatoroorrddiinanattoorrordinator,,,, VVEESSVES graced the occasion. Smt. K. MarudhambalMarudhambal,,,, HHeeaaddHead ooffof Social Science Department, unfurled the National Flag which portrays our national pride and delivered the significance of PPaarraammvveeeerrParamveerVVaannddhhaananaVandhana. Vandhana... CCuullttururaallCultural pprrooggrraammmmeessprogrammeswere performed by the teachers. TTooTo cchheerriisshhcherish tthheethe vvaallooururvalourand sacrifice of our Indian Soldiers, PPaarraammvveeeerrParamveer VVaannddhhaananaVandhanawas organized by performing floral offering to the portraits of our soldiers. Viveka Varsha Petal 1 2021-22 2 72ndRepublic Day AlAlumniAlumnmniiu MMeeeetitinnggMeeting wawasswas ccoonnduduccteteddconducted. conducted...101010 AAlluumnmniiAlumniaatttetenndededdattended aannddand shasharreeddshared ttheheiirrtheir vivieewswsviews aannddand sseerrvivicceeserviceaacctitivivititieessactivities dodonneedone bybyby tthehemmthem. them...BBllooooddBlood ddoonnaatitioonndonationccaammppcamp wawasswas oorrggaanniizezeddorganized bybyby “““The “ThTheeThe MMaadrdraassMadrasBBllooooddBlood BBuurreeaauuBureau” Bureau”””....TeTeaaccheherrs,s,Teachers, AAlluumnmnii,,Alumni, ppaarreennttssparentsaannddand ppuubblliiccpublic dodonnaatetedddonated bbllooooddblood. blood...ToTotatallllyyTotally 494949 ppeeoopplleepeopleddoonnaatteedddonated bbllooooddblood. blood... Viveka Varsha Petal 1 2021-22 3 Viveka Varsha Petal 1 2021-22 4 Vivekananda Jayanthi Inter School Competition 2021 “ Purity, Patience and Perseverance are the three essentials to success.” InteInterr ScSchhoooollSchool CoCommpepettiittiioonsnsCompetitions wweerreewere ccoondnduucctteeddconducted tototo ccoommmmeemmoorraatteecommemoratetthheethe bbiirrtthhbirth aanninnivveerrssaarryyanniversary ofofof SSwwaammiijjiiSwamiji. Swamiji...111100110 ssttuuddeentntssstudentsffrroommfrom 101010 sscchhoooollssschools enthusiastically paparrttiicciippaatteeddparticipated ininintthheethe vviirrttuauallvirtual ccoommppeettiittiioonsnscompetitions. competitions...TThheeThe wwiinnnneerrsswinners ofofof tthheethe ccoommpepettiittiioonsnscompetitionswweerreewere hhoononourureeddhonoured bybyby ooururour PrPriinncciipapall,,Principal, SmSmttSmt. Smt... UUsshhaarraaniniUsharaniononon 444 ththtthh FebrFebruary,Februauarry,y, 220022112021. 2021... Viveka Varsha Petal 1 2021-22 5 ளக் 3ைஜ எல்லா இடங்களிம் இக்ம் இைறவைன நாக்ம் இடத்ல் எந்தளச் ெசய்வேத ளக் வபா. ேஹாமங்கைள நடத்!வதால் "ைடக்ம் பலங்கைள தம் ளக் வபா எம் பள்ளி மாணவர்களின் நலங்க, அவர்களின் அ&'ச்(டர் )ரகா*க்க (29 – 01 – 2021) அன்+ மாைல பள்ளி வளாகத்ல் எம் பள்ளி,ன் -தல் தாளாளரின் !ைணயார் ம. .ஷ்பா ேகசவன் அவர்களின் வகாட்த0ன்ப1 *றப்பாக நைடெபற்ற!. இல் பத்! மற்ம் பனிெரண்டாம் வப். ப,ம் மாணக2 ் அவர்கள! தாய்மார்க2ம் கலந்!