L. A. Notifications and Declarations `Qan-Bpss -Hnizhn-H-C-߃
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22nd SEPT. 2020] COMMISSIONERATE OF LAND REVENUE 6533 L. A. Notifications and Declarations `qan-bpsS -hniZhn-h-c-߃ KOZHIKODE DISTRICT Pn√—tImgn-t°mSv. Xmeq-°v—tImgn-t°mSv. 1961-˛se tIcf k¿sΔbpw AXn¿Ønbpw kw_-‘n® hnt√Pv—Icp-h≥Xp-cpØn. tZiw—\√q¿. BIvSnse 6(1)˛mw hIp∏v {]Im-c-ap≈ ]c-kyw do.k¿sΔ \º¿—111/5. \º¿ Pn-4˛9736/09. 2020 Pqsse 10. H´-fhv —37.24 B¿. tImgn-t°mSv Xmeq-°nse Icp-h≥Xp-cpØn hnt√-Pnse Xmsg ]d-bp∂ k¿sΔ \º-cn¬ Dƒs∏´ `qan-bpsS k¿sΔ dnen-¶zn-jvsa‚ v sNøp∂ ÿew—1.5182 B¿kv. \S-Ø-W-sa∂v \n›-bn-®n-cn-°p-∂-Xn-\m¬ {]kvXpX k¿sΔ {]h¿Ø\w thKw Xs∂ Bcw-`n-°p-∂-Xm-sW∂pw Xmsg Xmeq-°m-^okv, (H-∏v) ]d-bp∂ hnt√-Pnse Xmsg ]d-bp∂ k¿sΔ \º¿ tImgn-t°mSv. Xl-io¬Zm¿ (`qtcJ). AXn¿Øn Xncn®v k¿sΔ sNøp-∂-Xm-sW∂pw 1961-˛se tIcf k¿sΔbpw AXn¿Ønbpw kw_-‘n® BIvSnse 6(1)-˛mw 1961-˛se tIcf k¿sΔbpw AXn¿Ønbpw kw_-‘n® hIp∏v {]Imcw CXn-\m¬ ]ckyw sNøp-∂p. BIvSnse 6(1)˛mw hIp∏v {]Im-c-ap≈ ]c-kyw Xmsg-∏-d-bp∂ `qan-bpsS D≈ntem AXn-cn-t\mSv \º¿ kn-˛74/2017. 2020 Pqsse 30. tN¿t∂m ÿnXn sNøp∂ cPn-kv‰¿ sNbvX `qan-I-fn¬ Ah-Im-i-ap-s≠∂v tX¿® sNøp∂ GsXm-cm-sfbpw CtXm-sSm-∏-ap≈ ]´n-I-bn¬ hnh-cn-®n-´p≈ `qan-bpsS t\cnt´m GP‚ v aptJ-\tbm ÿeØv tPmen sNøp∂ k¿sΔ \S-Ø-W-sa∂v k¿°m¿ \n¿t±-in-®n-cp-∂-Xn-\m¬ Cu k¿tΔ-b-dpsS ASpØv lmP-cm-Ip-∂-Xn\pw AXn-cp-Iƒ hnt√-Pn¬ k¿sΔ {]h¿Ø-\-߃ thKw Xs∂ ImWn®p sImSp-°p-∂-Xn\pw A-Xnt\mSv _‘-s∏´ Bcw-`n-°p-∂-Xm-sW∂pw k¿sΔ \º¿ AXn¿Øn Xncn®v hnh-c-߃ \¬Ip-∂-Xn-\pw-th≠n AXm-Xp-k-abw k¿sΔ sNøp-∂-Xm-sW∂pw 1961-˛se tIcf k¿sΔbpw Bh-iy-s∏-Sp-tºmƒ lmP-cm-Ip-∂-Xn-\pw-th≠n CXn-\m¬ AXn¿Ønbpw kw_-‘n® BIvSnse 6(1)-˛mw hIp∏v {]Imcw £Wn-®p-sIm-≈p-∂p. CXn-\m¬ ]ckyw sNøp-∂p. {]kvXpX BIvSnse 6 (2) hIp∏p{]Imcw Xmsg-∏-d-bp∂ `qan-bpsS D≈ntem AYhm Ah-tbmSp Cu ]ckyw Xmsg∏dbp∂ `qanbn¬ Ah-Im-i_‘--ap≈ tN¿t∂m ÿnXn sNøp∂ cPn-kv‰¿ sNbvX `qan-I-fn¬ GsXm-cmƒ°p-ap≈ km[p-hmb t\m´o-kmbn IW-°m° Ah-Im-i-ap-s≠∂v tX¿® sNøp∂ GsXm-cm-sfbpw s∏Sp∂-Xm-Wv. t\cnt´m GP‚ v aptJ-\tbm ÿeØv tPmen sNøp∂ {]kvXpX BIvSnse 6 (3) F∂ hIp-∏v -{]-Imcw k¿sΔ-b-dpsS ASpØv lmP-cm-°p-∂-Xn\pw AXn-cp-Iƒ cPn-ÿ sNbvX F√m ssIh-i-°m-¿°pw:— ImWn®p sImSp-°p-∂-Xn\pw A-tXmSv _‘-s∏´ hnh-c-߃ \¬Ip-∂-Xn-\pw-th≠n AXm-Xp-k-abw Bh-iy-s∏-Sp-tºmƒ (F) k¿sΔ sNøp-∂-Xn\pth≠n \n¿Ωm¿÷\w lmP-cm-Ip-∂-Xn-\pw-th≠n CXn-\m¬ £Wn-®p-sIm-≈p-∂p. sNtø≠ Bhiyw D≠m-tb-°m-hp∂ h√ ac-ßtfm Ip‰n-°m-Sp-Itfm then-Itfm \n¬°p∂ {]kvXpX BIvSnse 6 (2)˛mw hIp∏p{]Imcw hnf-Itfm AYhm kmc-h-Ømb a‰v