Understanding Women Micro and Small Business Entrepreneurs in Uganda
Understanding Women Micro and Small Business Entrepreneurs in Uganda By Rebecca Namatovu1, Samuel Dawa, Celestine Katongole & Fiona Mulira Makerere University Business School (MUBS), Kampala, Uganda ICBE-RF Research Report No. 01/12 Investment Climate and Business Environment Research Fund (ICBE-RF) www.trustafrica.org/icbe Dakar, March 2012 1 Contact : rybekaz@yahoo.com This research study was supported by a grant from the Investment Climate and Business Environment Research Fund, jointly funded by TrustAfrica and IDRC. However, the findings and recommendations are those of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the views of the ICBE-RF secretariat, TrustAfrica or IDRC ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS • The principal sponsor – Investment Climate & Business Environment (ICBE) Research Fund (a collaborative project of Trust Africa and International Development Research Council), without whose financial support the research would not have been possible. • Makerere University Business School for staffing and hosting the EEMP research project. • The leadership and technical personnel in organizations that support and work with women especially in the Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development. • The field research and data team made up of Abraham Sembatya, Betty Nabuuma, Brenda Nakibuuka, Brenda Olumbe, Charlotte Karungi, Deborah Acore, Duncan Mugumya, Fredrick Lakweonyero, Innocent Bondet , Irene Nabuuma, Kosia Kasibayo, Lydia Ikirimat, Mark Mundua, Martha Apolot, Phoebe Nabikolo, Rachael Mirembe, Sarah Ssonko, Sharon Akello, Sophie Nanteza, Stephen Kakembo, Sylvia Ninsima and Wycliffe Rugogamu. • Mr. Collins Mwijuka, the Executive Secretary National Women’s Council for allowing access to his rich networks and knowledge base. • Søren Pilgaard Kristensen, for his insightful comments. • The women entrepreneurs without whom this study would have no meaning, thank you for your invaluable contribution.
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