Hugh H. Crowl Columbia University Department of Astronomy phone: 413.275.2260 Mail Code 5246 fax: 212.854.8121 550 West 120th Street
[email protected] New York, NY 10027 USA∼hugh/ CURRENT Columbia Science Fellow, Columbia University POSITION PREVIOUS Five College Astronomy Department Research & Education Postdoctoral Fellow, POSITION University of Massachusetts & Hampshire College, 2007-2010 EDUCATION Ph.D. Astronomy, Yale University, December 2006 Thesis: Galaxy Transformation in the Virgo Cluster: Gas Stripping and Stellar Population Evolution Adviser: Dr. Jeffrey D.P. Kenney M.Phil. Astronomy, Yale University, New Haven, CT, 2002 M.S. Astronomy, Yale University, New Haven, CT, 2001 B.A. Astronomy/Physics, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT, 2000 Graduated with Honors in Astronomy HONORS AND Dirk Brouwer Prize in Astronomy (top Yale Ph.D. dissertation), 2006 AWARDS Yale University Graduate Fellowship, 2000 - 2002 Littell Prize (top undergraduate major), Wesleyan University, 2000 TEACHING Instructor, Columbia University, Fall 2010 - present EXPERIENCE & ◦ “Frontiers of Science” seminars TRAINING Instructor, Hampshire College, Spring 2008 - Spring 2010 ◦ Astronomy 220: “Bringing Astronomy Down to Earth” Instructor, Central University of Tibetan Studies, January 2010 ◦ Selected to teach two classes on introductory Astronomy at a university in India as part of a January Term program. Participant, NASA CAE Workshop, Fall 2008 ◦ Workshop on improving introductory astronomy through active learning Teaching