XS- -ßtfm Cu ]ckyw Xmsg∏dbp∂ `qanIfn¬ Ah-Im-i--ap≈ 15 Znh-k-Øn-\Iw apdn®p If-bp-Itbm \o°w GsXm-cmƒ°p-ap≈ km[p-hmb t\m´o-kmbn sNøp-Itbm sNbvXv AXn-cp-Itfm a‰v IW-°m°s∏Sp∂-Xm-Wv. sse\p-Itfm shSn-∏m-°-W-sa∂pw; (F) {]kvXpX BIvSnse 6(3)˛mw hIp∏v {]Imcw (_n) sImSn]nSn-°p-∂-h-scbpw sNbn≥am≥am-scbpw cPn-ÿ sNbvX F√m ssIh-i-°mcpw \ntbm-Kn®v AXmXv kabw Bh-iy-am-tb-°m-hp∂ ac-ßtfm Ip‰n-°m-Sp-Itfm then-Itfm \n¬°p∂ ka-b-tØ°pw Ime-tØ°pw sXmgn-em-fn-Isf hnf-Itfm AYhm kmc-h-Ømb a‰v XS- -ßtfm G¿s∏-Sp-Ø-W-sa∂pw; 15 Znh-k-Øn-\Iw apdn®pIf-bp-Itbm \o°w sNøp-Itbm sNbvXv AXn-cp-Itfm a‰v (kn) A\p-tbm-Py-amb k¿sΔ AS-bm-f-߃ \¬I-W- sse\p-Itfm shSn-∏m-°-W-sa∂pw; sa∂pw a‰p{]Im-c-Øn¬ {]kvXpX BIvtSm, AXp -{]-Im-cap≠m-°n-bn-´p≈ N´-ßtfm (_n) sImSn]nSn-°p-∂-h-scbpw sNbn≥am≥am-scbpw A\p-k-cn®v Bh-iy-s∏-t´-°m-hp∂ klm-b-߃ \ntbm-Kn®v AXmXv kabw Bh-iy-am-tb-°m-hp∂ k¿tΔb¿-°v \¬I-W-sa∂pw CXn-\m¬ ka-b-tØ°pw Ime-tØ°pw sXmgn-em-fn-Isf Bh-iy-s∏-Sp-∂p. G¿s∏-Sp-Ø-W-sa∂pw; ta¬∏d™ (F) apX¬ (kn) hsc-bp-≈ Jfi-߃ (kn) A\p-tbm-Py-amb k¿sΔ AS-bm-f-߃ {]-Im-c-ap≈ Cu A`y¿∞-\-Iƒ A\p-k-cn-°p-∂-Xn¬ \¬I-W-sa∂pw a‰p {]Im-c-Øn¬ {]kvXpX Bsc-¶nepw hogvN hcp-Øp-I-bm-sW-¶n¬ tPmen Iqen-∏Wn-°mscs°m≠v sNøn-°p-∂Xn\pw Bb-Xns‚ BIvtSm, AXp -{]-Im-cap≠m-°n-bn-´p≈ sNehv BIvSnepw AXp-{]-Imcw D≠m°n-bn-´p≈ N´-ß-fnepw N´-ßtfm A\p-k-cn®v Bh-iy-s∏-t´-°m-hp∂ hyhÿ sNbvXn-´p-≈-Xpt]m-se hogvNhcp-Øn-bn-´p-≈-h-cn¬ klm-b-߃ k¿sΔb¿-°v \¬I-W-sa∂pw \n∂pw CuSm°p∂Xpam-Wv. CXn-\m¬ Bh-iy-s∏-Sp-∂p. Gaz. No. 37/2020/DTP (CLR). 657 22nd SEPT. 2020] COMMISSIONERATE OF LAND REVENUE 6534 ta¬∏d™ (F) apX¬ (kn) hsc-bp-≈ Jfi-߃ FORM NO. 16 {]-Im-c-ap≈ Cu A`y¿∞-\-Iƒ A\p-k-cn-°p-∂-Xn¬ [See Rule 79] Bsc-¶nepw hogvN hcp-Øp-I-bm-sW-¶n¬ Sn tPmen NOTIFICATION Iqen-∏Wn-°mscs°m≠v sNøn-°p-∂Xpw Bb-Xns‚ sNehv BIvSnepw AXp-{]-Imcw D≠m°n-bn-´p≈ N´-ß-fnepw hyhÿ UNDER SECTION 6 OF THE KERALA SURVEY AND sNbvXn-´p-≈-Xpt]m-se hogvNhcp-Øn-bn-´p-≈-h-cn¬ \n∂pw BOUNDARIES ACT, 1961 hkq-em°p∂Xpam-Wv. No. F3-5378/20. 8th July 2020. `qan-bpsS -hniZhn-h-c-߃ Whereas the Government have directed the Survey of lands comprised in Survey numbers noted below in Pn√ tImgn-t°mSv. Xmeq-°v tImgn-t°mSv. — — Ramanthali Village, Payyanur Taluk, it is hereby notified hnt√Pv—s]cp-h-b¬. tZiw—s]cp-h-b¬. under sub-section (1) of section 6 of the Kerala Survey and Boundaries Act, 1961, that the survey operation will be started in the Village soon and the Survey numbers of do.k¿sΔ \º¿—28/1, 28/2A, 28/2B, 28/2C, 28/2D, the