க் ெகாண் இைறயைளப் ெபற்றனர். Viveka Varsha Petal 1 2021-22 6 Daksha Bharati Basic Skill Trainers’ Training programme. Skill is the unified force of experience, intellect and passion in their operation. TheThe pprrooggrarammmmeeprogrammewas inaugurated on 242424ththth AAppririll,,April, 220022112021.2021... TToottaallllyyTotally 557757 tteeaacchheersrsteachers ffrromomfrom 110010 various schools participated and received certificates for their active participation. Tailoring classes were also initiated for the benefit of AAmmbbaattttuurrAmbatturGovt. School students. UUnnddeerUnderr tthheethe sshhaaddeeshade ooffof DDaakksshhaaDaksha BBhhaararattiiBharati Skill Development Courses like Basic Electricals, Plumbing, and Web Designing were taught and the text books related to the courses were released on the special function which was held on 131313ththth FFeebbruruaaryry,,February, 220022112021 iinnin oouurrour school premisespremises.... SSrriiSri.Sri... UU..U. SSuunnddaarjrjiiSundarji,Sundarji, was the chief guest. SSrriiSri.Sri... LL..L. RRaammaammoortoorthhyyRamamoorthy,Ramamoorthy, Joint Secretary, VES, Sri. MMeeeennaakksshhiiMeenakshi SSuunnddaararammSundaram,Sundaram,,, VVEETT,,VET, SSrriiSri.Sri... NN..N. NNaavvaanneeeetthhaaNavaneethaKKrriisshhnnaann,,Krishnan, CCooCo-Co---ordinatorordordiinnaattororordinator,, Daksha Bharati, Hon. Correspondent & Addl. Correspondent graced the occasion. Viveka Varsha Petal 1 2021-22 7 Sangeetha Mela “ Music is the best medicine to our heart and soul” Viveka Varsha Petal 1 2021-22 8 Viveka Varsha Petal 1 2021-22 9 SmSmt.S.MuthuLakshmit.S.MuthuLakshmi and Smt.M.Menaga attended Cubs and Bulbuls Training Programme Viveka Varsha Petal 1 2021-22 10 மஹாஷ்5ன் அவதாரங்களிேலேய ஒ மனித7க் உண்டான அத்தைன ணங்க27ம் , ஒ மனிதனானவன் எப்ப1 வாழ ேவண்ம் என்பதற் உதாரண .ஷனாக'ம் அைமந்த அவதாரமாகப் ேபாற்றப்பவ! : இராமாவதாரம் . ெதய்;கத் தன்ைமக் ெகாண்ட இராம)ரானின் )றந்த நாளான இராமநவ (21- 4 – 2021) அன்+ எம் பள்ளி ஆ*ரியர்க2 ் மாணவச் ெசல்வங்க2 ் மேவடத்ல் இராமர், =ைத மற்ம் லட்(மணன், அ7மன் உவங்கள் ைவத்! ராம பஜைனபாடல்கள் பா1னர். இல் எம் கல்க்கழகத்ன் உயர் அகாரிக2 ் கலந்க் ெகாண் *றப்.ச் ெசய்தனர். Viveka Varsha Petal 1 2021-22 11 INTEINTERNATIONALRNATIONAL YOGA DAY Yoga is a light which once lit, will never dim, the better you practice, the brighter you dazzle. OnOn 212121ststsstt JuneJune,, 2021 International Yoga Day was observed. The response from the staff, students, parents and alumni was highly encouraging. Around 3000 people actively performed Yoga and shared their videos which marked the eminence of holistic wellness system. Viveka Varsha Petal 1 2021-22 12 AKSHAKSHRABHYASAMRABHYASAM “The capacity to learn is a Gift ; The ability to learn is a Skill; The willingness to learn is a Choice”. OOnnOOn n2323 23rdrdrrdd JuneJune,June,, 202021212021, 2021,,,Aksharabhayasam wawasswas ccoonnduduccteteddconductedvivirrtutuaallllyyvirtually ffoorrfor LLKKGGLKG cchihilldrdreennchildren. children...SSwawamimiSwami Shashishikhananda MMaahhaarraajjMaharaj ooffffeerreeddoffered bbeenneedidicctitioonnbenediction tototooouurrour titinnyytiny totottsstots. tots...ToToTo mamakekemake tthehethe sstutudedenntstsstudents rreeaaddyyready
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