Village noted below will be demarcated and surveyed 28/3, 28/4Pt, 27Pt, 31/2, 31/3, 17/1, 16Pt, 29/3Pt. and that every person claiming to be interested in the registered land situated within or adjoining the kvs]jy¬ Xl-io¬ZmcpsS (H-∏v) undermentioned land is hereby invited to attend Imcym-ebw, tImgn-t°mSv. kvs]jy¬ Xl-io¬Zm¿ immediately either in person or by agent on the Surveyor employed in the locality land also from time to time when (F¬. F.). called upon for the purpose of pointing out the boundaries and supplying information in connection therewith. KANNUR DISTRICT Under sub-section (2) of section 6 of the said Act, this notification shall be held to be FORM NO. 18 valid notice to every person having any interest in the [See Rule 85] above said land. (a) to clear within 15 days by cutting down or NOTIFICATION removing any trees, jungles, fences, standing crops or other material obstructions, the UNDER SECTION 13 OF THE KERALA SURVEY AND boundaries or other lines the clear of BOUNDARIES ACT, 1961 which may be necessary for the purpose of survey; and NO. 2598/2018. 29th June 2020. (b) to provide labour at such time and for such (1) It is hereby notified under Section 13 of the periods as may from time to time by required be Kerala Survey and Boundaries Act, 1961 (Act 37 furnishing flag holders and Chainman; and of 1961) that the survey of the undermentioned (c) to provide suitable survey marks and otherwise areas is now completed. to give such assistance in the survey as may be demanded under the said Act or the Rules made (2) Unless the survey hereby notified is modified by there under. a decree of a Civil Court under the provisions of If any person fails to comply with these requisitions Section 14 of the said Act, the record of the under clauses (a) to (c) mentioned above, the work survey shall be conclusive proof that the will be got done by employing hired labour and the boundaries determined and recorded therein cost thereof will be recovered from the defaulters as have been correctly determined and recorded. provided to the Act and Rules made thereunder. PARTICULARS OF THE AREA DETAILS OF LANDS District—Kannur. Taluk—Payyannur. District—Kannur Village—Alapadamba. Desom—Kuruveli. Taluk—Payyanur. Village—Ramanthali. Field Nos. Completed—77 Survey No.—R.S.67/121 (OS.66/11F) Area—1.27 Acres Extent (in Hectare)—0.0121 Taluk Office, (Sd.) Taluk Office, (Sd.) Payyannur.